The Baltimore Sun: 150 Years

- Transcript
<v Woman>I was tough. You had to be, I mean, can you imagine those days covering the waterfront, <v Woman>covering a labor and a woman and surviving? <v Man 1>Oh, it was a literary paradise, there were many people of great talent working <v Man 1>there. <v Man 2>Well, I think the Sun paper was the greatest-world's greatest newspaper on North Street. <v Man 3>We've had a-we had a young man who had been a reporter on the Evening Sun. <v Man 3>His name was Jim McManus, and Jim McManus we brought over as a <v Man 3>newsman on uh Channel 2 and he did news. <v Phil>I think he even sang a couple times. <v Phil>In a very short time, he was so good that uh he was on <v Phil>his way to New York City, New York. <v Phil>They said McManus? <v Phil>Uh we gotta change that name and so they made him, Jim McKay.
<v Jim McKay>They sure did, Phil. Personally, I still prefer McManus, and that's what it says on our <v Jim McKay>mailbox. One other thing, I didn't sing once or twice, I sang every <v Jim McKay>day. But in the beginning, I started out in the newsroom at the old Sun building <v Jim McKay>on Baltimore Street. Now right now, we're in the new plant on Calvert Street, <v Jim McKay>and it's here that all three Sun papers are put together: the Morning, that's where I'm <v Jim McKay>standing, the Evening, that was my old paper just behind, and the Sunday Sun down the <v Jim McKay>hall. May 17th, 1987 is the 150th anniversary <v Jim McKay>of The Baltimore Sun. In the coming hour, we're going to examine that 150 year history, <v Jim McKay>including both compliments and complaints about the paper's record. <v Jim McKay>We'll watch the presses run, follow a reporter on her rounds, and see some <v Jim McKay>of the faces behind familiar bylines. <v Jim McKay>We're also going to eavesdrop as veteran correspondents relive their biggest stories. <v Jim McKay>We'll explore what newspapers mean to us. <v Jim McKay>Why do we keep reading them in spite of television? <v Jim McKay>And we'll try to imagine the newspaper of the future.
<v Jim McKay>But first, the past, and the place to learn about <v Jim McKay>that is not the newsroom, but across the street at the Downtown Athletic Club, <v Jim McKay>where the old timers gather to reminisce. <v Man 4>[Indistinct conversation] Time for our weekly survey. <v Man 4>What do you think the chances of Shaver becoming a presidential <v Man 4>cand-candidate are? <v Man 5>On a scale of 1 to 100, 2 and a half. <v Man 5>[People laugh]. <v Jim McKay>Harold Williams, longtime editor of The Sunday Sun magazine and more recently <v Jim McKay>author of the New Johns Hopkins Press History of the Baltimore Sun. <v Harold Williams>Ah, the Sun started on May the 17th, 1837. <v Harold Williams>Uh, it was founded by Arunah S. <v Harold Williams>Abell, uh 31 years old. <v Harold Williams>He was born in Rhode Island, had what they call a plain schooling, uh <v Harold Williams>he wanted to become a printer, worked in Providence, Boston, went to New York. <v Harold Williams>There in New York he met two friends, Simmons <v Harold Williams>and uh Swain, and uh they decided to start
<v Harold Williams>a penny paper, in those days a penny paper was something new <v Harold Williams>and different. At that time there were about 6 or 7 other daily papers <v Harold Williams>in town and also a number of weekly papers and semi-weeklies. <v Harold Williams>Most of the papers sold for 6 pence, 8 or 10 dollars a year, <v Harold Williams>and most of those papers were not sold individually. <v Jacques Kelly>The town was so business and commercially oriented that the uh <v Jacques Kelly>the other papers, particularly the old Baltimore American, was <v Jacques Kelly>just filled with-with it seemed like nothing but shipping news and news of <v Jacques Kelly>the stock markets and banking news so that a more popularly <v Jacques Kelly>oriented paper would have filled a real readers need of the <v Jacques Kelly>person who really didn't have to-have to read uh what price molasses was bringing <v Jacques Kelly>on Pratt Street that day. <v Harold Williams>The penny paper was more interested in appealing to the individual and telling the uh <v Harold Williams>new society what was coming along-
<v Jim McKay>And what was coming along in 1837? <v Jim McKay>Well, Martin Van Buren was the president of the United States, Victoria would soon be <v Jim McKay>crowned queen of England, and Samuel Morse was exhibiting his new invention, <v Jim McKay>the Telegraph; the best selling book, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Twice Told Tales. <v Jim McKay>As for Baltimore, it was booming. <v Jacques Kelly>I'd say it was a good time to begin a newspaper, um the town was <v Jacques Kelly>very much caught up in the business of transport, <v Jacques Kelly>shipping the wharves along Pratt Street just mob teeming with <v Jacques Kelly>activity. And by 1837, some of the profits <v Jacques Kelly>to be in a railroad were beginning to be filtering back into the city, uh so it was <v Jacques Kelly>a time of some prosperity and uh <v Jacques Kelly>a very busy, bustling kind of time fo-for Baltimore. <v Harold Williams>At that particular time, Baltimore had a population of around 90,000, <v Harold Williams>and Abells started a new system of distributing the paper, he divided
<v Harold Williams>the uh city up into various areas and hired people to go out and deliver <v Harold Williams>the paper, and of course, Baltimore was much smaller than it is <v Harold Williams>now. The outskirts of the city probably didn't go beyond Howard's <v Harold Williams>woods where the Washington Monument is today and down to the <v Harold Williams>harbor and maybe over to Jones falls on the east, <v Harold Williams>and that was more or less the extent of the city environment in those days. <v Harold Williams>First of all, Abell had a small staff in addition to being, in effect, the <v Harold Williams>publisher and the editor, he was a printer. <v Harold Williams>He probably helped out in the-in the press room and in the-as a compositor, uh <v Harold Williams>and maybe he took his turn at cranking the press to <v Harold Williams>within a short time there was shelling over 15,000 papers and Abell boasted <v Harold Williams>that it was much more than his combined circulation of all the other daily papers. <v Harold Williams>With the growth of the paper, uh Abell decided to build <v Harold Williams>the finest newspaper office in the United States, and he put
<v Harold Williams>up what they call the Sun Iron building. <v Harold Williams>It was the first iron office building in the United States <v Harold Williams>and attracted a great deal of attention, not only in Baltimore, it was a princ-it was a <v Harold Williams>principal highlight of Baltimore architecture for many, many years. <v Harold Williams>But architects and builders from all over the country came to see the Sun Iron building, <v Harold Williams>this became the progenitor of the skyscraper idea. <v Jim McKay>Take a look at this, this is an actual edition of The Sun Papers from the year 1851, <v Jim McKay>all four pages of it. Right now, I'm in the library of the University of Maryland, <v Jim McKay>Baltimore County. They have a tremendous collection here of bound volumes of the Sun <v Jim McKay>papers going all the way back to the beginning to 1837. <v Jim McKay>We selected 1851 because, well, that was the year, for example, that <v Jim McKay>Herman Melville's Moby Dick was published. <v Jim McKay>In September of that year, the New York Times first appeared, but at that point in time, <v Jim McKay>the Sun was already 14 years old and thriving.
