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One of the most heated debates during the national FML CIO convention in San Francisco was over racial discrimination in the Brotherhood's of trainmen and of locomotive fireman and engineman. The resolution on which this debate took place well it admonished these unions to bring themselves into line with the civil rights section of the bell CIO constitution which they agreed to comply with when they were accepted about two years ago. It. Did not set any time limit within which this must be done. Philip Randolph head of the sleeping car porters Union challenge the resolution as presented by the committee. Brother Chairman delegates of the convention. Arrives to register my exception to the report. On the grounds that it does not provide any time
limit for the elimination of a call Obama. And the Constitution's all the unions involved. Now the goal. We are essentially concern namely a vague delegation of the brotherhood of sleeping car porters that some time be definitively a set. Within which the color bar is eliminated by these organizations. Now when this resolution was. Considered by the committee. Jim Carey my good friend suggested dong loom that it be referred to movie executive comes in. Suddenly I. Know that there isn't anyone.
Who is more dedicated to civil rights than Jim Carey. Nevertheless I believe that was a mistake. Unless they're wonderstruck instructions that the Executive Council would set a date beyond which there would be no question about the fact that there would be no longer or color bold in the constitutions of these organizations. Let me say that in this connection that I had attained the highest respect for all the distinguished presidents all of the Brotherhood of Locomotive engine men and firemen and the Brotherhood of Locomotive a railroad train men. We have absolutely nothing against those men were
associated and the railway men were executives association with them. I have pleasant relations from time to time but I submit to this convention that in this mid 20th century a color bar and any trade union is absolutely incompatible with the basic principles and ideals of free trade unionism. It's utterly inconceivable that today a trade union will say to a worker. You cannot come into this Union although you are working on a job covered by the contract. Held by this year when you come into this union for no other reason than that you are all black.
Well that is what it amounts to. It's comparable to saying don't work us. You can't come into this union because you are doomed. All because you are confident. Or because you're Puerto Rican. This I contend is just isn't compatible with free trade union democracy as disenfranchisement of a worker or a citizen. Because of call race or religion. Oh it is my opinion that. Even though these organizations be strong. History shows that liberty isn't divisible. I'm the right to work belongs as much to all black. Locomotive fireman as it does to all white locomotive file.
The right to economic security for the family of a black locomotive farm is just as sacred as our right to work. Belongs to a white locomotive violence and so on when you're here dealing with basic Christian then bolt the mold which deals with the unity of the human family and also the dignity of the human personality. If you don't agree that there is one human family I'm not human family was created by God. I'm not all of the members of the human family all brothers and sisters. And because we are brothers and sisters they're equal I mean
they are equal they're entitled to equal treatment. Then you don't believe in the first tenet. Of a sound democracy. The Judeo-Christian teachings indicate and point up. These two basic ethical principles. The unity of the human family and the dignity of the personality of the individual. Racial discrimination is about front to the personality of any worker. It's an attack upon the sacredness of his personality. It disregards his self-respect and Negro workers off amore concern. About the elimination of humiliation that goes roughly belief and the concept of racial engineering already
which grew out of the idea of exclusion from a union because the Raiders were on just as much concerned above that as economic advantages that come from the possession of a job. In fact they are more concerned about that. But come up bold as a symbol of second dross citizenship in the trade union movement. Nol for a long long time. Delegation above the sleeping car porters have been fighting racial discrimination on the floor of the convention. Only you have a male if available. Particularly nobody knows that better than George Meany. And nobody knows better than George meaning that the delegates of the brotherhood of sleeping crapola as well now will back off. In their fight against
racial discrimination in a serious of AFLCIO you will regard it as all the opposition. All that is not to imply that joins me wishes like. I'm sure it doesn't because I have absolutely no question about the commitment of George Meany to do the great values of human freedom and human dignity. I believe that if a particular case of discrimination is brought face to face to him that he would do the right thing about it in eliminating this manifestation of discrimination. I have no doubt about that. Nevertheless the responsibility of keeping this question alive in the labor movement is a responsibility. Feel the need to trade
unionists and that is a reason why we have never told foregone opportunity to present to the conventions available mail conditions concerning racial discrimination in the trade union movement. I submit to the call Obama is a mockery of trade union democracy. I'm doing the maintenance of the color bar in these various unions. I mean we only have as I see it three young male female at the present time if else you know you'll. Be offering to Manning. Now the question has been raised about. Giving the unions more time. To take the call of our goal. I'm not called with that position. I think the members of the Executive Council will agree. But when the question of the
reality of the admission of the Brotherhood of Locomotive engine and fireman and the brotherhood of the railroad trainman came up before the Executive Council but it was a group according to my own this time. But George Meany wouldn't talk to the presidents of these unions an attempt to show them the Mrs.. Eliminating become a model. And that it would be necessary for all then to bring the Constitution into Khomeini with the Constitution of the of MLC all you. And I understood that if they didn't do it in the their conventions following their admission into their home Elsie I know they would be expelled. Now we haven't capped but what about play on with this. The resolution presented by the delegates of the brotherhood of sleeping
Caparas is on the Hill and that is a reason why our poll was a revolt. It is because we have been committed to the elimination of the column on the expansion of the unions and half. On the amount of giving more time let me advise you that these unions have had to come up. In their constitutions for the last 50 years how much more time do they want. Not only that. Let me tell you that they're all found some more honest negro firemen now who cannot get proper representation merely because they are not in a union and the Brotherhood of Locomotive engine and fireman has a contract covering these Negro workers.
