thumbnail of Albuquerque Police Department; APD Tape 33
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And more supported to the students, and teachers need to teach their students to be more open-minded and more supported towards students and the students. Also, more recognition towards those that do more efforts instead of a GPA, because from somebody that has a 4.3, to somebody that has a 2.8, of course, from 4.3, we'll get more recognition in school, even though the 2.8 students will not be recognized as much for classes. So, we'll get more recognition in school, even though we'll get more recognition in school. We'll get more recognition in school, even though we'll get more recognition in school
in school.
We'll get more recognition in school, even though we'll get more recognition in school in school.
We'll get more recognition in school, even though we'll get more recognition in school. We'll get more recognition in school, even though we'll get more recognition in school. We'll get more recognition in school, even though we'll get more recognition in school. Up. Down. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up Up. Up. Up. Up. Up.
Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come
come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, Get your butt out. Get your butt out.
Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. Get your butt out. What's quirmin'? Pull yourself together. Come out. Pull yourself together. Like that. Like that. Pull yourself together. Doesn't matter. Okay, pull yourself together. Okay? Don't care. Pull yourself together. You finish off the sheet, then pull yourself together. Okay, and back! You finish off the sheet, then pull yourself together. Long back! You finish off the sheet, then pull yourself together. 剛剛 went in hard. I'm almost going to be real close to it, so I'll purchase it. Are you friends? Come on, folks, concentrate.
She's running out of here. She's running out of here. She's running out of here. If you think I'm believing that you're up off the ground, you're crazy. Turn your hands around. Yeah. That is not a close-up position. Turn your hands around. Yeah. Now you stay like that. Get your legs up off the ground. Put your butt down a little. We can be in all of the zone and then look back here. Sorry. It's a little integrity. Wait for me, sir. Get her. Flatten out your back. Run! Run! Put your butt down. Don't roll, you two. Put your butt down. Walk! Put your butt down. People need to concentrate. You know they're boxing. You're three or four people boxing. Do not leave the mat. There's a hole here in the field. Start on this way. I've got to see a one at the back. Down there. Keep it on the mat. You don't want these right legs to fight. Pull. Like I said, push it back in.
Push it back in. On the mat. On the mat. Don't leave a hole in the mat. Get on the mat. All right. Close it up. I don't want to do it. What should we do here? You guys finished, you're fighting period out here. Those two or three or four to dance at or doing it will help each other off this mat. Back, is that understood? Back, back, back! That was a text. All of you. All you're doing is boxing. You'll kick. You don't use your elbows, you box.
You keep your punches above the waist. Protect yourself. When you go down, you get back up. The other one that you continue until you get up and will pull you up. Protect yourself always. Understand? You get your bell rolling in your people and you leave the mat. The animosity is over. You are friends again. Or you are classmates and co-workers. I don't care. How bad you hate the person and just run your belt. You make sure that you help your fellow classmates off the mat. I better see a lot of support from you outside people. Raise the mat. Go. Stop all youbows. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Go, go, go, go, go, come on now! Go, go down to go! Go on to go! Come on, shout out! So lock up, you don't want to lock up with somebody you're trying to fight up in the street,
not going to lock up. Keep them in the distance away from you, so you can move around and get around. Let's go. Sit down, sit down, sit down. Better. And that's what we're doing. Our group talked about hitting the younger skults. Yeah, I don't mean physically, you know, going down to the younger schools and telling them about the awareness that is out there, the drugs, the alcohol and everything, and it's really smart because that's where the drug dealers are starting also. So we need to start where they're starting. So they can start. I mean, for their little brothers and sisters, they're going to make their own.
They're going to look up to you and they're going to say, hey, I want to do what they're doing. I want to be like they're like they are. They're starting to get in the industry. They're starting all of a sudden. You listen to your peers and you see. Well, let's keep going. We're fired up. Also, we're doing here. I mean, for my group, all they talked about was, I mean, certain students, they always pinpoint certain students, but also we need to help those in special education, or down syndrome and all, because those people go, I mean, there's a girl graduate that's this year. She's 21 and she's graduating. I mean, she's been in high school for six, seven years, and I think that they need to be also part of this because they have to go through school longer than we do and it's harder on them and we need to figure out some way where they can go four years like any other student can. We're a part of the community also. Yeah. Can't forget about the special groups. Well, let's go. This is a wonderful discussion. We want you to be able, can you do this again this afternoon? When you're up there.
