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Scratch that, there's a fence. I gotta go over. That's all you got to copy? Go ahead. Okay, I'm still in the parking lot. Do we have a trajectory for you? Are you still on? Of course, just come back this way or do I need to head to Corralis? Looks to me like you're not coming back. Stay put. Tempor, copy that. Always the optimist. Go ahead. Take that in a second. Get that in. Tempor, you got a copy.
Stand by, yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Welcome to Corralis. We're turning on the Corral Road right now. We're turning on the Corral Road right now. What is the ground wind, looking like? Three things. It's called what we're shooting for is a splash and dash. This becomes a test of pilot skills. Because what I do doesn't affect the wind for almost 10 seconds. So if I make a mistake, then it becomes a mudden thread. And if I really screw up, it becomes a Duncan snorkel.
Let's go for the splash and dash from inside. I didn't bring my snorkel. I didn't bring my snorkel. I'm driving right now. We're driving down there right now. I'm driving right now. I'm driving down there. Yeah, me. Sit down and watch us. interview him, Bob? You guys aren't wearing your good shoes are you know? We were already in the Business school. This is fun I love doing this. I love doing this. This is just a kick Hey, smashing dash. Here we come.
Can't pick up some water and drop it on my track. Wash it off from your place. You're a little too dirty. Yeah Roger. Good morning. You don't mind if I just swim on by good point If I'm thinking of letting down the sail that maybe they can I mean not a sail Alameda, and maybe picking up a view of you that way.
All right, pre-launch video. We're we're a visual where I need thankful of the trees. This is fun. This is our fountain. This is our evening look okay now. Can't see it. Can't see it right now. Thank you, Judy. I appreciate it. I wonder where Judy is. You're welcome downstairs. Let me know. I wonder if it's that blue one. Oh, that one right down there. The blue ones around the bend. It looks okay. Okay, graphing with you, 20. This is SR-2. We're on 4th Street. It's east. If we're Kevin went down for the flash drive.
Okay, 4th Street and what? SR-2. SR, she's due east of me. 4th Street probably three quarters of my south of shady lakes. That's one of those. Adam's going to be pox. And he should get some. It's real slow here. What I'm gonna try and do is treetop it and see if I can find drop something in on 4th Street. Well, if you could have caught something east and then this you would have been dead on. Never know. He just hit it.
He's down. He's down. Looks like it's what his papa will do. It'll go up just a little bit and then go down and then go. Okay, so he's getting ready. He's getting ready. Come on. Get this rope out of your way. Peep pops that. You're going to have an awesome shot from that. We're just flying over the Jameson. We've got the camera on. I'm waiting for him to pop. See back up now? Yeah, what happens is they inflate it so that it has enough pressure to pop that top. That's our 2d. Have you ever visualed them?
No, not yet. Come on. Come on. Come on. Pop. That's either there's a black gold rotation one coming right down that's directly in front of us. Where are you from now? I'm a little bit north and west of that. There's a road there. I'm probably going to be real close to it. We've got light and variable there. I'm probably going to put it right down the street. Oh, he's there. I'm running for pilot centric. That's our when I drifted towards Valameta, north or south.
You're going to go north and we're kind of close to where Paige used to live. Doesn't help me. Oh, you should have visual on me. I'm behind us. We're going to move to pilot current. We can't. We have rubber. There we go. We got to visual. There they are. There we go. Maybe stand over here, Crystal. I'm going to have to land on that house. I can. This is the fun part, trying to park the man so you're doing it.
That's our way out at the stop line. Hang there so we get there. Flying gun, flying gun, chase. Flying gun, we are directly west of where the well fog will regulate our shape. I'm just not to scare the horses. I'm going to drop down to see if we should just over.
We're about to start a chase one on the road right now. There we go. Let's see if we can move her over there. We're on Kerala's road. We're on Kerala's road. We're on Kerala's road. We're on Kerala's road. Yes, our Q-D-S-L-1. We're waiting 20. Yes, our Q-D-S-L-1. Towards the horses like this, I have a second way to go and call the fire two.
