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It's bribery to the point now. Where the. Courts are I. Mean I wouldn't have been in a position with it and not pressured into into you know from some of the men down. There of course Kate is the prison person now. Dan. The pig here in Krakow. May have no way at all for. The dickens of a fifth to hear through. Open you know something. The cameras the. Baby of the people the families who have lost their way or Rhythm Nation. I hope. He's going. To be convinced of it now and in that regard. I'm talking about the whole state and come up with anything. You've heard about them to strike. Me any time.
And increasingly we can have three great. Kids as the. President takes up that crowd. They know they could. Want to move now to the p. L form of the court thing long and force them. To revert to pan out not just today they believe one normal day and. One day you know people started wondering. How you can use your case another case. To work as an organizing tool. You know I'm without you know. Without bypassing all means and legal means Court means mass actions up that way outside the kind of things we do to make changes in their own stuff and put checks on them.
It's ready and with the mind no problem. My no historical. Problems and to go you know to go home. Our opinion is that the reason we haven't had to move all is because we have a left wing factions came you know just having you know here that you know very few of them and we've been hoping they don't lie some structural level. The substrata live at the present moment. We could possibly provide an example of it. And because of the oppression I think the need to now take steps to show a little. Bit over glee when faced with overt clear to the press being there to do great if we could get that who we're hoping
to hear that we couldn't go first to the end you know leadership of a very very good for the community of me that the difference is that the nation I would think powerful if the vent to the president really wanted to visit me in the community that the differences are only. Of course the writer thinks man. The snag. Be. It for the office and being part of the president in general. I think that No. The problem that no. John if you're around the fact that the people I'm staying with him friends with me. I think now idealism particular fell into the future of course. But
I think that we have to realize that we do have it on the fan that we're not quite. Capable. While Pena's are equal. And we have to have some sort of center that prevents up preference of course of him credit control of people on planet Earth and The Fifth Estate. But we're working toward the point where are all opinions of me he will mean he will but right now we have to have the gangs and. The purposeful leadership of a lot of anger i. Like meeting with the Central Committee. You know Jeff there. Are people. How do you think. How do you think that kind of vanguard party can be developed or do you think that they have been developed in a black man by FROM like that. But got caught up with them. Think like half the
party is a very good party just the black community and the white community you know. Pretty soon. Of course in the fourth episode to be clear that the party will be with you our bill. Why this good. Natured face is anything to feel towards in the form that it took. In one paragraph or two. Well. My friend will believe it. The fact that we're the most improved player. Chris save. The fact that we are at the bottom. Think in. The background. We're going to take the initiative.
You know. I feel that our job. Is to begin the process. Once the process begun. Once we provided you. With my home. How dare they in a communal idea let's bring in from our community to deal with me. But of course. When you look at the vanguard of me. To say I. Want one in one interview by Elaine Brown in terms of school paper the good times she made a statement that they asked her what she thought of weathermen and their actions. She made the statement that the what she did she said I don't know what the Weathermen to doing but I know they're not the party the vanguard party because they're not the Black Panther Party. But at the core years of and up party and thus they're not the vanguard party a lot of people were wondering about two things one the concept of a god party to the reasons that you didn't know whether Mitt was doing the tsunami
that they are engaging in some sort of revolutionary activity. Well I want to thank you for my healing definition of very far but I just gave a brief Oh. You're a man but if you grieve so Mason why I feel oh wow you're the Black Panther Party in black with the Black Panther Party or so and so forth with only black removed from. The river like a faded. We have to be very very. Good. With a blue ribbon with. The. Click of. Equipment. Yeah because nothing. Nothing could ever get to commit.
Adultery. In the black when you put revolution. And you can begin to rid of course and. I think that the bill even though the real reasoning behind a lengthy statement that. If you if you will consider the broken water theory you can feel a bit more if you look at it you will see that. Idea is is that the idea in concrete to throw a political candidate from the focal motor the initiative the push the motor of the revolution have to be backed by a political force the same when the mainstay and then anything right and with that idea will provide an example. And no one in the background to feel me to feel the need to rebuild a lot of people who are living too strong
but nothing like the question that was posed by that kind of that's why the whole thing the whole thing is a little more heat for more. Before it would be very very good what they uncovered. Look for my new life together go from there they'll be attacked. The world will be revolutionary in the Big Brother right. I think you. I think it is altogether. Incorrect. To reveal the real reason why they can't be and are more effective. They have shown. They have no. Market. For political activity. They have no political. Point.
