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traffic reports and as the art has been out here this morning talking about the different things that are going on but he also, they also give him the signal for the balloons to one. That's right. They just did. There they come. They come. They were ready to go. What's interesting though, oh, ready. Look at what's happening. The first few balloons that are coming up, they're launching but as they're climbing high they're drifting off to the west. So some of these guys are going to have to want to watch that very carefully. There are some targets on the west side of the field but the better targets are down in the middle. And there is one. Now we do have some balloons up for prize grabs today, I see one, two, at least, you see any more than that? I think I just see two. My experience flying raises like this that I would forget to fly and would be coming in on the dirt and I kind of forget what I was that I had to keep flying and every down then would hit the ground.
Well, the wind's going to be a little faster this morning than we're used to. So what are the rules is, don't hit the ground, don't hit the ground for the pilot but for you as saw and gentle as these balloons look, it's like having a big semi truck coming at you. And you want to never get in front of a balloon on its landing. The pilot needs your help and lets you know that otherwise dope get in front of a balloon if they should happen to be coming in law in your direction. Yeah, that's very good rule. No matter where you are, whether here it is or any time you're around the balloon, where the balloon is coming in the land, never get in front of it some years ago, we had a tragic situation where a lady thought she was going to help and then I'll help stop the balloon and the pilot was yelling, get away, get away, get away, she ran right out in front of the balloon and the balloon, of course, has a lot more mass than you would think. And just literally bowled her over and she was crippled. Apparently well, I was, but when that would happen to me, he could tell by the look on
my face that something really bad was about to happen. Maybe it was the tears, I don't know what it was. Make sure you don't get in front of them. So here is a balloon from Croatia, that blue balloon, that graph is, got their own plan here this morning. Well, it didn't like apparently the track it was having, so it was climbing high and trying to make it an adjustment and it's quite bad. It was a graph of Croatia, by the way, that's a very nice, very loose event in their, in their own right in their city. One of those many international events that's really things we'd love to attend, I've told it's a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful place. Some of the pictures I've seen, we ran an article about it a couple of years ago in the balloon and magazine, which by the way is the official publication of the balloon generation of America. And you can join the BFA and get the magazine by logging on to and the pictures we ran of that, their balloon festival that you're just gorgeous, and this is a beautiful
city. At least what we could see of it. And Harwell, as I said, my flying teammate, doing a well right now, he's right in the middle of the pack, kind of right where he wants to be, coming toward that center pole. He's in that red, white and blue balloon. You can see a lot of the other ones that have lifted off or are drifting to the western edge of the field. We'll walk some of the others. They're watching from the east and they're moving to the east, so you can't look at those variants. And the wind pat didn't like his track right now, so he's popping up a little bit. Yeah, he's in a 105, he's in a big balloon, which is even harder to compete in. There's the KOB TV 4 balloon. That is a sandy graph in that KOB balloon.
The balloon with a blackbird is a throwback to the early days. One of the first balloons in Elbachergy was sponsored by Ed Black Chevrolet, and Ed Black's wife and family flew the balloons, and they had created a balloon similar to this. That was their logo. They're simple for their TV ads, and commercials was a blackbird. And it hasn't been around for a long time, but it's re-bored here, I'll tell you more about the story about that one. Well, the guys from Croatia have gotten way up there, and I'm not sure what it is they're trying to accomplish, but they didn't like what they had coming in. That hardware looks like he's lined up on that Cinecole pretty well. He would love nothing better than to win a full grab out here since I won one, two years ago in Baton Rouge, and he hasn't lived it down yet.
I'm hoping he misses this in the course. What I remember is there's a couple of schools of thought some of the pilots like to be the first to take off. They know what the winds are, they think they know exactly how to get there, and they want to be the first one there, so the prize isn't gone. Others would rather wait a little bit, check out the pole Tommy to the left on the west side of the field, that black balloon, the multi-colored stripes, no, okay, he's a little wide enough, not for a moment, she might be coming in there to take it. Remember there aren't any steering wheels, you can't steer a balloon. So not only do they have to find the right, exactly right wind, they have to find exactly the right altitude, they have to find a wind that'll be at 15 feet above the ground, that'll not only get them over the pole, but at a level where they can touch the top of the pole and grab the prize.
And that's why I say they know like light and variable, they like some dependency in the wind. The winds can be light as long as they move in the constant direction. There are lots of other targets, so just as they're missing the pole, doesn't mean they're missing the belt. Now the pole is actually an added benefit, it's not the real purpose of the day. The overall prize money, the overall prizes will be awarded based on the golf competition and that's what we see Pat Harwell lining up on now, it's just one golf hole almost right in front of us. He's well over the green, just a little bit wide of it, looks like, but gonna get it marker ready, probably, yep, there goes his marker. Oh, nicely done, patched down in good shape, right on that hole out directly in front of us here. So that ought to keep him. He says he's in the running for the overall, so that's good, that'll keep him in good shape. You can see his red marker right at the base of the pole, I actually done. I still watch the beer mug up there, it's made a complete circle twice now, I think. There's background.
