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so you a lot lower a bunch of the relevant stuff off on a legendary well i guess you'd say it was an inability to master mathematics in the eye i think as i think for a lot of the groups that it you don't occur you didn't agree the ridge books are written by real normal regular that's not a possibility so but i've done very poorly when i finally got the college board uncovered some of the job that i hadn't done well on the morning after when i came along my letter to my mother and when i was i want a cup of decorations and we've got badly wounded him and so the daily oklahoman didn't feature about me based on my movies letters of red idaho my mother said this woman one of welcoming and i do a solo concert my mother was living in a in a rooming house in i was the landlady was let me sleep on the sofa but i dont care reform was shot down
so what's a nice guy she told me that i should be a rider say she sets the monitor schoeffler formed so i thought well why not me mom my cousin or my best friend had legal to be a doctor the surgeon had gotten parties and shut off on on open obviously so he was back and it with a baby aspirin once a human as a way to you know where you going to be a surgeon in more one handed surge if he had known mainly would you have us and i think i'll be a writer i'll be almost a journalist he literally to say that aren't we both well so we both want the teacher seoul they're really good and author and on but it didn't occur to me for a long time the return of the tent thinking about my wife alicia tony for good good
with five kids you said you've been a good now here now so we quit their job at santa fe line of a part of commercial life to the study chaucer milton more imports shakespeare the people i never really had a mother so i don't know how well it enters the question there is a wonderful picture has even support and how would you say any not even think of authors we got married in nineteen forty eight only in our eighth floor in advance of your show when i was a senior visual she and mr bob my second or third day the border with border in effect that i was
in canada there was almost they're all yeah we've been very supportive in more ways than one one she knows that you don't have to have a lot of money to me and so i was never under any pressure to make money and they raised us a cafe maria teresa and i said i'm not sick you know how much money we're making now she did all you know she would read for some and five a murdoch and when we were down there they try to put this into a bit of water and then we because of the sad case about this little boy do we end of wind up in him to find the first one or oldest daughter was it was bordering
mr roth yes my wife marie was was never was one of people who was well aware of all of that having money been having pain do with the unhappy and so there's never any pressure to make money she was always preferred having to do what i enjoy doing them so she can one day she said if you're going to do it you better do it now and so we i resigned from the job i hadn't climbed up for a kind of universal actually been studied literature and yeah she's always been very supportive to reach must often told me when she thinks it's good and healthy when she thinks it's and for an
extremely supportive all the story's an appropriate jennifer of albuquerque journal northern or the militia who live in santa fe leon oldest son is a work for american airlines visa he's a mechanic at their alliance plant with a picture they're big they're bigger jets my next door is on children who are much older and my only children's book she's a super mom raised fears of three grandchildren three children who are great key is fastened my next or for drones my next border is again a housewife she listens and in san antonio for border and my youngest son is a pharmacist work for they used to work for the medical center hospital in
years to john yoo i don't think so i don't think there were think about been about the family never and there was a moment when i rolled up to understand that that well we just a matter of him supportive barrow we wanted to have children we had our first daughter in and we couldn't have anymore so we started adopting kids and then didn't stop it we had that happen even half dozen children not much money were you don't you know what you need money for them it's great to have all be married to a woman who understands that absolutely most pressure the us rich or
socially acceptable within the law and that's a lot of charges i feel great about the sport a tumor he said you know you always want to a big spacious office say we're in the oval room and place for your job as always are looking with a house we had we tried it with no way to remodel it was i didn't have the insulation it was always cold and that though we're past we like to refer to twenty seven years but anyway so we we try to find a half we remark bill finally said we found this acre lot of us that we just build one and we did it and i don't like i also like quiet or so everybody was beginner books were beginning to really sell well and everybody knew our address then and so you couldn't any word on the cause of people dropping in la they are people who want a
view of tiller for time at him that other people you know and so we one recent week kind of your own twist to get away from that it isn't the case and a lot of mormon country helen country came out of a powerful friendship between mild or barney and i'm older brother jim eliason would work you know it was before the story died when we were boys are dead bodies awful eighty acre farm it was totally a pay twelve hundred dollars for eighty eight and the visionary fences on it and so barney and i spent the winter before he went into the air force forward to digging post holes and stretching wire an end early it we and joy that and he taught me a lot of philosophy and we never have been lately we
