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Iraq selecting a jury is a long process especially in a trial as sensitive as this one pretrial publicity is a factor here and in court and won. Then there are the attempts by both sides to choose a jury that is sympathetic to the defense or to the prosecution. So the question is the screening the selection will continue through the evening and by morning there should be a jury sworn in and ready to listen as opening arguments are presented by federal court in Brooklyn. I'm Sandra King ier. It was the first chance for attorneys to sum up their respective cases to preview the evidence and to tell the jury what they hope to prove in the course of trial. For the
government the plan is to convince the jury that house and Williams is in the words of prosecutor Edwin MacDonald a corrupt public official. But the defense tells a different story of an honest public servant who was duped into making incriminating statements. Who was just trying to help a friend and who never took a bribe. The defense contends Williams was merely mouthing the words that had been urged on him by con man Mel Reinberg an FBI informant. But McDonald asked the jury his house and Williams a senator of 22 years revealed himself as a man who Mel Weinberg could lead by the nose. The defense answered yes saying Williams was indeed formed by the FBI as Master swindler but charges calls are concluded a fraud a sham a lie a disgrace. The trial will resume in the morning. This is Sandra King reporting. The tape is at the heart of the government's case against Pete Williams and it came
three of the senator's trial. The prosecution claims Williams accepted hidden in a titanium mine and in return for his pledge to get government contracts for that venture. Again the jury saw Williams on tape face to face with a make believe Arab This time the subject was immigration and the senator promised his help. You can leave with my reassured that I will. Do those things
that will bring you home for consideration. Yesterday the prosecution pulled out its biggest guns in the case against Pete Williams first in June 79 a videotape of Williams meeting with a phony Arab sheik. The truck of contracts titanium influence and later an audiotape also recorded under a cover in August 79. Williams was rife undercover agents. The prosecution says that tape is hard evidence that the senator did except I had an 18 percent interest in a titanium mine but he did take a bribe. But as he entered court today Williams managed a smile and a denial saying he still expects an acquittal. I know I broke no law. Sandy Williams today called the senator his oldest closest friend. But last
October Sandy Williams turned state's witness and a few days later Pete Williams was indicted. The potential jeopardy. Up to 22 years in prison. But Sandy Williams was not indicted. In exchange for his testimony Sandy Williams was granted for a limb unity. And so the defense contends the witness has fast A5 his testimony in an attempt to strengthen the case against the senator and so save his own neck. But the senator's future may depend on whether the jury thinks Sandy Williams was lying then. Or now. This is Saundra King reporting. Williams attorney George calls or says he'll take up to one month to present his case. Dozens of witnesses and scores of tapes will be introduced as calls or tries to counter charges of bribery and conspiracy. His star witness may turn out to be the senator himself. He has not closed the door to taking the stand.
For weeks there had been speculation that Pete Williams take the stand. But this morning that question was answered. The senator on his 18th day of trial enter the witness box. His testimony today started slowly first along with situation of his background his family his politics his twenty two years in the Senate. Then the denials of fast allowed exchange between the senator and his lawyer and all the years you've been in office have you ever had a bag man. I have not. Have you ever taken anything of value in return for your influence. I have not. Have you ever agreed to take anything of value I have not. Have you ever concealed anything you were required to report. I have not. And finally have you ever tried to influence any decision of the federal government for your own personal gain.