<v Jim McKay>The country with a population of 23 million was thriving too, but trouble <v Jim McKay>was on its way. The Civil War was brewing and Baltimore was in a crucial strategic <v Jim McKay>position. On the 18th of April in 1861, Massachusetts <v Jim McKay>troops marched through Baltimore, leaving one railroad station, crossing Pratt Street to <v Jim McKay>go to the other station, that's Camden Station. <v Jim McKay>While they're on their way, a mob came along and attacked the Massachusetts troops. <v Jim McKay>Baltimore's Mayor Brown was walking with the troops, he waved his top hat and his <v Jim McKay>umbrella trying to control the crowd, didn't work. <v Jim McKay>Four soldiers were killed, 11 civilians and a number of people were injured. <v Jim McKay>The incident showed that there was plenty of anti-Union sentiment in Baltimore, there <v Jim McKay>could be trouble; federal troops occupied the city. <v Jim McKay>Baltimore was placed under martial law with soldiers on Federal Hill and cannon <v Jim McKay>trained toward the downtown area. <v Harold Williams>The union forces exercised strong control over the city, <v Harold Williams>particularly during the latter part of the war.
<v Harold Williams>If a man wore a necktie that had the colors of the South, he would be called <v Harold Williams>to account for the particular thing. <v Harold Williams>If somebody would put a Confederate flag on their Christmas tree, a neighbor <v Harold Williams>would report this and the authorities would appear and demand that the flag be <v Harold Williams>removed. If a boy would wave at Confederate prisoners being marched <v Harold Williams>to the street, he would be taken to the police station and admonished. <v Jim McKay>The Union controlled the newspapers more closely in Baltimore than in any other part of <v Jim McKay>the country. During the war, several of the city's newspapers were suspended and <v Jim McKay>a great many editors were put in jail, some of them for as long as two years. <v Jim McKay>Other editors were expelled from the Union and sent behind southern lines until the end <v Jim McKay>of the war. Abell, however, managed to keep publishing, he took no editorial <v Jim McKay>stance on the war. Most he would say about any event was that it was, quote, interesting. <v Jim McKay>So Abell's paper survived, and Abell himself became one of the richest men in America, <v Jim McKay>he really lived the good life. He had a mansion in town and a large estate called
<v Jim McKay>Guilford, which covered hundreds of acres. <v Jim McKay>It extended from what is now University Parkway to Cold Spring Lane and from Charles <v Jim McKay>Street to Greenmount Avenue. He had a large stable, and in the middle of the stable area <v Jim McKay>was a marble fountain for the horses. <v Jim McKay>He lived until he was 82 years old, he died on April the 19th, <v Jim McKay>1888. But first, on the 50th anniversary of The Sun in <v Jim McKay>1887, he made a partnership with his three sons, Edwin, George, <v Jim McKay>and Walter. George especially took over the management of the paper, expanded <v Jim McKay>the paper in many ways, and saw it safely to the end of the century. <v Jim McKay>Early in the new century, the biggest story of all happened right on the Sun's doorstep.
<v Jim McKay>Sunday, February 7th, 1904 started out as a very quiet day. <v Jim McKay>There was a hint of rain in the air. The only people on the streets downtown were people <v Jim McKay>going to church, but then a fire broke out at a dry goods store, an <v Jim McKay>automatic alarm sounded, in a few minutes there were two or three fire engines there. <v Jim McKay>But there was a wind from the southwest, and soon that fire was blowing across streets <v Jim McKay>into neighboring buildings. The wind was racing east along Baltimore Street, and <v Jim McKay>?inaudible? the firemen realized that they had a tremendous blaze on their hands. <v Jim McKay>Soon, fire companies from Washington, Philadelphia and even from New York came to help. <v Harold Williams>The Sun still hoped to put out an addition that time, althrough the paper across <v Harold Williams>the street the American abandoned plans, but around 10 <v Harold Williams>o'clock that night, the fire was racing down Baltimore streets, <v Harold Williams>and the Sun decided that it would have to print in Washington. <v Jim McKay>As the fire swept toward Jones Falls, it destroyed everything <v Jim McKay>in its path. The Sun Iron building went up in flames,
<v Jim McKay>nothing was left. <v Jim McKay>Eventually, at the edge of Little Italy, the wind shifted and the blaze was stopped, <v Jim McKay>it was one of the greatest fires in the history of the United States, certainly the <v Jim McKay>greatest disaster in the history of Baltimore. <v Jim McKay>Almost 139 acres were destroyed, 73 blocks <v Jim McKay>and more than 1,300 buildings were burned out of the downtown section. <v Harold Williams>For 2 months, the Sun was printed in Washington, <v Harold Williams>reporters going over by train every day with the news and bringing back
<v Harold Williams>Suns for 2 months to distribute throughout Baltimore. <v Jim McKay>Meanwhile, the Abells put up a new building, at the corner of Baltimore and Charles <v Jim McKay>Streets, came to be called Sun Square. <v Jim McKay>When the new building opened, the Sun was almost 70 years old, and in all that time it <v Jim McKay>had remained a morning paper only, but a man came along who changed that. <v Harold Williams>Charles H. Grasty was a marvelous editor, but he was a strange man <v Harold Williams>to work with, an eccentric, and he heard that the Abells were arguing among themselves <v Harold Williams>and thought it was an opportunity to buy uh into the Sun. <v Harold Williams>And he developed some new backers, H. <v Harold Williams>Crawford Clarke, uh Robin Garrett, uh a man <v Harold Williams>named Kaiser, and they bought a large interest in the Sun <v Harold Williams>and Grasty took over as the publisher, in effect, the editor, and <v Harold Williams>the general manager. Uh within a month he started the Evening <v Harold Williams>Sun, started it without telling either his board or his stock
<v Harold Williams>holders. <v Harold Williams>He had great plans for the Evening Sun and expended a tremendous <v Harold Williams>amount of money in getting it going. <v Harold Williams>Ah, but in a few years the Sun began to lose a lot of money, <v Harold Williams>and one of the rival papers ran a cartoon showing Grasty <v Harold Williams>pouring large amounts of money down a rat hole. <v Jim McKay>What saved the paper was drastic management changes and the infusion of new blood, <v Jim McKay>newspapermen like the one who lived here. <v Jim McKay>This 19th century rowhouse on Union Square was the home of a man they called <v Jim McKay>the Sage of Baltimore. Henry Louis Mencken for almost all of his 76 <v Jim McKay>years, he lived, played, and worked in this house. <v Jim McKay>It's been preserved exactly as Mencken left it by the Baltimore City Life Museums. <v Jim McKay>Here in the parlor, he entertains his literary friends, people like F. <v Jim McKay>Scott Fitzgerald. Most of his work was done here at this desk, columns, articles, <v Jim McKay>books; he caught the attention of the world with his writing and the world listened.
