Totally Radical Teenage Videos

- Transcript
<v Speaker>All right, let's take it from the top. <v Speaker>5. <v Speaker>4. <v Speaker>3. <v Speaker>2. <v Speaker>1 <v Speaker>[music plays] [singing] In the television world, there's a place man, for unilateral <v Speaker>improvement in the wasteland with cameras and tape, we'll bust that ol' debate and <v Speaker>rock you with new video the message get our way. <v Speaker>Our perspective is unique, our vantage point concrete. <v Speaker>But they don't want to hear it, lot of people that you meet. <v Speaker>We're saying what we're saying 'cause we're free to speak our minds. <v Speaker>We are the solution, not the problem this time. <v Speaker>Cause we're making it totally rad. <v Speaker>Totally rad. Yeah. Teenage videos are totally bad. <v Speaker>Totally rad. Totally rad. <v Speaker>Yeah. Teenage videos are totally bad. <v Gellibrand>Hey, I'm ?inaudible? ?Gellibrand?, your TRTV MC. <v Gellibrand>Welcome to our show and get set the television like you've never seen before. <v Gellibrand>Totally radical teenage videos, the TV program of, by <v Gellibrand>and for teenagers. So in the past few months, students across Kentucky have been <v Gellibrand>producing, directing, editing videos that will catch your eye and mess
<v Gellibrand>with your mind. So hang with us for the next hour 'cause we're gonna push that play <v Gellibrand>button on comedy, a couple of short dramas, a bit of fantasy and of course, <v Gellibrand>a documentary. This is public television, after all. <v Gellibrand>Also, we're going to cover some tough assignments like prejudice, sexuality, consumerism, <v Gellibrand>and they produce videos that get at the whole truth and nothing but the truth. <v Gellibrand>And since the word radical means root, we're going to follow up with rap <v Gellibrand>sessions from a group of students in our video Wasteland. <v Gellibrand>And to add to the mix, we're going to throw in some student in the hall interviews as <v Gellibrand>well from across the state. So let's get busy. <v Gellibrand>Our first video. What can I tell you about. <v Gellibrand>It's part comedy, part horror. <v Gellibrand>It's about people who allow themselves to be sucked into that never ending spiral of <v Gellibrand>consumerism. Well, students at Fort Knox High School show us how keeping <v Gellibrand>up with the cool can be an eternal struggle. <v Speaker>[music plays]
<v Girl>She's buying something for me. <v Boy>She bought you something last week, she said she's buying me-. <v Girl>No I get something this week. <v Boy>No, you don't. <v Girl>Yes I do. <v Boy>Shut up. <v Girl>Ouch let go! [hits boy]. <v Boy>Ow! <v Commercial>[music plays] They're new. <v Commercial>They're awesome. They're rad. They're <v Commercial>?Totally Toe Tennies?, you can get them with just a small amount of money, <v Commercial>just visit your nearest feet doctor store today. [music plays] <v Boy>Mom, can we please get some Totally Toe Tennies? <v Girl>They're so cool. <v Boy>Come on Mom. <v Mom>Why certainly dolls,
<v Mom>I'll get you anything you want. <v Girl>I can't wait I can't wait [Boy: I can't wait] it's gonna be so cool! Mom mom it says right here in the newspaper it's the foot <v Girl>doctor store. <v Boy>Yeah mom, don't miss that turn. <v Commercial>Totally Toe Tennies are the best around the smooth new shoes that are coming to your <v Commercial>town. <v Girl>It's on the radio too, mom! <v Commercial>It doesn't matter what you look like. <v Commercial>250 dollars is the price, so sport 'em at your house or even at school. <v Commercial>Totally Toe Tennies [Boy: Drive faster mom!] guaranteed to make you look cool. <v Commercial>[Girl: Red light green light!] Now here's a description of the ?Totally Toe? <v Commercial>Threat. [Girl: Come on come on come on come on!] The toes are showing. The colors are <v Commercial>glowing. [Girl: Green light go!] So hurry down to your nearest foot doctor 'til the price <v Commercial>starts growing. [Girl: Yeah!] Peace. <v Boy>[door opens] Look mom they're here, they're here! <v Girl>Go! <v Boy>Well, look, they're only 250 dollars. <v Girl>Mom, look, mom look, look at these cute accessories. <v Girl>They're only a hundred dollars more. I want the I want the ones in the center. <v Girl>No, I want the ones with the windshield wiper. <v Girl>No, I got to have the ones with the tinted roof. <v Cashier>May I help you?
<v Cashier>Such a fine choice. <v Girl>-Be so popular. <v Boy>Everybody will like us now. <v Cashier>Nick and Nicole, how would you like to pay for this? <v Nicole>Everybody's gonna love our shoes, Nick. <v Nick>Yeah. [people talking] [music plays] <v Speaker> <v Mom>Come here guys! Hurry! [news broadcast plays] <v Diane>And now for a special report. <v Diane>Totally Toe Tennies have captured tennis shoe market. <v Diane>This has prompted an increase in robberies of stores and students. <v Diane>Here is Don Fowler, more on that issue, Don. <v Don>Thank you, Diane. Earlier today, a high school student was bombarded by noogies and
<v Don>Roebuck tennis shoes because he wouldn't give up his Totally Toe Tennies. <v Don>The assailants are supposedly the foot doctor bums gang. <v Don>We spoke to this high school student and this is what he has to say. <v Student>I don't know what happened. I just walked outta the tennis shoe store on my new Totally <v Student>Toe Tennies and these guys, they jump on me for no reason and they threw me down <v Student>to the ground. All I saw was tennis shoes flying everywhere. <v Student>And they took my new Totally Toe Tennies it's so devastatin'. <v Student>My momma ?inaudible? for those shoes. <v Student>Now I don't have them [crying]. <v Don>Diane, this is getting ridiculous. <v Don>Totally Toe Tennies is starting a new crime wave. <v Diane>Thanks, Don. We'll keep our audience posted with more information. <v Nick>Did you hear that? <v Nicole>Yeah. I can't believe that. <v Mom>You all are not wearing those tennis shoes anywhere. <v Nick>Hold on, I got an idea. <v Nicole>Where are we goin'? <v Nick>You'll find out.
