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You know. When I notice BMV needles Isle coffee Latino don't they represent that a most the Fed in the program of how to think. Because if they're no chicken thing one the one with the serious So what I'm here then they most elect presidents are a most owned by like any other. Ain't there. But if our poor Betty Garcia betting that ACA. If that i can find for fairly school theaters young helper that he is going to order one by one Silas Soraya Santiago. Anybody. Wonder I saw I think that but I don't want to conceal it i.e. that you are going to put our boy.
LCN there really. What Corrado in one or a Louis psychopathy you include you last read most the boom bah Laina Wango comparison E-3 most awfully gunnels. Louis stock up at the NASCAR race. It's a nice place. This they say on us that's where the thing goes there that are in the things are they. Eat. Correspond struggle the audio data. That. Escrito or. Direct thought out of the way that Oregon either Nasional benefited us the only way that a good thing. OK well part of the. Suvi that constitute a
Latina. Almost there this Betty Garcia. Yeah. Oh yes.
Yes. Yes yes. Yes yes. Yes yes yes. Yes. Yes yes. Yes yes yes. Yes yes yes. Yes yes yes yes I love. Do. You have a symbol of them bad people
but I'm reading on the vehicle. Oh yes. Man. That.
I leave no more I don't say I. Don't ask me no mind. But I see no value. Now I leave it at that. Yeah. They had to. Yes yes yes.
This is gonna be a. Went badly with the embassy and the RAI went on me
getting getting Speedo but I said if they were really sort of the only goddess in a world we set up at the data set. In LHO like you did with psychopathy you phone on here we go. We send CAA gave bustle to no event then I think that's the only gay person doesn't know who had a Latina. They last a week or so and then I would have thought that he Kenya in L.A. took a yacht out there on how they were going to get them out of the. Month or lost the home. Yes solar electric A Yeah. And then do you care. And so we that it is so is so. Electric a lesson and all the other bad. When a difference and the longer a level headed young though the hole will become in the you know review. The outcome will be a constant value to the sun. Put him in the. Head of the law in Puerto Rico. If that's your mental
concept of A. Law. But I say they are. Yeah look at today. Yeah yeah I thought the single at the moment but guess what. I don't been there is on the side. They saw what I thought oh yeah I don't mind saying you are looking at the impulse I can see it I want a gun that oh you know the problem and thought OK I want to go see that gun battle and they own you know what I mean and with Sosia so I thought that the left the most but I see one and I thought I saw it all and I thought I'll say it
again. They see a cop who are then will you point to it. I've got so many problematic I don't get all that off for a month. Yes one that one solace. So I guess I'm going to say that if they get the link on that are. You.
Lobby that a lot of these done with fossil record here are the gusts the
seaplane. If we're so arms Macias mohair jacket people and they've got the body in it then what the ego but I moved us here at least the noice one I'm aware of it though. We see the U. They moved to a little by Lotus must get around to get a Latino America but the recoil movement barrel in trade Yes it than Durrani people who live there. Syria has such tests are you holding point icon Gania Nessie that I could say style Suni those. Obvious this who are bored of this bit of thought are live on CNN Money that they are probably not the God that I'm here in super in Super Scio said whether they're going to see me and believing in Seattle. That's a blessing. Me.
In. The. Us. And recess in. The. Us.
Yeah. Me. Yeah. Go. See. It. Don't. Blame me for.
Being here. Since YOU. Get over me spin. Yes it's a. Sad. Thing. Yes it didn't. Nor while a lot been at sea he'd said. Be. Done Thing. Where did
they. Put it out of. There. But I didn't. See this. The last of. Them. It. Made. Us.
Almost seeing. The. Same. Thing. By the way. Good evil that like that. I asked. Yes I thought their ticket on a quick shallow you know hung the deal is done being a lot of they thought but they sleep on this. I thought I'd see my Sim and I get in the most liberal but I'm also what I love. Also I think it makes us feel more when I know it. Yes at a mass Getting want to go to that at all. How did the US get with a body that had that sort of any spot of what the what. I feel rather us also to get a feel. Yes we want to know it. Yes yes. But up next US a man.
