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All these tapes will go into a university archive. Well, there was one more item on it. Just put it there. Just take a second. Well, some of these decks have a tracking error sometimes if the tapes want to tightly in the first minute. So that's why I go to a point where I want to. Okay. I mean, yeah, even doing 30? Well, no, I'm using a 245 to a minute. Okay, they're in between here. I've been doing less than that. So, I'll standardize it now. One more thing about President Simmon. One of my jobs at the library was to pick up the mail and the post office was at the administration building. So, in
the mail was a whole mail bag full. So, I was always a little guy, not just now, I always realized that. So, I was carrying this big sack of mail to the library when somebody lifted it from behind and helped me. And I said, thank you, whoever you are. And we walked all the way to the library and when we got there, it was President Simmon. No, I'm very grateful about that. When you say, why do you like your past? That's one reason. I had very good luck. Let me ask you a question concerning. Not necessarily your career now, but I wanted to jump back to something that I thought of. How would you compare where you are right now? You're sitting in this brick house, nice furniture, you know, a great neighborhood
to... ...and a lifestyle today at your age to what you had when you were a kid. What do you... how do you compare that? I would say that this is different. My home and circumstances today are different, but not necessarily better. There was something... atmosphere... ...a spirit... ...about my home first in Asnutrias... ...and then in Tiramarilla... ...that made it rich and rewarding in every way. And my home was not really a hut. We had a pleasant
home with pleasant surroundings and... ...for that time, very good furniture. So this is different as far more modern. We didn't have running water. Yes, we did, but we had to run for it. And we had hot and cold running water except we had to heat it on the stove. What you talked about a spirit? You mentioned a spirit that was there. Well, I don't know exactly what it is I mean, but I think it's perhaps... ...a continuity or something kept alive for generations. A life,
a living, a being, a becoming... ...that had been activated a long time ago... ...and hadn't stopped functioning. And in as much as I've been able to... ...and perhaps my work as a teacher and a writer... ...has been striving to keep it going. Keep the light shining. Hope that whatever it is that I have a hard time defining. That's spirit. Can you look at yourself where you are today... ...and look at yourself where you were when you were a kid growing up? Does it bring anything to mind? It's kind of funny that you're in this
nice brick house here in NTA. I mean, you're an Albuquerque University professor and... ...any thoughts on that? Oh, I'm getting a little interested. You might want to turn it or something like that. Yeah, tapping your ring against the table will be picked up by the microphone. Okay. So what do you think of yourself here at this point? Looking back... ...from the span point of where I am now... ...and where I was, and how I was, then... ...I think it's a natural evolution. I grew up with and by books. And I
was self -assured from childhood. And there was something in me as driving for something better, always. So there have been no changes, at least no abrupt changes. It's been an evolution. Sometimes taking a long time are happening. But with the security that it was going to happen. I knew I was going to college. Long before I ever graduated from high school.
I knew I was going to get a doctorate long before I graduated from the University of New Mexico. I knew I was going to be a professor long before it ever happened. I also knew I was going to write. That one took a long time are happening. But it did happen. And all of the other things happened. No big surprises. Not to me. They may have been two others. In the classroom, like in the theatre... There is a permissiveness that allows for that to happen. Whereas outside of that frame, it looks silly. Like, for example, I love big classes.
Because that's where I can emote mixed temporaries. But then I have a graduate seminar with seven or eight graduate students. And you can't get away with that there. The camera never blinks. Sure. Well, don't think that this has to be so formal. Also, that you can't be a little dramatic or be funny or sarcastic. Well, I've been... that's naturalist. Yeah. That's a game. I think you'll find that we will like that a lot. And use judiciously, it will... The date is the 6th of October. This is room time. 30 seconds. Thank you.
Sabine Ulibarri
Episode Number
Raw Footage
Sabine Home Interior #4
Contributing Organization
New Mexico PBS (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-319d765e563 (Filename)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c9d0bf8f869 (Filename)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00
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Chicago: “Sabine Ulibarri; 608; Sabine Home Interior #4,” New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 11, 2024,
MLA: “Sabine Ulibarri; 608; Sabine Home Interior #4.” New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 11, 2024. <>.
APA: Sabine Ulibarri; 608; Sabine Home Interior #4. Boston, MA: New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from