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Been many Those that. So what am I to do this if it is no California California endowment. Grasses but a companion a so you know. We meant Emerson's a Louis Dallas or de Gonyea with Doris that I visit gather with me personally the way WILLESEE Accion langar stepin see Bania to the end is Latinos but isn't is that of unsoundness to approve each I mean to the less mathematic us up a set of the you know in the DV bundlers who the most being Dan use. Unless a window were there at the combine yet I know I was never in Canada or Scott Llopis but I've read most Latinos but their meaning go to the old days when it was broke in the most and you know put in years I'll go to school come back to the
city to live and this by most of these yes. It is not just you know they said so you don't want anyone else to go I think maybe that if you wanted it back you know if you go to let you know that you cannot but I don't get it. Let me finish let me have enough.
Yes but I will put in my court AP but I look to you to let me know in football that Dylan hill instead of looking Didn't you know that Washington reporters were similar political group the water just set us up with us you want to go we had another guttural but it didn't affect us in my 1981 as we began to go we had another drink on video several itemize your lucky guys going to get one up but I'm not going to meet us was close it does a good washing don't kid grew up once you did I won't be legal but I'm soooo Independencia a month they need an embargo or going on a good contract. Yes in March at the end of the audio they gonna be a party to go send it by going through or not oh did it mean no as yet though since they now have a border patrol and it isn't on their deposits I meant to but if you don't inform me then whether backing out but I've gone to satellite which as you write did all get ocus just you know a lot on if the government defaults did it Washington on it but I don't know reporters still there in Miami Florida was put in a
kind of you and me don't they seem to have sort of enough money that we have this graphic out on you but I mean if you don't have any independent they went to Canada but the mental abilities the south like to eat the company doesn't it I want to yell it out I must think of you and I end up in the end you know having intimate that we look at a homeless Internet idea thing and don't want to feel your product. I'm going to fight it only only I would meet them and then you know some sequels some of these you would join us. Madonna Kushal the children as part of the poem solace you know how I'm going to hold on to this with a lot of analysts think they're going to buy this important thing I said I'm going to start with one of the nationality and the thing out of Miami I thought you wanted some of that off interrupting I wanted to I didn't buy it but I could be other than Ian drunk went on I thought the thoughts on the bonus in front of the whole one of them I mean part of the he had about the you know what I have done is you didn't know what your Michael unusual fellow reported that we're not going to know your secret we've not been accepted to be jealous of me going to say you to be doing if you just disappointed that he meant to us.
It doesn't allow us to continue this debate. You could think about that as inclusive this particular hospital drama. I don't know what you see when you doubtful Cisco thereby you can choose to go to them because they could meet up with a few can tell you what I said that it's good to go to Yes Penton if you're not going to be going to notice you don't want to get him into school want is that what I want to discuss I will witness just better than if you just take you down to CBN didn't know you were silent. Did they let you know they make you go to they need to be a think like that even though they could be done if
you think I mean the NFL to do that if it were not because they don't know it. Body that can be the basis but got only 11 percent. If you want to pretend that you know no I'm not but if you don't know the man you know you don't let the noise when up on the radio in Fresno California California endowment the last act is it California. Robert Wood Johnson said when he does it. Let's
just put a combine you know so you record them. But they seem they cease to you those see ye most of what is the. You know as we study or you do stick to the coastal But if they say no when they see us say to the U.S. you know same thing. And I want to and they seemed to Santos said Oh yes you know but any Mallya go to Lowkey this emotional program you know pinion PNC Jimmy. They said that the opinion that went on is because and they let the nose in the stylus who knows is that in America there's been refuted as to a prove it to me and an example the last
mathematic us that they were Adios on us. Step inside look is that event that has that edict I mean they let you know in which just community that this now they look for the most famous in los Latinos are the most of us end up is that they get back in the middle if I mean less and less a media is the NBN in about the last week that was much you see in this instance so Grandy the Latinos especially I mean that in U.S. Latinos even by email. He went on to the impulse sippin so we used to use cologne on they most look gay. That said he felt that the approach I mean Latinos in mathematic us seen embargo is to use this. So where is the aspect of
sort of putting the other get base sat the intern or Latinos or you know mean to him into the list yet these Latinos in a lot less mathematical. I mean what of the book. I'm a horrible time to this. There may hold that. I mean what I don't book when he has the most and it's better they've been in the same conduct are going to resort to these for a professor they might they might take us in Chapman the Orange Book. So Buddy. Gays look at that bus and I'm going to be on the Latinos in his day I speak to the issue up which I mean to the last Mathematica we will not be the case it up we've got a proxy My main thing in going the bases I mean they and he celebrates who you see in this game. You know Maine to the beach I mean to enter Latinos at the
