#3 Inauguration
- Transcript
Learn don't immediately no parade. How long is that annoying package. You.
Can write is just about to begin in earnest as you can probably tell by the loudspeakers that are now blaring but of course neither the parade nor the inauguration today were the beginning of the events that have been going on for days leading up to today designed to echo the themes for years tried to stress out his campaign strength. On Saturday the floor was hosting a Children's Organ the inauguration fittingly at his alma mater Trenton State College way to go. He tells us the governor elect was campaigning again that day. I feel like this time hundreds of young voters to be. Out of this. Is it me Rick is it me in Parade. What do I do out of this.
I need some direction. Well I need to know where we are in terms of the brain. Somewhere. I don't know why we stay with it. I don't know why we can stay with. I thought this is what we were waiting for. Five minutes. When.
Governor. You.
Wind chills. Up I forget. What. You.
Just saw Jim Florio. Walking past a very happy day in Florida with the special small kids and his wife Matthew and Chelsea we heard a lot about them during the campaign. Here they were along the line of march. As you can hear things have gotten going. We've got. We've got. The drums beating. And we've got the horns playing and it is I guess all it it's cracked up to be as Rick said it just had to be a short while ago if nothing else. We've got the best seats in the house. But Scott Monique's a lot closer to the action. Scott where are you. Well Sandy the drums that you're hearing were coming from the camp in High School Marching Panthers. They're just making their way down State Street right now. Let's listen to the reaction so far about Glorio speech. The people here on the street certainly were coming out of that building with great great expressions of joy on their faces. They seem to have got a whole refreshed spirit rejuvenated spirit a spirit that is shared by by Mercer County freeholder Joe you also as your city council read your responsibilities included helping to organize the well the people of the city
the government as well as the people that played a large role in organizing the parade not only governmentally you can see our public safety personnel are covering this story. City employees in general and also the people is trying to attract many people. Organizer St. Patrick's Day parade and other events played a role in organizing today's event. How does it feel to bring back the parade after so many here. It's great. It's really great because this ship or as he's coming home it's just terrific that we've been able to play a part in it. Are you surprised at all. I know that we had expected maybe up to 10000 people here to take part. I think we could surpass the number of the people who are here seem to be having a wonderful time. No question about it. This is the capital city and those people that play a key role in state government as employees are those who deal with state government are pretty much covering the street. But also the people of Murshid County the people throughout the state come down to our city and our county by the busload to be a part of this historic event. And on the personal level as a Democrat who admitted to me that you might have gone into office this time on the coattails of the Democratic nominee it was the asthma in the state. How do you feel right.
I feel great. I've been on the job as a nurse County for an hour about two weeks. There's no question that the tremendous victory of our Governor Jim Florio and the Democratic Party throughout the state played a key role and I'm looking forward to working in cooperation with state government as well as the governor pointed out in his inaugural address. Cooperation is going to be a very key theme of this administration. OK Joe I appreciate you talking with us very much as we're getting blasted away here with the sounds of the marching band. We can maybe take advantage away from it if our camera view to be able to see some of the other things that are coming up on State Street and on that note I will throw it back to say it again. Well we are getting now what everybody came here to see and that's. All right. Lining up on the. Reviewing stand. This. Is his day. That he's doing it exactly the way that. You want. To do. Is like with me. You know. You've got to wonder why after. Five or. Eight. Years do the Democrats decide to revive this tradition. Of course you talk about old fashioned values in the
inaugural address and here we see an old fashioned political parade. Well I I suspect this. May have something to do with the. Fact that we have unseasonably beautiful weather today more often than not sometime between the 50s the 21st of January is going to be cold rainy snow or even worse and today Jim and Lucinda could not have. Were picture perfect day for their inaugural. In fact it was risky business. I got to schedule a parade and all that. Nobody seems to be quite sure it widens parades were abandoned in. The first place of course they were abandoned in the midst of the depression that may have had something to do with it but everywhere we live. And I. Can't help but wonder if maybe one of the reasons why. That. You know in the middle of January maybe you want to take a chance although of course they've done this federal level in January every four years for as far back as anybody can remember. I suspect it was just something that fell into disuse or disrepair. You should also realize that inaugurals themselves inaugural addresses did not really come into vogue until after the 1947 constitution when the governor was popularly elected to be
