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yes taxpayers will foot the bill to settle that sex harassment suit against a republican party chairman chuck i try and protecting your child to more frequent inspections are ahead and daycare centers religion and revenue there are financial troubles for many new jersey churches we began a special series by richard
phillips has created an area for historians will talk about the potential of earth coming up he's mr usa teacher annie know reveals he's like this man decided to come out of the closet stories and health watch on injury and is this thursday july ten teams this is bs the political
body ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha good evening this sexual harassment suit by a one time aide against former assembly speaker chuck i tie and has been dropped but not before new jersey taxpayers shell out a hundred and seventy five thousand dollars in the deal that herbert and her lawyers have agreed to settle their suit against the state of new jersey for a price our state house correspondent jim parker is here now with more on the story jim kent no state government officials are talking about the settlement in the case against the state of new jersey involving the former assembly speaker it all started last
year when beth herbert who since returned to the state assembly clerk's office went on the record with sexual harassment charges against high time fb lists we spoke to legal experts today who speculated that cost the state to defend this case would likely have been about as much as the cost of a settlement now top republican consultant told us of a suit since has been dropped with no admission of wrongdoing on the state or high tide and support this could clear the way for high time to get a top state jobs that may elude him with a cloud of this suit hanging over him now cabinet level job in the administration perhaps are opposed to say the sport's next to his disposition authority that if i would have to get clearance in the senate and kansas have darker than blocking a move like that
obviously we had some technical difficulties jason erin behrens suit has been settled there's no acknowledgement of wrongdoing on the part of the former speaker or the source they combed and so now when i think you can in other news tonight new developments regarding megan's law state officials say a prospective home buyers can't find out whether success vendors live in the neighborhood until after they've closed on the sale of that according to the department of banking insurance the regulations say people who don't currently live in a community are entitled to know under megan's law the nineteen ninety four law requires community notification when a convicted sex offender moves into a neighborhood protecting children is behind in newsday deford at daycare centers such as new jersey prepares to invest millions in childcare human services officials are stepping up enforcement bulletin morden reports the new changes will mean more frequent visits by state inspectors figures in
new jersey had more than doubled since the eighties heyday there are some thirty two hundred childcare facilities in the state licensed every three years while state officials defend their health care policies that makes a new jersey's unfortunate few flights today human services commissioner william walton we've met with many groups and gotten input from groups like association of children new jersey and others and generally in thinking about that chiquita juncture were proliferating job recommending new investments almost agreed with how to look as to how we can maximize our resources the better assure quality under the new policy a safety and facility inspections at the beginning of each two year license renewal period forever why are most like stretch our ratios as a discipline practices of the view that they would receive its pollution another inspection would be done
to me human services officials say twelve years sixteen daycare centers have been forced to shut down for failing to meet state standards while say inspections of daycare centers are critical parents are the key here officials say parents should feel free to make unannounced visits at daycare centers and its problems are notice those concerns should be reported survivors officials in trenton filling the morton when it comes to money churches and synagogues tried their best to keep finances at arm's length so as not to distract from their spiritual mission however congregations across new jersey are being forced to take a more intense interest in the world of finance and budgets as expenses mount contributions often fall short business correspondent dick
for ney is here now with the first of a two part report on the connection between faith and finance so what were the connection than you might imagine and today pastors and rabbis are often called upon to do things that ceo's who normally be doing a few of us think of the church as a business but with changing demographics and culture of congregations are under unprecedented pressure to raise funds for example a survey by nj and business news found that in the newark roman catholic archdiocese alone nearly sixty percent of parishes are in some sort of financial trouble and some are nearly insolvent in part one of our special report faith and finance we show how increasingly religious leaders are having to make tough business life decisions three three eighth to the days of the kindly pastor who had absolute control over the parish purse strings and could be benevolent without
permission or is dated as a black and white movie starring bing crosby as a roman catholic priest st francis church has been a part of trenton says the eighteen hundreds like the city the church has seen many changes once a thriving parish of mostly german immigrants the area is now home to state office buildings and business right now we're the summer season we probably have less two hundred people most on any given sunday the winner in the fall winter will probably churches like st francis are not supposed to make a profit but on the other hand they can't afford to become financial basket case is unable to support their various ministries or keep their places osha people don't like to think of churches business i like to think and spiritual way in addition to the spirit you know we don't just have souls we're bodies and if we don't eat we