I have not. From the stand more denials No said Pete Williams he did not abuse his office. He did not break the law. But under questioning from his lawyer there were also some admissions. The senator said he had been foolish that he should have walked away from the Abscam deal he confessed to boasting and exaggeration and he admitted that on tape secretly recorded. He's made to look like a dolt. As late as January 19 A.D. Williams still believed in the authenticity of the shake that testimony came today as the senator recalled his growing doubts about the other cast of characters in the Abdul scam. The only part of that whole scenario that I had a solid feeling about was Yasser. I still believe he was bonafide. And
that was William's explanation for attending the last of the Abscam sessions. The date was January 15th. The place the Plaza Hotel. The subject permanent U.S. residents see for Yasser the make believe Arab Shaykh. That time right away what do you have. What did you mean by no problem demanded Puccio that Williams insisted there would be no problem because they were going to be no government contracts and exasperated that I asked if I said you are a jackass and you said it right. What would you mean then I would have to agree with you said the Senator. Do you believe that nonsense asked the prosecutor. WILLIAMS He charged will deny the
undeniable. Explain the unexplainable but I submit to you said Puccio he is not telling the truth. Tomorrow the senator's attorney will get his final say. Then it's up to the jury. In Newark I'm Sandra King. Pete Williams was a true guileless too unsuspicious too on Senegal for his own good friend said George. That's why the senator now faces Abscam charges his appeal to the jury for a verdict of innocent follows more than four weeks of trial more than 50 witnesses and of course the tapes. The prosecution says those tapes prove the guilt of Pete Williams and codefendant Alex Feinberg because they said his client is guilty only of what he himself confessed. From the standard of being fellowship and fooled by the phony shaken by his bogus Representatives and by the government's whole Abdu'l
scam were not intitled said Coles or indeed there is no place in this case for sympathy. All we ask of you he told the jury is justice. But before deliberations can begin before the jury can in fact decide whose story it believes the judge must give his formal charge. That charge is being heard at this hour when it's finished. The jury will be sequestered and it will remain sequestered until there is a verdict at Brooklyn federal court. I'm songs OK. Pete Williams began his long wait last night. His wife Jeanette at his side and after more than one month of trial he said he still is confident the other principals were on hand to Williams codefendant Alex frind charged with aiding and abetting the senator's alleged crimes. Prosecutor Thomas Puccio who's won convictions in all his earlier Abscam cases and a surprise visitor to the courthouse now
Weinberg the convicted swindler at the heart of Abscam working for the FBI it was Reinberg who mapped the spam and bluffed his way through it and it was Brian Burke whom the defense dismissed as a corrupt and malignant figure who invented the crimes with which the senator now is charged with saving a war at the right. The greatest con man in the world. You consider that a compliment. A record has already been set here. This jury's been deliberating for twenty eight hours over three days and that's about six hours longer than any previous Abscam Drori the defendants Meanwhile inside the courthouse. Senator William staying mostly in a private room with his wife Jeanette. She's been here every day since this trial began on the 30th of March. His codefendant Alex Feinberg stays in the hallway outside the court room pacing
making small talk. And like the rest of us here just waiting. A federal court in Brooklyn. I'm Sandra King. For three days the defendants had waited three days while the jury made up its mind. But finally at 10 minutes after eight word came we the jury have reached a verdict in this trial. And just one hour later the foreman stood before he spoke. Co-defendant Alex Feinberg reached over to shake his lawyers hand but the senator's attorney anticipating bad news about his head and Pete Williams just stared straight ahead. Count one the conspiracy count of the nine count indictment. Defendant Williams guilty. Count one defendant Fineberg guilty. And when it was over both defendants guilty on all counts. After more than four weeks of trial the jury had spoken.
The pleas of innocence had not been believed and the man who had lost an election in 22 years had lost his case. Maybe even his seat course I'm very deeply disappointed. We just received. In my heart I know I did no wrong. There is no wrong doing and that makes this verdict obviously most difficult. To bear. But Williams still insisted he would be vindicated on appeal or in the due process hearing expected sometime this summer. Feinberg too expressed confidence. We did no wrong said the Haddonfield lawyer. We committed no crime. I have faith in the system but the system that night had dealt both man a crushing blow. It was still another victory though for this man. Prosecutor Thomas Puccio he said he was not surprised at the jury's verdict.
I think yeah. Of course a different story from attorneys for the defense. I find that the big stumbling block had been the government's
tapes especially with respect to the date set.
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New Jersey Nightly News: Williams/Abscam trial
Abscam Composite- Williams Trial
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New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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New Jersey Nightly News: Sen. Harrison Williams/Abscam trial stories compilation by Sandra King
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Identifier: 07-12987 (NJN ID)
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Duration: 00:15:00

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Duration: 00:15:42

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Duration: 00:15:42
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Chicago: “New Jersey Nightly News: Williams/Abscam trial ; Abscam Composite- Williams Trial,” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 7, 2024,
MLA: “New Jersey Nightly News: Williams/Abscam trial ; Abscam Composite- Williams Trial.” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 7, 2024. <>.
APA: New Jersey Nightly News: Williams/Abscam trial ; Abscam Composite- Williams Trial. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from