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I. Don't believe runoffs Jeanette. Oh you know me at home and I'm going to lie to the dog out of the dung heel a little more subtle something about that event this thing at the gutsy young man I love being on the up isn't that what I want when I see a better model mind set but when I went they're gone now you know that when you get on with that but then little boy I mostly go there while and eat a little so that I have that and don't go into this elegant I look I when you do. I thought.
That's. What. I mean.
Yeah. And in any.
Event All right. Hang it go.
What are you mommy with that moment on I when I see a lot of people the nickel the heating at the Lyceum I love being authentic group or they may see into hit by those on the unio seat the the West New York that argument that that and as you're going to get what he thought a lot of air that he will put on Iraqi air not bought that assumes some a good alibi that isn't important. They have given him a want to pose you see on there. I want to get a closeup. OK say I say it so simple you could up us like a thing as a simple thumb being a singer as we'll be in Bollywood when I get them welcoming you know my ability yes OK I'll be in it in a world of Alice will be yes or no said Dick and I figure
that are new to you. Let's talk about the ghost. I never do you know that I was about but I think I will. Where you know I will but I've got a lot but I mean then I want you but I never gave me that I walk home or go home but I'm going got it going in Dunsborough I hope but I wouldn't go there you can maybe they ignore the law when you go not going to create. More to say NC might that you might go right. WARNER So you have been fair you know gear but it does require it. I mean it is also my go at it and then I'm oh my god I'm going to save the money and I want to sing your target.
When i guess are they going to be. And I thought you were going to Lang Indeed I'm with Justin being you know me. They got nothing on me and I are indeed are you. You know the military Yeah the polygamy I want but I want to help it Commander Mike I mean actually I mean I don't like it I may actually go through but I plan to get the one guy said he with a mattress what the problem would be for us out of that then existed. Then last year they would go to medical much else imports are going to get fed my bed more if the book gets you know to mano a mano but I get it that little mojo that either some of that much what it certainly loathe to say that so you want but I think it might be and I would look at them and not the any one of them saying you know it's I mean you've got something here that's what I mean I know is that you have basically been dumbed down which what they hit you so mean but so
that meant you might almost say you don't know you don't have it until 10:00 p.m. And then when you know damn it I think you know you think it's it's. Live but it's on a like I said I wanted nothing. OK is this sort of thing is it. I guess we were a little up I mean I want to say I don't mean we beings like you want I'm what I am so you more that I'm going to go and what i think im not me. Well that model if they fail you vocal of these features on the Little Father that the boy but in the end the boy my mother should have been leaning on the book with all my life and soul to think with a little doll I hope that they will from
somebody it away and then phone calls either by them bending it to pull them through. If that's your mom. The way they were luck on the hike. OK if they are able to get their little ship where they are going to go look and let me see an OK Velda a demo that I am though if they fight and they are going to say I went back I want to welcome but I want to go software about upcoming I know they want to play young daughter about it. By that I meant a lot that a lamentable bought a book at home with you also my daughter will dominate them with an airline go into the man they have disabled up boy and then well I meant them Blanco you have a sister in law for the new little thing if there were only four of us will feel that I mean that I want to love though I am going to feel like you know Ronald I'm
like I am look that way yes you will be a book about what I want to see what I thought of you and you don't like it and saying you know you're going to be a thing that Mike and I make. You got to know about it and does it just ambient dog OK to go home make a simplistic assessment like us about going to law go there my saying now border X said I'm going to take it that's a black woman and gusty and that I'm being dark lord I guess somewhere that he thus thought of Boris so condemning don't look to he and their monarch being a thing going for today I might that have me your tribe or stock market I may get to put on Medicago and play on the video all the football can go some day. They get on with you see what I think of that I think ought to be able to see what I want just might be a better way I wanted to but maybe the joke I'm aiming at a
thing the more chip okay and the senior citizen because I don't give a letter to the photo and just I lament that it's them being I will but I must said to me yeah but I know that bought their stuff on it but if you remember you list everybody and I bought the stuff instead of them being US them a bus out of your fair how you have a victim being and send your love member of they me so she that did that most will tell you when I got that they got them to people but then they did it. You want to get on and I do you know him and I might be anyone and when you you know what I've got to look at look at where they have been. They had I would have but they were if someone you know if that was done with a mask this so if somebody took us a long way from us and
almost happened in the bay hit book one dollar. So I don't have the voice of the said let's see the. Day at them when you get there but. If you flat out I saw that I want to see that one got going. Oh at the home with people. Mike made me go by being shown up as you'll know when I'm with that I have there. They a lot of things and I guess I gotta add up what it wasn't going to go on when he took a lie that that up well sink went at him at that moment think about it that meant the same BSL that I had good advice I got of course I want any of you and I meant that you know you know that he was the employer but I didn't they yet battling on the moment but then I was what they call me that.
OK being but if you want to get that one proxy was like mental get out more than I thought oh well Menteith. Being on the little bit IMO settles when all segmental Boit the equal and then the load but I bet you see it as a leg and that maybe a leg on the set and I got a gas in my can only get them then we will talk and it's a mingling video. Not the BMI but I don't mind I don't mind when you go but I don't at all am I kidding embattled CEO of what I thought of a local national air in the lobby I mean that up with like you know but I think that I'm saying you know who the flight that's going on while I say it as little as I can YOU KNOW I WANT TO SEE I'M we going to see the ball on my own part of the lily pond. We go.
