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This defend the Development Commission is tax. Supported. Oh no negroes serve on the board of just commission that many of these factories before they left you know are Negro. They come into the south and the negroes excluded the owners of the factories say that they're not coming in the south. To that that is the core. They just want to make money. They come for the profit and they don't intend to do in social work. While down there I mean that we have to be unpacked to give them special confessions to reduce you to the to great. Tax. Exemption. Rebuilding. And. Negroes are not. Being hired for this amount of taxation without representation and this was one of our biggest complaint.
Because we believe that. The basic ear of the whole. Social injustice that we suffer is an economic year. That we had the right to have a different standard of living. And this is why we were oppressed and fell for the. The man that was one of the very first time. That we had had that. But the man that you have is a freedom that is a hidden movement. This was just one one one thing. Remember for the right during the 90s the right deal rather than any place on the buffet. But this time we were abstract and the whole basic structure. The evil of oppression and the evil injustice that the negro in the south. And we are so out of there. And many minutes after many other things that in
the community record. We would allow them to go a period of years. Before they would integrate. But we ask that they immediately. Put at the disposal of Negro children who live across town that they would give them but. They would give them who brought this so that they wouldn't have to walk a mile and I have a pair of white goo to a negro girl. When we want to breath the coming year. We wanted busses immediately but we would allow them two years to prepare for school integration. Many of the things that lined the dismissal of the. Chief of Police. But. This was the part of the campaign that the Freedom Riders came to a step of yeah. But. One reason the Freedom Riders
meant so much violence that there were no wrap plan when they were attacked and the basic evil inherent in a race. The. System. In the south that in the past. They have now won some shallow victories and absolutely victory as well Hala. They didn't mean what they are appeared to look like. I didn't expect much from the Freedom Riders from our from passive resistance. Because I knew that in other communities. This was just sort of Christian work. That leaves leaders. And the leaders had met with city officials and state officials and then they had arranged for a special. SESSIONS But I knew that when the basic struggle came up. For basic human rights that there could be no all behind the things
compromise. And this is where the Freedom Riders met neck in violence the Neckar brutality. Of the white supremacy. In the South when they first came and set up their picket line. The first day they seemed convinced that they were making progress. One Freedom Rider even retired and then he was overjoyed he said you know a policeman smiled at me uptown today while I was home the man. Laughed and told him not to pay that any attention because of that policeman was smiling because he was probably going to how he could best killing them. But they just couldn't do it it came from. Again and then they changed to then she was visiting the. Home. Now this English student said Oh I don't think the people in are so bad I just think you don't know how to approach them.
I noticed that they looked at me in a friendly way and in town to day and I tried to explain to these people that these people were hopeful and that they would with would leave. They were hoping that they could win their mom and that they could show them that this was wrong in the day they realized they couldn't win them over. Then they would see their true nature so. About the. Third day. And then on the third day they started. In front then the picket. And highlighting the tyrant to viciousness. And then they became very violent. And that. Some of the particular through a crack. The police are not one picket to the ground and threatening to break his camera. One with a ref to. Tension the content into my mouth. And
431 picket with that tactic. In town on a trip with me two or three white. Girls. And the police broke this off and said that he was arrested and the white people who were attacked in this white Freedom Rider. However the freedom latticed you think and then there were the possibility of the law that the law would be on their side because there were none valid and then they had proclaimed to the world that they were nonviolent. And told them that it was alright for them to be passive. But they shouldn't they shouldn't put claim to the word other than they were a pack of them because they would just open the floodgates to the bottom of that in the past and we haven't had that type of violence when we had shown a willingness to fight and that we had picket lines that we had financed and that nobody had. Attacked our lads.
