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Jim Cooper's Orange County is made possible by grants from the Harry and Grace steel foundation providing charitable assistance to deserving organizations in the areas of health education and culture. Why signal landmark incorporated developer of Southern California real estate and builder of Landmark homes by Robert have an account Thames providing permanent and temporary accounting financial and ADP personnel and by Disneyland Park an important part of Orange County for over 30 years. Welcome to election 86 a series of special election forms presented by KSEE TV to introduce the candidates an issue to the voters. And this program will present candidates for the 40th congressional district in Orange County it's a very important race because the GOP incumbent is being challenged and two Democrats will also battle it out in the primary the 40th
congressional district covers the south central portions of Orange County stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Riverside County line on the east. It includes areas from Newport Beach eastward to include the Cleveland National Forest include the coastal cities of Newport Beach Costa Mesa and the going to beach also Fountain Valley Irvine Laguna Hills Leisure World. We're going to the gala and parts of Huntington Beach Santa Ana and Tustin. There are three hundred sixteen thousand registered voters in this district. Ninety eight thousand or thirty one percent are Democrats and a hundred and eighty three thousand or 57 percent are Republicans giving the Republican Party an edge of 85000 voters. The 40th district and one of the heaviest proportions of Republican voters in the nation. The wide gap in voter registration figures between the Republican and Democratic parties has kept the 40th district in the Republican Party for many years. The incumbent congressman had retained a seat in Congress for the past 10 years. And now let's meet the candidates. Congressman Robert Batum Republican represents the 40th district. You now are
seeking re-election for this his sixth term of office. He served previously as a member of the state assembly from 1962 through 76 he's a member of the House Armed Services Committee in the House Administration Committee is a member the Republican Party Committee and a delegate to the North Atlantic assembly. Nathan Rosenberg Republican is a self-employed management consultant investor a former naval aviator. You were an executive support officer to the secretary of defense as president of the Orange County Young Republicans and former director of the California Republican art Hoffman Democrat as a technical writer he's a member of the Lyndon LaRouche national Democratic Policy Committee. He ran in previous years for the orange school board and the Democratic Central Committee of Orange County. He ran for U.S. Congress in the thirty ninth district in 1984 and for the rancho Santiago Community College Board of Trustees in 1985. Bruce Sumner Democrat is a write in candidate in this race the chairman of the Orange County Democratic Central Committee practicing law now. He served as a superior court judge for 19 years prior to retirement in that 1984 is the state assemblyman from one thousand fifty seven to one hundred sixty three.
He has served on the judicial council of California taught at the California judges college. He was formerly a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Corps. Steve Sears Peace and Freedom Party is an accountant with a certified public accounting firm in Cote the Mason. He's currently attending law school and received a master's degree in Business Administration from caliphate Kloden. He attended Garden Grove High School orange coat college in San Diego State and elected member of the U.S. Congress now received seventy two thousand six hundred dollars per year for the two term year of office. Each candidate will now make a one minute statement on his candidacy after that I'll ask questions on the issues. And now let's start with Mr. Batum. Good evening I am Congressman Bob Adam it has been my pleasure and privilege and responsibility to represent this area both in the state legislature and in the Congress of the United States for the past 24 years. Ten of those last years have been the years that I have spent representing you in this district the 40th district in the House of Representatives. My colleagues have called upon me to be their representative
at NATO to be their representative on this policy committee to be their representative in many international bodies that have to do with the provision of jobs economic growth and the defense of our country as it applies directly to our district. I have achieved ten years of seniority in the Congress of the United States seniority is the name of the game. The issue here before us is what shall we return to Congress. Seniority leadership and ability. I have that and I should be returned to Congress. Thank you very much. Thank you Mr. Rosenberg. Good evening. My name's Nathan Rosenberg and my campaign is about you. The citizens of this district having a representative who is working for them having a sense that the government is there or is having a sense that you have a relationship with your government. I've talked with you and with thousands of your neighbors and I've gotten a very clear sense that you don't have a strong connection with Washington
D.C. and it's for that reason that I'm running for the United States House of Representatives. I have a strong background in government. I we can work for you and I can work with you. Isn't it time you have a representative who you can be proud of. Isn't it time you have a congressman in Washington who's on the floor of the house casting votes for you and working with you. Isn't it time that you have a representative who can who was back here in the district talking to you and then going to Washington to Washington to speak for you. Of course it is. As a graduate the United States Air Force Academy and the naval aviator I flew search and rescue missions and saved 24 people's lives and I served as executive support officer to the secretary of defense. And I'm committed to combining my government background with being a successful businessman and doing the hard work that it takes to balance a budget. Thank you. All right Mr. Art often my opponent's candidacy is
being pushed by organized crime circles identified by Lyndon the Ruesch as dope inc.. Bruce Summers campaign manager James Roosevelt has been associated for the past 20 years with organized crime figures from Mayor Lansky to Robert Best go to Sidney Korczak the person acting as the expert on opposing the candidates in Orange County is Korczak son Stuart who is employed at the same law firm that Judge Sumner works for. Wyman Bazza Rockman has extensive dealings with Korczak a mob connected lawyer and political manipulator. Roosevelt recommended course ex-friend Edmund G Pat Brown to the board of investors overseas services and IT Torrijos mob money laundering operation and swindle. I am asking my opponent to resign from that law firm and to repudiate his association with James Roosevelt to show that he wants to run a clean campaign. Otherwise he might as well have Robert Best kill himself as his campaign manager.