I don't need no workers don't have the opportunity to exercise their voice revolt in the determination of promises concerning rich repair and rules governing working condition. What kind of trade union democracy is that. Ralph No no I don't want to make it definitely. But the delegates will be right to have a sleeping car park. Well no I want to bring Dr. Mae Jemison then you and they don't have the easy going. I come home and it's constitutional. After giving several specific examples of the abuses which the present situation encourages and allows Mr. Rendell stated that when wages were a dollar a day 80 percent of the railway fireman were black
but now less than 10 percent are black. Action must not be delayed if it were delayed it would soon have settled itself by default. He charged further that there had been an outright conspiracy directed against Negro workers in the southeastern part of the United States. A conspiracy which involved the unions the owners and the government. He also wished to know why they should be more gentle with the unions concerned than they had been with the Teamsters Union. In conclusion Mr. Randolph pled for justice to be done. We believe that justice should be done and justice in the interest of the legal workers. And the firemen in particular consist in the elimination of a couple Bob. And I don't see that you're going to be able to do it. Less you alone employ some trusted me or all of
those MY has fostered international repercussions. We are all part of your national conservation and free trade union. A man who leadership has fallen upon the shoulders all the MLC all year old what my friends the unions and so hot for a cup how the COLA Bowl how can you do the workers offer it up. And talk about trade union democracy. With unions with you you did with the FOMC I don't like the color bars in their constitution. It just can't be done. People who say they listen to what you say but they're concerned about what you do. And when you support a measure designed to overlook those minor you're placing a stamp of approval.
Upon the color Bowl and I'm sure that that is not the desire. All the eval they'll see IOUs of the officials on the membership and sort of the trim on. The delegates of the brotherhood of sleeping car borders call upon this convention to vote down the report of the committee. I don't hold the resolution which is designed to eliminate the color ball from the Constitution to the unions involved. Thank you very much. In his reply Mr. Meaney insisted that there was no basic disagreement. The leaders of the unions concerned were doing their best he Mr meany was doing his best and his predecessor Mr William Green had done here is to solve this problem. No time limit should be set given time this difficult problem would be settled. The heads of
both unions assured the audience that given time they would be able to secure the necessary support and bring their organizations into compliance with the civil rights provision of the ever Bell CIO Constitution. Very. Nice you can read my dream. Resume any fellow delegates I represent one of these organizations. We now have under inspection a brotherhood a railroad train and. Who has been in existence in this country for. More than seventy five years. I'm sure that you will recall. The brotherhood of railroad came and became a member of the bell.
CIO. At the previous convention. Held in Atlantic said. I recall very clearly conferences that I had with. Brother George me the president. Before the Atlantic City Convention. At which time George Harrison. President of the church organization. And myself sat down to talk over the problems that confronted us in our application to join. The AFL the CIO. I pointed out to them that. More than 65 years ago. When our. Forefathers set. The constitution of our brotherhood. The word white was put in the Constitution. I told them that. All during those years there probably had been an old effort.
