My Pine Barrens Land

- Transcript
<v Narrator>Pinelands is not an English garden. <v Narrator>Its beauty is wild, primeval, complex and anything but barren. <v Narrator>Its unique chemistry of water and soil produce a variety of plant and animal life <v Narrator>found almost nowhere else in the world. <v Narrator>Often misunderstood by outsiders, this region is perhaps best explored through <v Narrator>the eyes of those whose lives are so intrinsically a part of the land. <v Speaker>[folk song] <v Narrator>The Menantico, like many of the rivers of the Pinelands, the Menantico
<v Narrator>is a precious jewel prized for the purity of its water, the wealth of natural <v Narrator>resources on the mainland. <v Tom Brown>On the Menantico I spent many an hour in rain, snow and icy showers <v Tom Brown>setting my trap when not really able to put food for my family <v Tom Brown>on the table. I never accumulated in the way of wealth. <v Tom Brown>In traveling the Manatiko I gained back my health. <v Tom Brown>On the Menantico to me so dear, you'll find the herring run <v Tom Brown>in the spring of the year. The otter, beaver, fox, coon, <v Tom Brown>mush, rat and deer. And here you will find the track of a mink <v Tom Brown>on polluted streams they are now extinct. <v Tom Brown>In spring and summer, my what a change. <v Tom Brown>The magnolias and honeysuckle vine, wild roses higher than <v Tom Brown>my head. The water hyacinths and water lillies and swamp iris <v Tom Brown>beds.
<v Narrator>In his lifetime, Tom Brown has been many things. <v Narrator>Farmer, fisherman, trapper, and last but certainly not least, <v Narrator>?poke?. <v Tom Brown>Now, this stream here has not had any building since I <v Tom Brown>was a boy, except for Barwin Kirby's home among the pine barrens. <v Tom Brown>And there's so many springs along that stream that fuel water that <v Tom Brown>at low tide you can dip your cup down, get a good drink of water today. <v Tom Brown>Now, that is really saying something when the pollution and all. <v Tom Brown>Being so close to it, that has been my main love. <v Tom Brown>I caught my first bite there. <v Tom Brown>And first muskrat there, first raccoon, first fox, name it. <v Tom Brown>And that's been it. <v Tom Brown>Snapping turtles, rising from the mud. <v Tom Brown>This is Menantico, the stream I love. <v Narrator>To the non discerning, it is easy to write off the New Jersey Pine Barrens <v Narrator>as a flat sandy wasteland.
<v Narrator>The name itself, Pine Barrens, connotes emptiness, <v Narrator>infertility, but barren it is not. <v Narrator>Given a new name in recent time, the Pinelands comprise one million acres <v Narrator>of the forests, farms and scenic town. <v Narrator>Upland pine, old forest, lowland pine, forest, hardwood <v Narrator>swamps, bilandic, white cedar bogs, both natural and manmade. <v Narrator>And the lakes and streams which filter into the bay make the Pinelands <v Narrator>the largest remaining stretch of open space in the midst of what has been deemed the <v Narrator>great unbroken eastern city, located less <v Narrator>than 100 miles from New York City to the north. <v Narrator>And only 15 miles from Philadelphia to the west. <v Narrator>This vast area contains an underground reservoir known as the Cohansey <v Narrator>formation, with an estimated 17 trillion gallons of the
<v Narrator>purest water in the northeastern United States. <v Narrator>However, in a state that is more densely populated and industrialized than any other <v Narrator>in the union, the pressures upon this fragile environment mount. <v Narrator>Evidence of human encroachment can be found through the pines. <v Narrator>Even in the more desolate area. <v Narrator>In the last 200 years, the landscape has changed little except where a fire <v Narrator>has struck or people have met it. <v Narrator>But for the broken remains of a few ghost towns, it is difficult to imagine <v Narrator>that for a period of time, the 17 and 1800s, this hinterland <v Narrator>was a bustling center for shipbuilding and iron and glass industry. <v Narrator>Most of the early industries folded leaving behind a ravaged forest <v Narrator>that could no longer supply enough fuel.
