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     Bernalillo County Seal Court Battle; Undocumented Migrants; The Space
    Shuttle Challenger Disaster
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but without any 1, Lt. using SAYON
SEYON this campaigning that is the As a result, the Seoul Postal
because have been even delivering to us more and more wisdom Tay. For that, we will bring up that. the curious Buddhism, my mistakes have been all over the world. But again, what approached me with my friends from bulletin
and their release It's the city of Israel, nor represent the land in India. It's the city of the United States. It's the city of the United States. It's the city of Israel. El caso de freedmen, asido Peliado, Porel American Civil Liberties Union, Mientra Skella de Fensa del Condado, Arcebido Ayuda, Porel Mountain State's legal foundation, un groupo conservador, basado, and Denver. Mountain State, esta preparando la patission alacorte superema, falta que la courte esta de aquedo en o'eriel caso, Mientra stanto el comisionado pa'dilla, dese que el seyo estquestion de interpretacion. Skello, esto el que rover de s que el cetinum cruis, entosis yocquero velluací. I'm de hamec el que roverosí. I'm de hamec el que roveruací. Skello velluací, comosin yor fremen que que nocre,
and de ocre and en cruis, en ocre en ese, pous que la puede ver comun, comun ex, o comun plus sine, o comun, un railroad crossing sine. Pous el la puede ver comun el locre ver. Skello, con davo pier de su caso, esta esti macheco staría por lo menos ciento venti cin comil dolar es para cambier el seyo. Des sepa día que a recibido ya madas de otras partiz el el anacion que tambien podrian sera effectadas. La cudad de las cruis, de en comosu seo trés, cruis de entre de un sol. I tambien a traves de la anacion, cominos cudad es es tasiras que tien en nombre féliciosos. Cés pera que el resultado des te caso, puedas centirse en numerosos con davos en moony cipios de la anacion. Para en folk en ass un aldes de al bukerque nuevo mejico, reporto, marco's martinis. the in times of clinging."
At that time, unless Juan as well as the Mi'rascion. For a handful of nop-nop-way inter-regard, inter-regard, simplemente por caprese m'hicana. El Senor Tom Berry, D'Stakea de Mass de D'Recho's legales, El foyeto serve tambien de Ayudara los hindocum entados, en quanto ala vida cotidiana en estados unidos. El il ere de laguir es para explicar, las con gision es nous estados nis como aos pueden, comprar rop, y, mandar de niero a m'hicó y, e cosa se se porque quanto aos vien en alos estados nis, not en en, not en en guna y d'air, sobre la vida que como con aos pueden,
o'sar de lefano púlico, y es se se se se es para explicar, cosa se se se para aos. Ablamos tambien con una abo gada de mi gracion, las en y ora josa fiin ror. De se ror que en quilacortes su prema aos en y a la doquilos en docum entados, not en en los de recho ciguales que un su dadano, city en en cier tas porotexion es bajolale, agrega ror que el temor a ser de portados perviene quilos en docum entados reclamensu se rechoos. de la vida oi no sambien que tien en de recho, I'm personal community on the me. Pemplo que se aos en exe de en tambien el trabajo, et la vida no sambien que tien de recho que hasto, vieting en medo docribatro mañama la megra. El la verde que poe pousir de patro la yambien, peris un la que tayo su de recho, de de to da vida y aricas a la corte, le mis mupo en no su le paier en las ora que trava, which are, which are legales de que nacayales, por el medo dal megras,
el verdes que yo por un el la de patamento de la vori que si, la de cien el la de paterentos la voles en portos aos un oes, legales de la sajir en enco rasos su endos. El foyeto acido que ticado por un groupo conservador estado uni, then say y amado fédros un Americana para reforma migratoria. El de retorto de la fédros un, dese que el foyeto fomenta la evasione de le es migratorias, comenta la bougada roa. No mupo que la critique en por que la verdes que el en floujo, de legales de me y con un coma para. El foyeto esta es credo en forma de préguntas ir espoestas, en cluea un mappa de estados un nidos un un el el esta de consulados mejicanos, y con un el la de la deles. Eces un le rases, y simplymento no esta de cien de y con movio la deles, es simplymento esta de cien lo que de retos tiene, y pos que la personatines o de retos. El foyeto esta es credo en forma de préguntas ir espoestas, en cluea un mappa de estados un nidos, un el el esta de consulados mejicanos,
e glesias, e centros de serviceios le gales. Say Andy's three bovido, y aldreda dorde quar entamele ahem plares. Para en folk en as un aldes de al bougur que en novo mejico, reporto marcos martines. The explosion of the space shuttle Challenger last month became a national tragedy with many Americans feeling they had known the seven astronauts who died in the crash. Numerous memorials were held across the nation and here in Albuquerque, one man found a way of dealing with the grief by putting his songwriting abilities to work. That man is Roberto Martinez. I went to bed and I just couldn't get him out of my mind. So next morning I got out and started jotting down the words.