Yeah, good. Up where? Where? We're all going to meet again this afternoon if you're getting together. This report you're going to give. So we want the same kind of reaction. Oh, you need to realize that. Well, isn't there supposed to be another post? They're going to be just looking at the fourth session. What they're discussing now in their group right now. You are responsible for those first three issues that we were talking about. And that's what we were trying to do is to see how we could organize this discussion and parliament is suggesting that just an open forum type conversation like you been doing right here probably could be a very good way to do it. I'm trying to figure out exactly how we're going to get this organized. We're going to be talking out of the other. All of the other students have been here all the time.
We'll be in the plenary session this afternoon. And you will be giving your report on what you're completing and the whole thing. I think you do need a discussion group, but I think you need to be sure that you bring out the points you brought out this morning and you may choose to agree to kind of bring out those points and then all of you chip in and add what went in your group. And do a discussion. This is King, we'll be your discussion like leader this afternoon. Except I don't think you all really need a discussion like that. I think it's it's go. And you realize they're recording this this morning, but this afternoon they will be recording also to show the whole ending of your conference. And so this will be a wrap up at the plenary session. It will be kind of a wrap up. Not mine, Lily. The questions that you guys are examining. Do you remember what those were?
Well, we talked about how can school be more rewarding and for students, how can it be a lot more interesting to keep students wanting to go to school instead of having job hours and just having other things to do to stay in school making it fun for everyone. Any other questions? Yes, we talked about there's a lot of issues like with drugs and sex and there's like what can be done in the schools to prevent these or to educate more of the students to let them know what can be done to take care of themselves to keep you to choose healthier lifestyles. And that starts with your peer pressure, your counselors, your teachers, there's a lot of teacher education, counselor education and stuff like that. The students want more of, they want the teachers to know what they're going to teach and go ahead and keep the students interested and with the counselors, you know, there's a lot of information like for software students and seniors with college stuff that needs to be now and the counselors are not aware of. So those were really big issues. Money was big. Money, money. That was a big, but it's an all.
The framework of what you guys discussed, there were like, as I recall, there were like five major issues. Did you get through all of them? Mm-hmm. They were the first of them making it rewarding. Right, it was, um, how to make it rewarding. How to, like, with your teachers and stuff, that the teacher education, the counselor education, what can be done? And then your third question was, like, your schools, what needs to be done for your schools, what needs to be, you know, with nurseries, and they care centers and facilitated areas and stuff like that. And all those were questions. Those are the three major questions. Do you have? See how hopeful? Oh, very helpful. I think, um, this is a good start. There's a lot of leaders here, and you're going to have followers to become leaders, and everybody's excited and far enough. I think everybody's going to make a difference, go home, and just be real excited. Good deal. Good. Thank you. Okay, thank you. We'll steal that back to you. The major topics that you guys are going over when you first started the whole thing.
What, do you remember what those were? I mean, this, the general areas, you remember? Um, one was, um, says, like, what makes the school challenging, um, how are the students involved in the school, um, what can you do to make the school more interesting for the students to want to come and learn? And what do you think that the best, um, I mean, you just heard this major discussion, although, what are the, what are the ideas that struck with you the best? Um, I like the idea of the nightlife for students, where after school, you go and you're at this place and, um, you, um, you get your homework done, and there's tutors there to help you, and then afterwards you can dance, and there's the arcade there and stuff like that. Um, I like the idea of the hotline instead of, um, seeing the person that's going to be your counselor, because like, sometimes it gets out, even though it's supposed to be confidential,
um, because like in our school, this one girl, she told, um, a teacher something and it got to the other teachers, and it made her look bad, you know, so if you do it through a hotline, no one knows who you are, and it's more confidential that way, um, Tell me what you think of this whole process. I mean, do you think this is a good idea? What were, I mean, this whole whole idea? It is a very good idea, so the other school, because loving where I go to high school, um, it's in the relearning program and, um, it's very interesting because like a lot of our students, we used to have a lot of dropouts, but like, our whole senior class is graduating this year, except for maybe one person, and usually like half of them don't even graduate. Um, in the junior high, they have a thing called micro society, and it like really keeps the kids enthusiastic, they're like waiting for Friday, so they can do this, um, they get jobs like, one's a lawyer, one's a cop, and like if you're caught running in the hall or the cop gives you a citation, you know, and you have money and stuff like that, it's really neat, and um, that would be good to see in the high school.
