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Erratic gunfire had broken out. Immediately across the street from the hospital. Where no foreign 3 New York City policeman. Into the area where the shooting occurred. It's difficult to determine where the fire coming. Barking at. A Right fire. How do you. Know who I want to assure the people I have heard that I recognize a need for the speedy transfer control or
other situation from state law enforcement agencies. What does it a community New Jersey governor Richard Hughes British sentence a responsible community leaders know by Knight-Ridder peace and order. We're all working toward it. Governor is that any better a force. Sorry. If my parents aren't Tom Hayden activist that it declared all out war against the snipers. Now there is a lot of doubt in our minds whether or not the charge of snipers is fabricated. Most people that I have talked to and I have been through the community and living in the community know of no sniper and although there are a number of people armed and in the early part of the riot a lot of bricks and bottles were thrown
from the roofs of the housing projects. But the widespread feeling that consensus in the community is that the charge of snipers. Is at worst a fabrication and at best. Something that a faction in the police department is using to. Justify have a widespread shoot into buildings. People on the street. Which we think is in retaliation. The police officer other day Pacifica radio presents one night in New York a documentary montage study of one night of the Newark riots of July 1967. I'm down. Here down on the ground where. I'm hearing panic. Why do you think it was the first.
One. And No. One. Has pointed to some community mental health anything. Necessarily roughness on a Russian thank you that they show any reported by Eric a statement about people becoming a fish and talking about it helps the police and so forth but they only have to happen and I want to issue a very warning against them happening. Laws against that try to question the law enforcement function to write
out a long way to govern by the very day. Yes I've even had it yet and again after riding around a truck. And I think. That's about it that I have to get back. If you. Get anybody find it in for that if you're ever in a final you think about the whole thing happen that well you know I've known but now I think you know maybe. Now maybe now we know that. The devil. So many. Know the devil. Calls. The Devil and we don't just say well but the next day I thought of breaking the menorah maybe. We got a quick. Start right
now out of say they got the run after all that's why we look at that every day when the run back to what we want. What you want when. We want where we want to welcome freedom justice and equality you know enemy. Now we're trying to get to the races. Residents are black and. Were afraid of the people.
People. Get away. From. What is a welfare program. It's a difference in.
The way they think. Because. Well no I mean because I
think it would have been everybody. Well you know what you know now you know we've. Got you know. We got. To understand the situation in Newark you have to understand that it has gone through two stages. The first day it's Wednesday. Thursday was characterized by
wide scale looting and damage to stores thickly within the Negro community. And almost every door. Was wiped out. And a complete job of destruction. With very few people injured. I rather want my coffee. Alabama back mad so I rather fancy Well I thought about my patrol thought but. I forgot that I think I will fly. They told me I had a big truck and I think I think I know what guy led back. To Levin. I have found I don't know what. The bucket I want to knock out. Tonight I want to break it down to walking around regularly. Yeah and I don't have the right of the right if you can find them all the time about a lot and very.
Possible the measurements snipers and on buildings they were all locked in every language close. By and we found them out on Temple Mount. All the thought that they probably have I want to spend it on that they came back and shot in a mall and were right where they're located right from by going straight going by. Chemistry automatically when they have. The.
Most of the time and I'm not right I have heard anyone complain. How do you know.
And then DON'T DO NOT about what happened in a burst. Of harmony and made an official complaint right now. OK thank you. They are concerned with representing a very broad spectrum of philosophy and markers as well as leading business groups brought to allegations of misconduct and violence on the part of police and military personnel. I want to make it crystal clear they had said that I should hear these allegations connection. Now the last day for
all of us are looking to. Responsible for that I said earlier. I want to warn parents who might be discouraged to set up with law enforcement. Law enforcement belongs to or under the law. Yes I think you know what's going on that makes it makes it very hard for the Negro. And here we are you know trying to get ahead and something like this comes
just if I could see you trying to get ahead. This is the wrong way of doing it if you want to get back at the right people you boycott of. The stores. They did it in Mississippi where right when I worked here. But I say it's just that I think that you have no. Thanks. That. I would the White House the manufacturing in this country. But still I think that's another story. You can buy stuff in order to accomplish something you have to do without. Do you blame for any of this trouble. To a certain respect yes. And what respect. Since I've been here I want to read you. The negro has grievances and he doesn't listen. 3. I think he. Listens to him in a way but
he doesn't take them and these people here are just sick and tired of it. I don't know exactly what type of grievances housing police brutality in this. Case But however what you have. To scratch guys just. Spent about a month or two months ago they have some might say yeah you did it maybe you did it you know you didn't stab him put him in a car. Last night they were shooting up all the negro stores that had sold out on the street and he was in the store process family was in the store. And a bullet went through the window when he had a cancerous electric gas went to the break way as possible through some other parts of the store it was a bullet fired by one of them. And I don't have facts. It's not a status because they never stated with the National Guard because they're not out here to hurt anyone. I noticed. I was out if there is an I observing what was going on and the police say that the
kids were breaking the something and the police would come out real fast then explode out in a teepee. I said they had a National Guard out here the other night I saw two youths they were talking back to they just have no way about seven states of the House came out and the police jumped out at they give you any trouble shooter and I don't understand it. All of a sudden it got a lot of sense. They had a militia and I have it I really think it's still the main thing now. I mean in other words you think you should be taken from the city. That is correct but when it true. It's going to drive again. Why. Because they sent around troops in. Now be frank with you I am a man and I want to when I know what it is.