die ok same thing applies to institutions the intercity parishes and city purchase or a less able to call and the same is true for inner city churches across new jersey city terrace is increasingly services a small poor immigrant communities in the archdiocese of new york more than half of its churches are in the red with some thirty percent on the financial borderline and another thirty percent in precarious conditions there are a lot of persons in the cities that were ethnic parishes polish national attire national lithuanian and there are no more lithuanians and those populations moved out and there's almost no one to replace them at it's not only roman catholic feeling the financial pinch of the evangelical lutheran church in trenton donations are dow but this century old church needs a facelift for the last several years we have matt current proposed budget for the year
we've been following maybe ten thousand are sure that it does it's not a problem because we've we have other funds the endowment fund that we can fall back on to make up some of the losses eventually if we keep using up some an endowment fund of a little ditty that we are always looking four finalists jewish congregations also find it difficult to make ends meet even being located in an affluent area of new jersey doesn't guarantee that the collection plate runneth over we're not a money making enterprise we just wanna pay our bills have a good staff and educate our children roman catholic churches you saw in our report are far from alone in their struggle with finance involved the diocese of camden and patterson also say their inner city parishes are having financial difficulties tomorrow will show you some of the business methods that are being employed by these institutions to stay afloat financially obviously this is a big challenge the byzantine thank you elsewhere people are
being urged to use caution when in wooded areas the hot dry spell over the past couple of weeks has left many places parched effect campfires and some grills are now abandoned places which young reports from the pine lands were some spots are at their driest levels in within a decade this is the cedar bridge fire tower in lacey township eleven stories off the ground sean morton spent every day here since june twentieth his job detect forest fires but the government says that the suppression of dispatcher and said this is ground forces in a five by five workspace were gorgeous george with keeping watch of an area eight miles in circumference of bastard would expand its now extremely dry i've never seen this strike lower standards that's been about four years since minister the parlance normally about twenty one inches of rain by this time each year this year it's only gotten sixteen inches the result that heals the cover this ground are like match dix
light won the rest go proof fire warden john mcmaster drives his fourth wife work through this area each day last monday he'll played a five acre blaze here lightning is believed to have been the cause that it's really careful this time nearly conditions are right now i wonder by just really think about what they're going around the woods gaza smallest mistake you for the real disaster while the poorest forest service is on heightened to watch their efforts are hampered by georgia limitations or services not had a funding increase in more than five years and with the manpower problems at least one tower in the northern part of the state is now on staff that could leave the forest vulnerable every day goes wrong with no more rain dry and dryer and the winners are biggest problem the wind blow to try to feel that even more things remain right now we need a bet their goal is to avoid a repeat of the massive ninety five plays which scorched more than twenty thousand acres but until this area gets substantial rain it's up to observers like this twenty seven year old from chad's trying keep that from were
challenging a news there's more ahead tonight on mj and his state regulators wrestle over how to dial in the new south jersey area code and why this sixth grade teacher sexuality is causing a star in north jersey will tell you ms bee and new jersey teacher made history last fall by becoming the first mystery usa from the garden state now he's making news again by announcing to the world that
he's gay church to guess press has the story oh mrs jean coppola to compete in the mr usa pageant in los angeles last october contestants from all over the country completed couple says he was surprised he won and mrs jean couple on the cover of next week's the advocate magazine the national magazine for and about gays careful chose the magazine to come out about his sexuality he says he did it because he young gays and lesbians need role models when we have figures massachusetts governor's commission setting that gay lesbian youth are five times more likely to attend to commit suicide and that gay lesbian youth or two times more likely to be drawn out all of the users not just users i think there was a need for me to stand up and say you don't need to do that it can still be happy and healthy individual accept yourself in the magazine cover was portrayed as
american as apple pie and he had no idea how his bosses would react in the fairlawn school district where he teaches sixth grade superintendent the man who hired him was a bit surprised that this is a decision that is very jealous because isis has been signed there any repercussions couples says if he held just one day you stand a little bit taller this potential risks he took by coming out so publicly will of them work that christie gets presented news fairlawn state environmental protection commissioner robert shannon was in washington today to support a new federal clean air regulations the new standards were announced by the us environmental protection agency last month she says the regulations will mean better air quality for the garden state because they cracked down on other less pollution conscious eleven other less pollution conscious state the commissioner says more than half of new jersey's your problems have come from other places
cigar sales have been smoking up eighteen percent over the last year smoking stogies is considered chic these days they're promoted as symbols of affluence but as health and medical correspondent sarah lee kessler reports cigars are dangerous not a safe alternative to cigarettes very portable latrines a little bit of the middle nicholson jeff goldblum danny devito on glamorized on cigar magazine covers even women like supermodel claudia schiffer are roughly two percent of the estimated ten million cigar smokers in this country are women or restaurants the house very expensive parishioners are upset that gets people's minds of the hustle and bustle of the work routine and isn't the chance to allow x is not on it's not safe and some have trouble less radiation oncologist homeowner has treated too many oral cancer is to believe