It's going to be much performance, but I love that. Kind of come in here and not really scare the horses. Let's speak to the Q-D-S-L-1 chase. That's all right, this is that one. Okay, when we go to land, I want you to bend your knees, hang on to places. We're going to kind of come in over this. What's that? We don't call it fat people, we call it fallacy. I'll probably do this way.
Come on, come on that side. No, we're on K-4. I just had a gas. There's a bit, come hold up the balloon, please. Right there in front of Mr. Hew. Have any accessory like this, literally what we call milk the balloon, you milk it from the basket all the way up to the top and you just hug it and work your way out. What this is, someone actually dreamed about this and they created it and it's called a squeeze, easy, and you wrap it around and literally have two crew members hold it and it knocks all the air out and it saves everyone huffing and puffing. Interesting little tool. Okay, we're going to snaker.
It's called a squeeze, easy. Hey, a paper clip. I said different balloons will pack up the balloons different way. We do something called a jager snake and what we've discovered with older and younger crew, but ams we put the top of the balloon in the bag and we're hold it up and we're walk the bag back to the basket and we have, I call it the marching band, we turn on one person and roll it back and that way you're not carrying the whole weight of the envelope. In this case, it's about 300 pounds, which you're carrying, it's just the minimum weight you're put in there and you snake it back and it's a way to put the balloon away easier without wearing
everything. The balloon in there, we've wrapped up the crown line so it doesn't get tangled in the top. We pulled the parachute up so we don't have to look for it when it's late. Go ahead and come towards me. So they come up and they literally throw it on my toes. Okay, so what we're going to do, we're going to do what I call a marching band. Kate's going to stand next to me, you're going to walk crystal, you're going to walk around, like a mark, no, with the bag. It might be important to have the bag with it, okay? And we just need a marching bag and then we'd snake it back. And see this way. Okay, watch out, Bob. So the two people holding the perimeter hairways do what we call tuck. We're just kind of tucking them side in. The balloon course wanted to fly and now we're asking it to release all that air.
Okay. She was there a minute ago, I didn't want to go around, babe. Come here, yeah, boy. Okay. She lost the butterfly. Okay, James, get out, please. Grandma's asked you once already. Did you even feel the target? Oh, yeah. Yeah, we got a very easiness because it doesn't conduct electricity as well as steel cables do. So we have a couple of our cables. Our particular case, we've got six oven per corner, three corner baskets, so we have 18. So actually, this is a braiding and protective from the altar violently. That's what we call, oh, Mr. We call that a boon. That's one. When the boon around the basket coming up, it's tendency to collapse the throat of the
boon so the metal band holds it open. The other style is called a scoop and it's basically a half of a skirt and that's a different manufacturer. And the intent is that is when it's downwind, and you're catching that wind as it's going in, it helps to keep that air compressed. When you see glows at night, you'll find that most of the bloons that have scoops will stay up longer because they're aligned and they're catching it. We're a skirt. There's no added pressure from the wind coming through. Okay, this is what we call this the parachute. So sometimes called a red line, in our particular case, it's not red. Seen on the side and it opens like a jet. So when you open it up, the hot air goes out and it rotates the balloon. So if you're displaying a banner or if you have a logo and you want it aligned it towards the cameras, you can use it. If you have a skirt where it's only on one side, or excuse me, a scoop on one side, you want to line that downwinds when you're kind of down again that wind's helping you. So those turning vents through the side. She need help.
