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Right in the middle of the field now is the farmer's group. And our case reminds you that the farmer's group is the official one, insurer for this year's flu. They're read by the flu just about to make a job on going to the playing cards here. Also in the crowd is the good guys of Blackpast, Ken Tadolini. Black, red, yellow, gold, and white around the center of the flu. Ken from the Recitator, Colorado, down in his neighborhood this weekend.
Lock down, fast out, take your picture. That shot. Good morning Ken. How you doing? Good Morning! I'm good. Looks like a good clock is mark is there. We were talking about this south of the south of us where some of the gas flows were last seen still hanging around out there and if you're into tourism and maybe if you're from Mexico or thinking about making some trips, I noticed that the tour of Texas display is also here a similar operation from the Texas Tourist and Convention group where they
have a display promoting tourism to Texas and some of the great. And just passing by right now is a John Cunard in the village in Bolivia, right in black community in Bolivia, in the manner on the side of the moon, right orange and black lettering. And we have what they call the industry, a short just out of the target field now, you see the Howard Johnson's balloon, it's brilliant, golden yellow with the blue arrows moving horizontally around the balloon and the Howard Johnson's logo in the center, several other of the balloons just now making their move to the target call, Petron, just over one of the targets here in his racing balloon, the black background with the rainbow colors, the yellows, the golds, the oranges, blues and reds, of course, the limbi of high overhead and also the alien for Roswell, they're all trying to manage some way to find a win that
will bring them back down to the target. Joe Harcel had it moving into the field and just out there too now I get a quick glimpse of Guy Goffier in the spirit of Texas blue, the oil blue, the six flags that are flown around the state of Texas, he's out there in that crowd, as is Shronda Greenwood in her balloon call Shronda's joy, it's got a yellow background, again with a rainbow spiral, you'll see as it gets closer burgundy, reds, golds, yellows, lime green, forest green, royal blue, navy blue, purples and lilacs that surround the balloon again on a yellow background, all of these pilots trying to get to the target, as is the one now in the center of the field, the yellow balloon with the multicolored diamonds around it hanging white over one of the main targets here on the field, our competition continues and while it's not quite as busy and active as it was earlier, still a lot more balloons on their way here. As we continue, nothing like getting a phone call from a friend who doesn't realize
that he's taking the risk of nobody getting in, and one thing he also did, something I'm not quite sure we're on the main street because Tom's actually the correct and we tell you that a lot of the more favorite items that you sell out and it's not unusual that by midweek and we're almost there some of the items that a lot of people are after are not available any longer so as you do
wrap up as we see the last of the blends coming into the targets this morning now is a good time to do a little shopping of course the crowds not quite as large on the weekdays as they are on the weekends because people of course have to go to work so you won't have to fight quite a large crowd to maybe find that specific item you're looking for whether it's the official VS the poster one of the official pin sets or calendars official programs of course you're being sold all around the field or if you just want to do is visit some shopping for the holidays for friends in the low ones now is a good time to do that well I was a little ahead of myself here on the thinking we were just about
wrapped up I just checked with one of our balloon lifters and find that the targets are open there's another good drop by the balloon that's teal and peat with a mexico banner around the side that just had a great job on the target in the similar field there anyway turns out the targets are open at 10 o'clock this morning when they're permitting so we've still got another full hour for the pilots to manage to work their way here to the targets as you can see them doing out in the center of the field now as we said oh my god it's a guy got the his balloon the spirit of Texas for the oil blue balloon you can see around the equator that being the big center part of the balloon the six flags that have flown over the state of Texas there's the the lone star of course
which is the state flag there's the American flag the Mexican flag and the veteran flag and I think a Jose Cuervo without there as well I can't see the banner but the gold balloon the black banner looks like the one that typically is a banner for Jose Cuervo the aliens from Roswell is about to make an appearance they're gonna have a dice drop of the target look at this they're coming straight into the target now again when we look at it here at the center of the field there are a couple of others around the field but kind of concentrated our views on this one pilot there with the red marker in hand and just waiting to slowly float across the center of that target and there it goes nicely done now just can't touch the ground the heat in the blue to round it out and the Roswell alien has made an appearance that had a nice throw this morning Joe Hartzel you've heard us talk a lot about him he's back over
ahead in the royal blue balloon with the white stars and the black and white racing stripes I don't believe he threw on the X his first time through the target field I think he only dropped on one of the playing cards so it might be that he's trying to line up come back in and make another run at at the target next we'll have to watch and see what his intention is a little bit later we're in mind you too that a litter-free event such as we keep all the turkey beautiful it's sponsoring our responsible weather for the performing litter control and recycling duty to the 10 days of the outdoor dinner in the instant we would appreciate it if you would look out for the bottle shape the recycling bins place all along the section row to do your part and help us to recycle and keep albatern to the international blooms we have to a litter-free event middle road of the field now blue red gold and yellow spiral
with the black and white spiral wrapping around it is a firefighter by trade out of Missouri City Texas down south of Houston and is high on your each year for off to the northeast corner of the field a band but again kind of a burden bean red orange yellow and blue in this scene perhaps if we doubt that it would be able to lock in Martin Banner on the side of it gray and past President and the blue Federation of America and this year serving as President of the Eastern Parkers flying out of the sky everywhere it comes with blue and from a pie there comes Joe Hartzold once again in the back around for maybe another try and either one of the party X's or even he's dropped out of his car to the park as if he's just having a good time out there Hartzold people are zeroing in this target and that's important because these as one
of the rest of the back to back the last two years so he's going for a three feet if at all possible my knowledge best we can tell no one's ever won the championship here back to back these first two and certainly he were the three years ago I don't think we've any questions no one's ever done that before you can bet he's going back to the store there's one of the new large 500 bears he's going down from premium representing the premium orange at any time here in the weekend so we'd rather we're sure to stop it and have a line to go or I'm waving down to one of the little beans.