I know that some of these people who are used to flying together, like you and Pat, will sometimes talk to each other on the radio and let each other know what they're finding as they go. It's not like you can look at the wind and see where it's going, you've got to be in it to figure it out, so the first one across is sort of being the instructor for all the months behind it. Yeah, and as you were saying, there are pilots and Pat is one of those Pat likes to be out in front, likes to get in there early, I tend to like to be one of the pilots, I think he was about to fly forward. I like to be about a third of the way back, so we noticed that you missed the pole. I come in and get the pole. You saw him do it and he would go, all right, I know, so many got the pole, so many just took the pole, oh no, don't hit the ground out there, don't touch the ground, don't touch
the ground, no, I think he got the ground, he got it rocking, yeah, because I think he got it. I think the yellow racer can get the ground there. So there's a lot of, already we can see the colors, there's only been a dozen balloons across, already a few different colored markers, yellow, blue and red, and out there. Look at the guys in the show and red racer right here, look at him leaning over the side of the basket, drop the, right on top of the blue marker there, and there's the blue marker, right on top of his marker, so a tough story going on out there, already. Oh wow, so I told you this pretty much, you dropped yesterday about how some of these guys go up on the roof, and if Frank is pulling back out, that's right, so this is a case where you probably wanted to be one of those first ones across, well it's difficult to say
if they got the pole, that's certainly one incident, yeah that's an incident, but I think it's hard for us to see the poles appear, so usually I don't know if they take them down and they put up another prize, if they keep going or if they just take them back to the position. I think they're putting up a new prize at each time and the pole on the west has just gone back up again, so apparently they are, but it's difficult for us to see from here when they're taken, we just kind of react to the crowds, but again the overall championship is not the pole, the overall championship will be determined by the story, because the goal is there, amazing, and there have been some great dots all red. This is a blue program right there, but I can't tell you what it says, but they're having a great time here, I can tell you that, Blue Cross and Bluefield's balloon is coming
over, now they're coming a little bit high, so we're worried about breakfast that's not watching the strategy, although I suspect it's changing a little bit, Bluefield's going to change a little bit. Well every pilot's got his own strategy, because everything is mixing out there in front of us, Bluefield is going right left up and out, it just depends on which target you're going to line up on, and that's how you're then going to maneuver, to have your best shot at a parking, no hearts on, for example, he's out there in the mix already, his little blue racing balloon, and it's like he's lining up for that pole on the west side of the field, here in front of us, meanwhile the pioneer balloon was going for a score on the golf pole here, just in front of the blue license tower, lining up to throw the bag in to give it a little extra room, there he comes, there's a orange marker, maybe red, and it's just inside the scoring area, so the pioneer of the pop-covering balloon, I've
got a nice score, this is Richard and Bruce, I don't know if Richard is back flying, then we got a nine, Steve, Santa, baby, and Steve, Sandy, I think he'll come right over our heads and we'll be able to see, so they're coming, they're starting up a little bit high, coming down, coming over them, climbing out as they leave, so now looking very great, That looks like Richard here is a Steve, Santa, baby, and we got a ball from the park, and he's right in front of us here, and he's pulling on that rope in the basket, that's a lot of things to let a little bit of the key down, keeps the blue down low, he's just crossing over our golf cart road here, and our sponsorship ropes, So the pole on the west side has been taken down again, is that Richard?
Yeah, that is Richard. The pole on the west side has been taken for about a third time, I believe, which one is it really going to be? Here's one that's going to hit the ground in this teal silver and birch in the way, and that's what you don't want to do. The wrong pole, haily in there, they just were supposed to actually have had a run across the pole on the, over time at the golf pole, not the big tricycle, because they had this at the store. So this is one of the trickier parts of line, not just getting to the target, but flying in this much traffic, so the pilots are all going to concentrate on getting to the target. And once that's done, their main pole is getting,
you have to be here without, so there's another one hitting the ground this morning. You have to be aware of the airspace all around, you've got to take in three dimensions. And so, you know, you want to concentrate on getting to the target, but as you're maneuvering, you have to be cautious of the other ones that are around you. And this, a lot of times, what happens is the events of these guys that I've hit the ground going into the target too, and up here what happens sometimes, I don't know if this is the case, but a lot of the pilots do fly here at the end, so they are not really flying in 5,000 without the tube. And the balloon performs differently when it starts to fall. You can get behind the balloon. The balloon starts doing things without your control, and if you get behind the balloon, once it starts to fall, you can't turn it up, you need to trick it up to recover it. Sometimes, this is the case of people who are like me, they come from the Texas Louisiana down in the flatlands,
they come up here and fly in the high end, and the balloon responds differently, and therefore you're not familiar with it, and sometimes it's getting ahead of them. There is the Lovelace Healthcare Systems balloon, a black balloon with rainbow stripes on it, and a reminder that Lovelace holds again this year, and it's our official healthcare provider and first aid provider, and their services could be found in our public safety building, which is blue, white with blue trim, just in the middle of Concession Road on the second street back. The notice perked in, you'll come and buy, and the automates have been soaked in the balloon. We're about to load with that one. Back to Lovelace. Do you know the story of that balloon? I used to know it out from around the first cut field, so just the Lovelace has forgotten it. I forgot the story of that incident. So there are scoring officials at each of the holes
that are going to be measuring these in centimeters, I guess, in millimeters, some of them. And after the race each day, they total up the scores, and they're going to do it, and they're going to have a leaderboard, and then I think after tomorrow morning, they won't post that line, or the case they have to post it. It has to be posted in cases of protests, but they don't threaten it. So they used to keep it secret about who? Well, they always lock us up in a man named Joe. I really don't know. I think we're the ones who don't know until we get to an outset. There's the Victoria Secret balloon, and the paper, the other day, they're adding a 600 job to their call center over Rio Rancho. They have been great community partners. I'll tell you for this region. I wish nobody from Victoria Secret would call me. I think you have to call them. I don't have a credit card. Oh, well, never mind them now.
That's OK. So here's the beer mug. I don't think they're eligible for the country. You're really focused on this beer mug. Well, I guess he's been everywhere. After 15 years of sobriety, why is he focusing on this beer mug? He's been everywhere. We mentioned the blue manufacturer that's here from the Czech Republic. Come and check with us. One of their balloons is high into the left here now. It's blue on top, light, and then you see squares of orange, or yellow orange red, and then light blue, medium blue, dark blue. Really big green on the other side. Crisp and Williams. He's here representing Czech balloons. I noticed the reaching Lorraine balloon coming by. No kidding.