And so they said that there were struggling from a model point of view and so we agreed with them that if that tactic would prove the period then it was a tactic that should be followed by a negro. On. That on the third day on a Friday. Our negro boy chow in the year though all of us attacked in town and he was caught on the street and he was being a bachelor he lied to me and I thought. This is our war of words matter. So they're attacked him they said he had been on a picket line a day. And they beat him severely and there's four precious robbers from 10 years all the people who attacked him were not directed you know once were drawn. Three in that night and the thought of one for ratting to Mecklenburg County a car the last and they stopped at a restaurant
while the at the restaurant. They were attacked. By some of the white racists who. Remembered seeing them on the picket line and they knew there were Freedom Riders one of the. Freedom Riders had to run them extinct in the rules. And they had to run off and leave them in the car. So he would miss them. Critically the minority counted from the from Union County and the shallow from the youth of the Mecklenburg Police have been notified that this freedom ride of a myth in the woods and these people break through a crowd to catch him and we are a prayer that he would be limp and we ask them to have to leave the mother of police refuse the Union County police refuse to enter the. ANA. So the state highway police have been notified. And the Rev. Paul Brooks who had been sent to Monday to rev them
Reverend Martin Luther King had been sent there to work with the work at my disposal. Called the government of office the governor they the knocker Iowa governor Parris fast for governor to happen without They got an opportunity to speak to his chief aide. And the chief aide Hubie Canon's. Was speaking to him and he was trying to tell him about this volunteer that there was no police protection there for Negro not for the freedom ride of. Then Governor They kept talking about how Robert William rather William and he said that he was not calling about Robert away and he was calling about this fellow that was a myth and he further there were. Happy that they were nonviolent people and they wanted police protection. And. The governor of age to be cannon ask him if he was really a practice and he said yes and he told
him what if you're packed packed you better get the hell out of Mundra in there. And. He said because it's going to be plenty to him. Police protection and finally Reverend Brooks gave up you said that you talked about right away so that event here do you want to talk to him. The governor they'd say yes. Because I had talked to him before about two weeks. Before the end I had to ask for police protection. And the governor had been a rep of them tive. An architect of the theory of the negro along down the. Road the bad but the government. Is supposed to be the governor of troubleshooter. And. He had come in he had held a secret meeting with me to ask me what it would take to quieten things down and. What I wanted what I was trying to do and then I gave him the 10 point program and it shocked me that that was too much. The demand has to have but he would
take it out with the government in a way and he says that when he was doing that I had been under growing economic pressure. That this was wrong and they should be said that made back again and when they did they could. Could help me. We just didn't know Darren and trouble. Around their phone when I call the governor's office and told them about some of the camp his. Sister HUME The chemist. Who began and told me on the telephone. He said You mean to tell me that you would not be a yes. And I told him not that I went and did nice Yeah but when I did that I had a lot of people may die with me. And. So he said well you may not be dead but you don't get killed and I kept telling him that we want to protection that we have a right. To live here. He said Well if you're trying to avoid
bloodshed you shouldn't be agitated. And. So this night this fight and I have a Paul Brooks. I was talking to him and he said he wanted to talk to me. And when I started talking to him I told him what it happened. He said well you get just what you deserve. Down there I said you've been asking for violence. Now you get that. So I've told him that I was appealing to him for myself. I would look appealing to him for. A pass. And I saw him after that and the fact that I am not appealing to you for a Negro that happened to be a wife daughter in law from the work he said I don't give a damn who he said that. You baffle violence and now again you're getting just what you deserve. So I told him that you know one thing. At the end you are the most stupid idiot then the whole world. And he became very seriously that he was started reading on the telephone and told me to shut
up. I thought of that he may be the governor of the system but he can tell me when he showed up. And there was a you know tough talk to me like that I. So he. Finally. Hung the telephone. Back. Very no protection. Jamie found the Freedom Riders would get ready to go on a picket line and they would call the FBI in South Africa for police protection the FBI would say well we on our way. But they would never be there when anything. Happened. That Saturday. When they were picketing and town and that tactic you have there had been. Caused them to the last. And started up to pick them up. And. The local rule white people gathered up there the races and they blocked the road they would let the tactic you have come in to pick them up. One the Freedom Ride of the day before had been shot in the stomach with a high powered
rifle. So. They are blocked the road to the camp to go and pick them up. So that meant that the prelim had to walk through the colored community which was about. Almost a mile about three quarters of a mile from where they were picketed. And the great throng of people and mobs violently people along the streets and they were. Throwing objects at them and. Some of the people it threatened to cut to one of the feeder rather with an axe cut her head off. And they came on the end of the current community. And the colored people who were not participating in the picket line and with came. Very upset over the fact that the community had been invaded by the people who were chased and the Freedom Riders. And many of the other people started doning car then they started being in the white people that invaded the community the people who had been down in the.
