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rather than major funding for nj and news is provided by that geraldine our dutch foundation first the daily bank public service electric and gas and new jersey bela bela fleck a company ms bair no it's buying good evening shock and outrage over the verdict in the la police beating case los angeles officials hope a curfew and calls for called put amanda the shootings beatings lynchings and arsons in the past twenty four hours violence erupted last night following the acquittal just today of four police officers in the rodney king videotape beating trial and when dawn came the looting and burning did not end
most of the rampaging has been in south central los angeles but it spread about the verdict jurors say despite the season a videotape rodney king did not surrender and that police did not use excessive force at least nine people died and two hundred have been injured and writing about six hundred fires have been reported and police are there to protect firefighters one fireman is in critical condition after being shot the national guard has moved and the route the nation there have been protests and expressions of outrage about the verdicts and from president bush on down white and black leaders are condemning the writing just the part of washington dc has announced it is speeding up its investigation of possible civil rights violations in the king case here in new jersey there's a lot of hand wringing over the verdict and the rioting that along with concern about race relations in a state that's had its share of police violence cases michael aron joins us now with that aspect of the story michael kemp is with one of those days when a national news event dominated local conversation an event that's beginning to look like a national tragedy well la burns three thousand miles away in new jersey the king verdict and it's aftermath
on people's lips it's actually you know what you guys better get some plastic surgery it seems their faces a move in trenton the mayor and school superintendent spent the morning going around to schools and try to keep their students call a news show james trenton is where black policeman earl hill is awaiting trial for alleged act of violence also captured on videotape police union chief today said the king verdict shows that videotape doesn't always tell the full story you're condemned the media from the main jail they now hear about it all we're facing looking for a way out as none to be found in the neighborhoods of tracking
people of all races condemned the verdict of a concussion been an appetite because they were wrong they should not they do not are not above the law and they should not be allowed to abuse people are like i don't even think it's an advantage for i think that speaks for itself the intense writing and looting which continue at this hour the irony of lives lost in a protest about a c eagle beating lewis it's mixed feelings after the mayors visit a student outside fremd high school told us he thinks it's good that blacks in la are fighting back about the fact that people are getting killed but still they had delivered at the dillingham of the same thing because their highest single justice nominee no justice no peace why they lose while a burning arrow neighborhood first i do not own the stores in your neighborhood secondly when his feeling for despair and hopelessness they don't care they saying be alive in the eyes of the establishment in the eyes of the law enforcement
agency is suspect anyway so why not why why not last night and again today on national television jesse jackson link to the converted to new jersey's teaneck case and the acquittal of officer gary spath for shooting philip brunelle that shooting sparked rioting today president bush condemned the writing in la at the same time that he asked the justice department to look into federal civil rights charges against the cops in washington today new jersey's leaders or the verdict there really is no excuse violence and women voting in the other types of things that we've seen not withstanding the understandable concern that a lot of people including myself that what appears to be a very troubling richard videotape tom has to be a big upset if we as a nation continue to ignore the racial reality of our times to around a demagogic are free from that organization an enormous price that we need now
at this exact time is hope an accountability accountability for the kind of the police officers and hope that the system of justice can work so tonight there is concern for race relations in america for police community relations and for public confidence in the justice system joining us now from our new york bureau york mayor sharpe james and from hackensack robert allen tucci the attorney who defended teaneck officer gary smith with the county ag people are having trouble reconciling what they saw on the tape with these acquittals you have trouble reconciling those two things well i don't have any trouble reconciling anything i wasn't familiar with the entire trial i was not in the courtroom all i saw was the one seconds i believe it was of the tape now if you look at that tape an isolated you may come to one conclusion i don't know what happened in that courtroom for the other two moms the problem is i think the media made a
verdict before this charter started and they gave that verdict to the people when the people did not see the realization of what the media had decided she'd be the verdict they became frustrated i understand that frustration it's unfortunate but i think that the media has been asked to accept a huge amount of responsibility for what they've done here mayor james the new attorney is saying that there is a larger truth than what is on those eighty one seconds of tape what's your feeling about whether this was a fair trial you live by the system of laws was she we abide by the jury outcome here i think what we witnessed here is the manipulation of the trial were about removed from the site in which the crime occurred klayman that the officers cannot receive a fair trial if you were conducted in that location aware event occurred i think we should also recognize that rodney king certainly cannot receive a fair trial as the victim you through remove to a community which would a probability exclude any monarchy for serving