replaced and so for a second term Up until then governors sometimes gave no address and sometimes didn't. Sometimes they were simply sworn in. And of course I suspect that were that a little bit to do with this mob scene that we see on state streets state Spizzirri today has to do with the presence of a great many members of the media. Television has changed she really has it's made it's made inaugural addresses shorter and it's made inauguration ceremonies much much longer and much showing. And of course the big difference is as we've noted before when it comes to the campaign. The big difference is that now everyone knows what second inaugural address not just you get to read the copy after. That's very true. And I think that that too has a lot to do with the fact that inaugural addresses of the last three governors have lasted on average about 15 or 20 minutes compared to Harold Hoffman's inaugural address for example it was 59 pages long. Speaking of one of those three we just saw Jim Florio saying hello to Bill Cahill. We've seen him out here we've seen Brendan Byrne. I understand that Dick uses is on his
way here as well. You know it doesn't seem to matter on occasions like this what party you're from. There is a real camaraderie among these these former and current government. Well I think that tradition has to be a very good relationship that's existed between the present governor and the former governors Regardless party. One of the things I think that the relative ease of transition from the came to the Florio administration proved. Was that even if there has been of widespread personal antipathy between the two candidates that they overcome that. As a matter of fact that we are real close to having our friend governor who's with us right now. I'm going to ask you to hand over your seat. And so with with great having Governor. Everything's. Fine warm sense
very very helpful to so I don't. Know. That. You. Do all of this when you. Over.
We didn't have a parade. Why that chapter we went from here down the street to that war memorial and on the way I saw a little nephew of mine who was paralyzed Secombe in a suitcase which was a child so I. Stopped. Over and kissed him. But. I had always had. Great. Fun. Of course you. Had a high. Rate. When Cahill was inaugurated. A a. Regular. Show we all had a. Change. I. Love this. But you didn't have one for you. Well I never. And also I sure can't. About 3000 people inside. My office at reception. Somebody brought me some. Stuff to rub on my hands. And they're still bruised. How
surprised were you. When you heard that. Jim Florio was going to. Fight. This. In the early 30s of having this parade out here today. He's going to be a great governor. My family is very pleased with his inauguration. My daughter back here on and I agreed that it was better than any speech we ever heard mind when I read that letter that your speech was on on. He was so simple and so wonderful and so true. We have to get back the old values. In this country we've lost our way somehow. As Ralph Nader said yesterday words are crazy. Running into debt just like the country is. About. Work hard save. I love this song. You're happy with what he had to say. What do you think it says about what this administration will be like.
I think it will be a great success. This man has a lot of courage. He's a new man and a tireless worker. He's going to demand that everybody to work is a minister right now. All right. All right here's the point. The Attorney General bowed out to the best of this state that he could find and that by all the people around me I judge the a pretty match. In order to be his chief of staff to run his. Part of his campaign. These are great people great people will make a great administration by the way we're taking a look now. I. Think we. Can get marching band it certainly got a lot of play today. If. You get a. Whole. Lot more about you. It was such a beautiful day. And they are. Splendid. And then. They're purple and gold are beautiful. Sorry you didn't. Win.
Yeah I think we should have done that. Lots of people say it's a way to people. That's why Florio wants to do. That. The asking all day why is the back in the 30s and why has a four year service probably abandoned because I was in the middle of the depression 1935. That people couldn't afford come here from all parts of the state. There were several beyond reach. But we nevertheless had a pretty good time. The inauguration was great. There is a little slip up Secretary of State at that time. And it made a great name called a great deal. All right. And Jane Birgeneau very very careful. A little while this is this is. My. Time where you are going to show.
Marvelous. Hearing.
Ninety nine members of that of that group. Governor I want to know that they're just back from London where they played for the Queen at the Westminster parade on New Year's Day for our governor particularly for their governor. Of course these kids are and so is Jim Florio. Right. Oh I understand that most of the groups that come here won't get to stop and and the governor in quite this way obviously especially a. Weak spot. For the candidates and certainly to their family. Yeah. It's a special relationship there. OK.