JJ, do you and your crew need assistance? With that metal band, a lot of the loomers do what they call the hoop dance. She's getting ready to do the hoop dance right here. Then basically it's like a car sheet or you're flipping it around and folding it up. Now if you watch her real quick, let's see if she does it first time. She's pretty good at it. I don't even try. So she kind of lines it up there. Okay, no pressure. So we're putting all the cables on the inside to protect them. We're losing this part. This goes in. Okay. So once we get the balloon in the bag and kind of tack the sides in, there's a tradition that is supposedly from a great
training man called Dunzon. She scored on the radio. Oh my gosh, boom done. Can I always tell people with a different view? Dunzon, everyone sit down. And I don't think I heard what you said on the radio. We don't want to repeat it either. I'm surprised at her. We have to go help the coca-pelling here. Okay, let's get up. Okay, so then we do a little bit of a tug of war here. Let's kind of straighten it out there a little bit. Right and do the other side. We're going to do a full stop. Okay, you know, thanks so much. She's out. She's awful squished at the bottom. That's why I'd like to pull it straight there out. Okay, if we bounce her. Okay, back towards me.
There you go. Go ahead and pull. No, we can do this real quick. There we go. Hang me in. That side. I know with this side. Ready? We're in tight. Yeah, well with the chase commander that gets challenging. I'm sure. We had Gwendolyn come right up alongside the other one. It was like I'm hoping they didn't tear it. They asked it just took the top. Wow. Okay, there we are. How about if we drive it to us instead of? That's a very good idea. Yep, let's go ahead and tilt her up. She's still pressurized.
I'm probably not. I couldn't believe we got down close to the water and they said we had to have life as to touch the water. That's what you said. I couldn't. Nothing else. It's I've been there. I've seen that. Can I take this down now? Yes. There's a good open space. I always tell people when you're landing a balloon it's trying to land a nine-story building and this is a 90,000 cubic foot balloon. I mean basically the largest private balloon and balloon fist is I'm in 5,000 cubic feet. So this is close to the top. So when I'm looking for a landing phase I'm actually looking for two. This one works out. I'm going to grab it if it doesn't. I want to know what my secondary one is. Yeah. Because I've already gone towards the bottom. You are a wild animal.
And you need to realize that if I'm going to power out. So as I'm coming in I'm looking for obstacles. You know, chain link fences, bob wire fences. Nope. Nope. Just six, five, four, three, two. I'm a fisherman. What can I say? One. Are we in there? Another foot. There you go. Stop. Yep. That way you don't have to muscle it in. Hold on. Here. Okay. So what? The front is with the two. Correct. So what we're going to do is we're going to lean it right up. It's a sign here. Yeah. It's free. Should be. I was going to say look in the very top of it on the other door. I think I have to sign. I have some little small ones. I just want one to keep this rolled up because it keeps. Here you go. I'm rolling and then it's going to get in just a second here to fold up the leg.
Much better. That way I'm not doing it every time. And you don't have to be in there for good. Oh, sorry. Yeah, yeah. I know. They just want to take a picture of them and do it. Okay, now we all leave and leave them in there, right? Oh, no. Okay. Come by. Come by. Yeah. Gather around. Our camera situated. Okay.
It looks like it in the car. Oh, what? Sleep drive? You guys are so abusive. You're such abuse crew. What better landing space would you want us to land at? No one that was over by where we were. We could have been Judy's crew. Yes. I would have been embarrassing. Oh, no. Where's the kids go? No, they're playing. Okay, well, thanks guys. Let's head back to the field and have a tailgate. We've got a first lightsaber. There she is over there. All right. We have a new victim. All right. Thank you. Okay. Okay. We see you guys. Yes. You got it. Eileen, once you've had the cameraman, if you could pull over and stop about a hundred yards afterwards.
Okay. Here we get up. Please. Thank you. This is Banny. Okay. I think I've got some change. I think you just gave it to me. One, two, three, four, five, six. Okay.
Okay. We're all here. Cool. Is there any right there? Yeah. I'll just smack it. We launched in the school years ago. Man, that was tough. Yeah. It was like, wow. No, no, no. It was like, wow. It was like, wow. I don't know. I don't know. It's up in the center by the river. You guys slated? I'm hanging way back in there. You just going to pop it. And when there's snow, it's great. Because you can just come and land. You know, it's going to punch in the snow and you just made a drag. Oh, no. No, it goes up the chest. But when it goes snow or there's crappy snow, it's all muddy. Well, usually it's frozen in the morning. I didn't turn the mask on. We're rolling? We roll? We roll? Kevin's still in the phone. Yeah. I lost the bottle of champagne here. Right here.
