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Good evening. I'm cat man to hand Welcome to our primary night election coverage. Congresswoman Millicent Fenwick and challenger Jeffrey Bell are locked into a tight race tonight for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate. On the Democratic side three candidates have emerged as the leader in the nine way race. Those competing for the nomination for the Senate in that seat they are businessman Frank Lautenberg former Congressman Joe LaFountain and Andrew McGuire Mercer County freeholder Barbara Sigmon the only woman in the Democratic field is trailing and she appears to be falling out of the contention in key congressional primaries former state president Senate President Joseph of Trenton seems to be headed for a clear victory over Burlington businessman Craig Yates. With more than half of the vote counted there in the Republican 12th district Congressman Jim quarter holds a commanding 2 to 1 lead over Romney Freeling highs in the Morris County freeholder who wants to be on the move to Washington and in the Republican Senate race two networks have predicted. Mrs. Fenwick to be the winner by a narrow margin so far the actual votes that are totaled have indicated a seesaw battle with neither candidate neither Bell or Fenwick able to
muster a lead of more than a couple of percentage points so far this evening. Well as we said just a few moments ago after the polls closed the view NBC and ABC in New York predicted that Millicent Fenwick was the winner in today's Republican Senate primary over Jeff Bell. We have some numbers on the race so far and let's take a look at them with 43 percent of the polling places now reporting in Fenwick is leading bell by about 4000 votes Fenwick with seventy thousand one hundred and fifty five votes Jeff was sixty six thousand and 19 votes. There are nine Democratic contenders in the Senate primary and NBC and ABC have made a call in that race also Frank Lautenberg chairman of the board of Automatic Data Processing is declared the winner by those network stations and here are the latest numbers that we have in that race. Let's take a look at them. With 29 percent of the districts reporting in and Maguire with twenty nine thousand eight hundred ninety five votes.
Joseph Lafont a of Hudson County twenty nine thousand five eighty nine. Frank Lautenberg chairman of the board of Automatic Data Processing in so far declared the winner by two New York stations this evening twenty six thousand eight seventy three. And those are the numbers that we have so far. The mood at Mileson Fenwick's headquarters right now is one of cautious optimism even though there hasn't been a wind projected while the situation in the Belle camp is one of not giving up the ship yet. Sandy King has reaction from both headquarters and a look at how the races took shape during the campaign. Sandy can from early on it was clear tonight that family did have a narrow lead that Bill's strategy of calling out the conservative faithful may not have worked well enough but 12 minutes after 8:00 NBC had called the race for Fenway. And while Bell's people said they weren't giving up at Fenwick headquarters and Bernard Hill it was cause for optimism. Although they weren't ready to call it yet. Fenwick press secretary Jon
Fuz. I'm encouraged but I think we have to wait until we get some numbers here. It's a very good sign but I'd like to see some hard numbers something we can deal with. In both camps eyes were on the big counties Essex Berg and Maurice counties Bell had seventy eight when he toppled the longtime incumbent Clifford Case. But at Bell headquarters in Westfield just a half hour after the polls close there was already fear that this time things may not have gone so well. We really have no way of judging. By the numbers that we've seen anything everything I have seen in this network's been there. Question was whether the campaign can get voters some.
Republican voters going to the polls today found themselves confronting a clear choice. For one thing they had only two candidates to choose from and neither the candidates nor their issues were hard to distinguish the two are a study in contrasts in everything from age to Outlook. But this was more than a personality contest. The famous Fenwick charm surely helped her at the polls today. But this campaign was fought on different ground. Bill the clear conservative the Reagan disciple who preached supply side economics praised the president's policies and tried to paint his opponent as an anti Reagan liberal rejected the label cited her record of voting with the president 63 percent of the time. But it was the rest of the time that mattered to bail one big split was on interest rates. Fenwick blamed a big deficit bill blamed the Federal Reserve and his new right stance continued on the other issues abortion a return to the gold standard