<v Nicole>[laughter] Hey why are you laughing? We're just trying to protect our Totally Toe Tennies. <v Boy>Didn't you know that Totally Toe Tennies are out of style? <v Boy>Fantastic For Feet are in. <v Nick>Wow! How much do they cost? <v Boy>They're only 900 dollars if you buy the regulars, but if you buy the <v Boy>ultralight man tested foil feet with accessories they're only 25000 dollars. <v Nicole>How'd you get the money for 'em? <v Boy>I sold my car. <v Boy>I ?hopped? my mom's mink red fur coat. <v Nicole>Are you thinking what I'm thinking? <v Nick>Yeah. <v Nick>[kids talking]. <v Nicole>Mom, mom guess what? <v Host>Well, what do you think? Is it like that? <v Girl>[laughter] [talking] Like a cycle. <v Girl>Never ending, keeps going. <v Host>Is any of it a ?inaudible?. I wonder about that. <v Host>I I have a concern as to the the price. <v Host>The amount of money that's involved in buying a single pair of tennis shoes. <v Host>And I think they really expose it well in this video and I I I have great
<v Host>concern about the violence that could accompany it. <v Kid>Yeah. <v Host>The violence is-. <v Girl>Something that for um the women, it's like the purses [laughs] <v Girl>[chatter] My birthday was not too long ago and I like already have every type of purse, I <v Girl>have 2 Guccis and all this stuff so I wanna Dooney and Bourke. <v Girl>Everyone now, I have to get a Dooney, I have to get a Dooney and my mom goes do you know <v Girl>that purse you want is $200 because you have every other purse now, what do you need <v Girl>another purse for? I can get you a Coach for 100 something just just you know, this <v Girl>is 30 and hold up. ?inaudible? up. No, I gotta have that little ?duck?. <v Girl>You know I gotta- [laughter] <v Girl>Guys have to have the right tennis shoes and girls, it's a purse a lot. <v Girl>Yeah got to have the right purse. [laughter] <v Boy>Also I don't think you would ever hear of one girl attacking another <v Boy>girl for her shoes. <v Speaker>?inaudible? <v Speaker>Girls just backstab. <v Girl>Girls do different things. [Girl: They talk about you more] You see guys attacking guys <v Girl>for tennis shoes. I think girls do much as they they stab at your heart. <v Girl>They stab whatever they touch.
<v Girl>[inaudible speech] I mean, I know I'm a girl. I mean you know, you see something you th- <v Girl>you think. <v Girl>[inaudible speech] Talk about the other person her back. <v Girl>[inaudible speech] Not necessarily take it away from them, but to hurt them. <v Girl>Well with the guys tennis shoes it's it's gone so far that the Nikes I know they leave <v Girl>the tag [Kids: Yeah] on the shoes [Kid: And if it's upside down] and it's not like a <v Girl>keychain. It's a big flashy thing with Nike and they just leave it dangling on a chain <v Girl>you're like so that's the first thing you see when you look down, Nike. <v Girl>[Boy: and their hats] and their hats. <v Host>I heard an interesting thing. I was literally in the shoe shop recently looking for some <v Host>new shoes and three real athletic fellows came in and they were clearly athletes and they <v Host>wanted everybody there to know it and I was running shoes and they came by and they said <v Host>to me uh to the area there they were talking for my benefit was uh [laughter] <v Host>Air Jordan Air Jordan and Magic Shoes. <v Host>And they started comparing who was a basketball player and so forth and take a little <v Host>stabs at each other and their favorite athlete. <v Host>And then one of them did say it was almost like a script, he said, you know, it's <v Host>really just a fad. We need to pull back. Just pull back and look at that.
<v Host>It's really just a fad. And uh is it? <v Speaker>[all agreeing]. <v Girl>If someone came to school and burlap was in and a lot of people wore it. <v Girl>[inaudible chatter] Everything is coming right back. <v Boy>Everyone is telling me bellbottoms are coming back and I'm like [laughter] no way. <v Boy>[inaudible chatter]. <v Speaker>When you think about it we're already, we're already on the track to hip huggers. <v Speaker>I mean, no ?inaudible? to soccer players or anything, but you look at a soccer player, <v Speaker>you wear your pants on your hips already on the road getting back into what- [laughter] <v Boy>I mean, you can remember back to I mean, I I feel sad to <v Boy>say this, but when Michael Jackson was in, I wanted the silver glove [laughter]. <v Girl>[inaudible speech] It wasn't even real leather, it was pleather [laughter]. <v Girl>And I had the fake leather jeans ?inaudible? My
<v Girl>mom took all the stuff to the Goodwill. <v Girl>And it was just kind of hard to part ?inaudible?. <v Girl>But all these things that we keep talking about are good examples of the same you know <v Girl>kind of concept as far as tennis shoes, every thing. <v Girl>You know, there seems to be this going in circles and everything eventually changes <v Girl>to something new. [Boy: Really-] and when we, you know, their younger brothers <v Girl>and sisters or whatever, they're they're gonna have things as they grow up that they have <v Girl>to have. <v Boy>It's not it's not like you're passing down either because they don't stay in style. <v Boy>[everyone agreeing] And they go out of style, then you have something that's not worth <v Boy>not worth the leather it's made out of. <v Girl>It's like, OK, fluorescent clothes. <v Girl>Remember when fluorescent was in. <v Girl>And now it's like ?inaudible?. <v Girl>That was 1980 [laughter]. <v Girl>?inaudible? fluorescent clothes. I think the only way we can really get rid of it is one, <v Girl>we need to stop, I mean, to start shopping for quality. <v Girl>And two, we need to become more, you know, at <v Girl>ease with yourself, more confident with yourself. [kids agreeing]
<v Girl>Everyone needs to be aware of what ?those are?. [TV static] <v Boy>I don't. I mean, I don't think you need designer clothes to be happy, but you know, I <v Boy>wear 'em and I want 'em. And so I mean, it's just I think um our society, <v Boy>and, you know, well, at least around here, you know, people really stress materialism <v Boy>and what you have and what you don't have. <v Boy>I think it's nice to wear good clothes ya know, fashionable. <v Boy>You know, you're supposed to be fashionable if you can. <v Boy>And think it's good, you know. <v Boy>But if you can't if you don't have it, you don't have the opportunity to to wear <v Boy>fashionable clothes. It's alright. <v Girl>Teenagers are beginning to base their self-image on what they wear or what they drive <v Girl>instead of who they are as a person. <v Girl>This pressure not only comes from their peers, but also advertisments and commericals <v Girl>that seem to state that if you don't buy their product, that you can't possibly be <v Girl>popular. <v Boy>Well I don't think clothes are important. Really, it's the person, the kind of person <v Boy>that's important. <v Boy>Well, it's really not important, but you <v Boy>just want to be by the crowd. You want to dress up like everybody else.
<v Girl>By the way, are those Bugle Boy jeans you're wearing? <v Gellibrand>Oh, please. You don't need tinsel tennies, fabulous foil feet or any other <v Gellibrand>name brand shoes to strut your stuff. <v Gellibrand>You can do it barefooted. <v Gellibrand>[shoes fall] [Man: Ouch!] Oh, sorry, if you know what I mean. <v Gellibrand>Well, the next video deals with a subject that is definitely risky business: <v Gellibrand>sexual relationships. <v Gellibrand>It's a serious dilemma and I'm sure you already know. <v Gellibrand>Does one just do it or not? <v Gellibrand>And how does one deal with the rumors? <v Gellibrand>Well, students at ?inaudible? high school in Owensboro added a bit of a twist to an old <v Gellibrand>story. This video is called Behind Closed Doors. <v Gellibrand>[TV static] <v Boy>[chatter] What are you doin' tonight? <v Boy>Oh I'm kinda kinda tired. <v Boy>I know this party we can go to <v Boy>know. <v Boy>Eh I don't know. <v Boy>Come on! I'll take you. <v Boy>I might go.
