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If you go to public domain. Tonight at 8 0 2 inventors take to the water off the shores of
Milwaukee at a dose of art market and covers a rather tasty close encounter. Bennett day 15 will look at the problems of children at risk. Followed by the fascinating story behind this sign at age 22. And if it's not a toe to where you are you're watching a rebroadcast of on TV. The challenge to build a boat that can reach a speed of 20 knots that's about 23 miles an hour for 100 meters. It's certainly in the cards for the trip. The boat must be powered by a person. One person. One. The reward in the Dupont human powered water speed competition is twenty five thousand dollars. It goes to the first crew that hits 20
knots by the end of 1992. I think the chance about in 50/50 that it will be one. But that's easier said than done. Well the 20 knot goal is theoretically possible. It was intentionally set to push the limits of engineering technology. Having been one of the choosers I thought it was a brilliantly wise thing we thought it would be just a stretch that could just be done or just not done right around there and that's the best kind of goal. To have. So with the gauntlet tossed designers and riders got to work. The idea is very simple. Above the wings underneath. Hydrofoil. Wings fly under water or the bottom. It was so based. On the complete if these honkeys
out of the water so. You don't have to drive all pontoons driving. When you get up on the highway when your center of gravity is much higher and so the whole stability piece isn't actually gets put back. At this competition in Milwaukee. In. Which both fly. And which ones don't. Own. This boat called the flying fish to hold the world speed record a record its rider intends to break though. That's what I'm shooting for. This one is closing in. We have seconds we have that whole second the second I hopes people can spend years working on these boats and the reasons are as varied as the designs to set records here.
Races compete with the just as far as I'm concerned is to make it easy to ride so it's fun to do. But I think it's great for the students to have the ability to apply a lot of the analytical skills that they've learned throughout their coursework and applied to real world engineering problems and stuff like that. You want to go fast on the one plane. Pretty simple that that was our idea. No one reached 20 knots with flying fish to set a new world record at fifteen point four five knots. Sit in Steve's boat is still in second but there's a year to keep trying for a year for someone to achieve what's never been done before. Twenty knots by combining technology and human powered. Stay tuned for more on TV.
Presentation of on TV programming is made possible in part by a grant from the Miller Group Ltd companies headquartered in Appleton Wisconsin. Worldwide manufacturers of arc welding and thermal spray equipment. Because of all the hubbub over the winter spring season people usually associate the sturgeon in Wisconsin with Lake Winnebago. But as it turns out there are sturgeon all over the state. They're even supposed to be a couple of five and six foot long sturgeon here in squad bay just off of Madisons Lake Manila. They may even be reproducing here. What follows is a report on some people who are trying to learn more about the lifestyles of these other sturgeon around the state to better ensure their future in waters that have been less than hospitable in the past. The Menominee River divides Wisconsin from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
the Menominee Indians believe its mouth was the place the creator chose into the earth. But today something else is going to happen to excite these waters and it's going to involve sturgeon. Sturgeon unchanged for epix fish that for their unique physiology might as well be from another planet. Fish that are about to have an encounter with the late 20th century humans. The humans have come in boats bearing insignia of Wisconsin and Michigan Department of Natural Resources carrying generators and dragging wires that will pump about 200 volts of electricity into the water. Under the surface that they should feel a tingling. Then a temporary stunning force. They face the realization that they have met the other species. Face to face. When humans report contact with an alien species it's not uncommon for them to
contend they became unconscious and then awoke to suspect the aliens had conducted some sort of experiments on their bodies. That is exactly what is going to happen here. I'm sure Fred been Koski a sturgeon expert of some renown from UW Milwaukee and a veterinarian I think Dr. Jerry Foreman are preparing to plant radio transmitters inside the bellies of 11 of the largest sturgeon that can be found. The somewhat confused vase are placed in a tank of anesthetic then placed on a V-shaped operating platform where they are bathed by a stream of water. Yes it is an experiment an experiment to determine where these fish came from since they may not be from around here. And my best guess would be that this fish going to spawn in the spring of 92. Understanding humans the dominant and sometimes overbearing species on this planet made the Menominee River a hostile environment for the sturgeon.