CST the race I said OK just expect those and those I spit and when I stop us and let them be in book oh the set that he is the is the is the of NC up a Saturday less problem as he went. But I stood most bunya. Yeah there is the Orange California it of a sort. Luis Ortiz for this professor the Mathematica Chapman look you know that was many though professor at the Franco. You would. Yes when I got
up to set this up which I mean guess what mathematic us. When the economic rent. You got us an inquest. You see you know when to they can present
a case to the answers given in the media. Me What I saw your comic I meant it was in the end when it comes because your own is a premature meant to come in cocaine or stems can turn menace level McClurkin level in terms of symmetry other what is really odd is you sat on his who took a law professor that was part of this pilot is you who took on Ambien. What was in the cover what is the eventual Seann. But I did look at it. But a locust to your friend on this because when we come into focus and ingress of our media out of you know your knowing your
professionals part is not a limp little spot. I just saw and this is the key to the friendship. And look at yourselves and look at you at your orders. Yeah. When I fancy mathematic us up a seven year. Latinos. When
I get the mysterious illness. We want to be she said tomorrow. It's economical. See even in Santander in the minority in increment town the Minister of Police Department I consider my
conditions of education on the police. Because. Yeah because you don't know which I mean because you know time in prison I meant when I was which I mean to the end. We come into preserving our mental element. And. We lost a lot of the clothes already. PM The star you're going to start on from
this and and the significance of one of them to you but embody a provision in some of the bottles you turn in for most of them up was supposed to be too. Like I mean think of all my principles. I mean this is the
junior high. Most people would have been a premature Winterbottom commissionaire you are meant for the one you. Imprisoned in the high school. Because. Yes. And.
You. Know Why yes because yes because you know. People. Because the US and. Mathematica Latino's No they say not then must dos make Horace Mathematica look at this but less computer. He can also note that the aspect of the hoose is on looks but I must say.
Yes get used to this. A leap. I love a lot somebody that is meant to be present when the problem is going to lose damage in London and they need to put in particular my effort to put them on him for his innocence not just for the secrecy. But what if something was considered very much a must. I once was and this and this an event to not only read it. The law somewhat like what you're saying and parties on
this was somebody that is Pirkei second boss but in the event and the person he mentors must complain. He is part of to the UK which is my suspicion and so last time you done something like one of the Lib Dems. Does bicyclists know say the Latinos on their own. Only on the problem. What is a good time in history comment.
When I say no. But this genderless bad piece. The disappearance of a kick on the last budget is. No look at the North High School. But yeah. Betto anti-Latino said about this episode that yeah.
Yes. Conditions of education. You know. Respond a little but it won't. They can even opposite. E Your Constantin. Do you think it was part of the control a lot of those people the programmers that lived then the country. I think your
invention we pushed it. And this point on to you Michael you just reported moments Miles. Can we put it to me. And the approach I mean the mathematical programs the empty set up with a wink I mean. A wink I mean and remote control laws. But. I think
the most important question. And then just as if I mean the problem I ski the mathematical system we have. And I felt that but that was my stress. But I got that let things get done till then when you have to put some more important than the 3 and the some of the
classy funny and which I will have and more like a classical mathematic of much interest. You might as well live on the end but I want to know my answer. If somebody goes from there most of the proposed to the arsonist. Yep and there were kids you someone has a coming school. But that was not an enormous up when they're broken so do not blame was going to turn the controls over to that gives you something to dance on to the Santas. Look at them when you go in is that as it is
to separate us. But I guess and they respond. But I think if you look at it. Really. The experiment time
looking in the brain he says. But I'm just too young but I'm just but is that me and Pedro Segarra knows him and his mathematics better. Even if they still don't know. Yes. A photograph you look at say you don't see it. There Mathematica is no liquids.
Even this was the part that you don't see it was one of in love it got me into this. So what you got up to do what are the lessons you have the rhythm of the visit was no picnic out of persona. You know put it on the little note but a part of me had a layout of the prison of many of the terms of the technique of Pintos will be making. Anytime I assume what is the present in the guitar player but I was giving a professor a look.
But what. They see with America but it is sort
them most at the end. Mathematical. They get in trouble which I mean the less mathematic us. But is it ever same when up at the spa that is if Amelia born in a school or even a professor I lowkey miss you know and then she won't you stay. Throw ideas into a look at they were my first seasonal game set about 7 percent examiners Cholas Bania this is a plan.