Word so they wound up out of the way that he might go to this yeah yeah I could get out of them who they don't want their tongue. Well you got a gun. Then we'll complain you're not down don't want to go. Get him a forcing Yoda. Almost certainly not go so wonderful in that out and. Yet I'm weeding done yet and we own body. You're lucky yeah yeah yeah me either I have a better way to not just some but I think that a pony ya dog I'm not gonna mano whole frog on that also. You're almost got babies. Not yet they're not God. You wonder how somebody already on the course us young and I just yelled out to not be gaga didn't throw but might have brought that little gun. So you come on up break you've got lots of gossip call more cool more nick on Tabata more Silencio.
You know movie but ABA only needed to be taught about. You kewl that I bought a nice Harvey are the only country conked over the top one that are getting very lucky mother you already know. Could I last saw him but your Uncle more where days in the ivy to come oh yes I don't mind. Then yes my name gotta get out. You just may know your motor equal under the sun to stand up young enough there enough knew a way to sing you know what our government is Love You know I know it you're screwed up thing little Seattle's respect I got a whole movement but I do not have to wait all year you know what can be vain us just about freeing. I don't know that I was home but I was very young gun
tongue go so long I spit on such thing it is to govern my kitty by what I get what I mean I wasn't sitting on MC duff one will show host of free I meet outta the hole missed this battle. He know no sovereign almost mid yet but I'll bet I'll get out whatever don't nobody but our vocal mon thought oh you know so me but it might just be a day on new oblong. More there in my kit that these were some more. Bring gossip make your buddy get on to Soho cause I go to pony up to that audience no for the own but it's for do get if you get a door you no sabi love you. They don't let us get out more you know. Yeah don't envy you got it obvious
yet of the know the hit in the ego so it is that we thought it was no so yes to single it out without being out of Seward or many who get on go get into his brain. PETER KING SON do you not come with humor and a good ego and I give with the yoke to resettle sing your to rest said I'm going to guess enough to risk their lives. Care to yell more. You just sung going to tickle me. Yet if I can't then the amount of embryonic will not be are being used to pay you when was your just a gun gun and the gun do not in my part of getting a guy give up on me to get on him but I don't OK. Just like you know I feel like you've got your phone already minutes you know
you're going to see animal. You see I'm going to be I'm going to watch that one up by myself but being. That voice. My you then said they. May be the senora you winos meaning I said at the least those bit as they say on the secular society song. I see. That's foodies. The audio No. But I see going out of those five always said this. Missed them out you missed the last florist but I said to
me stick I will see a lot by having that of their own a year store was also Loris. They most often that are the last day of this oil to smother me. They know they'll see a lot but the way the SE also the ending although so far all is well father at the very last year and we hope to police their councils Dorris Sipek also Michael these think those norm but it's only YOU are the dog but I think I recall Stan's yellows all modest lover about that or body so you're wrong. The year a mother to me are both I mean you see only in a stuff where are you really that part of the sweltering LCL over there without saying that they me I will see that you tell me things that are either estoppel at the speed of. Even the say this they are.
It's been a most when your money I'll say from what I list going on when I said Come being one point. No ma'am a lot of them are adding se where the main pain. Yes seconds out all the while but I still get asked by Savak I mean I know maybe still have been. Yeah now I'm bored with that book. Yes separate is when you get out of sync. Just sang the bell but I could have been on the list they didn't know pull out of the three states and been so mean. So really said
Well by the AC get to look at is there yes it is while waiting to you know give up this you have to get bored half way first real rebel and up the same level where young and what. Yes he meant that animals when you got to me and sang chicken I was little boy might get people but also I knew I mean noisy but I wanted to and only more with a little chuckle Cialis. Feel. EK Do you have a skinny Mohammed. Well yeah yeah no that's not a lot going to go
you know I'm sorry Harding. One of the stories so yeah. Let me make sure we do. GET THAT THE LAST can not see it all they've lost it once and they go right your little boy. Yea but. A lot of big brother after I care I am aware of that I'll bear harm us. And so are you already there as I knew it or. Not you know what I will follow.
But I'm not gonna rest song there. Well I don't know is that there are no men these young. It's Alabama Boise of them being that our government will be working in the ACA. One morning they were not up want to thank you but that someone thought of him. Thank you. A lot of bodies not that I almost little yet that any metal that I will be in the game by so I think the point that I've him and wondered whether or not you know.
They all debate that I think. If they all don't gas. Let me know we're going to meet you. That's what they saw in the window say it's late and I just want them to hand those FEMA yet though I think it's pretty cool that it's me. Me Oh no no no. When I called you I thought you were all IP's know so I think. The answer one way. But isn't that what I see what I meant they want why don't you up the ladder. Buddies eat get em all. I keep I mean I'm with a program that might but I think I see out there a lot of the things that you and I can go but I'm going to and I said no he was a minor thing in my hand and I mean it.
Me. The. Big Bang. You know nobody here though voted by the good lord of the he'll outta boredom. Go to that.
615 Senior Citizens
Contributing Organization
New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Series Description
"Imagenes (also Images in English) is a Emmy award-winning show that features documentaries and in-depth conversations with panels of experts, focusing on the lives, history, and culture of Latino communities in New Jersey."
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Jersey Network
Identifier: UC30-703 (NJN ID)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Dub
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “615 Senior Citizens; Images/Imagenes,” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 21, 2024,
MLA: “615 Senior Citizens; Images/Imagenes.” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 21, 2024. <>.
APA: 615 Senior Citizens; Images/Imagenes. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from