<v Fred Rasmussen>Uh in the 1920s, The New York Times referred to Mencken as the most powerful <v Fred Rasmussen>private citizen, in the United States. <v Fred Rasmussen>His influence on an entire generation, his uh <v Fred Rasmussen>iconic classtastic view of things. <v Fred Rasmussen>His battle against the censors and censorship, the Klu Klux Klan, uh <v Fred Rasmussen>you have to look at the Scopes Monkey trial coverage, which is still brilliant. <v John T. Ward>He was number one, literary man of the United States rather than just <v John T. Ward>Baltimore, and his reputation pushed ?inaudible? <v John T. Ward>To the glory of the Sun papers. <v John T. Ward>Of course, they gave him some glory too, no doubt about that. <v John T. Ward>Everybody from coast to coast quoting Henry Mencken. <v John T. Ward>He uh was editing the American Mercury in New York, which is a literary magazine <v John T. Ward>published by Knopf. He did continue writing the Monday column for the paper,
<v John T. Ward>Mencken then, of course, had a weekly column in the Evening Sun, <v John T. Ward>a very readable-anything you want to write about, but all is well written. <v John T. Ward>So, of course, all us reporters and editors were sure to read that, not because I had to, <v John T. Ward>because the man was a very entertaining writer. <v R. P. Harris>Once in a great while, I had a-I would sometimes write <v R. P. Harris>a short piece, only one column in length, rather than two, <v R. P. Harris>and I'd get on the same page with Mencken on a Monday. <v R. P. Harris>I would be proud to be on the same page. <v R. P. Harris>?inaudible? <v R. P. Harris>Me and Mencken on the same page, same size and everything, it made me feel very uh, I <v R. P. Harris>felt very happy about-that <v R. P. Harris>connection and that part of it really, because the paper was a <v R. P. Harris>editor's ?inaudible?, it was a very bright time. <v Philip M. Wagner>But he was a marvelous person to work with, if you could
<v Philip M. Wagner>put up with his uh special eccentricities. <v Philip M. Wagner>I had an office outside of Hamilton Orange's office when he was the editor. <v Philip M. Wagner>Every day you hear this "Klump, Klump, Klump" coming up the hall at 5 minutes <v Philip M. Wagner>till 2:00 AM, and uh it would be Henry Mencken, <v Philip M. Wagner>you know, he'd say good morning. I developed a habit of saying good morning right up <v Philip M. Wagner>until midnight from hearing that every day. <v Margaret McManus>During the war, Paul Pattison always had a party for the children <v Margaret McManus>of the overseas correspondents, but the first ones got off such <v Margaret McManus>a dreadful start because all the board members were there. <v Margaret McManus>These guys really didn't know how to talk to these little children and the children were <v Margaret McManus>dressed up, you know, to their eyebrows, and the mothers were all trying to make <v Margaret McManus>conversation. And it was going to be the worst flop. <v Margaret McManus>And nobody couldn't loosening it up at all, the children stood at the corner till in came <v Margaret McManus>Mencken like a little Santa Claus with a sack, just a sack <v Margaret McManus>over his back, and he sat down on the floor and all the children sat around and he dumped
<v Margaret McManus>all this stuff on the floor. And it was some little Jim? <v Margaret McManus>Cranky? Stuff, you know, that he'd gone to some little novelty store and picked up <v Margaret McManus>little balloons, and horns, and tinny things <v Margaret McManus>and they loved it, and then the party was off and it was wonderful. <v Margaret McManus>And Mencken had ice cream all over him, just like the kids did. <v Jim McKay>Mencken's Garden, it's only 20 feet wide, 100 feet long, but they say <v Jim McKay>that was his favorite spot. <v Jim McKay>Matter of fact, stand here for a few minutes and you can almost imagine that, he's <v Jim McKay>still-no, I couldn't. <v Gwinn Owens>I still admire him, he goes in and out of fashion. <v Gwinn Owens>I still think he's one of the most brilliant and original thinkers <v Gwinn Owens>and writers of this century. <v Fred Rasmussen>His influence is still here. <v Fred Rasmussen>People still associate Mencken in the Sun, and of course, he's been dead <v Fred Rasmussen>30 years. <v Jim McKay>From this point on, our story is not recorded history.
<v Jim McKay>Rather, it's the memories of people who are alive and well and having lunch together <v Jim McKay>every week. This group calls itself everything from the Geritol set, to the Sun <v Jim McKay>in exile or more often simply the Thursday club. <v Jim McKay>What they have in common is the fact that they all now or at some time in the past have <v Jim McKay>worked for the paper. <v John T. Ward>In 1919, I graduated from Western Maryland College <v John T. Ward>and next year I went with the Sun papers. <v John T. Ward>I had an interview with Frank Cantu, who was the managing editor, and he <v John T. Ward>put me on staff as a reporter from The Morning Sun. <v Philip M. Wagner>It was a period, a very special period in <v Philip M. Wagner>uh-uh English speaking journalism really. <v Philip M. Wagner>It was a unique crowd in the Sun papers, and there was no <v Philip M. Wagner>place in English speaking journalism in any country, or any part of this country I <v Philip M. Wagner>would have gone to in preference to the Sun. <v R. P. Harris>The Morning Sun was one of the as now
<v R. P. Harris>one-one of the prestigious uh papers, <v R. P. Harris>and uh it was always on the White House breakfast table. <v R. P. Harris>Few uh old enough to remember, but before Watergate, <v R. P. Harris>there was Teapot Dome. <v R. P. Harris>The Teapot Dome scandal occurred in Harding's administration <v R. P. Harris>and Harding very probably would have had to resign as Nixon ?wants? <v R. P. Harris>To do after Watergate. <v R. P. Harris>But he-he had the-the grace to die <v R. P. Harris>in office, so he-he didn't, they didn't get a chance to-to <v R. P. Harris>throw him out. <v R. P. Harris>But ?your? Sun papers, particularly the Morning <v R. P. Harris>Sun had been taking a leading part in pushing that case <v R. P. Harris>and uh getting several of the cabinet members prison <v R. P. Harris>time, sent to prison.