<v Boy>No don't give me that, give me some facts. <v Boy>I might go, I don't know. <v Boy>Oh, don't give me that. <v Boy>What time you want me to pick ya up? <v Boy>Oh, I guess about 7:30 or so. <v Boy>I'll be there. <v Boy>Alright. <v Boy>A party. <v Boy>[music playing] [people talking] Hey remember, look through the little hole before you answer the door. [music playing] <v Speaker>[kids shouting] ?inaudible? <v Girl>[kids shouting] Oh, hey, Jackson, what're you doing?
<v Jackson>Um nothin' much. <v Girl>Well how long you been in here? <v Jackson>Just like a couple minutes. <v Girl>Well do you know anybody down here? If you want to you can go upstairs or something? <v Girl>Why don't we go upstairs? I think there's some [Jackson: Why?] Well some of your friends are up there. You'll be more comfortable, <v Girl>I think. I think they're all in here. Let me go check this and see if they're in here. <v Girl>[knocks on door] Hey. Oh, my. I'm sorry. <v Girl>I'm sorry. This is the wrong room, I think they're down here instead. <v Jackson>Yeah. <v Girl>Huh I wonder where everybody went? <v Jackson>Well where is everybody? <v Girl>I don't know, they'll probably be back in just a little while. We can just stay in here for a little while. It's n- it's <v Girl>no big deal. I me- I don't mean anything by it or anything, let's just stay here for a little while. No big deal. [door shuts] <v Girl>?inaudible? <v Girl>?inaudible? <v Girl>?Nothin'?. <v Girl>Oh, my gosh y'all, did y'all hear about ?Joe's? <v Girl>party Saturday night? <v Girl>Yeah I went to it. <v Girl>I wasn't there, what happened? <v Girl>Oh my gosh, did you hear about Jackson and Kim? <v Girl>Yes they were up in Joe's parents' room all night long! <v Girl>No way! <v Girl>I swear to God, all night long [locker slams]. <v Girl>He's not like that though. <v Girl>I swear to god all night. <v Girl>Did y'all notice what happened at that party the other night? <v Girl>With Jackson and Kim? Y'all didn't notice what happened?
<v Girls>What happened? <v Girl>Well, where I was it sounds like when we were all down there in that party, then I went <v Girl>upstairs and I noticed that they went off in the bedroom together. <v Girl>No they didn't! <v Girl>Yeah they did! [girls chatter]. <v Girl>No I swear! [girls talking] <v Jackson>That's not what happened, OK, that's the problem with people like you, you're going out <v Jackson>s-spreadin' rumors, getting people in trouble. That's not what happened. <v Jackson>You don't know what happened. Don't be talking about stuff that you don't know what <v Jackson>you're talking about alright? <v Boy>?Get that game in today? <v Boy>It's been raining all day. <v Boy>And boys, I heard somebody playing some other kind of baseball <v Boy>using this Louisville slugger outside of the diamond! <v Boy>[boys cheering] <v Boy>Take 'em away kid! <v Boy>[boys hollering] Freak nasty! <v Boys>Ooh! Goin' off! [boys chattering] <v Jackson>Just shut up man you're just like all the rest, just like those girls talking that stuff, <v Jackson>you know? You don't even know what you're talking about. [Boy: Nah] I'm serious, man. <v Jackson>You don't [shoves him] talk about stuff like that OK? <v Jackson>If I'm gonna do somethin' like that, I'm gonna love the girl and I'm gonna wait 'til <v Jackson>marriage. <v Jackson>?inaudible? See y'all don't even know what you're talkin' about. <v Boy>Do you think you are the pope? <v Boy>But, maybe he's got a point.
<v Girl>Some schools are starting um sex education at a young age. <v Girl>We didn't have that. [Girl: Yeah I mean] I know you are. <v Girl>I mean, it's getting to the point now. I remember in 6th grade we had the little sex <v Girl>education thing, but when you think about it, when you get sex e- bleh sex education <v Girl>on a higher, higher level, you realize that you don't really know and it's too late to <v Girl>tell you all about sex when you're a senior in high school. <v Girl>It's just too late. You need to know about it and learn and grow with it, because as <v Girl>your body develops and starts to have these hormonal feelings, you need to know what they <v Girl>mean [chuckles]. <v Host>And Rebecca, what were you thinking with this? <v Rebecca>A lot of people think, well, I'll never get AIDS or something, that'll never happen to <v Rebecca>me. I'll never die I'm immortal. [laughter] <v Boy>Y- youth isn't really mortality. It's just um, it's <v Boy>just where you're growing. You know, people think that well since I'm young, I can do <v Boy>whatever I want and not be hurt. You know I can try drugs or I can try um sex <v Boy>and nothing will happen to me. <v Girl>I don't think anybody's never spoke. We've all sat in here and said the word sex.
<v Girl>And y'all sound so nasty. <v Girl>No one's talk talking anything about love and um being prepared. <v Girl>Being ready. Finding someone that I mean, 'cause some a lot of girls go <v Girl>well I love so and so. And they're like sixteen year seventeen years old and I'm like, <v Girl>how can you what is love? I mean, [Girl: How do you know what love is at that point?] <v Girl>[teens talking]. <v Boy>How do you find love? <v Girl>Well, love isn't just how you feel about someone sexually. <v Girl>It's I mean, it's it's a lot of other things you gotta take, you know, other things in <v Girl>perspective. It's like how you relate to someone. <v Girl>Love is being a friend, you know, friends with that person, being able to talk to that <v Girl>person. That person might be there for you. Love is not a sexual love because I love my <v Girl>friends, but not sexually. <v Girl>No one ever talks about love it's always sex. <v Host>I wanna go back to this reversal. <v Host>Uh uh here we have we have the girl pushing on the boy, you know. <v Host>Uh and then he's very concerned about his reputation. <v Host>We were talking sh- he was talking about the value of the girl's reputation as we've <v Host>always passed that kind of thinking. Damn, well, what about the boy's reputation?