I said I'm as if you see Lex I mean but I have seen been citing them when they leave because you're good welcome was the best. Friend in the north. He thought it was a blunder and we want them to someone who could you know sort of. He doesn't want to mention OK get me out of calling us because the end of Latinos telling us you know some expense comes because unison was examining the mathematic of cologne you get out of my answer
put the sentiment of Amazon citizen in examining the mothers of young drawings of the Sufi NGOs the ancestors I said is 11 miles deep seeded product at No. Boston Boston. Yes just on my new video. And I meant that any will be the Mathematica to Shaun of the girls into what they want because when we come into star precompiler canals they have rules for our losses. Listen. I've not been examined. They look round and they get control of my case because you know
which I mean struck me most was that a boney M.. That of a how they lost but it is going to be a problem. This not look good. Yes I meant to say I was sort of a square love on the fiddle since Latinos you know I'm into some of this but when I was very little since I was a horn of pros on the
market. Most appropriate Republicans on the scene of the differential you know point to notice what happened there. We're not going to make of the presentment to your to commune with a king. Yes in my own people the acts become a part of the only live Latino. I'M GONNA the Latino gay I don't need those who thought it was part of the challenge the status quo alive. He was in control of my if it was good enough but it's not
what I gave was a system in the midst of this and if so where so what if I'm on that up and you know what they want but it goes on the socialist that was the statistical I suppose if you want to continue a lot of looking into that a little concerned we can the most important thing you knew Suzy who was going to get in a portion of this party that is up in second place. Oh no I didn't. I mean Amy Horta question the Mathematica movie again an e-mail which will put him
in California. Sam I don't know if you meant it as mathematics by your. Well that was your Mathematica that meanest kuasa honest folk and but at that that the problems you know break to extend York. Project. So the British Parliament there are my aunt tells us Iran is still in control and I mean they are
negative in part. I can assist you on this. Well most cannot a group of them my answers on the good things about the car. So there is your bitterness over the Latinos who are unable to see ye whom I have to pursue. People express our opinion and they have a loss possibly done to their own unit and talk to the fans and their opinion is because some of the MP s and they are not part of the cumbia. He put me on this. On the second front on this suspect to the see the solicitor general my effort. Can it not. You like to do this for much good either. The point made us I mean it's on
the screen and this is our system not the same level. My earlier my if was good but the people in this was social programs he communes was like to do this you know it's like two different clothes time being the only effect to possibly will and so invents a neon sign in info on the glass in the loud one. But again for the sake of Meanwhile you have me muddle my if was so must force it must proceed. He was shipped in a little less than an hour on a propulsion. Yeah my make or another proposal partitions to put your guy looking down on the wanted. I mean you know on Sunday when Misty Latinos haven't seen investment the metaclass is from them. Is it people the Internet I mean people elected
governments to start you know you have people who live in the political mean that. But is if I meet an opposite getting on my list because you know as in as mathematics but give it to yourself. When. Yeah.
What. I meant that when it's only a temple to remember when we got a pile. But if I keep up the car cannot complain. This is even from the class he voices the woman he said to me him and he said to get people to come to see if you've got to listen to see cause my answers are the point of it was just a to make you want to continue.
Put your lies squarely in the religious community. And I can agree. And the percent 7 percent positive for me. Yeah. Exponentially. I mean what form of the happening at the Met. LSU nobody. As if you could only come from our home. I could put on my screen
because you can't put it out. So the list I missed. Stand and deliver it I mean we saw it. I don't need you since you've been on. Battle to the end. So really are you concerned that you know there was a moment. I mean how do you become an uptick in
young fans. You live there. And I used to count the number. First of all sex was like. He became my it was starting to become an elemental product industry and I don't feel too much.
Statements you know when you know that is this big and then to be anti-Latino Stepaside at the Manor and send the book up a Mathematica give a commune the state but man they need a little spot as it is. Just to proceed to seche and use the underpasses must happiness. When the government is not obvious when I've had my work a little my interest is not in. And if that is in the presence of the saga.
I could determine. The cause of my ass. They are meant to make what I mean. You're going to sort of the things you want to see cause. We can lose our impact is going to probably. See you seperate the country was going to turn around and say you just have a better look at what you get in. We have to know what
is going to get the money part of us. The mathematic. A. Person of the US. Somebody's gonna see what I mean.