I'm up on the tower. I'm talking about his post, the very bottom of the rally. I've been going here. Every other year, in the Lorraine from the region of France. AT&T is their balloon out there. They're working on a promotion. You can come here. Okay, here on the radio. Where you can win three blue two headsets for your boat. The state farm balloon, Travis Vinsel. They need to be around out there. You can say red, white, and burgundy balloon. Okay. On the sort of the mushroom side of home. Make sure you're okay. Okay. You can see there was that tremendous rush. Yeah. Right away, balloons from Paris. Now things have kind of followed me when he gets settled down a little bit. And the first of those guys, they really like to be first. The rush of the party. I think I can play it now. Okay.
We got a sore face. Yeah, great story. Okay. You can hear the crowd reacting every time they see a good score. And it looks coming. The box might be developing late this morning because a lot of these guys seem to be boxing back on the top of us. Yeah. And maybe coming around for a second run today. And oh, and you're asking about this racing balloon to our left. The green with the dark green and the red and orange checks in it. And the picture of the picture. Oh, yeah. That is another of the purple check. Okay. From the Czech Republic. The existing something about the fabric. It's just beautiful. It's one of their showing off their hard work capabilities and those beautiful pictures of the tiger on the side of the hill. We're supposed to back pass plot lights. They are a special advertising service of pass. If you, they can help you target your advertising buys to focus directly on your demographic. They also have a new program to help people who are converting the digital TV.
They're partners in the community of different partners here. Reach in Lorraine is a beautiful part of France up in the north, north east corner of France. Metz is there in Chandler Air Base. Every year they have a big collude race. One year in Tielmville. And one in Chandler, we got to go the last July. It is a fabulous place. Filippo Ron Galatra. He's here from there. And he's the regional counselor. If he was flying in the gas balloon race, I think they got tired of playing this. Well, Travis Vincel just had a great drop in the state farm balloon on the golf pole here to the left. Just in front of our line up in front of our blue mustard. Finally done, Travis for the yellow marker right smack on the pole. Michael Verte looked like he had a good drop in the court furniture balloon.
And this is, of course, Scott McClendon in the AT&T balloon. And he wants to win this thing, really bad. AT&T is doing all kinds of things out here on the field. They've got a promotion going with PKLB radio. They've got some displays over there by the PKLB. Whoa! Wow! Way to go, Scotty! Scott McClendon, he wants to win, bad. That's the way to do it. He put his marker right on the pole. Kelly hasn't been out playing golf. He's been out throwing back. Good for you. Scott McClendon also deserves a huge round of pat on the back or whatever. He was, I took a lead role in organizing with the first Olympic Federation of American and a little more Kentucky, this past April. He and his local balloon club did a wonderful job. And Scott McClendon was climbing all of it. There's another great... This target up here in front of us is just getting covered up in bags. And that's going to be a hard one to make.
These are prize passing jobs. Scott just got a little more difficult. So the blanks lot of burner balloon. Cool beans. The folks from Lithuania. Here's Wayne Bond and Spider-Man. And he did box back on the top of it. So the box is working this morning. The first time this year that we've seen it. And if you look for the beer mug, you'll be on a towel. There it is. There's Wayne Bond and Spider-Man balloon. From Great Britain. And the cool beans are giving a little push to the Lithuania balloon team here. There was a little butt-graphing up there for a moment. If it ain't broken, it ain't racing.
That's why. So here's the farmers come over before. Oh, there they are. I don't know. I don't think so. Okay, I thought maybe you were talking about that. And then here's this little hang balloon. Well, there's all of those still. I think from Italy. With just the man sitting on a tank under the balloon. One of the gasmen pilots that's in the air that George and Bennett is, or maybe the American talent. America's talent is one of the guys who flies as buster balloons. We have this small one like a weather balloon. John on the track. He makes a bb gun with him or something. Yeah. Shoots out the balloons as he needs to. There's some of them. He cuts some of them loose. And John on the track is flying towards Bradley. The first one was his instructor pilot, calling him fly gas balloons prior to Jonathan doing his first buster flight. And in fact, Jonathan and his buster, Aurelia, is Auregalia, is on the current cover of Blooming Magazine.
You can get by joining the BFA at Well, how convenient did I ground that up? How convenient you brought that up. Our big thanks to air gas. They are such huge supporters of balloon fiesta. Nice to hand them a prize. Come on, you guys. What I'm wondering is if we're going to have a whole other second wave of people flying over the target who have seen the error of their ways have gone up and decided to come back and try again. Well, it could be because the box is certainly there and there are still people who are just now launching in the north end of the field. And they're flying over here this week. My suspended is the target to open until 10 o'clock.
We wish the God almost an hour and a half time for them to get here. Now, if someone was asking me the other day and I didn't know, you can tell me the difference. There's the yellow balloon with a red sea up. There's a red balloon with a yellow sea up. And there's a blue balloon with a red yellow sea. What's the difference in the three? Yes, that's true. Well, the yellow balloon with a red sea up is the state flag. And that's Dr. Thomas Collins. That's right. And actually, it's Dr. Thomas Collins II that owes me $0.00. Dr. Dad, Dr. Thomas Collins is pilot emeritus. And Dr. Thomas Collins II now owns the balloon. And the red balloon with a yellow sea up is the city of Albuquerque. The blue balloon with a yellow with a blue sea up.
I think it's just somebody who loves the next thing. Who loves the next thing? As far as I know, I don't know if there's any in this story. You know, I've told you this story about my history with the New Mexico Sea. I've been visiting my family and I've been visiting here when I was in the Boy Scouts many years ago, because I got your channel. And at that time, I was a member of a group in the Boy Scouts called the Order of the Arrow. So I faced around the state of America, the Indian, etc. And when we go out here in New Mexico, you have your state highway signs or black or the white circle with the red sea up in the highway number in the middle of it. And for some reason, I was just taken by one of those, or by the design, and one in one. And when I got home from my vacation trip, I wrote to the Department of Transportation here in New Mexico. I was living in Texas where I grew up. And lo and behold, one day, I'm at school, and I come home and my dad is curious with me. Because this package showed up by the BNUPS with a COD bill of about 80 bucks, for which there was a lot of money back in the 1970s.