<v R. P. Harris>And uh so Teapot Dome had made the-the <v R. P. Harris>Morning Sun a very prestigious paper. <v Jim McKay>Before long, the Sun became famous not only for its brilliant writers, but for something <v Jim McKay>else as well. It was the only local paper that had his own foreign bureaus, <v Jim McKay>and some of its best stories were filed by its foreign correspondents. <v Philip M. Wagner>Windsor was in Switzerland, and she was in a chateau in the <v Philip M. Wagner>Loire Valley, and I wrote her a note saying that I'd happened <v Philip M. Wagner>that I was going to be in France and I would just love to drop <v Philip M. Wagner>by and have a chat with her. <v Philip M. Wagner>I got there and to my astonishment was a quote from Mrs. Simpson saying, "Please come <v Philip M. Wagner>over, I'd love to talk with you.", and this old rattletrap <v Philip M. Wagner>of a car was flapping curtains. <v Philip M. Wagner>I just dashed across France and got there and found the <v Philip M. Wagner>chateau. In every tree seem to have a Secret Service <v Philip M. Wagner>agent behind it. Mrs Simpson was in front of the fire, had a
<v Philip M. Wagner>nice velvet dress on, and we had a short time to talk about <v Philip M. Wagner>the-a little bit of everything, and I carefully avoiding <v Philip M. Wagner>things I knew very well I couldn't ask. <v Philip M. Wagner>And I went back, went to the hotel, did a story. <v Philip M. Wagner>An hour later I had a car. The hotel saying I thought-I thought your conversation <v Philip M. Wagner>was awfully nice. There's only one thing about it that uh isn't <v Philip M. Wagner>quite right. She said, You speak of my-my black hair. <v Philip M. Wagner>Actually, it's very dark brown. <v Philip M. Wagner>I said, nothing easier than to change that, thank you. <v Philip M. Wagner>It was so much. <v Jim McKay>Not all foreign assignments got you a visit to a French chateau. <v Joseph R.L. Sterne>In Africa, I was traveling uh through 26-23 <v Joseph R.L. Sterne>countries in 26 weeks, I'll never forget that, and it was <v Joseph R.L. Sterne>a time when Africa was blowing sky high.
<v Joseph R.L. Sterne>It was 1960, the era of independence, the era of the <v Joseph R.L. Sterne>Congo, upheaval and so on. <v Peter Kumpa>First went abroad in 1956, February '56. <v Peter Kumpa>They sent me to the Middle East because there was trouble brewing ya know, and I spent <v Peter Kumpa>about uh I did two kind of short tours out there. <v Peter Kumpa>Not stationed in any one place, but about 5 or 6 months at a ?crack?. <v Peter Kumpa>Mainly working out of Cairo, but doing the whole Middle East thing. <v Louis Rukeyser>When I was 26, I was chief of the Sun's London bureau and I went directly to Asia, <v Louis Rukeyser>I was their only man in Asia. <v Louis Rukeyser>Theoretically, I was chief of the New Delhi bureau, but as chief of the New Delhi bureau, <v Louis Rukeyser>I covered stories from Taiwan to Cairo, and it was an exciting experience. <v Louis Rukeyser>I covered the Vietnam War, I covered uh breaking events all over the place. <v Jim McKay>But we're getting ahead of our story. In 1939, Hitler occupied Czechoslovakia <v Jim McKay>and invaded Poland, and World War 2 is upon us. <v Jim McKay>At the Sun, there was a curious side effect. <v Philip S. Heister>In 1939, there was one woman on the staff of the Evening Sun,
<v Philip S. Heister>the newsstand, and she was ?inaudible? ?not sure, a women's page ahead of her? <v Philip S. Heister>By 1943, I would say a half of the staff of the Evening Sun was women, <v Philip S. Heister>and I think this is-played-probably a pretty big part in the <v Philip S. Heister>whole movement of women's liberation. <v Philip S. Heister>You get all these ladies in the newsrooms of the paper of the country and they make quite <v Philip S. Heister>an impact. <v Grace M. Darin>I came to the-to the Evening Sun in 1943 from <v Grace M. Darin>Columbia School of Journalism, where I had just gotten my master's degree and <v Grace M. Darin>they were hiring because the war was on, men were short, they were hiring women to do <v Grace M. Darin>jobs that had been considered closed to women up until then, and one of them was on the <v Grace M. Darin>copy desk. So I started on the copy desk and I stayed there <v Grace M. Darin>all my years, 35 of them with the Sun. <v Grace M. Darin>It was very exciting, it really was, people would say, well, you know, you sit there on <v Grace M. Darin>the copy desk and there's no excitement. We're going out and covering the world. <v Grace M. Darin>But the world was coming to us.
<v Jim McKay>While the women were running the paper; overseas the men were covering the biggest <v Jim McKay>stories of their lives. <v Robert B. Cochrane>The biggest story I ever covered was certainly the surrender <v Robert B. Cochrane>aboard the Missouri in Tokyo Bay, uh nothing I ever covered <v Robert B. Cochrane>before or since approached that in magnitude or importance. <v Robert B. Cochrane>The actual surrender took place in the quarter deck in the battleship Missouri. <v Robert B. Cochrane>[Overlapping conversations] We scrambled aboard, and we were given wonderful seats. <v Robert B. Cochrane>The ritual is almost like a religious procession with things happens along <v Robert B. Cochrane>a stately splendor that uh. <v Robert B. Cochrane>[The Japanese imperial] says something for General MacArthur's gift for the dramatic, <v Robert B. Cochrane>and before he signed it, he said uh, before I sign, <v Robert B. Cochrane>will Generals Wainwright and Percival come and stand <v Robert B. Cochrane>beside me, which they did. General Wainright, as you know, had been <v Robert B. Cochrane>imprisoned since the death march in Bataan, and General Percival <v Robert B. Cochrane>had been in the um prison camp in Shanghai.
<v Robert B. Cochrane>At 9:17, and General MacArthur stood up and said,. <v Douglas MacAruthur>Let peace be now <v Douglas MacAruthur>restored to the world, and let God preserve <v Douglas MacAruthur>it always. <v Robert B. Cochrane>These proceedings are closed and that ended World <v Robert B. Cochrane>War 2. <v Jim McKay>Some of the women expected to lose their jobs after the war, but instead, management kept <v Jim McKay>them on because they were good reporters. <v Jim McKay>People like Helen Delich Bentley stayed on and made her big splash as the maritime <v Jim McKay>editor. <v Helen Delich Bentley>We developed the best maritime coverage in the United States, and when there was a strike <v Helen Delich Bentley>on of any kind. The-all of <v Helen Delich Bentley>the people around the country, Washington and elsewhere, always read The Baltimore Sun in <v Helen Delich Bentley>the morning to find out what is the latest on the strike and what the outlook is. <v Helen Delich Bentley>Because I had excellent sources, that's very important, and <v Helen Delich Bentley>it was because of a lot of that, and that um, and that attitude and the approach that we
<v Helen Delich Bentley>took. Actually, that I at my time was able to do so much to <v Helen Delich Bentley>lay the groundwork for the modernization of the Port of Baltimore. <v Jim McKay>Superstar feature writer Margaret Dempsey later McManus. <v Margaret McManus>I never thought of myself as a writer, I thought of myself as a newspaper reporter, and <v Margaret McManus>that's the way I wanted to-and nobody would call themselves a journalist <v Margaret McManus>for Lord's sake, I mean, that's pretentious. <v Margaret McManus>The newsroom, I guess, was just as different as could be as-from <v Margaret McManus>the way it is now. It was a movie newsroom you know, <v Margaret McManus>with cigarette butts everywhere and smoke so thick, you could hardly beat your way <v Margaret McManus>through it, and old paper cups and drank this dreadful coffee from <v Margaret McManus>morning to night, it was awful. <v Margaret McManus>[Indistinct conversation from movie] You know, it was just such an informal <v Margaret McManus>atmosphere. You know, there was the old typewriter sending them and banging noises and <v Margaret McManus>threw copy paper on the floor. <v Margaret McManus>Nobody was tidy.