defense spending public private schools prayer in public schools. He used an expensive TV campaign to target his opponents positions on those issues. She countered with a media blitz of her own. And although she spent less money it may have worked. Fenwick had denied that this election would be a referendum on the president. Bell had stopped short of referendum but said a big vote for him would be good news for the White House. And tonight it seems that the Reagan administration may not have gotten that kind of good news. But it may have gotten is a Republican candidate who can win in November. Thank you Sandy. And our political analogy at all is John McLaughlin is here with us. John where do you think things are going at this point. Well with all due respect to Roger Strong of the campaign who really is probably the best strategist in Republican primaries in the country I think Mrs. family's going to win it for a couple reasons. The we haven't got the vote totals yet from our Somerset County so those but we do have shows Mrs. Fenwick beating Bill
there by a 5 to 3 ratio that's family territory that's going to build up as inlike goes on so I think she's going to win this one. Well so Jeff they'll carry Union County four years ago against Senator Casey didn't carry it tonight standing with Morris County. He's not going to carry that county so she's probably going to win it by what the networks projected by a couple of points that you mentioned the two counties Morris and Somerset. These are Millicent Fenwick Scott yesterday numbers in on those areas. Anything that you can see his point they are trailing most of the other counties are reporting but with the returns we do have show her winning by 5 to 3 ratio. If she does when the truth is that Jeff Bell will have lost to a very popular well-known opponent then and that seems to be the sort of lucky travels that he ran against Bill Bradley in the journal four years ago. I don't think there's another Republican in the state who could have beat Jeff Bell tonight outside of most if only so her charm has worked. But has this been a vote on Reaganomics I don't you know I don't know I don't think so. It's just too close for that. And
besides which is found within the last days a campaign made it very clear are trying to make it clear that she's a staunch supporter of the president as Mr. Bell is. All right John thank you and we'll be back with more analysis from you in just a moment we're going to take a look now at some more results on the Democratic Senate candidates and how they're fairing so far at this point in the returns. Let's take a look at the top contenders right now. And Emma Grier. With forty six percent of the polling places reporting in fifty one thousand four hundred eighteen votes. Joseph Lafont day of Hudson County thirty eight thousand five hundred twenty votes. Frank Lautenberg right now declared the front runner. Forty two thousand seven hundred seventy five votes and Barbara Sigmon twenty thousand four hundred and ninety six votes. OK and as might be expected now we have some more votes so we're going to take a look at Howard Rosen All right
no I'm told we don't have any numbers in on that but we might tell you that as expected the mood of Frank Lautenberg headquarters this evening is one of jubilation yet we hear that it's still tempered because and McGuire is still running close and none of the other candidates have yet given up the ship. Reshape is here with the reports he's going to take a look at where and how Mr. Lautenberg separated himself from the pack to probably win this race if indeed these predictions are right. Thanks can't. Early returns out of Hudson County weighted the race in favor of Hudson County machineries candidate Joseph Lafont. But as Ken mentioned if network predictions are accurate Lafont it will not maintain his strength outside his home base. A closer look at the Hudson County returns indicate Lafont is far from a solid endorsement. As we we see that Frank Lautenberg has collected 5000 votes in that area. Lautenberg is initial support came in from Hudson Middlesex Bergen and other areas up north. These are areas he had targeted during his campaign.
Lautenberg set the pace for the Democratic primary when he took to the airways early in the year with a heavy schedule of television ads. He stressed economic issues and his success in making his company Automatic Data Processing a leader in the international market. He spent about half of the money that was spent overall in the campaign for a million dollars Lautenberg spent about half of it he use one million dollars to take his message to the voters through the television. He had no conventional constituent base from which to draw on you was virtually unknown to New Jersey voters prior to this race even though he was an active fundraiser and a major contributor to other key Democratic races in the state. Lautenberg was criticized early in the campaign by his competitors because of his privately financed bid. Lautenberg dismissed the charting and said he couldn't think of a better investment than to invest in him self. Apparently his investment is paying off and his campaign workers are waiting out their returns at the Ramada Inn in Clifton. And they are jubilant.