There it is. Can I put it in the sheet? Can I have a cigarette? Can I have a cigarette? Oh, he closed that one in the glass. I want to put the glasses in there. I want to just have one of these. Put me there. I need it right now. There's one. There's three initiation. We need to put the glasses in there. What are we going to do? Oh, yeah. Oh, we've got two. Oh, no. That was a good one. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Seven up. Yeah. Seven up. Yeah. Yeah. Can you catch the bird? Can you go through? Oh, OK. We're ready. All right. There it is. All right. There it comes. There it goes. Oh, damn. Oh, a turkey dog. Here we go. I can't help it. There we go. We're just going to put this right in front of you right here. Just a championship. I know you can't have it now. You can't have it now. You can't have the sun for all. Oh. Oh, OK. I'm just looking at me like, I didn't sign up for this. I didn't need it.
Yeah. Where are you? I know what you're coming. The look on your veins is just... Oh, right. I'm going around on that. Oh, yeah. Look at this. Think about it for me. I know what you're trying to say to your aunt. Yeah. Look at that. Look at this. Look at your blood. Look at this. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? It's me. Keeping Gregory. We called him Root Beer Float. We might miss the photo there. That's true. That's true. Yeah, I could have said that. Yeah, I could have said that. Yeah. There you go. It's so good. It's so good. All right. Come on. Come on. Let me put it down here. Oh, my God. Why are you putting the camera in the camera and sit down here with me? I'm going to take the eye, that's right! Let's get it for you! Alright, let's check it! I don't want anyone to miss out!
Well, he's going to be the Santa Claus! Oh, okay! I would go! Oh, what's up, what's up? So everyone had a bony flight today, didn't they? Oh yeah! Alright, so, after we have a nice bony flight, we come back to the field and we have a little bit of a tailgate. And we like to share the story about the hot air ballooning in the first flights. And then we have a little prayer for you if we're going to drink some libation. But you see a little over 200 years ago the Mugofi brothers were sitting at a Persian cafe. And as a young lass, it would walk across the steam cranks that heated the city. The hoop skirts of the Renaissance pairs would puff up and they'd catch a little bit of ankle. Alright, well, they had no MTV back then, you know. So anyways, they would think... And drinkin' and thinkin' about drinking. So they went on for quite a while and then after a while their spouses came looking for them because they didn't have cell phones back then. So they caught up with them there at the pub and they asked them what they were doing. And the two brothers being the smarter like they said they were working on a research project. And the spouses said, yeah, and what are your researches?
So being quick on their feet they said, well, we're thinking about building the hot air balloon. Well, they were actually paper manufacturers by the way. So they went back to the factory and they manufactured this thing that they called an emblem. Still what we call the colorful part of the hot air balloon. And they thought it would smoke the main things right. So they went on to this big open field. They're close to where the Eiffel Tower is now. And they grabbed all the smoky things in the evening. It's fine in the 1800s. You know, rotten hay. They had animal carcassies. Three clothed firestone tires off affordance floors. It's available in here, huh? And they figured they followed the Russian space programs. And they talked to the local farmer out of a wicker cage. And they grabbed a couple of the animals there. And the first animal they threw to the basket was a little sheep. Oh! And then they found themselves a little rooster. And they found themselves a little rooster. Oh! That is all good balloons. They had to have some of the turns of the Eiffel Tower. You have to act like that. All right.
