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My last reply you'll get out. The 1000 second meeting of the special committee is called to order it on previous reaching the distinguish it was in Tsukuba indicated the wish to put a question to the representative of the Puerto Rican Bar Association. Accordingly I invite the Pazuzu will combine decision to take a place at the community table and best of all selling selling as we can represent in this country.
That's Will for 13 years. I mean the United Nations about eight years. He is the president of the Haitian community. That recently approved a resolution concerning Puerto Rico. Matho Salim is also being considered as president of. The General Assembly by many nations in the Third World. On December 1960 the General Assembly approved resolution 15 14 15. But then known as the declaration for the granting of the benefits to your country than we thought. This is the resolution that we are the committee that you know we signed. Can you tell us what the purpose of that resolution. Well this declaration. Was FIDGEN document. In terms. Of promoting the struggle of the people of the colonial peoples. Precisely combination independence. To for.
Of course the talk of the United Nations does organize the rights of people to self-determination. This document. Was historic in the sense that. For the first time it came out in a more concrete way. I think the colonial powers to seize their colonial. Possessions. I. For support of the colonial peoples to the right to independence. And above all. Making it very clear that all countries and all nations and all peoples irrespective of their size is respective of the geographical locations. Irrespective of their economic circumstances have a right to self-determination and independence. And that everything must be done to promote that right. What is then the role of the committee that you decide within that framework. Well as you say the committee opened before that commission is coming from decolonisation. Was set up as a watchdog committee. To for the implementation of the declaration itself. In fact the mehm the name of the
committee itself. Is the committee for the implementation of the Declaration on the colonization. Essentially the work of the committee is to mobilize and commissioning public opinion. In support of the rights of people to self-determination. To provide a platform for the colonial peoples. To be able to hear it to listen to their cases and support their cases. To provide meaningful dialogue between the committee. Can the United Nations and administering powers of the various territories so that through this dialogue. And through necessary. Measures whereby it is necessary. To be able to promote the struggle of the peoples if examination. As far as possible the committee attempts. To promote a dialogue with administering colouring. And benefiting part of the colonial powers. And also to satisfy themselves that the people of the territories. Are. Sufficiently educated. Of their rights. And also of the facilities and the challenges
that lie beyond. On the assumption of the right of self-determination. So the committee even before has really in a nutshell been the most important supplementary factor. In the rights of people of a nation. I said that because it's important to stress. That the United Nations because this committee is not a committee was the colonizes people. Because Annihilation is a process which can only be undertaken by the people themselves. Only the people of giving Tater's can fight for their freedom and struggle for their independence. But the committee's role is important and is crucial in terms of supplementing that role. So you cannot buy regluing intervening the colonisation of everybody. So as you mention is of. Public opinion kind of committee to raise that consciousness not we can intervene but the intervention. Of a different nature is not really intervention. In other words. Member states of the United Nations. Who are also administering powers who are and power. Have certain
obligations. Under the title of the United Nations. Are. Some member states of the nation have a responsibility to carry on the decisions of the nation. Now one of the decisions one of the far reaching decisions that have been mentioned is the decolonisation of colonial countries and the communities Rozum d'etat is. To promote that the coalition forces. So to the extent that we have a catalyst because. We intervene in different colonial situations to hurt the decolonisation process. But we are not a substitute. For the people's effort. You can and I can cite to a number of examples where the committee has played an important role. Take for example the case of the Portuguese colonies. Envoy to Mozambique Guinea-Bissau and kiboshed and south from it. These are all. Colonial. Colonial dominated countries. In Africa which were under the Portuguese administration. Threw out the struggle for independence. The special coming from before has been in the forefront in supporting the struggle in providing facilities to the liberation
movements to appear before the international community. In power in mobilizing assistance through the specialized agencies. To go to the liberation movements. In rallying international public opinion in support of the struggle. Now these were the major crony institutions. At this point in time or so the special committee even before is also involved with the situation in Libya. With the situation in Namibia. But there are smaller classes. The smaller territories. Take for example the case of the Kamar Island. A. Komodo islands. It was. Not in the least to to this Tuesday night the special committee was considering. But subsequently there was a recommendation. And the special committee to consider the question of the Camorra. And actively supported and championed the right of the Kommandos to self-determination independence. Intimately leading to that country's independence. Then there had been other countries six years. And many other colonial situations. But I wanted to stress. The role is important. And it does not matter the size of the country.
