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It would seem to be the utmost effrontery on my part to speak on the subject of the psychological problems of the negro because obviously I'm not negro and as they used to say before congressional committees I never have been. And. Hence if any of you want to raise loudly and firmly the question what do you know about being a negro. All I could do is to answer make nothing and then you I would shut up and you could go home. But then we'd have to return your dollar and a quarter and we need it for the scholarship fund. Right just the temerity of a negro speaking on the subject of being Negro that arouses your curiosity. And so since you're polite enough to continue is the opposite my credentials and explain try to explain why I ventured to speak on a subject on which so many people in the audience know so much more than I ever can.
While I am not negro. I am a member of a minority group one that has been the victim of a certain amount of discrimination and prejudice sometimes even persecution. It happens and I personally have led a sufficiently sheltered life so that I have encountered no persecution and compared to the Negro population of the United States very little discriminatory treatment. But nevertheless it seems to me I had to wrestle with some of the same problems Negroes have to confront although no doubt in very much attenuated form. I was advised in my youth for example that there are many jobs and careers to which I could not hope to aspire because of my race and especially during the sensitive years of late adolescence. I met social rebuffs or imagined rebuffs which caused me at least as much. All of the
inward parts of the negroes in the mixed society must suffer. And later on when I was a big D candidate and was trained to become a teacher and writer of English and I was in graduate school I saw what I thought were dozens of people with smaller abilities than my own getting there and I had to sit around there wondering if I was being discriminated against. And so I can lay claim to some first hand acquaintance with minority group psychology and even if I was not sent to a Japanese relocation center during the war. I felt intensely the meaning of that wee location. During the war years that minority group identification must have been strong in me because of where we were in November 1940 too. I was invited to become a weekly columnist for the Negro newspaper The Chicago Defender.
I accepted with real pleasure. I maintained that column until the end of 1946. That is something like five years during which time I acquired an emotional identification with the negro world which I still retain. And much of what I will say tonight revolves around what I learned and what I felt and saw among my negro friends and acquaintances in the course of the professional and social life I led in the Negro community in Chicago and elsewhere. From the moment I began to work for the Chicago Defender. But I have one much more important claim upon your attention in addition to being a member of a minority group myself and the fact of having worked on a Negro newspaper and this fact I believe transcends all the others and it has that for the past 15 years or more I've been a student of General Semantics. A discipline which was grown for me at least an enormous amount of light on the problems that we
all have of whatever race in achieving adjustment and self realization in this explain Lee complex and rapidly changing the world of the 20th century. I said I was a student of General Semantics and this is not a time or place to give you a formal definition of general semantics but let me give you a beginning and it's a sort of systematic study of how we form our attitudes and how those attitudes help to create the kind of world we live at. Let me say that again how we form our attitudes and how our attitudes help to create the kind of world we think we live in. Now I want explain what I mean by this. Let me start right in by explaining as a matter of principle namely the principle of a self fulfilling prophecy.