So they flew into the cage and off. They went belly into black smoke. Fluved for about 20 minutes. They came down open. The cage and all the animals were alive. They looked a little closer. Unfortunately, the sheep didn't stepped on a duck. So when you broke it. Oh! Where did you want it? It was actually the first recorded quack of the cow. Why, why, why, why, why? So they said we still buy animals. Look at animals to be flight today. We're too training! All right. Back to the pub. They went. They were thinking. And they were doing nothing about drinking. They thinking about drinking. They decided it was time for the first mountain flight. Well, the two brothers weren't sure there was enough air up there. They weren't quite sure about this. so fortunately for them the local prison warden was at the pub this is not a problem lads I can take care of this I have incarcerated my fertility lots of volunteers we're putting one out the king will never miss them so they enjoy the libations all night long they have a big envelope that they created they went back onto the field they dug the pit they grabbed it rotten hay they grabbed it that animal carcasses they got the last of the reclawed by the stone truck there's
even an understanding that the great great grandson of Captain James was there with the socks to try and help so they turn around and here comes their volunteer handcuffs he shackles he was in it was actually an example of the first early release prisoner program but that's a little different story they threw me in the basket on off he went following back smoke and he flew for about 40 minutes and they came down and he landed and he lived and they asked to the lab what his name was they said his name was Pilo Tay so from that point forward anyone that navigates a hot air balloon is all day so back in the group there's a special sharp aren't they all right so back then only three things flew in the sky of course you have the birds of the air you have the demons of course the UFOs brought them to Mexico so as the balloons would come building black smoke out of the sky the hoes the hoes in the field come out with pitch boars we have a toast to the blues I'm just kind of happy to hear it
about the champagne with them and as they got closer to the ground they show well that hasn't couldn't read the words but they could recognize the King's Hill that's up to Jay Rose Jay Rose we know him right all right so they get close to the ground they wave the ball of champagne over the side of the basket you know on all of the whole words in the field come out and help pack up the balloon and that's where we started in the base group they don't believe a word of this they don't know I think she's a trombone so this solve the problem that he created and that's the problem it's all the balloons they've got to change the food the problem is created they were all drunk by nine what's the problem or the idea is that they didn't think this was a problem at all they thought it's for the drinking excuse me ballooning very early in the morning was great but unfortunately the latch works six days agreed of course the services on Sunday so they figured a way around it so
they invited up good old father or mally for the ride he went for this wonderful ride he flew for over an hour he came down to kiss the ground he says that I can fix your problem I'm gonna ride a pair of abstination for you so when you fly on Sunday whatever what we're going to do you're gonna land and say the prayer with everyone that you you fly so what we do is we finish our ceremony with a little drink of our libations but today everyone had a good flight and we flew without wings so we're gonna drink without our hands so we realized the fact that not all of you are college graduates we need to give you a little bit of explanation the first thing we've discovered over doing this for many years is the fact that when you drink with the glass we recommend that you use the room closest to you one on the far side you have a tendency to wear something and of course we want you all to be bright when you're done right so we've also discovered that you don't always do a good job about this so we're gonna send a little offering plate around here and anything that might get wet or
valuable we're gonna ask you that you put it in the offering tray here it's actually a part of the island where it's called cell phone jewelry the nice golden diamond ring you've got I'll be doing the next week there we are so okay so what we're going to do is say the item is put there so we need everyone to take off your hats now and Gregory is going to lead it in the in the bear the winds have welcomed you with softness the sun has blessed you with its warm hands you have flown so high and so well they got his joint-jewing laughter and sent you gently back into the loving arms of Mother Earth and Mother Earth
drink up guys and please don't spill please back off oh but I have a beautiful face
some kind of a magic see what I was saying the iris in you so we ask you to wear the paper on us great mom no care wouldn't you know that right there's a lamb is right right here's a lamb