And it was a freshly made New Mexico State road sign that had my Boy Scouts troop number painted on it instead of a real highway. You're very hospitable people. You certainly are. My idea was that I got one of these signs, and I didn't commit to buying it with my dad. And when it showed up, it was COD for about 80 bucks. My dad worked with a Latin Bode yard for quite a few weeks after that. Worked with the highway department. He sold safety equipment that I'm going to work with for a lot of youth. For wonderful people. They are then and now at the Department of Transportation. Doing a great job trying to keep up with all of this, and get the real runner bill. Oh. I think it did soon. They all were watching each other.
It's got the fever. It's so fire. Here's an update. Just this, just in. The Americans challenge. They are in the lead. They have a substantial lead. Mark Sullivan and Sherry Edwards. We're still flying at 517 miles. Mike Wallace and Kevin Prylon have already landed at 495 miles. They're in third place. We're still flying at 467 miles. In the Gordon Bennett, we mentioned earlier that Thomas Hora has landed at 752 miles. Still flying in second place is David Hempelman Adams at 502 miles. And Sturgeonelier and Harrowby pronounces copiles. Myra Hopper are still flying at 545 miles.
Those are the top three positions in the race when things could change. And like we will, the day goes on. I'd like to see Phil Minnett and Phil Wyatt win the American Challenge. They've just started flying together last year and a couple of different smiling tensions. International mining and technology show held every other year in Chicago. Sponsors this beautiful balloon. Pat Holtz flying. We got to see some extraordinary stories from him. I'd have already dropped back there. Here's a guy got gay and just hold a plank to fix this balloon. We have little sculpted spirit of Texas. Hey look, it's coming back around again. There's Joe Harlow climbing up high. We have a blue racing blue with the white stars with Jackerboard. Shreds are on the bottom and top.
We haven't been able to watch the Marcus kind of on the northwest side. But it looks like a lot of blue is headed there right now. It seems like... I can't see that far. It seems like that you... And one of the Hoody's are going to go south and west. And then you come down a little more and start moving south east. Build something for everybody. Oh, there was a nice drop by Bill Adler. Nicely done, Bill. Bill's balloon here is the green yellow red and blue balloon. Just had a nice throw on the target. Just to our left here right out front of the blue light source tower. Bill, a light guy golfing is also from Longview, Texas. There's a balloon called Bill's turn. And when he's not flying balloons, Bill runs a pretty respectable tire shop in Longview, Texas. He's my truck rolling on the good rubber.
And my balloon trailer, I was on my way to Albuquerque. With my trailer, it happened to stop by in the middle of the tires of the blue. I need two new trailer tires. Longview is kind of like Albuquerque in that they have a big balloon race there in the year. And that's positive balloon population to grow. That the more people are exposed to ballooning, the greater the balloon population in the area. And while it's the great Texas balloon race, it's not anywhere near the size of this event. It's about 80 balloons. But like this event, it draws the very best of the best of balloons there. And you know, that top event there announced the event along with me. We played tag team there before. They draw a really fine crowd of balloons. Rocking out the RV and Marine. They're going to pass them off to our left here. I haven't had a chance to mission against this year. That's a pretty one, isn't it? Yeah. Look at Joe Hartzel dropping. He's downbound and determined to get that pole. And he doesn't spear into this balloon. He's dropping down right on top of it on the west side of the field there. Now he's starting to evolve.
He starts to drift off a little bit. Howard Johnson just put it in the middle of it. Yeah, they just had a great golf ball out there. There's Ray Bair in the middle of the crowd. Ray is the current president of balloons yesterday. And a media past president of the balloons by the region of America like Milwaukee Mark, who has the stripes of blue, burgundy red, gold, and yellow. The last few years, the city of Albuquerque and the city of Chihuahua have our neighbors and sisters, I think. And they asked Albuquerque, and they came out to see the blue, yes, an Albuquerque. They became so enthused, they asked if the people from Albuquerque would help them organize a ballooning event in Chihuahua. And for the last few years, a lot of New Mexicans have gone down. And I think Scott Appleman goes and helps the balloonmeister. And so I'm taking this balloon that says Mexico on the site. It might be part of the fleet that, again, same thing.
And there are now there are several balloons that live in Chihuahua as people were exposed to it. I don't know how much fun it was. Well, that's how ballooning became so hot. No pun intended in Louisiana, it was the U.S. National School out of Indiana, Ohio for the first time in 1989. And there was the Baton Rouge in Louisiana. And the people at Baton Rouge, well, they're nuts anyway. You know, you have to do it by vanilla if you're a football game to know that. But immediately following ballooning just took off like a rocker. And there were a dozen balloon sold in and around the Baton Rouge music. And Baton Rouge still hosts a very fine balloon race and the people are just grabbing around it. I can see Korea actually with the scenic balloon, with the yellow and red and orange. We ought to be in a good spot to get to one of these targets. Ray Bear just had a real nice drop on the golf target there. And that raises the question.
Is President of the family is he eligible to win? Wait a minute, Ray Bear. Hey, Ray. He's being polite about all that. Ray Bear, Beijing Ray Bear. Who's flying? If Ray's here, who's flying, Ray's balloon? Well, David is flying. Oh, David is flying. Well, maybe David is eligible to win then. You know, okay. If you're raised, I'm going to turn around and acknowledge our existence over here. He's just sitting over there like we don't even exist. But the balloon flying any of this. We're breaking on his son. How good is he flying? When the balloon flies that well, he's very happy to get the credit for it. You bet. Nicely done, David. David Bear pointed. Here's guy golfing eight. Oh, look at that drop. Nice job, guy. Guy is in the balloon. The Texas heritage or the spirit of Texas. Come with me. With the Texas flags around it. And that balloon, by the way, I got to make this mention. It is for sale.