Thank you Bruce Sommer. My name is Bruce Sumner and I am the chairman of the Orange County Democratic Central Committee. I'm running as a write in candidate because the people which I really describe as a cult are an anathema. There is nothing about their organization that is in any way indicative of the Democratic Party. I think that Mr. Hoffman's opening statement indicates why you should write in my name and then what you write in my name. Vote for me. You have to do both. When you go to the polls you have to write in the name somewhere all you have to do is write in somewhere and then you vote for Sumner. If you don't your choice in November on the Democratic side is going to be for a reckless scary bizarre organization namely the real live organization and the only
way that you'll have a real Democrat as your choice is to write in some there and then vote for something. Thank you Mr Steve there's the major political parties have been running our country for a long time. I think we need a change. People today are not much better off than they were 10 years ago. In fact many are worse off. We have seen cuts in social programs and massive expenditures on the military. Our foreign policy has increased the risk of global conflicts and has increased the danger of terrorist attacks on American citizens. I propose an approach to government where human needs and education health care and housing are already where other nations will respect us for our humanity instead of fear us for our military superiority. Lately the two major parties have been sounding more and more like as an independent candidate. I offer new ideas and responsive leadership. I represent a viable alternative for voters who are disappointed with their current representation in Congress.
Thank you. I'm going to ask each of you now to make a statement on what you feel are the top issues in this campaign I'm going to ask you to prioritize that move along because we have a structure relatively short time you want to get right into the program. Let's start again with you Mr. Sears. If you had to prioritize what would you say are the top two or three if you're in this campaign. Go well nuclear arms. I think world peace can only be obtained by limiting all nuclear weapons. The U.S. should show itself as a leader in the quest for disarmament by halting the manufacture of nuclear weapons and treaties should begin to go shaded which can decrease in the nuclear weapons in the world and these trees they should be monitored compliance should be verified. And I think that is really the major issue nuclear arms right would you say we should reduce our nuclear arms whether the Russians do or not. No I say they should both unilateral you know by a lot everything I buy that I let or that of the Russian don't then what. Well we should negotiate treaties I think we're going the wrong direction right now we have antagonized the Soviets to the point where there are no negotiations going on and it's counterproductive. We need to increase our dialogue we need to make friends with the Soviets we have to live on this planet and we can.
We're going to have to get along. But you but you if you cannot affect this this thing that they're trying to accomplish to solve to install one and so forth are not able to accomplish this by not even trying to. But if they're not able to accomplish it even if we try and write honestly if you'd like to have them do it and then they still can't do it then what would you say we could do it we should be thinking of our nuclear weapons. I think if it it's going to get worse and worse and we're just. We're going to end up in some kind of a nuclear war if we don't do something we're going to have to do something and maybe the worst case will happen. But I don't think that we can unilaterally disarm we're going to have to negotiate treaties and work towards peace and sort of working towards war. But there are some of the top two or three issues in the campaign let's get right to our the top issue is the Lyndon LaRouche. And that's the whole issue in my primary we've got to keep in mind in the viewers should have to should keep in mind that the Democrats go only vote for the Democrats and Republicans only for the Republicans in this particular race in this. So we have a sense. Two campaigns going on here. And the real issue in my candidacy is Lyndon LaRouche I'm a write in candidate unless you write in the name somewhere and then vote for somewhere
you're going to have a Lyndon LaRouche disciple. And you just heard him in his opening statement. He took on one of the most distinguished men in Orange County today that I'm sure that everyone watching knows namely James Roosevelt who I'm very proud to say is the honorary chair of my campaign. Along with that Pat Brown a revered and distinguished governor of this state regardless of what your political persuasion is he's a man of distinction. And then to take on a very fine able capable young lawyer by the name of Stuart course Shaq. Who is a labor lawyer and is associated with Wyman bouncer and who is one of the finest lawyers in this county. I think illustrates the McCarthy type attack that the people are capable of along with calling the Queen of England a seller of drugs. The mechanics I would let you know in all fairness to race. If people do like you and want to vote for you if they fail to go through the mechanics then their their loyalty to you is lost. So it's right mechanics are that they might write something on how to write the name some there and then vote for it in this
