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Harder the paper far far. The hour is getting late. I want to be able to talk to you about some of the things. That we lawyers. Have to do. I'm not going to an analyze with you the political prisoners and the problems that the political prisoners are confronted with because you have heard in detail and beautifully from the various brothers and sisters who are connected directly with the problem. First of all may I say to you. I want to make a correction. It's been on the program where it refers to the revolutionary National Lawyers Guild.
Don't kid yourself. I happen to be a member of that organization. They are a fine outstanding. Fighting lawyers but they are not a revolutionary bunch of lawyers that. They are just as much part of the bush. Middle class. As all of the rest of the professional middle class are and they are not revolutionary. I want to correct that. Now that doesn't mean that the National Lawyers Guild are a bunch of thinks. They are outstanding courageous fighters for freedom. They fight against fascism. They fight against corruption in the courtrooms. And they fight. Right down to the line. I just want to make that correction.
I do not want to have that organization flying under false colors and have you under the false impression that there are throughout the United States revolutionary lawyers. And the length of breath and the strength of the National Lawyers Guild. I want to also say to you. That no revolution was ever carried on no radical change was ever carried on in any country. By a lawyer. By the way in that respect I am no different than the other lawyers. You're going to have to be pinned upon your own strength. And your own contribution to the class struggle and the fight against fascism yourself. The lawyers well help.
I want to say another thing before I go into. What I have to say to you. I've been a great number of lawyers who have come to this conference from various parts of the United States. We don't even know just who they are. That's why Peter Frank and Robert to half and others. Have issued an invitation to all lawyers. Legal Secretary. Law students. And those who are closely identified. In the defense of these political and oppressive matters. To meet with us at 11 o'clock tomorrow
morning Sunday morning. Robert true halfs home. We hope to be able to work out a program that I want to talk to you about and things to be done. Two weeks ago. I read in the paper and probably some of you read in the paper that a justice of the High Court of Greece. Was expelled from the bench because he would not go along with the highest form of judiciary in Greece and he was expelled from his bank. Of course that cannot happen in America. It cannot happen in America or Canada. When the governor of this state.
And the assemblyman representing this particular part of alum Alameda County. And he executive secretary of the governor of this state has the nerve and the audacity. To call into the state capitol at Sacramento. A cross-section of judges both municipal court and the superior court. At a meeting and. Told those judges that unless. They harden up and became part of the law and order. And inflicted serious and multiple punishment upon the so-called dissidents. That these judges would find.
Well-financed opposition. The next time they ran for public office as a judge. The San Francisco Chronicle. Wrote an editorial about that. I'm sorry to say that the bar associations throughout the state of California did not see fit. To bring the governor and the legislative body to task. I want to. Refresh your memory. In case some of you who heard Dr abstract are talking last night. Did not hear him very clearly when he pointed out. That fascism and not says I'm in Germany. I. Came about because of. The independence of the judiciary was taken away by the legislative branch and the executive branch of Germany.
The independence of the bar was taken away. By the threats. Of intimidation against members of the bar. If we are going to have a united front against fascism. Then we have to get these judges. Who were once liberals and who once were practicing attorneys who had some guts. To display that same force of independency on the bench. Otherwise I for one. Do not intend to practice law and so I hired a head clerk to the judge. I recently told the court.
And one of the many trials that I found myself in and this particular county. That I cannot in good faith represent a client. When the prosecution intentionally. Well Foley most likely and maliciously eliminates all black people from the jury. I'm still trying that case with an all white jury. I heard councilman Dellums. Say that he is disgusted and he wants to quit. In the words of Huey Newton.
When I saw him and some six weeks ago when I told him that the Black Panther Party had issued a call. For everybody who was interested in fighting fascism. And they wanted his guidance on that. He said to me Be sure you tell. The leadership that we hope that this is not just rhetoric and jiving that our program will be worked out. So that fascism Wendi will be destroyed before it gets any further than it is at the present time. He said. Particularly that. Video makers like dalam. And other field
makers have to say you too Gary you are afield niggard must stay in there and fight. And that's exactly what we've got to do we've got to have more Dellums. So that this fight can be carried on in and a united front against fascism and a united front in the court room. Thank you. I was discussing Huey Newton's appeal with a member of the judiciary the other day. And I pointed out all of the flagrant errors that appeared in his case at his trial. I said his case is going to be reversed. The judge said to me Are you kidding. He said Do you realize the
times that we're living in. Do you think he said the appellate courts will have guts enough to reverse Huey Newton's conviction. Now that isn't Gary talking. That isn't Bobby Seale talking that isn't Kunstler talking. That's a member of the judiciary saying that to me. By the way while I'm on the subject matter I happen to know and I saw at least four people that I know in this audience. Beards and all. Who happened to be agents. And I hope when you're reporting the consensus of the things that we have discussed here today you will at least have the temerity to tell the truth to your superiors.
Thank. The time is short. And let me get down to what we hope to be able to do as lawyers. We are hoping what were three hundred pressing cases that are coming about. But the president of the United States coming out with a recommendation that bail be a eliminated for people who they desire or desire to consider to be undesirable. What a tremendous stress that's going on in wiretapping and all of the invasion of your. Personal Rights your political rights. And your social rights. What the steps going forward where the state judges are setting bales that are prohibitive
like they are in New York where you need two million $100000 in bail which is impossible. It's not even ransom. Where are the lawyers throughout the country are limited in experience to be able to handle these cases of oppression. We hope to be able to in the next 60 days. Through the National Lawyers Guild to be able to have seminars throughout the United States. To have lecturers and study courses for lawyers and law students. So that they can better represent you saw that you're not limited to Tura 3 or 4 lawyers throughout the United States. So it will have a thousand lawyers to fight this fight against fascism. I want to tell you that I've been speaking throughout the country and the
various Law School. The hope is great young law students. Are full of the same kind of them and vigor that you are. They don't like the system the way it's run and a haphazard one sided lopsided way any more than you do. And when those men and women. Become lawyers and become fighters in the same cause for freedom that we are fighting some changes are going to take place. But in the meantime we can't wait for that to happen because we've got to move and move now. That is the affirmative step that the lawyers are taking in this regard. I hope the rest of the conference will have some affirmative steps to fight and combat fascism in the same spirit. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Charles Garry speaks (Episode 9 of 12)
United front against fascism conference
Producing Organization
KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
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Attorney Charles Garry speaking on Black political and legal rights at the United Front Against Fascism conference called by the Black Panther Party. Recorded in Oakland, 1969-07-19. Originally aired during KPFA's open hour, 1969-08-11.
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Event Coverage
Social Issues
Public Affairs
Politics and Government
Black Panther Party; Garry, Charles R., 1909-; African Americans--Civil rights--History
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Producing Organization: KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 10874_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BB2250_09_Charles_Garry (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:15:54
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Chicago: “Charles Garry speaks (Episode 9 of 12); United front against fascism conference,” 1969-08-11, Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 22, 2024,
MLA: “Charles Garry speaks (Episode 9 of 12); United front against fascism conference.” 1969-08-11. Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 22, 2024. <>.
APA: Charles Garry speaks (Episode 9 of 12); United front against fascism conference. Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from