Creek it fell. On a Sunday. Then the freedom riders went to the local churches local churches. They were there and so did the so called Christian people coming to the Church of that one church the church. They were. The door was. Closed. And their faces and they couldn't enter. The theory. As that even in. Many quite ready to die together and then how the chief was to lead them the sheriff's office had been all through the county. That morning for less than people to come to power. The fight. For the Freedom Riders. And. Many many people were coming out of the country many people had been rounded up and an ardent invention of the Minute me and had them brought easily. And five thousand or more are white races gathered in town.
Now I had been Karl a few days before there and by the clan the clan and asked me if I was going to play in the picket line and I told them no that I wasn't participating. Because I was not the one to know what the tune of worse one than that that's why I was going to stay away and they'd planned for where they were glad to hear that I wouldn't be there because they had a special reception of 30 30 rifles for the. Students. And the sound is still rotten. Took place when these people is over 5000 And that's where. It started attacked in the raid a rash and many in the police started an army of negroes and they were given the round the white the White Mamba white mob of already had already been armed and they come into town and they were taken from the
jail give them to the white people are holding the negro the police negro while white people white races beat them some of the young the 13 and 14 years old and they were beaten on the street a month and some were beaten to the ground and left and poor blood their freedom rather than the local nonviolent students from Mundhra who had joined them in the. And the demonstrations that. Began last. And the police became very very vicious. That they would came openly hostile they would view the people the deal and refuse to give them medical attention. The truth before the city had displayed these people who were picketed and whether in fact of their brutal lonely area where there they kept going around the air and spraying them with of the factors that are going to drive them away from the picket line.
But they had also. Had also passed Lauer's city ordinance is where their picket smoke came from the heart and or. That they had to maintain this. They had they couldn't be too close or they can be too hot for the police that started using that tactic of stopping the picket in front and when the one in the higher end started to walk on he would get him a path and. To the behind the other and all the tactics that were being initiated Babie police down a Sunday when the wrath of the police. They had regular field day that they participated opened there and then the mob violence. That all fell. And that before the Freedom Riders went into town they had call the local FBI and salad one there but no one showed up there to.
To protect the right to come to the right of the picket to protect and the girl who came to the community. The day before that Sunday a mini wideawake who had come through town with cars and they had big placards and Band of the only car they have put Americans. Have Rob of the batter's crusade for limits. They were trying to me because Rob of the shot and the lady was for rubber. And they also had. A slogan plan that Rob you love Cuba. And that money would be a beautiful place to live if we got rid of. Rob and. All. These people have done that for two days on a Sunday. When all those rioting by the Negroes reduced packed indiscriminately. This was funded with art of twenty seven years and 16 1. Now. They fanned out all over town and not only were
picket and freedom lack of tact. But. Negro coming from churches come from other places Negros coming from work or just coming along. Trees who were attacked. And many of the richest people of the vision of urban get into power into the exact community there are math and NZ pound. Map and foreigners packed against our community. So many girls were arrested that many of the people who had really had legitimate violations. Legitimate charges would get them relief from jail to make room for freedom rather than picket. Many of the people who came out of jail reported to me that due to the bleeding to death in jail without medical attention they wouldn't give them any medical attention. So I called the chief of police. And told him about these reports. I told him
that the people had. Reported that students were not given medical attention and that their lives were in danger. I told them that I was your gym just 30 minutes. To get medical attention for them that if they didn't get medical attention and 30 minutes that we would march on the jail. And the two police came very frightened in about 15 minutes. One of the student leaders call from the hospital to let me know that they had been taken to the hospital and they were getting medical attention and still later in the afternoon just before dark. In the beginning of Dar. White people started to drive by my house in the block where I live. Think they would come through real bad and they all died and claiming the town was. Glad of their car and throw out a few people along the street. So
many of the kind of people started on and they started coming out into the streets with a frown and the block where I live they had about 300 people up and down the street people were exchanging guns environ ammunition. And. Farming guys that night because that's when the community against the people who were masked and and the town. Or about the fourth drop of your car that passed along. With the car with the couple there who lived in March from North Carolina people who had had a slogan a ban on their car that Saturday the 25th of August in town and on that banner they had a banner with a slogan that said Oakland leave them on Chrome. But this was referring to Negro I mean this. With an open even and then the killing that. Now many people have given. The fact of.
