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OK I'm on Hispanics I'm in love with work among Hispanics and specifically in this part of the country there is a high believe in spiritualism. In what way does this interact with the alcoholism problem. Is he doing this part of you. No I just have to look at just. One of the major problems you encounter when dealing with a Hispanic community. It's something. You. Really.
To. See.
HOW. This once was a midtown motel in Trenton. Today it houses United progress incorporated a detox center halfway house an outpatient treatment program for alcoholics. This once was a midtown motel in Trenton today it houses United progress incorporated a detox center halfway house an outpatient treatment program for alcoholics. This once was in midtown motel in Trenton. Today it houses United
progress incorporated a detox center halfway house and outpatient treatment program for alcoholics. Now now don't take it away. I'm ready. Rotate. This once was a midtown much help. This once was a midtown motel in Trenton. Today it houses United progress incorporated a detox center halfway house and outpatient treatment center for alcoholics. You know what I did because I said I did.
OK. All right. All right. OK. This one was in midtown motel in Trenton. Today it houses United progress incorporated a detox center halfway house and outpatient treatment program for alcoholics. This once was the midtown motel in Trenton. Today it houses United progress incorporated a detox center. Halfway House and outpatient treatment program for alcoholics. See that smile. This is serious. This once was a midtown motel in Trenton. Today it houses United progress incorporated a detox center halfway house and outpatient treatment
program for alcoholics. It. Seems that was the case that I was living in the South Central Command I stick at the center. Do you get disenthrall if going to see a book on. Mistletoe. I mean between the demand for media friendly that I is coming for a squint to yes I'm probably not going to live. According to. But I'm not going to let go when I see them out. I'll save money and beracha Asian film that would make it only sense but the narrow Don't tell me when are you gonna say what they call a girly girl.
Anonymous A contented ask is this a central idea that talks if because young. Man when we were talking about what I'm. About what am I to a. B and c on into property on my companion really spying on the place. And if you got a yes no comment on amigo me on about it by noon. So you don't remove a key. The meaning is so important that the central authority and then the say. But may have to borrow my credit get me through it. But be right on whether you got it. That's the thing I'll say with. The sun either. I will not comment on anything I've been done I know what you see in Africa although they didn't about media Letcher the case is I think a lot of calls and much of
an all out brawl crossed the line and all of us. Know what's happened. You mean the bulk of it I get. Sick of me either. And then the ride for my niggas. Tina see who's sick what affect us all and Quanto to see cause they don't. I mean all three of them in. I won't say how I look at it. Obviously when I said no like I said I do. I asked him how did. He maybe sit down and say. You rather see the central Pacific Ocean.
Floor mat decentralise me for me I got the idea that it would be. No ma'am you make any that is I mean you know. So you don't like me. I mean for me man on the rocks proximate cause I to have an approximate time only that they all tell me that you know
you don't know what you mean you. I mean I can look it up. Look at what's happened to you. OK. And now I want to cut away from the other side. Yeah me either. So I'm well. And the main thing. OK. Everybody saw them. Focused on the European Central to see if he was young. So I said no at my take on the hand that I mean I you attacking me from.
And he goes yeah but. Of. Course like I said. If said if somebody somebody. Like I don't. Know if you can get it done while the mental make up a set means as a shadow LA. But then they get a. Oh and I bought it all. Oh I just thought I was talking
about I said. Mustn't let OK. All these a day. That being said let me go back and look at my own. I will not say that I am. Sure that I just think
#1007 Alcoholism
Contributing Organization
New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Race and Ethnicity
Spanish Language
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Moving Image
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Jersey Network
Identifier: 03-13577 (NJN ID)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 00:20:00?
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Chicago: “#1007 Alcoholism; Images/Imagenes,” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 21, 2024,
MLA: “#1007 Alcoholism; Images/Imagenes.” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 21, 2024. <>.
APA: #1007 Alcoholism; Images/Imagenes. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from