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We don't need the big mic because they're going to be right there let's let's get on just be safe Look at that This lesbian who's never really liked me because sometimes I hate the nurses She hates me She hates all self -confident heterosexual Can you tell me about the rumors that are things I've got you? Like the psychological profile was not favorable, you know So they said that's the official statement Like I'm mentally unstable and managed and old folks at home Is that fair? Did they tell you this or did you hear it from a great vine? I heard it from my my to the great vine
from my friend Kathy who's the secretary in the personnel office Which is you didn't actually hear it from the odds which direction you're trying to go with your ultimate goal So my ultimate goal is to find out if he hasn't even talked to the boss yet I mean he's hearing it all through the rumor though It's so he hasn't actually gotten confirmation I don't know how to say what do you think it's your goal? How does it tell me to relax and try to get it to relax? I wonder why do we hear it? Why do we get them all through a question? Is anybody asking that? I asked him to set out What did you ask him? What do you want me to do? I just said I just said I just said I just said I just said I just said I don't know where he didn't want to When you said you didn't say you said he could come stand over here Hey come on over here talk to him A little more comfortable He's complained about his butt hurting And he gave you a pretty good hook when he was saying in his hand got burned working in the garden Come on over here sit down it's a little more comfortable I'll get you some medical attention A little little things like that you can look for that are really going to help you Build confidence with this person
So they feel confident in talking to you and they're going to be more willing to do what you ask them to do Okay Okay You don't pretty you're doing real good Yeah so frankly for a time You're doing real good too Why don't you guys go ahead and Go ahead for a few more minutes and then we'll have you guys So go ahead and continue I like to do this and put like a new sport and a band -aid on it Why don't you come over here we can get you some help for If I heard through that which is a medical attention That's not like a hospital Oh that's not What they'll do is I'll come down here and they'll take care of it right here No charge to you Why don't you come over here and say come I'll look at it See if I'll mention it maybe I mean Thank you I love my garden I bought this house you know It's some some elderly people been living it and it got real run down so it was kind of cheap and I've been fixing it up for five years. It's really nice now Just keep fixing
it up You said you're uncomfortable chef That's okay How are you uncomfortable Randa? I just like I don't know what I am man. It's I'm okay. I'm okay thanks. I mean I'm fine right here like this It was facing that way it cuts into yet Because the metal purge you know Yeah, why don't you come up here a second and walk around a little bit get some movement? Maybe you know I don't know I just feel it's right here because You mean I mean I Been to college I have degrees. You know I'm managing stuff and I'm pretty sure at this point that you guys have to take me to the mental health center So I don't want to go there I don't know what I really want to do. I don't want to move to fucking Jane Montana. I mean I gave you five of You Just talk to me over here. I I feel kind of We'll get you some medical attention for that It's not that big a deal It's causing the pain I had to redo like
the sinks and the bathroom Skylight that wasn't even put in right I built some Adobe walls. I'm an assistant manager. I'm an assistant manager hero If not the other one. I don't know. It's like the last two weeks. I feel like I'm just losing my mind I take a deep breath Such a nice life here If I leave the state that we go and help mom and dad my mom start to get Alzheimer's. I know I work at a nursing home I can see it's starting I What a nice house My life is I don't want to go Maybe we can find someone else to do. You like
fixing things right Chuck? You know, I'm a medical facility administrator. I have a bachelor's in that you know. Would you go to school Chuck? You went in. Did you like it then? Yeah, yeah, it was the big college It's okay, you know I was an okay student. I worked the whole time. I was going at the nursing home as the You know A bus boy became just like the 9th security guard and wanted the parking lot for five years. What went to college? I mean assistant to the activities director. I just It was you know like perfect. I worked my way up. I'm the number two guy now Fucking lesbian Maryland man. She's never liked me Everyone else likes she doesn't like you know I know that she's half of the reason why I'm not getting this is because She's intimidated by people who have confidence Bottom line. She doesn't like especially confident
men Plus her and I have clashed on a couple of things. She hires these girlfriends or hers to do things like Run the kitchen and run the house keep you and they're a net You know, so mean well, I've got all these residents with no food Because her and her girlfriend decided to go, you know swim at their apartment on the day and where you know, they're not she's not ordering food for the kitchen Well, yeah, talking to her about it really just her off And we're just human Some of the other things is Only one person asked about any prior mental history if you'd ever ever had any problems mental problems When someone's someone's out there like that ask him. Have you ever had any mental problems? You know, have you been to do you have a case manager? Have you been to 2600 marble or any other mental health facilities? Um, and he was real calm when he was talking about his garden And he's out there pacing back and forth. I'm probably going to make you a real nervous It's one thing you can use to calm him down
Hey, tell me a little bit about your garden has changed the subject a little bit Get him to calm down a little bit and then you can go back to Some of the things that are that are the only cause of what's got them out there today Anything Um, yeah, I like I like that strategy or that suggestion that you made about um You obviously you don't want to necessarily be any fishing or waste time as you were kind of alluding to there at the beginning and such But at the same time you may need in order to get them to be receptive to your You know, you're a request for them to come in off the bridge and such to at first Get them engaged, you know, get get that relationship established with them And so asking them questions about something that he's brought up like gardening and such that he enjoys That's a perfectly appropriate and reasonable tactic to take and such And I what I what I did like that I saw a lot of was a lot of good active listening paraphrasing and such you were listening well to what he had to say and then you were kind of giving that back to him and such And a lot of good empathizing as well too where you were saying well, you know Given that
you're going through this problem. I can understand what you're so upset and such and there is no there It was good that I didn't see any kind of judgmental sort of behavior on your part because as you might imagine that would have turned him off and such um and and some good problem solving especially Could have more of the last that last part that you did there That was real good in terms of what You were giving him a lot of alternative isn't what you're going to find is that when an individual Is in a situation where they're feeling like they need to commit suicide a lot of times They don't see other alternatives. They're they're focused in on just that one You know solution to kind of really take away all the pain that they're experiencing and a lot of times That will be to take their life and such and what you know One of the things that you really want to think about doing is when you get somebody that's kind of locked into well The only thing I can do is to take my life is to give them some other alternatives and you're doing a good job of that of getting him to really consider Oh, maybe there isn't another way of doing this that I don't have to take my life and such So that those were some of the things that I like that I saw in this particular situation, but You know as what you want to do is from time to time throw in the kind of
this statement Well, why don't you come over here and you know kind of get away from the edge of the bridge It's really not very safe there in such and I'd feel better if you would come do that Um, and I you may want to be a little bit more direct I think there was one that sits in the like why don't you do such and such and it's kind of an indirect question Rather that you state your Still our rather indirect command on whether you be a little bit more forceful in your commands But you have to be careful, you know, you don't want to Push them away with a command that you give and such and you have to kind of do it in such a way So that they're going to be receptive to listening for that command that you're giving them and being receptive to follow that command and such Suggestibility I'm walking the fit in the camera phase also way here though Oh really I'm gonna grab all my stuff together Oh
Yes My car is for fuckers, fuckers. Yes, sir. Just a second. Sir, can you put your shoes down for me please? Yeah. There are fire hydrants and lovers lanes in the woods in 1965. There were in 1966. Nine babies. There are 66's. Sir.
