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Use it. For. What. It. Takes. From a place far to a millstone township Monmouth County New Jersey it's the 1980s New Jersey stakes races. Hi. Everyone. I am Dick Lander's. Good afternoon. We are live at showplace farms and working with me this afternoon as host commentator John Barrie
from the Standardbred breeders and owners association and we want to tell you right off the top that the stakes program is it was instituted and is administered by the Department of Agriculture. Phil Lampy Secretary it's an interesting program and this is the kickoff of the sire's stakes season. This is the first of many fairs and races to come. John. All right we've got nine fairs this year and basically the horses that are eligible for these fairs must be sired by a sire registered and standing in the state of New Jersey and that's a protective classification system whereby 2 year old Trotter's and Pacer's and Filius and Colts are separated. And three year olds and four year olds the same way. And basically these are the only horses that are eligible for these races. The whole program is simply to encourage and promote the harnessed horse industry in the Garden State and by golly it's one of the biggest in the country I guess New Jersey leads in harness horses doesn't it.
John we like to think so we've grown from a $450000 program. When this started eight years ago to a program over four and a half million dollars today harness horse racing has been with us for years. It goes way back to Revolutionary War times. The history is just very colorful. Well that's true. We've had a harness racing in the state of New Jersey since Hector was a boy you might say a trotter. And indeed there was a horse by the name of Hector who won many races over the. Tractor county roads in the state 1840 1833 Sally Miller the mother of harness racing in New Jersey. No she was an administrator what she did. She wanted Trenton and many other places around that area. Also ladies spoken to Aggie down in the first place or expected me to go a mile in under two minutes and 30 seconds their name will be in harness racing history for ever road race wide open any
more. Her heart is racing and they had all kinds of reasons for just a five year old a six year old teams in tandem and outstanding race track still in existence today. And there you see the horses warming up out on the track here a showplace warns that if they would not be complete without introducing you to the owner and our host today a showplace for him is Howard sure. Now what a great place you have our something. Thank you very much Dick. Real pleasure to have you and New Jersey Public Broadcasting here with us today to open the fair circuit of the New Jersey state racing bike to take a brief minute to thank some of the people who have made this possible the SPL way of New Jersey and the New Jersey state board. And of course my staff here at the farm who had done just a wonderful job getting everything ready for this day. Howard has quite a unique place to show plays. I would imagine it's one of very few in the country
it's basically a therapeutic center it's a place Howard that people can bring their horses. It's like sending a kid to camp isn't it. Well that's sort of the idea of this place. And we've been hoping for a little over a year now and the response has just been absolutely wonderful. It's been a tribute to everybody involved and to the industry. Howard's we have a nice crowd on hand today. It's a little hot humid out there but everything is going OK I take it well for the first for the first time we really got it together pretty well. And as I say I'd like to thank so many people. The National Multiple Sclerosis foundation and society and the millstone Lions particularly for their help in making this just a few seconds ago you saw a shot of outside of the clubhouse here quite a nice place a clubhouse built right along the track and we're upstairs in the clubhouse today and a very nice there is the clubhouse and the folks out on the lawn in front just a
very festive occasion. The fair is fair. Howard we thank you for hosting us and we should have a really interesting program on race one is coming up John and all the folks at home want to know who is in that first race for this first race. Dick is a three year old colt pace First Division. And these are the horses. Number one is our Drina Andy with loose friends driving our Dino was first second or third and 11 to 14 starts last year one almost $15000 this year has one win in 202 and four. But recently was race time and under two minutes on several occasions. And he will be heard from. Number two is Hobo Roger with Ben Morgan driving lightly race to two. But this year he's got two wins including a 159 and one win. Ten days ago when the conditioned race at the Meadowlands and he is a definite factor also number three is come again who is quite an interesting horse. He showed his stamina last year as a two year old. He won races on consecutive days a couple of times winning one day and then coming back and winning the next day
and so your stakes and Garden State Fair races and this year he doesn't have a win. He's been racing at Liberty Bell and he's been in a race time and 202 to 204. And I guess he could get a piece of the action. Richard Ward is number four driven by Dan Warrington incidentally come again is driven by Kevin Hankins. Which award is number for this year has two wins in seven starts and a two or four and three mark at Liberty Bell number five. Go on. Carlo will be driven by Tony policy no. Didn't race it too but race super in his last race beaten one length two two and one fifth and he could be a factor here. Number six is Russell by also on race to two has three wins this year almost 14000 in earnings and 1 in 159. He called in late April he's also had wins and 201 and two a one in four. Danny the answer is the driver he hasn't raced in three and a half weeks so we'll see how he does over liner's number seven with Phil DePinho has two wins and 13 starts this year a two on
market 2 0 4 market freehold much improved pretty good early speed. Let's see if he can hang on. Number 8 is Nick's Besser and Nick presser will be driven by Dave Wade he tried it last year and won some money trotting but this year has gone to the pace. In route 1 2 qualifiers and 2 or 3 at Brandywine. Then he won his first start in 2 0 to win 4 by five and a half lengths and it will be interesting to see if he can overcome his outside a postposition and we want to tell you right off the top also that we had a record out here yesterday and our stakes record for a mile. 1:59 flat by the Hercules the track is fast today and we might see another record. Well we can only hope and we'll see how they do. And this race should be a pretty interesting one and we're just about ready for the start of this race we're about 15 seconds afraid that the game is going on the backstretch which is about a sixteenth of a mile away from the start. So let's turn it over to Bill Ryan.
