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yes ingenue is made possible by espn she serving customers strengthening the business community and investing in new jersey's future first union serve in the financial needs of individuals and businesses from connecticut to florida writes a communication solutions designed for the people and businesses of new jersey a rising blue cross blue shield of new jersey making a health care worker in new jersey's businesses and
individuals the new jersey education association people who care about your experience so with ten days left to balance the state budget book senate republicans called for more concessions in the corporate business tax members of the assembly tackle other budget bills including the estate tax and tobacco settlement money this two former republican governors urge lawmakers to move forward on finding for north korea and what its restrictions change across the state of the drought emergency remains at any use for thursday june twentieth senate republicans are still not satisfied with the corporate business tax bill and are holding up the rest of government reviews propose budget fixes until more changes are made the gop is called for concessions comes as democratic legislative leaders today unveiled amendments they say would soften the impact on business michael aaron reports
corporate business tax reform the cornerstone of the governor solution to the state's fiscal crisis democratic leaders said they had listened to the objections of the business community and adjusted the bill we have a huge problem and we're trying to resolve it with a balance where we said joe i was a salad safe sally s h sally his job become the rallying cry of the business community has worked to make the bill more palatable to business conversely several dozen demonstrators marched outside the new jersey business and industry associations headquarters chanting close corporate loopholes tearing my check when large companies like wal mart have more pain of just two hundred dollars per year and the democrats are amending the bills of the minimum tax would rise to five hundred dollars two thousand in the case of larger companies several amendments soften the impact on dividends on real estate investment
trusts investment firms and out of state partnerships another amendment creates attack study commission but business groups had called for another exams twenty thousand more businesses from the alternative minimum assessment or ama by raising the threshold under which businesses escape it the group's of horror the ama well we believe that became they should remain in the bill because it's very credible to make sure that every corp pays its fair share but later in the senate budget committee republican senator robert litt tells said his party would offer its own improvements to the bill we feel just as strongly about our moments as you do about your moments republican senators blocked action on several other budget items such as tobacco barns it increases and state tax reform until at least monday we will revisit the corporate business tax otherwise known as the sea duty to hold off on all the other items because he wanted her to see beauty of
that and it's actually one of the reasons for my perspective i'm very concerned about the city the city's bankrupt you were unhappy with democrats really really hard to see the ama gone unfortunately still there the news is is a tech study commissioned i will tell you don't think sally's should read this i really just yet but i don't think this gets us where we need to go what she wants to do what we wanted to see was an elimination of this alternative minimum because everything that's come back from every group including ours is that is the vehicle that is being used to hurt small medium sized businesses again that are using any loopholes that don't have delaware corporations are overseas facilities so it looks like nothing budget related moves in the sentence or
center with cellist persuaded to support the cbc reform the budget committee will meet again monday before the senate voting session the last eight treasury john mccormack announced today that he is of that fight an additional two hundred million dollars in spending cuts that will have to be made in the budget being worked on now that he did not say when they were also in trenton today michael the assembly cleared the way for the state to borrow more than two billion dollars against future tobacco payments to help balance next year's budget state house correspondent jim parker reports democratic lawmakers argued for borrowing now against the more than seven billion dollars in tobacco settlement money do new jersey over the next two decades saying it won't affect taxpayers and it's better to get the money while the getting is still good and the tobacco companies are still in business which could benefit the citizens state not in any way greece our bonded indebtedness not create any kind of responsibility towards it is at while at the same time providing money to deal with the president but the dairy crisis
of republicans say the state is giving up the chance to reach three hundred million dollars a year for the next twenty plus years by borrowing against the settlement now republicans argue the state is called walking away from five billion dollars that would've come in the future beyond that some republicans say they see an iranian democrats turning to borrowing after governor mcgreevey and his party campaigned against what they described as a reckless borrow and spend mentality by the republicans who controlled the statehouse for much of the past decade it should be submitted to the people for a vote we have violated this principle again and again its write an article eight of the constitution and one of the things you've seen as you've seen an explosion of publicly since they have abandoned republicans and democrats engaged in fierce floor debate earlier today over another democratic proposal to help balance the budget legislation rolls back federal debt tax exemption signed into law by president bush the federal legislations basically exam so states are valued at a million dollars or less under
the state legislation the areas of new jersey into die leaving estates valued at six hundred seventy five thousand dollars or more would be subject to the tax proposal set off an impassioned debate we were not knowingly knowingly give our what is rightfully ours which is the state of new jersey's share obviously there's a two percent of the wealthiest estates in a just a teenager isn't the outrage that a family farm should have to be sold to pay its taxes it's an outrage that people on those farms for twenty hours a day are considered the top two percent of the richest people in this day small farm owners may not talking about small arms are talking about working families were talking about high income readers will benefit from the policies that we ask in this legislature these are
