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     B-roll gubernatorial candidates Christie Todd Whitman and James McGreevey
    at New Jersey business event
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fb the it's
bleak anyone sneak off by many many many many many nice
bouquet many many many years but niels bohr has been leaks by it is
but it's been unequal if bernie has
been leaked if beak it's been fb
bee is before the police beat i mean you read the poem the peak
to peak oil's be on some other state university they've been replaced by ten point five percent increase in service sector let's also memorable when the unemployment rate drops it triggers a reduction in the event that's right you know there's a very gracious person i look for is debating the governor on the issues that are important to work in new jersey whether it's automobile insurance and the fact that the governor raising interest rates eleven times you talk about that no but we didn't have i try to focus the attitude towards business industry association obviously talking about the economy and asking for a challenge our lifetime learning whether it's out of a kindergarten pre k programs and challenging the business community can work with government particularly an apprenticeship
training well what's a concern is also that the quality of jobs investment in education that in new jersey we can no longer look at education is something that occurs daily between the ages of six and eighteen again the need to focus in on principle they can afford it and also challenging business to work collaboratively with labor with government on a british of training i've been in and analyze pools all over new jersey and us young men young woman what discernible skills they have a remarkable in the unknown workforce and they readily recognize they don't have those skills and again it was a challenge to the business community to help develop the necessary apprenticeship training to develop marketable skills of four young men and women graduating high school i think a number of things is this republican minority
luckily we divert what he stressed the eyes and this is on lifetime learning and education and development background terms of creating jobs in the show the rest of his knowledge on the issue only show that in fact the family this day as governor and a civic secular standing ovation when he gave her the standing ovation as a as a governor as as she would be that's right this is going to be a formidable candidate for reelection and i think it'll be an interesting race well governor
witnessed were going strong economy property taxes being reduced to review on the other hand he's bringing more jobs back to the us state in terms of higher paying jobs as opposed to lower paying jobs right so i'm able to make a point you argue a mars of where we have to offer yes it is dave meyer you are
and i think personally a nazi finally i just found in its economy than you haven't moved you know this because of what the new more time he says and then they are released and my what a politician millions of them sea lion i live in hamilton thought you
know i wasn't that impressed with really either wish i would've rather seen him address more the social issues than economic issues it just sounded like you know your general pre campaign political rhetoric it is the thought that from a business obviously i guess i was a right the approach that they want i guess will see a sleepless in november when something real issues to crystallize you know start to address more the same concerns i guess the taxpayers are her dress and community michael i can only iac going to nail down to kind of invoke you in business turning a stark stark difference from what you
thought and listened very attentively what's been an accident i'm very proud of having to guess thank you i live in
madison take two three two one there'll be more such encounters with was probably the last time they'll walk down the aisle together michael r nj induce west windsor and one more likely there will be more such encounters but this was probably the last time they'll walk down the aisle together michael aaron ncaa news west windsor fb fb
Raw Footage
B-roll gubernatorial candidates Christie Todd Whitman and James McGreevey at New Jersey business event
Producing Organization
New Jersey Network
Contributing Organization
New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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B-roll gubernatorial candidates Christie Todd Whitman and James McGreevey at New Jersey business event.
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Producing Organization: New Jersey Network
AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Jersey Network
Identifier: cpb-aacip-dd02c853e4c (Filename)
Format: Betacam
Generation: A-B rolls
Duration: 0:30:00
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Chicago: “ B-roll gubernatorial candidates Christie Todd Whitman and James McGreevey at New Jersey business event ,” 1997-06-06, New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 24, 2024,
MLA: “ B-roll gubernatorial candidates Christie Todd Whitman and James McGreevey at New Jersey business event .” 1997-06-06. New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 24, 2024. <>.
APA: B-roll gubernatorial candidates Christie Todd Whitman and James McGreevey at New Jersey business event . Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from