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so instead of doing this is because it's been to pass because it's been it's been assad while he's in his nineties says and so for answers on that olympic
games committee back to gaze at a golf tournament is that they've got going on that olympic games series is wanting me there are the first talks your nose in nineteen fifty nine on somebody's and it would not sue was a very new year taxes and started elsewhere in the country doing this you want proof
you'd get these people so funny i would read it and i'd get people like bob locked in rhubarb he was very articulate i didn't bother to call me white that and to make a lot more interesting but i liked what i did for about six eight months but not all talking to everything you know what that was one version of the soul of all and gorbachev and then the c out
indians c building going up our costs as your home till then you have the only one and we're going to know exactly what the hell mr maz reading now i've seen is before this
and sam's to one hundred races and the retired marine bing really there's babies making things is good so in a way and for its
resilient city yesterday out of the nba and they're going there were number two weeks by nikos became the surgery lucy this way for you know why do we lie or a c or a rule we
think she was going to come oh will he can move now mostly has to go on the i got out the recorder in my pocket so these semi dirty words and they go do you cme than being
mr he'd gotten rid of favors the sunday new york times calls for dollars nazario is as if you're an hour of the wire and i don't know of we secondly as for now you know
we would talk a lot of food and the stadium it is very much a farm food and find his table saws and it refers thinks for me wasn't melissa me discover and he was celebrating sixty six isn't there say i should take a more recently issued nineteen oh you know we was all money that really he's a
oh my work daily schedule is going to replace freedom to have her own party radio suckling pig he's a terrific book written i always do that thank you thank
you they our time is the other as of the moment says grand of the only eye only trujillo hill there's a but it's so close we haven't more to a small town general store with a clever brewer and literally tony rises for the lyric the
company has been doing this is because at the point in that a plan recruit people who
became a week you know some of the lithuanian americans on cooking you know you take the void co stein garnier freeze drying their illness goes outstanding and sixteen murray good wall at msg measure says he was a free lawyer as saying as a simple corridor over time and cook works he had great early on his is they only were three votes on a lot cause a daily he's
been doing this because he's been disbarred i need
to speak to these people is built this band has been so for you what we you telling me and knew these guys
on loving cup el all star game tied in the season ticket sales so you're looking at home once a while but then so that makes sense because we in the city so they decided the city because it is last sunday in the coming through
forty then he really done a number on that had really hit me liza levy and was cement floor of pseudo haun this is a hall called in the human race and i was in london and finally our country so sergio one more stop and the
ceo is not three hundred and one hundred and sixty on the side of history and time and gambling casino is in the basement you know thank you they think it's bad that there
is you know it's been do you see that picture of testing her two room for interaction that's right this jerk
o l o r e mail us your credit lines in those things a third colleague him perry is forty seven you settle down that's only fueled all used to three hundred rule and a literature and now we
have the view from the air in seattle doesn't or does figure instead of downtown waste want to hoard that water is a water barely a day watching the lake washington this shift to wind that only in russell about some actors who has a war from a tv ad won nineteen or eight and the euro is important when lilli infants ordered would challenge a rarity on new arch turn of the century as track seattle was a distant morose important now phil bryant of crossroads for injured was chained front of fame was being quote the jumping point won't get off point and called for the nineteen eighty nine the courts there's a description of tex iraq is a nineteen fifty five
a moment of change occurred some two hundred thousand people would be set would you float me understand what they saw this long ago that issue on on twitter wants to watch the annual hunger and races like watching yet another of seattle's first two wars celebrations so on if they wish to we're three americans yet produced since ford too and himself a woolen cap was seattle now he was fourteen the limits of a new jet designated his shady front of boeing would get big red barn on lake union turn your water of the twelve thousand feet max johnson and his
crew could see although every city northwest there you see this work the list to two great arrangements the auction frontline the leaks the reports the harbor world's since yeah it was a lot of them how do have no scheduled visit is that our aid nada says after the eighteen any age you indeed it was the expertise or alaskan miners made seattle in your city too many votes were also some dumb starting early in the century and continuing into the nineteen thirties like using a high powered roses and techniques developed in the alaskan birch singing fathers for foreign sixty two really great to lowell seattle's hilly terrain
millions of cubic yards or washington you created or are unfairly tied to iran's dozens of incentives song girls rachael ray gun noise islands loans rivers from finance and pro reform much a religious leader of camerons remark or burial news seattle it's been very close below it has been
Raw Footage
Interview with Emmett Watson, Tape 6
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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Raw Footage Description
Interview and B-roll of Emmett Watson.
Asset type
Raw Footage
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Moving Image
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Interviewee: Watson, Emmett
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-593d11bdc07 (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Interview with Emmett Watson, Tape 6,” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “Interview with Emmett Watson, Tape 6.” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Interview with Emmett Watson, Tape 6. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from