<v Host>How you guys feel about that? <v Boy>Well it's just um a matter of how sensitive the guy happens to be. <v Boy>Um if he's real sens- ?inaudible? if he's real sensitive about it somebody else talking <v Boy>about him, and if um ya know it really gets on you real quick. <v Boy>If somebody says, well, he's done this in the ring with you, and if that really <v Boy>bothers you, then I guess that will make changes. <v Boy>Most guys I know would have taken it. [teens talking] <v Host>And you feel the real [teens agreeing] real strong pressure on you guys to have to to be <v Host>sexually active, to be involved, sexually active at parties and things. <v Girl>I think, you know, as we were talking about before. <v Girl>As far as, um, if you don't love someone enough to be able <v Girl>to wait until both people involved in the situation are ready <v Girl>to make that kind of commitment to each other, then you <v Girl>must not, I guess, love them enough. <v Girl>And it must not be the right thing to do. <v Girl>If you can't wait and both people feel comfortable in this situation then
<v Girl>I don't think it's it's the right thing. I don't think that's what you should do. <v Girl>Because it it is a matter of love and trust and friendship and a commitment. <v Girl>You're always taught it's supposed to be a beautiful thing. It's natural. <v Girl>I don't see how can be natural and beautiful if um you have to rush it. <v Girl>Uh, my mom's coming home in five minutes. [laughter] <v Girl>Put your pants on! [laughter]. <v Girl>Yeah, exactly! <v Girl>I think that's the way it happens with most most teenagers. <v Girl>They- <v Boy>While on the topic of parents, I think also having sex <v Boy>is also how your parents tell you about it. <v Boy>If they hush hush, it's something, oh, I should do this 'cause my parents say it's bad. <v Boy>But if your parents bring it out in an open way, think, well, it's something that'll <v Boy>happen when I want it to happen and when I feel it's right. <v Boy>And I think that's really what can affect in a big <v Boy>way just how your parents deal with the situation. <v Boy>That's just like [Boy: how they treat] ?inaudible? really, no matter how much you know <v Boy>about the more you know about something, the better decision you probably make.
<v Boy>If you haven't, I have no idea what's involved in sex. <v Boy>You don't know what you're gonna do. <v Host>Do you think it should be taught by the parents [Girl: Yes] or let the parents job be <v Host>taught by the school? <v Boy>I'd I'd say it's parents. <v Girls>It's both! <v Girl>It's a little bit. [teens talking inaudibly] <v Girl>Yeah, because there are some parents that won't talk. <v Boy>Yeah, I think there, I don't think we should rely on the parents of all students because <v Boy>some parents are gonna say, that's the devil, you know. <v Boy>[laughter] <v Girl>?Some? aren't gonna listen to their parents. <v Girl>Yeah, some need to hear it from someone else. <v Boy>And let's not let students resort to their friends for everything. <v Girl>Yeah I mean, relying on the parents takes too much ?inaudible? <v Girl>You're assuming that the parents are gonna be open and honest with their children. <v Girl>I mean, when my mother told me it was it was very open and honest. <v Girl>And if I'm going to do it I'm to go to her for birth control. <v Girl>And she's very honest. But I know some of my friends, you know, have no idea <v Girl>what they're getting into when they get into sex. <v Girl>And it scares me sometimes. Some of my friends. <v Girl>[TV static] The person girl, a boy actually to have sex, if you don't want to do it, <v Girl>don't do it. If they don't want you because you're not having sex with them, fine, find
<v Girl>somebody else. <v Girl>People think if you're on the pill, that it always works and you can't get pregnant. <v Girl>Well, that's not true. <v Girl>First time I had sex, I got pregnant. <v Girl>I was on the pill and the pill did not work. <v Boy>They got a saying where if you go out with somebody, there's a set amount of rules you <v Boy>have to do. You have to make out. You have to do this much. <v Boy>If you go to a party, you're probably gonna have sex depending on what kind of party it <v Boy>is. <v Girl>I don't think it's right because I think you should wait until after you're married <v Girl>because it's what's in the Bible and it's what God thinks is right. <v Girl>I think that sex is a part of life. <v Girl>And only you yourself know when you're ready and that people shouldn't judge <v Girl>you or tell you that you're a bad person. If you have sex before you're married. <v Boy>It's something like a male thing I guess with guys more it's hey, I'm a guy having girls <v Boy>in school. It's kind of silly. That's not what it's about. <v Boy>It's about love and respect. <v Girl>I was a cheerleader here at ?inaudible? County.
<v Girl>That was all I had for my future. <v Girl>I was planning on doing good with my grades and going on. <v Girl>I can still do that, but it does take a lot of responsibility <v Girl>on having a baby. <v Gellibrand>It's a scary thought, isn't it? Imagine gettin' pregnant when you're 16. <v Gellibrand>Well, that cheerleader found out the hard way. <v Gellibrand>Protection isn't always foolproof. <v Gellibrand>So whatever you do, be careful. <v Gellibrand>Well, our next video communique comes to us from the mountains of eastern Kentucky. <v Gellibrand>Students at Whitesburg High School got a bit of help from Apple Shop in puttin' this <v Gellibrand>piece together. What they came up with is a way to transport us beyond <v Gellibrand>the familiar, outside the boundaries of ordinary reality, <v Gellibrand>a place you just may know something about. <v Gellibrand>Come with me. <v Gellibrand>As we venture into the adolescent zone. <v Gellibrand>[Twilight Zone theme plays] <v Teen>Consider, if you will, two teenagers submitted for your approval.
<v Teen>Two teenagers searching for acceptance and self understanding in <v Teen>the adolescent zone. <v Dad>Hey! <v Boy>Yeah I'm over here. <v Dad>What are you doing son all stretched out on the bed? <v Dad>Well, I want you to give me that book a minute. Listen to me, why don't <v Dad>you make something out of yourself. Go don't you out and play ball? <v Dad>Football?[imaginary <v Dad>cheering] Do the best you can, but do more than what you're doing. <v Dad>OK? <v Boy>Uh huh. [Twilight Zone theme plays]. <v Boy>I'm gonna kill you ?inaudible?. I'm gonna kill you! [inaudible sports announcer] Hey man, I'm gonna kill you man! [cheering] [crashing] Hey, <v Boy>I think I killed you. [buzzing] I think I killed you. [inaudible announcer] [phone ringing] <v Girl>Hi.
<v Girl>This is she. <v Girl>Well, I've never really thought about being a cheerleader. <v Girl>Wow, a cheerleader. [harp] [music plays] <v Girl>What time ?now? ? <v Girl>OK. Bye bye. [hangs up phone] [Twilight Zone theme plays] <v Girl>It's real easy, I'll show you everything you have to do! <v Girl>[people talking]. <v Girl>One, two! [screaming] <v Girl>Oh, my God, can you even do a basket toss? <v Girl>?inaudible? <v Girl>Maybe <v Girl>it's not. [music plays]. <v Boy>?Inaudible? <v Boy>And the winner of the 1991 Nobel Prize for physics, ?inaudible?. <v Boy>[clapping]
<v Boy>Thank you. Thank you very much. [Twilight Zone theme plays] <v Teacher>All right, class, I want you to do this problem on the board from the time specified and <v Teacher>begin [students writing] and stop. <v Teacher>Okay. Who has an answer for us? <v Teacher>[students shouting me] <v Teacher>Uh Mr. Collins, I do believe it's your turn. <v Collins>I'm afraid I don't have the answer Mr. Money. <v Collins>[laughter]. <v Girl>You shoulda let me do it, I know the answer. <v Girl>[music plays] [You're The One That I Want plays] [Twilight Zone theme plays] <v Girl>[toilet flushing] [laughing] ?Hiding, huh? <v Girl>?How sick? <v Girl>Oh my god. <v Girl>Some
<v Girl>people just aren't cut out for it, I guess. <v Girl>They're not. [water running]. <v Boy>Hey ?inaudible? How are you doing? <v Girl>Fine. What are you doing here? <v Boy>Uh I thought maybe you could help me a little bit with our homework. <v Girl>Oh, sure, but I don't know what you study. <v Boy>I never did much, but I guess I'm going to try to figure things out about myself. <v Boy>I'd better start somewhere. <v Girl>Yeah, me too. <v Girl>It's on page 37, if you want to get started. <v Girl>[Twilight Zone theme plays] <v Girl>Somewhere between childhood and becoming an adult, when answers
<v Girl>are easy and questions leave doubt, many faced a problem of finding themselves. <v Girl>Realizing that satisfaction and confidence must come from inside <v Girl>through trial and error and self-examination, and not by being what others <v Girl>may see you as is a perplexing problem we must always be aware of <v Girl>in the adolescent zone. <v Boy>I think the best choice is be yourself. <v Boy>Don't be who other people want you to be. <v Boy>Just be yourself. [Girl: It's not easy.] Sometimes it's not easy, you know, but you <v Boy>just need to ignore any outside pressure, sort of links the <v Boy>other two videos we've seen about being pressured to have the shoes <v Boy>and pressured to have sex. <v Boy>I think you should just be who you want to be. <v Boy>Do what you want to do and let your own interests guide you. <v Boy>It's not easy to do. But if you can do that, then you're the best person you can be. <v Host>?inaudible? what were you saying?