Now know this very loud rain is the parade director him say to himself David tell you what an amazing conflict we all hope this thing off before. Absolutely. Well we go to break with the weather and with the help of about 30 40 years of work on time basis with the help of the city in Trenton which cooperated with the police and public works department and with the state police and the sheriff's office. We're able to put on I think people might be surprised in terms of a logistical nightmare in terms of approaching an event like this. Been thinking about him for how many months now. Well we spent about two months putting it together right after the election. We said we won an event that everyone could participate in. Everyone come and enjoy themselves and as you can see with we caught a break with the weather and I think everyone's here having a good time. What's different about this parade compared to any other is so much patriotism involved here. How much of a theme how much was that.
Well I think what was important was that we tried to get a cross-section or at least representative as you can see right here we have working people what we're walking by and will be an ethnic group arts group. And we tried to get a cross-section of the state to share this big Atlantic City High School band marched right behind us as we go. A lot of people probably wanted to be in this but you have to tell some people who just couldn't. Well absolutely. What we try to do is with particularly with bands get we try to get a drum drum and bugle corps. Let we see an Army band we got a full band. We tried to accommodate a broad range of. Graduates. No one knows how to work. And everybody here seems like Oriol has been having a big smile on his face.
Said. Get. Back to me although with the sound of this band going to start to tell. A. Big city high school. Marching. Band. They are the holy. Grail. And. Last year the Vikings won first. The All American music festival in Orlando. They were the best marching band ever the best jazz band. With their whole. Band. Now all of the Sons of Italy in America refers to the ethnic groups to appear in the parade today. And with some.
Some good reason. This is a big day for Italian-Americans. The first governor of New Jersey of Italian-American extraction. We're going to say goodbye to Governor. Thank you so much. So glad to be here. You. Just said good bye to. The governor to you. This was an emotional day for him. It brought back memories of his own moderation. As a good. Democratic. Logo. That. He was. A Democrat in what used to be his old office with Democrats running both houses of the legislature. He has great hopes with him. He told us today. We are covering all of this live here in New Jersey never got within a break. We'll be right back.
We are back here at the break. We now have the Puerto Rican news coming. We've seen this as a day of celebration here in New Jersey. We saw a time and we saw the Irish. Now we've got the Puerto Rican kids there's lots of time with me now is Tom O'Neil on that political observer who has some insight as to why this may have stopped 55 years ago and why we may have the last governor who did this.
And was Harold Hoffman who was also of course our only governor ever to be indicted after leaving office. I think that's why nobody wanted to keep the brackets going. To give you an idea about how things were back when he was in Congress he served simultaneously commissioner motivic. The only reason I could think that they stopped having the break is that that would be the onset of a war that the tradition simply was wrong. And I think that this bringing this tradition back says is that this is a governor that is very proud of being in government and wants to bring that right to government. Is it the same sort of way that the top page threads right stick by the way speak for the Hoboken guys for marching band. Jim Florian's got a special place in his heart for Hoboken. We're going to see if they get the chance to even stop and perform a little. Bit. This.
Is to teach your kids you have to be. A friend. To. Be arrested. For. Your story. Last night a. Far. Better. Earthquake. Well. It's. An. Interesting. Open. Birthplace of baseball. So I got. My. Big. Shot. This year and the. First. Place of baseball in New York is no. Well and that light will go on for a long time. Before the statue turns around. Amazing. How. That's. Likely to go on for ever. What. Is this ongoing rivalry with new york in a serious way. It's nice to see. I've. Got roots there but that. Fight. Gets.
Tougher. That's a very tough is coming. Here without dropping from the Port Authority toll increase you're all landing squarely on the governor's desk. Now when he comes to work tomorrow that relationship is going to be a big question another ethnic group coming through see the Polish-Americans now down there obviously was a real effort made top with all of New Jersey's ethnic diversity. Of course you don't have to try real hard to get a bunch of ethnic groups. You know you don't you know you drop a brick in any crowd you will have 10 or 12 different ethnic. And yet we've not had too many of those ethnic groups represented in our governor's office. Well this is a change. It's hard to believe that the first Roman Catholic governor was sitting in this chair just a few minutes ago. That was the first time he had a Roman Catholic. You know it's interesting. He said that his theory was that the reason the parades were abandoned back in the 30s were because of the Depression. And I said well why
didn't you revive it. And he said I should have I should have I'm sorry I did this. He was really excited by that. And obviously so much of this city in Trenton I don't know how many other places New Jersey is places where well it's it's a good sight to see it because of the normal legislative day in the city. You know you can often cross the street without bothering to look at traffic and I direct. Unlike many state capitals such as Annapolis Hartford or Albany. This is not a place it's tremendously busy. And the big growth that's happened here in the last eight years. They begin to make a change in that this may be symbolic of that. Well today you certainly would know that there's ever any quiet here. This is just really quite exciting. And as Rick pointed out earlier we do have the best seat in the house. But Scott Monico down the other side by the different view Scott what do you see from here right. Well Sanjay the expression on Governor Glorias face that he's so happy proud and delighted right now.