Obviously the lack of the size the more complex the problem. So the current situation in Southern Africa are more complicated than either of it. But the right of people. Wherever they may be. However small that territory kit and they may be isolated maybe. Is universal. And must be universally respected. The committee approved the resolution in September 78 reaffirming the right of of Puerto Rican people to self-determination and dependence. In further affirms in Article 3 that some determination by the Puerto Rican people in the democratic process should be exercised through mechanisms freely selected by the Puerto Rican people in complete sovereignty which establish the complete transfer of world powers to the people of the territory. And that all the termination concerning status should have a pool of the Puerto Rican people. Does this mean that everything must be commanding the bend may nation before it even self-determination. No.
No. What it means is the. Resolution. Does. Is actually found previous positions of the United Nations in respect for either colonial situations. What it really says is that. For the. The people of Puerto Rico in this particular context they have an equal right to self-determination and independence. And for this right to be exercised there must be a transfer of power. From the Metropolitan power. In this case and for the purpose of the resolution the United States to the people of Puerto Rico. What they do after this transfer of power has been effected. Is it better for the Puerto. If at that stage they opt not to be independent. If they opt to do something as if they ought to be a member of the and associated state of the United States. That will be the business of the Puerto Ricans. But I think behind the most significant point of this resolution. And I know a number of interpretations have been given and I'm not about to give any additional interpretation. But I think the significant thing about this resolution.
Is that one it is in no uncertain terms. The right of the people of Puerto Rico to ship their own destiny. But it also ensures that this right. Not only easy exercise it but it appears to have been genuinely exercised without any harassment without any intimidation without fear and freely done so. And secondly I think the significant thing about this resolution also. In the past. The special committee has been adopting resolution of respect to Puerto Rico. Simply following the right of people of Puerto Rico to self-determination and independence. But this time the committee has gone further than that. It has also provided the possibility. That in addition to independence besides independence the people of Puerto Rico could also. Exercise another option that is in this case the option of being an associated member of the United States if they so desire. Now. The. The politics of this. What's the significance of this is that. For the first time I think to be coming from before has adopted a resolution. Which cannot be lived
to be only supported by a tiny minority of the people of Puerto Rico. Take for example the case of the Portuguese colonies. Of Mozambique Guinea-Bissau and Kabbadi and south treatment. These are all. Colonial. Colonial dominated countries. In Africa which were under the Portuguese administration. Threw out the struggle for independence. The special coming to the D4 has been in the forefront. In supporting the struggle in providing facilities to the liberation movements to appear before the international community. In mobilizing assistance through the specialized agencies to go to the liberation movement. In rallying international public opinion in support of the struggle. Now these were the medical institutions. At this point in time also the special committee even before is also involved with the situation in Libya with the situation in Namibia. But there are smaller cases. They are smaller. Take for example the case of the island. Of. Komodo islands. Which was.
