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In my opinion one of the most beautiful human beings that is on the face of the earth. And when we write the history of the black revolution the black liberation movement. History will not be complete. Unless. There. Are chapters devoted to this man who has stood up. Against the system great personal risk to himself. Currently he is defending the Oakland 7. At the. Bastion. Of. Injustice. The Hangout of racist hang men otherwise known as the Alameda County Courthouse. And better known to you. And he is better known to you as perhaps as the chief
legal attorney of. The minister of defense UEP Newton and give you Attorney Charles R. Garrett. Thank you. Thank you father and thank you for the reception. It's ironical that we're here celebrating a birthday. Newton one of the greatest human beings I have ever had the pleasure to know. Wiley's caged up like a wild animal. Some 280 miles from here in a penitentiary.
It's ironic that this great human being this great leader this great revolutionary. Has to do dead time while the slow grind of Due Process of Law keeps him in prison. A year ago on the 17th of February. The slogan for the community and the nation was free now. Why should he be in prison today. Went to court. And 12 jurors have said that he was only convicted of. Manslaughter.
Why is Ney out on bail. Pending his appeal. You know the answer to that just as well as I do in September. Huey Newton was convicted of manslaughter. Was acquitted. Of kidnapping charges was acquitted of assaulting. What a deadly weapon. The other officer. We made a motion for bail. The judge categorically. And what do you know. And hatred denied his request for bail. And he told he would quit making a speech. There is no jury here now. When members of the community when the clergy the black clergy of the
community said we needed here we Newton out on the street to give the leadership that the community muchly needs and muchly deserves. Well the judge said well he will continue giving that leadership in prison. Will you not. Of course he will. But why should he be caved up. We applied to the Court of Appeal for bail. We set forth that there were at least 14 or 15 major grounds that his conviction what not stand up. Under the light of day. That was immediately denied. About the same time that it was filed we applied to the California Supreme Court.
For a writ of habeas corpus for bail. It was a tremendous writ of habeas corpus. It set forth a serious legal questions serious factual questions that court sat on it for two weeks and denied it without any comment. In the meantime Huey Newton is in prison locked up. Like a wild animal. Is not permitted to associate with other prisoners. Two hundred and eighty miles away from here where his attorneys will have to spend a day or two in order to visit him. His relatives and friends can't visit him. Hundreds and hundreds of letters are being sent to him and are being returned by the prison authorities at Christmas time where every
other prisoner gets Christmas mail. You a note and was not able to get a single mail outside of the 10 people who can write to him on Valentine's Day which is just two days away. Literally thousands of people send him Valentine's cards and they all have been returned. Some of them are stacked up in my office. You know. We talk about white racism. We read about white racism. But you don't really feel it until you actually see it day in and day out. And for some 15 months that's all I have been saying is white racism. From the lowliest law enforcement agency to the highest judicial cry beyond you'll.
Always see is the permeation of white racism. Where is it going to stop. Only yesterday. A group of Nazis were arrested in San Mateo County. With headquarters set up to destroy. The free movement. Of American freedoms. Their slogan is. Control the negroes and not the guns. You saw that on the press media. These are the kind of things we're faced with today here Wayne Newton must be set free and he must be set free now. The
E.R.. Our areas were not going to wait like Tom Mooney did for some 30 years before he was set free and when he got out he was a sick man and he soon da. We're not going to wait. For a man like McNamara. Who died in prison. These are the warriors of the past. We're not going to wait for ice. MARTIN So Bella spent 18 years in prison before he's relieved. The people must speak and speak now. And now our. The EU just on the issue of the.
Grand jury that indicted here Wayne Newton. That alone out to set him free. It's interesting really. It's interesting enough. That practically every lawyer does practicing criminal law throughout the state of California is copying the attack that was made in a Huey Newton grand jury. And yet when I talk to the judges they tell me Well Gary I don't think there ought to be any more attacks on the grand jury until the Supreme Court decides a Huey Newton case. Here Wayne Newton must stay in prison until the spring Court of California takes its good time. To decide the case. When they had the opportunity just a month ago. To grant bail to Huey Newton. Now these are the conditions that we're operating under. I've
been speaking to law schools throughout the country and I tell them that our judicial system is behind the times. Between 100 and 150 years they're not up to date with our contemporary need to know our contemporary society. The lawyers can't change it by themselves. Because they are imbued with white racism just like sixty six point six percent of white Americans are. The change must come. With the battles that the people are fighting on the streets today and the colleges and universities the E.R.. Cool.