Preserve the spine you know. I mean we spoke was there money a cricket I mean I'm down but I got to meet him personas for when I was into politics we was in the conference isn't like America Latina. You would have children with different different perspectives. He he you would also you know simpatico lot of somebody. So there are no sweeps of Latinos in the house and you know when I have a joint like you present a time that their mother could and was going to eat up what are normally customs are almost like you know many cattle product I just I mean the need for models. So there are a lot of what I mean somebody's license but your knowledge the profession you talk about demons. I
can use those needles but I mean for those calling a Latino many candles they love this. You know it's good to be a country to some of the comments have a comment that people see if they speak to me. Yes it is a step toward God when it was me.
Don't happen they will not lieutenancy into law as part of the movie because the media because people are still going to pay my your money more than on the same set of Justice and the problem as I pick out of the name to stay on your plan until you have some of those are going to have a metal came in Korean business processes and when this problem of the keepers of the can look is indicated in the book course it must be because the last little country and welcome. But the most important process. Mathematically the solution isn't to zoom into the
small print to see I was metal those miles. I meant no fundamental serious fundamental point. The kid noise is not there print there at the memorial. Meantime book with complete and not a communist. To those I care for apartment or not the memories are shown in your casket is an open
report from Internet erroneous. But. But. I want to Krista Tippett Has a moment to think when Because when was but it. Was funny.
People must have into the procedure. California in particular where you cannot form a globe and not from a curse in the middle of California. I mean to Mathematica I guess. Well OK.
Want to give you a list. The problem is you but I can see. I can see when a lot of us are much more choice. The important thing for most people use less minus glasses. Even if you get asked this professor Frankel the Math Guy Chapman a key in Orange California. Which I don't know if this is one of the several you know 11
Latinos in Mathematica. But then they want to record it. Just as if I mean yes. It's the closest to the end. You and me in particular. For get but didn't you see though but this is a bony inky by N as the set is. This is less the less you know school less mathematic us but you know where NO is a race and see it does cover it as in less areas because the media
get in a rather noisy most explode island under President Bush. No idea what the early through the less mathematics he wouldn't be then but he was going to threaten us and our just that. As yet even know the last hour. We've said that the thing that got us going to be a lot of money. Lady Have you guys with or without mother has this unique moment that I hope to see the border that you'll be eating when
it is not going to go to India. Well no to be sure but ACL that will put us young but I let a few simple we get you know from this year on the California endowment. LITTLE DAUGHTER My little daughter he will be Will someone go to school. But we see that his weskit looks young technique up at Amanda while this as he stands as it looks you and just you get and then this sort of hear that meat is pleasant when you in this case we chose and excuse us this was I thought this is what your state said they think that you're being way. Thank. You.
B many of those that suffer with this if it is know California you know California and. All and we win. Still got his but a companion is that on the list and with MIT Janja program and since you know there's someone on us cooking us a companion and I will miss you when the rain will be less sad. This in particular they don't know they LA música have a lot of reach that gave you this yes you know what you're saying you're in Canada. Llopis you know when I mean most I most Latino Flamingo But at them girl is just
the bluesy rock. E. They got a C in the the or Scott Lopez because to sit at this boys they love us. They said so you might eat and you used to be nice just response how you did it as you know that Washington reporter thought it all out and we know as you know when I say that if you couldn't see it would also see that the CMP don't quite in Thank You demean me go to the audience but a bug out of the moment that they're only going to get better sort of movie that asked that I walk out I think I think once you finally got it yet but a key moment that young don't quite and only John has it that I've already gone through would you know when filtered Social Security godlessness Wouldn't that be were those he said How do you look at us I've got it but I'm not. I went down and said didn't I mean we don't I didn't notice it once it would also see it and I went on the
public you know meant death and I don't mean I don't think Jeff Cummings out on job I was sad to know seeing did is he going to have all that upset if I didn't get a benefit us then tell me you know and he can have it but it's going to get but I GET IT ON TO YOU BUT I DOn't YOU DOn't MEAN ranking when they know a lot of my phone don't want to do it does he end up going to get out of government deported like Iraq got going then it Washington D.C. about the no reporter thought on my sat down in Miami for I would say Look around you and I thought what a floaty implement I don't know what I'm up to a lot of us would be sued out of one and only me. If he thinks of Seattle going up ahead I might need the guy he would have an audience with that ease up on my thoughts like showing my God he had acquired all the mad because it brought on Michael my set up a gotcha but did the food emanate on the plane land out in Miami that was a bit about approach a minute they shouldn't own a saddle. Yeah a lot of get Donovan a feature that I think this will see out of it but don't like weapon when you don't have what I think gut feeling but it's young people are some warnings at that moment that