He's joined by his entire family. He's asked that we don't try to do any kind of interview with him. While the parade is going on so that you can obviously watch the entire parade and not be distracted. But a man who doesn't mind our distraction whatsoever is John. Our foster County freeholder John what is your reaction. His words are God right. This is one of greatest danger. Right. And about 30 or 40 years. It's great to have a governor that we know on a first name basis and we're really excited about having Jim Florio. By the way we've sat down at the kitchen table with talk about politics and talk about think about. He was a congressman. Now he's a governor. Well first of all we saw a new day a great day because we're here beating the drum bring him into office we're going to bring everybody. We're beating the drum when there's a great marching bands and we have a local band here. So it's a lot of fun. It's like you're feeling that you're part of the state probably is going to be maybe better represented. Now you were saying. I think so. I think that the Jersey felt that we were not out of the shuffle. Jim No. Well you know Texas is great you know good people and good works right about that.
Let's take one more look at Governor Florio. Up on a pedestal right now. How does it feel to be able to see him standing there so proud. Well I got to love me like the governor. I'm proud of him. Thing. Like I said before the expression on his face just shows how long he has waited for this and how much he has obviously enjoying it said it was a throwback. You. Can. See Lucinda looking particularly happy just then. It's got some beautiful flowers in her and. She's got. One arm on her husband's that's where it's been throughout this campaign she's been an incredible asset to the time as she has been probably his most important asset and I think it's interesting that it is clear that she's going to be a very active first lady and take your role on on policy issues in a way. What you do. In a classroom with a little child. Having. Class. I think you can.
A lady of remarkable boys. Yes yes. And we've. Seen. How she's handled Jim Florio and I mean. The very best. Throughout this campaign. If there's a question for you. The post was. Made and I think. He has acted in a entirely different way and he certainly seems to be enjoying that. You know there's an old saying there are two tragedies in life. One is not getting what you want. The other is finally getting in and listening to his his message today at the War Memorial. He really sees the task in front of him as a struggle. And while he is smiling today and I think rightfully proud of what he's doing up there is an element in his talk about how he's going to have to work and the days ahead. This is this is going to be a struggle for the new year that he brings to the task is going to be an important asset for him. What else should we should have read from from that speech today. Well there's
some surprises. I think I was mostly surprised by the verbs that occurred most frequently and I jotted some of them down. I was so taken when he talked about work and struggle and quite hard work and carving out a huge cheer and shedding sweat. Writing hard for discipline is tough. He really sees. A challenge that he is accomplished and while today is a day of celebration I think as he looks into it tomorrow when he sits down behind them does he really see a wrestling match with the state. But of course when you actually take the reins of government you've got to go out talking about leadership and just. We haven't seen how Jim Florio going about it. Well he has talked a lot about being a hands on governor. And if you look at the way he has organized governors are there is a real air of solidarity with the governor and the control of the state and making the Cabinet departments warm on the same thing.