By a tribute to his dear friend themselves. Spoken directly to the issue that most people would concern about and that's the economy. The campaign slogan can be some sexy little turn of phrase in our campaign campaign. It's been the economy is the issue because that's exactly how people feel. Andrew McGuire who carried an impressive list of endorsements from special interest groups is doing well in his home territory of Bergen County. McGuire formerly served this area for six years in Congress and he wants to go back McGuire chipped in to Hudson County and he's making dents in the same areas where Lautenberg is drawing his strength. For that reason McGuire's campaign is not by any means throwing in the towel tonight. Mm. Hmm. We would not claim victory based on a projection nor will we concede on that basis we want to see
what the numbers are. And. So far as far as I know only 1 percent of the vote has been actually counted. So we're going to be taking a close look at the numbers. Last minute use of Congressman Jim Florio name is him in his commercials does not seem to be working its magic in the southern counties as we have a sound bite from his hand campaign headquarters. We'll have that later. We were pleased that the organization of Mr. Morial backed us that a lot of his leading supporters were with us and that they helped us in the south where we're waiting for the returns to see how well they did. Barbara Sigmon as expected carried her home area Mercer County. However she is doing very poorly elsewhere in the state even with the endorsement from the powerful Newark Star Ledger Barbour segment was barely breaking 1000 votes in Essex County. The other five
Democrats in the crowded field are no threat at all to the top vote getter. Frank Lautenberg I. Can't thank you Rita. John does it appear that the trend will continue once all the votes are counted. Well if the mood is Lautenberg headquarters is one of course is optimism they have reason to feel that way I mean Mr. McGuire now legal action by 10000 votes would have the votes counted McGuire's problem it seems to me is that almost all of the voters in from Bergen County and he really ran gangbusters in Bergen County one the county for two and a half to one. What we're probably going to see through the rest of the night. Is McGuire's Lee. Shrivel as Lautenberg comes on what Lautenberg is doing really is running not first in most places but he's running second everywhere. And he did very well in his hometown of Bergen did as well as he expected in his home county of Hudson Mississippi did very well in her home county of Mercer's with farming. Lautenberg really doesn't have a home county. What he does have is the right name recognition and it's really paying off in South Jersey because he
advertise very heavily on thought of the television the money pretty well there. Did the two million dollars spent by Lautenberg win the race for him if he weren't sure it did. What about the party. Did they give up on this vote on this race. Putting in nine contenders originally 10 we had Donald chrysotile a former mayor of Morristown who dropped out a couple weeks before the end of the primary. They only they back two candidates in this race why not come on strong for one candidate and put one strong candidate up against a Republican Well I think they would have liked to do that if the problem was the one strong candidate that they wanted to put up who was Congressman Florio didn't want to run. OK John will be back with more analysis. And let's move on to the contested races in 10 of the state's 14 congressional districts. Reporter Dan Hodson is here to tell us the latest in some of the key races. Dan. The state's controversial redistricting plan has made a number of incumbent Republican representatives have had either to move one has had to drop out. But most incumbents that are still running will have victories and I'd only three are even opposed.
Still there are some hotly contested battles right at the top of the Democratic primary in the fourth district race based primarily in Mercer. Burlington counties with portions of Camden Middlesex and Monmouth Counties. Joseph a 14 year veteran of the state Senate is leaving right now with eleven thousand one hundred thirty three votes to Challenger Craig Yates who has six thousand five hundred two votes that's a 54 percent counted. Almost doubling its votes but more Leno's bases Mercer County and so far most of the votes have come from their aides had hoped to carry more of Mercer but his strength is Burlington County and much of that still has to be reported. It doesn't look good for him. Yates isn't a millionaire industrialist and this was one of the most expensive races in the state. Much of it went to television commercials. Here's one of Leno's at least at last count Maher Leno had raised one hundred twelve thousand dollars including a personal loan for 20000. He also had endorsements from several labor unions and local officials in both Mercer and Burlington counties. Yates had a war chest of over one hundred twenty thousand dollars almost all of it out of his own pocket. It was his first attempt for a elective office and so far it doesn't look like that has
been a successful investment. Here's another hard fought contest Also tonight in the Republican primary in the 12th District which includes parts of seven counties in the north central part of the state. Morris County freeholder Rodney Freeling highs and is challenging incumbent James quarter with 35 percent of the vote counted quarter is leading with eight thousand eight hundred thirty two to forty five hundred thirty four quarter had lost much of his Republican support when the districts were rewritten. But he received endorsements from both Governor Kaine and President Reagan that appears to have helped in Morris County Freeling highs and his base he is still trailing so it doesn't look very good for him. He's also created a bit of a stir with some campaign literature that came out just last week that inferred that Millicent Fenwick had endorsed him. In fact she hadn't and she issued a statement to that effect a few days later. He's been campaigning for months. But it doesn't appear to have done much good for him. And finally the Democratic primary in the 11th District has also been much talked about but the early results give incumbent Joseph many's a big lead. He has seventy seven hundred eighty two votes to Challenger Fred asked Frank Gaskins Twenty three hundred thirty seven that's