on the jury i think the real shame him a market is that we have a jury of volunteers and and yet but we have to recognize that racism do exist a market that follow is motherhood and apple pie the kerner commission twenty five years ago that the riots in newark new jersey another city state clearly that this nation is roughly divided between black and white suburban urban rich and poor and if we failed to address this issue again it will be the shame of this great nation if we do not face racism squarely on as an evidence in this case up in america but the myth about itchy and ask him whether he thinks the change of venue was unfair taking into a white community so for me to try to answer that question would be unfair i don't have all the facts i know that that same charge was made the case that i was involved in because it stayed in the same venue where to a kurd i think what's important here is a look at the past
twelve years or twelve years of president reagan and president bush and some of the other politicians who are attempting to interject politics into the system of justice it shouldn't be cannot be no one should permit it justice is not a personal concept it is a process and to start allowing these politicians to get involved in the system that should be immune from politics were in trouble were in danger and i appreciate the frustration i think that that frustration is a direct result of what the media has done in this instance mayor jane to beat the media but for now i think is that the whole issue once again is that we have taken an isolated incident and have allowed our policy not politics to come into a bubble but the whole issue that we do not recognize the sanders was happening in america rodney king event is a clear frustration of many events happening in our command and their cities and their participation in the final thirty
seconds we have of what's going on in los angeles perpetuates racist images of blacks as criminals what would you say to that's wrong i've heard people talk about the boyz n the hood riding a we had a new bore scars today in a holocaust celebration see that again as a racist remarks we talk about a bird difficult time we do not condone violence but the same time we must deal with why the symptoms of violence and also the fact that people believe that there isn't an unfair ad by the justice department if they walked in there and the jury was all black i think many who now say no and just accept the decision either have a different belief i remember dancing judges therefore market they complained about that in practice the pair mayor sharpe james robert outage affected both for being with us steve the hunt goes on in other news today for close to the disappearance in north jersey or high level exxon executive investigators are saying little or nothing publicly but a message to police departments throughout the state they say they are
assuming foul play is beehives at the recent disappearance ridden oil reports on efforts to solve more scott in history investigators are members of the news media continue to disturb the peace and quiet of the serene secluded morristown should neighborhood authorities cordoned off a portion of jonathan swift wrote restricting passage to residents only asking passers by for any information regarding exxon executive sydney reece owes sudden mysterious disappearance the investigation continuing investigation at a missing person's balance and has been disseminated today throughout the metropolitan area contains a physical description of this to resettle officials say rousseau say goodbye to his wife patricia seven thirty yesterday morning about an hour later patricia riso looked out to the driveway dizzy reece as car still they're still running but no we saw today authorities were still classifying this as a missing persons case they say the fbi is involved because of the stature of this executive
resell was considered to be among exxon's top twenty executives and he plays a major role in managing the company's international business dealings normally the fbi investigates a missing person's bank accounts to see perhaps that person had planned and financed his or her own disappearance some industry officials have reportedly speculated that resell could be a target of the international adoption today morris county officials say the new rule out nothing shortly after noon today phone crews arrived at the recent house one company field worker said they were there to install two phone lines requested by investigators but officials at the morris county prosecutor's office say they've received no ransom notes and no phone calls or read you know at mgm use force township coming up but mj end is a new wrinkle in the debate over the fate of your own send rebate checks and mr florio goes to washington searching for mass transit things you
see you see one twenty five three seven seven your home state rebate check may or may not be in the mail next year
assembly speaker chuck i tie and today said the rebate program will not be eliminated as republicans craft their budget however he did not say what it will look like once it's re fashioned as larry stickney cole reports one speaker of the assembly meeting clear this morning as his neighbor looks to cut a billion dollars from the governor's budget rebate program will not be eliminated loans to really really reform the senate will be abolished absolutely no not from absolutely no and my client personally favors continuing given recipient a check but he left the door open for some people receiving a while others get it you know what we're looking at the senior citizens disabled those thoughts and possibly no income to receive a rebate check those who are the most needy are we have never said anything other than that but the speakers announcement popular republican scott garrett off guard here is the sponsors