White men can't control a kind of frightening touch an extent. Ever called mankind. Then I'll call him and control him all the way. They can get along together but the white man comes down with a shotgun of a man that's funny. Again. I'll be frank with you I mean this now with an end to buy them in the face from the show let me put it on the line when I supposed to be. Why do you think the people got mad in the first place why do you think the trouble started. Well it's a son and it has been brewing a long time it is. It's been going on a long I mean in a way but the latest far could have started it. And that's what it did when it can have guys that got there would tell you been a faulty bed if that then it it got it got it working over and I started reading it now but it's gone with him to stay here to going to have my post
in the finance until one. Day I have a little unit. But it's not involved no Conaway no safe operation. But get me out and come back to normal and everything will be alright but I don't want to stay here. It's going to be rough withdraw the troops the National Guard units and the state of New York police force from the ghetto and let the people in the ghetto restore law and order. But to place our faith. And our last night our state and quite frankly I have a. Pretty good sniper. And I pay my people which I am doing what he doing is definitely wrong and I doing everything by yourself and other people. People reckon the difference. In my right. Eye with you.
Because you're an intern people I mean up off the rag and they do but you try to put up the capital and I'm going to try to prove it back out there. What do you think the people are mad about. I. Hate you but I don't know. How many can take a minute. Let me say one thing about a cab driver that never asked this which I can actually take. Well I talk to some people that said that they think there has been too much police brutality in this area. Do you think that's true. Right actually I can say I don't like as I say I like creepy brutality because. Some kind of news for us when there is fraud and you do a job when a policeman do a job. And I feel helpless someone else is in trouble. They do a beautiful job. When I got there just in by the move I stop doing this to stop doing that and have you know before do this when you're wrong. That's not fair. We are here now you can shout at state you will get shot. Our garden again just not right now but I think in that we're trying to make another Korea Vietnam. Now I don't know how I feel about situation and I'm pretty sure how many people
they don't have any food now. That is not innocent people I haven't had anything in fact in kind of getting. You know Dennis. And I met and they will say they're here to let me hear you know Don I'm going to do. It Right. People got babies out here. People didn't challenge treat that right if you can if you shoot my guy right now to write it down I guess I had to stop because you know. I think fate never got to do it in a dark time to put anybody out of work if I have to say thank you very much. Thank you. What do you think the people in it. Well I would say that if I would have my own opinion I would be like agitated. Agitated because. I think I would like to go out and you would say confront Iran and nail. But I would I would say is a governor who spoke today.
Now. That is I think that has actually taken over. Well I think speaks for itself like a ship shall look like he said. They don't hate America. McCain said they do hate the right man. And the United States. I actually don't think that is why do we have to hope the United States. They hate America they hate the loud that they made. And. A lot of people say that you've got. Two different animals right mylar and a black mylar. I don't think that itself I would almost certainly not a so because. Like I've talked to a lot of people if you
didn't get a different prison and jail you will find almost as many like you would like. And imprisoned and in a county jail and whatnot. And. Yet you just can't say that. The right man to do under duress. And I'd just ask you probably that. Right now long caused. By this right here. Thank you. Are you familiar at all with any of the welfare programs do you know anyone who is on welfare. I know about people who are welfare but I don't know I could quote their names. Well I don't want names but have they complained about it. Well the one or two that I have spoke to said I was off I asked a why question about this is what she quoted to me that she tried to get a job she couldn't get it out anyway she had I think she had two kids and her boyfriend or husband went someplace and she couldn't get it out of any place
so therefore she had to pry help from someplace and I don't blame them for what has happened I said it's the wrong way of doing it. What else are they going to do regret it. I'm directly related to Rice estate industry. And we have several. Right. Are you affiliated with the United Church of our largest rice bishop. Last. Year after that in effect right. Reverend James EMI is the San Marcos Baptist Church right having her right handed it would be a step in the affected area. We're going to we're going to thank you and. Thank you thank you or Thank you. Are you referring to when you think you're. Going to have everybody. Back to you but it's the people.