That is going to be struck. It's always been he's not been specific yet about his power. Even if you are going to have a special session the legislative room in which you build but I think all you can be sure of that he is going to work real hard by what he said and that you want to make it very clear where the decisions are made. It's right under that go to our right. You know part of what. You have to do to be elected and we will talk about I wanted to help was to show Jim Florio that human the man. Is that part of what this is about today. I think it's in part that's what it's about. I also think that to him you know he's in many ways a number credit. Speaking of which let me just point out this is a group of the children of democracy. They're out of Hudson County organized by the Hudson County Democratic organization. Talk about old fashioned kind of Hudson County politics let's get all the ethnic groups out. What about in their national past
to get into the polls in this race to get them to the party. I don't know if you've ever read the St. Patrick's Day parade city. Quite an event. But there are fewer Irishmen than there are any other ethnic group. But it is quite similar to the Columbus Day Parade in my neighborhood which is no longer in town. That's what these kids look marvelous when we got there. We've got Indian. Korean. Mexican. American. In. And they're almost all in sync. Let's take a look at Goddard. Scott rojak has been looking to. See. What's down there in York. Well Sandy you were talking about these beautifully decorated young children as I was standing here I was to in front of one of them. Their concentration was just intense. Their minds eyes were fixed on their leader. They were prepared. You could tell
everybody taking part in this parade today as we prepared for many many weeks or months trying to make sure that this is the one that will not only bring it back to be a permanent institution once again hopefully but to be able to make this occasion today something that will forever remember and being a part of New Jersey politics I think we're all getting a sense of that today. Not only is this just a race that's going to be starting the once again the ceremony to be able to bring back the governor into office. When when when you welcome him in with marching bands. But you know that this is a part of history and everybody who's assembled on the street today everybody like we're taking a look now at the St. Michael's band from Gibbs down New Jersey. They're all a part of history and I think it's a proud feeling for the people who consider New Jersey home and have been lifelong citizens and are just glad that they'll be able to take part in an event like this because we're all having a lot of fun. Sandy let me throw back to your. Party. And right now we've got a group that we're going. To see in a minute. I can just see the. Banner. First. We've got a band on. The. New.
Credit. My. That. You. Believe. Girls. They won first place in the 1988 trend in St. Patrick's Day. And maybe most important there are about. Community and. To. Be. Sponsored by the. Mercenary. Brennan Center the Grace Baptist Church you can see them in a minute. It's sort of a nice thing. Michael. Followed by these kids from. The streets of Trenton. And you going to see a different style. These. Guys. Party. Girls and. There. Are.
Some little girls who know how to get get them speaking out. And I've got somebody with me. Who knows all about these kinds of. These kinds of events although I think that generally in Washington things are worse than they are in trading today with Senator Frank Lautenberg. And when you think about I think it's exciting. Tell you something. I was asked by someone about whether I thought this was too much money. I've got to tell you this Jim Florio is Jim Quayle's campaign was I think a people's campaign. And I think that people's selection of people's. If you listen to his comments you would see that and it's so appropriate to have
phrased where people are participating. Often they are left out. We have something like this for somebody because it just doesn't reach them. Here's a good way I hope. But I wonder though Senator if there is a little bit of a risk if there aren't those naysayers obviously not out here today those naysayers right now are saying gee employee we're taking too much of this. It's too much self aggrandizement. And. Ill advised. Well I would challenge him on that. He was elected overwhelmingly by the people in New Jersey. They said Jim Florio we want you to govern this state of ours for years. And I think it's quite ok. After all it's not the fancy ball that we're talking about. It's not a very costly thing in terms of the occasion and I think it's quite nice quite appropriate good fun to see the various groups representing different different organizations like nice guys. And another terrific guy. I see that.
I would tell you that I ought to join that because I think the exercise would be very good. I don't have to worry about it. But you know everybody has an inaugural ball. You talk about. That's what everybody has to. Do. But no governor. In my lifetime. Most. You. Know. Governor. Has had one of these before I think. Just. To. Say. Something that's been dead for. 55. Years. But I think once again look at the base from which. Jim for a. White guy. Working for his family part of the community spirit. Is. Dressed in his inaugural speech I think. Blue participation that's what we're seeing. You did you didn't have a big march in today's parade. You didn't have to be a fat cat to be recognized as part of the celebration. I get a very positive thing. I feel good about it. Those who would cast will want
to. Maybe they're going to be about lots of things but I think this is appropriate as you say many of the huge press corps. For. Years about your own background. And background the working class background. What we heard from employees that. They seem to have. Responded to in New Jersey. Yes. You know I have I sit in my own legislative fight roommate. When I wrote the bill that raised the drinking age 21 it saved kids from dying on the highway. People understand that the bill it's going into place next month. Stop smoking here. People feel mostly they're very basic. That's those are the things that people appreciate every day. My hopes for tomorrow. That's the that's the kind of thing that people do respond.