First rate field behind the gate and approaching the starting point. For horses moving out together are going to be along the inside red pre-warned between horses that go on Karlo. But hobo Roger at the rail for Russell buy out on the outside Nick's presser and the trailer line. There you go. I'm calm on the outside and the rail over on the inside. They're giving up on the outside or going. But the are moving on the the trailer is over the line. They come down on the outside on the you will hear that folks are being
operated by people like Rich people are driving to second third and fourth quarter rather than the 101 ruffle by now makes a big move the is later they move down the back ground before. Moving up on the outside now I had a heck of a challenge go on Karlo was that the real third hope are around the outside for rich reward dropping back home again down the street as they approached. Best around here we are three quarter 1:29 and four with Nick Fessor coming up after a night with an eighth of a mile to go thinking everybody pre-board are going and he's looking at the real thing. I could go on third and Hobo Roger is on the outside closing in fourth position for the next day maybe driving around doing away my car outside hobo Roger clothing for a second down the inside go on top.
Oh Nick is going the way by the wire. Quite a race for Knicks Besser. And we pointed that out that he turned in a couple of good qualifiers and then a 2 0 0 2 and 4 win by five and a half length. And here he reports home for Dave wade in 159 and he looks like he is going to be some kind of a pacer. Incidently I think we'll be able to take a look at the finish of this particular race. Nick Spencer had taken the lead going to the three quarters and he just widened to away from the field here. Hobel Roger with Ben Morgan on the outside makes a late move but he is well well behind five six lengths or so. But Roger won a nice trip too and we thought that Adina Andy Hobel Roger and Nick Spencer would be the ones to beat and they were and next best are comes home and 1:59 with a last
half of fifty eight seconds flat. And that is good on anybody's race track. And in case you're wondering there is no wagering on the side stakes races. There's a person involved for the owner of the horse that race. Twenty four hundred dollars for a three year old colts Colts that pace and we'll be talking a little bit about the difference between why a harness horse paces and trots will we'll let you know all about those things as we go along and we'll look at a number of races out here today. We'll show you some races from yesterday because they had a full racing schedule yesterday and quite a few other things. Well let's let's talk about why some horses are pacers or Trotter's Judd. Well you see a pacer on the inside the first one on your screen and he is joined by a trotter on the outside. The difference is that a pacer moves both his legs on one side forward and then both his legs on the other side forward. At the same time. It's a natural gait and as much people don't walk down the street that way.
But nevertheless there are four and a half Pacers every Trotter. So and this indeed is a Trottier beautiful gait. Left on the right rear legs go forward at the same time on the right front and rear leg going forward you can see a split screen shot here with a pacer on the top. And a trotter on the bottom. Take a look most of the family dancer is driving both of these horses from the early 1960s. And you will be hosting a beer. 24:20 good morning Jim Baker Egyptian a.. Coming up. There they are on the top. So strap those are no. Keep the horse in proper gate. This is a three legged papery does not wear those novels. 98 percent do and about 2 percent don't. You can see those. Something like back. In the taser and the horse from underneath the bike in rear view of what a
pacer looks like. Here is a try. You'll note the circular motion of his front leg in his gait. Just a beautiful beautiful animal. They're outnumbered but they aren't outnumbered in their beauty. Of course in those. Hind legs. Faces are a little bit faster than so they go maybe one to two seconds faster. World record for Pacer's point to world record for a broader 1:54 for film. Judge You brought up the question a few minutes back that a horse was a trotter and became a pacer So that's possible for a horse to do one or the other. Yes it really doesn't happen very often but once in a while you see once when you get a physical problem maybe they can't stay sound on one gate so they go to the other. The crowd at showplace farms today the kick off of the syre stakes races this season. And that's been going on for three days. Kind of a fair like atmosphere
just a very very nice time out here and Millstone township. John the track we talked about the track being very fast it was very fast yesterday looks lightning fast today they've been working on it. Excellent condition. This is this track is manicured to perfection. And this this weather this warm humid weather lends itself to fast Miles. Incidentally the amount of water put on this race track per day is unbelievable. We had people went out asking a few people how many gallons of water they thought it went on this racetrack every day. And some people said five hundred gallons. Some people said a thousand. The correct answer is about 30000 gallons of water a day which is driven into this racetrack and you can only appreciate it when you watch the staff work on the track. By golly they put in so much time with the scraping of the track in the water trucks. The crowd at showplace farms today sire's takes quite an event here in New Jersey. Horse racing in general a big industry in New Jersey. Horn race horses
absolutely tops. We at this time would like to take a look at the race yesterday that you might enjoy. What race was that John. Yesterday we had. I think we're going to show that the Hercules race. Well I heard you leave. Here we go. His record setting pace. That's bambinos rocking in the center of the track going for the early lead. The Hercules among the entire pilot died. Then Eric moving up along the real Empire her an area outside cellaret bambinos Rocky has gone out stride up moves into position further back that are now back on strike. Coming off the turn for the quarter pool at the Hercules showing the way back to Ben Eric now has the entire second cellaret out and grabbing third hamper her Honoria's there's a length back and forth bambinos rocking back and stride moves into it. Coming up crowding six further back. That's her in there by the corner. 31 seconds flat earth. Now that you've been here a second then it's really real
