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Can you Lucy eat public affairs specials are made possible by Disneyland Park bringing you 35 years of magic by the Peter and Mary move Foundation and by viewer support. This weekend marked the opening of the longest biggest public building in Orange County's history. The half mile long Thomas Riley air terminal at the John Wayne Airport started the first day of service for the public this Sunday after three years of building in a total of 310 million dollars for the overall airport improvement project. Orange County's new air terminal is finally taking off. The real Iraq Iran or Iraq. The opening date has finally arrived. The new Thomas Reilly terminal is almost nine football fields long with 14 or service gates that can handle eight point four million passengers a year almost twice the total passengers said last year at the old
terminal but terminal will cost 61 million dollars as the centerpiece of a 310 million dollar overall airport improvement project that has taken three years to build it five and a half months late than the opening. And there have been repeated battles over cost overruns delays and design changes but most experts agree that the finished product will give Orange County one of the most efficient and modern air terminals in the nation. They get a better understanding of the new terminal that's a good idea to see once more the crowd of old at the Martin terminal which will close its doors for air travel at the end of flight this Saturday. It was built in 1967 with 29000 square feet and improved in one thousand seventy two to handle 400000 passengers a year. It has parking for 3000 cars one baggage carousel and eight air gates where passengers have to walk outside and go up the steps to board planes in all kinds of weather. This year the jammed small terminal handled 4.4 million passengers. It may be designated deserve general aviation in the future by comparison the new
rally terminal which got into service Sunday that's three hundred thirty seven thousand square feet can handle up 8.4 million passengers a year and will have 14 covered tunnels to board planes. The rounded rush hour fashion that their aircraft fuselage in. The six story high terminal will have every modern passenger amenity including a variety of gift stores and food vendors. The half mile long center parking lot paralleling the terminal Plus a parking lot at either end of the terminal will be able to park fifty eight hundred cars initially with expansion to 80 400 in the future. Second level parking is for departing passengers the first level parking is for people who are picking up arriving passengers. These scenes were taken as finals rushing touches were being made last week for the airport dedication. They show the long roadway on the second level for passengers who are departing from the county and this is one of the outside check in areas for departing passenger to end of the terminal. Large signs about the long second level road will indicate which airliners are at each area for
departing passengers and which parking lots are nearest to educate. A large square glass area three stories high will be the center point for the terminal. It's already been nicknamed as the meet and greet area and is the exact center of the terminal with each wing mirror image of the other. The most visible single landmark is the nine foot high bronze memorial statue of John Wayne after home the airport had been named. It was removed from the old terminal and refurbished for its new location. The airport had two six story high baggage retrieval areas that are conveniently located near arrival gate and served by escalators. The floors are a combination of carpeting and marble and a large skylight and windows give a cheerful airy feeling inside. This is a large quarter for ticketing for passengers. Another identical ticketing car door is on the opposite side of the terminal. They will provide services for the 10 commercial and 9 commuter airlines now operating from the airport. This with a view as final preparations were being made in the air conditioned departure lounges where passengers will wait to board their
plane ride comfortable lounge chair and will replace the crowded waiting areas in the cramped current terminal that needed a walk through tunnels to board planes. Despite cutbacks in Marvel due to cost overrun there is still an abundance of marble on floors walls and pillars. The terminal is flooded with much natural light from the skylight above the 65 foot high vaulted ceiling and from side windows along its full length in the center of all corridors. Passengers will walk on carpeted floors. It will have a number of snack shops a Pizza Hut a yogurt bar a bakery candy shop two cocktail bars a restaurant then two VIP club lounges. It will also have gift shops and several places for tours. The bicillin heirs of their trip to Warren County. On October 1st. Phase two of the county's agreement with Newport Beach and two citizens groups will allow the airport to gradually go from 55 noise regulated flights each day to 73 per day. But that high number of flights won't be reached for several years.
