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fb isn't this a magnificent dining room a catcher as they now look at this table is this how your parents set the table for dinner every night but even then i know my mother never set the table like this unless my grandmother was coming but it's wonderful if you were <unk> lambert's guests for
dinner he would be served eight ryan course kneel down much load thirteen different dishes for change course this is the wife mr weiss those dishes from the pantry yeah isn't this a magnificent dining room you look at this table now when you have dinner every night as your table set like this one holidays my mother used to only
said tables like this when my grandmother was coming at you were mr and mrs lambert's guests you would sit at a table like this and you would be served by course it's a lot of when you think that there were thirteen is when each course you cannot have a lot of dishes in all those dishes were brought in my sermons from the pantry what leads to get it and there is a magnificent dining room are really love it when you go home at night tonight we're good to go right to work it is a magnificent dining room
away the table is that you said sure as if you were mr and mrs lambert's guests for dinner you would be served by different courses it sure is less than there were thirty different dishes for each course this is all this is we're driving by the service is that right today a few were ms jarvis as lambert's guests you would be served by different courses
where thirty different dishes for each course and servants would bring all the dishes and from the tax rate isn't this a magnificent dining room at it sure is that when you go home tonight we're table beside like this now well if it's true it does and what you were mr lamberth guess you would sit at a table like this and that would be served five courses with thirteen different directions huge
course can you imagine i'm not kidding and the servants but it weren't it is a magnificent dining room it sure is decorated nicely when you're home for dinner tonight to your table like this idea that when my grandmother was coming well if you were music journalist as lambert's guests for dinner the table would be set like this you would be served i of course is so our lives and how much it is there were thirty different dishes each chorus was in his seventies all right
it is outside you mean you understand our guys a new one they have a nintendo they've made real gains they've read all the girls are needlepoint and they had music lessons
and dance lessons and they spoke languages are women everyone if we were cultured ladies would learn french suddenly went underwater so we wouldn't want to we would be well versed in another minute ms hawkins oh my wages until they get to that is born well they're going to make what's not what's that what's that what's that you know what the cheerleaders other words what's that
i try that let's laugh what's that like flak for you know what's that you're saying what's that to use you've just seen kasell what was that one is that what you want the other cuts in europe and then i was sort of in the spring that did you don't succeed you have a castle was pretty low that if they don't
succeed and live in a castle law from succeeding a live in a castle soaks in eleven a castle now they don't suck city leave their castle for getting us off the law power grill princesses president's goals
so let's get to it well what's that was the diseases that west that it's a word money when will revitalize your castle burning man says love to see it and receive waivers past monday loyalty she's seen things in queens tells generals she's in queens drones armed iran here we have more a
role let's ensure that was in there you know then when they're so salient in a castle anyway so certain that subsidy a castle you know an associate a castle and you know it worked they'll associate in a castle with everyone associated with a castle that have also said they also say in a castle thirty lessing reasons in my view there will what's that one
that was that was a lot of leaves the castle when the money lyle we think of music as money of all of it well take all our park queens a half of one evening bank goes well they found why my mom and you see cigarettes with princess that attack whose clothes are less fat western
piano i also say over a class are asking questions that the area where silk sale in a class of the cd so that everywhere so it's sale in a castle in adolescents a learning class up and there was the sale class of voting this year the first minute
well it has well our own we'll say it's a minor riot he's a genius so our goal has the overton zika also our nights chang our schools power line there weren't so st louis plaza africa yes that's a new lemony
kasell castle many times the slide it is they came to see
you it is it seems yeah it is right yeah yeah yeah yeah there is
so yeah the piece this is he's
been hurt ms bee the pain
Around & About New Jersey
Episode Number
Lambert Castle; 13
Silk City & Patterson
Producing Organization
New Jersey Network
Contributing Organization
New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Around and About NJ[box not labeled; contains group of ""Inter Format"" sheets""]
Raw Footage Description
Raw footage of host talking to children
Created Date
Asset type
Raw Footage
Media type
Moving Image
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Producing Organization: New Jersey Network
AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Jersey Network
Identifier: cpb-aacip-63b0c034bd5 (Filename)
Format: Betacam
Duration: 0:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Around & About New Jersey; Lambert Castle; 13; Silk City & Patterson,” 1990-12-14, New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 2, 2024,
MLA: “Around & About New Jersey; Lambert Castle; 13; Silk City & Patterson.” 1990-12-14. New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 2, 2024. <>.
APA: Around & About New Jersey; Lambert Castle; 13; Silk City & Patterson. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from