And then I refined them and it took me about really about an hour and a half. Martinez is from Chacon, New Mexico and has recorded numerous Corridos about events in New Mexico, including the prison riot in Santa Fe and the life of Reyes Lopez de Herina. Martinez was accompanied by his son Lorenzo and another musician E.C. Rochaves in recording El Corridos de Los Astronautas. Martinez said the song is written in traditional Corrido form. It starts saying that date, that it happened, what happened and how it happened. One of the verses in Spanish says El transport agor de secho, Roperos de Chialcuelo, Mientras en el infinito, Ciete almas buenas el cielo. Roughly translated, it means that the charl rapidly falls down the earth's words
while in that infinite circumstances fly towards heaven. Martinez said that although most Corridos have been written about events in the Chicano community, there have been national events such as the killing of John Kennedy, which have also inspired ballots. Martinez said El Corridos de Los Astronautas helped him deal with his own grief and has done the same for others who have heard it. We had taken for granted going to the heavens, it was ordinary procedures to launch a shallow into space and we had already assumed or come to believe that there really was no danger
in doing that. In reality, there always was and has been a great amount of risk. Anytime that you attach yourself to a firecracker, anything could happen and it did happen. Roberto Martinez is the author of El Corridos de Los Astronautas.
Bernalillo County Seal Court Battle; Undocumented Migrants; The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
KUNM (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-207-117m0dg9).
Program Description
File begins with a special news report from Marcos Martinez about Bernalillo county (Albuquerque, New Mexico) being sued over an official county seal that is overtly religious (i.e. an image of a cross and a Spanish motto that says, "With This We Overcome"). Based on the constitutional divisions of church and state, this seal is being tried as unconstitutional and a reinforcement of violent Spanish colonization in the area. This has been a court battle that has been going on for five years in the Court of Appeals and has been tried based on parameters set by the Supreme Court. Another news report by Martinez discusses a brochure regarding organizing for undocumented Mexicans in New Mexico and providing information about migration laws. (In English) Martinez talks about the space shuttle tragedy and how Roberto Martinez, impacted by this event, wrote a "corriodo" to commemorate the lives that were lost. "Corrido" writer Martinez is from Chacon, New Mexico and has wrote other songs about the prison riots in Santa Fe and Reies López Tijerina. This new song he wrote is called, "Corrido de los astronautas."
On cover: #KZZZ11
Asset type
News Report
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Producing Organization: KUNM
Reporter: Martinez, Marcos
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-b167bbe7182 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:32:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “ Bernalillo County Seal Court Battle; Undocumented Migrants; The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster ,” KUNM, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 8, 2024,
MLA: “ Bernalillo County Seal Court Battle; Undocumented Migrants; The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster .” KUNM, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 8, 2024. <>.
APA: Bernalillo County Seal Court Battle; Undocumented Migrants; The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster . Boston, MA: KUNM, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from