of deal that would replace the present rebate program tax credit they might be a little premature for anyone you are included to say which way would definite on this issue until we have a second hearing in appropriation determine exactly whether or not money will be saved frasier crane wants to know how the republicans plan to cut a billion dollars from the budget in a rebate program for the six hundred million dollars they would cut in state revenues that the sales tax from seventy six percent have to assume that informant homestead rebate program that really means that they will reduce benefits to repeal painting that may not be a very good deal for teachers and services so the rebates that may or may not be in the mail or maybe in the mail for some people and not for others details to be a national assembly republicans unveiled their version of the budget tightenings in early mental injury and is in the state house also in trenton today the assembly has passed a package of bills to tighten new
jerseys decade old death penalty law one of the measure's called for changing the state stitches to close a loophole sponsors claim has been used by the supreme court to overturn thirty two thirty three death penalty cases in new jersey whether portions of the legislation and of the high court's review of death penalty cases making it easier for drug kingpins to get capital punishment this will make it so that run out of the family is going to be the worst and is going to close insert loopholes with respect to it that we think are appropriate clothes and hopefully new jersey one out the death penalty it's going to be enforced the bills did pass with bipartisan support they now go to the senate states can go to jail for you today travel to washington dc us reason traded bus money for you testified before a congressional subcommittee about president bush's proposal to cut the funding the last governor says the plan would undermine efforts new jersey has made to boost ridership and service would also be commuters hard the administration cuts open a result in my state and dramatic fare increases
that is something that the great work great hardships on our people to mean hundreds of more dollars on a monthly basis of those who commute to work florida says the cuts would be aimed at would lose twenty to trade routes seventeen bus routes and that service in several the laws would be less frequent a space heater that malfunction is blamed for a deadly fire today in north bergen social center think forty here on the second floor cause if i would go home and kill the mother of a son forty seven to five the victims as cathy blue of her eleven year old son remembered milo two other children in the father were injured a fire badly damaged to overthrow us for jersey city mayor gerald would count as a step closer to sentencing on his tax and fraud convictions a federal judge in georgia day has denied that its request for a new trial judge says mccann's convictions on fifteen counts of fraud and tax while asian stan and could be sentenced to seventy years in prison and finding that in doubt the student's remains locked inside a rutgers university office building
in new brunswick demanding a tuition freeze and representation on the university's board of governors about thirty seven members of care the campaign for an affordable backers education spent the night efficient house a building housing offices for student support services the same group conducted a two day sit in at the college of communications center just last week they're holding the center of the administration's plans until they become men president laurent refuse negotiations with us because you honestly this building men have negotiations said now you know come here will there's plenty of firearms university officials say they're working to move the demonstrators out but unlike last week when records obtained a court order against the students no legal action has been taken to end this protest and it's the workers or the dangers in bed facing layoffs and encouraging news and they can in a sense that's soaring stay with us here's today's business news midland a corporation is still on shaky financial ground
as a result the hungry bankers have announced plans to cut operating expenses one hundred million dollars here a plan that could cost as many as two thousands of workers their jobs yet isn't based bank released its first quarter earnings today reporting a twenty nine million dollar loss at six million dollars more than they planned it lost during the same quarter a year ago despite a onetime dean of ten million dollars from the sale of the bank's home mortgage subsidiary atlantic has released few details of its cost cutting plan although it says it hopes to make the reductions internally without closing bank branches one expects some of the staff reductions to be accomplished through attrition and turn over layoffs alexander's incorporated is facing the possibility of closing down its stores including the parameters branch or seeking chapter eleven bankruptcy the retail chain is broken off talks with its lenders and all of the banks have not declared alex anderson default it's unlikely anymore money can be borrowed without an infusion of cash alexander's reports nearly sixty million in total current liabilities after posting it orderly net loss of seven and a