This self-fulfilling prophecy is a prophecy that fulfils itself as the result of the behavior of the person who makes the prophecy and believes it. Suppose we all have our money in the same bag. Supposing there is a rumor to the effect that the bank is about to fail. Supposing we believe this rumor and act upon it. This will cause the band to fail. Or another example you're going to say as a young man just out of jail looking for a job. Let's say that no one in town will give him a job because of his past record. In other words those who refused to employ him are making a prediction namely that since the young man is offended in the past he will undoubtedly offend again. Ultimately the young man on em to get an honest job
anywhere has to return to crime. And so when he gets caught people are likely to say See what I tell you. Criminal is always a criminal. But the doubt remains. Was it not unanimous prediction that he would return to cause crime and cause him to return to crime. The self fulfilling prophecy is a very profound and not well understood social phenomenon. There are benign examples as well as unfortunate ones. An acquaintance of mine on his release from prison got a job as a handyman in a very elegant shop in Michigan Avenue in Chicago. The second day he was on the job his employer gave him eight hundred dollars in cash to take to the bank. In other words the employer was making the professor the prophecy. This is the fellow who can be trusted. Well in the four or five years since this happened I've seen my friend very often. He is still working in the same
store but he's a new and completely different man. He's not only a responsible man but he's one who accepts new responsibilities more and more as time goes on. His employer's prediction is being fulfilled 20 fold. No I'm not saying you understand that self-fulfilling prophecies always fulfill themselves because that would be a manifest absurdity. What I'm saying is that your own beliefs about the outcome of any social situation of what you are up hard are not a factor in the outcome. Now you heard the white people who say if Negroes move into our community there's going to be trouble. And when they say this they are not as there they are staying cold personal object you impersonal object of that. But many of us realize at the moment that they are not stating a
personal act but of the enormous personal element in such statements namely that they are going to help make that possible. Or they're not going to do any of these dolphins at least. The mechanism of a self-fulfilling prophecy works the other way too. Supposing a negro goes into a white company with a prediction inside of himself. People are going to be unpleasant to me because of my race. If that prediction manifests itself at all in his speech or behavior the people may very well be on pleasant to him and he will come away from the meeting saying I told you so. And we got a self-complacent complacently as a realist who was able accurately to predict the situation. Sometimes the self-fulfilling prophecy is uttered consciously in the form we will achieve our sales call it up or there always
be an England. If this is believed in fervently enough people achieve their sales quotas or they save England. But even more important from my point of view tonight are the prophecies that are unconsciously made which reveal themselves in ways of which we may be totally unaware. To give some extreme examples. The dog that has often been Kate reveals in the very way he slinks down the street that he expects to make it again and some nasty people including me get have an almost irresistible temptation to take him again as he goes by. Similarly an aggressive drunk at a bar reveals in his every word in jail and expects trouble. And so again some of us this time not
including me. The real temptation to given some of the trouble he seems to be asking for now. Or another example other than laughing the child in. Har who is cheerful and outgoing manner reveals that she expects kindness and love from everyone and every one of them gives that at least a smile. Now therefore the expectation is that we have to live. In other words the conscious or unconscious prophecies we make about how other people are going to treat us. These are what I'm talking about and they are the combined product of our experience our education and our missed education. Let me explain what I mean by that. We've all had you know vast amounts of assorted experiences. We've been all subjected to vast amounts of our sort of education mis
education that is from parents teachers newspapers preachers movies radio literature drama and so on all of which purport to tell us about life or some segment of it. Also our experience was or are filtered through our what might be called our intellectual methodology. A lot of the same events different people learn different things for example from similar experiences but as with pretty and avaricious women one man may learn never to have anything more with to do with that particular woman. Another mad mate learned never to have anything more to do with any women and still unlike any other man may learn nothing at all and go back from war. And you see the kind of persons we are as of this moment. It reflects not only our own experiences but what we have been able to learn from
those experiences as the result of what I would call rather pompously our own unconscious intellectual methodology. All these are perhaps psychological truisms and they would not be much point in mentioning them were not for the fact. That in this dynamic period of changing race relations all sorts of attitudes which were once perfectly sensible have suddenly ceased to be realistic. Furthermore. Personal sets of expectations that his personal attitudes on the part of both whites and they grows have recently as an altogether unprecedented importance. Fifteen or twenty years ago many white people had little or no contact with Negroes and many negroes had little or no contact with whites. And so what people expected didn't matter because I never ran into each other or the expectations to realize themselves and
behavior. That is people really did live only a couple of decades ago in a much more severely segregated world than we now do in urban centers especially north of the Mason-Dixon line. Now today however the number of daily contacts with people of another race is increasing at a tremendous rate in school and public transportation in business at sports events at factories and in social life. This increase is going on with the extreme that it is and with this steady increase in daily interracial contact the importance of personal attitudes increases vastly. Now I want to call your attention to this matter of personal attitudes because there is one sense in which it can be said that the fight for day segregation and therefore equality has already been won. And lest this sound like an extreme statement let me explain what I mean. It's been
won first of all at the level of the Supreme Court and federal law. And today we had an announcement of another stage in that victory. It's also been one of the level of mass communications. I wonder if you fully realize the fact that no national magazine no radio or television network no press in the gate no newspaper outside our SOL neither major political party questions any longer in the writing of Negroes to full participation in the rights and privileges of being Americans. Even southerners who subscribe to the separate but equal doctrine are at least verbal in agreement with the principle of equality. And those who really believe that negroes are not entitled to equal rights of tall constitute a minority. And indeed these except for very few in the US aren't in an articulate minority since they
have almost no access to mass media. They just can't get on. And this may well be us some southerners charge an infringement of freedom of speech. But it does show that equality is a moral principle is almost universally established at the level of principle. Today in the mail to my. Vast pleasure a little bit was sent me as a result of the announcement of my letter tonight. It's a patent titled The white race is supreme racial education based on spiritual scientific fact and general observation. And the thing is dated very very beginning with the portrait of the author. The white race is supreme. Those five words are the most sacred words that are possible for anyone to utter. If you can utter them intelligently consciously sincerely and spiritually you will experience a new thrill with a new true healing.
