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Whoa whoa whoa. I. Didn't impertinence is this something that the university has to keep reasons for be. The person is the discovery of truth and the second because the dissemination of truth. Well I think that you become like God you know. Just degenerating into professionalism. A college education right. Not just. Music it's just entertainment certainly.
But changes in our system over due and the old methods are just too slow. Clearly universities trying to get back to the basic. Knowledge and generally the community being essential to the preservation of free government. And spreading the opportunity through the various parts of the country being conducive to this and it shall be the duty of the General Assembly as to the circumstances to provide a regular graduation from university. The first constitution of the state adopted up this cap. More than half of the new states were still in the arms of that year of 18 16.
I'm glad education was in the forefront of Pioneer thoughts four years later a charter establishing a state seminary was adopted at this Capitol. And signed by Governor Jonathan Jennings on January the 20th 1840. From its earliest days Indiana seminary was related intimately to the society it was established to serve. That philosophy has not changed as it has grown from seminary to college to Indiana University in finding solutions to social problems the university has built its strength both as an instructional institution for students. And as a public servant to the state. Over the years most problems of change some have including the search for outstanding faculty. When the trustees prepared to open the doors of Indiana seminary in 1824 they faced the problem of teacher recruitment that was necessary to find one professor.
They did but they had to pay him two hundred fifty dollars a year. We were very honored to have all theologians scholar and expert grower the student faculty ratio was tend to run the 10 students arrive by horseback their belongings in the saddle bag. For the student arriving today and. How different that academic world have become. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Much different from the university's early days yet in many ways very similar. Student importance is astounding. Those words were spoken more than a century ago. They concerned a student who disagreed publicly with Indiana's first president Andrew Wiley. The subject was religion a major topic of the day. Religion was being argued on the
village street. Why not on the campus. President Riley didn't look upon student dissent as impertinent in this house in Bloomington Nala campus museum. Dr. Wiley studied met with faculty and students. It was said that he had a magic ability to inspire. Despite opposition he encouraged the idea of independent thinking and the expansion of the curriculum beyond the original two subjects of Latin and Greek Latin and Greek are still offered at Indiana University but the complex and varied needs of present day society require educational programs in a number of fields extending to the highest level to the outstanding graduate programs scholarly research and creative endeavor. But I use contribution to the advancement of knowledge in one thousand or two elective courses were opposed as being radical in 1970 electives are part of every student program. Citizens marched to the campus in 1828 to oppose the idea of enrolling a student from a foreign place.
Kentucky no less. In 1970 the student body is international. Well I think I you can read Godless yet very late nineteenth century society was in an upheaval created by the naturalist Darwan the word scientist was considered by some to be an obscenities. Yep a cross to use Jones for President David Starr Jordan a scientist to champion the theory of evolution. His appointment in 1885 marked the beginning of a period of rapid and fundamental change strengthening the faculty broadening the liberal arts curriculum placing greater emphasis upon science from this modest beginning. Indiana University has expanded its offerings to all the sciences and through research is contributing to the scientific knowledge of the world. A. College education is a woman's right not just a privilege.
That was the feminine battlecry of the 1860s women across the nation were demanding to be admitted to state supported universities and Indiana was among the first to respond. In 1867 Asaram arson was accepted by the trustees by a vote of four to three. Shortly after the turn of the century women had living quarters of their own in a privately owned dormitory Alpha hall. During World War One it was used as a military barracks in 1925. A new women's dormitory Memorial Hall was completed. One of the first buildings financed by an alumni fund drive at Indiana. Today's sororities fraternities apartments for married students and residence halls provide a variety of excellent housing. Another response to the diverse needs of students is back chapel where students of all religions of the world
may worship. Music is just entertainment. Certainly not an academic discipline. Music at Indiana University actually began an eight hundred twenty nine when this piano was shipped by river barge and wagon to Bloomington. Most students had never seen one before. Today Indiana University is one of the world's great music centers serving the cultural needs of the campus state and nation. And then when you stop immediately after the city that is the strength of this it at that. Yes and no I didn't really go through with the end. Today's sounds echo the past. Indiana University has
always responded to the challenges of change. One response resulted in the establishment of a school of medicine and then one thousand three and its subsequent growth into the University's School of Medicine at Indianapolis with the largest enrollment in the United States. Professor Richard or one. His efforts those of his family provided some of the impetus for modern liberal arts curriculum. But today in the humanities reaches into such diverse areas as Rush from study. And an Afro-American program. In response to the demands of the public schools for more professionally trained educators the university established an academic program that annually prepares more initially certified public schoolteachers. Than any other university in the nation. By 1920 course offerings in economics had expanded to a school of commerce and finance.