Wow. Just to whine about this you know you have the capacity to do. At that same time it will be possible revealing people with a political political people. And there's a little there's a lot of interest of the white male left with middle class white no less. To many is the primary form present to them. His alienation from. Life in general and see and genocide go on in front of their eyes and then. In a position of powerlessness even if they wanted to do something although they've been told that they shouldn't that's a very sort of someone in tangible form of oppression those very real and it's kind of hard to organize around concrete things you know to benefit you know to sort of real problems. How do you think. The White. White community. The white youth culture community can organize around real changes that have to be
done now prison reform about building the party building survival program any revolution all of that means a different thing in white community. I mean survival you know if you freaks are surviving they're getting welfare and they're smoking dope and you know you can Israel and you know we don't know what we're talking about I'm jaded condition and what you're saying you've got data conditions in the white you know place conquering. The political. Program before they are possible in Black mean and you're asking for. Oh oh you're on time but. I feel that when we start talking about addictive condition I don't think that we should separate go. I. Go on to. A subjective conditions too much from you know you can be I'm saying that I'm a good man and.
I'm a good man enough to fight over what you called just now. Let's leave you with a moment in the triumph of the many good men in the fight over there it was a moment when he was on the right. But the whole question final little question Powell the mistake I made was will. We have to provide a fair. And. Weatherman's objective. Would have provided that the program within the organization. Oh well over. The political structure then. Left again. Because that's the problem is that you have to begin with the threat of the victory conditions a career with it and. And we hope we may go between the affected them with
their motivation. Like you say the right to be here. Doesn't have to be over there face starvation. You can be thankful and to go and brutally. Well it's not only that you don't speak when the auto mechanics and all kinds of things to organize a community but we find that people who use that basis just. Freaks. You know kids and people in Oakland don't relate to them. You might be able to change. Their vote. I don't think you should discount this kind of of. It. The broader effect of the. American middle class. Something out of it is also economically. Strange. Nothing but economic he's trying.
To break the economic with his farm. That's clear on. The point if he thinks that the revolution is offering him economic security in the. Past there that we haven't gone beyond the point where the revenues no longer in this country is separated from the economic model. Sometimes sometimes people don't look far enough and don't look for the. Average white collar worker. Only a sort of average blue collar worker if you do is work to make you understand that but I believe the political point will be to make him feel. That. There is still a very clear and present economic motive for revolt.
Will you come home. Mike in your article one would draw you know one thing that is why there's been a lot less national mass actions you know like than 120 rallies for Obama. Stuff like that is one more small groups with a lot of personal struggle around the way we book ourselves over the way men in the community for going to women the way that we're not dealing with you know racism. It's in us in terms of stone and black people's demand which is what we've ended up with lately is kind of May Day actions really about that kind of stuff. Is on the other hand the days of rage the Weathermen arrives in Chicago where people were shot fighting you know bigger stuff and every once in awhile people get pissed off and writing and writing on the ass on Telegraph Avenue. People are wondering what the ramifications of those kind of actions are and what real changes are going to be about
having big meanie type of. Any type of practice. Need type of thing is very productive. Because of remember him was speaking of changing had to move speaking elbow object of its objective condition the best way to change the conditions that are correct. I believe it's with the tram. You may know you need to think this way and put it there even normals living. There so ask Grant go for it I think we're perfectly ethical for the disruption but not to say that I don't go to the mistaken idea that
I'm also subscribing to act a little at a little accent or at political activity I can do don't have a clear political purpose that that are working within a clear political matter. But that about reading my book and I was made a nation. I can't figure out any type of description the country wouldn't fall within a purposeful political. I mean you know. There's a couple stages that people go through at least of the white woman stage maybe outrage. Find out what's been going on in Vietnam. They're not different now but also with the culture American culture. Reading your book you know we're going what's going on with the Indians in the southwest. I mean you know you can see here Brown was on the march but the next stage is how to organize around the informant and that's where people fall into a snake. You know I have a feeling people don't
understand the concept of process a lot. I agree with that. I agree with the project that the politics of course. Five floors are the foundation of our faith and and I go very very I think. The two stage evolution in course the focal moral thing. Don't want. Revolution to save. One thing in your mind of your creation. I mean I don't mouth the revolution to think. Making that mystery a lie and lying to the verse. With. Any group or anything of that I get out of this into what is being exploited by the principal made an example by the men who have placed themselves at the center and above the fags the face of manipulative.