And there were I don't know how many saw mills on the north side of the river and you know at one time it was full aside just a slab foot. And then now the paper mills are in the area in this area and so it had a lot of history of water quality problems. A fish of this size is at least 25 years old perhaps older. When it was born. It probably wasn't born here. The waters weren't fit to live in but for whatever reason the fish are choosing to come back. We do seem to have a population that's expanding we're. Seeing more fish in the festival every year and more fish in the OConnell and. Those are other major tributaries that suddenly. The researchers want to know where and how far these fish will range. But this involves more than just hanging on a radio collar. Fish don't have necks. Putting it under their skin isn't easy either. Well you. Know that. You're. So.
Little that. You know. When you're. Too. Hard. For a man if. We have one fish here that's. The muscle was sold. So yeah this is pretty tough to. Sell stuff. But I can show you that. That used to be a straight needle. Rush this sort of can to track that out of my head upright. Because his dick deigned for that fish too much. What are we getting too anthropomorphic as scribing fish that haven't found the time in the course of fifty million years to evolve a backbone. Been Koski points out that Sturgeon have not suffered for lack of one. You know you take into account the fact that this fish can live. 50 100 100 50 years I think the oldest recorded Lake Sturgeon in North
America Hears was about one hundred fifty one years old. We can't live that long. They can be called primitive then they must have something going for him to allow him to to live out 250 years. But in a lot of ways they resemble some other of the marine mammals in that they they want to interact with man in some way. And I think that the fish that were doing the surgery on for instance you know we we give them this mild dose of anesthetic I believe that we could probably get by with even less because they cooperate. It's almost like they know that we're doing it's for their benefit. We're doing this. Do they know that. Clearly this patient knows. A trip up the river is a vacation you'll never forget. But consider that at least it's morning time. Sturgeon don't seem to mind being around humans. You can walk up and literally pick them up and carry him out of the water and it's like they almost want to complete this bond with man which is sort of interesting with a prehistoric animal you know that's probably you know for so long been
associated with a wild environment a wild system why would they want to. Why would they want to interact with a higher being especially us. The man has not been good to the sturgeon especially the commercial fisherman of the eighteen hundreds who saw the sturgeon as a destroyer of their nets. The commercial fishermen didn't want the sturgeon. Unfortunately they were I say they were exterminated. That's a strong word to use but they were for there are horror stories of people going into the rivers with a river like this very much like this in the spring of the year when the fish would come up to spawn and they would go in there with axes and just. Axe the fish just beat him over the head to kill them. Right. After the fish have recovered they are taken about a mile downstream so they would be shot and recaptured. Right after surgery.
These two fish are now known by their channel numbers to 20 and 270. Let me run through the numbers so I'll put it on automatic record to a perfect you know up to 300 good signal on 300. The next morning five of the 11 tagged fish have returned to the area just below the dam where they were captured the day before. But to 20 and 270 remain unaccounted for by the dam and not down river. And this is where the fish were released here yesterday. But I'm kind of surprised that even though these fish were put right as area that we're not picking up some kind of a weak signal. Which would indicate they've really moved far away from here. Where have the tank fish go on. 8 of the 12 were eventually found below the dam. 220 and 270 have yet to be found.
And most of the radio tag Sturgeon have now left the mouth of the Menominee entirely. Been Koski is still searching for them. Perhaps they are out in Green Bay perhaps telling other sturgeon some wild story about getting abducted by another species. Perhaps just telling them that the Menominee dam is a place best avoided. And it's going to be on TV. No. Yes. Yes yes. And it's going to be on TV. Maybe I've never seen it before so it will be new to me. No more dramatic. But. They look like they're ready for action. This is going to be envy. Yeah. Yeah definitely. But your grants now. Now. I.
Know that there are no you doing it you're taking my good friend. On TV continues. If you've ever wondered about this sign or the University of Lausanne to me. Stick around. It's all on TV later. Don't go away. There's more just ahead. But first here are some of the people.