a lot of it I leave you alone but it was one of them had a few and only a bit of a bus you want that woman CM to use rodeos but I'll tell ya it's about enough that I don't get that I am beyond them showing it but you know what I'm not looking at them if when I got a phone he would have been picked up on a lot of equipment but I won't bust some being if I know what I mean though is he in the Indian women as the feminine I thought of but I've been followed by you and I knew little of that on the one I have even been in Miami but all the shit about the note was fatal. You are looking for any young man you know going up with the embassy even if you have those in the US you underwent a commune for a mother put in a little to the effect but I think you won. But owning a celebrity might have been in the bottom and people expect those things that I'm 50 more new and don't call me to let you let the ones I mean don't they explain that. If I want to listen to your things that would a medical bill of Internet equipment if you honestly want to call me you wouldn't buy that IF YOU'RE GONNA BE IN BUT WHEN
THEY would you know medical care to put America they would meet that up I don't know of any says you're an independent or that it's bad or interfere with that as they come in the few unease but are not Beefeater Latino in form of the billows. Gotta look into any Yeah you know you're going to show us how you report that contain what it tell you understood that he just wanted a problem how does this fire where it's always put her to get his paddle stick it on the chicken and they simply want to program to come into it I hope it will cook went to the location to travel how is this going to fight because you confuse the Close enough either where notice he does the chicken his employers that you are an employee you have the facts about how it is put on the spare us. I don't give a shit I will make you cool simply because you didn't get it but that's just what have I don't think I don't know how to spell you know such a compliment. That's a man I thought I did but I'm into it I'm going to proceed I mean. But if you're going to list menacing when they
hit that it was the whole disk again it was CBS which is simply all but going to complete I'm going to blast this weekend in my opinion I believe that will be made with the most Mrs.. I don't hear a Latino you know youre busy lets you know let me go to the main point I'm done of it but I've been going to see that in a number will be another look at the TELL ME HE can say I can add I will not be we'll I won't be here to let you know that they need to think so I live in America. I don't know the Metropolitan Opera isn't all that listening to my new that opinion that the new movie has both negative and America people meant to not be deliberate malice they would also see it that way but you are not currently there are you know about that only that if they were not there at the moment of soloing on your own is there not then go better than on here a
lot in other areas or orders and not been on Medicare but I know that you know let you know that unless you know they make you feel that you don't let the noise from the impression of California from this young California endowment it consider the effect of the California Robert Wood Johnson is set daily. He switches the meaning of yes that's a program on MTV. Does that mean that yes they can. The data also got Lopez another. Oh you know these the San Fransisco stocky but the window in a heater and a heater they present US units who put out a whole mass to see an impact of the CMA heat. Lord you saw a
guy in a story like that but it's not me I'm an Eagle Scout. Which of us what do you remember. Gaseous. No but he made you know say this is some book. Story of what Katrina did he says things like that that they need to seek. You know. Thought it meant. Bother me. Yeah but then when did you know Citigroup was you know meant in Chile when you sit in to
going to prison I mean. I mean you got to go. That was going to school and dancing. And I want to continue that. No. Because I say this but but and I mean to me because I know. That when I got here and
they put up with me because you know you know what I mean you know what he meant you know. But he got a warning. Explain. I mean I think you know what an explosive I mean you know because you know when he got something and if he would. Well there are people.
Yes yes. He also never seen a win to Cynthia but then they're not looking to go up and doable anymore. Some don't do us in to the point a percent or 70 percent of the media because you get to push the Taney comment as he put it.
Yeah I'm going to put the gun to want an interim until he picked one of the ideas. We shouldn't. Mickey go.
He got a lot.
Yes. Bunda country music music rock n roll ability put together now because it's going to go to your unintended went to get
down to the underground almost because if you get them put him down there. I mean really when Dylan does he want to make you go you know. But he could not return. I mean you got sick when he sent the man to look at Rob and me. Just goes it with that. Hello. But he's going to spy on you. But he can ask that you guys that you that would like to put
this us. And they will. But you know what if you don't want to we're not going to. Back to go down to them being able to go you know. So you just keep it coming for me. It's a big mess and we want to be in this mess and
get that. Get up. This is too late to keep us from. I'm going to commit with you.
But I want to know from in Korea where you got the. Just that OK I was going to look at what the several people música. Because I mean I.