we're going to the fence you guys got him a fancy whistle I guess he could have gone over to the right there's a way to get in over here but it's have to be in that little diamond corner there and maybe that next place over there wow it was really crisp with that too that was great but I think we had it we're close to it yeah but we did I'm just calling you know I guess it's a crispier oh oh maybe down there where the where the RVs aren't
down on the other side of uh let me just okay all right I'll be busy now I can't be talking on the phone I've been doing this since way before cell phone yeah did you have walkie-talkie back when or would you yeah you're watching that and that was the secret you know let's see if they could find you ha ha see if they're paying attention huh yeah is this what they used to call Nazareth back when Nazareth the well and time ago mental hospital I don't know what it is now maybe a rest home or nothing or nothing yeah I don't know this is rest home here I think yep well you don't see anybody out here watching which is unusual you know that's yeah that is
you look at that nice balcony people could be out on yeah yeah they have been in the past but I guess maybe they don't have any people in there anymore yeah well hopefully they didn't get too old to come out and look at a balloon I don't know hidden them look like there's any people in there oh they've got a few cars around here well wouldn't you know it only lake in New Mexico and I get how you got to go to the cemetery or the lake I don't doubt just be as I used to be keeping grab a leaf as we go on this tree oh practice for the key grab them look at Kristi run yeah she's she's got a good
old house she got to go to work yeah we're both going to go keep okay but she got to be there by 10 so we got a hurry here they almost forgot about that oh yeah we missed the pond we don't take somebody's van off oh I don't know. There's a penalty if we land here. Too bad. Okay, we're staying. Hold tight,
I think I'm going to be harder. Where are you sitting? A little weight. There you go. You okay? Yeah. I can't tell you what. You get it heavy, you're got just these things on. That's not how you show it off. Is it? Yeah. Yeah, it was all right. Oh, yeah, I had him on his. My last one was a little rough, but it's all right. It's what it's about, balloon. Actually, I haven't could have made a lot of smooth. I was trying to figure out what they got us in.
I'm going to get out and give you guys a hand. Put it down that way. Yeah. That's south. I'm going to hop out and give him a hand. No, this is down, so turn it this way. No, you don't. Sorry. What do you want to get out and help hold it down? I've had a lot of people say that. Been it? Okay, why don't we let the camera man out first because he's got a very delicate machine. Well, no worries. I mean, whenever you're ready, grab that handle. You got a step right in front of you. And we're heavy enough that you won't leave us. Okay, you're a good man. Now. Oh, he already got the top line. Okay, are you going to step out? Yeah, and there's what the balloon's coming down on top of you. There's half a time.
Nice ride. It was. Beautiful. You got to get to work, don't you? Yeah, well, he had to be a work of 10, though. 10, 30? Oh, 10, 30. I'm always late, though. Well, we're just across the way to when you hit. What? You don't even stress about this at all. Yeah, this is great, Sid. Okay, now we need to talk about everybody's landing here. Yeah, we need to choke off the the throat so no more air comes in, okay? You just sit there. You don't have to do anything. Go ahead. Okay, now there's our little ties. Look out, look out.
Oh, bumping vehicles today. Okay, just kind of throw it into the center there. Yeah, they're inside there, someone. Okay, kind of squeeze it out, Chris Fern. Good pull on that for a second, Sid?
That's right. What I'm trying to do is just get the tapes on the bottom pole to get it together. So go help Chris. Pull the weight off, I mean, I guess. Pulling another hundred feet. Okay. Let's draw another board. Let's put the top in because it was in for me.
Yeah, if we can, I don't know, we got it tied now. We almost had to keep it that you see bumpers out of the way. Where are you? I haven't found it yet.
I got it. We must be on the other side of the tape down there. I'm not coming. Yeah, see this? Yeah. Okay, if you got a tape verge, you need to let go. Stop.
Yeah, maybe. Maybe I got it. I can hold those for you if you want to. Is this one of them? Yeah. I'm still holding it. Must be the rip line. Well, yeah, we'll have to undo those things to get it up here. I'm going to drop and help you that. All right, I'll stay keep this off, see it then. Look back up here a second, sit.
Huh? Look back up here a second. And I got out of shizzling. This is the two fishing out there. This is the top? You made the parachute? Yeah. And what happens, I must have been excited pulled it all the way down. Okay, now we have to find one of these things. Continental at 10 o'clock. Yeah, damn it. I'm going to do this thing to bomb, huh?
I'm telling you, I got it tangled up, Robert. Somewhere. Come on, bring it there. You're starting to construct. Probably going to be over there. Move over the west, yeah. West side. I'm coming over here. Right?