Each year some 4 million new Americans are born. Roughly 500000 to teenagers. Nearly half are given that number to live at least part of their lives in poverty. Many will be affected by the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Many will be abused themselves physically or emotionally or sexually. Perhaps all three. But I don't know any of that yet. Right now I made years old that I live with my mom and my sister in Green Bay in Wisconsin.
What I do know was that people say I'm at risk. And that my sister's at risk. And I wonder what this means. Tell them with us. Many thanks. There's a company. Called and clothing. Someone to care. For them. They would call you dirty. But. You know families need to realize that their kids need to be scrubbed and although it's even hard to buy soap for many of those families some of these children are living at the poverty level. If some of these children are living in families where there's alcohol and other drug problems mixed all together that can create an unhealthy community. My mom's called a single parent. And they say she's too young but she's still a child herself and that we need welfare because my mom never finished school. You can't make enough money for us. And they talk a lot about abuse but you seriously yell at my kids for a lot when I wasn't doing good and I my daughter
was an adult molester and I had to go through pure class. I would get angry or just cold. I think I did feel a little bit of resentment toward her even though I didn't have second thoughts or felt resentment toward her because. Because of the situation I was then you know I had a I was only 16 I had a lot of growing up to do and I had to grow up fast. I felt like. It was her fault for putting me in this situation. My mom thinks being a single parent is hard. All of my friends are single parents. Most are moms like mine most are young like mine. Some are older than. The ones who've had divorces. Does that make me and my friends at risk. I have some of the most well nurtured beautiful children the single parent families because that adult has dedicated their persons life to caring for the child and others that are very very successful people in town that you see those kids
not getting the time they need the loving time a quality time. My dad was an alcoholic and a drug addict and stuff and he still uses. My mom as I was like going to work. Like I grew up with babysitters and my sister. Alcohol is something I know about and drugs. I hear a lot of people say they're dangerous and harmful. But other people say they're great. My mom likes alcohol. They tell her that maybe because she used it when she was pregnant my sister and I are growing as big as most other kids and we had trouble in school. She doesn't think so. She says alcohol makes her feel good. I know a lot of kids think that too. I started drinking in fourth grade and got the first fine. Of leading drug abuse that we have in this town for our children is alcohol. And yes we have had alcoholics at 11 and 12 years of age and I think to a lot of it being when I was young I couldn't
couldn't fit into a group and I wasn't accepted for who I was and I didn't know who I was. But bein around these people that were using and I was using and I could do. What I thought was you know acceptable it gave me a little self-esteem. So I'm lucky I don't know what many people think about me and my friends that we show signs of being the most needy generation in history. There we might spend time in jail that we might not get decent jobs and that the one thing we are most likely to become is dangerous. To ourselves or to society. Or to both. Whether they get a first class. Education or whether they're healthy. Whether they go on to the job one way or another the business community is going to pay for. They're either going to pay for it at the front end. In the early investment stage. Or they're going to pay ten times as much out here. When people end up on welfare without degrees untrainable. Or run in the criminal justice
system. Think about it a clue as to the truth and I'm sure it hasn't made us to kill some nice things to do as a wife and as a store. Why the store has declined and and is going to fall. Still you say the Miller Group Limited companies of Appleton Wisconsin makers of robotic welding systems used worldwide helps make on TV programming possible through their support.
The miller Group Limited company. Located south of Milwaukee and I 94 this sign has stood for nearly 34 years. But what's the University of me and where is it. If you've driven by here you've probably wondered the same thing if you look around you won't find your typical university campus. There's no science hall no field house no student union or for that matter students. So what is the story behind this sign and the University of assigning me. Well it's really about one of Wisconsin's most unusual citizens. Alfred Lawson. Very humble me. To the long list of them.
Known. For his entire life line between very bizarre and other things. But it's more likely that.
Members of the university. Carefully. He was the editor. Of aviation time for my production. 17. Training planes and. It was all his only problem was he came along too late and by that time. The big companies had cornered all the orders for government flights that airplane incident they were still flying in 1928. Ten years afterwards. I was at Mt to.
