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I'm very glad to be here today to see all these people out here. I've always said that there are more people in this country than our peers. And I thank I think they definitely must be in the minority today and I wonder how they feel about bad I feel about. Something going on that they don't understand. I guess we're going to have to come here. And deliver about 20 30 40 letters. Let them know about that. Thank you dear friend from out here. Thanks. Thank you always see them when they shut you away from their regular channels. When it lock the doors. When they don't let you into the building. You have no other recourse but to take it to the street or to the past. So we can do that. Thanks. I understand that the academics in it is going to meet today. And back up the students and the faculty members authorizes course
they're right. And if they don't do that. I would say they've become just as irrelevant as the Board of Regents and Mickey Mouse Reagan. Now Doug Rafferty later far thank you. We've got the public servants know. That they don't own the state of California. They don't own the people in the state of California that their public service. And if they're going to be forced to act in a desired manner they're going to have to get away from the public trough that right right. I wonder what's going on in the world. They have students in Mexico. Shooting at the police continue to shoot back at them. I was looking at a newspaper this morning and from the front page all the way to the sports page every port. Of crimes against the people committed by the
public servants Guardians of the law. Call the local police now universally referred to as a local pig. Criminals. With guns with Billy. Mays. Backed up by the governor. Businessmen and I are both evil and negative. Forces in individuals entities in the society. That has the world the entire world on a death row. They say to you you come to university. To get an education. And education is supposed to equip you. With what you need in order to cope with your environment. If you listen to Max Rafferty. Or Mickey Mouse. You will get the impression that the only education that you need to sit through for five of
his Reagan's grade B movies. I believe he would very well like to see you doing that. Circuit TV for everybody. Mickey Mouse from morning to noon. Down duck in the afternoon. But it's been precisely bad that has this country in the shape it is in. Euphemisms. Pie in the sky. And a make believe. Make believe information that they passed on to people and call that education. But they have a great go between the ability to function on the basis of that type of information. And what we really need in order to cope with the situation that's been handed to us. By our elders. We have to have information and understanding that would enable us to close the book on all of American history up until this point. We've got to close that book
because as long as we keep it in that book. Who continue to perpetuate the carry into the future evil bloody and corrupt heritage of this country and I say that we don't need any more of that. It's not going to help Earth it's not going to help or solve the problems confronting this world. It's definitely not going to help us when we have to face the fact that the United States of America has become the number one after the progress on the entire planet earth. That's the sad realisation but it's the truth. And what we have to do is figure out. How to move. In order to dismantle the machinery of oppression the machinery of exploitation machinery of imperialism and to create machinery that will deal with the positive environment and make it decent for human beings. The basic principle the
basic principle that we must work is that every man woman and child on the face of the planet or. Deserves the very highest the best standard of living that human knowledge and technology is capable of providing. Period. Anything to stand in the way of their thanks. Anything to stand in the way of that has got to go. Period. The best education possible. If the regions get in the way of that they have got to go. Think I've gotta go there I have to go because this university does not belong to him. Even the property that they have these big bad business been a sit in the border region. That doesn't belong to me they just don't know that yet. That's why they don't want us to be on here talking about him because we're going to be talking about how people have to understand make a proper analysis of what has gone on what is going on
now and how we move to expropriate expropriated got to be down to the border regions. A watchdog committee decide over what goes into your SCO. They want to monitor Where go the two years go. And to put in their own IBM card they would have you go into the voting booth in November to vote for George Wow Curtis Lamaze Mickey Mouse and I don't hear if he was after this year. We had to pull the rug out from under him in Miami. He would be there for your vote. We're going for a foundation for the next go round. But we're confronted with the situation. How can we face the next four years. What is the choice before us. We have. Bono's Nixon. And Bush who hated George Wallace and about racists in the 20th century. After Hitler.
After all the lessons of the path. After all the demonstrations that have gone on in this country. After the assassinations that have gone down in this country here are going to come out and say this continued to say motivational and has yet General Hersey. And when we face it all of the pieces of the power structure we can relate to. George Wallace because he's part of the game. Why don't they get rid of him like to get rid of everybody else. PEROT. Because he is never going to be every advocating civil disorder because every time I hear him speak what he says to me that I need to get a gun to go out in the street and start killing races. Because the man is talking about putting my people in gas chambers.
