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Oh if I want oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. And I want it all. And God God don't we need a good evening this is the voice and did you know Vietnamese in the US this week. The new swim into China was encouraging with it and bombing in Cambodia. But this joyful note was also accompanied by I speak to collation about the possibility of Saigon and Bangkok missionary ground troops being introduced into kabuki. In tonight's program we could take a look into this new development. Article 20 of the players agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam. States that quote the parties but dissipating in the press conference in Vietnam trust really respect the can body and Louth people's fundamental national
right. That is the independence sovereignty unity and territorial integrity of these countries unquote and quote the Internet affairs that can vote in Laos. So he said oh by the people each of these countries without foreign interference unquote. However right after the announcement of the August 15th bombing deadline Saigon government started to talk about bringing the Air Force and even ground troops back into Cambodia for the Saigon soldiers memories but the can Boria and Laos invasion 1970 and 71 is too fresh. Thousands of troops were killed hundreds of vehicles and planes were destroyed and I was with a full scale all out support from the U.S. Air Force. And furthermore in the early days they concluded resistance forces. Now the U.S. has ended its bombing in Indochina and the liberation armed forces of the national united front of Cambodia has gained tremendous strength from its victory. Therefore another invasion of Cambodia were obviously I said really mean
disaster for the Saigon regime. The SAG our soldiers will only be shedding their blood for an impossible time. That is to prevent the collapse of plan and we see the national united front of Cambodia is advancing steadily because it has the whole hearted support from the Cambodian people who identify with and will sponsor the political program of the friend the national united front of combo here which controls 90 percent of the territory and 80 percent of the population to certainly be successful in realizing its political program always holds its trade Tarr's London puppet and pussy to it that Democrat is ation of Cambodian society building up and independence sound like economy and the restoration and development of national culture and education. The host how attitude of the Saigon government is also extremely dangerous to the restoring of peace in South Vietnam at the time the cease fire
is yet to be fully implemented and the political problem in South Vietnam is yet to be settled. The economy in South Vietnam is inflating the cost of living is skyrocketing. They marketed liberties are still banned and more than 200000 political prisoners whose only crime is wanting peace demanding independence freedom democracy and happiness for South Vietnam. I still retain in more than 1000 prisoners who are South Vietnam according to the peace agreement. This political prisoners should have been treated humanely and released by now. Yet not only that they are not released but more have been arrested and detained in the first five and a half months after the ceasefire. The government carried out forty six thousand police operations and perch one million five hundred thirty five thousand people and detained thousands of authors.
The question now is how can the Saigon government with its economy maintain such a huge police force and its third largest air force in the world which is about to replace the US air power Cambodia. The answer is simple. The U.S. government is just supporting the Saigon regime through American tax money and American civilian advisors it supports and consolidated the prison system and police machine of the Saigon government the US government spends 13 an hour and a half million dollars in the fiscal year of 1973. It will spend at least 20 million forty thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1974 an increase of nearly 50 percent of the fiscal year 1973 to the Saigon police and prison system. Such aid would be channeled through the U.S. Agency for International Development or military assistance service funded programs of the Department of Defense and the quantity import programs. According from the Congressional Record to enforce 1973 the support and assistance is a clear violation of the pair's agreement in Vietnam which states
that quote The US will not intervene into the internal affairs of South Vietnam and should impose any political Tennessee or personality in the Sufi enemies people unquote. The end of the bombing in Cambodia would not mean the end of the US intervention in the country. If you commanded the disguised form of military aid under the name of the Saigon Air Force but the historic development in Indochina his pool a simple truth that even the US cannot prevent an innovative war chief men of peace independence democracy and happiness with the new Chinese people in this struggle for the common interests of the into Chinese and American peoples to prevent another bloody adventure by the Saigon government into Cambodia to free the political prisoners in South Vietnam to end political repression to a stop peace and democracy in South Vietnam to stop wasting American tax money in supporting and consolidating the Saigon police machine and Air Force.
The American people can play an important part by putting pressure on Congress to cut old 8 to a NON NON and let each of the Chinese people's settles their own internal populum without and foreign interference. Oh uh. Huh uh. Huh uh huh. Was. I know that you don't give a hoot man a lot. Oh I know. You gave no.