The agreement embodies the strictest noise control regulation didn't it. The same agreement puts a cap of 8.4 million passengers a year up to the year 2005 when this agreement ends. But by that year of 2005 the demand for air travel from Orange County is expected to be about 14 million passengers a year over and above the eight point four million annual passenger ceiling now imposed. The county is already considering another airport to serve Orange County and Georgia Air Force Base in San Bernardino County when that airport is closed by the Air Force. Meanwhile planes like the folk are 100 made in the Netherlands and the Airbus A-300 made in France among the quietest airliners in the world will soon be used by some airlines at Orange County Airport to reduce noise levels. Supervisor Tom Riley after whom the new terminal has been named has been the central county leader who has pushed for a completion of the airport project for the past five years. You had some frustration cost overruns delays. How do you
feel about those frustrations. I feel great today because today the the last obstacle to us the county accepting the project from there. So that's the kind of a red letter day for you to do that but that the thruster ations the delays in getting back to the time we you know we get started on this thing and then the money became a challenge. And that. And. You had to make the cut. Well lots of things it was a public newspaper. Became made this a project. Of seeing how much negativism they could develop. And begin to make everybody concerned for instance the people who bought the bonds of 300 million dollars at the bottom. Of the sudden they were wondering whether we will lose everything. And they called me even though the bond sold in 45 minutes and I had to say that
that wasn't happening. Then I got constituents who became concerned because it was they thought it was their tax dollars. Surprisingly how few people knew. That the enterprise that set up by the. Airport. Only supports funds that are there from the bond from that. And back dollars involved at all in this. One of the people are warning Conny going to get we're going to have. Up there that probably the best. Of the state of the art airport in the world today. Additionally. It is my. Belief sincere belief and this is based on discussion with the experts in the field that we will enjoy a prestigious airport in the next 20 or Orange County the aviation has a proud 67 year history that lends perspective to today's modern airport.
It all started back in 1923 at this dusty little airstrip the forerunner of today's busy John Wayne Airport pioneer aviator Andy Martin with the airport operator and his vision was to be a driving force in the county's aviation future. That is that there was a chance to do whatever you wanted. In those days they were great for the first hour or so it's a thing of the sort of new industry you get just working stiffs out. It was located at the end of South Main Street on Irvine company land at the Martin's airfield became an obstacle in the county's plans to extend the road through to Corona Del Mar.. In return for giving up the lease on his airfield the county offered Eddie an exclusive lease on a 140 wanted her side about a mile from his original location. But I'm happily the Flyers of the early days didn't get to use the new airport for very long just three months after Eddie moved its operations to the new Orange County airport in
1941 World War 2 started the Army Air Corps took over the entire airfield civilian flying ended and the Orange County Airport had a new role as a wartime fighter training base for a squadron of P-38 when control of the airport was returned to the county in 1948 so many improvements had been made at taxpayers expense that any Martin exclusively would no longer feasible. It was then that the county opened this airport to all aviation. The new airport didn't grow very quickly at first but then it expanded rapidly as the county's population boom began in the 1950s. Everyone agreed improvements at the airport were required. The single runway and the wartime building were worn out then. How grown. An airport manager with hired in the county created an airport commission were also engaged to create a master plan for expansion of the airport into wide open nearby spaces. Although there were a few homes and businesses nearby. The runways were realigned to direct takeoff over upper bay to help reduce noise levels.