A man and his wife. Oh wow woman would be in a riot torn community like that but there were a lot. But the woman claims that the house that I lived in the house and I was born in. That had been sold to my father that her father in that because she had once lived there now 330 with laws that she didn't know. Where she would go on and it still happened that the man treat and almost a mile. Off. The highway that they would use to go to Marshfield where they live and that no highway runs through this community and no person in that county could possibly get lower than that a lot of people said that they just can't see how it was logical. That. This woman would be mixed up in this community but
people fail to realize that in the south that many of the white waitress consider white women from of the inflation's gone of the old traditions that support to be intimidated by a white woman that only grow is the prayer to offend a white woman. Many times on Klan raised white women have taken on that and this is sort of the very thing developed by well it appear that the negro attacked a woman instead of the man and the man were her was her defender her protector. So this is nothing new to people who have dealt with the Klan and sometimes even children are brought along because of the white race to know that if anything happens. To the children to them women that this can become a very emotional right of the poets to raise. A great issue that will help to mobilize people and that this has not been unusual that this
is a very logical to those who know the nature. When clan Raven plan attacks so this woman was brought along as inflation and this man and they were trying to do pretty well to swim through that we were prepared for that night. Now the negroes were very very angry when the come from had been beaten down. Clothes are no more then and then the flare the Clow on their back and they have been calling them are dumb or bloody or something. Children were missing and some children. I am prim the left rather than the two were missed and then rather than the sum of a right I am pretty. And thought some of the people reckoned that. These fine people of the fame think of the people who had participated in the demonstration I guess and he grew out of them and freedom out of at the court house telephone or the guy into the block. It was tough negro
doctors at gunpoint and they stopped the car about a half. Half a block. Away from my house down the street when I had the time rather than the house because I would certainly get telephone calls from all over town of apparently inquiring about the children who were displayed in this. Demonstration then negroes reported that there would be none there and what should be done and what action to take a new group of volunteer to fight negroes were often to John. An armed group for the strength of the community. Though the telephone with constantly running in. And out of that the telephone motor car and I had been out in the back of my house and up on the fence before nightfall because we had been very much to have a plan of attack these attacked from the right. So.
When the car was stopped. The people who are robbed of the car and then they brought them into my yard. Someone call me. Out of the house and I came out and all of these people were around and they were very angry and they were raging. And. When I came into the yard I realized that these people were so angry and then they would get in the circle. Our world closer and tighter and tighter around these people. And I realized that if one person just one person and I love controlling them and they're the people that. They would have been killed and there was no No doubt no doubt about that. So then right away I started grabbing the crowd away from them and to step. Forward from the crowd of OM route. Bought them away so that there would be no possibility of somebody living Tampa Astrachan them a cause they were too close man in.