<v Peter Kumpa>I remember when somebody told me, you're not a real newspaperman, I drink beer. <v Peter Kumpa>I said, well, what do you suppose to drink? Gin. You know, Clarens coffee. <v Peter Kumpa>He said, this is-you drink your gin straight, and I said, I don't like gin. <v Peter Kumpa>Well, you chase it down. <v Peter Kumpa>I said, what do you chase it down with? A gin and tonic, that's the newspaperman's way of <v Peter Kumpa>doing things. <v Margaret McManus>Well, I loved it all, you know. I mean, I liked every single bit of it, and I don't think <v Margaret McManus>that is just that I idealize it now that I look back on it. <v Margaret McManus>I didn't even like my day off. <v Margaret McManus>I had so much fun. <v Jim McKay>Another popular feature was Mr. Peep's diary, John Goodspeed <v John Goodspeed>Mr. Peeps there, I don't know who thought of that awful pun, but at any rate that title <v John Goodspeed>stayed all the whole 18 years there-16 years there. <v John Goodspeed>It was the best job I ever had, after I got a whole lot of informants and that <v John Goodspeed>kind of thing. You would go into the morning about uh 11 o' clock, open your mail and go <v John Goodspeed>to lunch. <v Louis Rukeyser>Oh, it was a literary paradise. <v Louis Rukeyser>There were many people of great talent working there. <v Louis Rukeyser>They had many different styles. Unlike most newspapers and magazines where there's a set
<v Louis Rukeyser>institutional approach to the thing. <v Jim McKay>But there were problems in paradise. <v Jim McKay>The pay was low and management seemed indifferent to employees needs. <v Jim Bready>If you uh went in with an offer from some other paper of 5 <v Jim Bready>or 10 dollars a week more, uh they would uh-the standard <v Jim Bready>response was "We want to wish you all the luck in the world, my boy, here's your hat." <v Jim Bready>And the result was that the Sun lost <v Jim Bready>in those days a great many, very promising people. <v Grace M. Darin>The strike of '65 was a secret ballot. Nobody forced anybody to vote for it, and <v Grace M. Darin>people with longtime devotion to the Sun stood there with literally tears <v Grace M. Darin>in their eyes, and voted to strike. <v Jim McKay>The 1965 strike was the first in the paper's history, not even the great Baltimore <v Jim McKay>Fire had stopped the presses, but now the strike was on. <v Protester>Well, the out of town papers, as fast as you get 'em, you sell 'em. <v Newsspeaker>There has been little meaningful bargaining between the parties on the issues <v Newsspeaker>of dispute since the strike began.
<v Protester>Comics is what they're all screaming for. <v Grace M. Darin>It lasted 49 days <v Grace M. Darin>and we went back with our flags flying, and uh the people <v Grace M. Darin>on the outside had more fun than those who were working. <v Grace M. Darin>The Guild surrendered but surrendered with an arbitration agreement, and the arbitrators <v Grace M. Darin>surprisingly uh gave the guild its major demand, not much <v Grace M. Darin>money, but uh a guild shop, which was the one thing they sensed <v Grace M. Darin>that they'd never get. So in a way, I guess it was won, and that was the basis on which <v Grace M. Darin>further progress is made. <v Jim McKay>Over the years, the Sun Papers writers had their articles collected into anthologies, <v Jim McKay>wrote books and won many national and international awards. <v Jim McKay>Names like William Manchester, James M. <v Jim McKay>Cain, Lee McCardle, Bradford Jacobs <v Jim McKay>and Russell Baker. The list goes on and on, of those who have enriched our lives with <v Jim McKay>their writing. But here at home, the paper was getting mixed reviews. <v Parren J. Mitchell>For a long period of time, they would run something like this; the Sun papers will
<v Parren J. Mitchell>endorse Parren Mitchell, we only wish that some other worthy challenger <v Parren J. Mitchell>had-had decided to run for Congress. It was always a kind of a left handed endorsement. <v Jim McKay>For a long time, the Sun was considered a newspaper for the elite, and today, it still <v Jim McKay>constantly fights that image, along with a reputation for insensitivity to <v Jim McKay>minorities of all kinds. <v Jim McKay>Parren Mitchell, Maryland's first black congressman and a member of one of Maryland's <v Jim McKay>political families has been in the public eye for more than 30 years. <v Jim McKay>[Indistinct conversation]. He has his own view of how The Baltimore Sun has treated <v Jim McKay>minorities. <v Parren J. Mitchell>I think that the-in general, the black community has a basic <v Parren J. Mitchell>distrust of-of the white press. <v Parren J. Mitchell>You can't uh erase from my mind <v Parren J. Mitchell>or their minds the kind of treatment that was given us in the press in the past. <v Parren J. Mitchell>It was just apparent open that there was a um <v Parren J. Mitchell>pattern of ignoring the black community for many, many years with the-with <v Parren J. Mitchell>our local papers are-just consistently ignored us.
<v Parren J. Mitchell>That changed a little bit during the civil rights decade. <v Parren J. Mitchell>You couldn't ignore that period of protest, but I would quickly add on <v Parren J. Mitchell>that The Baltimore Sun is not too different from most other newspapers around the <v Parren J. Mitchell>country. There is a-a real insensitivity <v Parren J. Mitchell>to the black community. <v Jim McKay>The Baltimore Sun also had to take on members of the Jewish community. <v Jim McKay>Leon Sachs was chairman of the Baltimore Jewish Council for 34 years. <v Jim McKay>He remembers his clashes with the Sun. <v Leon Sachs>There are a number of Jews in the community that always felt that The Sun paper was, and <v Leon Sachs>I was never one that could label them as being prejudiced except <v Leon Sachs>when they became obstinate for change. <v Leon Sachs>When I came to the Baltimore Jewish Council in 1941, the Sun <v Leon Sachs>papers at that time was carrying ads. <v Leon Sachs>Employment ads of discriminatory nature, whites only, <v Leon Sachs>gentile only, christians only, that sort of thing.