year's elections and then you can judge they had to be Bruce somehow to be defeated on their own and then alright. Even if you say well that summer it's going to be all right but you're right. Some here and then vote for it by punching it out. Top two or three if you very quickly want to get on to that balancing the budget off you are going through a strong national defense for all critical issues. But the most important issue in this campaign is who's going to work for you. This is the Republican representation in Congress over the last nine years. This is Mr Bottoms ranking against his Republican colleagues in attendance over those nine years. Always at the bottom. Never a leader always at the bottom. And Jim I think that the people of this county this is one of the strongest most conservative counties in the in the country. We've given our district gave the president the one of the widest margins of victory in the United States and we deserve somebody who's going to go to work with the president. Mr. BALLEN claims to be a great supporter of the Prezi United States but his support rating according to the Congressional Quarterly is lower than that of some
Democrats. What's your biggest quarrel with Mitch about him then his attendance in Congress we pay $75000 a year and we're not getting a full time congressman from the left. Let's get something straightened out. Mr. Fuentes who is the only kind of Republican chairman that said we've got a rodent gate going in the fight. Paper. Did you or did you not have one of your Rodenberg people in the Baton camp. We did not he went on his own he's an impetuous young man of twenty four or five years old and coming from Ron Casper's bag man. I don't have a whole lot to say about Mr. Fuentes comment. So do you feel badly about that I mean that absolutely I really cannot comment on those kind of Adam Kampe. Absolutely and I had Joe right now a letter of apology to the congressman which he did. All right much about him. Top issues top two or three issues the top issue in this campaign Jim is who can best represent this district with the tough things that we have going on in Washington today as a 35 year resident of this area as one who has known and worked closely with and for and supported Ronald Reagan and he has supported
me incidentally. I am the one who has the experience the seniority and the leadership to bring together in the Congress as I have been working with President Reagan tax reform deficit control. Means maintaining a strong and adequate defense through the Congress and through our people abroad and bringing jobs to Orange County and preserving defense contracts that can only be done with seniority and hard work and that is the work that I have been doing and that's what I will continue to be doing. There have been people who have tried to make me the issue. I'm not the issue. The issue is who best can lead this district and keep this district sound bringing in jobs providing jobs cutting the deficit and working with the president. I have that capability and I've demonstrated that leadership. My colleagues in the Congress here from Orange County have unanimously given me their full support. All of the Republican elected officials of this county have given me their full written support. I have I'm in Rome. I have. I have been
demonstrated by my house to be a leader. I'm a member of the Policy Committee. My colleagues elected me president of my freshman class. I want a republic I was on the Republican Campaign Committee the research committee I've been appointed by the leadership to be a permanent delegate to the NATO's Parliamentary Assembly. I've represented the president in international ceremony as a delegate to the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and many many other thing. Let's And let's get something cleared and right away to do with a big thing here opponents attack you want to number one your junk appearing as he has called it traveling and the second thing is your absenteeism. When you address those two very quickly the House of Representatives doesn't call roll Jim. We have a statistical numbering of the votes cast versus the votes call. There are many times when I have been sent by the House leadership by the president a couple of times last year unfortunately my wife was in the hospital and I was at her side here in Orange County and the president has sent me on missions I've been on various secret missions here within the United States. And when I have a choice. Whether I have to
be in Washington or be in my district I checked with the leadership and we have. We are not going to have important votes and I've never missed a critical vote. But you won't you will attest that you have been the name to the most widely traveled of all a congressman in the 435 members of Congress known to have that comment and I know that's not correct I have at once been named second at once been named for a for a period the most traveled. Jim That is absolutely essential my committee is responsible for the expenditures of three hundred billions of dollars throughout this world to keep our nation strong to keep our defenses up to be able to do things like the excuse me the Libya raid and it is part of my duty to not only work with NATO's nations work with other allies on base agreements and basing agreements but to work with NATO and to work with our allies and our military troops wherever they occur in the world. And those assignments were given to me because of my expertise because of this district's involvement in defense. And they are
absolutely necessary. The top two or three issues as you see them bring the main issue in this campaign Jim is the involvement of James Roosevelt and other mob linked elements opposing my candidacy. What prove why has what proof do you have to have while right here this is just my file and Sidney Korczak. And if Stewart Korczak wants to sue me just let him. Because in discovery process will bring out all the ties were organized crime to Orange County Politan How does that relate to their own open view. James Roosevelt was a member of investors overseas Services which was one of the biggest swindles that ever occurred in the late 60s to mid 70s. Chairman of I Os were Bernie Cornfield a convicted swindler and Robert Invesco who is now pushing dope in Castro's Cuba. So these are the honorable men who work with iO West and who Wyman Bout's or Mr. Boucher himself recommend Sidney Korshak a big wheeler dealer and I Os as an honorable man and live the rich group anti-Semitic. No sir in fact my campaign secretary is