with 30 percent of the vote in that district includes parts of Bergen Hudson Morris and Passaic counties one of the only irregularities in today's voting involved two polling booths where Aston's name have been left off the ballot. Apparently some 130 votes were cast before the problem was noticed. Ask him says he may consider a court order they're meaningful if they make a difference. Boys will move to set the election aside if you know it doesn't matter 20 votes would make a difference and you know forgot me. So at this point can't it appears that asking is trailing badly and a court order probably won't be necessary in that race. All right thank you very much Dan. We're going to take a look at our latest numbers in those contested congressional races. We'll run through them district by district starting first with District 1. All right this district includes parts of Camden and Gloucester County. The race here is a GOP contest between John Durham eazy of Blackwood and Scott Seibert of Woodbury. And right now with 29 percent of the districts reporting in
out in front with two thousand sixty nine votes sideboard with a thousand Seibert with a thousand four hundred and twenty six votes. No contest is being held in district two. The incumbents there will be running in November and John Mahoney the Republican will oppose him. District 3 which includes parts of Monmouth Ocean and Middlesex Counties the GOP contest is the thing to look at here Marie Mueller of Marlborough and Assemblywoman is taking on Richard Feingold of Holmdel he's an optometrist with 15 percent of the districts now reporting in Mueller out ahead by quite a bit 4900 to vote Feingold with five five hundred thirty seven votes. There's a big battle underway in District 4 which includes parts of Mercer Burlington Camden Middlesex and mamas counties and here former state Senate president Joe Merlino and Craig Yates are battling it out but right now really no is well out in front. With 81 percent of the district places reporting in really now with fourteen thousand six hundred fifty two votes eleven thousand
five hundred fifty eight for Yates and they'll face incumbent Chris Smith who the winner of that race will face incumbents Chris Smith in the November election moving on to District 5 which includes parts of Bergen hundred in Mercer Morris Sussex County contested races in both parties in the district. And we'll take a look first at the Republicans I believe. The incumbent from Ridgewood. And she was elected in 1980 we have no picture of her opponent John Scott will have to walk 0. And right now with 25 percent of the districts reporting in Iraq I'm a well out of a thousand twenty to one thousand two eighty seven for a scholar. Moving over to the Democratic race Fred cameras Hopewell lawyer and Ray Robinson of Columbia. And with 70 percent of the districts reporting in Rawlinson out in front with just a slim lead eleven thousand one forty two cameras. Ten thousand two hundred forty nine. There are no contests in the sixth seventh and eighth districts
and will move on to the ninth which includes part of Bergen County the contested races in both parties going on here let's take a look at the Republicans first incumbent congressman Harold Hollenbeck of East Rutherford being challenged by A.M. Barnard of wood cliff lake right now 35 percent of the polling places reporting in and haul him back out in front by a slim margin five thousand nine hundred sixty seven against five thousand eighty three for Bernard moving over to the Democratic side Robert Torricelli a lawyer from New Milford and former aide to Governor Brendan Byrne and he is the head of Jacqueline Stovall who is a member of the Democratic Party there the Democratic Party organization they are 25 percent of the polling places reporting in its double trailing 7000 to 59 for Torricelli five thousand seven hundred twelve. In District 10 there is a Democratic contest going on here. The district includes parts of Essex Union and Hudson counties. And here incumbent Peter Rodino elected to Congress in 1949 is being challenged by Alan
Bowzer who's making his first run for office trailing far behind. Forty nine percent of the polling places reporting in Rodina with twelve thousand seventy four. Seven hundred forty two votes. Then the big fight going on in the 11th District which includes parts of Bergen Essex Hutson Morris and Passaic counties and their Democrat Joseph Minissha the incumbent from West Orange elected in 1900 to being challenged by Frank asking a Rutgers Law Professor and just a small percentage of the polling places reporting in their minutes out in front with fourteen hundred twenty eight asking with two hundred and ninety one votes and moving on to the Republican contest in that district Reddington and Robert Davie. Excuse me friend and Francis Bell were going to take a look at the results on Bell and Reddington with 10 percent of the districts reporting in the polling places reporting in Reddington out in front by 97 and 85. OK and the big contest in District 12 probably the Congressional
District which has attracted the most attention between Jim quarter and Rodney Freeling High's in this district includes parts of a 600 in Mar Somerset Sussex Union in Warren County. Forty four percent of the polling places reporting in court are out in front with a goodly 13000 1 0 8 and feeling highs in six thousand nine hundred nine. The winner in that race will come up against Jeff Connor a lawyer from old Wick who is running unopposed in this primary race on the Democratic side. And taking a look at District 13 parts of Burlington Ocean Monmouth. And Camden counties there are no candidates in the Democratic race but there's a three way Republican race underway. Edwin Forsyth the incumbent there from Morristown elected in 1970. Donald King and Richard Amber. We have reports on Forsyth and Amber with 15 percent of the polling places reporting in Forsyth Well out in front three thousand three hundred and twenty nine votes Amber 2 0 9. And the last