<v Leon Sachs>I went to the business manager, and um I <v Leon Sachs>discussed the matter with him, <v Leon Sachs>and he-he could see nothing wrong with it. <v Leon Sachs>He said, "The Sun isn't discriminating, The Sun is merely carrying the ads <v Leon Sachs>of firms that do discriminate." <v Jim McKay>Reg Murphy has been the publisher of The Baltimore Sun since 1981. <v Reg Murphy>When I got to Baltimore, I found that there were people who believed that we have had <v Reg Murphy>anti-Semitism in the past, and they believed that we have had some prejudice <v Reg Murphy>against black people in the past. <v Reg Murphy>I don't think it was entirely true, but I think there was a feeling in the community that <v Reg Murphy>that was true. So our editors and I went out into the community. <v Reg Murphy>We went into a lot of churches in black areas and into synagogues, and we had a lot <v Reg Murphy>of meetings, and I believe that we have been able to diffuse that feeling, <v Reg Murphy>and most people would say that we don't have those reputations anymore. <v Rebecca E. Carroll>Oh, I think there's been a tremendous change. <v Rebecca E. Carroll>At one time, I can recall that there were very few pictures of minorities
<v Rebecca E. Carroll>in The Sun papers and certainly very few articles with positive <v Rebecca E. Carroll>stories. <v Rebecca E. Carroll>I think that perhaps The Sun papers is a little bit more sensitive to <v Rebecca E. Carroll>the fact that the community is composed of a minority well <v Rebecca E. Carroll>over 50 percent. <v Wiley A. Hall, III>I think we're going through a period right now where The Sun is moving aggressively <v Wiley A. Hall, III>to improve its image in the black community, and uh I think that's why <v Wiley A. Hall, III>you see a lot of-a lot of the friction. <v Wiley A. Hall, III>You know, we're sort of working out; okay, what are the ground rules, you know, <v Wiley A. Hall, III>what-what-what do you want to hear about, and what-what are we willing <v Wiley A. Hall, III>to report on? <v Jim McKay>[Indistinct conversations] More than friction showed up recently when a special five part <v Jim McKay>series on a reputed black drug dealer appeared during the first national holiday honoring <v Jim McKay>Dr. Martin Luther King. <v Nathaniel McFadden>I think that was ill timed and unfortunate <v Nathaniel McFadden>occurrence on the part of the paper to print an article
<v Nathaniel McFadden>about a gentleman who is a real negative influence in our <v Nathaniel McFadden>community at that particular time. <v Nathaniel McFadden>So in the black community, there is a period of reflection of giving <v Nathaniel McFadden>thought to how far we've come and how far we have to go. <v Nathaniel McFadden>So when they see a series starting on a jubilee on a <v Nathaniel McFadden>Sunday and ending on Martin Luther King's birthday, uh <v Nathaniel McFadden>the feeling then is it was deliberate. <v Jim McKay>Jim Houck, the managing editor of The Morning Sun, admits they made a, quote, bad <v Jim McKay>decision in running the story when they did, but he doesn't apologize. <v James I. Houck>Obviously, we don't regret we ran the story. <v James I. Houck>I think it was-I think it was absolutely first rate piece of investigative journalism, <v James I. Houck>and uh I think we told this community a lot <v James I. Houck>that it needed to know about the tentacles <v James I. Houck>of-of the drug culture. <v James I. Houck>[Indistinct conversations] A lot of people uh saw the timing
<v James I. Houck>as a kind of deliberate insult, uh for that, <v James I. Houck>we're really sorry that people viewed it that way. <v James I. Houck>If uh if the story is gonna get overshadowed on a timing-by a timing issue, then <v James I. Houck>it's probably not very wise to run it then. <v Jim McKay>What is fair? Well, it seems to mean different things to different people at different <v Jim McKay>times, but the newspaper. Well, the newspaper has to try to constantly walk that <v Jim McKay>tightrope, day after day, deciding what is fair in this particular story <v Jim McKay>and the only way they can really try to do that is by covering the news accurately and <v Jim McKay>without bias, and of course, sometimes that brings on the criticism that they only cover <v Jim McKay>the bad news. <v Parren J. Mitchell>I am also disturbed about a new development in-a recent development uh <v Parren J. Mitchell>that took place after the Watergate, <v Parren J. Mitchell>and that is almost every reporter now wants to be a reporter <v Parren J. Mitchell>who does investigations, uh, and as a result <v Parren J. Mitchell>of that, on most stories, you get a very negative slant.
<v Helen Delich Bentley>Since Watergate, there's no doubt that journalism has changed. <v Helen Delich Bentley>I think every reporter now wants to become a ?inaudible? <v Helen Delich Bentley>for whatever. <v Helen Delich Bentley>When it's happened, I've called up the reporter, I've called the editor and I said, hey, <v Helen Delich Bentley>you know, if you're gonna do it, do it the whole way. <v Helen Delich Bentley>Don't just put negative things and put in plus things that we do too, and that's what <v Helen Delich Bentley>I object to. I think they need balanced coverage. <v James I. Houck>We spend a lot of time talking about issues like that here, and uh probably, <v James I. Houck>you know, we spend as much time talking about uh <v James I. Houck>issues involving ethics and fairness that any newspaper that I know of <v James I. Houck>in the United States. <v James I. Houck>I'm not saying that we're any more concerned about it in London than most of the <v James I. Houck>newspapers, but we are concerned nonetheless uh uh. <v James I. Houck>We-we do uh we <v James I. Houck>don't-we do-we don't always meet our own standards, and that-that troubles me.
<v John M. Lemmon>I think we try to be fair. <v John M. Lemmon>Sometimes public perception is-is different from our perception. <v John M. Lemmon>You know, since the days of the revolution, people have been condemning Thomas <v John M. Lemmon>Paine's of the world, and the pamphleteers, and the-and <v John M. Lemmon>the crusading editors, and the-because on the grounds <v John M. Lemmon>that they're looking at only uh bad news or that they're <v John M. Lemmon>reporting uh information I suppose it's better left <v John M. Lemmon>unsaid or that we're not reporting it fairly or that we're biased <v John M. Lemmon>or that we're whatever. <v James I. Houck>I think that there's-there is suspicion of the press on other counts, <v James I. Houck>and that is-that the press is the messenger in a lot of cases, and <v James I. Houck>the message sometimes isn't very pleasant. <v James I. Houck>The message is sometimes very difficult for people to deal with, and sometimes it's <v James I. Houck>easier to say uh the problem is the messenger. <v Jim McKay>So far, we've been talking mostly about the past.
<v Jim McKay>Now let's look at The Baltimore Sun today to get a glimpse of the rapid fire newsday <v Jim McKay>world of today's Sun papers. We sent our cameras after three very different contributors <v Jim McKay>to The Sun. A reporter, a columnist and a rather unforgettable <v Jim McKay>delivery man. <v Ann Lolordo>Ann Lolordo, Morning Sun. <v Michael Olesker>Hello, Michael Olesker. <v Ann Lolordo>My job is basically to cover city hall, and that means covering the mayor, <v Ann Lolordo>the city council, city government agencies, and their uh
<v Ann Lolordo>directors. <v Michael Olesker>There are days when I wake up thinking I've written everything that I know. <v Michael Olesker>What am I gonna write about now? <v Michael Olesker>I've said everything I know there's nothing left inside me that I haven't already said. <v Michael Olesker>But then the world always reinvents itself, and uh they've given me a front <v Michael Olesker>row seat and said to me, tell us what you know, tell us what you've found <v Michael Olesker>out today. <v Ann Lolordo>[Indistinct conversation] I'm going to go to the council meeting and finish up on that <v Ann Lolordo>nepotism story. <v Manager>All right. <v Ann Lolordo>Right now, I'm working on a piece involving what appears to be nepotism <v Ann Lolordo>in the city council, where there are at least of 18 members of the city council, I'd say <v Ann Lolordo>there's probably 6 whom have hired relatives for their <v Ann Lolordo>aide positions. <v Manager>Okay, okay, talk to you later. <v Ann Lolordo>All right, bye. <v Delivery Driver>I didn't say that.