And if you buy it, tell a guy you heard me say it was for sale because I get a commission, okay? Yeah. So here's Bob and Dad Bear. Following up to son David, congratulating him on his. Bob and Dad Bear are all the little bears. Yeah. So this raggedy envelope, the patchwork balloon, is the original balloon. That is. It's the oldest certified balloon that's flying in the yesterday. Okay. It is... And son and law is flying. Well, Caroline Radius has her jewelry down in the official tent. She is here. Her jewelry is still here. The jewelry is there. And I think she's going to come over and talk to us. Oh, good. Somebody seems like her jewelry is a picture of it. And it is striking. Not a big jewelry person. But Carol has a new light of jewelry out. With a dichromic glass. I think you both made it. It was just beautiful stuff.
He told me he was making some corp yet. But glad to know it is the sale. Vincent Biden has balloon passed by. So this is Ron Curry. And the 770 KOB balloon. He is the Secretary of Environment for it. Part of the governor's cabinet in Mexico. Well, that balloon has to be almost sold as the raggedy ambulance. Well, he used to have a low balloon years ago. Okay. Lou, a UNM balloon. I see that KOB balloon here for a million years. I've been coming here. It's about 1984. Yeah, we're talking to the raggedy ambulance from the early 70s. Oh, really? Wow. Well, I'm happy to report that once again, my balloon is in the air. We'll cheer the other one going to hit the ground. Doink. Oops. That's cool.
We've had several to do that today. About four or five. More than I think I've ever seen. Actually, I've hit the ground this morning. You can usually tell when the balloon hits the ground. Because it goes back up in the air rocking like a pendulum on a clock. It's winging back and forth. It looks like that red balloon with the white band sitting in the black and silver. It also may have bounce off the ground. It's like this bank of the West. It's beauty to look at the pack of balloons across the target, I think. The target has covered up a bag. You said for a year, it's been quite a job. Our mission is to score all that today once we're finished. There's the RNS to move. RNS motor sports. RNS power sports. Power sports. Power sports. How are they? Well, it's straight out there. You can't because they're yellow balloons. You can't see it right there. And that's where some of the balloons are. Which one is that?
That one with the red top on the yellow and red white in the middle wave. Wave at it. Yeah. But he's still flying. Yeah, Mark is still in the air. He is sure he ever fly it or still in the air in the gas event. Oh, there it is. Yeah, now I see the RNS power sports. Well, that's people, Marty, who has resaid is the defending and two-time defending back-to-back champion of Yester. And he's going for a 3-P. And I want to see Bob Jones of England is flying my balloon coyote moon coming to the field. I want to see if he can get any closer to the target to me, because then I'll know if it's the pilot of the blue. You're not going to be able to play with it on the balloon anymore. You really mess it up, so I can continue to say it's the blue. But that may be any. Speaking of jewelry and all things bright and beautiful, Carol Rhymer Davis has just joined us. Along with her, less than bright and beautiful husband, John. Thank you.
You're welcome, John. At least I got your name, right? All the gold in Ireland. So, blindness impressions about your new jewelry and about your balloon flight. Well, yeah, first of all, tell us about the jewelry. Because I know I've seen some pictures of it and you're wearing what looks like a beautiful piece of it. Did I get it right to this dark chrome in class? Is that what it is? Is that on? It's a little darker. Hey, Tommy. Well, probably we're flying a little bit. Okay, try that now. Guess what it is. Dark chrome class. Okay, now what is dark chrome in class? Well, it's a very in-class color. And black chrome. And so, basically, you see which color, color, color, color. Interesting glass. Okay. Now, the shape that you have is obviously about the native Indian bear shape. What other types of weather shapes are you below animals? Or are there some popular balloon shapes involved?
Well, both of them are balloons. And I'm trying to see a bear with a child. Do you have any coyotes? No, would you like one? I would love one. This is my balloon. Oops, there he is. Oh no, see it is the balloon. My balloon is at the ground too. And I'm not even flying it. Coyote moon just puts the ground. Bob, you're not supposed to do that. Bob Jones out of England flying a... My balloon, the yellow and blue one coyote moon. I'm trying to be a human. So, I want to know about the balloon rings. You guys got the service morning. And I said, look how you had a little leak in the balloon ring. We did. We knew almost from the moment that we took off. We had a leak. But we were able to fly down south. We won't fly back. And safely lay on just a big wave. Five, six bags of bells. That's not very much. That's just a nice point. It's not a very epic experience. And that's got to be sort of disappointing too.
Like a leak of the leaking wrap. Yeah, eventually you're going to come out. That's got to be so disappointing too. For you and Richard, I mean, do it. Or just top notch competitors and champions. I'm going to go ahead and do it. I'm going to go ahead and do it. I'm going to go ahead and do it. I'm going to go ahead and do it. I'm going to go ahead and do it. Or just top notch competitors and champions of the Gordon Bennett. And I've blown some really big things. Yes, white. Something like that must be terribly disappointing. Give them a mic back, obviously. It was disappointing. But, you know, it's part of the learning center. Sometimes you have to make things decisions. Or you have to stop or out. You don't want to make decisions not to fly. Or just stop and fly. We need a lot of things. We need a lot of things. It's a chance to climb. You can walk around. Yeah, before we go all the flip-ungen stuff, before we forget where Richard Joey is available for sale, Market Women's Painting.
Well, I want some then discovery materials. Ok. And then my website. Is convenient design. And? O and A? Yes, that's my VIP. Well, ok. I'm crowded. I'm on Mercedes-Benz. Well, it's a moody delivery. And I close by in the прerigody. My second floor, John Schmitz, from Seattle. And that balloon is how all of their enemies want to be. It's the oldest registered balloon for them. Right in the middle of the building, it's seven to five. And this is second. The type of certified balloon that Tracy Gardens built. Oh, my God. So much of the air's hard balloon has been replaced. Right. Much of the building has been replaced. There's a lot of fabric there that probably has to be fabricated. It's different. Wow. What a great piece of history. Tracy Gardens also have just this past year. This past summer, we was inducted into the National U.S. ballooning home plane. But we didn't know what I owe. So it's a great piece of history. One fact in 1974, Tracy came out out of the building here.