Two, because how they want to do the hands-on, um, things, the projects like that, but some of the businesses don't want students in there and stuff like that, so you can make your own businesses at school. Let me ask you this. Why should we listen to you? Why should we listen to kids? I mean, really, you guys, you know, your kids, you aren't fully grown, you don't know all the answers. Why should we even hear what you have to say? Well, because we're the ones that are going to be growing up, and we're going to be in this society, and it needs to be the way we want it, because... Tell me, yeah, let me get up. Sorry, this is a little problem. You were saying, why should we listen to you? I mean, if you were trying to convince me that we should do this next year, why would we, why would you want to do this? Well, because we're the ones that are going to be working in the future, um, it needs to be to where we're educated, so we know what's going on, um, that way, when we're out there, everyone knows basically everything, I mean, you like, you don't have no problems, and you don't have to take another class before you can get your job, because you already know what's going on, but I can't figure that out as no doubt, and I can't figure that out
and tell you guys what it needs to stay. Why should we listen to what teenagers have to say? It's tough, isn't it? I mean, that's, but that's the kind of, I mean, really, that's kind of response you're getting, I mean, when we take this tape, and when you take this back to the school, you know, why should your school board care what you think? You're just a kid. Well... I mean, what are you saying response to that? I mean, what, really? Talking clean. Yeah, we're getting you to do it. No, but I mean, what do you, I mean, what do you, what do you hear from other students? I mean, is this important? Do you guys have something important to say? And why do you have something? Well, because we want to learn, I mean, we're not just there to be lectured out. I mean, what is society going to be? It's just going to crumble if we don't have our education. I mean, we need to know what, we need to know because it's not going to do us no good to learn the history of the fifties, the music of the fifties, whenever we really need to learn what's important, like computers and math, because the world's come, it's like technology, and you need to know your science and everything so that you can get somewhere in the world, and you're not going to get anywhere if you don't know it. So I think that,
y'all should listen to us and do what we say. Well, you may write about the changes. Can't tell us just a little bit more about the changes. Is it a little different than what we were supposed to do? Yeah, is it something, I mean, if I were to say, I know what it's like being in a high school. Is it the same as when I was in high school? No, it's not. What are the differences? Well, like, the math is harder. I don't know. Do you have the same problems I had? I mean, in my, you know, I saw two guys get caught drinking beer once and they got thrown out of school for it. You know, that was bad news. Same problems? Different problems. Well, we have kind of the same problems, but it's more into it now. I mean, like, y'all had STDs and pregnancy back then, but it's worse nowadays than you have to watch out for AIDS and I don't know. I mean, I think it's worse today. Society's getting rougher and rougher and just really need to. Maybe if we listen to you, do you think we'll understand to be able to make better choices
about your education? Yeah, I guess. If you, like, if you go and you hear what, all students have to say on me and you really listen and not just say you're going to do something and you really get to it and do it, then maybe something will happen and we might learn something that you school whenever we get our jobs and stuff. Good. Okay, that's fine. Thank you. Very good. Check it out. What's your name? Doug Nava. Doug Nava. Thank you very much. N-A-B-A. From? I'm from here. Santa Fe, Minnesota, Capitol High School. Capitol? Yeah. Is this been important? It's been very important. Why? Because I mean, education is our basic need to society. I mean, without education, you can't succeed. The only problem with this is that they waited so long because I'm going to be graduating from high school. And so the only way it'll affect me is if I can better it for my younger sisters or for anybody that's going to still be in high school. But they need to pursue it.
Do you think this... What will come of all this? What do you see coming of all this? What I see is that it's about time that the students got their word because I mean, if you see, they are complaining. I mean, everybody is saying there's a problem with counselors, there's a problem with teachers, there's a problem with the environment. And I mean, what it took them, it took them... How many years? More than 50 years to decide that there's a problem with education and we've already been in this world so long. Is it important that we listen to what you guys have to say? Yeah, because we're the ones that have to attend school. All you guys are the adults you've gone through, you're schooling. I mean, we're the ones that are tend to get in the world that's so complex now, we need to know more and we're not... They're not feeling their needs of teaching us what we need to know from the outside world. Why is that? Well, because I don't know. I mean, there's teachers that I don't know why... It's for history, for example. They teach us about the civil war and they teach us about the stuff that happened in Vietnam. That's over with. That's deal about the future more than we deal with the past. Or they teach us the past so it'll never happen again.