Guess yes. Tippett That some industry you're working mostly in history and I'm going to go see a superstar. Neil sort of I think you know when Thank you sort of didn't listen I mean look I'm going to feel a new kind of kind of you know the in the Gundersen but that I don't want to go to some we litigate. Newport talk about going to one who he said I mean thank you. Yes and me too coming.
But I mean it's important to me when I got to go in you know my new little one to wonder what this point do you see any problem was going to come here don't you know. When was he going to say I don't know if it was you going to dance with the contents of superfine he said as he could to pull out. Those who make the a cut of course is what the OP wanted to call the defection provoke a supplier of the needles. Romantic doesn't let me into some of the you know the frequent dental
office and done too little but then don't let nobody kind of thing. And she represents a woman you know. Look I mean look you know I am not the one to wonder at the moment that went to Vancouver and Canada to me not only going to see it anyhow. I mean I doubt that they wouldn't that I mean. So it becomes an agreement to me to see what bus apostle. Personnel person are
going to see you coming on to us apostle. If you want to know you. Yeah. I mean go because you're telling him which I mean not I mean economists you know. You know. I mean you know. I thought I was on the committee kind of when I thought yes yes I mean you know it's flamenco. He looked at me like he doesn't. Well I mean the police play that. They have it but it's a
general sentiment. Yeah so is new.
Because we got him because because you know that. Feeling to famous people because you want to. Well the most well you may ask. Most of them. Look at the clothes. And with him persona he got no place.
He means you know and I'll go take it as you know. Carlos Carlos is me my brother my evil rather in a bad way to pull a sickie. The CMA combos one of two sources took on the one listen to me then sort of took on the woman and. Took a solo.
You put a lot of people here. I think but it took me a month ago. I'm going to make you mad got a look. Come on we're not going to get in yes because if I let you know me can and see them in the water.
You know I don't want to you know going to be getting into trouble you know you know. But I mean you know if you're going to get in the pretext. You know which numbers but I thought a lot of people keep some windows. You also need to look in Brooklyn to look at the Flamingo get tooken was going to Dina in which you conduct what are you going to be upset and what you can talk to when you can let the nose. Which you call Latinos because the kind of people to give us a message that devices that mass extends from.
San Francisco. But you know those books on your community and you must heal. Thank you Miami and something in them which I can only influence because I'm only going to doctor the was and said I mean. But then with the dolphins he's cool. Which kind. Doctor doctor
I see this movie going to let me know I was going to single say so I knew what this musical at the musical would do you look innocent peoples of people into men to chat on. But you know which is the name. You know about seven. We didn't. Yes but they must get with
us. Don't you think they don't.
Does that concern you just you know there was a lot of I don't know. I think there are no there more. It could be but you know. We're not going to hit us to kick them but us gone just. I mean to somebody
like yes yeah he said I mean the provision I mean you know you have to keep you know. Only going to get the boys it was because they almost got most when they moved into an interview request was an intern of the in one of the issues that I can pursue on a new book that I can see again it would be better than it does although not doesn't want to militant took on the side of separation of money and I don't pretend to see Tennant they want to do
you want to continue to want them with us which I laugh because you don't listen to men talk and people. You said election isn't important is what people will say look this sort of look at the cinema and listen to it so you don't seem to get into mental. So let me I'm going to protect the underground which are also not what was the idea but no not going to get that out when no one could talk the talk on the neck and besides I mean previews equal and approximately equal if you don't. What was it. Yeah. Back to more practical sense. Take it you know.
You know you don't want to set up a brick to Carson look at but it's a messy messy. For probably the only time you know when I'm the possible plan is in the North American plate he says but the thing gets it but thinks. That it is a much much akin to say as a companion I like being with
you at this believe pregnant or they want to discuss you on is OK this is bad. Most This year he said that. When is this the kind of canary. At least I know better than to give you the annual sink another location. There will be at the most in your program. But in which just about a woman
Silis in that bit that is less competition as you know Scott but he implicitly made the school dance and the Luna County where Yoda say they can see the heat. When there is a bus sad B.C. a ski is then a less be made us by him as it is than in the case on the ink it is better. By most of the last composition is a little business school city a lot for Bush rather duck and soon more this is bad. On the.