<v Ed Rabb>My friend wouldn't say that either. <v Newspaper Shipping Speaker>Ed Rabb, number 12. <v Ed Rabb>That's the Mule's <v Ed Rabb>calling me now, the Mule's calling me now, he wants me ?packing?. <v Newspaper Shipping Speaker>Ed Rabb, ?number 12? <v Newspaper Shipping Speaker>Ed Rabb, report to the number 12 dock. <v Ed Rabb>That's what-that's the Mule. That's the guy we call the Mule. <v Ed Rabb>Respect him, Don't [Ed Rabb laughs]. <v Newspaper Shipping Speaker>Ed Rabb, number 12, Ed Rabb, number 12. <v Staff>What is the main problem with ?inaudible? we're going to send? <v Staff>Are you saying block below ?Seneca?
<v Staff>I went to one of the chain store stuff ?didn't feel right?. <v Reporter>I would like to cover this. <v Manager>I know, but if-if I'm going to give you Wednesday off and you can do this ?inaudible? <v Reporter>There was a fire at his sister's house a couple weeks ago, she died in the fire, <v Reporter>he thinks that her husband murdered her. <v Ann Lolordo>I'm taking inventory of canceled peoples aides, clerks, and or secretaries. <v Ann Lolordo>Which do you have? <v Ann Lolordo>OK. Is that a $4,500 dollar a year person or, okay. <v Ann Lolordo>And this is your nephew? Ok, what's his name? <v Ann Lolordo>Okay. Oh, that's good, I'll put that in there don't worry. <v Ann Lolordo>Now explain to me why you hired him.
<v Michael Olesker>Hello? <v Al>Mike, this is Al. Uh, Tommy the Elder is looking for you, <v Al>Mike, he just seen me a little while ago. He'd like for you to come down and talk to him. <v Michael Olesker>I can be there. I'll be there in about 15 minutes. <v Michael Olesker>OK. All right, I'll see you down there. All right. <v Ann Lolordo>The easiest way I think to work City Hall is to be-is to cover all your bases, to <v Ann Lolordo>talk to as many people as you can. <v Ann Lolordo>As one editor here likes to put it, check all the traps. <v Michael Olesker>Sometimes you get lucky and uh a guy will call and give you <v Michael Olesker>a story over the telephone, and you go check it out. <v Ann Lolordo>A lot of people, it seems like lately are desiring sons, nephews, <v Ann Lolordo>is that something that's going on a lot in the council? <v Ann Lolordo>Is that tradition, is it? <v Councilman>We haven't done it, and to my knowledge, we haven't done it in the 6th district.
<v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>And ?number? Incomes, he paid $10,000 dollars a year. <v Michael Olesker>His heirs? <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>And today they paid 96 thousand. <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>[Olesker whistles] ?inaudible? <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>Could be a millionaire. <v Michael Olesker>Maybe you ought to run again. [They both laugh] <v Ann Lolordo>A lot of people, it seems in accounts for at least a good half dozen of them have hired <v Ann Lolordo>members of their families. <v Ann Lolordo>Is that something that's traditional on the council? <v Councilman>I don't know it to be true, uh I know that uh I suppose in years past there <v Councilman>were some individuals here who work for family members. <v Councilman>So you're saying that's true, now, I don't know anything else. <v Councilman>I don't know who all these folks are. I'm only responsible for one of them. <v Ann Lolordo>Would you ever think about hiring a relative? <v Councilman>I would not. <v Ann Lolordo>Why? <v Councilman>Well, I just don't think I would-I think would have the appearance of impropriety. <v Councilman>From the public's point of view, I don't think it would be appropriate. <v Michael Olesker>Was campaigning different back then than it is now? <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>Yes. <v Michael Olesker>You had to get out in the street more huh? <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>Mmhmm. <v Michael Olesker>No television? <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>No. <v Michael Olesker>21 ?divided? By 60, so it was in the 1920s- <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>'26.
<v Michael Olesker>1926, and it was down here, and you just <v Michael Olesker>went door to door. <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>Mmmhmm. <v Michael Olesker>Lot of door to door. <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>?inaudible?. <v Michael Olesker>A little forward. <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>I ran up and down Eastern Avenue, I see you around the corner. <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>You going in Sudan? <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>When you come in, I'll give you my card. Don't forget me. <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>It's how I campaigned, door-to-door, signs all around. <v Ann Lolordo>Councilman Cunningham, who's your aide or clerk or-. <v Councilman Cunningham>James Cunningham. <v Ann Lolordo>Is he related to you? <v Councilman Cunningham>Yes, he's my nephew. <v Ann Lolordo>He's your nephew. <v Ann Lolordo>Why did you hire him for that position? <v Councilman Cunningham>Why? Because I um as you know, I was elected in January. <v Councilman Cunningham>Um I needed someone to work with me on constituent matters, <v Councilman Cunningham>and I didn't really have the time to canvass the district and find <v Councilman Cunningham>a suitable person. <v Michael Olesker>We're gonna hit the road. <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>Thanks for coming. <v Michael Olesker>Hey, it was good to see you. <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>?I'm Michael Olesker.? <v Michael Olesker>That's it. <v Michael Olesker>Good to see you. <v Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr.>Bye Mike. [Indistinct conversation] <v Michael Olesker>And that's what the column is. It's a story of other people's lives.
<v Ed Rabb>?inaudible? Well off to the next one, next stop around the corner, 3 blocks. <v Ed Rabb>Some security here, here he's got a tag, and look sun's <v Ed Rabb>coming out. Some of these are double binding. <v Ed Rabb>Well I need a mule, all right, ?moba? <v Ed Rabb>here.
