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this illicit herb so i'm just go along to change it to an active verb you know it's the fbi fire is not the pirate not mgm news is made possible by ptsd and she is serving customers strengthening the business community and investing in new jersey's future first union serve in the financial needs of individuals and businesses from connecticut florida writes i'm a communication solutions designed for the people and businesses of new jersey horizon blue cross blue shield of new jersey making a health care worker in new jersey's businesses and individuals the new jersey education association
people who care about your experience and geraldine archives us senator robert or selling speaks out about david chang and the senators reelection bid it's the last full day of campaigning for the three republican primary candidates and the winner faces torricelli in the fall elections a forest fire continues to burn in ocean county scorching more than thirteen hundred acres and forcing evacuations this state buys hundreds of acres of mountain top land to preserve open space and the hottest ticket in new jersey is for the eastern championship that's cynthia news for monday june third new jersey us senator robert torricelli says he accept some responsibility for the ethics investigation that has embroiled him for the past year and a half torricelli told nj in use today he never should've gotten involved with david chang the korean businessmen whose accusations are at the heart of the case michael aaron reports or so he told us what he told a group of black ministers last week in
getting involved with david chang was a serious error in judgment but with research picture than it was a year of a campaign contributor and raise money you wrote became a friend a repair a time and i met with the ministers because it is this matter comes to an end without mr chang is planted perjury which is considerable portion relief to me that that his accusations are not put in the perspective it was important me that i not just bland hammer whatever problems he may have or anybody else but i want to take some partial responsibility chang was sent to prison last month for illegally funneling thousands of dollars to tor sell his nineteen ninety six campaign torricelli says campaigns must do a better job of getting their contributors to screen out people of questionable background he'll never run a campaign where you don't have someone you don't want it there to break too complex but i want to blow that i took some personal responsibility by his
character alibis background he shouldn't have been a federal campaign mine president clinton's for the republicans is indeed he contributed both parties or among your circle of friends or did someone that i knew that well federal authorities investigated china's claims that he gave torricelli gifts in return for help trying to collect that debt from north korea the investigation ended without any charges against a senator the allegations that he's leveled against you that your position that they're all fiction i think michael you notice a nerve with been over this before it is not simply that i believe that the fiction but i think you know that he was now chastises by a federal judge of having been a liar and a person without credible for sally was at the state house today with vermont senator james jeffords one year ago today jeffords switch from republican to independent giving the democrats control of the us senate or to criticize the bush
administration's clean air positions arguing children in the northeast are getting asthma from dirty power plants in the midwest it is time for the anti dirty power plants in the midwest living near here in new jersey in vermont and across the entire east coast on friday former president clinton appeared at a fundraiser for torricelli the collected three million dollars i'll call or so is running for reelection unopposed in tomorrow's primary hoping what he calls an unfortunate chapter that come through it in really know i think we will learn something i think others of them by being careful about people who get any kind of the media's learn something by a quiet taking at face dire the accusations of someone who turned out to be a perjurer and i think deeply disturbed there's been unfortunate lessons for
everybody including me tomorrow is primary election day the three republican senate candidate seeking their party's nomination and the right to face torricelli spent the day seeking out votes and huddling with advisors jim tucker has the story underdog republican candidate john mattison of gloucester county state senator emerged from the diner handshaking session confident that despite long odds and little money is more conservative brand of politics and his network of volunteers will at least give him a strong showing tomorrow and were working real hard to get our message out at the problem is going to be over relatively low turnout and that we think that the people we contacted me once you cannot vote so we're confident that that's a morally culturally councilman everyone mathison and fellow state senator diane allen of burlington county who's expected to spend about half a million dollars on her campaign itself made millionaire doug forrester who slipped into more than three million dollars of its health care