Not in the least double take to the streets the night had this fishing community was considering. But subsequent to that was a recommendation. And the special committee to consider the question of the Camorra and actively supported and championed the right of the commando's self-determination independence. Intimately leading to that country's independence. Then there had been other countries seizures and many other colonial situations. But I wanted to stress. Israel is important. And it does not matter the size of the country. Obviously the lack of the size the more complex the problem. So the current situation in Southern Africa are more complicated than either of these situations. But the right of people. Wherever they may be. However small that territory how Kitten they may be how isolated that may be. Is universal. And must be universally respected. The committee approved the resolution on September 78 reaffirming the right of a border or even people to self-determination and independence. In further affirms in Article 3 that self-determination by the Puerto Rican people
in a democratic process. Should be exercised through mechanisms freely selected by the Puerto Rican people in complete sovereignty which establish the complete transfer of world powers to the people of the territory. And that all the termination concerning status should have a pool over the Puerto Rican people. Does this mean that everything must become an independent. Nation before it's even self-determination. No. No. What it means the. What the resolution. Does. Is actually put some previous positions of the United Nations in respect to the colonial situation. What Israel is saying is that. For the. The people of Puerto Rico in this particular context have an equal right to self-determination. And independence. And for this right to be exercised there must be a transfer of power from the Metropolitan power. In this case for the purpose of the resolution the United States to the
people of Puerto Rico. What do they do after this transfer of power has been effected. Is it better for Puerto Rico. If at that stage they are not to be independent. If they are to do something as if they are to be a member. State of the United States. That will be the business of the recovery. But I think behind the most significant point of this resolution. And I know a number of interpretations have been given and I'm not about to give any additional interpretation. I think the significant thing about this resolution. Is that one eats farms in no uncertain terms. The right of the people of Puerto Rico to share their own destiny. But it also ensures that this right not only is exercised but it appears to have been genuinely exercised without any harassment without any intimidation without fear and freely done so. And secondly I think the significant thing about this is a lesson also. In the past. The special committee has been adopting a resolution of respect to Puerto Rico. Simply affirming the right of people of Puerto Rico
domination of independence. But this time the committee has gone farther than that. It has also provided the possibility. That in addition to independence of Besides independence the people of Puerto Rico could also. Exercise another option but he's in this case the option of being an associated member of the United States if they so desire. Now. The. The politics of the significance of this is that. For the first time I think because be coming from before his adopted it is a mission. Which cannot be lived to be only supported by a tiny minority. Of the people of Puerto Rico. I think the case has been made and I have been dealing with this problem now for for six years. The case has been made and much so that in this particular case this resolution was being championed. And was being supported by a considerable section of the Puerto Rican community and other Puerto Ricans would appear before the committee. And perhaps this is also one of the significant points of this resolution.
I think those six the resolution establishes that Puerto Rico must have 17 in order for it to be a free association with the United States. It further states that free association must fully comply with the provisions of relevant resolutions and decisions of the general assembly. And I believe that will international law. What are some of the solutions for so. Called the free association. Well essentially. That the decision making process of the people. Of a given Koran and totally. Must be done. In a. Fair. And impartial circumstances and conditions free of harassment of intimidation. And in the knowledge. Of a decision being made by people a sovereign decision being made by people. Properly. Whenever necessary properly absolved and supervised by the representatives of the international community. Now we've had such situations in the past we have had situations. In some of the former colonial territories which have opted for some for some degree of
association with the Western powers. Now let me give you one example which I know fairly well because I was I lead a united nations mission. To a territory of fighting more territory in the Pacific called new which. I think many people don't even. Find him. In the Met. But it is a teacher whose people have an equal right to self-determination. We went there. It was a three man mission. I went there myself with a representative of Trinidad and the representative of Sweden. When. We. Talk to people we discuss with people. We try to find out exactly what is it that the people of Africa. Wanted. And having done so we came back to the United Nations a report that this is what the people want the people through their own free will from their own volition one to have a situation with a metropolitan power. In this case New Zealand. And the United Nations ratified that. And that admission's accepted that. Whether or not elections can do. It cannot tell the people of Puerto Rico what they should do. It cannot insist that the people of Puerto Rico must be independent.
