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We're just left in a few minutes. Wright City tremendously disturbed and quite upset. Over the fact that the only friends that. He had in the leadership of the Black Panther Party are already shot down. Do you think this is a concerted effort on the part of the. State Department to destroy. Whatever chances he has of being able to get a fair trial. In here. We have information already that. The police department throughout the Bay Area in the northern part of California and also the southern part of California. Have sent out. Pictures. Dossiers and so on and even some in the Lorax so far and I have issued
orders and I have to talk with them and how to. Answer here. It seems to me that. The entire action on the part of the department. Over a period of several months preceding the event of October 28 when the Newton was. Placed under arrest and the charge of murder. Has been a concentrated and a concerted effort on the part of the department. To harass and find excuses. To kill and maim. And destroy the network and leadership of the Black Panther Party established for self defense. That goes doubly for last night's action. And on the able
of the furry. And they broke into the Episcopal Church when the Black Panthers were holding their meeting. Under the sanctity. Rather nail. Where the. Police stand. With their. Shotguns ready for action. Into sanctity. Even Nazi Germany. Even the Nazis under World War 2 and prior to World War 2 did not have an temerity to rock into a. Place of worship. And Father Neil. But just traditionally love the clergy. But he struck down on it and would not permit his sanctuary to be a place where. It can be eroded by the police and guns I asked papa needlecraft today. If at any time did he see any weapons of any kind.
He said The only time I had ever seen weapons in and around my church had been. When the police of that. Now this is a classic example. Of racism on the part of the. Police Establishment. And it's permeating the entire. Law enforcement agency. And this kind of conduct. Asked to stop stop and must stop. We intend to take action in court and we intend to exercise every right we have. In pushing this matter into the highest court of the land and we intend to proceed immediately. Stated benefit for. We have a platform and a program initially. Even in case we get it in the Brackenridge.
Program. One time around Death Valley community coming out of action and abruptly you know we want our own right before they even are back in the fall and people want to. Back me into the jack. Except military. Education. Think you have it written down in you having people. Some of you very. Well and immediate in parity and ready to report them. We've been dealing with most race. Related weather that we have a big one actually doing the course. Now we've got to deal with carry on doing everything we are doing fine and
the fact is if you look at it the same thing. We have King dropped it. I mean. With the right being taken back from. What it means to us when we hate what happened to Martin King it will be. Right. Back. Not bad for the. Races in the country. The races are and I maintain that we won again. What if. You are. Better. Than that. I mean that very well attack anyone. Want to attack. We do not attack anyone. But you know if you tell them what the
right and so symbol itself stands for them of a pappa the nature of a pappa never attacked anyone. Always Christian to eat. What I think the. One thing to do but to defend them. That's the nature of a happen. That's a very do you. Have to be jocular revenue turning on. Revenue as a member of the communication. What happens in the community at home. It was. Three o'clock that morning I found I believe everything the members have been attacked by the police. Back. What for.
We don't quite know just who been erected at this point. We know what a cleaver. Let me say something about Eldridge Cleaver and the treatment that he's received in this matter. Talk about equality under the law. This is a man who's been in the penitentiary. I don't know. Who's on the staff of the rampart magazine. Right now but that's going to probably be one of very best sellers. It's being pushed around like he was a common animal. He was taken from the emergency hospital wretchedly. There was nothing seriously wrong with him except that he was shot in the right. He was transferred without any of his attorneys knowing where he was transferred to eventually was taken the same question. When we went to San Quentin this morning we were told he was transferred to Vacaville. For this hour. Our office has not been able to make communication with Mr. Eldrick.
We were told by your attorney Yes just at the emergency hospital but by God our office was going to defend Eldridge. Actually started getting the machinery so that we could see him. This morning. I asked Mr. Dryfoos Benjamin Dreyfus from our front to go down to San Quentin the scene and when we got there he had already been removed from there. Under the theory that he needed serious medical attention. And yet he was we were told Mr. Hoppen was told yesterday that. His condition wasn't such that he needed serious medical attention everybody transfer him to the city prison not once it becomes so serious that he is taken out of San Quentin. If it was a serious question as a hospital rare and it has the benefit of some of the finest doctors in the Bay Area to take care of a serious situation anywhere the right. Where it takes us an hour and 15 minutes to go to Vacaville to even see our
car. This is the kind of treatment that you don't even treat an animal with much less a dignified human being. Right. I don't know. I have seen. I have not seen them. Alex may have seen during the night but I have
not yet seen him. I haven't even had a chance to see the way with Mr Cleaver to the back of the thing. You can see here. Our media to see who represent them. And at the same time the scene of murder charges filed against me for the murder of. The read on the law. That when a member of the EFF to come out of the house. Has in the air. Back. In the air.