business fortune to finance his campaign farce there's certainly worth an estimated fifty million dollars overall pledges to draw down even more of his own money for a general election campaign and he is reportedly helped sway many organization republicans to back and i believe that i can make sure that the resources are there it's an expensive market around him there really is a new york philadelphia and all kinds of indications are that we need to make in order to make sure the vote or so a dozen posts are going to be a general court again newspaper editorial boards overwhelmingly have endorsed allen however and he sees that development coupled with a strong campaign as a major strain and here he is getting these last few days i think it's important to get out to talk to voters let them know why i'm running and they're sort of our mail pieces have been hitting over phone calls and so many other pieces i think the money on for suicide in the newspaper editorial boards lining up behind now an inexperienced politician and former television news anchor woman political observers are making comparisons to junk or assign
successful democratic senate primary race against former governor jim florio forster concedes he too sees some similarities between his senate candidate city and court sides two years ago but he says his own background is richer than chorus lines at least in terms of the public service experience he brings to the table absolutely our stir west windsor mayor twenty years ago i used to spend all night work sessions at this west windsor diner as a member of the cave ministration backroom governments you know our writers or state water levels rose local the three candidates on battling each other though as much as they are taking aim at the democratic incumbent parties and all three have one goal in common toppling in november are torricelli they consider vulnerable today gm worker nj and moves and tomorrow nj and we'll have
complete coverage of the us senate primary race and the other key races after nj and news that six and seven thirty nj and special election coverage decision two thousand to will begin at eight o'clock we'll have live reports the latest returns and political analysis that's on all nj and public television channels and nj and public radio stations are still no cause in the parlance fire in ocean county that's ripped through more than thirteen hundred acres and forced evacuations the blaze started north of double trouble state park yesterday afternoon berkeley township and was fueled by high winds and dry conditions adrian subpoena with in berkeley township with the latest adrian yet the fire is not yet under control but it has been contained by firefighters residents here in berkeley township more of that the weight from their homes yesterday were allowed to go home today and as they return to assess the damage as many were relieved because they said it would have been much worse
it came through the fence in the backyard and started coming up to the yard and maybe another fifteen feet we were last there was a fire did claim one home and burned over thirty eight hundred acre fire first began about one o'clock yesterday in your cranberry bog in berkeley county at thirty mph reims native move quickly so the fire rapidly and the east road garcia portrayed in your soda there when security side the park or that's when people over everton star john oconnor reporter by evening five hundred homes were evacuated some families took shelter for the night at central regional high school until the foyer and the police are on they were yelling screaming house this will definitely wake you up you won't know where your jewelry is where your kids are wearing is that he needs a backup and an ngo because it was so scary many homes along the grand central park way de ville where damage shed spiking grudges lost those are all as mayor was basically
repairs is minimal teenager a moment to run down a fire officials say ninety percent of the fire is contained think residents are no longer in danger of a thirty mile stretch of the garden state parkway from where town to toms river was reopened to motorists monday morning farm and worked all day today to extinguish hotspots they say the fire will likely continue to burn for weeks has been screaming females better the cause of the fire has yet to be determined but governor mcgreevey announced today that there will be an investigation into an unauthorized campaign in the area blighted ridley township i'm a variance of you know not acting in the studio you adrian governor mcgreevey has announced an agreement to protect seventeen hundred acres of new jersey highlands the deal also clears the way for a new condominium development although eighty percent of the land in the agreement will be preserved as open space sack jerry think reports representing where the largest
open space purchases in the history of the state's green acres program governor mcgreevey announced new jersey would spend seven point one million dollars for four hundred sixty seven acres of land a top hamburg mountain under the deal the mountain creek resort which owns the site will be allowed to keep its sting operations and will be permitted to make improvements when necessary as part of the deal madden creeks parent company intro west will donate over twelve hundred acres for preservation bringing the total acreage of protected lands to over seventeen hundred ohioans or recognize as one of new jersey's most treasured natural resources the agreement which we will set forth here today represents the state's renewed commitment towards protecting this precious forested area major west is also in the process of developing part of the valley this deal will give it an additional two hundred fifty acres to build new condominiums environmentalists say they support the deal because they want the upper portion of the mound preserve but they have concerns about the six hundred million dollar development project at the mountains base specifically the