How many more he Newtons Most spend their time in prison. How many more are warriors of our present day. Regime must die or spend their times in prison. How many more Viet Nam's must there be. Before we recognize that white racism is rotten to the core not only in the United States but when we try to shadow what to the rest of the world. I wish I could be optimistic. And say he will be released. In the near future but I'm satisfied it Huey Newton will not be relieved until the people rise up and say now. Thank you thank
you. We're making people more aware. The need for unity revolutionary people too or you're with.
Many universe nation reactionary is a university community for the direct relationship between the reactionary agencies and this is reaction
to being with. Will this day be a prelude or celebration to the event we are going to weigh in and the too far future the near future a colossal event will occur where the men of the earth with the Evil Dead and corrupt officials and gray
Put that we will follow the chairman. Today that the true revolution for the freedom and liberation from the racist reaction we put across the three years then or an even closer relationship with brother
rather than stay human people every other people who are freedom. Everyone remember that for every day but the real issue is together in unity. Mention cleaver people people.
to get a brother and a collation of your precious. These were agents of the establishment and they too are they to do with the people or the the court of course represented a reactionary system for the community through community militias to protect the unity. Or or different
in the crowd this person who we know that we are. With that who are criminals and as they are until the reactionary power people have power.
The genius of human news is that Cuba has the finest occasions of what Malcolm ever top of the genius if you will. And the relevance of the Black Panther Party is that if the party has been in general from the first generation of urban blacks on the West Coast. But if we want us to feel as if the rank and file of the likes of the party itself was not born in sin but that we work on the ways that that what was significant is that that this that this is going to happen that
way in the south. You know like many races white is not only a on a pessimism around him. So round in them within them intimidate killin it. Black people are better conscious of this of this you know and and consequently they they're like like I bet it's that mold it back and. And actually the whole course of life is better than that from the fact that they are all around it and over and under by the by the hour stuff about races on the West Coast. It has not been a case like for the black
the first generation of urban black men. The Black Panther. We've been pushed in to corner him to get it. And the only time we come in contact with with an individual physical is even who the businessman the abberation businessman the insurance salesman the milkman or the occupying forces of the peace. But we have that even though we haven't been educated. It is like we have an add on school and because we can relate it will feel by and large kind of a freak. I mean like we were able to put in with a Huey Newton who can say the rain will go immediately from the black community and tell a few black people or the rest of the people it was
fate and to real as this thing enough to expect it. This is what is seen as too to have this reservoir of. Potential I mean straight maybe you did it in middle school when you did in middle who went because they never knew what they had to fight. It's only been able to do better. But I mean to really to really to organize and to direct it into on TV is get the power if you will this is what you and you will be able to go down and picnic on the street and relate to and understand what was going on and what he was spanking implement that into a position into a program and a PEP for you to get
into the Black Panther Party. Let's play it like this. All power to the people. Black power to black people and panther power to the vendor has been a lot said tonight about a brother who is beautiful and who is wonderful. But we cannot forget that it's not because we say so or because of our subjective wishes and dreams and hopes it is because of objective facts. Now we go on talk tonight. We don't take it back to a little school. I know we don't relate to school but it's not a reactionary school. It's got to be revolutionary. Those are the guiding principles that UEP Newton laid down. I want to talk about evolution about evolution of
ideas desires dreams of manhood of freedom but the basic wishes and desires and needs of black people. The dreams of Huey P. Newton. I want to talk about the environment the environment. You can share with us just part of the objective laws that produced a man like you have been neutered and has yet to produce any others. You heard the word personification used many times and I. I don't know if you know what it means I'm a high school dropout but I think I can help you. Personification sometimes objects or forces normally of new gender are personified regarded as persons. Consequently they andar with masculine feminine gender especially when we
talk about freedom about manhood. You've got to talk about here in Newton if you're black and there's Babylon called America you've got to Huey Newton is the personification of the basic needs and desires of black people all over this country and oppressed people the world over. It really is more us because we share the same environment. If you. Think that there will be more you have some cultural nationalist idealistic revolutionaries who say well I was wondering if they'll be more there be others. History was all research like Malcolm said Check it out. Ain't been no niggers like you in Newton. And if there's a more I had not there we wish you'd come forward quick quick. It was said of Malcolm that he was nothing different.