Jewish. Let me be and let me finish on that. Not only is my campaign secretary Jewish but the prime minister of Israel has just proposed a Marshall Plan for the Middle East which was originally proposed by Lyndon LaRouche five years ago so if that's anti-Semitic then let me guess let me quote this thing this is a route taken from an ADL document and he said that they you know excuse me but the if I were to read it were a matter of conduct wrong lobby I'm going to read that article and he's quoting with a route he's quoting with illusion he has written that prominent Jewish families grant to meddle in bringing Hitler to power and that quote the Holocaust thesis is known and one of the hoaxes produced by the Zionist demagogue. Do you think all that was taught at the wholly taken out of context louche never said that their parties have already called on your security issues let's talk about organized crimes all the time so they're quite in for music are you obscuring the moment I might add to this question. Do you think that the Holocaust was a hoax. No sir I don't fact I believe it was a very well metronome
a Rossetti did not is taken out of context to be cited obscuring the issue of organized crimes involvement here because I don't know you don't want to know why moderating a show grandmamma asked you as a candidate to answer the question directly. Do you think that the Holocaust was all for the third time Jim I will answer the questions if it was not a hoax it happened millions of Jews were killed along with millions of gypsies homosexuals old people useless eaters and Croatians witches and all the news I should give you a chance every Bible you have anything to say about the common road and certainly the as far as James Roosevelt is concerned his record speaks for itself and I'm sure that people in this community know James Roosevelt it's interesting that at one point Lyndon LaRouche said that his candidacy or his beliefs were in tune with the FDR and also with JFK and of course that's just hogwash. The people believe that the Queen of England is involved in the international drug smuggling and that Henry
Kissinger is a known homosexual and that he is involved in there is some type of conspiracy. They've recently just recently called for the impeachment of Secretary of State Shultz as being. An American then against the best interests of the United States and they claim that wives of many prominent senators are involved with the KGB. It's wild weird bizarre but it's also dangerous and I think the best evidence that I have had so far is Mr Hofmann himself and his reckless statements about individuals especially James Roosevelt. Truth is all we give you a chance fiction. Let's give you a chance now you you criticize that spending I think of your opponent you want to comment on that. Well yeah I think spending is that right. You said I don't paint guns. That's right Jim and I think that let me go. Let's get that answered. When people contribute money to a campaign they expect it to be spent on campaign expenditures you know things like buttons and balloons and phones and things like that and that. And my opponent
has spent his money on a car for himself silverware for his table a wallpaper for his house travel overseas to Hawaii and Hong Kong and. Literally the best hotels in Europe and that and that I just think it's indicates a lack of respect for the political process a lack of respect that people here who live here in Orange County and much of that money is from the PACs from the defense contractor so they don't much care where it gets spent. Jim I think it's altogether proper that we lay this one to rest right now I would like to quote from from Associated Press dispatch of 1985. Yes. My campaign funds are voluntary volunteer contributions and I have a group called the boosters the baton boosters which has been with me for 10 years. They know all of my expenditures and they know where it goes where it goes and why. I will have to say that every time there is any question about any expenditure from the voluntary campaign funds that go to my campaign committee. We check in with
the FCC. We check it with the House Ethics Committee and Mr. Rosenberg if he knows anything about the way the Congress works which he doesn't would know that and I would quote If Representative William Clay Democrat of Missouri look sharp the next time he's out on the town his tailor can share the credit with the Federal Elections Commission. The FEC which administers the campaign finance laws said that Clay could use his surplus campaign funds to buy tuxedoes and evening gowns for himself for his wife for political functions. The commission came to that conclusion in voting for that one to approve an advisory legal opinion on this subject. This has been before the FEC and there are occasions when I must do entertaining when I must go to various functions. How about my wife your wife. Over the past 10 years Jim for strictly political functions I think maybe the campaign fund has bought five dresses for my wife for such things as balls at the White House. The Republican National Convention and things like that five over 10 years I'm sure that all the ladies in the constituency that I represent