<v Narrator>As the workers abandoned the area, the Pinelands was left alone. <v Narrator>Once again, let's use and reclaim its wild and primitive state. <v Robert Zampelo>One of our better sites. A nice transition from uplands down to <v Robert Zampelo>a lowlands. <v Narrator>Robert Zampelo, a biologist of the New Jersey Pinelands Commission, <v Narrator>has spent many days working in these woods. <v Narrator>With the assistance of student botanist Jerry Moore, he attempts to explore <v Narrator>the key factors which shape the Pinelands ecosystem. <v Robert Zampelo>When talking about the Pinelands ecosystem, you have to talk about water. <v Robert Zampelo>The quality of water and the quantity of water. <v Robert Zampelo>What's unusual about the Pine Barrens are the acid nutrient poor <v Robert Zampelo>surface and groundwater's that we find in the region. <v Robert Zampelo>The acid nutrient poor waters in the Pine Barrens are responsible for maintaining <v Robert Zampelo>the unique character of the area.
<v Robert Zampelo>The plants, the animals are adapted to acid conditions. <v Robert Zampelo>The PH in the Pine Barrens is atypical for <v Robert Zampelo>New Jersey. Very low PHs, ranging from four <v Robert Zampelo>to four and a half. <v Robert Zampelo>The scrub oak, when we came into the dry lowland the scrub scrub oak <v Robert Zampelo>petered out. <v Robert Zampelo>Let's get a measurement on this well, the water table is much closer to the surface here <v Robert Zampelo>than it was in either the uplant or the dry pitch pine lowland. <v Robert Zampelo>What I'm attempting to answer is why do we get the gradients in vegetation? <v Robert Zampelo>Water is the driving force there. <v Robert Zampelo>But there are a whole series of other things that also affect the changes that you may <v Robert Zampelo>see as you walk from uplands down to lowlands. <v Robert Zampelo>The response that I was seeing was due to fire is due to water. <v Robert Zampelo>It was due to the soils. What I'm trying to do now is take a look at different <v Robert Zampelo>vegetation types and then try and figure out is it the soils? <v Robert Zampelo>Are the changes dependent on the amount of nutrients in the soil?
<v Robert Zampelo>Are the changes related to water table fluctuations? <v Robert Zampelo>The quantity of water is as critical as the quality of water for maintaining <v Robert Zampelo>pineland stream flows. <v Robert Zampelo>And for also maintaining wetland systems. <v Robert Zampelo>If water tables drop, then the species composition and those swamps will <v Robert Zampelo>change. <v Robert Zampelo>What we're trying to do here is actually quantify the changes in vegetation, <v Robert Zampelo>along with the changes in watertable. <v Robert Zampelo>One of the mannerable issues that we're faced with if you lower the water table, so <v Robert Zampelo>what? If we pump water from the Cohansey for water supply purposes, what <v Robert Zampelo>effect would that have on the system? <v Robert Zampelo>We don't know that right now. So it's a simple question, trying to get simple answers, <v Robert Zampelo>which could be important, making some management decisions. <v Narrator>Careful, intelligent planning is essential to protecting the Pinelands from development <v Narrator>that has already impacted the fringes of this sensitive area. <v Narrator>In every season, water is the life under the Pinelands sending forth nourishment
<v Narrator>to all forms of life. <v Narrator>In winter, the earth lies frozen beneath its snowy covers. <v Narrator>The river breathed a sigh of relief. <v Narrator>It has earned its rest. <v Narrator>This is a quiet time. <v Narrator>Time to replenish its store, gathering strength at the busy months ahead. <v Narrator>The earth waits patiently, knowing from years gone by, its time will come. <v Narrator>If you really want to get to know the Pinelands, it is best explored by water. <v Narrator>The Oswego River is a canoeist paradise. <v Narrator>One of its most striking feature is its color, best described <v Narrator>as similar to that of tea. <v Narrator>Elizabeth Woodford is an environmentalist, botanist and teacher. <v Narrator>Because she believes in understanding the Pinelands is so vital, she takes time <v Narrator>out from her round the clock schedule to offer classes to the public.