on the inside there. Bambinos rocking going up in court because they can get to an area. Them up by the outside six further back as we approach the half mile. That's the Hercules going on the front for second so they're really out and grabbing their bambinos blocking him on the inside court and a big gap to. So I up with three back in position one have one minute and pre-press has opened it up. Now has that lead may cellaret has moved in the second paragraph being back bambinos racking pulling up on the outside now for coming on then a big gap to umpire her and Aryeh suck him up and they approach the three corner. Paul D-NY Hercules is still strong cellaret goes out stride. Ben has regained second position with bambinos racquet grabbing on the outside third one 12:31 at the threequarters FBI Hercules looking for a track record for Crowder's. They come through this track now with an eighth of an hour ago. The Hercules hasn't read my crowning
second with the bambinos rocking on the outside. There were about a hundred yards to go. Hercules with a stronger but still has it by hand. The Hercules read the way on the outside of bambinos Rocky fight. Then Eric for the places they can be Hercules in from that time of 1:59 a record all time freesias take him to a track record here. Joe that earlier this afternoon by AJP battle nine three now that was yesterday and good old D-y Hercules ripped around this track at 1:59 But today in the first race seen earlier on this show you saw another 1:59 and everybody's kind of anticipating the fact John that we're going to see both those 1:59 go down the drain before this afternoon is over.
We sure could. Especially in the third race we've got two super Colts in the upcoming third race and my bill forward and bold rush and they are going to put on some kind of a show. I am sure that one of the interesting things about yesterday was that the Hercules is a trotter and I understand John Trotter's just don't go that fast. Well if they go fast they don't usually go as fast as a pacer but this one certainly has proven himself to be grand circuit material and maybe Hamiltonian material with that kind of a mile especially on this race track. It's a it's really a tribute to the New Jersey sayur stakes program. We've learned some great stallions in the sport and and he is a product of one of those stallion's you see behind the barns out in the fields the tents the goodies the crowd on a nice afternoon here a millstone township Monmouth County on Route 33 situated right between Hightstown New Jersey and freehold just in case you want us to pinpoint where
showplace farms is. And the winner from the first race. Sure there is Dave Wade and he should be pretty happy with the performance of Nick's Besser and tell you this is this horse is only his second really a second lifetime start outside of a couple of qualifiers. He looks like he is going to be something in the future someone to be reckoned with in the New Jersey so stakes cold division. This is Patty Lavarch and she is the marshal for the New Jersey soccer stakes races this summer and she has quite an crusting and she has won many many medals and ribbons throughout her young career and a true horse lady and we're a very very happy and honored to have her as our marshal here. She makes sure that everybody stays in line if any horses have a problem or a little bit jumpy she'll go right to their aid and she's quite a good gale. Ken we want to emphasize this is the kickoff competition of the size this program this
season and they'll be racing in a lot of other private farms throughout the season Standley dancers place over Egypt shoemakers and a cow town in south Jersey and Herve filea on the spot Capitol Hill Farms is going to be the home of our sires stakes races and seeing the few acres and Fiorucci farm where you've got all of them and a little bit later in the afternoon maybe we can give some of the dates of some of those fairs to our audience. And it's all for really to showcase harness horse the harness horse industry in New Jersey to encourage it to promote it. And the owners can make some money off these races certainly there's no wagering. We make a little informal no money changes hands but we bet on the horse a little bit. Yesterday we were fairly successful John. Well you were more successful and I still owe you one cup of coffee. But if I was betting real money I wouldn't be. That's for sure. You know one of the innovations of this industry has been the mobile starting gate. And as you can see it in the picture right now it is the thing that's
been that has revolutionized the sport of harness racing but it hasn't always been this way. Mobile starting gate actually came into being. In the late 1940s. John watching this starting gate in action. Kind of makes me think about what it was like back in the early days before there was a motorized starting gate or an electric starting gate they had to start the horses somehow. And it probably went through quite an interesting evolution. Well that's right the mobile starting gate actually came into its own in the late 1940s 1946 was the first year it was used at Rosevelt Raceway in New York and it has several revolutionized the sport. Prior to that we had items such as barriers where a judge or a record would count to 14 and the horses would turn
around and sneak up to the gate and when they yelled 14 boom it was go. That necessitated of course many many recalls and sometimes races would be delayed many hours is a matter of fact some of these one day races would go to the second and third day before they get all of it. In. One of the other types of Gates was E.M. Smith starting gate and that was kind of the inside rail and it had one arm sticking out and it would ride along this rail and then we just swung in like that. And it would hinder the inside horses somewhat. So the mobile data is the only way to go. So what is the next step. Is this the answer. Oh yes I think I can't see anything replacing the mobile starting gate at this point. It gives all the participants and he will start and it is used at every parimutuel race track today and most of the fares. And it is the thing in harness racing today and I can't see anything replacing it at this point.