So I thought I'll bring them you know. The. Way the. Doesn't work for me when reading first was to bore the booklet. But what I want to call your attention to is this fact is that this is simply printed poorly gotten together you know badly Illustrated. It's obviously a crackpot publication it hasn't got you know all the resources of the loose publications behind. In a sense in a sense the people who really believe in white superiority haven't got a real platform anymore except through park private properties like this. And this was I say what this doesn't show is the quality as a moral principle is genuinely established in this country and therefore.
My claim is that the battleground for equal rights at least for us in the north and west is no longer predominantly in the courts or in the legislatures. It is in the field of personal relationships which immediately makes obsolete the whole concept of battleground. To be sure there are mains a vast amount of work to be done before equality is established. In fact as well as in principle there is no legal segregation here but there is unofficial or bootleg segregation on a vast scale as we all know through the German arenas and other methods the most important of which is the control of real estate. Now these facts while the present do reveal an important thing namely they reveal the divided ness or outside practice called
the ambivalence in the hearts of most white people that is why people who seem simultaneously to want Negroes to get ahead because generally they believe in equality but also at the same time they don't want Negroes to get ahead because they might find in the north as their next door neighbors. This is what I mean by ambivalence. And this ambivalence places I'm president of power and opportunity into negro. And this is the power and opportunity I wish to discuss tonight. And I do not mean in discussing these matters to minimize the importance of the legal and legislative work done by such organizations of the NAACP. What I'm trying to do rather is to implement and support through our daily behavior and contacts what the NAACP do is doing at the legal and
legislative level. The NAACP is so hard to say. Like when you used to have a character in his column who always called it Macy Pacey and I prefer that pronunciation. Now let me go on the subject of personal contact and personal attitude. More and more often as segregation breaks down the girls find themselves among a larger group of white people. Now it seems many white people either because of unfamiliarity or because of this ambivalence I speak of are uncertain how to behave in an interracial situation. They unconsciously look to the Negroes for cues as to how to be WAY. In other words let me grow up to a degree with up to the impossible can set the tone for social or business intercourse by the kids he gives in his speech and behavior as to how he expects to be treated if he
acts obstinately Asli as if he expected to be stepped on. People will gladly step on him if he acts nervously and self-consciously so will white people with whom he's talking and if he is oversensitive and arrogant they may respond with equal rudeness or was silence. But if he acts naturally the white people in nine cases out of ten act naturally too and be happy and relieved that meeting in April was quite the ordeal they were afraid it was going to be. But however he acts. What I'm emphasizing is the power to determine the atmosphere and the outcome of this kind of meeting. Lies in negro hands these days to an enormous degree. Now as they grow members of this audience listen to these words. Each is probably thinking of instances in his own experience where he did no good to act naturally. And I'm willing to grant that there are situations in which it will do no good
whatsoever. But I would also like to issue a counter challenge namely how do you know you're not a bachelor. And this brings me to the crux of this whole theory of the self-fulfilling prophecy. What does it mean to act naturally. Busy quit acting naturally and therefore in a sense the secret of how to be sane the Negro is to forget. As far as possible that one is Negro. If you're a biochemist and expect to be treated as just another biochemist at a meeting of biochemists then the self-fulfilling prophecy will operate. People in all likelihood treat you as just another biochemist. If you're a parent and expect to be treated as another parent of the PTA meeting then people will in all likelihood treat you as just another parent. Learning Meanwhile what they should have known before the