But if you look at the political questions that Malcolm dealt with while he had time out on a limb by yourself in the vanguard position you see that nobody not a nigga on this earth his dad owned his mouth about the same political questions except Huey P. Newton. The question of AAM struggle we have. All over this country. I bet we must have at least a thousand so-called Negro leaders Afro-American leaders black militant leaders we don't relate to that word militant as a shortstop for revolution or half as revolutionary. Nobody deal with the question of armed struggle not like you Newton did. Why would Williams made a stab at it if you other brothers and Malcolm talked about it.
But like I said social practice is a criterion a truth. You knew that and he proved it. And he opened a lot of eyes. The value of this kind of leadership for people who learn more by doing and like you said we're not a reading people and we ignore all that bullshit on TV. There's only one way to reach the black people. But he was man enough to practice it. Of the other thousands of so-called Negro leaders they never reached a point Huey demonstrated the value of armed struggle. It was a decrease in pig harassment in the Bay Area like they'd never seen before. Some people said it was prayer but we know it was bullshit. The question of capitalism. That's awesome. That's a hard one. We got so many federally financed Negro leaders out here I call them the champions of the status quo.
And when they come talk in Swahili like WHO IS IT THAT MAKES IT job gnashers. Well you I mean think about it. There's niggas out here got our people studying Swahili goddamn me. Have you ever seen a book on or in one car been in Swahili. 12 gauge Mossberg like David was in Swahili. If you want to study explosives you better studying English. You talked about education that was relevant. You got niggas out here just practicing what bunchy like to call moon is. That's what it is Moon is it is totally divorced from reality. Abstract bullshit. You have many Negro leaders in his bag. Many of pretended like capitalism never existed. Even if they did talk about the evils of the Vietnam War it was a moral issue and they divorced it tricky from the economic
base that it came from. Then they automatically the national races line divided people who got the same hell from the same system now can recognize the enemy the same man all over the world. Now when was the last one to talk about it. It's like when it down now commits get have these niggers adept leaders so-called leaders didn't scare you. Hewitt came out with the first clear concept of the evils we had to fight. He said We have two evils to fight capitalism and racism and he defined it and he clarified it so that you could see that this commercialized institutionalized racism that we have here in this Babylon of America today is really a product of the Capulets a sad and he made it clear that you could not possibly raise your hand against racism without raising your hand against capitalism. But when you say that we're niggers
get to cringe. They all ready for knocking the white man but don't mess with the man that signs a check is niggers are here with money invested in this. These niggas buying stock in the plantation is what they doing. They talk a whole bunch of revolution. You don't believe in slavery by starting a plantation. You should come to Los Angeles we really got problems down it would all add federal money body Banneker niggas up for a nickel a dozen. And it will cut your throat. Shoot you in the back. Do anything to protect their status quo they hate white people but you know I have nothing against capitalism. Huey drew the distinction and in doing that he also clarified to Stan and the other leaders of doneness and there's been niggers may be good brothers I don't know like Stokely travel around the world millions of times. If you saw anything he didn't related to
us we still wait on the word. He said that there was a role for white revolutionaries the mother country radicals. But there was definitely a way to pick our friends and enemies and it wasn't based on something as superficial as skin shade. Niggas come in too many different colors anyway. So many are out there still trying to change. Nobody want to deal with the question of nationalism. All these are important political questions that have guided us to the success to the successes that we have enjoyed so far. And for those of you who think that there was successes before where you remember that before 64 65 there was no such thing as a poverty program only more pigs and mopey. Now to try to shoot you and buy you up at the same time. Because you answered the question of armed struggle and he didn't say like some militant leaders. If the white man don't come around we don't burn his town down he said. No more
riots twos and threes. Police demand from you one does watch Topy you can control it. And it's coming to pass. On the question of nationalism he made it quite clear he gave an international perspective perspective is something that well the word got too many syllables for niggers to relate to it. But we can get your own perspective means the ability to see. We can see that in the perspective of nationalism was definitely too narrow it means everybody Black is on our side. Recent events in Los Angeles have proven that otherwise. US brothers in Los Angeles at that time. It would be hard for you to understand unless you raise in Los Angles how well love bunchy and John were and brothers at that time were ready to violate the principles laid down and just go home. Hall
