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Listen here I'm going to say it. Turn off the tape recorders. This one here out there. Motherfucker. Free here right. We have a message from the people. And the message from the people reads to. You. Astro pigs. Be a message reads. The moon belongs to the people. Are. We have another message.
Too. That message reads. And Oakland City Council Chicago City Council. And government of the United States. Oh all paper pigs. Now we come from Shad town. We come from monster. We come from a monster. And the monster. In Chicago. Grinding up the flesh. And spitting out the blood. Of the poor and oppressed people. Blacks South Side West Side. And the Browns on the north and the reds and yellows.
And yes the whites. Why oppressed people. You talk about white people before. Ever know. What oppression is. Come to uptown Chicago. Five square block white pigs. Murder and. Brutalizing. White. Brothers. Is it. Is it. We say. We talk to people a lot. You hillbillies are planning on. Picking up a gun or anything are you.
I mean now when you brought down from Kentucky. Or North Carolina. And we say listen here. You know nothing. You know on the side of. Me two things. I mean racism. And capitalism. And the gun on the side. Revolutionary on the side of people. Means solidarity. And socialism. Are all. Right. Now who in here. And who out there.
Is gonna let the motherfucker. With the guns shoot and. Capitalism and racism out shoot the people. Who's going to do it. Who is the racist dog and let him walk up here. Let me bite his head off. Let me get a hold of that. SON OF A BITCH AND you can be put out if you want to. Be pout Johnny Cash you know. Because he tells it he tells the truth. And I get in front of McClellan. On behalf of Southern people. Oh my half of all people. I know he's head and spit in Nixon's face. I was. I'm. Understand where we're coming from. We talk about freeing political prisoners.
Because we talk about them we're talking about. We're talking about. Concentration Camps like Folsom Prison San Quentin Cook County Jail in Chicago and St.. We talking about charity. The Black Panther Party in Illinois. My brothers. Who sent down a river for two to five years. For supposedly stealing. Seventy one dollars. Worth. Of ice cream. Now listen here. And I say this. See me because I think we have to deal straight. C and the judge. THE JUDGE. That sent that brother. Is a nigger.
Oh. Free and all political prisoners we said to the city of Chicago. This is what we said. Mayor Daley declared a war on again. You know so we said I don't know any gangs fed 4000 hungry children. And Mayor Daley is talking about. Feeding the hungry if you can find them. And the people not only are there because. That's the people. We stood up. Lamebrain daily and we said Look here ma'am. U.S. chairman Fred off to
five years and we got together young lord's young patriotic Black Panther Party no knowing what you said now what are we going to do. And he said we're going to intensify the struggle. We also said. That if Chairman Fred don't get sent down the river. If I get both away. I don't get blown away. We're still going to intensify the struggle. So when Mayor Daley do after shaking in his boots you know I can I don't. I don't. I talk about fashion and I tell you that
since we all been patriots pigs don't like it. You know that people being fair in Uptown Chicago where the Southern whites live comes I don't see any right. Southern white ghetto. I don't want to see that you know. That wiped moonshot off the front page you know. I. Forget about that moon. This we've been saying. And really been in it all our lives. Coming from the south and coming damn coal mines and mill towns. They sum down anyone up to capitalism yet they still back. Way back feudalism or somewhere you know. Was.
She cargo. Chicago pig. Oh he has a. Allow But let me tell you. You know. People from the south. White brothers and the black brothers. We've been to a lot of hard killings and I live. And. I don't know but. A. Lot of experience there and I think about oh. Hammerhead super pig Hoover. You know he he's so old now he's an old pig you know he's an Oh. He's so hot I don't even want to eat and shit like that my fucking mind. Our struggle is our struggle. Is beyond.
Comprehension me some time. And I fell for a long time and other brothers. In Uptown felt. That poor whites. Was and maybe we felt wrongly but we felt it. Was forgotten and at certain places we were out and certain organizations that nobody saw us. Until we met Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party. And they met us. And we said let's put that theory into practice. About ridin ourselves that racism. And when. We see otherwise. Otherwise to us.
Green political prisoners we have Parker see. That's why it would be. We want to stand by our brothers. Our brothers. And I don't know. I'd even like to say something to church people I think one of the brothers last night said Jesus Christ was a bad. Man. We all don't go that route I understand that. He laid back and he said. Put that fucking Nayo right there man he said that's the people's Nayo I'm taking it. But we've gone beyond it. And all we've got to say from the young patriots where we come from
where we're going. With all of you. And thousands of others here. And all over the world all we've got to say is. All power belongs to the people. Read power to sit and bow and to run a mo. Kathy Riker in uptown. And yellow car ho Chih Mahan and ma. Sœur and the National Liberation Front. And Brown PA for Dayo. NCAA. Rules. And the rules are. You in your. Backyard. The Black Panther Party. And White Power to the young patriots and all other white revolutionaries whether the pigs or the pig power structure likes it or not.
Fuck it are emphatic.
Preacher-man speaks (Episode 7 of 12)
United front against fascism conference
Contributing Organization
Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
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Preacher-Man, field secretary of the Young Patriots in Chicago, talks about the rights of Blacks at the United Front Against Fascism conference called by the Black Panther Party. Contains obscenities.
Event Coverage
Social Issues
Public Affairs
Politics and Government
Black Panther Party; Young Patriots Organization; African Americans--Civil rights--History
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 14482_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BB2250_07_Preacher-man (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:14:03
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Chicago: “Preacher-man speaks (Episode 7 of 12); United front against fascism conference,” Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “Preacher-man speaks (Episode 7 of 12); United front against fascism conference.” Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Preacher-man speaks (Episode 7 of 12); United front against fascism conference. Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from