But it must. Follow. The right of the people of Puerto Rico to be independent. And must champion the right until it is otherwise convinced. That until such time it is convinced that the people of Puerto Rico freely on their own volition do not want independence they want something less then in those circumstances the United Nations has a clear responsibility to respect the will of the people. That then. Is what the committee understands to be sovereignty. Back then is what the committee. Understands to be the situation which has to be developed. In the case of Puerto Rico. In other words what you are saying that to the case of Puerto Rico cannot be changed. And I mean I'm saying when I say what we are saying I'm saying what the committee this commission is in. The case of Puerto Rico cannot be treated as different than any other situation which the committee has been dealing with. We are saying. That the people of Puerto Rico. Have to exercise their own right to self-determination. And
interestingly I should make this observation also. For the first time. In the history of the committee for discussion on this item. We have had the most massive. Cross section representation before the committee. Last year we also had some massive representation but I would say. Almost. All segments of public opinion. Were hot in that committee. There were those who came before the committee and strongly advocated that. There are those who came before the committee and started to say that. There are those who came before the committee and advocated independence. But the one thing is common. All of them. From the government to other people maintain the position that the present situation and for the record. Is that of a colonial ledger. Some form. It's a question of interpretation. Some interpret Well perhaps this and that could be done but without exception. All of them say the situation was those that are structured. And I think this was an important point also for the members of the committee. And I think this is also what led
to the type of decision that the committee took. Stay. With us and an alternative will be gone I say tonight is not only signing. The resolution. Of the resolution as scoops. It is not mentioned. But the mere fact that there is a specific affirmation of the right of people to self-determination. Is also a specific affirmation that the sovereignty must be transpired before the process of a situation can be effected. It does not exclude anything. Quite clearly. And that is my understanding of the resolution is that it does not exclude any form or situation that the people of Puerto Rico will ultimately decide. But we are saying right now that the people of Puerto Rico have a right to self-determination and in this we are saying that for this situation to be clearly effected. This transfer of sovereignty must be effected. And essentially I think that. That type of decision must be taken in the circumstances and conditions which are free which are fair and which are suspect.
So then the state would be an alternative as to that so that domination is achieved. Well. When the people of Puerto Rico. Have Decided have achieved the model of domination. And said. Let's say hypothetically they want to become integrated. Either with the United States or to another state in the Caribbean. Quite frankly there is no way that anybody can say you cannot do so. Otherwise. The whole concept of self-determination. Presupposes. That a given people. Has the. Ultimate sovereignty to decide what they want. And neither the company from before nor the United Nations can tell anyone what they should do. Article 9 the sites to review the question of what week a request to have that information on on this question to facilitate consideration of what people may follow what steps by the committee in September Sunday night. Which would you consider to be up of the steps.
What the property flop steps. For one thing. As you know since this summit has been discussed by the committee. By next year the committee will take it up again. When I don't know. But if we take it up again and one hopes that by the time he takes it up that would have been an updating of the information concerning the developments in the turtle. And at that given time. Only circumstance will tell what is the right stick to be taken. In other words you cannot decide at this point. Step A B C and D will be taken. It will depend on the evolution of the situation in the future. It will depend also on the mood of the other states in the data in terms of whether it is willing or wishing to cooperate with the committee on this question or with maintaining the position that it is currently maintaining. It will also depend on the on the other Puerto Ricans those who appear before the committee on what they consider to be the best. Type of action that should be taken at that point. The United States has consistently denied jurisdiction to a committee to
intervene or to even to discuss that issue support the recall. What will happen if the United States does not abide or does not recognize the resolution. As. A. Valid one. What the United States. Has his own position and this is getting on. I think in my own. View. Considering what has happened in the committee. It is not a very tenable position. And particularly when you have a situation where the governor of the island. Appeared before the committee. And speaks in his pocket. And we have the representative of all public opinion. And also the opinion of what is coming before the committee and speaking before they the way they did. I don't think that it is really. Helpful. To keep on insisting that the committee has no competence and to keep on insisting that the people of Puerto Rico have now achieved the measure of self-government is provided for in the charter of the United Nations. Because the people of Puerto Rico themselves irrespective of what they want. And as you know they
do what they want and these extremes are opposite more often than not. But they still they have something in common they all agree that the present conditions in Puerto Rico. Are not in keeping with the requirements of self-government. Isn't this a. Disaster. I would I would hope quite frankly I would hope that there will be an evolution of the United States position on this question. I know it is a difficult position for them. I know there are a lot of domestic things which make that position impossible but I think. A more realistic and more pragmatic approach. Adopted by the administration would be more helpful in finding a solution to this problem eventually. Do you expect any discussion in the general assembly when way or the. Report of the committee presented with this. Not necessarily it will depend I mean after all. The committee the general synod will approve the report of the committee. It will depend if anybody wants. But in the light of previous experiences. Normally people don't say that. They have only one