sierra club of new jersey says they worry about where the runoff from the sewers will go and also whether or not there will be enough water to meet demand the sierra club claims the new condos are part of the suburban sprawl in this area of the state the governor was joined at today's announcement by republican state senator robert litt tell whose district includes hamburg mountain as chairman of the joint budget oversight committee to tell cleared funds for today's purchase with tells wife virginia is a consultant for intro west she says the agreement had nothing to do with a relationship to the company if they really look at why would sell he's been now representative of this county these are constituents of his eye he has been representing this area thirty five years he didn't just happen to do anything for any body he does what's right for his constituents senator miguel says he supported the project for quite some time is everything and jay news for him new jersey is getting an eight now half a million dollar grant from washington to provide counseling to
the survivors of september eleventh within half of the grant will fund crisis counseling services at the local level that the rest will be spread among local crisis intervention programs here supported group counseling services nearly seven hundred new jersians died in the attacks there's more ahead on injury and news two former governors size of tomorrow's primary election state in four seconds in fb yet americans part of this history is now part of this protest he will attend the state's yes yes the delegates things or princeton university is they're feeling and i can't because you're all readers before his death right now
as we reported earlier the republican primary senate race tomorrow features two state senators and a millionaire businessman earlier today i sat down at drew university with former governors brendan byrne and tom came to get their perspectives the day before the primary campaign how you handicap the race at this point or porsche open sourced city's overhead that dilutes the long strong there's no question that some hasn't his share of votes so i think it could be a close primary not allow voters across the coast you don't matter or burned of doug foresters money and the fact that he has the line in some key gop stronghold counties science twins there was no and i mean i think republicans
also beginning to see her as a store is candace the baltimore sun the fact that john matthewson is a pro life candidate cannot make a difference tomorrow in the gop primary one issue isn't a good sign and he's been a pro life moderate which means he can attract some people in both ways that is connecticut's votes tomorrow he isn't supposed to talk how about the fact that the polls show that an awful lot of people don't even know that there is a primary race tomorrow how might that affect the contest if we were in a three way race oh it's a favors whoever has the best party discipline and eighty four says the us has fallen in it and how as a woman and people know that now matthau how else what else holes first money has been an issue here too and doug forrester is way ahead because he is the longest
campaign millions from his own private fortunes does that make a difference for oh i think it makes a difference is no difference in the state for a number of candidates is very seldom that you have the candidate is the most money in the state it doesn't warm in the republican and democrat so yes so i mean you're going to spend money on how much money they have to spend to let people know they will not a great deal but if you're being attacked her day and night and that the negative campaigning or so's time that the person would have someone in reply whether a man or a woman so molly what is going to be important to have a winter sport he'd say go it's still up for grabs at the midnight hour i think it's some surprises of most virulent but its commonwealth last both herman cain agree with analysts to predict that about twenty three percent of the state's registered republicans will cast votes in tomorrow's primary election the star ledger has endorsed joe di vincenzo in the democratic primary for essex county executive the newspaper
said that he has a specific plan for the future and in terms of fiscal responsibility even sends those tenure as free holder board president has been quote outstanding the paper also cited some concerns though in eddie vincenzo has taken on jobs from private firms that are too close to his county government responsibilities rich is here now with a preview what's coming up tonight in the business report rich feffer ceo of tyco international abruptly resigns coming up we'll tell you why in just three days after they took off air fares are headed down again historian visits ms fb business news of the departure of industrial conglomerate
tyco international tycoon chairman and ceo dennis kozlowski suddenly resigned today amid news of an investigation over alleged tax evasion tyco a bermuda based company says the ceo left for quote personal reasons for this afternoon prosecutors in manhattan confirm they are looking into whether he and others avoided me or state tax laws the new york times reported this morning senators are examining whether kozlowski moved hundreds of millions of dollars into family trusts and then use those trust to buy goods without pay state sales taxes tyco's already battered stock hit hard today down nearly six dollars or twenty seven percent closing at about sixty dollars a share or whether big losses on wall street
