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after the invocation. Presentation of the National Colors will be conducted by the Alakurki Police Department on an honor guard. The National Anthem will be sung by Officer Kevin Rowe. Presentation of the National Anthem Presentation of the National Anthem At the
twilight's last gleaming Whose broad stripes and bright stars Through the perilous fight, O 'er the ramparts we watch Were so gallantly streaming And the rocket's rocket The plots bursting in air Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there O 'er the stage of that star -spangled
banner yet away O 'er the land under the free And the home of the brave Ready, team Ready, team Ready,
team Ready, team Ready, team Thank you, officer Roan, that was awesome. Thank you to the National Guard also. Congratulations. Father Bob Malloy, volunteer police chaplain for the Alcorky Police Department will now give the invocation. Let us pray. Almighty God, we ask your blessings this day Upon these men who have now dedicated their lives and their honor To the service of our community and to the protection of our citizens as police officers with the Alcorky Police Department We ask that you bless them with your own divine protection as they now discharge their sworn duties Keep them safe from all harm Grant to each one the gift of wisdom and understanding
May they be wise in their service to others Give them courage and zeal Bless their families with strength to support and to encourage these men whom they love And as our community now invest these new officers with the authority to uphold the laws of our city and our state We trust that they will do so faithfully May they always uphold the highest ideals of police service For in seeking to serve our community and our citizens, they fulfill your will Bless them, bless all law enforcement officers Bless all of our families and grant us all your peace In your name, O Lord, we pray. Amen Twenty -nine individuals were selected to attend the Academy Of the twenty -nine selected, twenty -seven showed up that first Monday morning back in April And of those twenty -seven, eighteen are with us today
Most of these cadets had absolutely no idea how difficult and demanding their training would be at the Academy Some describe life of the police academy as a cross between Marine Boot Camp and law school In any event, it was certainly no easy task for them to complete And I am sure that this is one of the proudest days of their lives Pride, which each and every one of them have deserved through heartwork and dedication It's amazing what a little adversity can teach you The past seventeen weeks have been very long and difficult for these graduates And they have been equally demanding for their families and friends Who support and sacrifices have unquestionably contributed to the success of these men The Academy staff and I are very proud to be associated with these fine men And I know you share our pride in them We not only take pride in their
accomplishments and training But more importantly, we take pride and their sincere desire to serve this community with dedication and genuine commitment As these graduating officers progress through the rigors of their training Each of them demonstrated not only heart and commitment but a strong sense of purpose and direction And these attributes will help them throughout their long -forcement careers At this time, I would like to introduce our guests on the stage The Honorable Mark James, Mayor of Palbuquerque Our Chief Joe Speaker for today, Sergeant Jerry Hewitt from Phoenix Police Department I'd also, before I get into my remarks, I'd like to recognize some people who I've seen here And if I miss anybody, it's because
after 45 years my eyes are gone I'd like to recognize, and if you please hold your applause until I finish recognizing these people And if, when I recognize you, if you could stand so people, it's an honor for me to be here today But if you'll excuse me, my comments are going to be addressed to your fathers, your sons, your nephews, your cousins, the students, the members of the 77th cadet class You've made, you've survived 18 some odd weeks of rigorous training You're about to become officers, and what I believe is one of the finest, if not the finest, long -forcement agencies in the United States If not the world, and I said that, not because of the cameras, not because of the print media, I say that, not because it sounds good I say that because I believe it with my heart and my soul To capture what it is to be an APD officer, defies words sometimes, but I'm going to try As you heard the mayors say, only a small percentage make it Well,
that percentage is actually 2 % 2 % of everybody who wants to wear this uniform make it through our process And never get the chance Our entrance requirements are rigorous, and it makes our brotherhood and sisterhood exclusive Galkerky police cadets are not one with better than that of the human society from which they come But they've been hammered into form in a different forge and hardened with a different fire and one of The finest police academies in the world We believe that to be an APD officer is special, that those good enough to be APD officers are special and that the institution in which we are bonded is special The men and women who are the APD symbol, stock and trade constitute the one -in element which never changes As police officers, we have the privilege of serving our country and our community as few other people ever get the chance to Those of us who wonder this profession are answering or calling It's a calling to public service This is much more than just a paycheck Will we truly