<v Girl>Well, I was just saying it's um sometimes it's hard to find who you are, what what <v Girl>you think. I mean, you're influenced by so many things. <v Girl>You don't know what you really want sometimes. <v Girl>Sometimes it's hard to distinguish between what your friends want, what your parents want <v Girl>you to do and what you wanna do. <v Girl>And so you got to sort through all the things that are just jumbled around inside and <v Girl>figure out what you like and what you wanna do. <v Girl>Do you wanna be on the speech team or do you wanna play football? <v Girl>It's just, you know, you have to make tough choices [chuckling]. <v Boy>But really, that's what adolescence is for, to find yourself, to find what you wanna be, <v Boy>where you wanna go and what you wanna do, really. <v Boy>Um who you're goona hang around with, who your friends are gonna be. <v Boy>Um this is the time to change and find what you really are. <v Boy>I mean, if you did that when you were an adult it'd be a lot worse. <v Girl>I think people also have to learn that failure is good. <v Girl>I mean, it may not feel so great once it comes, but it prepares you for a lot of things <v Girl>because you're not always gonna be the most ?inaudible? <v Girl>person in a job. You're gonna have you're gonna have to come across a lot of things later <v Girl>on in life that you're gonna have to learn to get through them.
<v Girl>And what better enables you to do that is to have a lot of ups and downs when you're <v Girl>younger. Let it gradually get better. <v Girl>A lot of people feel, oh, life is gonna be good. <v Girl>I'm never gonna have to encounter death or this and that or not being able <v Girl>make ends meet and pay the bills. But I mean, some people maybe that may be true, but <v Girl>some time another, you're gonna come between a rock and a hard place and it's better to <v Girl>get 'em young, you know, before it's too late. <v Boy>If you don't have failure, how can you enjoy success? <v Girl>And failure makes you, I think, a stronger person overall. <v Girl>If you've been through ups and downs an- and everything I think when you do have <v Girl>things, better things happen to you. <v Girl>You do appreciate them more because you know what it's like to have bad things happen to <v Girl>you. <v Boy>And then when problems arise, it's easier to deal with them when you have some sort of <v Boy>experience and getting through them. <v Boy>It doesn't hit as hard. I think that's one of the problems with teens today, they they <v Boy>get straight A's all the way through school and then they get to college and then they <v Boy>realize that they're not gonna be [Girl: perfect] they're not gonna be perfect anymore. <v Boy>And this is why I think suicides are so common.
<v Girl>That sucked for me. Like in in junior high, it was real easy for me you know I really <v Girl>didn't have to study. I just ya know simply took a test and made an A on it ya <v Girl>know so natural but now I mean, you all are talking about it happening to you in college, <v Girl>but it's happening to me with the with the classes I'm taking. <v Girl>You know, they're hard and you know sometimes I just don't feel like studying [laughs] <v Girl>but you know [laughs] but now I have to to make the grades <v Girl>and, uh you know, so used to all As and and now it's just hard to accept <v Girl>it. <v Boy>It's not just it's not just studying like um he wanna be a football player. <v Boy>She wanna be a cheerleader. There's also the lifestyle. <v Boy>Along with those too, they're basically trying to find her niche <v Boy>in life and how they wanna, how they wanna be. <v Boy>[Girl: I think] and so big [sighs] decision. <v Girl>Growing up, it's also hard, though, because you do have a lot of pressures. <v Girl>I mean you have pressure from home, you have pressure from friends, you have <v Girl>pressure from yourself, um other family members, ya know maybe not even <v Girl>just your immediate family. And you want and teachers, you know, an- and you
<v Girl>wanna please all these people. An- and you can't always please everyone. <v Girl>But sometimes I think you really maybe try too hard to please everyone. <v Girl>An- and you really just need to worry sometimes about yourself and and what you need to <v Girl>do and the best thing to do for yourself. <v Girl>I think right now being a senior, this is the time. <v Girl>It's really hit me because [Girl: yeah], I was like, oh, I can't wait to my senior. <v Girl>I didn't know it's gonna be turnin' this application in on time. <v Girl>Do this as a deadline for this. And my mom tells me it's time for you to start taking <v Girl>more responsibility because, you know, in fall, I'm gonna be on my own basically. <v Girl>It's not gonna be wake up Sharee, you know, go here Sharee, do that, Sharee. <v Girl>It's it's gonna be all on me. No one's gonna be able to do anything for myself. <v Girl>My mom's not gonna be able to go in there and, you know, go through the application <v Girl>process to get me a job. My mom's not gonna be able to go to work for me. <v Girl>Mom's not gonna put well find my husband [laughs] ya know, and do all the things. <v Girl>And it's sad that a lot of parents put so much pressure <v Girl>on their kids because if instead of being pressured, they should, you know, <v Girl>work with them. You know, it should be trial and error, find what you can do.
<v Girl>And then when you find that one thing can do, you know, accelerate and do it the best you <v Girl>can. Instead of, you know, just being down on your self all the time and getting negative <v Girl>flack from your parents and everything. [TV static buzzes]. <v Girls>You don't have to keep an image. You can just be who you wanna be. <v Girls>I mean, um ?Anna and I? were cheerleaders and we don't go around acting <v Girls>like cheerleaders every day. <v Girls>Yeah, I did see. An- um I mean, you you need to be your own person. <v Girls>You can't be who everybody wants you to be or who you think everybody wants you to be. <v Boy>Peer pressure is there. But I think people always bl- blame their problems on peer <v Boy>pressure. That if you've got a problem, it's a lot <v Boy>easier to blame somebody else told to do something than it is to look at yourself <v Boy>and say, hey, maybe, you know, maybe I could've done something differently. <v Girl>You know, if you don't believe in yourself and what you do. <v Girl>I mean, a lot of things can happen. <v Girl>I mean, I think that's where abuse comes from. <v Girl>And, you know, like like drug abuse and, you know, problems in families and stuff. <v Girl>And people aren't satisfied with themselves.