today and tyco did not help the sweat a couple of positive economic reports talks toward a june likely finished made on the losing side with companies like tyco continuing to make headlines analysts say investors are skeptical one wall street analysts said there are now three types of traders on the street the bowls the bears in the bewildered so at the close the dow industrials fell two hundred fifteen points more than two percent to nine thousand seven oh nine among the broad markets the annex lost eighteen points nasdaq dropped fifty three to its lowest close this year the s and p five hundred the effect twenty six and a credit market the ten year note is a three thirty second seal just above five percent the state banking and insurance department released a preliminary report today from an auto insurance reform panel on ways to overhaul the auto insurance system in new jersey the so called on a working group came up with several recommendations that will be enacted immediately they include certified medical networks used by other carriers reducing arbitration
time and increasing efforts to fight fraud group was appointed by the governor to look at ways to change the state's auto insurance system with state form still planning to leave the state regulators say they're striving to find stability given the state farm situation we're looking at ways that we can stabilize the marketplace and offer accessibility and affordability torres says the group will also look into whether the state should do away with its no fault system he says the cost of insurance will be a major factor when that is brought up business prius continental airlines latest attempt to raise your fears has failed again on thursday continental announced it was increasing roundtrip leisure fares by twenty dollars american delta quickly followed but after several major airlines refused to go along they are allies of war now rescinded that hike microsoft has reached a settlement with this securities and exchange commission the sec says the company will refrain from accounting violations the agreement settles allegations that microsoft was improperly stating earnings online music writer napster his file for chapter eleven bankruptcy
protection a bankruptcy filing is the latest chapter in the story of a company that was in the center of the music swapping controversy german media giant bertelsmann is planning to take over next year and nine months behind schedule lucent technologies has completed a spinoff of its gear yet as of this weekend a year is now an independent company was stock orders were given and your stock on saturday some news on the economy a new report shows manufacturing increased again last month the institute for supply management index rose one point eight points to fifty five point seven inmates any number above fifty suggest expansion and another report the commerce department says construction spending rose two tenths of one percent in april these were sunni commercial projects including buildings and industrial complexes and even with those reports stalks can be helped to get rich selling it on and saying is that nascar chance to the world chances they get ready to make their first trip to the final six as
that's finger is half thousands lined up this morning to grab the remaining nba finals tickets it's the first time for the nets and their fans and as jerry henry reports tickets for all home games forgot my big day and that's mostly says some fans began lining up as early as saturday morning only to be turned away but thousands of online since last night to get tickets for the nets home game of the nba finals against the lakers most of whom thought it would be one of the most improbable match up just a
few months ago and at first i think it's the final stage it's been a long time coming though it is to work the way they can take it all they got the players later seventeen plane up to their potential and we're very outlying areas and it's definitely i think we can take it as it's fantastic we want everything here what's going on fox sports live by guard jason kidd have made a lot of doubters believe that knocking off indiana shirley ross to capture their first eastern conference final ever shouted a first nba championship against the two time defending champion lakers and fourteen that have led the eastern conference all season will be the underdogs in the finals the players and their fans say it's ok also losing their final salute only to have those guns emily wells is long and fathers as well
as the reporters who has been governor mcgreevey get in on the action today making a bet with california governor gray davis that a new jersey bushels of tomatoes and corn against california wine or confident that at the end of the day were to be drinking a california wine because governor davis as rose is that the best of seven series gets underway wednesday in la during the ingenue and that's an jr news i'm can't not a head for words and all of us here thanks so much for being with us to see you again tomorrow states states air
it's both fb
NJN News
Monday June 3, 2002
Producing Organization
New Jersey Network
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New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Episode Description
Full 5:30 News cast with Kent Manahan; Sen. Robert Toricelli speaks out about David Chang, last day of campaigning for three GOP primary candidates Matheussen, Allen and Forrester for US Senate, Pinelands fire, New Jersey buys 100s of acres of mountaintop land to preserve open space, Interview with former governors Brendan Byrne and Tom Kean about Senate primary, Auto Insurance Reform panel releases report, NJ Nets' Eastern Championship fans line up for tickets.
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-43224d5bbcd (Filename)
Format: Betacam
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Duration: 0:30:00
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Chicago: “NJN News; Monday June 3, 2002,” 2002-06-03, New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 22, 2024,
MLA: “NJN News; Monday June 3, 2002.” 2002-06-03. New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 22, 2024. <>.
APA: NJN News; Monday June 3, 2002. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from