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Oh. Man. People. And he did this by. Chance. Home. And used to run through the street. Same equipment that. Had been selling. For just a moment to say. People would no longer try. And.
Live to make that example. Was not. Given. Over and over again. And in. 1967. The same. Combination. Attempted to take. The. Maximum Security sound. Minimum security. Time. How the lamp. People. Had no choice people
and I don't think that anyone around the world. At the. Time. The people. Whatever means necessary. Have. First time.
On October 19. Thanks. If you think I doubt that I'm not here because of the Black that the party I'm not here because I'm not here because of a group of kamikazes I'm here because of the power of the people. We must remember that revolution is a process. This is not a conclusion because once we conclude then we become a counter-revolutionary. Me. Even if we conclude that gov.
Because fascism also has a gun. So I like to say to the Black that the party stands against all forms of fascism including sexual fascism that we are at a in. There is all kinds of chauvinism including racial chauvinism we are against sexual chauvinism national chauvinism. We're going to give you that forward to prison most of you know you're aware that I've never made any speeches you see because I'm not a very eloquent man I'm better known by the actions and out of the party was built upon the actions and the action itself is a process and we're not ever fixated. We have to accept the dog and we will now well like to say this that from now on at the party itself would be better known. By its contributions to the people for the simple reason that some people around us seem to want to be dome through the media. At the party you can only
judges of the establishment certain survival programs tend to revolution because remember you make a revolution. We can't free political prisoners. Only the people give free political prisoners and a free people who are not free not free the prisoners cannot free the prisoners of fascism bank. So I would like to say that we must work very hard in order to lift the consciousness of the people who are most free. Chairman Bobby Seale Ashley Davis Rachelle McGee the sala Debra the 7am 3:00 a.m. of the political prisoners. Randi we have to free all of them but we must remember that we must exhaust every possible tactic and we must let it be known that never broadcast military tactics for military reasons is perfectly correct to broadcast military tactics for political reasons. That's one of the homes that I agree with. So we would like for the people to know that there are many things that we will
not discuss in public. But what you can do is watch the fruits of again. And now we would like to say that. Party became a intercommunal party for his actions and I think that's very good. So I'm asking you in order to to free all political prisoners free the people free the moment I don't kill the man. We have to get together in unity and we cannot get together in unity. Substitute verbal expressions for action. The final test of the class and the action we don't talk about the Black Panther Party from 1966 when this form will stand on its record will stand on the action we claim to be ultra leftist. We will claim to be empathised don't let this what we would do is act in accordance with a particular set of conditions in a particular problem and we have a tan. So please judge us upon our actions and we develop like that or not.
Well it would be lip service coming from anyone. And sometimes I'm very thankful that I don't talk too well because on us only when we have communication we say that a picture is worth the time those words but actions preen and what kind of action you take will depend upon this particular set of conditions. And I say all this because you know the party and the world today is under turmoil and this is very good. We always welcome all forms of contradictions because without the contradiction is no transformation. So from a contradiction that's developed now in the world in the party. We hope to hand a qualitative leap and if this leap eliminates some of us and of course we prove that. But we must not still stop the revolution. I will not stop the revolution. You should not stop it. And for all religious words that we know the words will never stop and words will
not stop the revolution either. Only action 66 kicked off the armed man of the station of revolution of this country because it focused upon the need for the people not only to defend themselves but also to develop a consciousness necessary to operate for and to act. To be able to fight in a protracted war you see and that is why this is necessary for us to develop the correct ideology which is a system of thinking and we must not rely and conclude with the philosophy which is necessarily of collusion. So we are Indian logically. Revolution is where a constant state of change and we 5.00 people who want to change because we know change war for our home. So after all of this that we must pay more attention to what is happening in the news media has attempted to discredit the party by saying that it's over because they don't see the water. I think our
programs are better than the party. The community hears are in the 44 cities we must stop supporting or we must expand them. Because I read an article a lot recently recently a few months ago where Chile had some problems in Bolivia because it appears were so encourages and Julie could not rally them even with the photos. They do not understand why. The military a regular military was dropping. So what did you do we attempted to form. Certain programs that we call survival programs attempted to form a free health program in order to get the persons inside to help them and also to provide things for is our focal lives. You also took in form free breakfast program and also free soup factory and a sporting goods store for others reasons. So program is good because that might be revolutionary. Could be China revolutionaries to create preparations or not may soon to be a serious revolution is you we must know there were bugs in the
process and not a set of principles or conclusions that are face value revolutionary. I do not know one thing that is revolutionary in sell at all. Plates might be revolutionary in this context or the worst feudalism was revolutionary when it kicked out capitalism and then went capital and a few lives were kicked out by the capitalist that was also revolutionary. And now we have a situation where the capitalism become the imperialists and the people of the world or the communities of the world will have to keep him out. So in order to have free actually by having him show Mickey and all of the other political prisoners we must keep the fascists out and we cannot do it with lip service part of the people. Or.