<v Girl>So they go you know out looking in other places to find happiness. <v Girl>And you won't find it out there. You have to be happy with yourself. <v Boy>Someone wants you to do something like smoke and take drugs, commit a crime <v Boy>to be a part of the group. Well, maybe that's not your group. <v Boy>Never thought about that. <v Gellibrand>Well, you gotta admit, one good thing about the adolescent zone is that you pass right <v Gellibrand>through it. It's not something you're gonna get stuck in forever. <v Gellibrand>Woah, wouldn't that be frightening? <v Gellibrand>Well, anyway, the two main characters in that video began to realize that it's not always <v Gellibrand>necessary to fit into the picking holes that society constructs for us, <v Gellibrand>stereotypes or someone else's idea of who we ought to be. <v Gellibrand>We're free to create our own lives, right? <v Gellibrand>So why be normal? <v Gellibrand>This is American sign language for misunderstanding. <v Gellibrand>That's what our next video is all about. Misunderstandings, misconceptions, misgivings, <v Gellibrand>misjudgments and mis, whatever her name is... <v Gellibrand>meh. Seriously, when we have bogus ideas about other people, <v Gellibrand>we do run the risk of being prejudiced.
<v Gellibrand>We might project them on the basis of bad info. <v Gellibrand>While students at the Kentucky School for the Deaf and with a little help from Bate <v Gellibrand>Middle School students in Danville produced this video about unfair judgment. <v Gellibrand>You're gonna get it. And if you ever wondered how deaf people watch television, you can <v Gellibrand>read the open captions along with them. <v Gellibrand>[music plays] <v Heidi>Oh Brittany I don't know what I'm going to do! I still don't have a date for Friday's dance. <v Brittany>Oh, I forgot to tell you. Ross asked me today. <v Brittany>I'm so excited. Don't worry, Heidi. <v Brittany>Someone will ask you. <v Heidi>Look! Look over there. There's that cute new boy. <v Heidi>He's so cute. I wish I could go with him. <v Brittany>But didn't you know? He's deaf. <v Brittany>You can't go out with him. A deaf boy? <v Brittany>I mean, how would you communicate? <v Brittany>I've heard deaf people can't even read or write very well. <v Brittany>Maybe he reads Braille though. <v Heidi>He's not blind. Blind people use Braille. <v Brittany>And how could you go to a dance? He can't dance.
<v Brittany>He can't hear the music. <v Brittany>Look here he comes. What do we do? <v Heidi>Well, I guess we'll meet him. <v Anthony>Hi I'm Anthony Williams. [signing]. <v Heidi>I don't know, I'll have to think about it. Can I tell you tomorrow? <v Anthony>Okay. [signing] <v Brittany>How can you go to the dance with him? He's deaf. <v Brittany>I bet he can't even drive because he's deaf. Look it's Anthony! [books drop] <v Heidi>Yes! <v Heidi>Yes! I'd love to go to the dance with you. <v Anthony>Okay I'll pick you up at 7. <v Heidi>Okay! [car drives off] [door opens] Hi I'm home finally! <v Mom>How was your day? <v Heidi>Pretty good. Guess what?
<v Heidi>I got a date for the school dance. <v Dad>Well who is the lucky man? <v Heidi>Oh, Dad. Well his name's Anthony Williams. <v Heidi>And he's so cute. <v Heidi>And he drives a hot car. And he's deaf, too. <v Mom>I don't know Heidi, a deaf boy, what would your friends think? <v Mom>Besides, you could get it. <v Heidi>Get what? <v Mom>You know, you can get it. <v Mom>It's a disease. <v Dad>I agree. I don't think it's such a good idea. <v Heidi>Oh, really? Please! Don't be so old fashioned and close minded. <v Heidi>I told him I would go to the dance. And that's just what I'll do. <v Heidi>Become deaf? You'll see! <v Dad>[door opens] Hello. <v Anthony>What? <v Dad>[screaming] Hello! <v Anthony>Hello. <v Dad>Heidi! Your date's here. <v Heidi>Hi Anthony! <v Anthony>Wow! You look great.
<v Heidi>Thank you. <v Heidi>This is the sign for thank you? [signing]. <v Anthony>Yes. <v Brittany>Look, there's Heidi and her date Anthony. Did you know he's deaf? <v Ross>Deaf? What's Heidi doing with a deaf boy? <v Brittany>I don't know, let's go meet him. <v Brittany>Hi Heidi. Hi Anthony [shouting]. This is Ross. <v Ross>Hi. <v Ross>I've seen you before. Aren't you in my ?trig? class fourth period? <v Anthony>Yes, I've seen you too, nice to meet you. <v Heidi>Hey, you two don't have to yell and do all that stuff. Anthony can understand you and <v Heidi>read your lips if you just talk normal. <v Anthony>Excuse me, I have to make a phone call ?inaudible?. She's only 12. <v Brittany>How do you use a phone? <v Anthony>Come on. <v Heidi>Let's go see! <v Ross>Wow, that's cool! [music plays]. <v Heidi>I'm having a great time, you're a good dancer! How can you dance if you can't hear any music? <v Anthony>I can hear a little and I can hear the vibrations. <v Heidi>[music plays] Thank you. I had a great time.
<v Mom>Heidi, is that you? <v Dad>Heidi, we're talking to you. <v Mom>Heidi! Look at me. <v Dad>She can't hear us. <v Mom>Oh, no I knew this would happen. <v Mom>She got that boy's deafness! <v Heidi>Oh mom and dad. <v Heidi>Really, I didn't get his deafness. <v Heidi>You can't get it. As a matter of fact, I had a great time and learned a lot. <v Heidi>We're all people, you know. <v Dad>What's that? <v Heidi>I love you. <v Host>What's the bigger issue here? <v Girl>Prejudice. [teens in agreeance] <v Girl>What I didn't like though is that they always call him the deaf boy. <v Girl>Instead of calling him by name, I mean, that's-. <v Girl>But that's what people really do. <v Girl>Right. That's very true. But-. <v Boy>You can go back and you can put other races. <v Boy>Black boy, you could put others. <v Boy>I mean, black boy's what I hear, you know, just from from the past
<v Boy>[Boy: yes] is what I've heard. <v Boy>I think prejudice for the most part all goes back to education again. <v Boy>I mean, what you know about AIDS. <v Boy>I mean, if you know that you can't get AIDS just by touching someone. <v Boy>I mean, or like being near them. If you know that you can't just get deaf by being around <v Boy>someone, the more you know, the less likely to be prejudiced you are. <v Girl>Well, it's not just based on on the ignorance, though. <v Girl>It's also based on I think it makes people feel better to think, <v Girl>well, yeah, OK, we'll put them down. We'll alienate them. <v Girl>Makes me feel better because I'm not like them. <v Girl>[boy speaks inaudibly] And yeah, you're building yourself up so you know you're not like <v Girl>them. So you're better. And it just makes your self confidence more. <v Girl>You build yourself up by putting others down other than, you know, developing your own <v Girl>personality and making yourself feel good that way. <v Girl>I think a lot people use a shield. Well, OK, speaking in the black white <v Girl>prejudice, a lot of white um people say, well, I'm prejudice. <v Girl>Well, you know, you gotta expect that from him.