problems of big Go parents are no different from those of my parents. But notice if you are a biochemist or a parent and go to a meeting expecting to be treated as a name you know people will treat you as a negro whatever that means to them. And hence it is of utmost importance in race relations today to stop thinking about race relations has to stop and to think about biochemistry or PDA problems or bring a dangerous back alive thing with a dry cleaning business or a supermarket these display techniques are whatever special mine it was may be. However some negroes will say that's easier said than done. How can we forget the fact of being negroes when the white world keeps reminding us with Jim Crow signed with resident residential restrictions with job discrimination with special forms of rudeness and even with special forms of
exaggerated politeness which in turn is also discriminatory. And again I'll grant that the questions are just it is not easy to forget but never the last however difficult the forgetting is is precisely the problem one has to be tackled. And the reason for this is the standard complaint of many negroes. A student of mine expressed it in the essay the following way. He said I'm tired of being regarded as something special. I'm tired of being colored or Negro. I'm tired of being a symbol of the whole race. I'm just me and I want to be treated as such. But notice again the operation of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you want to be treated as just meat you've got to think of yourself feel about yourself as just me and not me a negro. So in reply to the negro who says I gladly forget if only they would let me.
I would say most of them would just assume forget but they've got to learn from you how to do it. The difficulty of forgetting. However is mitigated considerably by the fact that neither remember or forget are absolute terms. It is no more necessary to forget absolutely absolutely than it is to be to be haunted by the fact of being negro all day long. What is necessary with society and conditions as they are to day is to remember only when one has to remember and to forget the rest of the time. And what is important to keep in mind is that the occasions on which one has to remember are constantly being reduced. For that is exactly what non-segregated me in more more situations today in public transportation in theaters in applying for so many kinds of jobs and dining cars and restaurants even forgot all about being on the go and just be not.
Indeed that's what the NAACP is for. That is to enable Negroes to enjoy these rights and realign. And if the Negro is relaxed they automatically help all the white people around them to relax and the more often this happens the easier it is for everybody next time around. I know I speak in these sort of homely terms because and this is one of the most important principles I have to say to you is an integration is not a blueprint drawn up in the offices of the Supreme Court in Washington. Integration is wroth of the daily uneventful business. Oh whites in the Grose sitting beside each other in a street car or a school or a workbench or a lunch counter without thinking anything of it whatsoever. And in spite of the newspaper headlines about mounting racial tensions and so on there is going on not only in the north and west but also in the south. A
steady increase from day to day in this kind of integration. And it is in these fighting situations that we see the self-fulfilling prophecy at work in a benign and wholesome way. So what I'm saying then is that more Negroes should learn to do what many have already learned namely instead of defensively asserting the equality of the Negro to take that equality so much for granted that you can relax and thus help everybody else relax. Now I do not mean that there should be any relaxation in legal or legislative efforts to reduce discriminatory practices. But note that these efforts too involving technicalities of law of property rights of real estate contractors school district and so on require clear headedness and therefore
personal relaxation. And so let me try to spell this out what I mean by taking equality for granted. Let me try to sketch out some ways of achieving this frame of mind. In order to illustrate the principles again let me quote from a student paper that was handed in to me. One of my student students was a high school teacher and in a paper he wrote me as follows. A white salesman in a clothing store was impressed by the student's good English and asked if he were a doctor and my student would buy it and really I want to know the negro doctors are not the only one negroes who can talk intelligently. And again my wife didn't express themselves as infuriated by such remarks as these on the part of whites. I've always felt so kindly and sympathetic towards your people. And he writes