Stay still or play. He went to Milwaukee and up the first airliner the main machine of commercial aviation. He didn't build the first airliner as such but he built the first airliner in the United States. First try passenger transport which later became known as a liar and you're 19 20. First the problem was that the dilly dallied so long in completing that and he was building this money from stockholders and the stockholders got. Concerned and. More or less forced him to consider flying and he tried to take it off from a small field and crashed it that was the end of the company. It was also the end of Lawson's aviation career. In the 30s as the depression gripped the country and banks closed for Lawson's attention turned to economics. Soon he was barnstorming the Midwest.
Packing auditoriums and promoting his radical economic plan. He was an organization that Lawson founded during the Great Depression the United States. And it's based after a book called direct credits for everybody that he wrote. One thousand thirty one. Interesting. Anyway this program will have over someone the taxes give everybody a purchasing power equal to their productive power. Justice for everybody. In. The firm. Time in history the people had a plan that was planned for them. And not for financier's Russell postseason. And her allies it was a socialist type of a program that was for him a blend of his own experiences. Humanitarian ideals along with kind of this capitalist utopia. As the economy began to recover most of Lawson's followers lost interest. In one thousand forty two he purchased the university Des Moines and started the first university of
listen to me. Ten years later tax problems forced Lawson to sell the property in Des Moines and relocate the university on its present site just south of Milwaukee. And take his loss on the knowledge of life with him for tending their. Future the basic laws that govern physical mental and spiritual manifestations of life. Otherwise I'll take it. Besides teaching Rawson's economic plan the university also teaches his peculiar scientific principles for example Rossen believe that all natural laws can be explained to the forces of suction and pressure biology chemistry physics even sex. And he would take basic principles that everybody could relate to. He would put his own words on them and claim that he invented them and then people would think that much better of him. The University of assigning me exists today mainly because of the
followers that Lawson gained during the Depression. Well no one connected with the university was willing to give us exact figures. It's evident that at least a few students are still enrolled at a home study. Keeping the dream alive was was really striving for and power that was. Those were his two main goals. He really didn't care that much about wealth and it's ironic at the end that the one thing that he did gain and the fame and power seem to elude him for his entire life. And I think it's very ironic and make some kind of a tragic hero. That's why he's such an interesting character. Everything that Lawson predicted up until this time has come. True but one of the things he was. Predicting was prior to the year 2000. All races were like that. Last Sunday. Right. So. That's what we're looking forward to. Your ballot for. The year 2000 is less than a decade
away. If Mausam was right beside him it could soon become a household word. If not. People still will be driving by this side. Wondering. We're glad you're watching on TV on Wisconsin public television and we're interested in what you think about our program and your opinions and comments are very important to us. Please call us at 1 800 2 5 3 1 1 5 8 to express your thoughts and share your feelings about this edition of On TV. Thanks in advance for your comments and thanks for watching. Wisconsin public television. That's it for now. Join us next time on TV.
Episode Number
OnTV Pilot
Contributing Organization
PBS Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin)
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Episode Description
The pilot episode of OnTV presents four features. The first, "Human Power", covers the Dupont Human Powered Water Speed Competition, a contest to build a one-man boat that can reach a speed of 20 knots (approximately 23 mph). In the second segment, Art Hackett gives a report on sturgeon in Mawikwe Bay and the people and organizations working to protect the species. The third segment profiles at-risk children in Green Bay public schools, featuring perspectives from school administrators, teachers, and parents. The episodes concludes with "The Sign", a look at the story behind the University of Lawsonomy sign located south of Milwaukee on I-94.
Series Description
"OnTV is a magazine featuring segments on local Wisconsin arts, culture, and current events"
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Asset type
Local Communities
Content provided from the media collection of Wisconsin Public Broadcasting, a service of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board. All rights reserved by the particular owner of content provided. For more information, please contact 1-800-422-9707
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Wisconsin Public Television (WHA-TV)
Identifier: WPT1.78.T1 MP (Wisconsin Public Television)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “OnTV; 100b; OnTV Pilot,” 1991-00-00, PBS Wisconsin, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “OnTV; 100b; OnTV Pilot.” 1991-00-00. PBS Wisconsin, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: OnTV; 100b; OnTV Pilot. Boston, MA: PBS Wisconsin, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from