By 1965 the new airport where they're ready to open two new runways serving commercial as well as private planes. The old terminal has been overcrowded almost continuously since it opened. But that problem has been solved. This weekend a vitally important part of the airline improvement project is the relocation of a large number of light planes from the east side of the airport where the new terminal is now located to the west side. General aviation not an airline flight made up more than 90 percent of the John Wayne Airport total abberation the totalling about five hundred thirty thousand take off and landing this past year. General aviation this bill very much a part of the airport's life with 1000 private aircraft located here. The new facility that created 485 new tied down spaces for light planes supervisors of the general aviation will continue as an integral function of the airport. No Aviator is more adamant about keeping a strong general aviation presence at the airport than Cliff Frazier owner of
Cliff Frazier any service that anyone who's been flying for 60 years having flown out of this airport as early as 46 years ago. He's been a fixed base operator for mechanical repair work on light planes since 1957 moving the light plane to the west side of the field. You've been a flyer for sixty years you've been a fixed base operator for 33 years how does it feel being Lightman of being the filming in 11 room at 11. This said don't forget I'm 81 years old and this is there a beauty for me what would an 81 year old guy do if all of a sudden I was to leave here is what keeps you going what keep you barking every day of your life. Well because I've got something to do right here I've got an annual go and here somebody else brings an airplane and they got to have someplace to work on him and I provide a space for the individual guys that that's one stop at the ace it is don't place on the field so when he needs a place wake up with the phrase Are you glad they're finally getting the
terminal to take care of a dollar path near the when I go out of here. Oh I like to have turtles I write the airlines a lot. I'm in favor of Moet figures they've got to find out that they've got a runway for the right large airplanes in runway for this ball and into one thing they've done is turn it about to where they put the terminal where it makes the sort of runway useless. So now the light planes on the east side are using their their monopolizing the runway that is built and required for the airliners. It's just backwards. The overall project cost will be three hundred ten million dollars being done in two phases. Grade 1 funding came to two hundred sixty three million. And Phase 2 funding will be forty seven million for such things in the future as two more levels of parking structures and new ramps leading to and from the 405 freeway. Airport funding is not come from the county general fund but from sources expressly connected to the
airport project. These include one hundred sixty six million and twenty year bond to be paid by airport revenues twenty seven million from FAA grants 33 million from interest earnings. Construction reimbursement from private vendors and airport operation revenue. The new terminal is expected to earn forty seven million dollars per year. You're marked only for airport projects. The original estimate to build the terminal is forty two million dollars but the lowest bid actually came in at 59 million 17 million higher than estimated the actual final cost for the terminal is sixty one million dollars. Part of the overall 310 million airport improvement cost. The grand jury this summer investigated the project report said a tighter fiscal oversight should be used in future projects of this kind. This is hell and I've been a with a member of the outgoing grand jury which investigated the overall airport construction project for a period of eight months in 1989 and 1990. What are the big things that you that were wrong or who are coming in your role.
If your concern was being of the project being the largest project the county had ever taken on. I think they were not prepared. For that. Really for the organization for putting the whole project together at the beginning. There was a certain. Lack of staffing understaffing change and staffing and it took a while to kind of bring all of that together until there was really an organized look like there were madmen there were blurred lines at the beginning. The author already was really the Fairview did among federal county agencies rather than having run agency B and for our. Control and gradually again got changed as time went on but it was a living learning experience. It would be remembered that the grand jury
were similar. Well that really was the focus of our study to come up with a positive guide for future projects. I mean the main things are first to define what a major project is whether they. Are. A grand jury panel from vs and perhaps a project of a hundred million dollars or more as a basis for defining them. Also certainly the complexity of the project the amount of funding sources. How. Well really the complexity of the project that was one recommendation. Another one was to improve the evaluation process. To make sure that the contractors who can manage are capable of doing the project but they have the ability and hand to do it. To verify this. So that when the contract is signed we have
people who can really carry out what they say they're going to do. The Orange County grand jury suggested that any project in the future of this magnitude should have some kind of an authority convened that had the responsibility for day to day tracking so that there is positive control. What about that. Well that is a good question I'm not sure that I think we need authority but certainly we need somebody that has the expertise in whatever endeavor we're going on somebody who again has command presence. Somebody whose integrity is above reproach and we would get this person as I would see it if we did over again to come in and sign him and you would understand as being a former Marine we used to do that and abuse warfare battle program you know we're involved in the Navy maybe gunfire we're now on air ground all trying to coordinate this thing for a successful invasion and I'm landing.