Now the school of business its distinguished faculty has brought the university International. The first law school in the Midwest was established at Indiana University. Today it is preparing future lawyers on the campus of Bloomington as well as the universities in the Annapolis law school. In the first year of the 20th century a fire partially destroyed Wiley Hall one of the few campus buildings at that time there was considerable opposition to proposed expansion and diversification of the university becomes clear that universities trying to do too much it needs to get back to the basic values. The response came from William O'Brian president from one thousand or two to one thousand thirty seven. The university has two chief reasons for being the first is the discovery of truth and the second is the dissemination of truth. Society
requires both. This means we are driven by necessity to find and teach what society must know for its own preservation and well-being. The essence of this response is equally true today even though the enrollment continues to grow and with growth comes problems. Crowded classrooms are a serious need for more scholarships. Teachers researchers scholars students most are students. The university's reason for being one hundred fifty years ago students came from Indiana's pioneer towns and villages. There were the young innovators who someday would make the stream is navigable survey the forests and spread religion and book learning by the 1880s many came by rail. Some became distinguished teachers lawyers bankers businessman spreading the reputation of the university like their professors. Their discussions range from scholarly discourses to debates of national issues to the
status of the university in the state. What do they talk about today. OK one Vietnam veteran out of crises. Just what's happening in education the communication gap between generations and to nothing to add to the political generation. And we're going to be heard a lot of this is. Basically I guess a draw because I think it violates the rights of individual citizens unlike our Great. My principal concern is with the waste of money in those 18. Governmentally non-governmental. Everyone needs a college education and people who are going to be needing it the most of the people from the lower income bracket and they're not going to be able to afford it. It's almost necessary if you don't have a lot of help from home to plaintiff like a job. Some people think we're too impatient I guess. They don't agree with our methods but changes in our system are long overdue and the old methods are just too slow. The demonstrations I don't really. Fully agree with. Maybe.
The students sometimes have families and they have problems. This is no way of going about maybe a temporary solution. I think the students are questioning you know this is something that should be done. They should also be listened to with an open mind. Their search for truth will follow many paths of knowledge found within the books of Indiana's new library and in the rare of Paul Young's and manuscripts of the library not resulting from their own efforts in the research laboratory. But above all no knowledge resulting from interaction between people and exchange of ideas. A meeting of minds. The ambush process question. Discuss. Question. The questions vary from the philosophical to the practical. Once one has started the questioning process it can't be restricted to the classroom. People go out into society and question everything they see.
Better off financially secure first second education whatever 644 initial education offered here three hundred fifty if they played it and meet the people who are being affected or not those people are marching band. Some families are going to be able to absorb this but the vast majority aren't and the people are simply being priced out of the higher education market every year whether whether or not higher education is meant for the people or whether it's meant for the elite and I want to believe demand higher education is an American ideal. For 40 years Herman B wells has discussed questions with Indiana University as a student. Professor Dean president counseling students have always raised questions of course as they should.