half million in february the company says bankruptcy might be avoided by selling off a substantial portion of alexander's eleven store's inventory more signs of slow but continued economic growth out of washington today index of leading economic indicators the government's chief economic forecasting gauge edged up two tenths of a percent last month that was a bit less than expected but still the third consecutive monthly gain also today the labor department reports the number of americans fire americans filing first time unemployment claims was unchanged during the third week in april the fourth week in a row without an increase and factory orders shot up one point six percent in march the third increase in as many months and the strongest rise in five months those positive economic reports out of washington helped fuel a wall street rallies sending the dow to within a few points of its all time record high the dow industrials gained nearly twenty six points today and heavy trading advancing issues outnumbered the climbers five to two on the broad market on the second area's the amex and the over the counter composite also ended the day with healthy events is going up
but maybe a fortress and in sports and then that's force that final deciding game against cleveland that with details we said soul today to a cooler in cloutier than usual april and summer was on the minds of federal estate officials jersey sank under cloudy skies are clean streets clean beaches program was kicked off the liberty state park with her campaign reminds us the trash thrown on the streets good enough they just went all was near normal for april but
sixties and certainly should've been the temperature readings by the data with his new chrysler to underscore what it's like before midnight after that the next chance of rain is like saturday saturday night a forecast cloudy and cool denied a brainstorm possible lows around forty seven or tomorrow party recently pleasant buzz about sixty five little warmer south for saturday partly sunny chance of showers is late in the day or evening has around sixty three for sunday partly cloudy and cool or eyes about fifty eight arts or sports to talk about the ipad's gallons in newark with his report at a teller start nba playoff the new jersey nets as cleveland in game for their best of five series tonight at the meadowlands lenny wilkins cavaliers last week the time in twenty one playoff games while this rousing victory was dangerous his first playoff win in eight years they're a coal mining company get a taste of playoff success in a must win situation jobs bills that shows that will carry over into tonight's contests that's with his
dissertation was the devil's and ranges were fined twenty five thousand dollars apiece for a lovely brought the conclusion of last night's five three doubles when that they actually tied the series it all comes down to game seven tomorrow night in new york and jerry kenney reports the temporary halt after the game was a message for game seven say the rangers' new jersey sent the message would have counted beatles singers colin the second period three three tie and put the devils ahead for good the winner was as a series of big showdown and set up what could be the biggest way off upset and devils franchise history messenger says it's almost isn't
room and four tries the rangers have yet to win a game seven in the playoffs and the bottles seemed to have the momentum at least for now that's endeared can smell it i mean in order to have their mortgage thought about it but i see a shift in back of war but i don't want it but i do know this as one tremendous surge and so it's down to send that game seven tomorrow at the garden we're the underdog doubles its territory that they weren't given much of a chance to reach coming into the playoffs jerry henry indian news at the metal acts the rangers tied only admitted after the game he enjoyed closer we sit under the ice the final minute with a special job suspensions that fighters still possibility baseball tonight phillies dodger's game was postponed due to the violence in los angeles elsewhere that's those used in all the yankees are off last night falls down thought was the hero as philadelphia got five runs in the fourth inning johnson latino facile hershiser was halas and trucks with virtually nothing lead the lawyers went on to its seventy three i kept journals orel hershiser was an ode to a new york
that's a reagan picked up his first nationally when beating houston one nothing set reagan struck out nine in a complete game three letter that's twenty one straight scoreless innings percent rate in anbar schiller was no happy there last night is to be shut down by texas again five one jose guzman had a no hitter into the seventh it up with his own home run of the year that was the lone highlight the north also tonight the fifth game of the nba playoffs is between utah the la clippers has been postponed to the violence and allies rescheduled for saturday afternoon as a double a basketball rules committee is heading the sixth hour rule experiment the babies had used the six thousand it's you know it's five thousand and have gotten and got to know is what activists recapping our top stories tonight new jersey officials urging calm tonight in the aftermath of writing on the streets of los angeles following yesterday's acquittal of four police officers in the rodney king beating case the mayors of some of new jersey's largest cities have expressed outrage over the violence at the same time they raise serious questions about the outcome of the case
and the disappearance of exxon international president sidney resell of mars township remains a mystery authorities say they have no new leads in the case and answers for tonight and i can't manahan from all of us here in india news thank you for being with us will see you tomorrow is new oh no
NJN News
Thursday, April 30, 1992
Producing Organization
New Jersey Network
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New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Duration: 0:30:00
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Chicago: “NJN News; Thursday, April 30, 1992,” 1992-04-30, New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 7, 2025,
MLA: “NJN News; Thursday, April 30, 1992.” 1992-04-30. New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 7, 2025. <>.
APA: NJN News; Thursday, April 30, 1992. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from