Oh. But he employ the most militancy bookie put your own a match as they study in San Francisco police and maintain a point the Golden Gate the east that Jesse Jackson is that going to lead this EULA. They don't miss me. Do you get in California. Yeah. No a week almost is recorded that I don't live where there were physically formulas but soon as you know we embody Buswell escort. This is unless quote This is a somebody if you're interested in
this court they see you they say save a stapler York is happy got us that you know say that they mean at ICSA no bus so less you wanna see a leper was bundled it this way sis we must get on the way sis in no way no these three dogs a US you don't get when I mean saw him but I say you because you don't. No way assist is that he pushed us even we intercede up or are you going to be doing so in case a motherless PC palace epal yellow What is the proposal. He is not gay but I Mannion asked me not less Supreme Court the Whos the CEA Osip they
said they were doing to us is Bulgaria. Most of us see. Epic idea is that proposes that record of the boy's God Program us the acts you and I feel might be about program asking and he will see that this year no one was to conduct an embrace as believers but it really sets your host. Eat them be eloquent at this you know if the heart of the Sisters program must bully undercut the applicant said the printer manya and see the who's the CEA know they see the globe get up because you and you want to live this year he said. Jesse Jackson but so unless you're going to be standing ready because you know this the proposed you see on a bonus that you signed it was
momentous in San Fransisco in it when the Golden Gate there at the Roma couple gapers Yes I mean I sat up. See it goes I went to the studio 11 problematic and I mean do they get off we go with advice that say what I mean is that a in and less not that they get in a good cool on sis So let's put it on us the mean odious ABC but I mean the Latinos from a gun. The ending we would see that this like in California. They will be have no eat I mean they will still move back into history. But he rather better when they see the steeples they program a sixer and FEMA that are un special as the name you know yes
they need they need. You well again they need to be listed in this so it is blank goes. Like in the sick it was NOT go to see them is the people they program a sport. Say they were in the crowd with the money and when they looked at their US dressed Cialis this dog ate them be in any way a way that says that these could be endo but he employed a key CMOS ordering one of us you know on and on to say the secular and me just you on the breaking news new to us that ah Los Lobos really that is the key lesson create a blank US Open. Thank you this but us who simply says one drop within a robot. Again see the skinny novices here and I say don't book a must have this less bad blankets but Anthony x A so I used this you this but are picking us
Negroes Yes you must you must google but I say Jim will be in the US yeah. When a case of a conceded this mean that Guinn is when I say let's concede this this being that. Yeah they repented and going to get presented in a low somebody Blanco's guessed us that Boko sapiens allocate on those must be really heroes push them you know this is in the in the screaming now those thinking up in those who still get noticed this program less than a single Blanco's in these giving us your own base. A use on the stand. AFAIK there was as he could go live in a state. Q When I say what I mean to say that in things you guys don't see Apple Yandel a program of the acts you feed him at the bar and he will be a little sandy Luisito Boesky gotten by and yes I mean odious combine Yes it will be that
the impresarios mean that yours is I lowkey. You have a duck even with a said couple of proceed in the span of a call made you who see Nino mucho mass. I mean that in the middle of the book to me that this butler and he was US Latinos made us at but up again you're not a negotiator. But at the Northumbrian loose they way the L about say they'll drink they say they were there. But in this being that when you stand in most you know you know that they would say they waste the time being in California it was off the court. They see the you see said boy they had no plan is they will get if
we have a pre-nup. But there is that. On to your demeanor in court to them being gay not beginning with people they meet here in second who's got a name that immediate I mean they see an embargo or face that the leper less unity view is that maybe that border gate lay fatal is that I mean the you know basically yes you know the last of those that is the Cuidado less greatest service used to be William which are boiling gunnel same it was that he used that you know that you respect the boys a lot less of it is he that is something about this. Does Bush want to sit through that. I said about a case to this person a keystone proponent of the less you know the
NIA he has the most load internet access. Moyes Elka so as he gives those news. It's those where baseball is about message it's you than a list of those who need us is that in a Godless bring out that there's not a single moment that us boys. But this was not a list but a lesson allude to that most sellable that is something that they can say what I mean this is so yeah about the Internet those yes yeah I boast This includes me because no one I mean to introduce me cause Latinos you know I didn't make you think you know that game board game in nor see see you know say I've got this is that maybe that blood with the see no see I've got the game from those Santa Ana but that is to squeeze out of this is to seyn that I broke the window to say you know what was in a court
look you had if you do you I mean this so bad oh no it's you know now when I say man. But he does and I still speak to me except I mean the wonder. Yes India see it's those cities yes. You went up to the north that gave you another law that you those musky said you know immediately or you were not you know own Labor Party Congress will figure it out but when you say it's the same crew you don't mean you're not us in a precipice to figure it out but at least with improper to not say we don't need equal and mean yes yes they still don't know we stand is this a water over no. Bland the Quatro seem to think that you are me. This is from the proposed but I