exception. And in doing that exception of course when you raise it there will always be different sides to this problem. I would thank you very much for your time. So. I'm just resuming what we have talked to the ambassador. The question of the status of will go to people. It's a question of whether we can. What the American people will decide. And the committee has done what it has. To do in terms of raising up. To an international level that is recognizing the plight of the Puerto Rican people to serve the term nation. But now it's a question of what would happen if we go. To develop that self-determination process. Would you mind if I'm being asked this is so. With an exclusive interview with my fellow selling selling. My last name
we had a. Real. You'll
be. Better. Than yours. So maybe on the Unical will buy you support most of us maybe you don't get out to say what we see in those units really piracy conspiracy on the line. They are really sad in that regard. We are one saxophonists just guzzles Foreman tell us what we don't know if those will need us as the US and we will be in
last pretty soon as they go. So you're not only one US be made out of control. I will read at the beginning what I see on there was but it was probably because he was not entirely local one. He would have to do that. So I say let me tell you. That. It's all settled law. You go on to life in some way. To see the. Temple. Monthly. For sale and for to see. The low monthly fee now. So intimate. You. Can see it a political one that has all the time. And. Not kid seek a. Good time convincing. Can I tell you
the idea of money. Absolutely. Some of my comments easily. The. Most. Coveted on a price. At the moment. We're going to place. I see my lord. If he does something else I'll fix. It. For. You. RC You ain't I mean they will sign your name on. The Internet. And that's your main thing Daddy or mentis and we'll pass. It On. What are you going through. I found this very crucial point. That it should. Be. A food item folks that are. Either. To. Be better off actually coming. In. Maybe i'll show.
You. Something I'm sorry we didn't know. So when they failed and decided. Not to sell it could easily alone. Emilia I. Do not believe all that easy. They all suck. No sorry. I mean they. Said. That they. Will. Never. Will. They didn't. Do Until those methods in OEM seem rather impossible. So when you're talking about what he meant I guess they must have been facing caught up with him that he was the local hero really represent them as they go yet no one. Asked to swallow a sick leave. Look if you are really sad that we are not able to
eat because she should have you. Know a. Look around you you. Know what I shall all the time that you know what I see. I see I. Can see. That it can be a feeble pushy evil person. We don't want to go. Leave it out because I mean it looks really good. ABC Family. Yes yes yes. I mean if we don't like libidos What do you see. I mean you got to see maybe you
don't. Amy my reasoning. Well there's a real number one way or another. He also told us if women have caught in the same thing they see the error we have got a plan. Do they think he thinks so too. I mean the whole escape in South Korea. I need to see that it will soon. I think he got sociology say that I would decide in face. I mean to meeting up with no one will know him. Now I see a
way of saying OK you don't it from the middle point it will be going out. They want a good one. Great examples. I'm going to say he is a voice. So the only thing. But what you. I said well I must say I'm here. I want to get of. OK. Well but I was it does affect me in the rest of us. We don't get ready to go are not walk. You know what. I think the thing that I were poor. Are going to be like I'm going to have to go with them. What do I mean you're going to keep me
going. I hate you. And when can I hate it. And so I said when they came to me I wonder what ones who are gay. You know your state. I said I was you don't think I'm you. I'm I'm for you maybe a little fun. And say I'm awesome. We had a fight. Give me a woman. To see if you don't want to go down stairs. They fit in this video because the Navy SEAL grabbed you. Who won. You know the gun part of a bigger and bigger problems United. As you know that
we have at you. When I was there for me I had been money on a war. On male doctors. A judge says and let me go on. There is no one in Washington who is in Washington OK. Oh you don't know. I only saw him but is he fighting to. It will make no noise either. So you know when I get back to you but you're just saying I don't think the dancing that I found an empty space for a moment OK. That be hanged. The mayor says No kidding. That is all we ever want to go into. You you'll come yet. Nice to see you. So
you see I received a said he ought to be. OK. We know he's got to get into the Democratic Party and be on the side of things to get you on the ground. OK. They want you. To. Feel any. Little one. I'm here you want to off model. I feel a lot. We are keeping our eye on you. We're. Going to be out of. Half an hour of him play
every Saturday at 3:00 p.m. My mom saves them every minute of it. OK. How do you know when a fish she can be out of my choice like model. My comment on renting a model is it goes through. OK we're going back to the mother and. To you on this CD and is meant to play. That's why you're the one. Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. That is
nothing. He listened because he knows who did not hear any of them been sighted on the ground until you tell. Them. If you move your body. Into my comments you are supposed to admit that he has made some of you to your feet. I also believe that they do something wrong with your soul. Leave it up for us. I told you that. And now you have one of those will be I will I will see if all goes as well as he can. Is he dedicated. Can you say. I know you've been asked to do so in the book. And when is he going to be elected to jump to the mantle. I hope you'll be gaining. You don't mind.