not large sums of money for a car or a small business certainly don't think long and hard as the road were going down through this piece of legislation another piece of legislation it becomes a very socialistic aspect of this government and the possibility or pursuing here both bills passed on the strength of the democratic majority controlling the lower house and similar outcomes are expected on or budget bills in the assembly over the coming days the dynamics of the twenty twenty split in the senate however could present complications in that house as the june thirtieth budget deadline draws closer and meantime the assembly passed a number of other bills today one created do not call list for people wanna stop giving unsolicited calls from telemarketers that bill heads to the senate the assembly also voted to ban cell phone use by school bus drivers while transporting children that also heads to the senate and can't the
lower house passed legislation that would limit doctors working hours to a maximum average says these are bills resident doctors to a maximum average of eighty hours a week over a four week period thank you janet a bill that would make racial profiling a crime was table in the senate because of procedural error today the bill's co sponsors says the measure has plenty of support and is long overdue the water provides is a public official deprive somebody of their civil rights intentionally and this has to do with intent was could not be more than it was in action under the color their official title then they would be subject to criminal penalties this doesn't make racial profiling both allows cities in the latitude to conduct itself and now to make accusations but rethinking the case it comes down the thought police the senate is now scheduled to vote on the bill on monday and assembly version of the bill is still in committee also today two former republican governors urged lawmakers to approve funding for
the proposed new worker we know jerry henry has the latest though he says he is now lobbied for support from other republicans former governor tom came along with former acting governor don't be friends as well made it clear they are for the north korea the rain is another original project it will stimulate a lot of other projects within the city of newark will help the city had no comeback of economically tell you tales and restaurants and businesses to flourish around that distress supporters of the three hundred thirty five million dollar in a project which will be located in downtown york have struggled to get support from republican legislators difference as a long time supporter of the plan says the project will help not only nor but the entire state with the right leadership with the right commitments with the writer planning cell policy this city and other cities on our state will make our state even a greater stake than it is
today meanwhile as of july first budget deadline draws near even some democrats of ways in opposition assemblywoman lorena weinberg and a soul and then a horrible expressed doubts the project would cost taxpayers using taxpayer money ought to support mcginnis my opinion here just for professional sports teams cause it's the steroids politics go on athletes play on steroids teens should not be succeeding or failing economically based on the steroid use of taxpayer money meanwhile wage labor is one of the key owners of them that would be a major change in the arena says he will sell his share of the team if funding for the project doesn't approve this law today leading senate democratic leader richard cody responded to that this was great shame is a very nice and fine you know we can't do it right now he doesn't do that is jersey needs him in one scene and managers for now the issue appears stalled in the legislature joined the
indians republican us senate candidate doug forrester has gone on the attack in the us senate race in the state gop sponsored radio at forrester accuses senator robert torricelli of dodging questions about his association with fundraiser david chang chang once an influential businessman was convicted of making illegal contributions to tora sell his nineteen ninety six campaign anyone heard even a quack out of senator bob torricelli recently he may be ducking questions but new jersey a national newspapers are saying a lot i've reported the torricelli may have received fourteen on globe stuffed with cash a rolex watch and even fancy italian suits from a shadowy supporter senator torricelli has responded with his own ad attacking foresters business practices is head of the company that manages prescription drug plans on the final day of spraying the state has lifted some of the water use restrictions but residents are still being asked to conserve through the summer adrian subpoena reports new
jersey is and will remain in a state of drought emergency there have been above normal rain all over the last four months in new jersey reservoir and ground water levels are at about ninety percent or normal capacity today the environmental protection department did ease some of the water use restrictions but these remain watering lawns an odd or even days water and vegetation an odd or even days watching vehicles only on the weekends surging water and restaurants by request officials say water supply shortages and we're covering drought are still the norm not the exception we need to continue to promote conservation we have rand paul joined all our resources to recover nursery owners and landscapers in the state have seen a dip in business since the drought emergency was declared they want to see elected because they say the term i'm urgency keep customers away their scare a lot of
people know about those restrictions say a lot of people just don't realize that the camorra but until the fall the public is still being asked to conserve especially those who rely and aquifers for their water so the majors in particular where groundwater was still three to four feet below normal and really particularly people of private wells the deep he said there are no plans for further restrictions changes and the department have that lawn watering restrictions could become standard features eight he dreams of the now nj and news there's more to come on indian news local state and federal authorities are trained to familiarize themselves with foreign cultures and in health watch details of a statewide program to help treat type two diabetes patients usually relief workers it fbi has been
where than three hundred thousand new jersians had been diagnosed with type two or adult onset diabetes it's a chronic disease that can be a killer in tonight's health watch health and medical correspondent sally tesla reports on a new statewide initiative that calls for uniformed treatment guidelines our minds has been living with tyler two or adult onset diabetes for nearly thirty years he relies on a pump to deliver the right amount of insulin at just the right time every day every day is different and winner
of physical job it makes it that much harder for you because you don't want to take from one day to the next so what's the best way to treat a disease a tour where collaboration diabetes doctors including this one i worked with new jersey insurance companies to develop uniform treatment guidelines bristol myers squibb co leading diabetes drug maker is under writing this pilot project they have nailed this out to over seven thousand physicians in the state of new jersey to put everybody on alert that there is an epidemic and that there is something that can be done about it one out of four new jersians is at increased risk for type two diabetes because of age obesity or seven jerry lifestyle into treatment guidelines also focus on prevention the go at the end of the day is to have healthier people on the more immediate goal is to reduce inconsistency is in the chair have