<v Girl>His grandfather was that way. His father was that way. <v Girl>Once you get a certain age and you lose your age of innocence, which is, what, 9 years <v Girl>old, 10 years old, you just gotta be able to think for yourself. <v Girl>I'm still a junior in high school. <v Girl>People need to start making decisions for their own self, because if you cut me and you <v Girl>cut her, we're still gonna bleed the same color. <v Girl>And that's the way I see it. Ignorance um prejudice is a sign of ignorance. <v Host>The parents in this uh, as we saw this this little video, the parents <v Host>were the ones who had the problem dealing with the reality of it. <v Girl>I think it's good that she went against her parents wishes. <v Girl>You know, sometimes it's not right. <v Girl>But in this case, I think it was because her parents were ignorant, as we all said-. <v Girl>I think she proved a point to them also, though, like you were saying, because <v Girl>she came home and she wasn't deaf. <v Girl>I mean, that's proving a point to your parents that that that's ridiculous. <v Girl>You know, it's it's not. <v Girl>And I think in a way, like Sharee was saying, um when you're all born, <v Girl>that when you're little, when you when someone says, go tell <v Girl>so-and-so this and you say, well, who so-and-so?
<v Girl>You don't say the black one or the white one. <v Girl>When you're 3 years old [Girl: You don't really care about it ya know], you're gonna say the girl with the <v Girl>yellow ribbon, the girl with the blue shirt. You're not gonna say the black one, the <v Girl>white one, the deaf one, the cute one, the ugly one, you're all equal when you're young. <v Girl>[TV static] <v GIrl>I feel the prejudice is a problem here, our school, although it's not a major issue, <v GIrl>but, you know, there will al- be always be prejudice as long as the human race exists. <v Girl>Hi. I speak to you about racism. <v Girl>I don't think that you should um feel either superior or just <v Girl>less superior because of the color of your skin, because everybody <v Girl>practically in this world has different color skin. <v Girl>There's there might not even be two people that have the same color skin in this entire <v Girl>world. <v Boy>And it's not only a problem in our school, but a problem across the country and <v Boy>everywhere. And prejudism hurts everybody, not just the people <v Boy>that are prejudiced or that are being that are people that are <v Boy>prejudiced against. But it hurts everybody. <v Girl>I think prejudice is totally unfair.
<v Girl>And even I mean, most people think prejudice is black, white, Hispanic, Puerto <v Girl>Rican, but it's also boy girl age. <v Girl>I remember one time I always um declined a job because I was too young <v Girl>and I thought it was totally unfair. <v Girl>But for some point of view, it is fair. <v Girl>But it just prejudice. <v Girl>Totally unfair. <v Gellibrand>Well, if anyone got it in that video, you're gonna get it. <v Gellibrand>I hope it was the parents and I hope they've learned to be a little more understanding <v Gellibrand>of people who are different from themselves. <v Gellibrand>And that's for that video. Well, this is sign language for applause. <v Gellibrand>Our final video on this edition of TRTV is about teenagers who are taking control of <v Gellibrand>their lives. Yes, students at Louisville Dupont Manual High School <v Gellibrand>have looked into this story. Not surprisingly, they came across a few teens, <v Gellibrand>a bit out of control, but found a lot more students who are clearly on top of things <v Gellibrand>working to reach their goals.
<v Gellibrand>Also, one of the most flipped out anchorpersons you've ever, <v Gellibrand>ever seen. Let's watch. <v Gellibrand>You've got the power. <v Gellibrand>[music plays]. <v Anchor>Hi! Something's happening in America today, something which, of thanks to the direction <v Anchor>teens are heading. <v Anchor>In 1988 the reported illegal use of marijuana among high school seniors was <v Anchor>33.1%. Yikes! And in 1987, almost 5000 <v Anchor>teenagers committed suicide. <v Anchor>Come on! Often teens are classified as mere statistics, but these are the 90s <v Anchor>and it's time for some changes.
<v Anchor>It is no secret that teens are under a lot of pressure. <v Anchor>There's always someone telling us just say no or to remain celibate. <v Anchor>They blame all these things on peer pressure. [scoffs] I wouldn't have gotten ?inaudible? <v Anchor>if it wasn't for that party. <v Anchor>I wouldn't have gotten pregnant if he hadn't pressured me into [laughs]. <v Anchor>Ha, isn't using peer pressure just an excuse? <v Anchor>I hear adults say, teens are our future and children are the best time <v Anchor>capsules we have. You know what? <v Anchor>They just might be right. <v Anchor>Teens are the future so why don't we take control and model our lives in a positive <v Anchor>direction? If I don't wanna get pregnant, then I won't. <v Anchor>If I don't wanna get drunk, then I won't pick up that bottle. <v Anchor>I am a teen. I wanna take responsibility for my actions. <v Anchor>I am in control. But these teens here lost control of their lives. <v Anchor>[music plays] <v Cop>You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in
<v Cop>a court of law. You have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford one. <v Cop>The court will appoint one to-. <v Anchor>The good news is not all teens have turned to more irresponsible action. <v Anchor>They are still those that have chosen a way of life that meets their personal means. <v Anchor>These teens are on the control track of life. <v Anchor>They are moving in a positive direction. <v Anchor>Listen! <v Speaker>[music plays] <v Girl>I basically make my own decisions. <v Girl>I do what I want to do if I don't want to do something, I don't do it. <v Girl>And I won't let somebody talk me into it. <v Girl>And if I do wanna do it, well, then there's nothing that's gonna stop me. <v Boy>I try to keep control of my life by setting priorities and <v Boy>following what seems right at the time. <v Boy>It usually works, so. <v Girl>People when people say that I can't do something that really motivates me to just to <v Girl>prove people wrong. <v Boy>I only control my life, uh but I uh get help. <v Boy>I rely on uh God to help guide me the way when I need it.