This door, the center card, looks like they're coming into one of the playing cards now. Yep. Got it right down on the playing card now. A little heat in the blue. They have nicely done, so literally they can have nice storage for it. And as we are also playing, of course, the blue is best to hold it in addition to the, of course, the dinner. And of course, the dinner is brought to you by Sam, you can see them. Now, it's the center card. Yeah, let's see. That might have been Bob Romanesque flying in Lily Bay. Is that you, Bob? Yeah, that's Bob waving for the crowd. Right below you, Bob.
So, frankly, over corporate damage, we're moving to the left of the South Pacific. We'll call White Scott on Sky. That is what the gas is. And a lot of them are all going around. There's about one mile from South-South West coast. And their intention is, let's up to hang out there and go down the air today. We're told that a windship will come through. And that's what they'll be on the line and get you to a wind. That will start carrying it to the North. They'll like to make it visually close to the wind. That's somewhere around the area, at the state of Minnesota. But the last line to wind is very light and very long. And the wind is up high and we're moving to the South. The very rapid is going to stay very low. And that's good. Again, the 40-bar last time. But the sighting is very bright. We're off to the South. And then down below it. I think a couple of miles to the heart of the South. When gas went to high air balloons,
I think about 7.6. They're bright, golden, yellow. I don't know if they have a couple of yellows. That's one of them. That's one of them. These are the rest of them. The rest of them are in the North. They're very bright. These are the green and yellow. And the color. And the wind is showing the action of the oil. The wind is getting throughout, you know, and what's the final step? The color would have done a chance, but I think I'm looking at the target South. That's good. And the four are still hearts on the plate. We're scoring, but I think I've probably shared as much information when it goes that possibly can. There's nothing wrong with just sending back and enjoying this pouring in a little bit of silence. I'm sure you're For my co-hart Tom Rutherford, who had to leave a little early this morning to go up to Santa Fe and take care of some business, I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home. I'm going home. I'm going home.
Balloon Fiesta
Raw Footage
Balloons in Flight, Wicker Clan Interview, Ceremony and Tailgate
Producing Organization
KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
Contributing Organization
New Mexico PBS (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-191-89r22j3z).
Program Description
Raw footage shot for the program, "Balloon Fiesta." BALLOON FIESTA provides an up-close and personal view of one of the most colorful events in the world. Crews equipped with high-definition cameras captured the mass ascensions, thrilling competitions and interesting characters of the 2008 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Against the backdrop of Albuquerque's beautiful Sandia Mountains and Rio Grande, the Fiesta comes alive as event-goers gather to watch pilot competitions, special-shape balloons (including one fashioned to look like Darth Vader), evening "glowdeos" and morning dawn patrols.
Raw Footage Description
Balloons in flight (including shot of Bee Balloon), Wicker Clan interview, ceremony and tailgate. Woman talks about being sad the Fiesta is ending for the year.
Created Date
Asset type
Raw Footage
Event Coverage
Media type
Moving Image
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Producing Organization: KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-abb337f3fdd (Filename)
Format: XDCAM
Generation: Original
Duration: 01:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Balloon Fiesta; Balloons in Flight, Wicker Clan Interview, Ceremony and Tailgate,” 2008-10, New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 29, 2024,
MLA: “Balloon Fiesta; Balloons in Flight, Wicker Clan Interview, Ceremony and Tailgate.” 2008-10. New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 29, 2024. <>.
APA: Balloon Fiesta; Balloons in Flight, Wicker Clan Interview, Ceremony and Tailgate. Boston, MA: New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from