First of doing these people go. In from David with you know you no longer need in the audience think you know the case is pointing up by pointing out. The similarity and eye conditions. Reaching for the same time. Reaching for the. Reconciliation. This would have that's what I think of in terms of manufacture but following the mandates and following methinks and the destruction of the rights of. The second State of course would be the sort of the state that we should wear right now that all. Other people that we allied with. The St. Marks of this so that the loyal to the revolution in reading Mao you see that it will
weigh in. He's absorbing a Boeing evolving in some places even though what a cunt but don't believe is why point. I want to almost to sooth I only seen compromising with a copy of the book rather than the name of the book on the Internet. I'm not saying that we do the same thing but guess what. Basically this would become red he knew he would faint in his room. Really you know resignedly into black and blue and a lot of people misunderstood that because I think I think I'm misunderstood. Do you know I'm not not a misunderstood is that you know when everybody a bit misunderstood there everybody out because the minister that have not read Mao Tse Tung's the revolution to say I'm sorry but this is a question of being in touch with the black community and with Western music which is another thing but you know this thing that.
The bank owns a drugstore a car he gave it all this business. Everybody was always you see I have a very. Bright middle no does not even the Gaels factory I'm talking about a black. Cat called God. What were the bodies of the 11. There were over 20 were the get the building from getting. Out of the opposition in prison with making to the machine tool. You family that owned the country. I mean they're. Going to take the Disney or cross the world rip off about 80 percent
of. The non renewable resource. That methane me right now and that. I could live a little black in color trying to. Survive. It. Makes me you know more in the income then for every dollar. Of course if you want to compare filled with China. And the revolution then. We could call. I mean I'm speaking in black right. Right now. We could call the. Mix of both Nixon and the. Nixon. Back a little funny for the black cap with. Blue collar and the comfortable. Book Of course. This leads were destroyed after. Three states have to get rid of the. Of the of the real in the basic
concept is it attempting to hide in the most hide incantations. First and then deal with the smallest maledictions fucking waste and process. Come Pedro. But really behind. The ideal is that. We need to. Have. Any allies. That's where we get our freedoms of Africa. There's a couple of problems with some people in this you know discussed last couple of years one of the week before you going for. The article the congressman been putting out in the paper and me we've been putting forward forth trying to relate to and understand the principle of team the president. Is to. Isolate targets that I think I think hope right now to isolate the target of the revolution from
the force that. He. Thought was in this understanding that I. Can't play. Something if the whole the whole oh take me behind to try to isolate isolate the real time is a little. And at the same time given the forces of. Good luck in terms of gallant forces. There's a lot of division movement you know I was insane when he was the white community along with women particularly are not into uniting with men who constantly question them. So actually you know because of the treatment of sexualized you. Deal with them whether in terms of you know and that's kind of hard for women to do with anything to do with their work what can be done with them. Also in terms of why people have you know if I were going to work with white people who is going to who are racist and they would even deal with I mean it's
understandable that I could be racist so there's Danimal that men are going to be sexist when they know but that way but the question is how how when one of the little bar one of being liberal. Because there are two for this two part question that I'm going to go into going to have to do it. We're counting on you. No one questions one more one moment right now. Mom happened because one of the criticism of the Black Panther Party has been and has been anti gay people. One you know I don't know if you hear the statement that he with a dog with anybody against the establishment statement statement in practice you sometimes. Go with it to get things back to fit the book while allowing people we got to. Practice or not because it happened around the revolutionary Constitutional Convention and other you know the term Vango implies And if you're
going to attempt to get out front and pull people into a proper term where you can win it to fail I wouldn't give it to begin again and I knew that he gave the members of the POF in me anything like what it would it would it would try to do and I guess that's a given amount of time they can hear oh I get it by this time say that. What things happen with death. It's understandable it should that's what's going to happen it's mistakes can be made the question is how they're going to be dealt with and how effective modes of criticism the proper use of you know the criticism unity that we carry through. We're going to realize that one person we went around the world and I think the big difference between them of course and in the in the in the black community and the one question why to be sure but. I'm trying to I'd like to reopen the whole thing all over again.
You don't like me and I hate me if I have to admit I mean do we only focal women the most and the reverse is also true. I think it would come after you could me. Here it is. If you change I think that if we react with this garbage. So. Really most of you think that I think that we would be able to get the psychological torture emotional Christian is a two way. We could be here reaction to the other guy in a related connected but not. What I could point. Is. That the roots of the problem with go right I don't think Mark dealt with it so for frigidly I don't think that
I think of that was officially done but right now talk about the formation of family States before from the beginning. I like you consider right now the very first one in all the things the first one of the first group of women. Do you think any man at that time when I would know. We're back right. You think the man at that time could talk his woman into destroying his child. Was going to. Really decide who should play what role and what is what was oppression what is what is present in this particular brain right here. I think you I think is really is really a method or an individual to give him a role of a response that he will not lead role.