that remark well mannered I know you would please pause live for me for a few minutes makes me feel as if I want someone's funeral. And other times my feelings meet the other extreme and I have the urge to shout. Who the hell are my people. My skin is also bitter about the kind of person who asked. You don't happen to Wilbur Atkins Do you realize Paul used to be a porter at nails. It seems to me that if one takes equality for granted there's nothing especially offensive about any of these remarks. They reveal naivety on the part of white persons who make them. They are never the last as my student admits they are well meant they are sort of clumsy and Grace's attempts on the part of white people to make some kind of contact when there has been no contact people. And William Smith has said that on the sides of negroes most white people are ignorant blind and sick and many of the writers have said the same thing. So hence
any part of my student. I'm just asking why I get angry with these poor ignorant sick people who are trying to be friendly just give a C-minus for after. Now in the light enlightenment can you expect from white people with the kind of education on the subject of Negroes that most of them had education in terms of cliches and minstrel shows bombarded with jokes in radio and newspaper comics Mysteria types now disappearing. But most of all superstitious folklore. It was in Monday's Chronicle in an article on integration in the skilled trades the plumbing profession especially where many it was that many white people are white women are afraid and they grow Armor because of their superstitions. Well I mean this is the kind of folklore that people have been in like what you expect
from the white world. No one has noticed that if you expect too much enlightenment from the white world that is if you expect all white people to be intelligent and sensible on the subject of Negroes. Well it would be running into daily disappointment. But however. Your expectations are reinvested. That is if you expect four out of the white. Four out of five white persons to be pretty ignorant on a Sunday then you'll be very happy if the score for a given day turns out to be only we dummies out of 5. So notice that. What your expectations are. I have a lot to do with how you feel about people. Well let me stop to tell a story on the side of expectations. When I lived in Chicago the line on Indiana Avenue and Indiana had a lot of trunk space and the
trucks go back in and backing out great big trailer trucks and the street cars would always get jammed up somewhere. Now this happens every day and some of the motorman used to get so your they climbed their bell did lean out of the windows to cuss out the truck drivers and you can imagine how they came home at night just nervous wrecks in their foreign minister their wives and wife and children all of them were men seemed expectant Indiana Avenue would be blocked and it was not and so it was blocking us out there and it was the only clean living and if we meet up reports they read a book. They did anything but they were really not confronting the same objectives that way for some men. Some watermen had a frustrating nerve wracking job and some women had a real nice easy job with plenty of time. Let us know what kind of job they have. You know to be alive within the
complete enlightenment in the white world seems to me to be an absurd bull but that fact will not be in our lifetime. But what we accomplish in our life time we want to think the problem is the effect and re-evaluation of our own in order that we avoid really expanding our inward on the road warrior for integration. Much too long and too difficult for us to waste our energies and needless prostrate and resentment. I would like to think of idea one step farther. I would say that every instance of natural communication between white and Negro in which rainfall conscious is truly AB before the white person who needs a kind of psychotherapy and
goodness knows why people need it I call it horrify call therapy because through with the individual learn to react appropriately with you to not the color of a big group but who you have and what Wendell Johnson writes and people in quandaries on this point. A speaker who happens to be relatively dark so that his listeners profit by him more or less irrelevantly of all kinds be great with him only to have it fall on deaf ears given color obviously could have no communicated significance whatsoever. Were it not for the evaluative habit with the glow We at all the white people who had important do it. One of the various aspects of racial prejudice the fact that make it without any kind of prejudice or not to result in the thought of death.