And all the horses have to be trained to it. It's part of their training to learn how to run behind a gate. Yes. They pace and try. If they run behind that gate they're in big trouble. Yes they learn to pace and trot behind that gate and it is a long drawn out and fair. And these trainers have to have an awful lot of patience with these young horses it's amazing that when they come out of the woman they they try and stand up and fall down and stand up and fall down and you look at them and realize at 18 months or two years later they're going to be race horses and they learn everything from trotting and pacing to manners behind the starting gate. All about matters behind the starting gate. Some of them have trouble behind the starting gate and even though they race behind it quite often there are still problems that must be worked on. Yes. Some of them don't like to put their noses up to the gate at all. They like to stay a length or two behind. But at New Jersey race tracks where racing is for the elite shall we say we have great racing here. They have to learn their trade well and they have to get their nose up to that gate or else they won't be
racing here very long. Or are you. Remember ladies and gentlemen you do not run behind a gate you pace or from behind any of that. Matter of fact the second race is for Trotter's for four year old Trotter's. And so we will see the difference of the. Gate between the pacer and trot. I only hope so. I only hope that all that food is coming this way. John one can only hope we have another live race coming up now. John will give you all the information on that race.
All right. Number one is jees. Pride will be driven by Tony Paterniti. Pride did not run a race in 1979 and 14 tries and did not win a race in 1980 as yet in Atreides. The rail may help but he's got some competition here and we'll just have to see how he does. Number two is steady motion who did not race at age 2 at age 3 though one twenty two thousand two hundred dollars in and with three wins four seconds and three thirds of 16 starts a mark of 2 0 8 and one fifth this year has not won a race in nine tries but improved at Freehold in his last start in her last start finishing sixth beating the length and a half but was very far back at the top of the stretch and was timed and 05 and one fifth. You might hear something from her. Number three is Rudy air. Here is a wonderful story about a new jersey saw your stakes racing he won two thousand seven hundred seventy nine dollars at age two but at age three one sixty eight thousand seventy three dollars and taking a mark of 2 0
6 and 2 he won 9 of 12 starts and added the second and the third this year he started five times as a win a second and a third one seven thousand six hundred and some five dollars and has taken a mark of two old three and four at the Meadowlands and I think will be a factor in this race. Number four is Harry Marvel one sixty six thousand dollars and sire's stakes racing to one $43000 and sire's stakes racing at three. And this year is one sixteen thousand eight hundred twenty eight dollars including a two minute and two Victor at the Meadowlands for his only win win and he will be a factor here and number five as Master Riego one $24000 at age two. But at age three did not race this year at age four is back as a mark of two or three and three fifths earnings of eighteen thousand and nineteen dollars broke last time and was second to Harry Marvel just beat a half length in that two minutes and two fifths and we'll just see how he does
want to make a selection this race. Well John I think I have to go with the scrap iron scrap iron. He was the one who set the record last year. You're taking the sure thing I mean I'm going to take care Marvel owlet you have master Eagle Rudy airspace the most energies pride. OK let's see. Well I would say jeez pride looks good. All right Ill try Brian I'll try Harry Marvel and there at the post and the gate is rolling. And there you can see the trotting gate at its finest and the starting gate is on its way and it's just about 15 seconds or so we'll turn this program over to Bill Ryan who does such a great job with announcing these races not only here and in some of the fairs but at Freehold Raceway and they're just about ready to go and we're going to turn it over to Phil Ryan for the call of a second race. Second race field behind the gate and approaching the starting point.
Off the bat repair person show up on the outside power side. M. Riego going for a study motion goes off stride in fourth position gigas pride now takes over fourth along the inside. Here we enter the top of the turn. Master Reagle on the outside now. Thanks for your time to read it here. Trouting second gap. Thanks to our third Jesus Christ for further back but emotion. Coming off the current time and the first quarter past the so is the way to to route. 33 percent is too high for you. Are you. It really is coming faster than the first time you go outside to play with Aristodemus movie executives like him get to. You're going to the peer group we it's not
like that Harry boy sister has been to make this really great year second and third to have one or two and they move down the back track that masquerader is still strong on that front and now read adding and second one out and dropping in there. Right not that great. As they approach the three quarters that A.M.A. goes to buy you a Harry Marvel and that sustained drive up to challenge for the aid route the Eric tight third at the rail Rappoport James cried as they go by the three quarters its master Reagle still a like 130. One at the three quarters Harry marmots goes riding with group here staging ground along the inside of the turn now with an eighth of a mile to go. Master Riego still has a. Harry marble driving on the outside. Ruchir looking for a racing room. They come through. That's correct master Reagan getting a challenge on the outside from Harry MAIAVA down the inside room. I think Master Regal has gone outside on the inside on the outside
coming on Harry model on the right here here we are together to 0 2 it looks John a photo. Very close finish. That is a photo finish if there ever was one and in case anybody wants to know we do have photo finish Camors at all of our fair tracks as well as parimutuel tracks. This is an important business and it will take about 20 seconds or so for the photographer to develop that film and we will hopefully know who won this race. But I know I am in that photo. Well let's look at it here on our slow motion and see if we can figure it out. Well we've got a problem here with Master Riegle he goes off stride and Harry marvel of course is afraid that he won't he won't be able to get out of the way and coming through along the inside is Rudy air. And. These three.