<v Elizabeth Woodford>The Oswego River is actually the east branch of the Wading River, but it's <v Elizabeth Woodford>now continuously being marked in maps as Oswego. <v Elizabeth Woodford>To me, it's one of the finest canoe streams that we have in New Jersey and certainly one <v Elizabeth Woodford>of the most popular. <v Elizabeth Woodford>Its history, its botany, <v Elizabeth Woodford>its wild animals. And its aquatic animals as well. <v Elizabeth Woodford>And every time of the year that I've gone down one of these streams, there's always <v Elizabeth Woodford>something it's a little bit different. <v Elizabeth Woodford>It's a personal pleasure knowing that they're learning something special. <v Elizabeth Woodford>That they might not have known. And the fact that it means more support for supporting <v Elizabeth Woodford>the Pine Barrens. <v Elizabeth Woodford>And it's just pure pleasure to have someone enjoy something and share with you <v Elizabeth Woodford>something that you enjoy yourself. And the Pine Barrens is a place of beauty. <v Elizabeth Woodford>It can't be described unless you see it personally.
<v Elizabeth Woodford>But to get into that deep Pine Barrens when you know you're miles from anywhere. <v Elizabeth Woodford>That is a feeling in wilderness that you can only find in a certain place in the world. <v Elizabeth Woodford>And a little state of New Jersey is one of them. <v Elizabeth Woodford>I feel a sense of closeness with nature and with God. <v Elizabeth Woodford>It's such a beautiful thing to see the Pine Barrens as they are untouched because it's <v Elizabeth Woodford>a rare and special piece of buildings. <v Elizabeth Woodford>And I think mankind needs wilderness in his life <v Elizabeth Woodford>to enjoy and to appreciate and to know that it's part of what <v Elizabeth Woodford>has always been there. <v Narrator>In this part of the world where a natural habitat is at a premium, many forms of <v Narrator>animal life have come to depend on this territory, to raise their young men, hunt and <v Narrator>forage and find shelter from the elements and their enemies. <v Narrator>Herpetologist Robert Zapelordi and his assistant studied the behavior of endangered <v Narrator>reptiles and amphibians.
<v Robert Zapelordi>A lot of the southern species reached their northern limit in the Pine Barrens. <v Robert Zapelordi>And that's because of the unique conditions of the water, the types of soil <v Robert Zapelordi>and the types of vegetation that grows here. <v Robert Zapelordi>It's very similar to areas you could find 300 miles down south. <v Robert Zapelordi>We have some amphibians. Most notably is the famous Pine Barrens tree frog. <v Robert Zapelordi>We also have the southern gray tree frog, which reaches its northern limit in south <v Robert Zapelordi>Jersey. We have some northern species coming down <v Robert Zapelordi>the tiger salamander come down into southern New Jersey. <v Robert Zapelordi>One of the things we needed to learn about was the activity range of some of these <v Robert Zapelordi>endangered and threatened snakes. <v Robert Zapelordi>The most effective way of doing that was to use radio telemetry. <v Robert Zapelordi>That means taking a small transmitter and implanting it in the snake's body <v Robert Zapelordi>and then using a handheld antenna. <v Robert Zapelordi>You're able to locate that snake. <v Robert Zapelordi>The timber rattlesnake was really fascinating and learning how far they actually