would not find that opprobrious particularly particularly when it was approved by the FEC by the Ethics Committee and by my campaign and Jim I would just say one thing that well one of my first contributors one of my biggest supporters said I used to be about him don't scare easy he handed me his campaign contribution. It's like when the when they bought the fur coat with the campaign contributions that was just a little bit too much. So you have my absolute doubt that either that is a direct. Personal attack on my wife which is absolute is not an ally. You cannot show one fur coat or one thing more than four or five dresses that were used purely for political functions and Furcal is bunk Mr. Rosenberg. And you know what. And that's a lie. Just quoting one of my supporters Congressman Paul was sure OK just put one of your support and additionally you say that it all came from Baton boosters well in the last not since the last campaign in 1984. You've raised a little bit over one hundred seven thousand dollars. 7 what's your point. That most of the money came from
political action committees and he spent over $70000 now on that on. That's totally not true. And even if it were true which it is not I will have to say that any expenditures that I have made have never been criticized challenge or anything else until a Republican ostensibly came March 7. Not before to my office by phone or letter or in person. Not ever criticizing my actions before but on March 7 and back I'm going to have a bad lad in a Lincoln Club breakfast on Metro and break a quick question at ben raved about your back on the ferry right up the head Mr battlements has said that you are coming from asd and that death. There is some cloud of doubt that in that you are me find out from people who believe in ASD which is operated by your brother. Yes when you credit I very quickly had nothing to believe in it's a two weekend course and people got a lot of value out of Jim and General William Lyon Catherine Thompson three members of the knot family Ursula Kennedy from the Tuscan city council Barbara winner from the Irvine City Council John Cox from the Newport city council are all endorsers of mine. I have great
support from mainstream Republicans. Very quickly let's give you a chance that it is on the Democrat side again what is the party shot you want to leave about this election because you are right in the most important thing is that is the fact that my name will not appear on the ballot that you have to remember to write in the name somewhere and then vote for some there that's the most important thing about the election and if you don't the alternative is is a low Ruesch candidate who they've demonstrated not only here but in all of their actions that they're anti-semitic that they have has our beliefs that they are truly dangerous. Mr. Sarah you've been not quite We give you a little more time here with your last shot of the why should someone go for the Peace and Freedom Party. Well I think tonight just shows it perfectly the big candidates and the big parties are just arguing amongst each other about personalities and things that don't really matter the issues are not even coming out. I think Batum and Rosenberg they're identical they do not differ on any issues and minutely Rosenberg said he agrees about them on every issue. For the Republican Party and
the Democrats. But you're and you will be my favorite nightly just on a bilateral nuclear free you know a lot of issues I have about the main one. That's the main one I think as a peace candidate that is the number one priority and their ally wishes are not being addressed. All right I'm sorry we don't have more time it's been a very candid discussion almost up. Please be with us tomorrow night at 8:30 when we present the candidate for the thirty eighth congressional district race. I'm Jim Cooper. Thanks for being with us. Jim Cooper's going to God he is made possible by grants from the Harry and Grace steel foundation
providing charitable assistance to deserving organizations in the areas of health education and culture by signal landmark incorporated developer of Southern California real estate and builder of Landmark homes by Robert Half an account Thames providing permanent and temporary accounting financial and EDP personnel and by Disneyland Park an important part of Orange County for over 30 years.
Jim Cooper's Orange County
Candidates for Congress in the 40th District
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
PBS SoCal (Costa Mesa, California)
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Episode Description
In this episode of Jim Cooper's Orange County Jim Cooper interviews the candidates who are running for Congress in the 40th district.
Series Description
Jim Cooper's Orange County is a talk show featuring conversations about local politics and public affairs.
Talk Show
Public Affairs
Politics and Government
Copyright 1986
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Director: Ratner, Harry
Host: Cooper, Jim
Interviewee: Badham, Robert E.
Interviewee: Rosenberg, Nathan
Interviewee: Hoffman, Art
Interviewee: Sumner, Bruce
Interviewee: Sears, Steve
Producer: Miskevich, Ed
Producing Organization: PBS SoCaL
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: AACIP_1150 (AACIP 2011 Label #)
Format: VHS
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:30:00
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Chicago: “Jim Cooper's Orange County; Candidates for Congress in the 40th District,” PBS SoCal, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 22, 2024,
MLA: “Jim Cooper's Orange County; Candidates for Congress in the 40th District.” PBS SoCal, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 22, 2024. <>.
APA: Jim Cooper's Orange County; Candidates for Congress in the 40th District. Boston, MA: PBS SoCal, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from