Being a role in the fire and it didn't say a. Man named. Hang. By waiting. Following is the urgent appeal of the soft yet numb committee to struggle for freedom of the Patriots and peace loving people arrested and detained by the Saigon and restoration showed Andrae to his 2nd 1973 compatriots in the country and have
brought peace freedom and justice loving people in the world. The saya agreement on ending the war and was doing peace in Vietnam is a grave victory of all Vietnamese people. Their criminal has come into effect already six months. Accordingly they arrested and detain people in South Vietnam. Should we return to rejoin their families. But the dictator human anti-fascist clique in defying all norms of morality and the most elementary principles of law is still continuing to illegally arrest and detain hundreds of thousands of political prisoners. The life of hundreds of thousands of the beloved sons and daughters of the Vietnamese people is seriously flattened in all prisons up and we are going to administration. The detainees live in the most severe conditions repression and persecution occur daily. Tens of thousands of them have been fallen prey to fatal disease and became disabled for
life. Thousands of them have been tortured to death or badly injured. Many have been secretly and viciously eliminated in many cases dozens of them have been killed. Their body is disfigured. They were then tied to rocks and thrown into rivers. Many of our compatriots were pushed into the sea handcuffed. Many have been shot to death hurriedly flown into the deep jungles or isolated areas in order to erase all evidence of crimes the tortures and massacres of prisoners become gradually more and atrocious. This is such an appeal goes on. But moving to administration it's resorted to every possible means to dodge the question of returning the arrested 18 people as stipulated by the past agreement on Vietnam
and into 13 1963 joint communiqué the Jew's agents have beaten to our consciousness many detainees and forced them to sign a fingerprint and reading rate quote declaration of returning to the just cause unquote and good application fantasy unquote and also fake files to turn them to common criminals. Those who have been detained for years without court orders from a coming criminals to staging resentence political prisoners whose prison terms have to meet it. They stated the terms took away the red cards of political prisoners and gave them the blue cards of common criminals. They disrupted political prisoners from big prison to the small local jails and mix them among common criminals like pimps and thieves and cetera. At the same time the women to Imus ration launch hundreds of thousands of police operations preceded and massive protests and arrested
tens of thousands more for peace and freedom loving people who support national reconciliation Concord each plot is to act as a Saigon a restoration is aimed at realizing the so-called security plan to be carried out when there is quote a bi lateral solution unquote. In fact it has eliminated many of the indomitable and resilient people whom we cannot win over in combining the methods of torture terrorize ation with cheating and buying off to force them to join the army letting them to quote turn to the just cause unquote. The two armies ration use all means not to return the prickle prisoners in a case of being strongly pressured. He will only return to disable the urgent appeal continues the criminal plot of the US and the street is due any minute all opposing forces in South Vietnam with a view to maintaining the neo colonialism of the US in Vietnam.
With the above mentioned plot and acts the US in the Saigon administrations have been seriously violating the pair's agreement on Vietnam and the June 13th 1973 joint communique brazenly trampling and defer to international laws and silently opposing the most urgent and dearest aspirations of the South Vietnamese people namely peace independence freedom democracy national reconciliation and Concord. The acts have cynically challenge all mankind. Friends of Vietnamese people around the world. Oh peace freedom and justice loving people in the world. In these passing months the international and national organizations and all of you have expressed your concern over the fate of more than 200000 news about competitors still being arrested and detained by the Saigon administration
and have been strongly denouncing the blueberries prison regime of commitment here. This should appeal concludes for the cause of justice irresponsibility and for humanity continue to denounce even more strongly the shames and crimes of the dictatorial until fascist clique to terrorize and cruelly eliminate political prisoners. After they delay I refused to return they arrested and detain people. Demand the US to you and restrictions to seriously implement the Paris agreement of Vietnam to immediately between all the Patriots the peace loving people among them all the people who belong to the third political force in the US Studi teen is Soviet non humanity and justice who says we win over brutality. Freedom for the Patriots and peace loving people arrested in the team with us they thought it was her son Vietnam July 22nd 1973 sign the South Vietnam committee to struggle for freedom with the Patriots and peace loving people arrested and detained. This I got a
restriction. On. Oh if I want to download it. Oh ya I'm not gonna go over there. Oh no no no no no let me try it on God. Get a US A. Yeah. I know my no no no don't get me.
Voice of the Union of Vietnamese in the U.S. - 1973-08-19
Voice of the Union of Vietnamese in the U.S.
Contributing Organization
Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
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This is a recording of the news report for August 19, 1973 from the Voice of the Union of Vietnamese in the U.S., a weekly news report produced for KPFA. This week's program focuses on the newly-introduced possibility of Saigon and Bangkok troops being introduced into Cambodia, the Paris Agreement on ending the war in Vietnam, the National United Front of Cambodia, the history of Saigon involvement in Cambodia, and the repercussions of continued military action. Following that update, the reporters read an urgent appeal from the South Vietnam Committee To Struggle For Freedom of Patriots and Peace-loving People Arrested and Detained By the Saigon Administration issued on July 22, 1973.
War and Conflict
Voice of the Union of Vietnamese in the U.S.; Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- History; Cambodia -- Foreign relations -- Vietnam; Political prisoners -- South Vietnam; Paris Peace Accords (1973); Asian Americans--Civil rights--History
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 12909_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BC2541_Voice_of_the_Union_of_Vietnamese_in_the_US (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:15:59
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Voice of the Union of Vietnamese in the U.S. - 1973-08-19; Voice of the Union of Vietnamese in the U.S.,” Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “Voice of the Union of Vietnamese in the U.S. - 1973-08-19; Voice of the Union of Vietnamese in the U.S..” Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Voice of the Union of Vietnamese in the U.S. - 1973-08-19; Voice of the Union of Vietnamese in the U.S.. Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from