Organized or otherwise to make any changes. I told him I ware that I respected the times. That we were now soul living and working in. And that. The discrimination clause would eventually have to be considered by our organizations and I was satisfied. That when that. Time took place that our delegates were big enough. And smart enough and capable enough to make these changes that we would as executive officers suggest. We lived up to that pledge. Strange however since you had your convention and since we joined the NFL ACL we've not had. An. National Convention and our next National Convention is scheduled to take place in nineteen hundred sixty two. We will. When that convention takes place in 1962. As we promised the president of the FLSA I'll. Place this problem
before the eleven hundred delegates and the representatives of the 200000 members of my organization. However we went a little further as I pointed out to rather me than just make a pledge that we would do this at the next convention. I said that notwithstanding the fact. That we have. In our constitution the white clause we would fold do everything within reason to make the changes long before that convention. Would take place. Brother Randolph when he spoke at this convention. He left the impression. That because the word white. Was in the Constitution of the Brotherhood or a lot of trainmen. That every member of the brotherhood of regular training. Was was a white man. That's not true. And let me point out to you that since your convention Atlantic City and since we had the original meeting with rather me.
More than a thousand negroes. On to the brotherhood a railroad train meant at this very day and we want you to know that. We want you to know all that this is not just individuals and the so-called northern states. We have negroes a blow to our organization in the state of Virginia. As a matter of fact in the state of it Virginia north Polk we have a local lodge told exclusively exclusively of Negroes. The president the secretary they say the local representatives the legislative representatives and all of the officers are negroes and we're very proud of the fact that we have such a Vireo fine outstanding organization down in that southern state with such a large group of members well over a hundred. All through the Chesapeake in Ohio railroad that runs through the the X-Face region in West Virginia. We have. A substantial number of illegals. We have negroes that are working and
they pass in a switchman. We have negroes working in the capacity yard foreman in the yards with Negroes work. And in the capacity for a great many. And we have negroes work in the capacity of passenger brakeman now in the eight northern states. Take in the States. Maryland. In the state of Pennsylvania. We have any number of Negro workers on the Pennsylvania railroad. The New York Central Railroad and these other railroads in the city of Chicago where. We have. Contracts on practically every railroad in the city. We have more than a hundred and fifty negro switchman. On the way. I believe it's the Chicago Belt Railroad and they hold office in their own particular lodges where our men. Have. The jurisdiction.
Let's come out here to California and see whether we've kept up our pledges. We have in a state of California and we represented many hundreds of bus drivers. We have. A substantial number of Negro bus drivers under the jurisdiction of our general committees down here in the city of Los Angeles. As a matter of fact. We have a substantial number in our brother of Negro Women bus drivers in our organization. And I wonder if brother Randolph. No sadder if there's any negro women in his organization for the sake of the record. Don't anybody try to point out to you. That we did not keep our quiet. Brother Gilbert of the Brotherhood of Locomotive fireman engineman. And myself as a present to run the railroad trainmen did give you a pledge that we would fold of eventually bring this here. Discriminatory clause out of our Constitution. I say to you in all kindness today if you'll just bear with
us a little. At least until we have a convention. If you will just go along with some real genuine true blooded. Representatives of labor brother Gilbert and myself and our associates that are here. You won't have these problems at the future conventions because we're already cleaning it up as the record shows. And if you'll give us just a little more time. I'm sure. That eventually we'll be as lily white. As all of the rest of the organizations that have within their ranks all of the colors. Now. Let me point out to you further with this white clause this did not only involve the negroes. This involved taking into our organization the American Indians. Of which we have a substantial number in our organization and they're regarded as the red men. This involved taking in there are is a chanson yellow man and all the Canadian Pacific Railroad of which we have jurisdiction. We have Chinese all the other race. In our organization this discrimination does not fall
wholly and solely upon the Negro race. All of the other. Callers were involved in our organization. That has contracts on all of these railroads of the United States and all of these railroads in Canada is confronted with all of this racial discrimination. And we in the later years have cleared it up. And I'm sure if you'll just give us a little more time and go on with this committee's report we will when we come back to another convention be able to give you a record that you'll be mighty proud up. I thank you for your indulgence. For. My presence. And. I believe the record should be cleared before the delegates in this convention. Something great my brother or little brother ran
off to envision and clear the president. The right wing and it didn't work. Lol the damage to the Lola are easy. Leave American factories labor organization I think you do that. Laurie I am nearly 30 years as a sole antibodies in these players. There are a you are and rather at this convention I should like to clear up. First the least to you that it was an issue for the evening and that you are and will be the only
legal. Well I am really and truly I am here. Each action.