<v Ed Rabb>That's the last one to go on this corner, and that's for sure. <v Ed Rabb>3 for 3. <v Ann Lolordo>Rebecca, it's Ann. I'm at the council. <v Ann Lolordo>Right, and the nepotism story is working out fine. <v Ann Lolordo>I've gotten to about 6 different council people and <v Ann Lolordo>it's no problem. The only thing is, I mean, I still haven't gone to the people who-who <v Ann Lolordo>have hired their sons and whatnot. <v Ann Lolordo>And I just think it's going to take a little more time, but I can finish it up by the end <v Ann Lolordo>of the week. OK, I've got to go, the council meeting is starting, bye. <v Ann Lolordo> <v Ed Rabb>I've arrived you mule, remember ?inaudible? I bagged them, but you didn't have to, the sun's out! <v Newspaper Shipping Speaker>You better bag them all. <v Ed Rabb>Oh, yeah? <v Newspaper Shipping Speaker>You know, you better bag 'em. [laughter from others in the room] <v Jim McKay>This is today's edition of The Sun, doesn't look much like that first edition of May
<v Jim McKay>17th, 1837, does it? <v Jim McKay>Tremendous changes over those 150 years in the paper and in ourselves, <v Jim McKay>and the changes continue. <v News American Spokesman>The owners and employees of the News American have done <v News American Spokesman>their very best to prevent this from happening. <v News American Spokesman>But unfortunately, revenues did not uh come forth. <v News American Spokesman>They just were not there. <v Jim McKay>On May 27, 1986, Baltimore's other daily newspaper The News American <v Jim McKay>folded, making Baltimore a one newspaper town. <v Jim McKay>Kind of makes you wonder what the future of newspapers will be. <v Jim McKay>What's ahead? Will there be a role for newspapers in the next century? <v Ray Jenkins>Oh now, if we're thinking that far ahead, we have to think <v Ray Jenkins>at least <v Ray Jenkins>of-of the possibility that there will be-that <v Ray Jenkins>the printed and delivered newspaper will no longer exist. <v James I. Houck>I often ask people who talk about-who talk about the future of
<v James I. Houck>uh news being in the-in being electronic. <v James I. Houck>Uh have you ever sat there and tried to read the <v James I. Houck>stuff on-on a television <v James I. Houck>screen? Have you ever tried to read teletext? <v James I. Houck>The answer is you won't do it for very long. <v Gwinn Owens>I used to think that newspapers were in for a hard time. <v Gwinn Owens>What with the-the um competition from television and from radio <v Gwinn Owens>news. <v Gwinn Owens>Now I'm not sure most of the big newspapers in this country are growing <v Gwinn Owens>in circulation not shrinking, and small newspapers are doing very well. <v Lou Panos>Almost every major television anchor man has said at some time or other that <v Lou Panos>television would never, could never replace newspapers. <v Lou Panos>Not only because you can't wrap fish in a television set, but because you can't go back <v Lou Panos>over it. <v Peter Kumpa>I think we're going to be here for a long while to account because we offer
<v Peter Kumpa>you a permanent record, that mirror that we give you, we give you an image and <v Peter Kumpa>we produce it every day, and so you can have it. <v Gwinn Owens>There is also the fact that newspapers can go into every subject with so much <v Gwinn Owens>more depth. <v James I. Houck>Another asset that a newspaper has is that-is that-is that-is that the reader controls <v James I. Houck>its use. You can pick it up and read it whenever you want to and then put it <v James I. Houck>down, uh you're not dependent upon um <v James I. Houck>a television or radio schedule. <v James I. Houck>It's there whenever you want it. <v Reg Murphy>People feel passionately about whether the letter that they write to the editor gets <v Reg Murphy>printed. They feel passionately about whether the-the news that they <v Reg Murphy>know about gets covered. They care about whether the child that they send to <v Reg Murphy>high school who plays high school sports, gets some recognition. <v Reg Murphy>They care about whether or not the volunteer organization that they deal with has <v Reg Murphy>some involvement with their newspaper.
<v Wiley A. Hall, III>I had a journalism professor who once said that it should be the-the back slapper <v Wiley A. Hall, III>and the finger pointer that meaning that when something goes-goes <v Wiley A. Hall, III>well, we should be there to pat someone on the back, and when something goes wrong, we <v Wiley A. Hall, III>should be there to point the fingers. <v Louis Rukeyser>The newspapers was never supposed to be a poll of what people wanted to read the next <v Louis Rukeyser>day. It was supposed to be what people ought to read the next day. <v Louis Rukeyser>What was important to people? What was-what they had to know if they were going to be <v Louis Rukeyser>informed citizens. <v Rebecca E. Carroll>It seems as though people are being gradually brainwashed by what they hear via <v Rebecca E. Carroll>television instead of reading and delving into ideas and formulating <v Rebecca E. Carroll>their own opinions for themselves. <v Jim Bready>I cannot sit here in good conscience and tell you that the papers were <v Jim Bready>better in the old days, or that they are better nowadays. <v Jim Bready>It's simply uh a continuing process <v Jim Bready>of change with one fairly large uh area of change <v Jim Bready>within our own lifetimes, and uh since the change is still going
<v Jim Bready>on. Uh I can reasonably hope that papers <v Jim Bready>will become however good they are now, even better still. <v Jim Bready>The-the only way you'll know it; however, the only <v Jim Bready>way you'll be able to judge between then and what is to be <v Jim Bready>is by reading. <v Jim Bready>And uh I sit here and with all the earnestness I can convey, <v Jim Bready>I tell you that if you are not reading the daily <v Jim Bready>papers, you're a chump. <v Jim McKay>We've just shown you 150 years of a newspaper that many people for a very long time <v Jim McKay>have considered one of the best in the country. <v Jim McKay>I'm proud to have played a part, even though a very, very small one in the rich history <v Jim McKay>of the Baltimore Sun. I'm Jim McKay. <v Jim McKay>Good night. <v Maryland Public TV Speaker>The Baltimore Sun: 150 years has been a production of Maryland Public
<v Maryland Public TV Speaker>Television, which is solely responsible for its content.
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- The Baltimore Sun: 150 Years
- Producing Organization
- Maryland Center for Public Broadcasting
- Contributing Organization
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills, Maryland)
- cpb-aacip-394-12m6426j
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- Description
- Program Description
- "Jim McKay (former Sun reporter and now star of ABC's WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS) hosts this hour-long, journalistically probing examination of an outstanding newspaper's past, present and future. "We watch the presses run, follow a reporter on her rounds, and we see some of the faces behind familiar bylines. We eavesdrop as veteran correspondents re-live their biggest stories. We trace the early years, from the paper's founding in 1837 up through the death of Arunah S. Abell. We follow the era of the founder's sons into the twentieth century, and experience the Great Baltimore Fire of 1904 through extraordinary archival film footage. As our story nears the present time, we hear both praise and criticism of the paper's record. Finally we look at The Sun as it is today, and record the musings of its editors and writers as to the newspaper of the future. We end with a thoughtful section on what newspapers mean to us and why they are--and will continue to be--important. "In the making of this documentary we shot over thirty hours of videotape and interviewed dozens of people, from men who run the presses and drive the delivery trucks to publisher Reg Murphy. Twenty-four present and former reporters and editors shared their thoughts with us. WALL STREET WEEK's Louis Rukeyser said of his days at The Sun, 'It was a literary paradise.' Congresswoman Helen Delitch Bentley told us: 'I was tough, You had to be -- Can you imagine in those days covering the waterfront, covering labor, and a woman, surviving'' Everyone we spoke to agreed they wouldn't have traded that experience for anything. "MPT's viewers apparently agreed: The program broke our previous record for the number of viewers watching, ranking as Number One in locally-produced shows and Number Nine among PBS shows like the National Geographic Specials."--1987 Peabody Awards entry form.
- Broadcast Date
- 1987-05-17
- Created Date
- 1987-05-17
- Asset type
- Program
- Genres
- Documentary
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 01:00:12.742
- Credits
Copyright Holder: MPT
Producing Organization: Maryland Center for Public Broadcasting
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-d4251150e2c (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 00:58:00
Maryland Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-33cf073bae7 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “The Baltimore Sun: 150 Years,” 1987-05-17, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 26, 2025,
- MLA: “The Baltimore Sun: 150 Years.” 1987-05-17. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 26, 2025. <>.
- APA: The Baltimore Sun: 150 Years. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, Maryland Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from