Yes that's what we believe and that's what we intend to prove in court. That it will. Sell. In the first place we expect. That duty and murder charges against the officers who kill. And we expect them to do it. In the world with anything from doing it. He's a man who takes his duties very seriously and I presume he will follow the dictates of his office and the responsibilities that the citizens of Alameda County are placed on.
I mean I just can't imagine the public servant failing me as obligates. Are. You. Sure. I don't have any details for us mattering. We have. Communicated. But we do know that over a period of months the pattern has been. Consistent and persistent. In the purposes of destroying the. Relevancy of the Black Panther Party. And I think they have been a sea. Of aggressive. To exercise their rights under the first 14th Amendment. That is to say
that. They have the freedom of speech and the freedom of expression and the freedom to be able to be safe in their own home. Or your other river where you work or farm or whatever. You're. Very right. All. Right. We're assuming that I'm assuming that they're all Hanford And I don't know I'm just going to remember them roll even if they weren't Panthers be the conduct of the police over the past several months has been. That. You are a panther. If you are in any way out on the street and you don't kowtow and become docile to the police for their return on the way in San Francisco I think it was a chronicle that had a story by. Gar. Recalling the incident where the three
young man they were picked up but this inheritance tree. And one of the officers they're not sure you're standing there with a shotgun. He said. And here we know get that eye and hand day killing my self. I don't there's a lot there in San Francisco. Who's on the tactical squad. His fellow officers reported to him as a wild man for the theater while many certainly didn't leave behind a gun or leave behind a bag. And they had all of the fine points that these three young man had these Molotov cocktails never going to blow up. This blowup that they said that they went through a hundred point meeting of the Black Panther Party and the three young men who never were within miles of any meeting. And this is the kind of conduct that's going on these three young men were not even answer I don't know whether they had any feelings toward the Panthers but I'm just kind of tell you what what related that's a few weeks ago
they hadn't even been charged. But all of the so called. Blowing up with Molotov cocktails. Yes. Women. Around. The world. I have what I would feel the NE present rate killed because. The same have a higher than in the last year. One of the. Main point that I got and I didn't have time because every time I referred to Gary the lawyer here he had had a hand in the air. He was murdered by the open pig Department. For that. Car for the. First. I don't have any information as to what happened exactly. Maybe Neil.
And explain to you later in the car. Yeah. Right. You are right there are. No no. Another that allows you to appear in court Monday morning because he understood it was private. They were going on why they were. Her. Well let me answer that answer then. There was a. Mix up between himself and the attorney that he had attorneys a very outstanding lawyer and they were just a. Difference of opinion as to what was going on. And I explained that the judge staff last Friday evening and. He withheld the
serving of the warrant for my order by the police. I mean. He saw that they wouldn't willy nilly. Thanks Bobbie. I mean for. Bobby to take the. Day off so that. It wouldn't be a ready target thing. Been going on. But. Saturday was. Yesterday afternoon. And he going to be right. That's really the. Great Band members of the police department people who are. Only. Half way down to have a policeman ride around awful close. And races in the foot with bae. We're not racist. We don't hate a
white person because. We hate what's been done to black community what's been done to the black community what was done to market picking. Whether they agree or disagree with you. They hate what was done and that's why. You have black rebellions going all across the country. That's racism in the manifest the brutality the murder and the lynching. Way. Right into the CROSSFIRE the governor of. So many ways. Guys. Guys the media. And the police say we were ambushed. Over the police say he was allegedly committing a burglary. The Police say I think the car was stolen. It's more manifest we say off of the head a reason to believe. These races we hated because the car in gear
theory and continue committing murder against black people in this country. I don't know what's going to happen over the night. Black people in the black community. Was going to happen in Oakland I black people I hope will go home front Kennedy is not going to happen overnight. It's going to be up to the races that are affecting black people in the black community to stop attacking black people the black community maybe nothing will happen. Her her her her. Her her. Well I don't know what effect it will have on the Black Panther Party but it will have a serious we think. Because he has been articulating it's been working and. Have less of the contractor. Community.