district to report on District 14 which include parts of Bergen County and here Frank why we need the incumbent is running unopposed in the Democratic race. And over looking and looking at the Republican contest We'll take a look at Charles Krieger and William link. And I missed those numbers for you we'll get back to them in a little bit. Now let's take a complete look at the rundown and John your analysis of the situation so far as I've just given it what it looks like Order has won well over Freeling highs in truth. That's true. And it gives you the opportunity to report the one election we turn now to looking forward to what might come from really highs in township in Warren County in Amherst a quarter Mr. feeling I was in by a vote of 111 to 12. So it just goes to show you it doesn't do you any good. Even if a town is named after you if you're not going to win. We were going to 57 percent of the returns and now Mrs. Fenwick is really pulling ahead by 10000 votes. Lautenberg with the same 57 percent is down by only 4000
now so I'd like you to believe Frank Lautenberg is going to want to you want to go back and talk a little bit about these congressional races not running. Jim quarter had President Reagan's backing did that. Did that do it for him and Governor Kaine's the only the only Republican in in the state who have both candidates both people backing him here well obviously didn't hurt and the fact that he wasn't an incumbent congressman didn't hurt him either. And actually Mr. feeling arising. As a freeholder represented about 26 percent of the voters in that congressional district and under the old congressional district. That Mr. quarter from two years ago he represented about 26 question Should should Craig Gates have jumped into the race in territory that district was carved out for generally what did he do there. He should not have jumped in unless he was prepared to spend about a half a million dollars which he did. OK thank you very much John. And our. Essex County executive Peter Shapiro has declared himself the victor in his race for
renomination with 10 out of 22 districts reporting. SHAPIRO leads his two opponents East Orange Mayor Thomas Cook and former Assemblyman Routh could buy more than a 2 to 1 margin. Shapiro will face Republican James Troy in November. And we're going to take a look at the London mayor's race. Do we have those results coming up. OK I'm told that Mayor Gregg area has narrowly won a fifth term in that race and we may get some numbers for you in just a few minutes. An official tallies are not of yet available at this time but it does appear that. All right I do have that I do have those numbers that he may or John Gregorio will be reelected the 55 year old mayor is under indictment and awaiting trial he's charged with having hidden interest in to go go bars and laying lying about that money which he received from those bars this is his third indictment in 16 years that he's been mayor for. He was cleared previously in the OK and we'll take a look at some late results. I'm told I do not have them
but. All right we're going to go now. We'll go to John now who has some final thoughts on this entire race Republicans Democrats congressional districts. John what are your thoughts. I can't get to Piers is that Mrs. Fenwick is going to win this by three or four percentage points which is pretty close. But it seems to me that just felt was a lot closer to the conservative Republican voters in this approach. And this is family is this is family. Was better known however. If this is family is going to win I think basically because Republicans see her as a stronger candidate in November. You gotta remember now that the Republicans run the White House and they also run the state house. They've been out of power in the judging for a long long time and are finally seeing some. Patron has come their way. They want to hold onto it. My guess is that if Tom Kane had lost a gubernatorial election last year the Jim Florio Jeff would be the Republican nominee tonight. Now for the Democrats. For fellow Frank Lautenberg if he wins he's going to win for two basic reasons first of all he had more money than anybody else and was going to spend it. And secondly it's because the strongest Democratic candidate Jim
Florio didn't run. Why didn't he run. He didn't run because he correctly forecast in his own mind that most of it was going to win the Republican nomination tonight. She was going to be too tough for him to be he thought and he didn't want to risk his congressional seat. Let's take a look at the Democrats. What are your thoughts going on there in the congressional districts. Any final conclusions there we talked about the big race that it was only one bill. There was only one major Democratic contest that was German Leno versus Craig H in the fourth district. Mr. Rich the constable with the county runs especially when a fairly low in Burlington. He won that county by the by ratio of about two to one. However Mr Merlino won Mercer County by ratio with free one and Burlington County represents only 40 percent of the districts on the matter HOW well Craig did. In promoting County wasn't enough to pull it off. OK John thank you I was slightly distracted because I was being handed our latest numbers which we weren't sure that we had but we do with 71 percent of the districts now
reporting in Frank Lautenberg out in front with seventy one thousand nine hundred twenty seven votes. I quickly run these down for you Joseph Lafont a of Hudson County sixty eight thousand four hundred votes Andy McGuire just about 70000 votes Barbara Sigmon the Mercer County freeholder 34000 votes Angelot 11000 will run through these quickly forced forty four hundred Richard McAleer of Monmouth County sixty three hundred Howard Rosen the attorney from Newark 18000 288 and cyan readily Yanna reli the Passaic County freeholder 53 33. At this point. OK and we'll have an update report at 11 o'clock on primary election 82 when a full report on the latest returns beginning at 11:30 tonight on New Jersey network. John McLaughlin and the rest of the election news team will be back at that time I'm cannot Ahan. Good night. I am. Sorry.
10:00 News Show (Election night)
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New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Chicago: “10:00 News Show (Election night),” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed December 21, 2024,
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