Are battling for the top spot but of course Harry and Marvel are Harry Marvel going off. Challenging. Let's just see if he makes it. This is awfully close. Rudy air and Harry Marvel and we are almost there. The inside horse it looks like. Let's see. Oh there you are. So there you are it should be. Well that's OK I was going to bet him to place any house of them say. My Harry marble. Harry Bowraville did make it. Well what happened to my horse. Pride. Well there's the winter lightly raced. 2 2 0 2 is a fine mile it's a new lifetime marker year and. Sends his earnings. Almost eighty thousand dollars lifetime and I would say that virtually all of that was in New Jersey higher stakes racing as a person better than 3000 on that particular race were four year old Trotter's three thousand seventy five dollars.
But we have to wait for those judges to develop that film. We we can't pass judgment on them all we've already decided. You're watching the 1980s sire's stakes races. The opening of the season for the Zire stakes live this afternoon from the showplace farms a millstone township Monmouth County New Jersey. This is Dick Lavis along with John Barry. John is a publicist for the Standardbred breeders and owners association if you want more information on the Cyrus steaks well you can contact the Department of Agriculture. And of course John at his office over in Freehold New Jersey and the American hotel will be able to help you out. Sure can incidentally that the drivers for last race Rudy air was driven by Jack Kent and of course every Marvel was driven by Ervay Filii own. Course. They were in the. In that photo master Reagle was driven by Karl because and he was going pretty pretty well till he made his miscue there. Of course Carl went that great trip with my
Hercules yesterday and he won't forget that very. Very. Quickly. Again the crowd out in front of. The clubhouse. The finish line. We have another race from yesterday. Coming up. We had a full race schedule on Friday evening and yesterday afternoon and the unique thing about this next race is Johnsbury our host today calling the eighth race. They're often pacing Carl mark out fast for the early lead along the rail is Blue Eagle followed by Diego as they head up the first turn and taking the early lead is Carl's mark in second is blue eagle that's Diego to back in third followed in fourth by a Peter in fifth
along the inside is stone gate jazz and the trailer is H.H. kitten moving into the stretch. The first time and down to the quarter mile up front with the lead is Carle's Mark lot second as they move down order in 30 seconds flat. Bluie going out drives for him gets the lead in second is Karros mark. The gap is Teuta Diego and third stone gate jazz on the move on the outside is born and there's a Peter with H.H. kit in the trailer. They move over to the halfway mark and Blue Eagles got the front and the Lincoln to have Carl's mark in second it's Diego and third on the outside in fourth at stone gate jazz as they reach the half in one minute flat blue eagle shows away a length and a half Carle's mark in second they Third along the railing. Driving up on the outside is a chess board here in a trailer H.H. a.
Three ways to go up front blue eagle still in command a length and a half in second is Karros mark along the rail and third as they swing the turn. Is Diego was no Windgate jazz on the outside force. They reached the corner three quarters and one twenty nine and two. They turned for home at blooey leader Carle's Marcus second third. Here comes Diego on the third and driving home. Here we go. Peter Mark is closing in on the outside is Diego third. But I promise when we go showing the way for a five Length panels per second between Diego and Mark. But it ain't. That. Mile in two minutes flat. That race from yesterday two minutes flat the Blue Eagle the winner John
Barry call that race and it just shows you the versatility of our co-host here today. We'd like to introduce you to John Higgins the administrative secretary of the Standardbred breeders and owners association over in Freehold. John nice to have you today. Thank you. Nice to be here have a nice day. We have a nice day going on. Yes. Very exciting to me. You know I've been in the business since 1950. I've been in the Standardbred readers know owners for 10 years now and. Something like this is like the culmination of an effort of the working force and of course the board of directors. And I can see a great future for this business just from what I see right here. I can picture with a little work. A lot of work. Having a midway maybe converting this back to an agricultural fair for the state of New Jersey and the opportunity to bring. Children out of the city and show them that there's something more to New Jersey than than just the
alleyways and the pavement. It's very encouraging. Well John I have to say that for the last couple of weeks I've been hanging around the farm out here learning a little bit about harness racing through the courtesy of people like John Barry and Bob Walter the general manager out here. It is a great sport and I have found out so much about it and I think the impressive thing is John the people involved in the sport now I'm not being patronizing. I mean it sincerely. Some great people involved in the sport but we've always had that reputation. It's been it's a family business. It started out as a family business of course. Now it is big business that is no longer a hobby. But as you say there's fathers and sons fathers and daughters. The whole family is involved in it is it creates a homey atmosphere. I believe it started back in the early 70s and I understand that the space program. And you went this year to nine fairs. That's the first thought has been that high I believe in fairies.