Yeah. I don't know what the spacing is on there. I don't know what the spacing is on there. That's true. You're not supposed to land in this field at all.
We don't even know you. He was just screaming at us all the way down. More of a challenge, huh? Got land in here. What are you doing? Just back up the mountain. Put it right in the bag. 177. Okay, I got it. 27, 42. He's still banding on the floor. It's not my boat. It's a barred bling.
Sorry, honeybush. What'd you do? One more and then I'll let you sit on the hook. What the hell do you do? Tell me what I'm doing. I think it's it. I need it then. You're supposed to go so far. I'm trying to avoid me. I don't know.
I don't know. How about you? I did. Bro? You just broke it. Let's go. I don't know. I should be thinking about it anyway. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I feel really good. Let's just put this down in here soon. Ready? Yeah, we can go in and glide. Oh, the catcher caught.
I forgot to ride, but catch it in the glass. You're fine. Okay, you ready? Ready. There it goes. Catch a car key to free ride. Get it, get it. Oh, you missed it. One bounce. Well, it's one bounce when it's in the glass. You have to catch it. What's it? Yeah, we broke a couple of rides. It's Mark's balloon. It's okay. It's not my balloon. Forget we got to get out of there anyway. There you are. Now, this champagne makes my teeth itch in their bolts, so can I have a beer instead of that? Then I will have a toast. Kind of a...
I'll be the reverend with faces down here. Don't you want to pop? You got to have something. And hats off, because this is serious. Okay, what we do is say balloons prayer after every successful flight. And so far, we've said it every time. And because you're a new balloon, we're going to make your own. And it goes like this. Well, yeah, actually I don't give you the story. What happened? The balloon means man's oldest form of flight back in 1783 in France. And when they fly away, I mean, when they fly away, they land, you know, all of the farmers and peasants who think they prefer outer space. So they detect the balloon from pitchforks. Well, that's not a good on equipment. They're carrying a bottle of wine or champagne with a local witness to prove they were prepared as well as being able to support French.
So that went along for like 200 years. And then the Irish bandage could be drinking at 9.57 in the morning. They wanted some way to get involved in this sport. This is true, this is true. So the Irish came up with the Irish blessing and the balloon is adopted as the balloon is fair. And so we'd like to say it for you to cancel. Okay, it goes like this. The wind has welcomed you with softness. The sun has blessed you with its warm hands. You're a clone. So high and so well today. But that is going through the laughter. And so you gently back again into the loving arms of your mother. Welcome to the night. Yes! I knew I should have said that. And you have to go to work. Cheers. I'm nice.
Thank you very much. I worked for him. And Isaac Bush is a contractor flying below. Hey, ambience. Just for a second. Just to tell him you're rolling. Yeah. Really looking good. Very nice. A maybe dot. Yeah.
Balloon Fiesta
Raw Footage
Day 4, Part 3 of 4
Producing Organization
KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
Contributing Organization
New Mexico PBS (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
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Program Description
Raw footage shot for the program, "Balloon Fiesta." BALLOON FIESTA provides an up-close and personal view of one of the most colorful events in the world. Crews equipped with high-definition cameras captured the mass ascensions, thrilling competitions and interesting characters of the 2008 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Against the backdrop of Albuquerque's beautiful Sandia Mountains and Rio Grande, the Fiesta comes alive as event-goers gather to watch pilot competitions, special-shape balloons (including one fashioned to look like Darth Vader), evening "glowdeos" and morning dawn patrols.
EX1 Footage Day 4 part 3
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Asset type
Raw Footage
Media type
Moving Image
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Producing Organization: KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c192bb52bec (Filename)
Format: XDCAM
Generation: Original
Duration: 01:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Balloon Fiesta; Day 4, Part 3 of 4,” 2008-10, New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 3, 2024,
MLA: “Balloon Fiesta; Day 4, Part 3 of 4.” 2008-10. New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 3, 2024. <>.
APA: Balloon Fiesta; Day 4, Part 3 of 4. Boston, MA: New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from