<v Robert Zapelordi>moved from the place where they hibernate. <v Robert Zapelordi>The radio tracking revealed that they do, in fact, hibernate like edges of the cedar <v Robert Zapelordi>swamps near the streams. <v Robert Zapelordi>The reason being that the moving water along the edge of the stream prevented them from <v Robert Zapelordi>freezing. They were insulated by the roots of the trees and the thick mass of sphagnum <v Robert Zapelordi>moss. You find out these cedar swamps, that was truly a significant <v Robert Zapelordi>discovery. <v Robert Zapelordi>There is, right thereabouts. <v Assistant>Look at that. <v Narrator>Zapelordi's research has revealed that like many endangered species, timber rattlesnakes <v Narrator>depend on a much wider range of territory than was previously suspected. <v Narrator>Based upon this information, wise decisions can be made as far as purchasing <v Narrator>lands most critical for animal habitat and management. <v Robert Zapelordi>All wildlife plays an important role in the balance of any community. <v Robert Zapelordi>In the Pine Barrens, all these animals that we've been studying are very important, <v Robert Zapelordi>either as a food source for some other animal or predators to control the balance
<v Robert Zapelordi>in nature. <v Assistant>It doesn't matter whether she stretched out or not. <v Robert Zapelordi>There's a dynamic equilibrium there in the Pine Barrens and that's balanced <v Robert Zapelordi>by nature and the animals that live there. <v Robert Zapelordi>The final length is one hundred and eight centimeters. <v Robert Zapelordi>Boy, she grew. <v Robert Zapelordi>Almost eight- she grew- she was 100 when we released her last fall. <v Robert Zapelordi>If the wildlife is surviving nicely, then the human population could survive. <v Robert Zapelordi>That's what it's all about. The bottom line is everything. <v Robert Zapelordi>Surviving nicely in the Pine Barrens. <v Narrator>Within the fragile grasp of the wetlands hangs the survival of some of the plane lands <v Narrator>most unusual and colorful plants. <v Narrator>Out of the bogs and swamps grow a profusion of orchids in a dazzling array of hues. <v Narrator>Botanical interest dates back the 17th and 18th when important biologists
<v Narrator>sought out the mysterious plant life so different from what they were accustomed to in <v Narrator>Europe. <v Narrator>Even today, botanists from all over the world come to see the curly grass <v Narrator>fern. <v Narrator>In this day and age, it is fairly remarkable to find a river as pristine as <v Narrator>the Basto. <v Narrator>This is fresh water. <v Narrator>This fresh water flows out of the bay, mingles with the saltwater to create <v Narrator>the perfect balance for the breeding oyster. <v Narrator>There is no single geographic point that marks the passage from freshwater to salt. <v Narrator>This is Great Bay, the confluence of river and ocean, an <v Narrator>alliance that makes these waters most agreeable for shellfish of all sorts. <v Narrator>People who make their living from the resources of the bay are known as baymen. <v Narrator>Phil Anderson is a bayman.
<v Narrator>Most of his family members are baymen, working the waters in one way or another. <v Narrator>It is a tradition. <v Phil Anderson>Well I originally start to get into crabbing and claiming commercially about 10 years <v Phil Anderson>ago, sort of lived and grew up on the water and fished and claimed <v Phil Anderson>it was the natural thing to get into this. <v Phil Anderson>There is a relationship to freshwater and all the things in the crabs <v Phil Anderson>migrate to up to river and see less sailing water in the summer <v Phil Anderson>and migrate back in the fall. <v Phil Anderson>Oysters are very dependent on a lot of freshwater being in the river. <v Phil Anderson>Clams are not affected quite as much. <v Phil Anderson>Clean water is a substitute for and also. <v Narrator>Anderson is acutely aware of the importance of this great freshwater supply for his <v Narrator>livelihood, as well as the preservation of an environment he holds in such reverent <v Narrator>esteem. <v Phil Anderson>Everyone needs water to drink.