I think that if Wipro to learn how to get over there were very obvious then they must learn who they are on it with our own or anybody really from Negroes and the white man. I could. But communicate interact or transact insofar as they grow help life become more thing might help me become more like their even more white because color of their own limiting the circumscribing factor every day. The problem and because it is a big
problem on both. I want to go back with that one not only one but in order that all get to and we could all act. And I want to I want to urge what I call the Jim Crow. Jim Crow is imposed by the outside world by fans and by barrack by white and colored by painted over green separate washrooms all that. Are not go with him by head waiters or railroad companies or employment agencies or the police are the barriers within one minute one of respect to the negro world.
I'm sure you're all familiar with many examples what I mean but let me give you one from my own experience. You knowingly craft I once thought there were a greenie growing into the group of 25. These three sat together in one corner of the room although no one told them to. If they were back in my classroom they creep them out. But their felt imposed segregation went much harder when I asked to write term papers selecting their topic and hire a modern American it was one of the growth he wouldn't offer to write on all already done are another want to do a paper on which are to write the third one want to write on line. Well I thought that not bad. But anyway I asked them are you know we haven't read some of the got the impression that they want to go the harder why don't they grow
or I don't know what I'd like to break that up by I find Dunbar right and quite right about something else. But they're not unusual. Let's go through the whole community. Let's look at the educated upper middle class or do they only go to concerts. Are they generally and are only going to articulate when Lauren for their court or are they really on his or her alone or are the only people with kind of women I don't know kind of American professor or kind of in fact never want anything out. I was looking a while ago at that part of the universe and
you will know here that widespread popular movement of the negro boy the negro go on and now it is justified by the new research in particular but the total at the top of the negro commentary on the one side of the academic column would represent the fact that one of intellectual and culture within the legal community. No I don't blame anyone for this intellectual product of the past history. What I am and I think more important thing on the Supreme Court that whatever that question
is whether the real. Quickly at the bit will him grow. Is it not possible that we are carrying into the president were appropriate and there are no roads around the country antiquated. The point is that long. After the law is in the book long after the last congregating in the United States they all have to reckon with grow the mind to begin to tackle the larger perhaps more difficult problem. And because of an inner problem it cannot be solved by blaming things on the white people because of the inner problem.
It doesn't want to go to your brother or your own. Now wait a thought being haunted by the memory of a girl who you have to get a new girl the way stop being haunted by the fact of being me which is the death of the mind to develop a deeper passion about some other topics and let me forget the matter further I believe everything could not leave a profound in the problems of minority groups other than their own. With all the problems of the immigrant or a good view of the good in the family and the study of the good in the group but there are a minority group
of an ethnic to be there are the physically handicapped the blind and members of all minorities. Who developed their own minority group complex that would draw startlingly like Negro complex and the more intensively one study of any group the more impressive become the similarities among all human beings. For example read the history of the Irish under English law practice and study in the light of the characteristic fears prejudices are bred and loyalty of many American defendants of those of Irish or five generations later they will gradually have won if we begin to lose the scent of any Negro Problem. Just a lot of the law offense of any special Japanese problem and we acquire in that the profound similarity of all. My next suggestion have to do specifically
with the student generation and I would like these remarks to be addressed with both the student and the parent. I do not believe anything the bear should give up any plan any schooling and if you derive great from simply on the basis of being a negro. The better experience of an earlier generation who trained to become a electrical engineer and had to accept employment of Pullman porter the caution young people against printing for jobs beyond those they believe in a growing gap and I think the more important today to re-examine their point of view. There is no doubt a dog feeling it but it's not of moment to be it is not of me to you. And infill far as it had only the five of them and no flag of law.
With only one of power and a variety of levels of unemployment who broken through previously a fabulous job within the past decade in the matter of jobs. If a group of Negro cum electrical engineer could never get along with me they're not going to become a really profitable. But if on the other have a save them we're going to become a lot of problems our high water. Well there were at least have a crane and some of them may break through and fulfill their own cause. You may lose and wind up with a poor woman or with don't come whining to me about it because full import make better money. But noted that it is the last of a gamble or even the night.