Yes it is. In 1970 it was maybe a hit or miss proposition. We didn't know if. We would get enough sire's coming into the state and if we would get the majors and it was a struggle. But. As the years go by we found ways to get a little bit more money which is really the answer to everything. You've got to have money if you're going to develop any program. The state has been generous to us. The program has grown with rapid strides and there is really no end. I can foresee a great future for stars like Greece. I think we should add today to John and John. The fact that. Our secretary of agriculture Phil Lampy is not with us today. He has been taken ill. And that we hope he gets better quickly and we miss you Phil. And you have a great program going here with our state. Thank you. John Higgins pleasure to be here. And it was very nice to have you as a water truck puts down a little
liquid on the track to keep it fast moving. We have another little feature coming up for you. This is about an Australian horse. Will you just give a listen. Just give a listen it's kind of interesting not sired here in New Jersey but an interesting story. Jun. I thought it would be interesting to take a look at a unique course not of course ciphered here in New Jersey. Wars a foreign wars really from Australia. Very interesting. However. This is cheap. Makiya was trained by Tieri to Saeco. And owned by Stuart Hunter Australia. And this is one of the very few Pinto's Standardbred that you'll ever see in your life. I believe that there's only three or four of them in the world certainly is the only one in the United States at this point and his sire is snow time and snow
time was a point toward himself who raced. For Miller in the mid 1960s a unique animal. He asked the question why is it unique. Why isn't there more Pinto's and raising awareness raising. Well most of them are bays and most of them are chesnuts and most of them are browns it's just a unique set of genes in snow time of course was able to pass those on because he was a Pinto himself. This horse though is a little bit more unique in as much as he is a good useful racehorse he won 22 races down under last year six of them in the month of December and as matter of fact he was the horse of the month down in Australia last December. I wonder if because he is a Pinto whether that would affect the betting bettors would look at him and say well because he's too soon. We better not betting. Well I think it might be the other way around. A lot of two dollar bettors would look at him on the racetrack and say gee isn't he beautiful I think I'll bet $2 on him just for fun. It's a matter of fact that
happened in the early 1960s there was a horse and other Pinto by the name of flaming jet racing in Washington Park in Chicago and Michigan. And when anybody ever saw them saw him on the racetrack the eyes were endless and everybody bit too but some beautiful animal. And this is the a treat for anybody in harness racing to see this animal. Well. We hope you enjoyed a look at the chief Pinto the only one in the United States at this time. And I think you said on that piece John three or four in the whole world and his racing is a beautiful beautiful animal. And when he's out in this race track and there are kids around they just stand up and clap for him. And he is help out here. He's living out here at showplace farms has he raced yet in New Jersey he's getting ready to
I understand he's getting ready to I think he's been in two or three and a half mile track and we'll see how he does when he hits the bigger racetrack. So those of you traveling out to the track there's harness racing at the Meadowlands. Freehold freeholds close right now but I think they open in July 28 July 28 and it's still open and there's great racing up there every night Monday through say of course all around the New Jersey area. You have Hornets racing to in New York and Pennsylvania. So keep your eyes out for Chief with Nokia. The key is the key. Incidentally we're coming up to the third race of the afternoon and this is one that really could set some records. We have got a field of seven and there is a shot of Seton Labelle was number one driven by Phil butler at two. He only made one start and earned 0 0 0. This year he raced courageously. He won a couple of races that freehold won and two and three and two fifths. And he went to the
Meadowlands and got photoed out in 1:57 last couple of races he was forced to race very early. Quick fractions on the front end but with the rail he will be hurt from this afternoon's seat Cobell with Bill Butler. Number two is Dovers and driver and he is going to have his work cut out for him here. This horse $180 at two years old and to start this year he's won six thousand one hundred twenty five. He's coming off a 2 0 4 when the metal lands in the slop. He's lightly raced and he will have to prove his case against the next two. Number three is one of those and this is my bill forward will be driven by Donald dancer. Good two year old. He won six of 12 races along with three seconds for sixteen thousand two hundred forty five dollars. Had a mark of 2 0 0 4 and one fifth. But this year he has turned into a great three year old winning three races the fastest in
157 and he has won forty five thousand $170 in his career or this year. Pardon me about $62000 lifetime. And he is very adaptable he can race on the front end or he can come from behind and he looks like he could be a part of this. Number four his bold rush. And when you talk about consistency gold rush is a model of consistency. At two years old he was four times second and once third in seven starts one two thousand seven hundred fifty two dollars. But this year at three it's a different story. He started 11 times. He has been five times first and six times Second he has won fifty four thousand six hundred twenty five dollars and his record is 156 and one fifth in the final of the higher stakes up at the Meadowlands a few nights ago and he is a horse. Number five Jerry Scotch time. Has been scratched from this race. So we go number six banjo and lightly raced up
to just one $242 incidentally gold rush will be drawn by John Campbell who is one of the top range men in the sport won over three million dollars in purses for his owners last to see the leading money winner. This is a leading Budweiser. Yes he certainly is. And last year was the same story as an exceptional arrangement. Number Six his banjo ad will be driven by Frances. $242 as we said at age 2 and he took his last freehold and 2 0 6 and 1 but he's going to have to go a lot faster than that to be in the hunt. And number seven as Pete said will be driven by Duncan Newell and all I can say is that from the outside post Duncan Newell has got his work cut out for him against this field and I am looking for a speedy mark this race. Three year old colts. Pacing Colts of twenty four hundred dollars. I would have to say old Rush.