The ballooning was exploiting. We wanted them to understand why. So he got naturally spent a month with us out here in the store. He tried a little basket. I should talk about that. He said we were here for the first time. That was right. Thank you very much. Congratulations. I have better luck next time on the gas racing. But you guys have probably over your share of the metal. Although I guess what's in there we have too many. I wouldn't know. I haven't got my first one yet. As you can see, by ballooning, I have some serious problems. This is the 50-second Gordon Bennett race that's being run here. It is the only woman ever to live while I was stuck in the tunnel right before. That's right. In which magazine was it the difficult night? Was it Aaron Space? It was a really wonderful article on Carol 2 a few issues ago. I have to give Carol and her husband John a lot of credit too,
because way back in the early 90s, I was not for whatever reasons. A big fan of the blue generation of America. We had a conversation out here at Alperturple one day, where the two of them challenged me to either continue to be a part of the problem as I put it, or to join get more involved and become a part of the solution. The position I have today is amateur ballooning magazine. It's a lot because I took their advice and joined and got involved. Thank you for staring me down the right path. Back in my earlier view, John and Carol were very gracious to sit down with me and say, what's the problem? What are your concerns? Here's how we think we ought to go back into fixed and great advice. Thank you. Thank you. I noticed the methods in tri-gas balloon just passing over. Helium supplier and hydrogen supplier for the... Oh, their gorge is better than the America's national news. Back. Look at the middle of the pack out there. About two-thirds high.
The beer mug? No. Oh, not the beer mug. Iodimoon? No, not Iodimoon. Nice. The wild blue balloon with the white star in the jacket. Oh, look. Joe Hartson. Back again. This is supposed to be his third, maybe fourth time around. Joe is the reigning national champion. Two years ago, it was a second in the world, in the world championships, and boy, he is really working today. And over here to the left, also to be back, here's a good look. I'm close for us now of the racing balloon from Kuba checklist, from Czechoslovakia, that drain with the green, red and orange accents, and then the beautiful artwork picture. That's a... Thank you. A leper on this side. What's it saying? I can't imagine what it says. I probably couldn't read it anyway, because I don't read the Croatian translation, or whatever their language is called. We've been talking about all these international pilots, and I see in the distance the continental airlines balloon. And it reminds me to say thank you to continental airlines,
to the official airline of Luz yesterday, but they also sponsor the flight of the nations, and are responsible for bringing a lot of these international glutes in, continental airlines, as a very strong cargo department. And so they have been a carrier of a lot of these international glutes. So that looks like a promotion for a zoo. Yeah, it looks like that's obviously a zoo, something... It says zoo balloon. A lot of money, now you mentioned it, and it says Kuba Czech. So it says zoo balloons. Kuba Czech, again, a new manufacturer out of the Czech Republic. And Crispin Williams is here representing it along with one of the principals, whose first name is Myrick, and I can't pronounce his last name, but they are both here, two representatives of Kuba Czech. Meanwhile, coming to the golf pool back on the field, here comes having a senior moment.
I'll come on now. He's out of Colorado. A couple of other good guys with black hats. Kid Tadalini. I knew that'd bring it up. Just had a nice drop there. It's got the white hand in the middle. That could do it. I didn't even like Tadalini. I don't know, man. I was thinking about the Tadalini that we had back then, which were great. I could eat about a dozen more, though. Then you might just went off. And then my mind just had some of those. So I see the regional arena balloon coming back by. Several guys are working the box. Mike Gerler, who we've talked about a few times this week, wowed on the western edge of the field in the balloon with a little cow. The holes in the balloon's name is Holy Cow. Mike was mentioned as a legend in his own time. Mike was 85 years young in one of the real high-end ballooners. He was here. He came out with him in 1974 and 1975. Then it hadn't come back for 30 years, he said.
And maybe he was back in the 05 and 07 or something. He started the Kentucky Derby Festival balloon race. That's right. The Louisville. They wanted something to kind of kick off the Derby week. So the balloon fiesta takes place on the weekend before Kentucky Derby. It starts the fiesta week. After our left here is the blue that's red, white and blue stripes. Blue man with white stars is Diane Carlson on a plane of Texas. Her blue called incognito and Diane, of course, is the designer and maker of our... See you on the moon. Yeah, she's there. I'll be the moon. That's the fine hair because I'm going to get her. No rough effort for you to kill. Sharrant, the green, lives in group of youth. Yeah, being a hero. Oh, it's called group of youth. Oh, group of youth. Can you get group in Sharrant? Or is it just two of you like that? No, actually, we did. We did through the Albuquerque convention. All right.
I see Robert Locke and hot shot services. Long time supporters and sponsors of the balloon fiesta. So we never have figured out what this seven-and-a-half sets mean. There's both enough to us that we might even be able to win. They're going to have a good drop on the part. Look at that. Nice drop. Yeah. That was probably worth seven-and-a-half sets. Yeah. Albuquerque. That was about... Fun over here. Tell us what you want. And what's like it's got the General Bill's G on it there, doesn't it? That's the General Bill's trademark G, that I'll see right there. That's part of it. Now the purchase is... Yes, the General Bill's called a cookie clinic. What's the seven-and-a-half sets mean? What's seven-and-a-half sets? I don't hear it. Okay, money, but... It's a very special number and... It must mean something. Apparently it's a lucky number for this guy, because he dropped right in the middle of the play. It must mean Joe Hart, so they're still trying to get to that hole. Over on the west side of the field, he went up like a rocket.
He's back down, and he's just a little bit to this side on his face. So there's the state card balloon coming back over. Reach in the rain. I can see Pat Fogel over there. The International Manufacturing Technology Show. Did I hear the steam whistle of the oriental express? That's like they might be back. So they're cruising off to the left here to the west. Well, I think that's the truck. I think that's the chase truck. Oh, that's the truck. Okay. It had me cool there before. Which is not hard to do. The Lithuanian balloon team is coming back. I see them out over the field again. Well, and they look like they got a better shot at this time. Well, I don't remember where they were the first time. They had to kind of went off to the east end. Okay. The air gas balloon is coming around for a second shot. The Lithuanian...