But it. Tasting. The.
So. What. Thank you thank you. Thank you.
We think. That with all the people world. Show their solidarity and Shell. Fire while bashing. Murder. People. Bashing murder the people. We are. Power to the people that marched to me. Last telegram. To the Black Panther Party in California.
Seven thousand five hundred people demonstrated in Copenhagen today. They re all political prisoners by us. That's when the Black Panther Party Solidarity Committee in Copenhagen Denmark. All power to the people. Began the program. With a bang. Only. Only. Only. Eh eh.
Eh eh. Lol.
Pay. A. Toll. Hey.
Man. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Yes. The. With the great reverence. We.
Say. OK. Let's say. Children come to you and cry. All power to the people. To tell them the family holiday when they say to you. Free chairman Bobby you know power to the people. You won't be confused about doing no shooting. If you families it was really about the people. And even if you. Accept the Jonathan Jackson. I say. Power to the people. I knew that. You were.
Writing down. The legacy of. GOVERNESS. A. Governor. THE GOVERNOR. She comes next. OK. See. You. Actually. Get it.
Let him. Come. Out. Come.
Come. I. Smacked him in. The. Back. Try. That in.
Just. A MINUTE. I'm going. Now we made the implication. What's wrong with all your going to sleep. The big. Three.
Three three losers that to the fastest thing that. The earth. Get. Say. OK. Our. Goal. OK. You won't. Say.
But. OK. We're talking our. Hour. To. Keep. The. Thing. Up. Our. Goal. Is. To. Cut. The. Lol. Lol. Lol. They. Hear. That. We.
Love. Love. Love. Love. Lol. Lol. But the. One. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Resident says. The song. Bobby let me get away. It's all about the last. Election. Party. Bring it down. Bring it.
Solid my mom. Was. In the way with Connecticut. We sing. Songs. Where we believe. The. World. Wants. That. Right. Now I. Would like. To. Say. We were. Like a Hammer along with. The left wing. We also want to say a little bit. Well. I can't. Say. That. We. Know our late. KING. KING. Jr.. What about. The. Next. Hour just the fact that. Back to you.
Intercommunal day of solidarity / Huey Newton ; introduced by Elaine Brown
Producing Organization
KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
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Episode Description
On March 5, 1971, the Black Panther Party held an event at the Oakland Auditorium called "Revolutionary International Day of Solidarity" for Bobby Seale, Ericka Huggins, Angela Davis, and Ruchell Magee, and also to honor Party Minister of Defense Huey P. Newton on his release from prison. Huey P. Newton was the featured speaker. This event advertised an appearance by Kathleen Cleaver, too, but the female voice on this recording was noted by the recorder as being Elaine Brown. The event also included live performances by the Reverend Charles Bronson, the Grateful Dead, The Lumpen, and The Vanguards, some of which appear on this recording.
Broadcast Date
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Event Coverage
Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Public Affairs
Black Panther Party; Newton, Huey P.; Brown, Elaine, 1943-; Cleaver, Kathleen; African Americans--Civil rights--History
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Producing Organization: KPFA (Radio station : Berkeley, Calif.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 21320_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BB5405_Intercommunal_day_of_solidarity (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:34:42
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Intercommunal day of solidarity / Huey Newton ; introduced by Elaine Brown,” 1971-03-05, Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 22, 2024,
MLA: “Intercommunal day of solidarity / Huey Newton ; introduced by Elaine Brown.” 1971-03-05. Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 22, 2024. <>.
APA: Intercommunal day of solidarity / Huey Newton ; introduced by Elaine Brown. Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from