In those terms he said that when he gets into the White House he's going to bring back law and order. Law and Order to him save the suffering and death of black people and not just black people anymore but. Possibly even McCarthy himself. Everything that doesn't look like him. So it all boils down to one thing. We are going to have to learn. How to apply the power structure to draw firm line of demarcation. And not allow them to profit. But to push them up against the wall. Or else we're going to happen. Point to the Star-Spangled Banner. That's what have you doing goosestepping aren't you into the Star-Spangled Banner. Wow they have some of you
to put the rest of you into the gas chambers with the niggers. Because we're going to have to have another Boston Tea Party right here. Babylon again. We're going to have to have that graphic. Thank you for you ready to throw down the channels they have nothing for us but the heavy lumber the hair. That's what they have for us. So I say that the people are more resourceful than they are because they're part of going down to oppress people to keep people down and we're looking up at the stars that we see beyond them. We see much further beyond them. We're going to move beyond them even if that means moving over them or through them. But we're going to face them between us. And the Garden of Eden brought down to earth. Because it is true. That human knowledge and technology is
capable of providing not just the people on the face of the pair today. But millions and millions more. With a very beautiful. Very beautiful standard of living life. The only way we're going to know. Now they say that. We probably roam. That attaches that we use the wrong tactics that what we advocate is evil and that we should not advocate it. And that we should follow in the footsteps. Of Martin Luther King. I had him again and wrote. People who say turn the other cheek. So that when you turn the other cheek you get your head knocked out or you get blown out of your shoulders by a bullet. We can relate to turn the other cheek to those who would turn the other cheek forever. But we cannot relate to pussyfoot in tactics. Where criminals have usurped the power of the
government. Where they happen to the police department where their patrol of the court. What happened to the prison. And when you have control. Of the mass media. In fact where they have patrol of us. Civil disorder everybody in this country needs to get out of order. Because the order that they have us into is the order of oppression the order of racism order appeared allergy and we don't want any more of that. We've got to get rid of that. And we just want to say this thank you. We want to make this point that the spirit of the people is greater than the man. Technology. Is greater than all of his committees all of his board the region all of everything that he's about. Because it's not the building. It's not the Congress the physical structure to suppress the people. It's that the physical structure of the Alameda County Courthouse although
somebody seemed to think that's the case. But it's not the physical structure is the psychological structure of these races. Who have control of this country and who have had control of it from the very beginning. And that's what has to be corrected. That's what I understood to be the subject of the course that I was asked to participate in and that's what I have a right to come here to do to talk about what we in the Black Panther Party and the black community know about racism how it looked to us from our perspective. We didn't want to kind of talk about hanging Reagan we want to hang on that front. I want to challenge him to a duel and I want him to accept it. And I reiterate that challenge and I would allow him to do. Thank you to let me thank thank you going to do anything from a gun a knife to a baseball bat to the marshmallow beat him to death
and a coward. That's what I say about Mickey Mouse and I know that my prone officer are has arrogated here and I want to say that he is Mickey Mouse. Here is a year to calm me down have me sit across the desk from him. And tell me that I have a problem. We will find it. And I asked him I said tell me this. How did it happen. That you whose ancestors came from Europe. Me whose ancestors came from Africa. Find ourselves in this room. Me I want to have you on this. Are you telling me that I have a problem with you in my prose and how did that come about. They start from the beginning and write it down to me. I don't want to hear it. I do not want to hear it.
I don't know what is on the appellate court with thinking about when they say that I'm going to have to go back to the penitentiary because I went there and I took a long look at it and I decided that I couldn't relate to it anymore to be there. If I'm wrong if they're active along the pier I went to every place they have within those walls from the hospital to South America and through the med.. I can't relate to any of that. I went back again here recently. In my former host too. I didn't want to stay there too long as our Gary stipulative gave us corporate that. He did that before. Tell me. Where you got to go back and. Thank your mama back you go back with her let her be your fill partner because I want to be out here
where the air is clean relatively clean after we get rid of your. Factories that pollute the air. After we force you to do some of those profits. To put some equipment in there to clear the air. I want to be someone that I want to be part of the program that forces you to clean up the air. I want to be part of the program in fact it puts you in there. You have my SIL because if you're going to be here at the University of California as long as the faculty members as long as the student can tolerate my profanity. Free people free from faith thing. People run their mouths. People who run their mouths often get their heads cut off. So.
Time she would be happy. But there for that time for us maybe. But. Since we don't know how much time is there. Our job is to be that time and it can be better. And I submit that coming out here today everybody get together today exhibit in the spirit of resistance against the oppression that is one way of speeding up time and it's being done out of the country all over the world and we need to take a forthright right here at Berkeley to let the rest of the world know that there are human beings left in Babylon and that they can speed up time here Jeff to the revolution is sweeping the world and have dragged this funky race is hypocritical to crap it changed the country into the 21st century and not the 20 out of 20 and all power to the people. Black power to black people. White power to white people.
OK. You haven't had white power you had power. If you had quiet power you would have those in power right now on white people. White power to get rid of these big merger white power black power we could deal with the power grid power you have the power. Lauren you are never never never a rabid detail of the detail category of power. Gotta have right now power back any power to power the IRA.
Eldridge Cleaver's speech at a noon rally
Producing Organization
KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
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Actuality of Eldridge Cleaver's speech at the University of California, Berkeley campus in response to Governor Ronald Reagan's cancellation of proposed U.C. Berkeley class 139X, for which Cleaver was scheduled to be a lecturer.
Broadcast Date
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Asset type
Event Coverage
Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Public Affairs
University of California, Berkeley; California. Governor (1967-1975 : Reagan); Cleaver, Eldridge, 1935-1998; Black Panther Party; African Americans--Civil rights--History
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Producing Organization: KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 20717_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BB5459_Eldridge_Cleaver_speech (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:18:45
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Chicago: “Eldridge Cleaver's speech at a noon rally,” 1968-12-12, Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 9, 2024,
MLA: “Eldridge Cleaver's speech at a noon rally.” 1968-12-12. Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 9, 2024. <>.
APA: Eldridge Cleaver's speech at a noon rally. Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from