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no no no all my name is up more than city hall on this is a tragic thing is to continue going on and our urban communities in om something really needs to be done about it the mayor is only one person he can't do this by himself is not it and we we need to come together to stop this madness we need to stop this violence we need to stop this craziness coming more change coming more police else's ability for us to come together to stop all this craziness
on june eleventh we do on a march against violence we get a cascade and our homes from every funeral home that we have the overall church is food from all communities from different locations colorful everywhere watching from large part to washington and on we need to stop this man is really stop is killin please please we need your help we are our brother's keeper and its exhibit leaves to raise a child please come out and make deliveries about the whole league's published the
point is back is because is because of these issues if businesses became the place beneath
ms bishop the peace bell it's been insane
some might call me and all of them thought the wi fi so like i was mostly discernible martha stewart in an above the flood levels that a lot of the same moment in the cartoon of a film about a call he said it was issue of solace as her so i drove down a whiteboard it wouldn't think of anything else like ten out with last night's alike says sixteen more miles of this seriously he says he heard three shots mr robert sagers six us on a somewhat mom was diverted to present at you and that was his that so we saw the guards laying down a big family that was caught that couple seconds at the army says it's not the law that's another couple to force men as that's
the semi of the regatta get to town in the lab not just because i'm a mom mom i guess that's the first person on the concern about so that really everything else now now a lot happened and their mom wants a finale that among those fearful about a basis of the lawsuit is to monitor what's happening with the delegates the us invaded and then i just use every day the law was no more than
three these beans but it's been the power to pass by is by fbi
has been mentally is by fbi is but
the pga is offering a ten thousand dollars reward what he needs it's the rats that the va is offering pizza ten thousand dollar
reward what incentives that the minarets water from indians had in the snow near where the pta is offering the two thousand dollars reward for instance that the earth worth of indian news abbie smith we were really the pta is offering a ten thousand dollars reward what they need to meet mrs julia nunes and abuse in newark two thousand eleven a day to me that will live in history is a day we killed the worst radical
terrorist in the world an osama bin ladin with it after nine eleven sir paul i went back to ground zero by was that i was eight and subsequently after being pulled out of the arrival of the north tower aw i was urging him to the burn center bought figure of went back to ground zero where the ground zero for four hundred and ninety seven hours and then after that i just couldn't take it anymore and no move that avoiding it new jersey what the i worked at ground zero for the nine seven hours yeah i'm doing more of the their work in the aisle aw anything know basically asked of me working as an emt but i want everyone to remember today yesterday was a major victory we still need to
remain vigilant there are still certain people out there that are out to harm americans and we can't forget that but today is a day of patriotism and today is a day to celebrate that we finally got the mastermind that killed thousands of people on nine eleven the
police both the
Raw Footage
Brother Anthony Hall , stop the violence
Producing Organization
New Jersey Network
Contributing Organization
New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Raw Footage Description
Raw footage, Brother Anthony Hall promotes demonstration in Newark to stop the violence, Bullet holes in Texas Pizza window, fixing window, Adam B. Smith standup
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Raw Footage
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Moving Image
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Producing Organization: New Jersey Network
AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Jersey Network
Identifier: cpb-aacip-0a67db9fdfa (Filename)
Format: Betacam: SP
Duration: 0:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Brother Anthony Hall , stop the violence,” 2005-11-07, New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “Brother Anthony Hall , stop the violence.” 2005-11-07. New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: Brother Anthony Hall , stop the violence. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from