This is your niece. Why is he the man on go. Get out get me out. I can't say anything. EK Egan bike if I get into the game knowing I don't like you give I. We that in this way. They actually took a gay bashing that I think they can get anything is how to live or requires to see what I saw you I said simply. OK. Life is young. They said it was. I mean to say OK. He even said hey we're going to take one foot only way to UK. I mean what we are saying to me the the fact that you see all these statements you know
warming to the game here where we get to me that you feel a little. I think if it's if you go and tell a couple who are on the most important if and when he said he thought and today you'll see a guy who can get to know you on the ball and be happy but you know that's when I'm the guy. That I will be my own know for I think you know if you offer you my hand or remember. What the f word because you. Knew that I would have rather than to go to one of the United States and see him. This isn't. The answer here. I mean have you.
Ever. Lost that angle. Also you know if. One of your. From my mentor. On the other end of the. Deal. And no one of the security of NATO is we have one or two I don't need them in front. Of a little piece here that I need to. Believe in. So we're all the 2008 race even. As. We were talking. Rachel fucking beautiful. There you go. Cool. When we were in December. Alone. Nobody. Do I even record of any.
Momentum going into the water. They always say truly a wonderful year to all people. And when they say I cannot get along with the president and you. Wonder that I never I want to see them go. And compare me to give you the ones I would do for you only I'd say you know I didn't do anything. I'm going keep going. I'm always in. Yes I know. I mean to throw it off a needle. It seems interesting but it is a little off behind other lines in the morning. I always. Knew that if
they get up as they need to face you are doing you a favor. I would order all. A hole in the middle of the. LANE. If that is in his hands. There are many different people. He needed to do. And when they. Do I can't believe that I was on here. For. 20 years or more and Lackawanna. I talk we're someone. I only when. I feel like I'm in the arena and I suppose that is going on we go for it. Well I said that when he got one OK. I. Mean you. Are Alone winter when I got on the
ground in the case. Of what happened. I thought it was either seeing all that sort of thing. Yes he said you know Miami when they got on the phone. If what. You. Mean in there for even then. Well it does. Run if you got it. In but you don't have all. You got everything you can. Here is how we're going to wind down. OK. Even they didn't feel they didn't feel to easy you know they didn't believe like a and b are they able to do so even. Did I say that the video people are going. To. Going on in Boston you see one getting in but I feel. Like a fumble every fucking day dawns on you. He fell into the water. Nobody got out of the country even more than a mother nature in the face something that I don't know if I'd never.
Done anything to see him get more bailout. I made a movie about a little bomb in the mail of on another. It's an old one though. Well I guess you go down to business you a single person can make them into any Jersey public television reporter. So it's something that really doesn't make us see it in local when you want. These are members of the Cuban national movement and it's President Armando Santan denies that his group is responsible. The two suspects identified by the FBI Jose Suarez and for heliopause are both members of the nationalist movement and both are wanted on charges relating to the murder of former Chilean ambassador Orlando on the telly. But Sanatana says they are being framed.