I wonder how many people would actually turn out for this you know. I mean we knew about all the thousands who would be marching but some. I've covered many of my career and the people on the line of march simply aren't there and yet they are here today. Yes they're here today and you know Sandy you watch government the State of Our Lives. And we've missed someone this day a man named Arthur Holland was. Mayor of this city but so much in the community and worked so hard. And I think it's a fitting tribute to his memory that Trenton has this kind of celebration this kind of we live. And Jim Florio attention to a. Very. Very positive. It's also true that. The Governor. Stressed in his address today talked about rebuilding cities and reclaiming lives. That's a hard. Order to fill those. Very tough feet. He set out a. New. Agenda. To. Try to be.
And. We all wish him well. I want to work with him on it. You talk about environment and community purity. Those are the fundamental things that affects each and every one of us are. The ones that touch people's lives and it is a big job but we're. Up. This. From. The churches that. The State. That. Have. The. Most densely packed people. It takes national leadership but just about everybody gets the job. I think that's what that's what he was talking about. I you said. Of course. He talked about. The traditional. Values he talked about. Approach and yet. Regarding. New. Auto insurance it. Wasn't a problem in the days when. The. Security was not the same kind. Of. Education. It's a different kind of
problem. He's got. Very much 1990s problems too it. Certainly has he has the same problems to attack. That George Bush does. And. Forgive any partisan reference. But I'm a Democrat and I think that Jim Florio represents. Democratic. Principles that small-D which are our party's traditional image. It's just that life has gotten more complicated. We're technological era. You know I grew up in that industry. Technology. And things move at a much more rapid pace. The job is more complicated. So yes there are problems but from. What you have the most densely populated state and crowded highways with lots of vehicles there are going to be lots of bumps. It's great. Let me ask you to put on your partisan hack for a minute though and talk largely to Jim Florio he's got a wonderful opportunity. He's got both houses of the legislature.
He's got a. Wind. You know I am laughing Sandy. Because. I watched her sometime down deep in one's heart. One doesn't wish that he had some opposition because that removes some of the blame when he has to. To have. If he does he will resolve his ballgame. The buck stops there. So he has a very tough job. George Bush has a tough job because of what's happened with our revenue stream with the rubber for the year. Had a similar problem and we hope that they'll solve them because we want them to be successful whether it's a Democrat or Republican. Twenty one. That's what he wanted to what he asked for. And now we're going ask Armagnac to pick it up from this. OK. Joining me right now is Lassana president of black administration network an organization comprised of black professionals throughout the state. Unless you were around when the board was trying it the first time would be more successful. Yes.
I'm very happy to see that. That's what a lot of them. Definitely his stand on the first occasion. I found him to be consistent over the years I know you have been to will support. Yes I found him to be very consistent on 1981 and going in today I think. The fact that he. Lost by such a small percentage in his first run shows that he has. Support from citizens of this state. And I think that that now that he's in he's going to make a very good governor. Everybody is caught up in the enthusiasm today myself included I feel like a 12 year old watching this parade going by Yet we still have problems. I'm listening to the other people who are speaking on our coverage. We're talking about the issues we're talking about. We do have racial tension throughout the state. There have been a number of times that we reflected on it most recently on Martin Luther King birthday. Is something that can be resolved within a governor's I believe it can. Yes I believe it can the chief executive really sets the tone for the attitudes and the interaction of people in the state. And I think that Jim Florio is expected to be the best person that you've
seen this morning and throughout his entire campaign says that there's going to be a lot of inclusion of blacks and other minorities in his administration. Is the birth of God and caring and showing that opportunity that he says he's going to give us. But he's following in the footsteps of probably the most popular governor in New Jersey's history. Yes. He doesn't like that either. I believe you build on those things that Tom Paine brought to the state of Georgia what his politics would be specifically it goes to show you that you think he can do better than say one person. I believe that he will probably get involved more with as you said he's a governor and he's going to be a lot more years out there for people that are concerned about issues in this community and touching base with a more diverse group to address those issues. And as we stand here right now he's behind us enjoying every step of this race. I think you and I should do the same and we will take this time to throw it back to Santa Fran. Thanks a lot Scott. We're looking now at the brick Township High School Marching dragon
band now. They won first place last year in New York St. Patrick's Day parade. Appropriately. Their green. And. See what they're doing. By the way we met with. Senator Frank Lautenberg. What's. So interesting about this parade. Is. Not only the different. Parts of this. But. First. We. Have. To. Suffer. For.