want to make a difference in our community and improve the quality of life of our citizens You have an enormous responsibility now, you almost live up to some very very high expectations You expect considerable time learning our SOP, this document is filled with rules and regulations, policies and procedures Now it's almost three inches thick You're expected to behave within the parameters of this document Frankly, it's a little too long for anyone to memorize and I don't expect you to But I do expect you to live by the law enforcement code of ethics, which is printed on today's documents, which everybody has And always keep our mission and values foremost in your mind Our mission and values were recently developed by a select group of 40 -some odd civilian and sworn members of the Albuquerque Police Department And it reads, we the professional men and women of the APD strive to improve the quality of life in our city by protecting The life and property, maintaining order and reducing crime through education and prevention
In cooperation with the citizens, we are dedicated to upholding the U .S. Constitution, the laws of the Mexico and the laws of the city of Albuquerque The values, our core beliefs, our integrity, respect, pride and fairness In closing, I'm going to invoke the words of Teddy Roosevelt, who was not only a past president of the United States, but he was a police commissioner as well He said, it's not the critical counts, it's not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of D could have done better The credit belongs to the man who was actually in Eurena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errors and come short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming, who does actually strive to do the deeds, who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause Who at the best knows in the end
the triumph of high achievement and who at worst, if he fails, and least fails while they are in great need So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls, who have tasted neither victory nor defeat Members of the 7th and 7th cadet class, the men and women of the Albuquerque police department have been in Eurena a long time, and we are ready for some plan 82 Welcome aboard, you've earned it Thank you, Chipose We would now like to share with you some special moments with the 7th cadet Come join me and make the presentation to the top cadet and top guns I will go behind you Christian First of all,
I want to present the remarks to the serge Yachtin is going to allow for his presence to the Albuquerque police department this work was made in partnership with the cadet All of the cadets, previous to this today and today's, the marksman will be engraved on this spot And the second one, after the scorn of Albuquerque, he presents the Albuquerque police department this work We are standing after every achievement by a cadet, and all of the cadets that have outstanding academic achievement will be engraved on the spot 77th graduating class It is with great pleasure that to 77th with the Albuquerque police department special works in the 77th graduating class These awards were started in December of 1970, and we have been presented to the very end of class as that date
The 2nd one, the first one, outstanding marksman and the second one, the outstanding academic achievement award by a cadet The first one, the requirements to receive the outstanding marksman award are The cadet must have mastered all aspects of police fire on training I know there's all young men here, but we must say he or she must have distinguished himself about his or her classmate In overall firearm scores, not a police reference, a proficiency in firearm views In addition, he or she must have no direct records nor against him or her He or she must have leadership of our team and aspire to create some self -sensitivity The marksman award for the 77th class goes to By the way, we have a tie, so I'm going to call it one at a time This is the first time we've had a tie in this department Christ I will call Adam Heyman, we did
this guy Thank you for being here Thank you for being here Adam Heyman, our outstanding marksman here 77th, the least cadet class, August 21st, 1997 Congratulations, thank you so much The other young man that tied is Lucas Thompson Lucas Thompson, our outstanding marksman here 77th, the least cadet class, August 21st, 1997 Congratulations Thank you The cadet must have received an overall academic score Unaportable by any other cadet This overall academic
score will be an average of accumulated rates in the following areas Examinations, tests, quizzes, research assignments, classroom notebooks, report writing, professional prints, and files In addition, the cadet must have no direct record of comments, or against him or her Here she must have displayed sound darkness and a conducive attitude towards working and functioning as cadet Here she must have displayed leadership and as part of the traits of sound citizenship The outstanding academic achievement award for the 77th class goes to Mark Waint with Lucas Thompson Mark Waint, outstanding academic achievement 77th, the least cadet class, August 21st, 1997 Congratulations
