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    Reporters Roundtable - Property Tax
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i mean that in that it's an election year so the governor doesn't want there to be nine percent property tax increases in elections for the assembly workers the assembly somebody told me today that
therefore this is an election year gimmick of the sort of course sean rhetorically new orleans three years and now he's please principles aside in political elections in england when i guess i knew that he would say this isn't something that you want to propose that these are special circumstances and i think that's why there's a little bit of a struggle in the senate although to cody set on an earlier this week he said that he thinks he has enough votes now although he wouldn't guarantee it tom kean jr said none of those votes to republicans so i guess some of the democrats who were initially had some misgivings have been talked to a little bit long and well no and the governor has said this isn't sleeve andrew mangan there were seven or eight or nine senate democrats who didn't want to vote for this one came up and in december unless it's going to be interesting to see what happens was as poppy
no useful and people going individually and asked for their evaluations of her home is that happening yet this a coke or are people still paying the local property tax that will pay you well let me ask you as i guess the question is maybe not so much and vigils were about the backs that are they're going to come to ms powell is a little more clout than the average guy and say hey we own ten thousand chortles now and you're not worth a million and half anymore they're roll them for nine hundred thousand where we don't want to pay the taxes on our municipality is feeling the pinch yet you say i think it's coming i think it's really benefits can hear about layoffs at the municipal level the others of you hear about that this is really interesting things michael i think is that we're talking about all these problems the sort of separate from that the big big role in the room which is this a condom use
is tanking is usually tagging and so no constituents complained and about certain budget cuts grass not coming through are always proms are going to take on a much different a much different backdrop when you know they might not be as much forward in the supermarkets is there was less clear or you know people are beginning to lose their homes and i think that the whole political climate is going to change dramatically in the next half year and an heiress other comments on that but the political climate that things and i get worse before that i guess what i'm saying is that there is going to demand for solutions and then have an end and the people don't wanna see solutions rather than the political post footing and the death of a thousand cuts they're gonna wanna see some real real action and how to improve the economy have put more money back in their pockets as a real anger out there i think that it took a little bit of a break for the holidays but there's a real
fear and anger in this economy that if youre trying doesn't get that that you know did something that doesn't get it yet i think trent fears it they don't know how to respond to it but they know it's out there and coming and indeed when the governor talks about leaving talks about always talk about the pension bill municipalities and counties have to lay people off than they're not be able to provide services at the very time people are going to need those services the most so he sees it coming i don't know if you know i don't know if the actual answer is that people are going to demand that the government get bigger and provide more service alerted those feel like a gathering storm i grant you that i get to move us forward and we're almost at a time and i do want to get to rutgers winning the top and john paul only of commercial i guess it was sweet
vindication for bob moore at the athletic director the fire athletic director it was a nice photograph on the front page of the star ledger of gray shadow the coach in almaty with the regular shower they were enduring appeal of that theme is that a fitting in to this soccer and is at the end of the hallway is in some way going to take anything away from the players bosnian and we used to have for five golden has to mean something and now it seems like there's a bowl on sale december eighteenth in iran no they got to win another day in good for them was that the biggest in the world probably not so many was that in any other sports over here i went to rikers i remember being on the wrong end of seventy to seventeen seconds west virginia so at rikers even the papa john's not a big deal i mean the other thing that the for the return of the football program was the biggest positive
accomplishments of our monkeys time there so it was nice for him for them to believe that the women to get in the game ball activity in the world at the dmv out the new players the defensive back and caught the final interception of the last real plan to round off of la's capable president mccormick it's still taking fire in the letters to the intersection of newspapers for having fired last day he was here again doesn't matter who were not family did an asylum getting into a rebel camp you know i think that this this is not over yet bob look at who who i know and like came in and he did a job that he was asked to do and there and he seems to be the fall guy in this and that there were problems in keeping about what the us what the park was going by him doing the job he was arrested and that and he has a
lot of political allies and you guys will know so he's very very steep in the new jersey political cd was brendan burns chief of staff is among other things and i think that you know politically he's got a lemon juice he's also the guy the brain injury and i'm not sure i'm president mccormick has that same juice from what i've heard and this i don't believe this is over i think that maybe bob will disappear he told me that he would know or consider wasson graduate that those moments character who covers works but i think that the fallout mike continue at mit or markets on their youthful and that's not a virtual nothing's ever talks over a new jersey and things go on her driver and shadow is a great coach and hateful be courted by other schools and people be following him and the plans will be following him to have this new year's day i really do i at
first i didn't believe that i think he sees visibility here to build something really special and as long as he has the backing to do that will stay on the problem of workers at the other reporters for paul's a forty five year war it it's can it continues there are people who do not want to see workers become big time in their significance a significant number of academic professors big donors that was c workers remain at a small private eye the reputation of the school so that that war is over i do think the big football all side is waiting on on that note the book was waiting on the scholars so we weren't time with it marked john mica mary we'll be back with another roundtable next seven on sunday mornings at ten on this week's edition of on the record of yours is too new congressman leonard lance and john adams join us for days before they're swearing in that sunday morning at nine and eleven on monday morning at six thirty
nice there for sponsorship friendship with michael aron a possible why he has seen ge serving customers strike than in the business community and investing in new jersey's future major funding provided by the new jersey environmental infrastructure press turning around the green fields in mali intrinsically new jersey's water resources it's
been fb
Raw Footage
1) TCNJ College Construction, 2) Golden Nugget ride - Wildwood Winter 3) Reporters Roundtable - Property Tax
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New Jersey Network
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New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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1) TCNJ College Construction, 2) Golden Nugget ride - Wildwood Winter 3) Reporters Roundtable - Property Tax
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Producing Organization: New Jersey Network
AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Jersey Network
Identifier: cpb-aacip-dc6fe4ba7d4 (Filename)
Format: Betacam: SP
Duration: 0:30:00
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Chicago: “ 1) TCNJ College Construction, 2) Golden Nugget ride - Wildwood Winter 3) Reporters Roundtable - Property Tax ,” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 14, 2025,
MLA: “ 1) TCNJ College Construction, 2) Golden Nugget ride - Wildwood Winter 3) Reporters Roundtable - Property Tax .” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 14, 2025. <>.
APA: 1) TCNJ College Construction, 2) Golden Nugget ride - Wildwood Winter 3) Reporters Roundtable - Property Tax . Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from