like this is definite time to cut the horse loose but we've got to do it a little finesse 2003's not to street fight and she did most of us related to before. On the question of the white liberal he was the first one to clean that up. These are important questions understand who our enemy is. The relation of knowledge to practice Mao went into it in 937 but it didn't reach us except by way Huey because Hughie made it clear that we got to educate the people through activity. Practice is the best teacher and he reached the people he reached niggas who didn't relate to nothing but the liquor store and the pool hall and jails. It was no choice of their own but it was only brothers who had enough guts to stand up. Everybody else was off on their own trips doing what they call their brain. But here we reach them
these watermarks these landmarks and leadership. No other leader black or any other color contemporary revolutionary leader has achieved what here in Newton achieved. I know we all love you but I'm trying to give you a good political basis to understand the value of you in Newton's leadership and the concrete examples he said. He didn't give us a bunch of dogmas about any allergies and can say ups and reverting back to Africa. He didn't gave us theoretical guards and concrete social practice. Proof a waster. My papa said he snatched his balls from the jaws of a lion. On the question of the Vanguard position she clarified that
it wouldn't seem that this issue would be that foggy but you've got a lot of intellectual revolutionaries out here. You've got a lot of cats who write a whole bunch of shit and do nothing. Different groups different parties different individuals. The Vanguard position is based on practice people. She was all right Panther Party makes mistakes. He was all right. Panther Party makes more mistakes than anybody because the panther party gets more practice. So a whole bunch of people that make no mistakes because they have no practice. Niggas ain't doing shit. Really few books write a few lines. Oh we got them. They're hard to find and you know it's time to write something. We got on but he didn't clarify the issue. So because people in this country been calling themselves revolutionaries for damn near 100 years and have been doing shit. One other thing to remember about Hewitt Hughes environment was
our evolution of Huey Hughes a perfect personification of our wishes and dreams. Not just the black panther parties but the black people in general. His perspective is our perspective. It's gotten us this far. All he's got is to damn near the only progress made in the last 10 years. Hugh is one of those one of the best. Remember when they raise their hands against you and they raise their hands against the best we have. Hugh we cannot be free until we are free and we cannot be free until Hugh is free. All power to the people like part of black people. That's a part of the Venga for you. While Huey is being held a political
prisoner this man is leading us carrying on the movement and is leading all of us against the most sophisticated the most vicious the most sinister the most complex racist or press of imperialistic system that the world has ever known. And that is no small thing because this is the most vicious the most sophisticated the most complex the most highly developed system of open question of racism and of imperialism that the world has ever known. And next is going to you're going to be seeing and hearing from the man who is leading us against this monstrosity. German of the Black Panther Party Mr. Bobby Seale. How is it a people hold up
our whole lot of people all the people. The cultured nationals can talk about walking at walk and talk and talk. Huey P. Newton David here you operate as Bunchy Carter or the John Horgan. Revolutionaries in a were. My. Brother Marx Lenin Mao. Known. Malcolm. Was walking through a revolutionary walk and talk was a revolutionary talk. You get on the nitty gritty about it. They were. And they were playing last dedicated. I mean as a defense you all want to
see you. That we have a. Situation going on here in this country. We'll go through with all the people not by selves not like egotist not like that like people who go wage a revolutionary struggle. He just got through saying just recently. In the near future a new offensive will be raised to give this race is a capitalistic imperialistic power structure right here in America. You don't get the jab and I. Don't get the lollygagging He says power for the people come through the barrel of oil. And once now we have to learn how to relate to that again. We've got a right to defend ourselves.
We have a right to have as human beings on the face of this earth. That's what he put down for he wouldn't have it. The Black Panther Party and black people are getting so hip so hip now. They really don't understand black people. Some nigger right around black and beautiful ok nigga you black and you beautiful but get them in on a damn TV they got a program they call a mob squad and some niggers run and I would a natural on is Hey Tom he's black and beautiful He's up he's appeared. So we turn out of it and black capitalism better get hip. And you pet is better get hip. We're not going for none of it. Black capitalism.
What the hell about Jewish campers and Indian capitalism if there was any. And next an American capitalism. How come the Heller didn't mention that. No they mention black capitalism because a bunch of black people as a Black Panther Party stuck out here in these black communities saying when you go in for the shit that we understand Marx we understand Lenin. We understood Stalin. We understand we understand you and we understand for no. We understand now we understand we're tired of slavery. Cavil is a person slavers. You don't want no more of it. We want to stop this system and minister of information so that we will move from a low. Culture nationalism to our level. We will deal with this system and we will destroy this system it will put forth a system that makes sense. We want breakfast for children. Wait a minute we want breakfast children always cross this country.