He will live up to. And that's been happening throughout throughout history with this role. People understand a word that comes from the man who benefits from that. Now is that because there is a labor force of all these women staying home cooking for a lot of harm. Or you think it's a possibility they're somewhere way back down a long line of female came up with that you know look I think I've got there on my on the ground no matter how skilled This man is with that will put it up in one area. I was also the question of who's win lose lose and go home. If you reopen the whole lots of rainbow dilating and try to rediscover all the way that we are fucking over each other praising each other and we will find that we have very very little to keep the other up. And that particularly. Is particularly
so true with. The black community. What would you do is comment in the in the in the writer from the back. I think they were pretty poignant and pretty clear you know with the black girl to be called the women who are going to have to move me oppressing their son and emotionally this amazing role that would further inflame you with it further the oppressive. He was sane. I feel the natural world the only way. I've got the black woman is going to be liberated is standing in the heart of a liberated me and the only way they can ever take place for the res re the liberty
I said of a coward you know a lot of a lot of women like planted in peeing they're there to feed the fish and see the social practice when they do it when they're working with men and women and men when I lay to them as as comrades they find it hard if not impossible. To do good political work. If the result come as amends by dealing with this stuff becomes down. I can fit in my field. Before. I wind farm. But. I have no problem whatsoever to a women and it will be if they so will come to the Capitol the same way about me. Needing feel the same way about another one of their one of the women
sometimes initially are exemplary revolutionaries in the early stages because they've been brought up in such a fucked up society is told and this is XYZ told me you can't make revolution. All you can do is wash dishes you know and that's that you get a puppy and he has all the it's very hard for you to get out and really do that to factor into prevent offense. I'm not going to act nosey and this is the this is why in our military our thought we want our own food only if she's willing to stand with me and pull the trigger. It doesn't call for. More than three pounds of French poetry known as Dr. Wright in clinical discussions about what. The people really want it say when you go to a situation and there's men and women involved in decisions made to do something or is being made and women are now are not you know intimidated from speaking.
And manners are pushing a lot harder stuff and you know not paying attention to what the women are saying you know given the ability to Women's I hear it's not bad at all. You cannot ignore an individual standing beside you with a gun. You just can't do it. Training is there. It's impossible for me. If you got a gun too you are going to get in the back and push my. Hope you know you even if you say putting on newspaper you know when decisions are made political decisions are made it could have far reaching effects you know. And women are intimidated from saying them I have a gun. But they're interviewed from from my bag on the plane I think everything is here between you and me but I'm frankly don't even begin to resign now. We're going to do things with practice something that the first the first definite practice of the do the photo activity
activity really just did it when there was one like when you say with a military group it's very clearly important that people know and understand it can love each other engage in a kind of activity that well you know the normal life that you wore blue like you see it here. Right up with the frame question here. Another problem that we have Black. Love of just what is discipline. But hey what is this woman behavior and what is the pain the. Average black guy but I feel I don't like the ones in the movie don't. Count. I find it hard to deceive them and relate to the
fact that structure degrees from anything purposeful Google phone. To doing the right the right to get in the woman question with anything he'd given me and if it goes on me in the ME and not additional stuff. But the questions around discipline. And the need to move forward with the. Real purpose. The question of how did and why did the mail end up in there. But you trust him with his power over the position where where you are the. Story where he is given no money for complicated everything. But I think the way to land to reconcile the fact that.
From a small human from a small set of oh no we won't really mean anything. And it won't be going to work. But the only way it can really work is if I am convinced and through hope nobody mistakes this is me as she wanted them very tight. But I think only their problems will be resolved this one become more aggressive and I'm not talking about aggressive in the third world being counterproductive and disrupting. I'm talking about the coming up with the back to back creative reason and that idea and better kind of use. A lot of people realize that what's been going down around the Defense Committee and what kind of what your position on this defense committee and how the vote the first out to God I was going to do.
Our I did it first was to involve of course guard it came down to involve the community as much as to give the community the responsibility that we would have them involved that would help involve them in the eye. And establishment activity idealists who were introduced to our little soap structural little to whom I knew was to introduce them to any establishment you know on supposition there later on. I think progress they would move logically into higher levels and that you did nothing. Yeah but you know what. If you really broke down I did wonder how you did this or what really didn't work.
Well we know why they were the reason it didn't work is because my lack of understanding of the. Demographics with which we reckon I've missed. We. We started drawing people. We consider and who were definitely up to me and you know those who were nothing can be done with the. Opportunity of an acoustic behavior of the ideal of a of a community where everybody is doing their own thing kind of thing. Behind the radio from the outset we should clarify from the outset behind the whole idea we shouldn't let it be known that working under the basement of the Black Panther Party you know the vanguard party. And that's that's the most recent move I've been to correct that mistake many thing.