came out of this war over iran we couldn't operate for many more we could make a living on it and we was one school that he went in geology and i went into journalism and we'd never ever had a chance to work together and he could be anna jarvis became a photographer so we saw a way to work together and then we did and was falling away lot of fun but it also reminds younger brother that you never quite been younger brother because he took charge of the book i thought i would end up probably for the best but anyway it was that's how it happened then the senate would probably she died and so we get a decision you don't only i wrote protesting the development of a propeller excellent people with the years the state of
the region most of the ski racer well you certainly have had a lot of experience writing nonfiction i've written about is much maybe more nonfiction section of homework of this was published i've written all sorts of that very long pieces a whole big part of photos in coffee table books i've written blog book reviews and forwards in a production will be high like write nonfiction better than many ways given fictional icons both are quite different like the change of pace right now is a really good note on really short story for an anthology another there are either three thousand word look at the level of revolution of detective fiction vision of america i'm your characters you see it and then i later
read a sequence for a weak and not there when he discover he has alzheimer's and then the tenderness with which you write about that was that hilarious the area is in your characters in a typical detail that compassion is the word that would be probably used to the way you write about someone i'm interested in people and then the character of represent people and then illegal when you really get to know people and understand what why did you tend to like them even people who start off like a real church where you also you can understand why the first visit where ya i feel compassion for people let's face it it's a it's a hard thing to do it's a hard row that could get through life from beginning day and and a lot of playing along the way and disappointments our own frustration and a few so many people don't have a
religious faith they don't believe that they don't understand that their children of god's so to speak in and that god loves them and if you don't have that lean on it's even harder and for a lot of the ansari i feel compassion for people including my characters who's us and represent people and i'm just blown over the way the reason people meet you is far beyond simply the fact you're putting out to capture along with it gets much more than that a big part of it is that compassion that i love to read about people myself and he should be writing i would not want
to write that agatha christie construct for this is the amount of sort of bugs where you simply focus on it truly to enjoy a book i have to care about the characters myself when i read the work i just simple i just recently got a book from a lot of the second coming you know reader's edition of he wanted a secular modern this guy could really write with his character he was at his character was kind of person that i would have the test that i really one of like this guy at all i'm sure i'm in boston are probably was modeled after that i wrote that he considered a sympathetic character but not for me so i didn't i just put it down after all you know my editor would meet or even plug in the muck of the book i think a reader needs to care about the character we care
ok western riding i didn't bother it a little bit about the very fact that we're talking about western it i hate what anything and more organized this great country the car tremendous strength in america's always been we didn't do that we didn't separate people out and i grew up in of homeowners to lead when segregation was still on the land and i hated it and now i hate to see the leaders of minority groups preaching to return to segregation to balkan they want to you know they would balkanized this country separate soften the croats and serbs and hispanics and whites and blacks i don't like it i think of wrong i think it's a social i think of those are really motivated frankly by russian attack on people's racial bias self interests of
leaders of minorities anyway so i don't like any kind of separation of balkanize much like a modernization i would i would like to see our border with canada are bored with mexico treated exactly alike you know we're all humans in this but it's tough enough without dividing us up into categories and my cosmos to look on each other's victimhood uno pressures i don't know all that i would still if it's a legitimate title given what we were talking about earlier there there is a ups tendency on the part of the establishment to consider as a region it's kind of wearing away i think with a fact so many mainstream writers some of the
movers and shakers american literature not from the eastern urban centers are from small town americans for yourself in the city you know the company's more than journalism a lot will dr wittmann hemingway faulkner you don't have it on a new york originally whitman was long island with the survey was never been a city you know well i don't like to see them but if you're gonna discussed in the context of what you're doing here right now you're here you're looking at the desert reserve is a reason for this the portman was eight and and i think there's some
evidence or there is some we categorize find his academic staff to do you find or is a difference between eastern and western riding and partly urban and particle of other things but for his carbon region of the nature people populate the west williams they all they went and tried to make a fortune another rich southern borders ransom them riding the religion of all of our show let's do it when a very badly run bank but we'll play the game saw the best was important is that as a racial ethnic divisions of thing that has their seriously damaging could be
we don't know all this is the book my brother bonnie and i did together