That's what kind of program we want back to the children who are free health clinics want communicant children police these are the things we're going to work on how. We go get on. We want everything we have to do black liberation in schools in the black community and Britain has shown supposed to be in the white community doing the Appalachian mountain anywhere as simple white people we don't give a damn what color you are. Blue white green polka dot a what black people know what has to be done. Any idea the Black Panther Party and understand what it's all about. Personified by the Minnesota Fitzhugh is worse than exposed by Otis cleavers West. See you know niggas getting married yet. You know niggas get married yet. We so tired of resources and we so we can shoot this capitalistic system. The very capitalism that put us in slavery for 400 years and how the hell can I jab chickenshit
cultural nationalist run around talking about some Jap chickenshit black culture black capitalism when the very capitalism put us in slavery for want of years even if this man is that close and he needs to be off every time he text anybody. Freedom fighters the liberation struggle. That's right you have to feel that and I'm in all of I'm tired of it. We go wake people up. And if that is the job of the Black Panther Party. If that isn't the job of Brother Huey P. Newton Eldridge Cleaver Marx Lenin then it is the job of all of us. My how it then is of every human being and somebody has a misunderstanding about the transition that human humanity is going through. Move in the whole human race from a lower level of exploitation from a
lower level of imperialism from a lower level of genocide and atrocious murders in this world from a low level to a house level of man not exploding mankind to our level of human beings in the standing human beings to a higher level of people surviving and existing and living and understanding well into hell we going to go in this world. Mickey Mouse real reason later. Tricky Dick Nixon you know. Mention Baines Johnson is out and you damn white students and you white radicals and you a left as you do today. You put religion banner Johnsons out and we go ahead. We happy. That's only one part of the whole human development we have to understand him develop in that context. He knew.
Now personified. What the hell is going on in this country and it comes from black people. Because some many black people now have the true etiology down to how to run this damn revolution. Sure we've been the most oppressed and by being the most oppressed in the most downtrodden we can project and personify that and we are here to talk about the celebration not death day. Many cultural gnashes only want to celebrate the day of Brother Malcolm. You know what I'm come for to celebrate the birthday of Malcolm X and we're going to start celebrating a birthday he would be new. We call him a modern. We say he's a livin man. This is a hell of a lot to us teach us taught us and we'll continue to teach us from prison. We human beings are going to live to be human beings we talk about survival we're not talking about no death.
We know it's necessary to get rid of the gun. We know we don't like Wall. We don't like war at all. The only way we can end. Is Through all the only way we can get rid of the gun is like the new mouse a tong marksmen and I have always said is pick up the gun and as far as we're concerned it is the greatest Marxist Leninist Maoist but known as Malcolm X in sake of Eris but doubtless a large towns live in the confines of this nascent. That's your opinion and we stand for then. Brother Raja Alvarado is here. I want to bring in Mona stays with me. Brother Raja Alvarado where you say you are in the audience around the stage. You don't know if you're brother because we can read ask these people wait a minute. They even
ran down the third Well all of us the colored peoples of the world and even the pole white they backwards but you white people but if you don't you'll stick instore educating some of them white people how to get exploited you better get on your stick cause we don't want to racism in this country and all that to get on because we don't practice racism here. Oh and you don't learn then you don't learn that at the Black Panther Party have to teach that to you over and over and over and over.
Huey Newton's birthday party
Producing Organization
KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/28-tx3513vf8k).
On February 16, 1969 at the Berkeley Community Theatre, a large crowd celebrated the birthday of Huey P. Newton and heard a variety of guests speak on Black power, revolution, the New Left, and the justice of Black America. Speakers include Father Earl Neil, Black Panther attorney Charles Garry, a recording of Huey P. Newton speaking from the prison in Vacaville, a recording of another member of the Black Panther Party talking about Newton, and Bobby Seale. The recording ends after Seale introduces the next speaker, Roger Alvarado. The second part of the program is not currently held by the Archives.
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Event Coverage
Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Public Affairs
Law Enforcement and Crime
Newton, Huey P.; Black Panther Party; African Americans--Civil rights--History
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Producing Organization: KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 4767_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BB5466A_Huey_Newtons_bday (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:51:22
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Chicago: “Huey Newton's birthday party,” 1969-05-25, Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 9, 2024,
MLA: “Huey Newton's birthday party.” 1969-05-25. Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 9, 2024. <>.
APA: Huey Newton's birthday party. Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from