say at the listening yes. Maybe you mean you when they mean yes. Guys see me. I mean you're so lost get sick you see it. Going is that Nueva April we see you're not aware of when I was to school you also know him and he had to do is to look at that and those must mean yes yours has been I must say and let the most but you know I mean they were Domenico but oh yeah I mean I mean that really that there is this list but a Los Vegas a mother's ennoblement us you win or throw ought to assume took at that means a study about the end of it was a nice urinalysis a lesson to the recorder that them being in that this is a pro out
on the one that goofiness me because you know that the main This was a leper last year. Yes is that that she had in England you know because they don't believe you know you're not going to see on a weekend is busy I mean this is the same and he was going to go to an elderly style than long going with that. The song book on the last principle is that is that maybe that is that the sailors he got on a Lockwood look I mean do they put me on his it or let it but it is too yet from the product impaneled the recourse is to the AF form the last effect those muddy when he did that mean a CC it to you if it was me at times if it does Got The Most people that they may have several
you get them in and you unless you're not. Boys say was that in C on purpose I mean in a race that time does the same and you you're not going to feel the George Soros. When I said your bank gave me and gave me your own is there though a lot is a review on as they were let this go eat get a goose either as it needs is to stop us in the most Missis if way you know the last the last but I must give you don't muss the needle pattern and Seattle a companion in California going up or less when the leopard skin se ate them. The sauna said
See me let us get you sick and you drove us to stop weekend and it was momentous in itself when you want to look good on the sickie. Being said is absolute that is when I mean this is the last PC on his computer so no skin really that maybe goes. Is that going to do is do you make of those politicos know about an hour left so did practice will a politically rolled up border could you name me a lot about them. This was me loving Gonzales who mess boys in up with me. But I don't matter. When I meet you that people are saying your source was. See you need a nice don't know if he say no say where they say eat them I needa sitting looking see me going is that I see you on his own that is a lot of the
single on US gun control has got the so very little of us. I mean this that they get sick of us that say this. Drove us eat them in the sick is a must see elderly Negro is that a standard in those days for sure. Police are going to love it I think with it all of us. Is it is an ACLU Nader gone last load of those cases that they need in a day the LeT is but a part of the ghettos will bump Is it California already sown. Get with that on board this that proposes you on those schemes. They tell us that the legally fornia done LONG say they last.
But I see honestly the most and the less. Money is still a forward way so that I have a husband I see. Yeah but you know me Unity Doris is too yellow to fit. Maybe seen Alice the one over another Pete Wilson as escape when there is something in your source gave us the country that very near Mosul I meant the creek and the US in the needle but I could see that this was a lot to say last year on the cases that when you know let's be honest you know necessary and it became the Gekko medieval dream a nice Cabos you sick again as those who knew it must be Cinco bassists super your really nice you know
nice industrially cess. It's in your soul. Which is me unity the lettuce in front of him than us. No ego not those that you know may be about Outlook or on the go let it go just as he began the case last media about the public. Like it or going to a less robust ill will for less money because you're going to load up the mess he made on this and as you must but they need an uppity you into that. Is that about you when is it on a lunar Phylloscopus. That's the key
This tells me it's going to go Moses by the most a combine you know there's a Puerto Rico. This they make a center. Media Days when the would our mother get this unique moment that your blue can see the border that you'll be eating when it isn't open for the media will be sure but ACL it would put us young. But I let a few simple you know from this your own California endowment little Goda might be a little but he will be wrong. Some will go to school. We see that thought is Lask is who looks young Technica at Amanda while this as he's been Does it looks you and does he get a man this sort of you that need it. That's what we knew and as kids we just an excuse us is I thought this is what your state said they think that you're being way.
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Lnea Abierta.
Producing Organization
Radio Bilingue
Contributing Organization
Radio Bilingue (Fresno, California)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/375-579s4tv6).
Latino students can excel in mathematics despite low-income. Mathematics proffesor Luis Ortiz-Franco, shared results of research he did on the academic achievement of Latino students in the area of mathematics.
Created Date
Asset type
Public Affairs
Spanish Language
Media type
Producing Organization: Radio Bilingue
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Radio Bilingue
Identifier: LA0926 (Radio Bilinge)
Format: Audio cassette
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Lnea Abierta.,” 1997-08-27, Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 20, 2024,
MLA: “Lnea Abierta..” 1997-08-27. Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 20, 2024. <>.
APA: Lnea Abierta.. Boston, MA: Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from