All right well I'm going to say my bill forward simply because. My bill forward has drawn inside of fold rush and I think Tiny Dancer will try and go for the early lead and if gold rush challenges he will keep them out there as long as he can and the Colts are pretty well evenly matched and if one hangs the other outside for a good long way that could tell the difference so we'll see what happens here. One thing we might tend to forget at least somebody like myself who is really an outsider to the sport we look at the horse and how great the horse may be or not be. We forget the drivers. Some of these drivers are excellent. You mentioned the thorny dancer and Campbell. I mean these people are the tops and they have a lot to do with how that horse maneuvers. That is certainly true and Ervay Phili owner was one of the all time greats has won more races than they say than Carter has pills in his career over seven thousand races and he has been competing and winning in stakes races.
But this is the feature race of the day. About to get underway the. Right number one seat and low bill with Bill Butler to do his three mile forward bold rush banjo and Petey sit in there at the post. He is rolling. And it will be indeed interesting to see who comes out on top in this race. Just a few seconds we're going to throw this over to Bill Ryan. And he will give us the call of this 3 year old facing the second division. So Bill. How about you take the show here. Or is this my goal for the third level drug them and then do it. And Petey said. Was there a horse. Third race field behind the gate approaching a starting point. For the show and brought at the rail with dupers in between the three gold
rush. What bands you went away and Patey said. 16 months the top of the turn of the leader. Speaking about pacing the race now looks for the entire paragraph or two and a half bold rushers for five. Further back to fans are now going on strike he said trade them off the turn Pakistan the first time my forward while I was playing and I. Thought it was pretty good even though I do respect the rushers close the gap 4:23 the fans who hit back on strike. You sit down to take a break once again the pattern we gather in Denver is going to be cleared by Bullard's watch on the bench you please step forward along the rail say Lobello out and driving head and head at I have to go for a half with 105 flat but I would like
moving up on the third fourth and it's a big gap to go at the back in case they move down the backstretch. Two horses right together. Speaking about on the outside my bill forward at the rail their no good night. Do overs with cold right now making a move down the inside import position. The top four double paired to length apart as they move into the top of the turn my bill forward has regained the weight ahead speaking about still driving on the drive in second because they can do ready to go to three wide that join the top two impaired and bold rush. Look for race in your home down the inside breakwaters 1:33 and coming up now with an eighth of a mile to go across the track at my bill forward and try to read. Don replied. All right we're going to go now. Hi Bill has the late night. All. I can it's my going away by three as they approach the wire my bill forward in. Have to go to flats and
you sold John's horse beat my horse. Well that was a classic example of a great drive by donkey dancer he went out for the lead and when he wasn't challenged she said his own fractions. And when he got to the three quarters and 133 and two fifths it was all over but the shouting last quarter of twenty eight and three fifths and it's tough to make up any ground when you're going last quarter. Twenty eight and three fifths. And here is the. Slow motion replay and you can see that Danny is just let out a notch and this horse is just flying toward the finish line with bold rush in pursuit. But it's just a fruitless pursuit at this point because my bill forward is cruising as they say in this business. Both of them incidentally are by Isle of Wight. One of the top sire's in New Jersey and they have dominated the three year old ranks at this point. They would like to spend a minute because he has a race coming up very shortly here they feel he is with us in the studio. I know it's a pleasure to meet you. I've never met you before and you
are one of the all time greats in the sport that we watched you out here yesterday in your red white and blue and you had a pretty good day yesterday. Did you see that. We want to show that for last. It's like a box in a little road trouble they call them this boy. I finish third but I had a beautiful day. I understand one of the stakes fairs will be at your farm. Yeah I was going to be in our place on September 12 13 and 14 we're going to have a made this fall around you know something similar to this place. You know Hervey I am new to the sport but I'm interested in watching you fellows drive. I had a chance to try a little bit of that but it's quite physical isn't it to keep your eye on you because sometimes you do get or see some awful hole and some you know they're lazy ass to work on them. It's a good exercise but they like the challenge too. Oh yes oh yes. And you know you have to someone is the boss because they won't respect you they'll cheat on you something they'll back in the new one you've got to work with them you know. You