just before he died a little bit from about ten in the shelling i have a weakness for empty places even in the busiest summer season when yellow guys are bringing tourist from park headquarters in the required four wheel drive vehicles when kenyan bottom farmers are working their fields and one ers are moving their flocks it's still easy enough to find silence and solitude in the can but if you share my taste for isolation late summer has brunner ideal time activists alike to climb down from the ruined you know if i want to climb down from the remote i'd like to climb down from the ramp the white house through once they got my shoes and socks and supply for the shallow water to the cottonwoods of the cliff dwelling the sandstone cliffs soar into war despite the ruins same a
small is a dollhouse and other non the strain faded on the tough part because of desert varnish that stain the sandstone for the pick the grass the work of basket maker on the saws in hopi and navajo you wander on the clips finding abstractions lakes words than with a favorite worst shame and figures plan symbols rows of dawson circle dots the familiar shape of coca kelly playing his flute a fault a large mammal arms race in supplication a mountain goat impaled by alliance i think these are messages left for us that we've forgotten how to read the cliffs remind me of how little space i occupy the picked aggressive how little time and you could see all
deposits government going through the book it's very close to march because my brother barney and i was also with my best friend did it with me just before he died all read a passage from and relating to kenyan dishes and these days the day and roma worked in summary yes that's right only through an even shiites than an eagles are we have forty year republican has going for
it is at any time will come from republicans with coca cola i can think with good smoothly than we think in the forecast is completely same court appellate it will compel the same the same coca cola figure i mention in kenya to share a liar i've also seen the hundreds of miles to the north in the setting of another book in a canyon that flows down into the san juan river here is a passage from the book which
describes a about to be victimized crime victim show from a real mystery our packs and of the water on the shadow of the walker made a strange elongated ship sometimes it suggested herron sometimes moralistic for forms of an ounce of depicted an animated pick to get his arms moving rhythmically is a shadow drifted across the sand sometimes when ago kobe and put the walkers profile it's going to move again you know and it just has a year sometimes when a girl curled at the walker show we became coca cola himself
again sometimes with a goat trail then the walkers shadow became coca cola himself the backpack form the spirits grotesque on a walking stick court appellate court had fluid scene from above the shell would've might've navajo believe that the great yay it's more than plans called war fighter could take invisible form if a maasai have risen from eight thousand year grave in the trash heap of the cliff ruins here he would have seen a humpback flute player the rowdy god of fertility of these lost people but the show was only the shape of dr eleanor no no alana pack center to watch the shadow of a walker made a
strange elongated ship sometimes it's a just a hair and sometimes one of those stick figure forms of anonymous saw the picture an animated picture gets on the movie rhythmically as a shadow drifted across a sand sometimes when to go kill them and put the walkers sometimes when a goat trail then the shuttle became coca cola himself the blackouts and whispers motors company a walking stick local polish cricket flute seen from above the shell would've might've navajo believe that the radio a northern plant called watergate burglar had taken visible form if a maasai and risen from its thousand year gravy a trashy fun of the difference here you would have seen a humpback flute player a rowdy god of fertility of these lost people but the show was only the shape of dr eleanor free number now blocking out the line is always really
witty brain dr freedman were now arrested now if you stop the war above are the clutter of shaped than stick figures abstractions the inevitable coca telling his lampshade band his full point almost at the ground the heroine flying hair and standing the zigzag than the pigments representing a steak where we found him and you found in everywhere the spanish people cart and painted their spirits but says attorney for preferred care come out wherever you found him and you found in everywhere these vanished people carbon painted their spirits into the cliffs of the southwest of cow awkward wherever he found in the propeller where he found coca paley and you found him everywhere
these various people carbon painted their spirits of the cliffs of the southwest where every found in and you found in everywhere these venues people carved and painted their spirits into the cliffs is southwest coca kelly look about the same his comeback figure was supported by stick legs thick arms held a straight line to his tiny round and they can making him seem to be playing a clarinet the flute might be pointed down or ahead otherwise or the variation of it was to pick except here here corporate tally was on his back with a flute from point it's got word of the day here call capelli was lying on his back flip point skyward fb
Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest
Raw Footage
Interview with Tony Hillerman, Tape 12
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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Interview with author Tony Hillerman.
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Raw Footage
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Interviewee: Hillerman, Tony
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-08e9ccfc86f (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
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Chicago: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Interview with Tony Hillerman, Tape 12,” 1993, SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 7, 2024,
MLA: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Interview with Tony Hillerman, Tape 12.” 1993. SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 7, 2024. <>.
APA: Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Interview with Tony Hillerman, Tape 12. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from