The middle to go tell me that I've been we've been kidnapped. We've been kidnapped we're kidnapped and yes there. And the lady you're not kidnapped. That you can leave when you get ready to but you got to go through this crowd these people live with. Girls he did up and she looked at the crowd and she said well you should take the family here you should take the Pfaff and you could take us out if you took us out of here they wouldn't bother you if you took us out by one brother and I'm told to let it out and bring you here. And I'm not going to take you away for the first thing you know that all of these people who were here you know you knew how rotten had been going on in the town and you should've known better than to come in a place like this with people angry and upset like that we have to do it announced a plan to disband now. Holmes. I thought and that's what I'm doing for now but the firm plan and I don't have time to bother with you last your
problem. So while we were talking an airplane flew over after playing the guest of. But I have. Some news from the coin and now from the sheriff's department probably used to be. That you play a light plane. And we had company ahead core that they couldn't get out from the ground because my house was where God or that they were going to bomb my house from my ass. Then when that plane flew over the house. I guess about 15 and me and the arm to me it was a half hour 30 caliber rifle fire and on the south side of thoroughness she thought it then she realized that this was really a serious situation that the people really meant business that the people who were there you were there and so then. She started shaking and all of us became almost hysterical. Then a car passed by with white people a carload of white and yeah they were fact. And. About twenty fellows what do you have a rifle. Start a fire on the
car and you can see the flame of the bullet track in the car from the bullet it just started turning dark and some of the bullets were traced the bullet and you you can see that. Then somebody came. And called me that I had a call. On the telephone of a very urgent. And. I thought of the house. When I started and started up my front steps. He was right up against me walking right up against my body and all of these people were still green in them. For them they took her with me and then they should be healed one man was. Begging for somebody to give him a gun. Let him believe that him give them some of the people I've been before people who are coming from out of the county. People were even coming from London town. Them people a common noun death from home telephone offer to. Join. Any defense group that would be inform them. People may have a comment from other places some of the people I have never seen but all of the
people who have been the regularly affiliated with me and the guy there in the back of my house because that's where we were them and them and get and weapon the ammunition taken emanation our fly that night and leave her people become angry and become involved they didn't amount to any organization any group they were just the private who was fed up with the oppression. But in a way when I thought of how can they get women to kill these people particularly if this woman came right up against me she would walk right up against me of death. And I have been right up against her and her father me our own and to the house and I went to the telephone and I came back and I why I had given them a seat and the woman kept plan that if you would pick up data here if you think of that here that it would be all right after all that I have had it. That I don't know if I have been caught in her community.
And the first condition. That I would have already been there. That you. See. That we are not half as cruel. As your people. And she admitted that this was right. She admitted that if I had been in that predicament I would have been healed before now and I. Think up she told me that she will to create in the woman who had been the jury she wanted to help. She wished there were something she could do and I thought that maybe her husband could have said he did not want a thing to do because he won well-known Munroe they lived in. Marshall. And he kept. That you are your right of way and I told her yes she said Well. I never met you before that I heard a lot of. Talk about and I thought that that was all bad. You must admit it was all bad but you're not the
type of fellow they say you know that you can be a good fella. You're much better than that than I thought. And. The telephone rang again. And then. I was coughing again the call and the men were. Both be coming from another town coming tomorrow to help us. So. Then while I was at the telephone I got a call from the police. Didn't believe Robert you know. A lot of travel in this town. He did but state troopers. Come in now and in 30 minutes you'll be hanging in and the courthouse square. And so. Then someone call unfair that they're left on television that troops were being sent. To the round the town another woman caller said that he thought troops moved in there and there they were in that car. The highway patrol
parking cars behind the. Yellow House. And the full blast on radio and everywhere. Then. One of the fellows came to the telephone and told me to come to the door. For a minute I went out the door and I didn't as a treat but I looked and found it both in the block of the police put in that cart across the. Across the street corners blocking them and then I realized that they were trying to trap me and to wait until the trade troopers got them so I told my wife Mabel that we had to leave that she didn't have time to get a thing to get the children that we would go uncaught. The state will send troops there. No we knew what the governor of the town had already told me. And that I was going to get on that I thought I would have been there before man. So. We we we had we went out and went down the alley