Than a court for the defense and he's also been working with me in helping the defense for the evidentiary why. We don't have the benefit of having several hundred acres throughout the country to herd them. We have depended on volunteer in order to be able to do so and of and the police firemen know that this is done intentionally does not justify act with. That one the plea bargain and the rest that. Bobby and his wife party in. Berkeley several weeks ago that this was an effort to hamper their family. And this is just part and parcel of the same team and by. That I'm going I I don't care what they do. I have enough facts at my disposal that I tend to. Think. You know the president not only been against the Panthers themselves now they are the press are
going out against their attorney. I've been threatened time and time again in the last six weeks about. My participation in this case. What kind of. Physical threats over the telephone. People who make all kinds of threats like well. Like. We're going to get your we're going to kill you we're going to do this to you know this isn't our beloved America. Where we have the right of. Free press we have the right of being free expression. Because. You hope. KING. Can train black people by. Phone about. King press being projected upon white America. Racist white America and that's because of racism. I mean let's go back to the 89 the 903 like me I will let a black man with an average of every three weeks and I do know one thing if you have a black people in very back
in the real I think real racism that is what we come up fighting for we don't like spending until they get. This. Through. The facts. Do you know that in the last four weeks five black people were murdered in Oakland about Oakland policeman in the open in West Oakland or make that. Stick. Bobby was the husband were murdered lifetime. The RE attacked them know the attack. Because the path of Isaac both in what they are. We want a black police department told them by black youth in the community and that policemen have to live in our community. So we can understand us. We get tired of the comment the way it's been acting the way and killing and murdering black people the real power of the power structure and we know it. Because you can't get the policeman over about you know the reason they're they talk about
that but they have patrols that the white people and people that's why I think he'll get committed brutalize a community. We meaning plant growth and plan we do indeed how the Indian education and they have become that they know that it does to many people. With a guy. That it can make them really we understand what a powerful. Thing comes with the mind of the King. Talk about we talk about. Like decent housing employment etc. that's what we're talking about. We never have change from there. That's what you would cover about. One thing the other day. After some races that to me. I mean that was you can still call said nonviolence. We must defend our civil defense. The hundred million guns in this country even among white people.
White people want to attack us on the basis of it. OK you must've been up there in our community. But that's where they are going to attack and I think we never went out in the white community. No way I could never when I'm white meaning we have an honor for Weve been constantly brulé Mitt and Mary in the current battle back in the end what we need is. Everything that they have gotten into and before. We say Well I think given that there is and I think you are being is right. The minute I get it wrong I want to go over the free and open but there the other evening. With many and
many of them contradictory as to what that really did. There was a meeting in progress. And what happened. To me and all of that. Door and I immediately went to the front door of my. Car on the shot. And. Captain David in charge of the meeting was talking with the captain. Captain McCarthy. And I introduced her to church and. Me and I asked what he wanted.
My office had seen somebody out of the church that he had been waving a gun around the crowd of people. And. I before I would get any further. That incident I have kept and what a great display of for a police car. With a shotgun. And. That's great for getting. Though I have a.
Matter of. Waiting. And. Yet the. Property with a gun. Shot. And then the officer described. Looking for the off there want to come in the church building and everybody was there and I had it. Right there. And he did that with.
But you. They came that with the intention of coming in. The people inside. Yes undoubtedly. The thing that disturbed me was the fact that when they came they did the minute here after a year the pre. I think the officer with white out when I get up here on the scene I don't think they were prepared for me and I think in my appearing kind of disarmed the officer there that they were not you know not prepared for my being there and they were not prepared for the card by you know offering constructive dialogue. And it didn't particularly to me because. I. Guess a community organization which is trying to work for the betterment of the black community cannot meet the need in the. Thank you Tina thank you very of the church building wherever the name can I meet. Much better for them than me in the church building
in the ME rolling out on the street or meeting in a meeting on a street corner or a meeting or somebody in the neighborhood and I think that. If allowed to go on challenge no church we will be entering into another phase in the black liberation struggle namely the occasion of the Christian church. What happened in Germany it happened in the days right. And that. However the powers that be are we do not want to bring about any one any kind of. Nothing. And they will not hurt. You remember and.
I do not remember that situation but. I think that there is what I remember of it. A lot of people going to got hurt and. I think. The fact that. We get the police officer the other officer because they would get. Thank you.
Kpfa Black Panther Press Conference
Producing Organization
KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
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Episode Description
This is a recording of a Black Panther press conference held at KPFA and at the Hall of Justice in Oakland. First on the recording is Charles Garry, attorney for Bobby Seale, followed by Seale himself, regarding the Cleaver situation the night before this recording was made. Also includes an interview with Reverend Earl Neil of St. Augustine Episcopal Church, Oakland. Discussion about the police claim where guns were confiscated at meeting of Black Panther Party there. - Broadcast date unknown.
Created Date
Race and Ethnicity
Law Enforcement and Crime
Garry, Charles R., 1909-; Black Panther Party; Seale, Bobby, 1936-; Cleaver, Eldridge, 1935-1998; African Americans--Civil rights--History
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Producing Organization: KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 20937_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BB5543_KPFA_Black_Panther_press_conference (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:33:03
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Kpfa Black Panther Press Conference,” 1968-04-07, Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “Kpfa Black Panther Press Conference.” 1968-04-07. Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: Kpfa Black Panther Press Conference. Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from