Because of this video that we've all got more and not be broken by legislation alone because not even the law. Can compound the hiring of an engineer for an engineer. Though an increasing number of young men and women to be gotten along with never held before. The basic question of man and woman with a career is the one that I. And courageous young men and women by acting as if there were equality of opportunity by the terms of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Bring on the equality of
opportunity that they have. This is why I regard the self-fulfilling prophecy of the central idea and the reason that with fire right down to the into brave courageous young men and women it's all very well to tell people to be courageous. But it was the informatic I know that not enough happened. You give your man and what the matter is about to give you American. All right let me. The magic term Got being courageous. I believe that what we call courage is nothing more than what we call in general a mandate from our brain with that constantly being on the lookout for and there for an event from things and people that we would otherwise have done.
The basic principles of ECT and now do your thing. Many of your little fanatic and know the principal God in that thing and they mean something like it goes something like that. Caroline is not here. Do not believe he can one not to do it not a corporate one will do well and then the rule is to remind the general of a thing about therapy or heart break from my or may not be true about a particular piece of birth and there whom that faith. If all of them on the alert already sometime important here. The technical term and being aware of the different is not with 54 not
48 not on terms of always on the alert for offered the opportunity to Perth is off aware that he himself from month to month from year to year constantly have to reassess his ability even after you know when a person that is the extent of the world will not be cranky of more bravado but because they know that he was a trade off happier than he was with the puter. Oh inevitably in found respect for better or for worse. Different from the past.
And therefore part here inevitably have left me in your book. I don't think they're walking in where angels fear to tread because. But you've been through what it was and he discovered whatever was there and without a habit of thinking. You're unaware of the person. Not because there's no white corporation with no white corporation of. The person. No Eric I conclude about the president. About the rest of the. World will never know
but the irony. We will but they have and I may have gone with one of them not only god ever apply. Now I drove optimistically as I do because I believe in the long struggle for equality of rights and opportunity. Negroes cannot lose. I can argue about a letter from it out briefly by the moral of the in the pocket of the like the economic can be
illogical is that historically for the here and abroad and most importantly the practical necessity of living in our extremely closely the economy will come up and for segregation both. I notice that we what we are doing is not the end of the game. But Or in other words a group of Norwegian Lutherans want I played on their own. They're a big group of what I think about on their own that but noted and borne by custom or by law especially by law. One thing that will be another point to your porter in her column in The Chronicle the other day that planning to
build a new plant in Alabama and Georgia were not in their mind much to the Congress conference. The calmer we got rid of the way so you can expect one of the other come with other business. There will be pressure on the congregation with the layoffs because re going to cost too much money. And if they growth continue as they are now doing with the policy of the bus boycott of Montgomery Alabama. If they can only go out and with never does that who are condoning illegal acts and the quality of the prahu. And there are going to be made out of it and make them and they will know that they did in their recent attack on that call. Finally.
The greater of the profit for our political democracy which I deeply believe it is a prophecy that will slowly not only be granted to you leave it clique for long but also because all of us wife and Negro and all the you know I believe in and of life that always go on. And this is the power of democracy. It big this week. Others have created more and therefore if we act on the principle of awkward fact for all regard of race color religion or previous condition of servitude we all owe both your presence or your crap be healed of the profound emotional that we inherited from earlier and less form of thought
and in the doing. We've lived a fuller human being like all felt will really be with me will not me live well on on the dawn of the Jubilee the prophecy of the mark of the wheel I will rely on being there from moment to moment only as we accept the performance from the ability than mine and preparing to fight over again and not fight over again about all that we have but they are right in that things were more. I am.
How to be sane though negro
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San Francisco State semanticist (not African American) Dr. S. I. Hayakawa discusses the problem of self-fulfilling prophecies for American Blacks. Recorded at San Francisco State College on April 22, 1956.
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Hayakawa, S. I. (Samuel Ichiye_), 1906-1992; African Americans--Civil rights--History
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 9917_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BB0170_How_to_be_sane_though_Negro (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:56:51
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “How to be sane though negro,” Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “How to be sane though negro.” Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: How to be sane though negro. Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from