Put your name, sir. I was blind. I was blind. What's your name, sir? I was blind. I was blind. But with nine cars, with fuckers fucking, in 1965 and 1966, when the cigar shows aircraft comes over and points down, and Sally's in the last car and she comes out. And her weapon throws her rock at the car and the racons down and she's out, can you please? What's your name? Tom, sir. The pine trees have the sap that comes down and goes on the cars, but that didn't
have anything to do with it. I'll put the other one on the set. Put your sap down for a second. Which ear? Tom, sir. Tom, sir. The doctor haven't told you to come here? He's out the hand. He's my doctor. Who wants to sit? Who's the doctor for the homeless? How's it going? What else is he out the way? What else is he out the way? What else is he out the way? What if he works at a health care problem?
Do you know he's shooting a 4 -7? He's getting ready. The psychiatrist comes into town and talks to the 66ers. It's like 1978. They're 12 years old. So, wait, 78, from 66? No, 85. 85, 66ers, and 85 or 19? Yes, sir. 85, sir. 19? Yes. Sir, do you mind calling the police here? Where? Where? Can we take a ride? Where? We will see you doctor. My doctor? T -O -M. Sir, you know we're talking to him in the office, isn't it? Health care for the homeless. Do you
know where it's at? Knee! Did you lose something, sir? Knee. Knee, please, knee. Knee. Bye! Third street. Third street? Fair enough, fair enough. What's today? J -20, Fair. 19, 90, 70, 90, 70. 90. I got another place where you could do this. Why do I have to stop? Where are we going? Because you have got it down here. You were doing a pretty decent job. Remember when we talked about the other room those who are wearing back what she's feeling. You put a label on it. You know, she seems really in. She seems really upset. Tell her that's how she appears. And try to find out what's going on. You know, you can reflect
those emotions back to her so she knows that you know how she feels. And then you may have some success with it. In this case, it may take a while. You know, don't get too frustrated. Your evaluations in the government back here probably more than it is from up there. And that's what we do at this point. The rewards don't always come from both hands. And I think that's the real point. It's hard to remember. Oh, no, no, that's yours. Which mind's offensive before watching? No. What do you do? You just sit down for a little bit. Turn that out. I appreciate if you can do that for me. How do you do this? Okay, we'll get that way. Just sit down and have a chat with me, okay? Okay. What would be reasons?
What's your reason? Would you mind getting your turn around and look at me? Because I want to talk to you. I'll make you a little nervous here. Okay. I'll show you more, too. Yeah. What would be reasons? Do you just sit down and have a little bit of reasons over there? You talk to me most. I'll stay here all day. I'll be here all day. As long as you want me to be here. I'll stand here. What are the reasons? The most. Can I sit right? I'll sit right here. This is a bunch of very stupid shit.
I'll walk past you and shoot. I have five from my job. You know how to change your hair? I expect it. What can take care of her if you took away my lizards? I can't. That's tough. That really is. I'm not going to even begin to lie to you that that's difficult. But those are things that you can work through. Your mom's here. She's obviously like you said. She was sick. So she needs you. She needs you desperately. No. You don't know my mother. I don't want to yield you. It's just some tickets. Okay. Those are pretty bad. Are there any other reasons? Any other thing that you thought
about? Anything? Any time. I don't want to talk about that. I don't want to talk about that. Please. Come here. I'll try to figure it out. We're actually doing a good job. I'm not here to say that. I'll be here. I'll be here. I'll be here. I'll be here. I'll be here.
Albuquerque Police Department
Raw Footage
APD Tape 24
Contributing Organization
New Mexico PBS (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
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Tape 1 APD 24 Jul 23, 97
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-6aeaead03c5 (Filename)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:20:00
Identifier: cpb-aacip-9410cf0928e (Filename)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:20:00
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Chicago: “Albuquerque Police Department; APD Tape 24,” New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 20, 2024,
MLA: “Albuquerque Police Department; APD Tape 24.” New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 20, 2024. <>.
APA: Albuquerque Police Department; APD Tape 24. Boston, MA: New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from