I believe. That is. The level of everybody can sit down to think over to to come to a different understanding to s to the point of what and what should be done to what has been done or what has to to separate. It Out of an errata to. Rwanda in order to try to. Get it right. That is why the editors. Have to try to. Make it a way to go to the essence of why it had to happen and. I think the interesting emotion for now is to rebuild. A city has been torn up and you asked the question as to where do we go from here. I think the first thing that we will have to do is try to manage this if a city is to read about what Amazon has been separated. Now this is the first and most importantly to it then we must meet our people of the city and this is all right and read at the end and had food and medicine and that it is necessary to end the problem of rebuilding and to reopen our businesses around his neck.
From there we must go. As Evans volunteered to the capital to say what can be done to be sure that it does not happen again and I am offended if a member of the order to different data at all about how to and why Britain added everybody to to have ended intimate off I think everybody. Why do all that now. But all together very. Good average. Leader. I think anybody at any and all of you any humility at all. Feel said this wasn't anybody would ever want to say. Thanks when we can all sit down and. Have. Some time. To Tally our discrimination sometimes. It's a matter of think it's a matter of understanding
some time we said. Now maybe five people understand us we don't understand them or the other way we understand each other we sit down and. Give your viewpoint I give mine and that's how we come in understanding. Where it comes away. Only once or twice. Nobody nobody. What do you think when people got mad enough to start all the trouble. Because they had no been beaten up no on a brother. But do you think all of this trouble happened because one man was beaten. No it happened because we've been beaten and getting beat and getting beat and we just decided to do something about it now. Because they had no business coming over here fighting innocent people they want to fight. Somebody should go to Viet Nam where they need soldiers that. Do you think this whole thing. Because they had no been jumping one man and beaten him half to death. With just one. Now we've been getting beat on a pristine route for many years and they did not say like when I'm ready to fight
anything. What do you think. Yeah the cops teach that we need to fight back when the fighting occurred. But do you really think that will help if more people get hurt. Not one happen more people get hurt and it wouldn't help so we just sit now and let them ride around kick in doors with people we didn't do you know they came around people houses and she you know just because they have brother written on it and I think this remark you mean the police or the National Guard's National Guard and the soldiers. Do you know how many people have been treated here. With. The need. For injury happen is the right. Proximate. Family. Well right now. What percentage of those would you say are Negro or in danger.
Why is press coverage been unfair. That was that after that or how is it then unfair that I feel that it has given. Too much a voice of administration and I don't after the crowd the people. The type of voice what they people have if they were given that voice. I'm attempting to give it to you now. I think they would have said and I sensed. That we want to be let out at. Risk. We want to have. Better education and better jobs. Better places. Better working conditions. I think we would have say as a matter of how would give me a piece of the pie. Given my fear. And it has not been down and what I see. Why do you think all of the trouble started. To determine I would probably say two or three reasons for it.
A lot of people in this next particular neighborhood are dissatisfied with the way the present ministration is running the city. And number two it could be just people out for kicks which I think is the biggest. I think that's the most part. I talked to a housing project south of here and agree at least they said that they thought the police brutality was the main thing that the people were disturbed about. You think that's true or what do you think about that. I disagree on that. We get really concerned. But I think that there's been much of that going on and if in any way being a believer myself I would say that everybody in pretty liberal as far as I know I haven't heard of any cases of police brutality.
Of course there's always probably you know is a rotten apple in every barrel of the thing. So there probably might there might be a few but I haven't heard of that. Thank you very much if anything should be done to the Negroes right done for them. It don't get. Better building by. The way for stuff like that. That are striving to save people that get a fair shake. You're. A fighter for Japanese. I mean you. Don't get a chance if you're that baby to transfer to your friends and neighbors feel this way also. Oh I think so. The people I talked to said the same thing that they should get over they need attention this crazy or. What. Have you participated in any of the actual firing yourself time. Why do you feel about it. I'm a personality. I know what.