otherwise would turn killed but it's not like a bullet that doesn't do it overnight but individuals who smokes cigars and their art of sigmund freud her daughter's cancer of the oral cavity so to groucho marx but how dangerous dirty cigarettes cigars smoked of may not inhale smoke cigarettes have the same kinds of problems including cardiovascular disease and lung cancer and individual who smokes cigars on a regular basis as a three or four times greater probability of getting lung cancer and nonsmokers cigarette smokers had nine times the risk but the epa says the carbon monoxide emission of one cigar is thirty times as high as one cigarette and that poses an enormous secondhand smoke risk is not a serious problem the bottom line you're
kidding yourself if you think there's a safe way to use tobacco doctors say they're innocent despite the marketing despite the hype sara lee kessler nj and news up next on nj and he's a look at today's business happen if you live in an area code six a knife has to be in your future and continental starts flying to latin america why has it become such a hot destination before that story coming up next fb so to share memories and fascinating and i've even more decisively veterans have probably never will have the way things are
going with the increasing use of telephones can't the dust is hardly settled on the board of public utilities decision this spring to split the two alwan and nine a waiting area codes nevertheless the board the day held its final hearing and whether the six or nine area code should also be carved up as in the case of northern and central new jersey many south jersey communities would be split into two different area goes without regard to municipal boundaries are forty columns would be affected catching on the popularity of his new work the latin american roots continental airlines a lawn service to brazil's two largest cities we were the only serve one more churches which is from newark and a we have numerous obviously your mind and have a bus service director port around here and as well at a certain mosque in the main people who have either the west side of manhattan or all of new jersey for the airline with the most flights at newark the new jersey latin american roots have been a bonanza tremendously growing market obviously it's a growing faster i think there is more to the world except a
southeast asian markets work there were well situated and you've got no fly nonstop from the work itself paul and continue under rio de janeiro until august thirty first one it'll fly nonstop to build cities wall street recovered about a third of what it lost yesterday the dow jones industrial average rose forty four and three quarters to date naked forty four in a third today to close the head the day at the twenty fifteen level here for the seventy six level the amex composite rose just over two thirds of a point the nasdaq composite was up for a certain standard and poor's five hundred rose six and a quarter in the bond market the thirty year treasury bond fallible one thirty seconds in price to yield six point five six percent for i think there's still ahead for us a check of the forecast coming out then carries her with a look at what they had and abc teaches
has been a no it's been so just in north jersey looking for that that it's like a big carnival the feeding frenzy this week marked the beginning of college basketball recruiting and most coaches later stop this week at fairleigh dickinson and hackensack because that's where two hundred forty of the best high school players in the country are showing off what they can do and what's called abc decamped also include academics inmates recruiting a little easier for new
jersey coaches like prince's bill carmody who has a big wish list to seize underwater because it's a veritable who's who coaches from around the country the ability to offer a full athletic scholarships ivy league voters like arlene had a bit of a disadvantage that's just the way it is you know and then there's things that for instance a leg up for the full scholarship and that's why we're delighted that students who as you said the camp ends today but it's on to the next stop for the coaches who will log a lot of miles of the next few days in a league baseball the trenton thunder is at reading tonight show is one of the candidates last fourteen games and is now two games behind first place harrisburg in the southern division of easterly elsewhere usually cardinals are at home tonight with orbach
baseball to look forward to for thunder player no more aggressive parents and neil starting to dry jerry jerry the day makes today sunshine unpleasant conditions currently certainly contrasted with yesterday's vicious thunderstorms we saw a little later on in the day temperatures got into the eighties today plenty of good fishing weather along the shores of seabright in monmouth county these fishermen were trying their luck is that paulson passers by along the senate looked on as far as our ozone levels go for today we had moderate readings recorded in central and southern new jersey the rest of the state and good conditions tomorrow expand expect coviello are moderate levels forecast for most of new jersey and here's a look at the forecast in north jersey tonight will have clear skies with lowe's in the upper fifties tomorrow lots of sunshine with pies in the eighties in south jersey tonight clear with lowe's
in the fifties wonderful slipping weather tomorrow plenty of sunshine highs in the mid eighties and that's our news for tonight i cared about a hand for decades you're you know all of us here today is thank you for being with us to see that here again tomorrow night's stay that's because the paintings because beaks but with his book it
is both fb
NJN News
Thursday July 10, 1997 6:00 p.m.
Producing Organization
New Jersey Network
Contributing Organization
New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Chicago: “NJN News; Thursday July 10, 1997 6:00 p.m.,” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 22, 2024,
MLA: “NJN News; Thursday July 10, 1997 6:00 p.m..” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 22, 2024. <>.
APA: NJN News; Thursday July 10, 1997 6:00 p.m.. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from