Of late. We focus a bit declaration and so on those dollars are made. From this point forward. They can operate. But they have to operate under the guidelines and the. Review. And to me the backpack. Is the only way the only possible way for the centralizing all ring effect to reach down to the grassroots level with only you know how to do the actual practice of the committees will change everything. How do you think the actual practice of the committees will change in nature. Let's hope the question because in that question that will have to be of course. Followed by the Center for many of the background of our outfit will it be in harnessing the forces.
I'm certain that from now on we'll go far. What kind of what kind of programs do you think of the world you know new programs and what kind of. Things will be initiated now. To change take place. Well the emphasis of course now will be put on what we've been trying to emphasize the whole long up about them myself in particular. The art of our particular defeat is there in the courtroom isn't as important as the ideal of setting up projects to keep this thing from happening. What I'm talking about the Silmaril program infrastructure in the black community fundraisers a book like that I feel that the. One raise funds raised and activity going on around that bill right from the beginning would be.
More productive if they were channeled into. A principle. Survivable. I felt that I could be revisited based after an individual who stood for. The survival of the community if. Always a fanfic. About. Me. You seem like you view the legal motion and stuff I don't you know relate to it all. I'm a lawyer and a very competent now to day I don't deal with the fall in the face of all stop the gunfire and keep them from murdering me. There are those who are those who feel and I among them that is very real important that you get out. With your ideas and these ideas be able to be presented to the community and what you don't see that as a condition to doing political work and go to the survival programs and other programs
and want to buy you know he must be true. In other words not another word you thing there. There's a possibility of me more in my field if I don't concentrate more on the illegal acts make them hate the Jews. Yeah this possibility martyring yourself but it's not a question of concentrated more letters of this and I'm not clear that it is a competition to work because that's already happened it's just a phase not a contradiction. If if if if it's to our interest and to my interest. He did the Likud people know that I think and I will stand for the space of time I think the best way to get across is to you know want to place where the party has an eye on the community pretty well.
All right. To let them know that. The fun from the race from October Everett went into the destruction of this particular cottage industry of this particular group and even when it comes to the family. Explosion when it comes to the point of oh. With an atom was a vial of whether or not I'm going to you know. I'm not. Being you know. And that the painting on it was arousing me. It's nice and depending on the vocal moved me to think of it you know. But it really pains me to be misrepresented and I feel that it would have I feel that I have been misrepresented in
support of you know in areas where people were going oh yeah. But more I was in the bathtub or you know kind of productive activity and you know I say you know what am I holding to good if we're going to raffle is raffle shotgun. Yeah I don't want to seem. Very critical of the weather but I do go wrong and when I don't compete or who have any part of this point the point is right now going to snow for a liberation and how we can feel. The way we talk about why should I go I go. And the part of the bill is about the
Bernadino. And. The rest of the people there with me to look for more theory in a much broader things than we see relating to it as it relates to. They're not particular condition. We say if conditions are correct the black community fall removed again. They do all this moving and there are a few of those objecting object of conditions and they're subject to conditions amusing here and there and moving forward on their own you know with our programs and with the. With a movement about movement I mean Central over 7 and I'll attend to it all actually on all actual evidence. Maybe you do want to put the faces there.
But like I think perhaps the weathermen do. Understand a mobile phone when they are looking at it in a much broader scene and we are. Likable want to fit the ideal embrace of. Anything else and it's hard to to this thing. Entity a political and a military threat. One can exist without the other. That's why you know think back and believe because he couldn't get the political can get the political infrastructure they needed to support the military drill. But let's say the thing with this thing with with. With his last comment that. Perhaps the weathermen are viewing the world situation. Perhaps this rain object of conditions may not be absolutely right.
All white middle class thought can come in but the conditions are right in the black community and it's all right in the world.
Interview with George Jackson
The death of George Jackson
Producing Organization
KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
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Episode Description
Interviewed three weeks before his death [on August 21, 1971], George Jackson discusses prison conditions, the role of Black women in Black liberation, and his personal and political ideology. The interview took place at San Quentin Prison. Contains sensitive language.
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Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Public Affairs
Prisoners -- Personal narratives; Black Panther Party; African Americans--Civil rights--History
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Producing Organization: KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 20732_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BC0239_01_Interview_with_George_Jackson (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:49:15
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Chicago: “Interview with George Jackson; The death of George Jackson,” 1971-08-22, Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 12, 2024,
MLA: “Interview with George Jackson; The death of George Jackson.” 1971-08-22. Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 12, 2024. <>.
APA: Interview with George Jackson; The death of George Jackson. Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from