I'm sorry to say we were going to get the motion right. Well that is the part in John the mole negro lands. And I am sure that if you meet with us in the months that you and I shall continue to work the words of the pledge that I made when we were accepted in the early years. Thank you very. High numbers. Well there you heard Mr.. Yes I don't want to go. Mention Iraq in opposition to the recommendation. I mean we only ask
that. During the next day. As to child rearing that comes with because. I do want to point out. That if you sustain the committee's recommendations it's hard to. Carry. On. I was 19 the sixth. I do want to tell young 1950. On the hour. And six and you. Know man. Right. I know man you
pressure that. Any shame and employer organization trying to get at me will organize and shine only this man right. Now and the state will. Want to. And we need more realization in this day. Every minister globalization there's a warning out to me that. The Saudi regime really call 911 and then a week under no condition should run along little boy to hold him right. I say to you that these organizations seem to me.
To come. In tonight. You shouldn't expect to get into the American interest. Congressman you're going to say come on. I said. I want to. Come. To me and we would expect you. To see. This. And you can't keep doing that until such time. And we usually can't see until 91. We find that. They can and the delegates in the convention and.
Moving the ball. I'm saying he would not leak this. They shall remove. This court. When we come back. We'll be. Watching. You. And when we write discussion. I can always write my column with fight right.
To speak about this issue. I thought. This is a little. Process coming from a union that is a bit bizarre. Three years later. We. All agree and we will never. Get any of. The stuff. For your soul. All these polls will.
Say to you. You. Do a little education and all these polls. Get. Together. Then. You. Take. A. Poll and. We. Jump. At it. And.
As for. The citizens. AS. Well. Then.
HE'LL. Feel. Better. This. Thing just. Made. It a.
Problem. With. Told by the close. To. Understand. I think I saw all those together rather than 1960. And seen no reason why we can't write my name
in the solution. One present one probably more on which to try. Right. Oh I sympathize with your. Younger voters like 96 convention again I think that we should thank someone. I'm also wish writers were. Worthy goals are being met and some of the problem here you're making what should be good while the super nation comes from the British bakery I think this time we should take some action. Senator Bennett It appears to be a special mention of this nature. Here's all I suggest that you did. Heavenly Father this is discrimination.
This is I want to be able to hear this word racial or like just discrimination. I already have all. My number three loyal. Opposition. The boy. And him are all the original resolution. I am one of the smallest in the race. And luckily he handed me an easy fold discrimination. You are in a really interesting little rant with me that. Santa was. Real.
Why the continuation. We have the label the enemy leadership that has taken place in the ranks in this country. Paul told me that. Goal that and face discrimination. And we must end. And he
told. Me. That this is a. CG that and this and that. This is something that. Happened. And it was me and bang. It was the only.
Chair recognizes vice president Kerry. Vice President Kerry. German. I rise to support the committee's report. And oppose. The resolution. I was originally submitted this matter rescinded siddur before the subcommittee on the Resolutions Committee. I move. That the course he followed us contained in the resolution now before the convention. The day of the bell see Iowa's Constitution is far superior on this subject. Than the AFM bals Constitution was. It is far superior. On this subject. Don the CIO this constitution was this constitution under which we live establishes 14
committees standing committees of the FML CIO. And all the important fields of activity to meet the purposes and objectives. Of the FML CIO. But there are three committees among those 14 that have a special character have special purpose and not belittling in one sense the legislative committee or the Community Services Committee or the Veterans Committee while the other committees the three committees I refer to deal with political education civil rights. And deal with ethical practices. Those three committees in the Constitution are established to excess the Executive Council. In the fulfillment.
Of certain specified. Duties. I join with President meaning in suggesting that it's not just the negro delegates. That have an obligation. To fulfill. The Constitution. The present the organization has a special obligation. As the vice president. Asked all the affiliated unions and I want to survive. I might suggest. That perhaps the white delegates the white officers I'm a greater. Obligation to keep this question alive. How can I best be accomplished. I heard President Randolph speak for the first time at the first convention of the EV of else. That I had the pleasure of attending. At the Willard Hotel. In Washington D.C. in 1933. He spoke eloquently. I was amazed to find that a great number of the delegates left the room before he completed his remarks.