They're walking into that. Fogel, like there's a wind here, right? Well, that or if they bump each other, that could bump into a little rocket. That's the ground. Oh, great. It's good for them to be there. I'm not sure whose fly is this black camera in the racer. I thought it was Paul Beecher, but he's flying a different racer this week. But I thought they were just about to line up on that pole on the west side. But it looks like they're going to climb out a bit. A little higher. So I think there's two poles. One here by the road and one up to the racer. Well, they've been putting them up. Somebody went and passed the prize when they picked the pole out. Put a new prize on it and stick it back up. Almost made a landing on golf cart row there. There is a nice drop-wire.
They're right in the white hole in here. They just put a marker on the target. You can see it on the ground there now. You can see how they're moving across those targets. Doesn't look too bad upstairs. What I remember is that when you are descending into a stronger wind, it pulls you down. That might be, I don't know, trying to make an excuse for the people who are hitting the ground. But that could explain some of that. Well, it's a valid excuse. A little bit about that. The interior factor actually is. Sometimes it's called all-slip, where the wind moving over the top of the balloon is actually doing faster than the wind that you're in. And it costs the balloon to cool. You don't realize it. The balloon will drop out underneath it. I like the colors of this balloon here. That deep, deep purple. That's what my dad's high school in Belmont, Texas. They were known as the royal purples.
Whatever the royal purple is. But that's got to be royal purple. That is a beautiful shade of purple in this balloon. And I would never have thought of a pair of them on a red, the wall of color. And yet, purple is actually a shade of red. It's a very dark shade of red. That was the regional colors of the deer in this balloon. What's there early? There's a purple and red check balloon on the raven. Then there's a lot of green for a lot of green. Wall green. You've been talking about them. Have you been seeing their balloon? Yes. Come by or you ask if you get your photos developed. Girl Courtney is flying for wall rings and then for a long time. There's any official photo in the floor in the room. And they've got... I think they're selling film out here and have places out here to leave your film. And of course, there's wall rings. They're all over Avator. So on your way from the field, stop by and leave them off. I haven't ready for you in an hour.
Yes, there's one on San Mateo right now. The prescription film is leaked in this. Another one where I did some shopping up on the lawn. Around the lawn, San Pedro over there. John Panart is flying with the village in the blue. And here is the blue with the Japanese flag. I don't know. We've been looking for a Japanese flag like that. Maybe he fell? Yeah. We're going over across the... above the San Diaz. There is the... I don't know if that was the original Wells Fargo Blue that carried the flag off this morning. I don't know if that was the original one. And way out there, top of the... Yeah, I don't know if that was San Diaz. Good morning, Japan. Good evening, Japan. Good evening, Japan. There's Travis Mitchell. Travis had a great job on one of the targets. Is he going to grab a bowl out there?
Let's see a little in front of him. A little in front of him. Okay, again, hard to tell from our perspective. Travis flying the State Farm Blue. He's already had one good drop on the target. I think he only had one bang. I think he's a drop of 20. Maybe he's just pregnant. There is a little speed up there now. I wonder if it's a good neighborhood. If they're red, white, blue. If they're red, they're hot. I saw the regal entertainment balloon go by. The regal crown of member of my cell. I love going to the movies. Brighten the quarries flying. One of the movies that's in the theaters now is going to have based on a Robert Parker movie.
I mean, right. It was made up completely in New Mexico. And that makes us to go see the scenery. Part of a group called the Film Industry Promotion Association in New Mexico. The Governor and Legislature printed this fabulous set of incentives. That is, caused the film industry to grow. I think there have been 112 movies made here. In the last couple of years, we've got four. I think there are four, four proofs left. If there's four movies going on at once, all using the next code. Well, so a lot of the frames are pretty good. Yeah, they don't think they're dropped there. What was your... What was your... In New Mexico, you have... The movie's like an awful books are made. In Louisiana and Baton Rouge, we have the Duke's Passers.
That was shot completely in Baton Rouge. What did that tell you? Transformers was made here. There's another one being made now. In the end, it goes. Part of that movie was here. And Val Kilberg moved here years ago. It has the rain-sharing paint goes. And he's even talking about running for governor. Well, you know, now we have... I can talk about the movie's starting. Just a few blocks from my home in New Mexico in Louisiana. There was a movie shot that started Tom Cruise, a Queen Latina, where they blew up a mobile home. And a lot, and they literally built this fake mobile home. And then blew it up about three o'clock in the morning. And on that Queen Latina, we're both in town with that. And Kevin Costner's movie, The Guardian, with Ashton Future. It was also filmed. In fact, they used one of the big landing sites we have in the movie's in the three-fourth.
We have a company called Beard Industries. And it has a field not quite as big as this one, but pretty big. And the favorite landing spot, what is the Planner Rounds three-fourth? But they built this huge water tank there at the Bellwall Ghost Coast Guard Rescue Seas. Oh, the movie The Guardian. It took away our landing site for a number of weeks, while they were filming that. Right now, Breaking Bad, a series on the AMC, I think, is filming the next season here. In plain sight, it is set in Albuquerque. Here comes Tom, that one for it. Yep. The cut in Albuquerque is beautiful. They fly in more cities and more countries, in the world than any other airline. You know, the official airline for Blue and Fiesta? I kind of like the armies of airlines. They do more before 9 AM, and most people do all day. You're right. There's Paul Petren in his racing balloon way out on the western side of the field.
Black background, and you can see the purple, blue, yellows, reds, oranges in the balloon. And, kind of slow down here. I noticed that the... There's a lot of jokes over there in the air balloon over the roof. See if he hits the ground again. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of them. I mean, they didn't bother to come back. They have so much water in their mouth. I know how it feels, because as I started the story earlier this week, in Baton Rouge a couple of years ago, the day 1, I won the pole grab, and day 2, and of course all the other balloons had already landed. And we're standing there watching me. And, like Bob, I flew just about as far away from the other balloon that I could find before I landed. Because I wasn't going to go through the ridicule that I knew was waiting for. I think it's the balloon. I don't think it's the pilot that I'm meaning to miss now. There must be the balloon in the end. Let's see.