What I mean, the thing is though, I don't care about the past because that's over with. I want to know what's going to take for me to make it successful in the future because the past is over. I'm never going to make it to the past. And why can't we figure that out as adults? Why can't we figure that out as adults? Not me. You're not involved. Why can't adults figure that out? Because I don't know. It's their job to teach and they are told they have to teach history. They're told they have to teach about Vietnam. I mean, and like one student said earlier, let the students know what they need to learn. What they want to learn because... There's times when I'm in history class. I really don't care. Because it's over with. I want to know more about the future. I don't want to know about the past. And students will have a better feel for... Well, you're there now. I mean, if I say I remember it's like being a teenager. But that's back then. Things have changed since we were a teenager. I mean, everything's changed. Nothing's the same. The only thing that's the same is that we go to school till we're 18 and we graduate. And that's it.
That's something that's the same. We need to know our math. We need to know our thinking and our writing and our history. But it's the only thing that's different is that what we need to make it in the world, you guys didn't. We need to know more about computers and technology. How to run a machine because that's what everything is nowadays. Beautiful. Beautiful. Thank you. That was great. Very good. Why should we, as adults, listen to anything you have to say about the education system? Well, students are involved more so than in greater numbers than any other people in education. I know there's a lot of administrators and stuff, but we say the day-to-day and everything that goes on. And we're the future of all the adults here. And everyone across the nation. And I think what we have to say is definitely important to them because we're their future, as I said, and we carry the future in our hands. Do you think you can make a difference? I think we have to. I think a lot of us here want to, and we're representatives and leaders, I guess you could say from our schools and our communities.
And I think we can make a difference if we keep doing stuff like this and we know that there are outlets for ideas and that people are actually listening to what we have to say. We can make a difference. What do you, when, in talking to all these other students that we've met, what's going to happen after this is over? Everybody goes home, summer's here, it's over, things are done. What will happen? What would you like to see happen with all the students here? Well, with the students, I'd like to see them continue in trying to be representatives in their community and trying to bring forth all their ideas because stuff like this is what's going to make a change in our society. And I really hope that what we've done here makes a difference. I've heard that it will, and I trusted it well, and I think they're hoping for the better. It's going to have to make a change, a difference. Good. What is the most exciting part for you? When you came, I mean, you didn't know what to expect. What's been exciting for you? I guess the open forum discussions, you know, having people listen to what you have to say, and learning from other people, you always have to listen, not just, you know, go on to your next statement.
I think I've really learned from a lot of different people, administrators, teachers, counselors, and just students in general, just hearing what they have to say. I don't know what it's like, and at NIMI, or at a private school somewhere, so. What are you going to do when you go back to Del Norte? Well, I'd really like to present this to, even in Albuquerque, to the school board or the education, and the administration at our school, if they could have a faculty meeting, or if you have the top administrators, at some point, I'd like to relay all these ideas, because I think they're very valuable. You'd like to, but will you? I will. I mean, if they let me, I will. Good. Okay, that's fine. Thanks. You're just talking to Chris. We're your future. What we have to say is going to make a difference in your future and in ours. We're the only country you have, and we're going to be running this place in just a few years. So what we have to say is definitely going to make a difference. Maybe the outcome. Good. Thank you.
Thank you.
Albuquerque Police Department
Raw Footage
APD Tape 33
Producing Organization
KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Footage shot by APD.
Raw Footage Description
Footage of various moments during cadet traning at the police academy. Interspersed throughout is content of students giving feedback on their education. Note: video quality is at times poor.
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Raw Footage
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Producing Organization: KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-825fce3bbdf (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:35:00
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Chicago: “Albuquerque Police Department; APD Tape 33,” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 9, 2024,
MLA: “Albuquerque Police Department; APD Tape 33.” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 9, 2024. <>.
APA: Albuquerque Police Department; APD Tape 33. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from