I'm pleased to see that the great changes taking place in the American labor movement in that respect. Now there is no deadline set in the Constitution of the able Bell CIOL. And I read that provision in full. The committee on civil rights shall be vested with the duty and responsibility to assist the Executive Council. To bring about the earliest possible date affective implementation of the principle stated in this constitution of nondiscrimination in accordance with the provision of this constitution. That to me has a date the earliest possible. Opportunity. And I do not condone the existence of the scrim anation. Or Jim Crow. Local artist.
Human nature in any form. I do thank the American Federation of Labor Congress of the last the organization has a job to perform. But I submit to you they are not responsible for the inclusion in some of the constitutions of these color bars. I'm not siding a bell. Outside to see eye on. Certain practices did apply inside me even thou see I don't. Turn on discriminatory activity. All of the much earlier day and I would suggest to the sponsors of the resolution or getting consideration in the resolution now before the convention. But assuming if you will.
What would happen if that resolution was adopted. Or defeat to defeat the resolution at the summit it would make it appear that the able they'll see I don't condone the discriminatory action in these two organizations and I might even venture to say. Many more organizations as well. Well this executive council does have the responsibility to pursue this matter and to pursue it in accordance with the Constitution and the procedures that have been so far successful on so many other subjects. Please the second a motion for the adoption of the. Great question of trainmen.
I mean precisely because they have something in the constitution right. Plan well. There is not one legal person in any of the. And yesterday when the chairman said she will you believe. We certainly did. We talked to different groups and different organizations mostly white soul. We will raise it was bold. I'm sorry it took you some time again. These gentlemen were here only one thing they learned in the Constitution if they had done what they say and hire our people then our industries in the last 10 years. Just trying to get some help on this one. But even the state and city of Philadelphia was like because we're too small.
A church say no. Because it was only poor as you say they are. We don't know this on 0 1 2 3 years we didn't really going to discriminate against it but against what you're not supposed possible whether this resolution. Would not make very much difference because we would stand here in Atlanta and go home with the same thing I. Have done. I think as much as we could do for us and we've got weather passion I don't imagine that in our history there's one being banned. The matter with the. Yes thank you. I hear a vote on the resolution Resolution as presented by the Resolutions Committee. I see leaving just pretty well exhausted this topic and I'm not going to
question those who fail to read part of the Resolutions Committee signify by saying. Those polls. Resolutions and so Mr. Randolph and the other delegates who spoke against the resolution were defeated and there is no time limit within which racial discrimination must be abolished in the Brotherhood's of trainmen and of the locomotive fireman and engine men. Late that same day however Mr Randall did win a vote on a resolution condemning segregated or Jim Crow locals. The vote was won after an exchange in which Mr Meany is quoted as having shouted at Mr. Randolph. Who the hell appointed you as the guardian of all the negro members in America. Mr. Randolph reply was not quoted and we do not have recordings of this part of the conference.
The recordings you have heard were made by Robert McAllister you know rater was else that night Thompson.
Unions and race discrimination
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Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
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This is a recording of the floor debate at the 1959 National AFL-CIO convention regarding a resolution for the brotherhoods of trainmen and locomotive firemen and enginemen to bring their unions in line with the civil rights provision of the AFL-CIO's constitution. There was much protest of the resolution, because it had no time limit on ending racial discrimination. This recording includes comments from members of the unions and a speech by A. Philip Randolph, head of the Sleeping Car Porters Union. Other speakers include Brotherhood of railroad trainmen President Kennedy, Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enginemen President Gilbert, an African American union brother named Evans speaking against the resolution, Delegate Thomas of the Mackinaw worker's union, AFL-CIO Vice President Kerry, and others. Recorded at the convention in San Francisco by Robert S. MacCollister. Narrated by Elsa Knight Thompson.
Event Coverage
Social Issues
AFL-CIO. Railway Employes' Department. Convention; Race discrimination; African Americans--Civil rights--History
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Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 1953_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BB0116_Unions_and_race_discrimination (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:53:28
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Chicago: “Unions and race discrimination,” Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 30, 2024,
MLA: “Unions and race discrimination.” Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 30, 2024. <>.
APA: Unions and race discrimination. Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from