Paul, see, I've got to go talk to an instructor about that. Randy Oaks is out there in the Milestone coffee balloon. They're the official coffee balloons, and it looks like he's going to try another run. But now, if I said the wind feels like it's died off. It does feel like it's cold off. The net could be because the sun gets higher and the wind's beginning to mix. And so, we had some fairly strong reasons here in the wild. We made it by now in the Milestone. Even though it altitude, it looks like some of the balloons that were moving very rapidly there for a few minutes. It looks like that speed is dissipated quite a minute. It looks just coming back again. The beer balloon? Oh, not the dumb beer balloon. But it's Joe Hartzel. In the middle of that crowd, there's this little blue balloon with the white stars and the red and white checkered work patterns. This guy works a balloon race like nobody on the other scene. Now, the R&S motor sports is maybe kind of following him around because they keep coming back by too.
I've seen Steve come by twice. Well, there he is out there, then. By right of the end. Yeah. So, yeah, you're right. Steve is working part two to try to he'd love nothing better than the three feet here. One of the balloon manufacturers, camera balloons, has an exhibit here in the concession area at the south end. If this isn't treat you, I'll tell you that a balloon is made out of about 1,000 yards of nylon fabric carries from 40 to 60 gallons of fuel on board. Bossed between 30 and $300,000. 30 in the sky. Yeah. Depending on how these special shapes I don't think we even know how much those are. And the bigger the balloon and the more intricate the more expensive. It's a brand new passenger balloon for less than 40,000. And one way to make that work for you
is to form a balloon club where kind of you all go in together and buy the balloon. And then one or two of you get trained as pilots. And then you become eligible to train the rest as pilots. And that way you have a crew available all the time and spread the cost of the balloon around. That happens more in Albuquerque than anywhere in the world. The Quad-A Albuquerque Eurostat Ascension Association is the largest balloon club in the world by far. And within that club, there's several other syndicates, if you will, of balloon owners. So here comes continental airlines. We had a lovely event last night. Twenty-four nations are flying. They have moved the rest of this year part of the flight of the nation, sponsored by continental airlines. They have their cargo team in here, the senior vice president and senior manager. And then their premier cargo customer is right here.
And we had a great time. I don't have a yacht, too, tonight. Top down in four is the pilot of the continental world just waiting to go to us this morning. They're flying for, of course, not only the balloon, but also flies. The jet liner is for continental. It does? It does? It does. Yeah. We found the big boys in the name too, right? The official airline of Lundfiesta had been major supporters. Again, that's sort of like Wells Fargo, starting the special safe rodeo and rodeo. We needed a way to make the enhance to feature the international pilots and continental airlines came forward and said, look, we're carrying the freight for most of the balloons in here. So we might as well get together and do something fancy up. And so it's the flight of the nation, sponsored by continental airline. You know, this is not to be the dead horse
and I know that we have yet to get a plug in for ourselves. This is the 20th anniversary of the special shades. The pre-land dairy cow has been here for all 20 of them. And a lot of people don't know it. But next year, we've been 20 of you here that even I have sat up here on this tower. Probably a little clean here. 20 years of hot air together. That's a lot of hot air in the bridge. Or over the tower or whatever. So we're sure that there will be some kind of city with all of them. Yeah, I'm sure there will be some sort of special. Oh, I'm sure. Celebration. You know, something next year. So you don't want to miss next year. Maybe he's going to be looking for a sponsor or special hot air or something. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe he's going to be a natural gas trope. You know. Well, I say he's going to be a good male trope that night. You know, something anyway. There goes the good neighbor's pharmacy balloon. They get that history across. Steve Lombardi lining up the RNS power sports balloon.
He knows RNS power. That was sucking. Still is to some people. Most of the coffee win. I think you mentioned earlier. Most of them. And the cold rooms. Am I right about that? Yeah. And they are the official coffees. Up to the eastern. Look at the look around these targets that. Scoring officials are starting to measure. Yeah. Look at all the color around. You can see the splashes of yellows, reds, whites, blues, all around those golf holes. They have magnifying glasses out. Yeah. And in some cases, it might be, you know, not who's the closest to the pole, but who's under the top of the pole. Yeah. It might be, you know, one baggy is on top of another and on top of another. Yeah. So we're all that out. I can see the blood vessel out there. You know, I've been a blood drive at balloons yesterday this morning. And again, tomorrow morning, United Blood Services here. With their blood vessel. I used to call them a flat profile.
Balloon Fiesta
Raw Footage
Balloon Race
Producing Organization
KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
Contributing Organization
New Mexico PBS (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
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Program Description
Raw footage shot for the program, "Balloon Fiesta." BALLOON FIESTA provides an up-close and personal view of one of the most colorful events in the world. Crews equipped with high-definition cameras captured the mass ascensions, thrilling competitions and interesting characters of the 2008 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Against the backdrop of Albuquerque's beautiful Sandia Mountains and Rio Grande, the Fiesta comes alive as event-goers gather to watch pilot competitions, special-shape balloons (including one fashioned to look like Darth Vader), evening "glowdeos" and morning dawn patrols.
Raw Footage Description
Balloons race on a course in a large open field.
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Raw Footage
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Moving Image
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Producing Organization: KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-3b8767ecc6a (Filename)
Format: XDCAM
Generation: Original
Duration: 01:00:00
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Chicago: “Balloon Fiesta; Balloon Race,” 2008-10-09, New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 29, 2024,
MLA: “Balloon Fiesta; Balloon Race.” 2008-10-09. New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 29, 2024. <>.
APA: Balloon Fiesta; Balloon Race. Boston, MA: New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from