This ceremony, that's what it's all about, is the 18 young men up here And they're all to be congratulated for doing such a wonderful job, competing with their courses This time, I would like to congratulate each and every cadet, the upcoming squad wishes them the best and their new career The 77th class goes to Sean Schultt, Sean C'mon Thank you Sean will receive a few things to get a cornered girl from the week to the Mexico court The people have an opportunity to come from Coffin West One month, membership from Defying Fitness And a one hour full buying massage Mayor Chavez, Chief Polzar,
Deputy Chiefs, Lieutenant Hanigan, Sergeant Marler, Academy staff, family, friends, distinguished guests and fellow cadets Shortly before our academy class began in April, my fellow cadets and I received an acceptance letter from Chief Polzar And in this letter, Chief Polzar included a paragraph which said, in order for you to successfully complete the academy, it is essential that you be mentally prepared and physically fit Please contact your background investigator to make sure that you know what this means Well, if we were unsure of what the chief meant then, we certainly aren't now There are many adjectives which can be used to describe the last 17 weeks of our training Some of the most descriptive are words such as grueling, tough, challenging, rigorous and just plain hard And it is because the academy can be described as
such that it was such a profitable experience for us to graduate today Thomas Payne put it best in the winter of 1776 when he wrote a short pamphlet where some tired and battle -worn soldiers were encamped at Valley Forge After being forced to retreat several hundred miles from New York and New Jersey, the words he wrote were read to the beaten and discouraged troops on Christmas Eve with a result being of this threadbare, hungry, shivering army of farmers, merchants, and others Cross the Delaware River later that night and turn the tide of the Revolutionary War and the Battle of Trenton What was it that he said it made such a difference? These are the times that try men's souls The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis shrink from the service of their country But he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman
Tyranny or an archive case crime like hell is not easily conquered Yet we have this consolation with us that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph, that which we obtain cheaply, we esteem lightly And let me say that the badge we the members of the 77th cadet class where today is not esteemed lightly Nor are the lessons we learned over the course of the last few weeks Things like never giving up no matter what Things like standing by your fellow officer no matter what Never compromising the integrity of the uniform and what it stands for Striving for excellence in every endeavor we undertake as police officers and as human beings And dealing with the challenges of life one day at a time Years ago a small plane crashed in the Swiss Alps Search planes flew over the mountains for
days looking for signs of life or wreckage to no avail Finally the search was called off Weeks later after the spring thaw a Swiss goater saw two men wrapped in rags and hardly able to walk coming down a mountain draw Realizing they must have come from the plane that had crashed he ran to help them He escorted them to his village where after several hours the men were picked up and transported to a hospital Once at the hospital an American journalist one of many that had arrived to interview the men asked How did you walk over 200 miles through the mountains Closed only in rags with no food and no help in sight One of the men who have been eating a candy bar paused for a moment and then replied We didn't walk 200 miles we walked one mile 200 times Just as we completed 83 days of rigorous training one day at a time We now look forward to a career that will
span the next 20 or so years And we do so with the desire to pursue excellence each and every day with each and every call And behalf of the 77th cadet class I want to thank all of the Academy staff for their commitment to our training We appreciate it sincerely I also want to thank our families for all the sacrifices that they made to help us achieve our goal of becoming police officers And finally I personally want to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for a name...
Albuquerque Police Department
Raw Footage
APD Tape 30
Contributing Organization
New Mexico PBS (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
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Tape 1 APD 30 Aug 21, 97
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-c0de207d308 (Filename)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:20:00
Identifier: cpb-aacip-5b258f0d90a (Filename)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:20:00
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Chicago: “Albuquerque Police Department; APD Tape 30,” New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 20, 2024,
MLA: “Albuquerque Police Department; APD Tape 30.” New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 20, 2024. <>.
APA: Albuquerque Police Department; APD Tape 30. Boston, MA: New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from