I would say this individual who is an expert would be representing the board and would be there to watch to see that everything was going on DAY TO DAY. And this is not a reflection on anybody and say hey did you know you're getting behind in this project. Are warned a supervisor they were going to need it and more people were going to have to do something else here. We would have then had professional expert advice telling us where things were happening. This was the scene last week as guests arrived at a black tie reception where they enjoyed the sneak preview of the county's sparkly new Thomas Reilly terminal. The event had all a festive atmosphere of a Hollywood opening night as guests and tuxedoes and ladies in glittering gowns arrived for an evening of touring music live entertainment a laser light show and cuisine from 30 hotels caterers and restaurants. The new terminal has been called Orange County and gateway to the world and the guests are in a happy mood to commemorate their new Gateway. Even though the completion is five and a half months late
there's a joyous moment of celebration for the new terminal community and government leaders from the county and at 29 studies and aviation representatives are all here to enjoy the party welcoming the Thomas Riley terminal as the new orange county institution. About 3000 guests in formal attire attended the $50 a person gala. Most seem to like what they saw. They checked in at the south entrance and found food and beverages being served all the half mile length of the terminal. Even Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse showed up to see their new terminal many for the first time wore a formal dress to greet the guests. Exotic food from restaurants all over the county presented dishes ranging from Oriental shrimp specialty through Hispanic menus to French and Italian delicacies while ice sculpting graced the banquet table chefs were a colorful part of the party scene that stretched the twenty seven hundred feet the length of the terminal. I talked with some guests including Carole economy a former mayor of Villa Park.
It's lovely inside. IF IF IF IF. Quite warm and very friendly. The feature about it if you like. Just the fact that as Lloyd says it is that makes you feel like you're in someone's personal living just track of colors that just a very warm feeling. I think it's absolutely fabulous. It just amazes me how beautiful it is really inside the terminal. I'm on the outside of that impression as much of the inside. Now let me just clarify that my cousin asked me if they were going to be outside so that we could actually see how beautiful it was in private. Peeled off my corrugated cardboard. Oh Jim you know I've seen lots of terminals of many of us have around the country I think for a major city terminal this is per haps the finest I've seen you walk in and from the exterior you have some excitement when you get into inside I think you just are overjoyed. Frankly I think that passengers arriving here are just going to be knocked out because of the openness of the spaciousness and the great thing is when you go to get your bags rather than
being in some kind of a little enclosure you have this three story high space. It's an absolutely beautiful open Orange County feeling I think. And there we certainly deserve it after waiting that long. I think this may be just what Orange County deserve to have one of the most beautiful terminals in this country and I think we can all be very proud of it. It's about two or three years ago we saw the preliminary plans in the mock up. I don't think any of us had any idea that it would be this huge in this beautiful terminal. Well I'm overwhelmed. Number one because of the size of this great terminal and secondly it's a it's a great architectural statement that is going to really transform the way that not only our era commuters ever see the John Wayne Airport but also how travelers from all over the nation are going to perceive not only the airport but Orange County it's a great new gateway to Orange County. Many people were frustrated over the delays the five and a half month delay in opening it. Then what would you say to those people. I would say that when one looks at the magnitude of the project and how big this project was in
terms of one of the largest public projects ever in the history of Orange County that the amount of time and in some cases the expenses that were over budget are not out of the realm of what is normally the case in terms of the overruns or the extensions of time. We are disappointed by some facets but I think that what you now see Jim is really the ultimate statement and it was worth the wait. I was very much impressed. I've heard. All the things in the register about this being slow and construction and so forth but I walked and thought well it was worth it. This is a magnificent place and I'll be happy to have all my friends and relatives to land here and come to this beautiful terminal last Saturday thousands of Orange County and had their first visit to the terminal during an all day public open house and dedication ceremony. There are community performing groups exhibit including vintage aircraft door prizes and souvenirs. The first official flight at the new airport was called Flight 990 and included officials and sponsors of the Orange County aviation Council. It was like a county