<v Phil Anderson>Farmers needs to grow their plants, so everyone takes fresh water and all that <v Phil Anderson>development that's going on in the area. <v Phil Anderson>Everyone that drives, well, it takes a little bit more water out of the river. <v Phil Anderson>There's less fresh water reaching the bay. <v Phil Anderson>Population certainly increased. <v Phil Anderson>And people have to have a place to live. <v Phil Anderson>But I think there's an intelligent way of. <v Phil Anderson>And there's a haphazard way of developing an area where a lot <v Phil Anderson>of things to consider and someone may say that clam <v Phil Anderson>or crab is not important. <v Phil Anderson>What they don't realize that one thing relates to everything else <v Phil Anderson>in our total environment and that almost every fish is <v Phil Anderson>actually born in the salt matters that surround the bays. <v Phil Anderson>And it's just a part of the food chain. <v Phil Anderson>So you did away with just one link out of that food chain. <v Narrator>What is at stake in the Pinelands is not just an environment. <v Narrator>It is a centuries old way of life.
<v Narrator>For the people of Port Republicm it is a way of life worth saving and celebrating. <v Narrator>Located on the Nacote Creek tributary of the Mullica River, Port Republic <v Narrator>grew out of the shipbuilding industry, drawing upon the once abundant white cedars of <v Narrator>nearby swamps. <v Narrator>Now celebrating its 350th birthday, that is one of the oldest <v Narrator>settlements in the East Coast. <v Narrator>Gary Giberson, the town's affable mayor, is one of the Port Republic's staunchest <v Narrator>champions. He is also its resident decoy carver, <v Narrator>working in cedar as his family has for decades. <v Gary Gilberson>I learned many things from my grandfather. <v Gary Gilberson>But the most wonderful thing astride his knee was learning when you had a stroke a <v Gary Gilberson>draw knife across the piece of cedar to create a duck decoy, a stool duck, as <v Gary Gilberson>they were known in South Jersey. <v Narrator>As mayor, of Port Republic, Giberson has many concerns.
<v Narrator>There is a lifestyle among the people here that is as practiced and polished <v Narrator>as any art form passed on from one generation to the next year is our legacy. <v Narrator>It is the art of self sufficient jouni of this town depending upon nothing and <v Narrator>sometimes no one other than Mother Earth and what she provides. <v Gary Gilberson>Before charcoal, before fishing. <v Gary Gilberson>The Pine Barrens is sort of a life blood thing to the community <v Gary Gilberson>for its character, because if we lose the Pine Barrens, then these rural communities <v Gary Gilberson>lose their character. Our area's changing rapidly because of development <v Gary Gilberson>and environmentally, it's a very sensitive area, the Pine <v Gary Gilberson>Barrens. <v Singer>[singing] And I love to watch the forest as it changes through the seasons. It's so alive, <v Singer>it's just the way it ought to be. <v Singer>If it would be left alone it could survive forever. <v Gary Gilberson>But we know that there will be change and we know there will be growth.
<v Gary Gilberson>But we must do it at a controlled level, thinking of our past, thinking of our history <v Gary Gilberson>and thinking of the Pine Barrens. <v Narrator>Today, Whitesbog village, the turn-of-the-century farming settlement is an important <v Narrator>historic site. <v Narrator>Originally, this tract of land started out as an experimental cranberry farm. <v Narrator>Cranberries grow wild along the streams. <v Narrator>But in the 1960s and 70s, people began to transplant <v Narrator>and thus began commercial cranberry cultivation. <v Narrator>Under the direction of J.J. White, Whitesblog became the largest cranberry <v Narrator>farm in New Jersey during the early 1900s. <v Narrator>In 1911, Elizabeth White, J.J. <v Narrator>White's oldest daughter, became interested in the possibilities of cultivating the wild <v Narrator>blueberries. She invited Dr. Frederick Kovil of the US Department of Agriculture <v Narrator>to Whitesbog to help her conduct experiments.