<v Boy>It's not that I don't have any choices or anything. <v Boy>I do have a choice. I but I simplify 'em. <v Boy>Uh God says ?in case he? goes uh if you're not with me you're against me and uh I'm with <v Boy>him. <v Girl>Peer pressure doesn't doesn't bother me. <v Girl>I believe in myself. I don't. <v Girl>I don't do what other people tell me what to do just because it sound good. <v Boy>My prayers motivate me and help me keep focused on my goals, by keep pushing me and <v Boy>showing me in the right direction. Also, teachers and good friends show me the right way <v Boy>also. <v Girl>I feel like I'm in control because of things that I do outside of school, programs that I <v Girl>have attended, being drug alcohol free, and religion, an' knowing <v Girl>who I am, what I wanna do, not being easily influenced and <v Girl>being able to help other people out with their problems. <v Speaker>Hey, setting goals, proper motivation, positive thinking are just some of the things <v Speaker>which teens offering <v Speaker>eachother solutions to the problems teenagers face today. <v Speaker>Your lives are what you make of them and it is being in control that will make you a
<v Speaker>success. You got the power. <v Speaker>[music starts] <v Host>Whaddya think? <v Boy>I agree with ?them?. <v Host>Do you? <v Boy>[laughs] It's just it's all a matter of um I guess a state of mind um. <v Boy>What you let other people how you let other people influence you? <v Boy>Um if you let somebody really get to you and um really bother <v Boy>you, you know, the more the more will bring you down to just, you know, you need to keep <v Boy>everybody at a good distance so that, you know, you have you're always in control, <v Boy>'cause soon as you let somebody else take control there they don't really care what <v Boy>happens to you. <v Boy>I think teens know pretty much what they're what they're doing before they do it. <v Boy>I mean, sometimes we get caught in a cycle which we're not used to or something. <v Boy>But I think we pretty much know most the facts.
<v Boy>And I think that we have control over what we do and when we do it. <v Boy>And I kind of feel that we do use peer pressure as an excuse <v Boy>to why we did things and maybe abuse it. <v Boy>Something I don't like is parents somehow bribing people to <v Boy>just motivating them. I don't think that's really right. <v Boy>You should want to do it yourself or you just don't do it. <v Boy>I mean, things like, well, if you do this, we'll give you lots of gifts. <v Boy>If you get good grades or if you don't do well, we'll ground you till your dead <v Boy>[laughter]. [Girl: What's gonna happen when you get to college, then if that's what <v Boy>everybody says], I mean, that's a way of motivating you. <v Boy>But it's not really correct. <v Boy>I mean, you should want to do it yourself. <v Girl>You need to have that internal motivation-. <v Girl>You need to reward yourself when you know, when you get in a situation, say you're with a <v Girl>bunch of friends and they're drinkin' and they give you the bottle, it's your decision <v Girl>it's your motivation. OK, you can say, I can give myself a gift. <v Girl>I can not get addicted to alcohol.
<v Girl>I can stay drug and alcohol free. That can be your gift. <v Girl>It doesn't have to be five dollars for every A or five dollars for every drink. <v Host>Sharee. <v Sharee>Oh, thanks. <v Host>Go ahead. [laughter] <v Sharee>It's just like the old saying goes, um you are the master of your own fate. <v Sharee>The captain of your own vessel. And I l- I mean, I really live by that. <v Sharee>If no one's gonna do it for me, Sharee's gonna have to go do it on her own. <v Sharee>I mean, it's gonna always be like that. <v Sharee>No one's gonna pay you to come to work every day. <v Sharee>You you come where you get fired, ?inaudible? <v Sharee>I mean, that's the way it goes in life. <v Sharee>The school system and that's really sad that it has... <v Sharee>And it starts at home. I mean, I think 99.9 percent of things <v Sharee>starts from parenting. And it starts at home. <v Sharee>If your parents never taught you to go out and do, you know, do the best you can. <v Sharee>I've never gotten money for grades because I knew if I didn't make it great, something <v Sharee>was gonna happen. I mean- [laughter] <v Girl>My mom never said you know, she'd ground me or anything. It was just she was so calm <v Girl>about it. You know, I guess because she, it wasn't that she expected me <v Girl>to do well [Girl: Her support made you want to do great].
<v Girl>Yeah it wasn't really pressure behind it. <v Sharee>It was always what my mom said, it's not me who's gonna have to be held back. <v Sharee>And, you know, held back a year [laughter] or me, you know, everything is gonna <v Sharee>pay off in the long run. <v Host>Maybe as a final thought here, as we kind of come to the to the closing times, what <v Host>how do you get that across? We all see it. We agree. <v Host>We see it today. How do we make all of our friends see that? <v Girl>Make sure it's OK I think for people to know they should be proud of what they do. <v Girl>Everyone needs a pat on the back from time to time. <v Girl>And I think us as friends, you know. <v Girl>You know, you hear a lot of adults telling you this. <v Girl>But I think friends I interact with friends kind of helps it <v Girl>also on a peer level. <v Host>I wonder how many people ever sit down and talk like we do today. <v Host>[laughter]So they haven't very often. <v Boy>Probably like, between close friends. <v Boy>Yeah. [teens in agreeance]. <v Boy>Not as often as this. [chatter] <v Girl>Not in groups like this. [chatter]. <v Host>?inaudible? [laughter] But we would all agree that that communication factor is what <v Host>probably has held back so many things.
<v Girl>If you can't communicate with people, you can't you can't learn. <v Girl>And if you don't learn anything, you'll never learn that you do have the power. <v Gellibrand>Well, that about [snaps] wraps up the program. <v Gellibrand>But just remember, you too have got the power and you can use <v Gellibrand>it to make it through the adolescent zone, even if you don't have a pair of Totally <v Gellibrand>Toe Tennies ?inaudible?, I was your TRTV M.C. <v Gellibrand>Wubba wubba wubba always good bye and God bless. <v Gellibrand>Thanks a lot for joinin' us. And don't forget, keep on makin' it totally rad. <v Gellibrand>[theme music plays]
- Program
- Totally Radical Teenage Videos
- Producing Organization
- Kentucky Educational Television
- Contributing Organization
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- KET - Kentucky Educational Television (Lexington, Kentucky)
- cpb-aacip-359-203xspn2
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-359-203xspn2).
- Description
- Program Description
- "As part of the spring PBS outreach campaign aimed at teenagers, KET asked five high schools in different parts of the state to make short videos dealing with some [of] the key issues facing teenagers. High school students in Louisville, Ft. Knox, Owensboro, Whitesburg and at the Kentucky School for the Deaf chose the following topics: consumerism, sex, prejudice, peer pressure and self-image. Among their titles are 'The Adolescent Zone,' 'Totally Toe Tennies,' 'You're Gonna Get It,' 'You've Got the Power,' and 'Behind Closed Doors.' KET staff made several visits to each of the five schools to conduct workshop sessions on scripting, [shooting] and editing. MTV veejay Downtown Julie Brown was hired to host the show from a television wasteland set. Others features of the program include lively discussions of each video by a group of students on the set, and a variety of 'student-in-the-hall' interviews conducted by high school students all over the state."--1991 Peabody Awards entry form.
- Broadcast Date
- 1991-05-06
- Created Date
- 1991
- Asset type
- Program
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:59:50.120
- Credits
Distributor: KET
Producing Organization: Kentucky Educational Television
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-9666649cf0c (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 00:58:00
KET - The Kentucky Network
Identifier: cpb-aacip-2fcea4291da (unknown)
Format: video/mpeg
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Totally Radical Teenage Videos,” 1991-05-06, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, KET - Kentucky Educational Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 25, 2025,
- MLA: “Totally Radical Teenage Videos.” 1991-05-06. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, KET - Kentucky Educational Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 25, 2025. <>.
- APA: Totally Radical Teenage Videos. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, KET - Kentucky Educational Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from