and we slipped between a police police line and they had a police man and cart trolling around the block and. We were. Able to get away but contrary to what most people think most people think that we left because we were in diarrhea. We left because we were clear an indictment but then that man hadn't occurred. To me at that time we were clearing the car because of the attitude of the day I left. To the T to the amber car the lack of law and order and from the people had already told me. That I would be blind for anything that took place in that town. That day and that night because I wanted to to get rid of me and so we left but we didn't learn about an indictment until we were in New York and we heard last on the. Radio and on the television but contrary to what the FBI and
their FBI that it entered the case. Because I was a fugitive from justice that I was fleeing to avoid the prosecution and the indictment but technically that FBI was wrong because I had left early that night about nine o'clock and the grand jury indicted me sometime the next day. But when the grand jury indicted me I was already in New York. So I certainly think they could play that across. They've managed to avoid prosecution. As far as I know from the papers on a charge of kidnapping. And. Saying that to her. Think of the little reindeer. And I read a report. And the New York Post the following day in the New York Times. That when they had questioned the ministers cigar. She said
that I had chatted to. The negroes. She said about 300 I had chatted them with kidnapping her for kidnapping them. And then they turn around and the next paragraph and said that I was responsible for allowing the ringleader of these people in the next thing I heard that ever she they had been tied up in my house and they were let go on for hours. And when I left the house they were dealing in the House and the thing about it is. That. She said that they were tied up and then she turned around and said that they were they left in the lake he said between an hour and a half and two hours that they left they were in leave she there on home. In a way after arriving in New York and in these reports out to read a report where Mrs. De Gaulle reported to the
Charlotte Observer that William pretended that he was trying to help. But you figure I mean then it's fair that there has been a real war with charges he put TNT. How would you know one of the best proof of that but to bin it happened them and the fact that they're still alive. The fact that they're the Island pond and they know there but they are changed this so. Many times and leave the cave and post haunts many times however very important. To know. That I have been gone two days. First our men died it then my house was raided up cotton to the New York papers by about a hundred.
Officials of the state or federal government or local 40 hour movement seem to have arrived for the ride and gone down with tear gas. And bread were gone. They did you know that I had already left. Now the Freedom Riders who were out of jail. And they were there. There's that just by the fact. That I would drown. That I had left a model as they were going to carry on the clerical they were going to get on this fight that we had started and I made the statements to the New York Post. And to the New York plans. And. One of the components to remember that one of the Freedom Riders who made the statement. Your name. His name was John Lowery from New York a white cream Latta. Now this was amazed today that I day after I left. Now.
On the second day after he had said that the struggle would be would be contingent on John Loughner was arrested and charged with the complicity of Richard's crowd are local to you. Who were had also been elected as chairman of the Mundo as Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. That he was also indicted. He and I have reached now leads people had been. It had been a part of their original. Picket. And part of the Syrian demonstrators and they had to show on leadership ability when the trouble was their leaders are the people who stuck with the struggle from the beginning to were indicted. Now Albert royal who was 17 years old. Another person who had participated in all of these struggles. And he was indicted and charged with having shot a policeman. Now another negro boy
16 years old Jimmy Carr and when they're indicted in charge would suit the crime. Now Democrats in the world needed to respond to Abba royal given five years in prison. And the. Case is. Pending an appeal to the state Supreme Court now. But. After At the time and it is a matter a New York lives very thin and my home she had been invited down with others. We had invited a lot of people there because we wanted people to be there and to see what was it so cause I'm ocracy one rock in the manuel because we knew that people who live in another community. Would find it very hard to believe that such vicious vicious racist conditions that brutality and ruthlessness existed in a
place in the United States. We had invited many people to come see for themselves away or even invite a new type of man. And there were many people around me. And Monreal. And there's matter a. While to learn. Of these people. Now Mrs. Mallory was from New York City. She left. After the riots and started. And after. She left North Carolina she was later arrested in Cleveland Ohio in Cleveland she's fighting extradition back. To knock Ariana. And the. New guy out our own kraal they are going to be trial and maybe just maybe seven Family Court still not around us and there's no possible chance. Of their sanity and justice. Not Khurana.