You. For. Your talent. I come away. Games with. My brain. I wonder. Whether we're going to have a. Parade. Now. When we have. Well think about the weather. And how it's hard to believe it's January. I know I've been wondering whether this weather would be as the warm weather back in the snow or rain but we'd all be out here today are we. In fact the weather could not have treated us like. You see the Ukrainian Americans of New Jersey and other churches and groups and some kids and some wonderful national costume. It's it's nice to see. You. We're talking about parades I was reminded of how cold it was last St. Patrick's Day parade.
And there you see the nice thing about our people proud of their hair. Proud of the ancestral roots. Be good American should be good. New Jersey citizens that's what makes our side so. When we talk. About what you expect Jim Florio to do right. But he's got some. Big. Like. Well I think a budgetary problem is. Going to be one that he's going to have to fight very hard because we've got the new Jersey Education Association. Speaking of such problems. He talked about it was very interesting about New Jersey. One. Urban. One. Suburb one wealthy one. And that's a. No. Brainer to try to bring them together.
That. You don't jump in and help but do whatever I get. The federal government is that's because in at with all respect for welfare. Well. It's got a tough job there are a lot of people would love the honor but we're. Not sure that would like. To. Come. Before the end. It's too far away. How do you call it what's going to happen. Tom Paine said it in its final state of the state. It is going to have to buy. That's right. His timing couldn't have been more perfect. The problems are so obvious when you see communities what next to the other. Some spending choices. Education is another that inequity has to be addressed. I don't want to try to lay out a plan today with us but it's not. That we cannot have a segment of our society. Boy that's what the jobs are there for people with skills
and we can't make them work and to bring it back a later we've got. One of the more colorful groups the more. This is. A group that does. Traditional. Music. And we see that it's. Basically. Colorful. Local. Guys. Are our little New Jersey is like a country. I think it's had a great deal of the that's got to you know. We are right here Sandy. I think every ethnic persuasion is being represented in. This phrase you say. America Organization now display their colorful wardrobes. And their. Styles of music. Try to get these people to talk to us although I think we do have a. Live performance right now. All to ourselves. We can only. Exactly. What. This. Trevor said. You could certainly tell that there are. Ways to Be a part of the. Inauguration
or you could try to talk it over just. Over a friendship with her. How does it feel to be. A very long time to practice and prepare. For. What. You think you are. Oh it is. Maybe. We should. Celebrate the harvest we are celebrating the inauguration of. Our. Governor the state of New Jersey. I will get back to you a little bit more and get out of there way before we are to. Up here on. Stage. And I will throw it back to you. Yes. So. You. Brought. Up. The. Chair. This group who was watching with me. Is. DONALD PAYNE. We're surprised with this with this. It should have been a tradition until the early 80s
was revived. I didn't quite get that. You know that has been abandoned in the early thirties before I decided to revive it to put this kind of thing. Back on. The first day of a new governor's. Chair. I think that it shows what type of administration Jim Florio that. We're looking at. Remember people. From New Jersey. What he's doing is showing diversity. That's you. And I think that's about to be the hallmark as he. Said. He. Wants to be known as the person that made opportunity. Available in New Jersey. So this is just I think. The highlight of. This group. Is just amazing Let me tell you about some of the instruments they use and got a large crash. Ron Paul is saying. They've got a smaller drug gang there. And then it. Got. You. And they've got a plan. And. They.
Are fantastic I think that this is. One of the highlights. For all of you to set up here. What the nation. Looks so proud. Look at the smiles on your face. So proud of being from. Like. He's. Tired. As. We should. Ever. Ask. And. Of. Course it's not over for you. What is this. Think. You got to go. Oh yes. I. Am looking forward to that. I think you might be the first time I've heard of the governor of the church. I think it is significant. Let me just interrupt you. For one minute. Congressman because this next band is a really important group all the pioneers marching band of the Burlington County Special Services school district.
- Title
- #3 Inauguration
- Contributing Organization
- New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
- cpb-aacip/259-2b8vdr3c
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/259-2b8vdr3c).
- Description
- Description
- No Description
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 01:02:28
- Credits
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Jersey Network
Identifier: 02-39772 (NJN ID)
Format: Betacam
Duration: 01:00:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “#3 Inauguration,” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 15, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-259-2b8vdr3c.
- MLA: “#3 Inauguration.” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 15, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-259-2b8vdr3c>.
- APA: #3 Inauguration. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-259-2b8vdr3c