It's completely logical for anybody supposedly running from justice to be going around setting bombs. They are members of a nationalist movement or we do not deny that they are not members of omegas. We deny any association and we said we we we challenge Mr. Foley of the FBI to prove so or prove that we are members of 87 Santana will not condemn the bombings or any activity he says is aimed at hurting those who actively sympathize with Fidel Castro or provide him with economic support. Some of the men in this room including Santana have criminal records. I do not have a criminal record. When I call patriotic Richard just that you want to go. I wish. I was one of the alleged participants in 1976 bombing of the Academy of Music with a healthy progressive rally in lower Manhattan I think it was 14th Street. I can see if the United States is up in the Bay of Pigs will soon be in exile for 20 years.
Carlos please call me a local Goober fled the scene of my lessons and put it on record as a group will make I see a lot more responsibility that once is enough. Only if you die you will kill you. A bad. Idea. Oh but I do get sad. Hope that you'll see it I may not have thought of the things that have gone by and having a boyfriend or. All of one we are going to sell him in once a week we'll call. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. One. I have all the kids with you. Imma let you go if I hear you.
B B B B. B B B. B. B. And c. C c c c r u s going on. Woke up with it can be interesting to me.
So sort of Kuwait you see the whole scenario was audio go. Good thing. But it is for me. The thing pisses. Me off when in. Those. Areas. When we were we are sitting on the my poor. Little miss a moment ago before media. Oh boy. You may see. What we are going so well for me. It up with that. So I went on he said I'm sorry I had to get lucky. Now I can tell you Don't be too. Ok I will go work either although it's a good idea of what they're doing. They're not going to sending one crummy never said he would like to see any.
It's. Society where. People are born in the city for those are are. Going to show that one will get somewhere. You. Know I am hoping that you will but I. Thought they would be my letting go with me my day. When I go to bed all day no real gays for a living any woman if you not get. Things done for families to go we had them go next fall. Are you kidding me. God bless you. Now you get out of the way. I really don't. But I get my property. Don't be annoying me on the show. OK. OK I'm sure whatever you want to. I. Want to see that video I will read it up. We're throwing.
The break. It will come with an answer. It's a good one. In other words you're known as well as the quality of us that you don't need don't think on me for me. OK. We are going to take a while. All right. I don't want to let it go morning guys. Thank you. OK I think they turned on me. I'll never. Forget what my book is actually SEE. Me. I gotta get up for. This. If you want to give me a concept to.
Implement I that quite. Honestly i don't get on it. So they know. When you don't go pick up on a very big go. Then. Why am I seeing the wondering why don't you come away. From me. Can. I. Go so far. I. Mean. That's got to fight the battle. Thank. You John. When I say. That. I have. Never
seen anything else when I don't blame them for the life of them. I hate it when people can get in front. Of me. We also took it because no one will be any good if I think OK so when you. Get a memo good thing that you know for that I'm upset about it. A candidate it is old and way to go in the meadow. Second if you say it on the net only conjured if I can only make those good for getting over you. No said on the media.
No no no no no no no no no no. I don't have anything to say so I guess I can't believe how my No I'm from the media. I mean I think they know me I know we've got a. Give us a. Lot of like going to say thank you thank you so much. Now I got. To
609 United Nations / 616 Cubans
Contributing Organization
New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Series Description
"Imagenes (also Images in English) is a Emmy award-winning show that features documentaries and in-depth conversations with panels of experts, focusing on the lives, history, and culture of Latino communities in New Jersey."
No Description
Race and Ethnicity
Spanish Language
Media type
Moving Image
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Jersey Network
Identifier: UC60-1189 (NJN ID)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Dub
Duration: 01:00:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “609 United Nations / 616 Cubans; Images/Imagenes,” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 21, 2024,
MLA: “609 United Nations / 616 Cubans; Images/Imagenes.” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 21, 2024. <>.
APA: 609 United Nations / 616 Cubans; Images/Imagenes. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from