Especially. Under the conditions that we've seen now. Much pressure building up throughout the country. In fact throughout the world many people are prepared to protest this great miscarriage of justice. That at least people have been indicted and that their fate and life sentences in prison. The thing about it is they have faith in live time and they had me and I did. And the two charges which meant that I prayed and. To live and then says well they really messed. Up to get rid of me. Just repeat charges we know from the past. That there is some parts to get justice and North Carolina now the governor so much pressure has developed in Cleveland Ohio all around the extradition proceedings
against. Him as a matter of the day that the governor of North Carolina has found that there are. Two state. At a press conference. That Negroes can get jacked is enough to allow it hear the appeal to people on the outside to try to understand. The problem and Carolina and that it may matter is returned to North Carolina that she would not be lynched. Now. If the governor of North Carolina can beat those two up of this. Then. That he never made an effort before now. To the fear and the rights of Negroes to be protected. Have Americans been the same as other wire that he never displayed any respect for the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution wire that when firepower and raise us march to
gather at the courthouse square and the governor have been notified as wire that that if nigger can get just the 6 wire that he did is interesting then on behalf of justice wire that he didn't disperse the mob that gathered staffs. Why is it that he didn't sit up hold the right to criticize and the United States. So now there's evidence there's that he can get justice. He says that all the people on our side. Do you realize I have quite a good record. They've got with the phonies of the North Carolina. It is to examine the records. But the government surely can't mean that they really should examine the record. Not partially at least because the record will show that none Carolina state where a negro man was convicted and sentenced to five years and prevented. Because they were there he leered at a
white woman that he would look to her to tentatively. That's Tiger's fact that he was 75 feet away he was years consisted. In there appear of course they don't I'm sure align himself for five years. It's just too dark. Well a state where just two years ago. A negro girl over 17 years old and critism. Were beaten to death about a guard a prison guard because she complained about the food in the bathrooms prism and the date entered in to a settlement where her parents say they paid their parents nights $100 as a settlement if I haven't killed their daughter who threaten terrorist finance with Karl Jaspers. Citizens plains states where now I just told you about the cages where the negro woman would kick down a fire to tear into the rabbit hole tail.
And that attack didn't even appear as was his own trial and he was acquitted. This is the state where our legal mother eight months pregnant was attacked viciously attacked brutally beaten and driven from her home. And that her quite clearly just what bad record. Of Not Carolina. Because the defense attorneys said. That the man was just drunk and having a little spawn. And evidently little pills meant to expand the concept of justice for Negro. To society states where the second highest Trishul in this case are not Carolina. When we appealed to him. When norm Ross and the enforcement of law on are asked for no more of the enforcement of the
United States Constitution they are the plain states where on one X call to ask him. For protection of the feds the speech that I am proud of you are still alive. You mean you will not be a jest and therefore it's what Governor Sanford says compared to his surprise the negro. This is what he would like to have me Mallory has returned to the two tied to justice in store you are. Probably a negro you who are in our faith and the trial there and for John Lowery built. A. Different type of doctors. That every decent person in the world should protest against this is what they call a non-sterile on a representative democracy.
See remarks. I don't sell them to the fact. That the mayor Malory. Did in Ohio itan extra day. Isn't. That the truth. They're not releasing. A possible stone unturned to get her back to that so-called justice of knocked around a. While in Max case the state of North Carolina snow where I am. But not all of them are addressed. And the question ios why ask. Have the state of North Carolina. Not tried to extradite me. While Do they concentrate so my town's extradite may mavericks in the cards. Expect the state of Ohio. To sympathize with them in their racist undertaken that they know. Where I am. And I was paying and. That the U.S. Justice Department. To death just as much.
Our conspiracy and manner are just Negroes of the Ku Klux Klan and was done by the church to practice after we had left. Monreal. The US Justice Department. In collaboration with the rate the. Chief of Police. A Moonie. Released. Two hundred and fifty thousand one is Lexus and then the circle of play described me. As being given the phrenic. Now if indescribably skids of credits they'd sparrow to stay out of who has a psycho analyze me. Now what do they mean that I have been at around and very good. The clinic. STAFF The illiterate chief of police of Monroy Moni. I would like to know where.