I know of no student generation that has accepted everything it was told that hasn't been curious about new possibilities. As a matter of fact curiosity is the best kind of motivation for learning and discovering at any age even troublesome questions have a virtue for they stimulate us to make sure our assumptions are well founded. In recent years so much new knowledge has been uncovered that the nano curiosity of youth has been whetted. So I don't see the persistent questions of students as a problem. We do have problems. What university has ever been without them. But as I look back through the pages of Indiana University's history it seems clear to me that the big problems proved to be opportunities which resulted in creative responses. The IAU alumni association and the IUF foundation for example and the Indiana moma Union each arising from a
different need nevertheless represent the kinds of responses. I mean the challenge of rapidly expanding knowledge has produced among other results an emphasis on Lifetime Learning and programs designed to help adults keep up with developments in their field. Lifetime Learning continuing education a relatively new idea when measured in sesquicentennial years a means of retooling minds of disseminating knowledge from research to keep professions abreast of new practices and tools. Theatre an important aspect of the university's cultural contribution to the state and the fine art made available to all Indiana citizens. Whose.
Telecommunications a means of linking the I-You campus to the state. Indeed the whole world. Regional campuses the universities responds to citizens demands for higher education opportunities for more people. The first established in Indianapolis is now a part of Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis construction is underway for a new campus adjacent to the medical center. The Fort Wayne campus. Operated jointly with Purdue four year degree programs are offered in several disciplines. The South Bend campus like the other campuses greatly increased enrollment and expanded course offerings. The Northwest campus I carry. The first of the regional campuses to offer complete for your degree programs.
Like the other regional campuses contributing to the continuing education of adults in business. And industry. The Southeastern campus of Jeffersonville. Campus expected to grow significantly as an educational institution serving in southern Indiana. The five regional campuses and the cooperative center at Irwin college together with the Bloomington campus and Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis bring a higher education within commuting distance of most Indiana citizens. An expensive educational system with approximately 55000 good. And think. You're. You're. And where. As early as 1840 for some voices across the
state proclaimed. I just degenerating into professionalism. And some held out athletics did not rightfully belong in the academic curriculum but athletic programs and competitive sports did feel the need and developed group were accepted. You are. Yeah.
Dr office D-Star president of Indiana University from 1962 to 1964 Indiana is so irrelevant seaman first trip to the Rose Bowl. Not only focused nationwide attention on IQ but awakened a university where I had one this sort of spirit rarely attained in the year of growth and change during the 1960s. Indiana University experienced the greatest growth in our history through more than 60 percent and less than six years of coping with that increase and dealing that I occasionally and I think effectively with many of the kinds of problems and tensions that were sweeping across campuses nationwide. We also have to see that the university was ready for the future. Among the results on the various campuses many great new buildings the linking of the campuses by telecommunication heightened quality and
prestige for every professional school and for several departments in the sciences and the arts consolidation in furtherance of international activities stepped up the effort to remove cultural handicaps and barriers among the students and the plan now revised and implemented for administrative reorganization. One of the stalwarts in that planning for the future was if it had ended my administration in 1962 as associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences earlier chosen the most popular professor on campus even though he was a specialist in the field are relatively new at NYU Asia in the area studies. He proved equally outstanding as an administrator. Advancing the dean of the college and then vice president and dean of the faculties of the university buildings for any any University's future will now continue to under the very capable guidance of her thirteenth president Dr. Joseph lease at.
Indiana University has many images. It is a training ground a research center. Theater for the Arts. A place to think and test new ideas. We are proud of what we have. We are also sensitive to our inadequacies. But with all our complexities are unifying theme is simple. Whatever is seen as relevant to society is the concern of the university. This has been true of our past. It is our pledge to the future. Oh. You.
"150 Years of IU (Optical Track, Transfer)"
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WTIU (Bloomington, Indiana)
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WTIU (Public Television from Indiana University)
Identifier: 150YearsOfIUOpticalTrack1993 (WTIU)
Format: Betacam: SP
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Duration: 01:00:00?
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Chicago: “"150 Years of IU (Optical Track, Transfer)",” 1993-06-21, WTIU, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 8, 2024,
MLA: “"150 Years of IU (Optical Track, Transfer)".” 1993-06-21. WTIU, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 8, 2024. <>.
APA: "150 Years of IU (Optical Track, Transfer)". Boston, MA: WTIU, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from