fair celebrating a new area age for the county. An estimated crowd of 10000 Orange County and came out for the all day open house. There were food standing balloons and dozens of booths for various businesses and air travel groups. There were a number of local dancer than even the troupe of Russian style dancers from Alaska. Most people came in family groups with something for visitors of all ages. One of the announcements made for visitors with about the cost of parking for the new terminal the new prices will be $1 an hour up to $14 a day for the first two days of parking in any of the new lots. After the first two days the price dropped down to $7 a day out of 10000 visitors some children did get lost in the crowd. This was only one loft boy who happily found his parents very soon on display or works of art from the inaugural art exhibit. The first of a series of art exhibits showing art of children and also professionals under the auspices of the airport Arts Commission. They'll be an ongoing
feature at the terminal. I talked with some of the visitors at the dedication event including Don Roth chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Well the course the excitement you can just feel it in the air because one of the things that we're providing is not only today is providing greater grants were taken but we're setting a really a new decade of history for Orange County. One of the things that we've been so progressive in every field with the exception of an airport terminal in the course of the night they're bored so I'm proud now for Arcturus and I've been with them in our own community and have a new facility like this. Well I knew it was going to be great but I didn't know how great. I'm thrilled that we had this in Orange County. I think it's a wonderful expression of the progress and the spirit of Orange County fantastic and much bigger than I thought I was going to be it's like walking into a big beautiful shopping mall there. It's not the same as compared with most airports running back I think it's better and
very easy to get around. Very nice very open very very very proud of our Orange County beer. Margaret Garden Grove is the sister of Mark after whom the old terminal was made. What do you think about walking through the terminal. Oh I think it's a wonder I think if any were here and were looking down on it he'd be very happy to think that they originally heard it turned into something like this. You used to fly with Eddie Martin in the old biplane. What do you think about keeping light plane aviation general aviation like the merc maybe keeping it alive. Oh I think it's very necessary. My first flight that I took with about seven years and then he landed out Macau and there behind Myron and I went running out. He was going to take me for a ride then come flying after me and
little to go a little to go up. And he climbed in and held me on his lap. And ever after that my father looked up what would any Martin say you think if you were here today. I think you'd be very happy about the new term out of the new term of the winter. Think that people started so many years ago and have banned it that. There were many speeches about the turmoil including the estimated one billion dollars and 10000 new jobs it's expected to generate in the future for the local economy. The biggest highlight was the moment of the official dedication by supervisor chairman Don Ross. For their long awaited moment. September 8 1990. Well I have the following statement to make. I mean more or does everybody here in Iowa really know they are playing for the hour.
Right. And so on September 8 the final moment of dedication arrived in a new era of aviation began for our new County beaches and celebrations are over now and the county's air travelers can start enjoying their new Thomas Riley air terminal. But there's a concern that the 8.4 million passengers a year maximum allowable capacity for the new terminal will be reached by about the year 1993. That underscores a problem for the supervisors were to build another airport to serve an additional 10 million air passengers here by the year 2000. Jim Cooper at John Wayne Airport. Can you see each public affairs specials are made possible by Disneyland Park
bringing you 35 years of magic by the Peter and Mary move Foundation and by viewers aboard.
Public Affairs Special
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Tape Number 41
OC Air Terminal Takes Off
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PBS SoCal (Costa Mesa, California)
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Episode Description
Thomas Riley Air Terminal at the John Wayne Airport has opened to the public and the host tours the new terminal. He interviews with those involved and talks about some of the obstacles that delayed the project. He also attends the opening reception to interview the guests.
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Public Affairs
Copyright 1990 KOCE-TV
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Host: Cooper, Jim
Interviewee: Vasquez, Gaddi
Interviewee: Riley, Thomas
Interviewee: Fraizer, Cliff
Interviewee: Dell-Imagine, Helen
Interviewee: Kawanami, Carol
Interviewee: Murray, Patty
Interviewee: Brower, Martin
Interviewee: Truhill, Lucien
Interviewee: Key, Tom
Interviewee: Roth, Don
Interviewee: Biel, Ruth
Interviewee: Bidwell, Ray
Interviewee: Schools, Margaret
Producer: Miskevich, Ed
Producing Organization: PBS SoCaL
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: AACIP_1259 (AACIP 2011 Label #)
Format: VHS
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Public Affairs Special; OC Air Terminal Takes Off,” 1990-09-15, PBS SoCal, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 4, 2024,
MLA: “Public Affairs Special; OC Air Terminal Takes Off.” 1990-09-15. PBS SoCal, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 4, 2024. <>.
APA: Public Affairs Special; OC Air Terminal Takes Off. Boston, MA: PBS SoCal, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from