He obtained. Serious training in. Fact college sack catcher so they are released senior vicious courses they said that I was. Extremely dangerous. But they went out to fight the record to substantiate the fact. That our the extremely dangerous. They failed to fight my criminal record. They spit out the site Cape Fear that would prove that they would talk to fat in calling me extremely dangerous. They failed to tell no harm that I had ever done to anyone. This was because they knew everything. When one last. Laugh how could. The deathless Department of the United States. How could it mean well how could it be an impartial investigators Friday. And then with spread such malicious blasts throughout the United States went
out for my age and investigated the fact. I without so much to them investigate in the furtherance of the militia SLAs. That day in the post does it say also spread the word that I had gobs of used Scouse scar on my right. Arm at the left nostril of a huge scar on my left leg. And I want to leave it right last hour percept that I weighed two hundred and fifty pounds. Groups were dark though. I laughed. And I mean that the United States government that the U.S. objectives Department had join the Ku Klux Klan. There are those sure that I would not make state that there were. Pretty maturely Jeptha and. What they considered would go on to be a legal mention at the behest of the
United States government. They have said that I was vicious and that I would not hesitate to shoot Durrance with the death of at their actions in the US when. They had planned to take me into custody. They also passed the Flying Post of them to the and to Canada to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. But and Canada strangely enough they never mentioned the fact that race incident had occurred and nothing on Anna. They never mention the fact that I was the president of that union kind of branch of the National Association for the vast middle colored people and that knowledge ran that I was guilty of the crime of fighting for human rights in the south of the United States and that this surely has crabs. But it's surely a considers a crime in the south from negro to spice for his human rights.
Now there's the proof was there and out of the rest of the negroes who are now in prison that sent to CNN demonstrations started I was a fan of thousand negroes have been a rep as a step test isn't that their leaders marked all of the leaders. The real militant leaders in the south have been arrested have spent some time in jail for no more ah than asking for their constitutional and human rights. Now in Canada they scale to stay out of the Canadian people that are the whole thing I go on out of a race racial class negroes grabbing for human rights because they knew that Canadians not being as prejudiced as the Americans. Will not understand this case that Canadians would not cooperate with them in a case of denying the gross human right. So they have to make it appear as this was the work of the United States government. Who is agent for the U.S. Justice Department. They have to make it appear
that I was a criminal that I had kidnapped this Purell past like couple. Solely on the basis. Of getting his money so that I had kidnapped them for ransom. And this was the impression they gave in Canada that our heavily armed and that I would not have them take ships. Now the question is where Bluetooth and summation come from. Did you have Justice Department go to the same chief of police that I had asked them to indict the peaceful police that I had to file such an affidavit against the same chief of police that they knew she had been Matt enemy and the enemy of negro than the friend of the Ku Klux Klan for nineteen fifty six that they go to a Klan sponsors chief of police to ask him for data. On a civil rights fighter. Of the United States. I most certainly did
and this. She had enough to awaken many people to the fact that the Justice Department of the United States is fast becoming an arm of the Ku Klux Klan. I said John but the fact you have the Minuteman and all the racist groups in the United States. This. Is very very important. And if it had not. Been for the fact that I was able to escape to the United States I would have never gotten a trial. Not even to mention the fact I would have never gotten a trial in fact the vicious right the United States.
An interview with Robert Williams (Part 2)
Contributing Organization
Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
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Episode Description
Part two of Marc Schleifer's interview with Robert Williams conducted in Cuba in March 1962, in which Williams describes life in Cuba and his migration there in order to escape racism in the southern United States. Reel 3 is currently unavailable. KPFA Folio note, July 4, 1962: The militant North Carolina Negro leader who fled the United States last fall to escape a Federal warrant for his arrest on a charge of kidnapping tells the full story of events which led up to the by now celebrated Monroe incident?in an exclusive interview by Marc Schleifer, recorded in Havana, Cuba, in March 1962. Although this program is exceptionally long, and the recording quality substandard, the material warrants special attention.
Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Public Affairs
Law Enforcement and Crime
Schleifer, Marc; Williams, Robert F. (Robert Franklin), 1925-1996; Racism -- United States; African Americans--Civil rights--History
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 15390_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BB0244B_An_interview_with_Robert_Williams_part_2 (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:59:22
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “An interview with Robert Williams (Part 2),” Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “An interview with Robert Williams (Part 2).” Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: An interview with Robert Williams (Part 2). Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from