people diabetes inconsistency is they can lead to such publications as amputation blindness it comes along with other problems such as high blood pressure high cholesterol and a tendency to accelerated cardiovascular disease diabetes can be cured but it can be managed if this initiative is well received it will be the first in a series of guidelines for treating everything from obesity to heart disease sara lee kessler engineer news hamilton rich is here with a preview of what's coming out of this business report this fighting up shearing file is facing more heat from the federal government i'll tell you why and remember as in h green stamps quarterback informal for a lot of business fb fb business news more troubles for
drug maker schering plough schering plough now says federal authorities are investigating the company struck making practices report said the government is looking into whether sharing use less expensive imported materials that are not approved for use in the united states this is now a criminal investigation the case involves products made in sherry's plant in puerto rico even though the products in question are not approved it does not mean they are necessarily unsafe sharing recently paid a half billion dollar fine for failing to correct manufacturing problems of plans for the new jersey and in puerto rico the bush administration is apparently losing patience with federal subsidies for amtrak federal transportation secretary today outlined the
administration's plans for ending amtrak's monopoly potentially include spinning off profitable routes like the northeast corridor and watery states to pay for train service on money losing routes in addition the administration is considering opening amtrak's were once the competition the announcement comes as amtrak is seeking an emergency cash infusion of two hundred million dollars to keep its trains running for october your job cuts at the world's biggest brokerage firm merrill lynch was laid off about forty five traders from its nasdaq market desk in jersey city the cuts come as girl is looking to cut costs are we trading environment rose cut about fifteen thousand people from around the world over the past year and more job cuts are expected to grow is one of the biggest employers in new jersey with more than six thousand workers and mercer county alone or was another losing day on wall street is bad news continues to hit hard on stocks more warnings about earnings are raising doubts about a recovery in the second half of this year added that new violence in the middle east even some better than expected news on jobless claims and a positive outlook for the economy could not bring
buyers to the street so at the close the dow industrials fell one hundred twenty nine points to nine thousand for thirty one that's a new low for the year among a broad markets the amex added two points nasdaq dropped thirty two to its lowest close since last september the s a p five hundred effect thirteen in the credit market or less check the ten year note is off twenty one thirty seconds it sealed a four point eight one percent finally remember as an h green stamps water back with this time as s n h green points as part of a celebration marking the arrival of its latest catalog as an h green points and foodtown supermarket joined forces today they donated two hundred fifty thousand green points to the elizabeth coalition for the homeless for families got to get merchandise in the catalog to ease their transition to temporary housing and today they received the goodspeed elizabeth coalition has two transitional houses each with two families in it so all four families were participating in this and they were allowed to slip greene points or a new digital version of the former green stamps shoppers with food stores
including foodtown get points in a green points credit card those points can be redeemed for merchandise for the record as a chance for stereotypes in which started issuing stance in at ninety six a group of private investors as well as a member of this very family now loaned the e commerce company they get rich when engineer news continues how law enforcement agencies are becoming that are planted with other cultures and sensitivity training stated purposes fb since september eleventh law enforcement officers in new jersey have been attending seminars
on arab culture and customs it's designed to help investigators communicate better with arab and muslim people here in new jersey and obtain as much information as possible about potential threats zachary frank reports oh yeah cook an attorney so um mohamed and his partner mohammed yunus from the american muslim union against sessions on september eighteenth criticizing the items i guess officially since the police first interval training least some of the officer asking every one of its municipal police departments or one for swimmers learn from the community and it's it's a beast of poor intelligence knowledge to law enforcement officers added know some customs paige reached out to you listen to hama shortly after the terrorist attacks to assist agents who were interviewing arab and muslim people in paterson and jersey city by most accounts fbi agents
initially had trouble finding people to cooperate with them and as a result leading information we're not as forthcoming as the bureau had hoped we had some not many but a few occasions where we had some disagreement with the community what we found out was that we're not aware of or cultural religious practices for example they were walking in and knocking on the door and when the door opened don't they just went right in with issues or one of things was seems to think they do move issues on the inside the homes because on the rocks that's where the upright the seminars are designed to give investigators an overview of the islamic religion as well as a basic understanding of the culture according to the fbi says these sessions and there's been much better cooperation the time on freshman in the muslim community so mohammad and muhammad yunus are not paid for these seminars butter here simply as volunteers so far they've trained over twelve hundred people the sessions have gotten such good feedback that the fbi was to bring the two men down to washington to begin sensitivity training at the academy
zachary think nj a news milwaukee that's ajay and news i can't manahan for rich and all of us here thank you for being with us to look forward to seeing you tomorrow it's been there he's been the
NJN News
Thursday June 20, 2002
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New Jersey Network
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New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Chicago: “NJN News; Thursday June 20, 2002,” 2002-06-20, New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 22, 2024,
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APA: NJN News; Thursday June 20, 2002. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from