know most of the time when you know you don't have to whip them like because the way they're bred and all that and especially radio like in Jersey you know they got fines coming out all the time and they got that stop top line coming in and in just like you see today you don't see too many them jump the breeding lines getting better all the time so no one is getting better man all the time. They don't make they don't go off stride as much. And kind of the line. You've got to get one of those people that races all the time. Well I always I race all over the place quite often get that for example back in 1974 when I had my record here 637 win that year I had 3000 thousand two or three thousand in one spot. So it was quite a race and you have to go on sale and Jersey racing all night mental and so I keep busy. But it's like anything else if you want to be successful you've got to work at it. You got to go and get it. Nobody is going to give it to you. You got to go out there and get it. You know you've been successful in Norway. Thanks for stopping by. Thank you. Really appreciate it. I know you have a
race coming up. Thank you. We would like to take a little station break here and tell you that this is New Jersey Public Television. This program is made possible in part by a grant from Standardbred breeders and Owners Association of New Jersey and the New Jersey Department of Agriculture. And we hope you're enjoying the 1980s higher stakes races here showplace farms. Today we have another little feature coming up. It was my pleasure to learn how to drive one of these great horses. We'll be showing you that in a little bit. And it was quite a thrill really because that's a lot of power out in front of us. John a lot of power your horsepower failure controlling eleven or twelve hundred pounds and it is quite a thrill and especially when you have no
walls or protection around you you're going 30 miles an hour and when you look down the ground speeds by and it's quite a thrill to drive a horse. Wonderful experience. There is the water truck dropping thousands of gallons of water on the track today to keep that track lightning fast. Country and Western music out in the meadows here of showplace farms. This the whole concept is the fair concept of the races and also having the fair atmosphere and you heard John Higgins talk a little bit about that that time it will probably grow even bigger. We want to now show you there was Howard Shore having the owner here. Now we want to show you a little feature about what it's like to drive. I hooked up with Tom cento stables his horses out here a showplace Tom Lucentis was quite successful as a trainer and driver and owner. He took me until the other day and gave me a few lessons on how to drive a
harness horse. Let's give a listen. OK. Right line in the right hand left on the left you on sideways on the sheet slide a cross over the top of the apron. Put your feet one on each step like that. Grab hold the handles one of each. Try to shoot the lines keep it away. You're left to go left right to go right both open up the motor keeping a straight line. OK. OK so you try it once. Now. Sit sideways on the court lift your legs up in the air. There you go. All right. You want to let him walk. Raise your hand just like that. Open it up. Just keep the keep up the way. Don't. All that fresh. Let's go. This.
Is this. Is. Very interesting. Very interesting. Because you notice right on top for me to page and we want to go and you can go here let me back
in the perspective again. What is interesting is a very sensitive thing if you have to get used to the reins in the right and the left and right let him go a little bit and put it on You. You got him around lift lines off the back of his blood to hold them around them up by the end of it. You see it on the chin. OK. Good job then we are on the hook them like this. Trace comes out first. Well you say you got to go tie it up. You can try everything out of the way. I. Actually use a short press. It'll have to be tied. Back. John. What. Were you afraid. No I wouldn't say I was afraid. I was certainly interested in doing it right. So you're always a little apprehensive that you will do what you're told to do.
And but the big thing is you can all that until you go out there and you have to feel the horse. You have to feel. Him and how he responds. So it's like driving your car for the first time if you get in a sports car or whatever the first thought you might turn a wheel suddenly might turn it to heart. And the cord jerks and it moves too quickly then you know you don't turn the wheel like that anymore it's the same way with a horse. You go right you go left or you let him go you pull him up but you have to get the feel of the horse and how he responds and then after a while it's it's a smoother more fluid movement. The name of this horse was Prince welcome. I'd like to know your opinion of whether he is intelligent or not intelligent. No I think all the forces are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. You ought to be good TV friends. TV print booty. Is
1980 New Jersey Sire Stakes, reel 1
New Jersey Sire Stakes Reel 1
Contributing Organization
New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Program Description
The New Jersey Sire Stakes Program was established by law in 1971 to encourage the breeding of Standardbred horses, the trotters and pacers familiar to harness racing fans. Because the program offers healthy purses for winning Standardbreds sired by registered New Jersey stallions, it gives stallion owners an incentive to locate their stallions and horse farms in New Jersey. As a result, the program has been instrumental in maintaining more than 100,000 acres of scenic open space around the state.
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New Jersey Network
Identifier: 09-72653 (NJN ID)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 01:00:00?
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Chicago: “1980 New Jersey Sire Stakes, reel 1; New Jersey Sire Stakes Reel 1,” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 15, 2025,
MLA: “1980 New Jersey Sire Stakes, reel 1; New Jersey Sire Stakes Reel 1.” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 15, 2025. <>.
APA: 1980 New Jersey Sire Stakes, reel 1; New Jersey Sire Stakes Reel 1. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from