What do you think caused it. Everybody knows poverty unemployment rumination. Right. You look like a theology through the field moment of dread fatigue in an M-1 rifle at the ready. How long you been on duty Friday. Thank you. Well I would like to have you. Here but about 20 hours of our lives. I don't remember. A single. People were firing from the other from the overhangs here beyond everywhere for a barren appearance
through Vietnam or around here. Thanks Fran. If you have a. Math. A.m.. And. Before I give you my thank you have a bit more confined. To your firing moment what's happening. Have they got where they are THEY DID NOT a fashion editor and that is why you don't think the contriver that were fired at his name was an acrobat. Thank you. Here they are they have I think somebody in some of the film when it was this mad all of the film for no reason. The thought came to me over the weekend there was firing from the building it had loved in the building and I think that might be some of the roof someone threw something off the roof and immediately they started firing back both of us. Do you think unnecessary of the National Guard. The necessary although necessary. And I don't think so. Every I think of the National Guard they've all its neighbors and everything else
Nath Well what do you think I might start with. Why would his neighbors I don't know the whole dovo Bangladesh and India to be never the same thing if gentle and they'll have the right thank God. But why why the tension over what was the cause or taken when one made the people so five so up tight that they had never had to start doing something of the South and they have a advantage in having a lead in everywhere else and I was and I was places in and maybe they both win and be dad of the US 7. Did you join in any other way knowing it or writing it off. You know anybody who did read it and I am asking it and I don't know why they did it. When our anchorman No some people Lasater with an eye on the looting maybe. They say what a symbol from what I gather from the neighbors gathering the tannery they got thing that they never had before. And never could afford maybe things like that. What
do you think of government you would what do you think of whatever your reaction. To people very coolly looting stores. He was very shocked by that what do you think of that for what you think of his reaction. We shan't have heard of people going into stores and taking out merchandise. But do you think of his reaction to his being shot. Maybe he should be if you never say people you know that fourth of subordinating. The rest. Of us so what are they watching that they had to go to the stores to take thing that any. Case would be had by the way when he grew up and everything about how they died and never he never had a case in a day of editing any video is everyone what he did by the way. Early for jobs. How much do you keep thinking right in the street and you. Feel like a. Writer. A writer you're treated all right. Come at any problem and they're not going to have a lot of people around here the scholar or. The scholar I have doesn't have as the caller may can defend. Because the
question answered and it might prove how does it make in the domain for us. And me. How they like. To have a black face or even a brown face. Fear. Of Vatican I met a lot of quite have to get like this because if I look at my best. I graduated from high school have as good a phone worth some places that can go. I've never had a very difficult to get a javelin where the way people lived where I would have to go to college to get there have maybe a few places where some of them might get where they can come and go and know somebody get a visit like theyve found that even in the cell my dad. I mean if you know somebody who has they can get I have assisted in WV. You don't have to go for the formalities like me am I have to be have to work my way up maybe here is where so many notable was the son of someone they come there and they want it so man he would want to program so my full wound is get. This is that I did. Have more of a question then of where you work a bit more of a question I have no. When somebody's race question. Or is it a race question
our. Little. Boy. Is just. Taking the corporate. Body. He's. Expected. To garner enough. To keep the peace. Do you bank and one man if not no one but probably people here right now you know at. The bank thought. They did you know what we call a menagerie God when you know that we perform
them and you call tell me I am. Don't tell. Your daughter I don't know why I thought. You would be performed by the government by the people. In any. Civilized country. That's right. All right. Thank you for saying that is right when I said I don't think he's right. I think he's right. The question is not everything is right. That's right. Right. Right.
Thank you. I mean I want to thank you. The day after this program was recorded the National Guard troops pulled out of New York the riot was over. You have heard a documentary montage of voices
recorded in Newark New Jersey on the night of July 16th 1967 in what proved to be the final night of the New York riot. The reporters were Ronnie Watkins and Bob Ortiz. This program was produced for Pacifica Radio by our narrator Mike O'Dell.
One night in Newark
Producing Organization
KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
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Report and actuality of a night of race rioting in Newark, New Jersey in July 1967. Produced by Mike Hodel from tapes recorded in Newark by Robert Ortiz and Ronnie Watkins.
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Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Riots--New Jersey--Newark; Police brutality--United States; African Americans--Civil rights--History
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Producing Organization: KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 10591_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BB1694_One_night_in_Newark (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:41:40
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Chicago: “One night in Newark,” 1967-07-21, Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “One night in Newark.” 1967-07-21. Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: One night in Newark. Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from