No no no. Love love love you. They were.
Given. To me. Let us remember Philadelphus is
but I mean I said is that what you present that is what I mean New York at the time I hear that I was a cup of water rose for us. You. Mean on these I mean from them on their first game with you.
And you can see you. Yeah man I forgot Dos Santos de mi mi is behind man. Then he said I miss you. Me good. To see that it was. A lady.
I moved. In.
What I mean. I mean. Alan that money
can. That money can buy that mom and you. For your uncle I said that I was like you know I thought that up without both of us you know I got out of their house got a wedding and we're pretty mad. Everybody has seen go on us. It's just I mean you just hire someone who's kind of who you know and I know you maybe I'm just posting meaningless when I'm not going to the rest of the evidence. Three women. Yes.
But I want them and I do not consume when are you going with us help us. Yeah part of the game was when I got him going to Jr. either you want me to say you know what I'm like leaven or you're. Going to see the full import of misses for him. OK just second thought maybe yes but nothing really about us and mostly got us out of with this then yes. Yeah and him be into the US inside you're going out of theaters and I got into a lot of us here on this one window had in the end though. But in those US but I think it's mostly Bush talking about if he means the world is coming at him was the cause. With this I think it's time to up a time when I was a guy whatever your stuff whether you
agree or yeah as far as more there. But I say they stand by us. Was he governor when and if I mean that when he got there when I when I came up with various I mean though when you include her killer must have had a few nights in the like or start to ask if the paste thing I did. He went on what other people and was you know she could look I'm what I'm going to cheat and whether Libya I'm going to Colombia I'm going to Puerto Rico I'm going to when I marry as I call house. If they were going to fly me out as much as he might I just I'm just going now I lost but it's one of many to list to you I thought it was and let it go and just you know but I showed up at
the ass and letting go of your eyes and your I will this case was posed. I mean you know I was and you had a little less and you know I don't like either you know I think they're going to work with the program of the missing I don't want to listen to you but to me the madness and thoughtless. Juno when I read that and was HANNITY That was the thought that he went about Bassett have gone by I mean there isn't a good look out of the book. Never said that in your book a scene for no better me than it is and that is I mean of course like it could be any other go unnoticed. But what about me you know so I can get a present on Joe that it was a bit don't you. Yeah.
You. Get me. Me
me me but me. To be. That way being in the news is a battle. Yes I have looked them up get them yank you see it out.
I used to amend the law suit that I thought you just had to not let us you know. What is the law is the OT here how many comma not a committee cannot your AC pedal think AAPL everybody's although he's think you know the fans here. His new coming to put away I'm all for us here but it's always with faces hollowly that I get on the bus. Keith.
Keith. And I'm going to get them yes here most because you know I think that I better meet them as
I don't like as you are you can wind up with him back here and you know that I was with I mean as his you have mistook. Yes that was his prospect is that I you know I was a kind of a mess. Yes.
Me me. Me me. Right. Right.
I'm not a military I'm not home. And so. Yes I mean look I resent this. You know. What.
Lamartine it. YEAH THAT'S ME ME ME ME ME.
Me me. Yeah I think. You know my.
Man to be 19 and when. He gave me a. 19 And. I didn't buy it. When might that.
Look like me.
404 Artistic Expression of Women / 446 Rojas Family
Contributing Organization
New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Series Description
"Imagenes (also Images in English) is a Emmy award-winning show that features documentaries and in-depth conversations with panels of experts, focusing on the lives, history, and culture of Latino communities in New Jersey."
No Description
Race and Ethnicity
Spanish Language
Media type
Moving Image
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Jersey Network
Identifier: UC60-1801 (NJN ID)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Dub
Duration: 01:00:00?
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Chicago: “404 Artistic Expression of Women / 446 Rojas Family; Images/Imagenes,” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 21, 2024,
MLA: “404 Artistic Expression of Women / 446 Rojas Family; Images/Imagenes.” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 21, 2024. <>.
APA: 404 Artistic Expression of Women / 446 Rojas Family; Images/Imagenes. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from