<v Narrator>She and Dr. Kovil develop the cultivated high bush blueberries that we have today. <v Narrator>While the industry has grown enormously, the people involved cling to their family roots. <v Narrator>They have learned from their parents and their parents before them how the earth moves <v Narrator>through its seasons. <v Bill Haynes Jr>They've got them all out of the bog. <v Narrator>Bill Haynes Jr is a cranberry and blueberry farmer. <v Narrator>His family run business dates back to just after the Civil War. <v Bill Haynes Jr>I farm with my dad. My dad's been here for forty years. <v Bill Haynes Jr>His father and his uncle had the business before he did. <v Bill Haynes Jr>His great grandfather before he did. <v Bill Haynes Jr>I never really imagined myself doing anything else. <v Narrator>As with every other aspect of cranberry cultivation, irrigations throws production. <v Narrator>A large clean supply of water is vital for this reason. <v Narrator>Like other cranberry growers. <v Narrator>He has built his own water supply. <v Bill Haynes Jr>You have to keep growing cranberries in the water supply.
<v Bill Haynes Jr>It has to be clean water to irrigate to cool <v Bill Haynes Jr>for us, protection is very important in cranberries because the low lying and they're <v Bill Haynes Jr>susceptible to frost late into the summer. <v Bill Haynes Jr>You have a shallow root system, so you have to cover them with water to keep <v Bill Haynes Jr>the soil from freezing below the roots and killing the plant. <v Bill Haynes Jr>And then finally, which is unique to cranberries we harvest in the water. <v Bill Haynes Jr>So the biggest single factor, why this field area to grow cranberries is water. <v Bill Haynes Jr>That's the absolute lifeblood of our business. <v Narrator>Because of their dependance on water, berry farmers are among the Pinelands most <v Narrator>outspoken in conservation. <v Bill Haynes Jr>It's really tough to farm in an urban state. <v Bill Haynes Jr>Farmers are small in numbers. Cranberry and blueberry are a small part of a small <v Bill Haynes Jr>segment of New Jersey. The mass of people out there don't understand what we do. <v Bill Haynes Jr>I mean, this is the best place in New Jersey. Why? <v Bill Haynes Jr>Because we're as far away from people as you can get and still be in New Jersey. <v Bill Haynes Jr>We're in competition for water.
<v Bill Haynes Jr>Rest of New Jersey wants water. <v Bill Haynes Jr>We need it here. The whole Pinelands system depends on water, as was <v Bill Haynes Jr>cranberries. The thing to remember is that they drew a line around the Pinelands <v Bill Haynes Jr>who were still part of the world. <v Narrator>Some people claim that the greatest threat to the Pinelands is that it is being <v Narrator>loved to death, that someday, like many of our national parks, access <v Narrator>would have to be restricted. <v Narrator>Fortunately for now, the great outdoors is open and free to all who care to <v Narrator>partake of it. Joe Casper is a fishing guide by trade. <v Narrator>He also writes and teaches about the outdoors. <v Narrator>But his happiest moments are just being out there on the water alone with his thoughts. <v Joe Casper>It's a place that you can get out there and hear yourself think. <v Joe Casper>Can't do that in a city unless you build yourself a cubicle and block out all the sounds. <v Joe Casper>Out there you can listen to the wind blowing and hear the birds became frogs. <v Joe Casper>You can actually see the sunrise come off without looking over top of rooftops. <v Joe Casper>And in times you can hear the sounds that are made by natural things
<v Joe Casper>that artificial things like man. <v Joe Casper>The lakes we are fishing today were originally streams or damed up, they were depressions <v Joe Casper>and then the water was allowed to fill in. <v Joe Casper>And in most cases they take out the trees or using a tree just rotted and fell and this <v Joe Casper>makes an ideal habitat not only for the fish, but for the turtles of frogs, snakes, just <v Joe Casper>about anything else. <v Joe Casper>Very fragile ecologically, but there are species out there that are close to endangered, <v Joe Casper>that you won't find in other areas. <v Joe Casper>The waters in the Pine Barrens are very conducive to certain species of fish because of <v Joe Casper>the acidity, because of the physical makeup of the land and the water combination. <v Joe Casper>?Tecror? are best suited for the Pine Barrens because they can take the hardness of the <v Joe Casper>water acid count. <v Narrator>Being a fishing guide, Casper certainly encourages people to come <v Narrator>to the Pinelands and enjoy its recreational privileges.
<v Narrator>But with one caveat. <v Joe Casper>Mark Twain once said, when you leave the banks of a river or a lake <v Joe Casper>only leave your footprints. And that's it. <v Narrator>In 1978, after years of effort, the Pinelands was declared a national reserve, <v Narrator>giving federal, state and local governments a share in its protection. <v Narrator>The following year, the state of New Jersey established the Pinelands Commission, <v Narrator>giving it the responsibility of devising a plan to preserve some areas <v Narrator>while allowing for development in others. <v Narrator>What resulted is a plan currently being implemented to maintain the integrity <v Narrator>of the environment. <v Narrator>Artist Glenn Mulsberry has been a lifelong resident of the Pinelands. <v Narrator>Growing up in these surroundings, his impressions have become a vital component <v Narrator>of his work. <v Glenn Mulsberry>Having lived and grown up on the edge of the Pinelands when I was younger, it was <v Glenn Mulsberry>always a source of fascination as I've grown a little bit older. <v Glenn Mulsberry>That source of fascination has been enhanced by what I found out about the Pinelands, how
<v Glenn Mulsberry>unique it is. I hope through my art that I can act as a medium <v Glenn Mulsberry>for the people who on other occasions don't take the time to look <v Glenn Mulsberry>at what's unique about. <v Glenn Mulsberry>Perhaps by looking at a piece of work that I've done that they can <v Glenn Mulsberry>appreciate a little bit more about what makes it so special. <v Narrator>But ultimately, perhaps the saving grace of the Pinelands will be the fulfillment <v Narrator>of a particular human need, not for housing or drinking water, <v Narrator>but for wilderness. The spirit needs nourishment to. <v Singer>[singing] And I love to watch the forest as it changes through <v Singer>the seasons. It's so alive. <v Singer>It's just the way it ought to be. <v Bill Haynes Jr>I like to be the last one to go home at night, because when all the machinery is <v Bill Haynes Jr>shut down and everybody else goes home, I've got it to myself. <v Bill Haynes Jr>It has to be the most quiet, most peaceful place that you could imagine.
<v Bill Haynes Jr>And it's beautiful. It's not the Grand Canyon. <v Bill Haynes Jr>It's not the Rocky Mountains. It's much more subdued than that, but it grows on <v Bill Haynes Jr>you.
- Program
- My Pine Barrens Land
- Producing Organization
- New Jersey Network (Firm)
- Contributing Organization
- WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- cpb-aacip-259-zs2k9c4w
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-259-zs2k9c4w).
- Description
- Program Description
- "'My Pinebarrens Land' is a 30 [minute] documentary film. It is concerned with the ecology, the environment, industry and people of the pinelands of N.J. The Pinelands of N.J. is a wilderness located in South Central New Jersey where there are many unique wild animals, flowers and fauna. It is an area that is made-up of sand, trees and a vast supply of water, the [Cohansey] aquifer. The Pinelands of N.J. is a delicate preserve in its present condition. "Audience reaction and response to this film was noteworthy. The production quality is at a high level both technically and creatively."--1988 Peabody Awards entry form. Speakers: Tom Brown Robert Zampelo Elizabeth Woodford Robert Zapelordi Phil Anderson Gary Gilberson Bill Haynes Jr. Joe Casper Glenn Mulsberry
- Broadcast Date
- 1988
- Created Date
- 1988
- Asset type
- Program
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:31:06.698
- Credits
Producing Organization: New Jersey Network (Firm)
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-536c15ac5e7 (Filename)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:30:00
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-0d81d20822b (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “My Pine Barrens Land,” 1988, WGBH, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 25, 2025,
- MLA: “My Pine Barrens Land.” 1988. WGBH, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 25, 2025. <>.
- APA: My Pine Barrens Land. Boston, MA: WGBH, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from