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In this part of focus 580 the question will be exploring is is it possible through your diet by making certain choices about what you eat to actually make yourself younger. And the answer. I think our guest this morning would come up with is yes it is possible. Our guest is Dr. Michael Roizen. He's an internist who chairs the Department of anesthesia and critical care at the University of Chicago. He is the author of a book that came out not very long ago that sold quite a few copies and we actually talked about it here on this program. The title of that book is Real Age win which he lays out this idea that we have a chronological age everybody asked him how old they are they'll tell you. But in fact that is. If you look at a number of factors about them or their lifestyle what they eat do they get exercise in the number of things you can actually come up with their real age of that person which may indeed be either older or younger than their chronological age. Diet is a very significant part of all of this and so to address that sort of issue he has a new
book which he coauthored with John le Puma who is another physician. He teaches at. He's internist and also professor of nutrition at Kendall College and the school of Culinary Arts in Evanston Illinois. And together they have written this book titled The real age diet. The subtitle is make yourself younger with what you eat. Published by the folks at Harper Collins. And we'll be talking about some of this material here with Dr. Roizen and of course as always questions are welcome on the program I do also want to mention that we have two extra copies of these books we have a copy of the real age diet and real age that we would like to give away. And we'll be doing that at the midpoint of the show. I'll give you a number to call. And the first person in we will then send them with our thanks. These books so they can perhaps take advantage of the information there and pass them around and give them to other people. And of course if you want to have copies of the books they're out in bookstores now.
The number here in Champaign Urbana if you'd like to call in 3 3 3 9 4 5 5 we also have a toll free line good anywhere that you can hear us and that is 800 to 2 2 9 4 5 5 3 3 3. W I L L toll free 800 1:58 W while I'm Dr. Roizen Hello. Hi how are you Dave. I'm fine thanks and thanks for talking with us. Maybe what we could do just at the beginning here is go back and talk a little bit about the the concept of real age. What what is that what do you mean by that real age really is the actual age of your body that's different from your calendar age which is just the number of birthdays you celebrate. So it really is a means of keeping track of how you are aging in relationship to how fast the calendar is turning. For example my calendar age is 55. But my real age is 38 1/2 so I'm not aging as fast as the calendar is turning in the religious book. The first one that you mention really Jerry usually is you can be. And also on the website it's a
free website really. Dot com. Really just one word. You can find the forty four ways that have been repeatedly scientifically shown to slow down your rate of aging and how much they do it. So for example an aspirin a day for the man over 40 women over 50 makes you one point nine years younger. And then we tell you how to implement that which is take a half glass of warm water before and afterwards. And why that both is the way to implement it and why it makes your real age younger in this case with aspirin. It's those aging of both your arteries and your immune system and the arteries it's supposed by decreasing the inflammatory response in the immune system by a similar mechanism for a informant to I mediated it increases cancer cell growth. So that's that type of thing that we talk about and really age is really a measure of how fast you're aging or for things in health much as money is a measure of Commerce.
If I gave you $50 you'd know what to do with it. You know your options. Well similarly if we give if we tell you that immunizations are a six day event or aspirin a one point nine year event you know how important they are to you. And if somebody was interested in doing this they can they can look at the book they can look at the website and there's a kind of questionnaire. It asks questions about your your health your lifestyle and it's the kind of things that perhaps you might expect. Ask things like what your blood pressure. Are you up on your immunization. Do you smoke. How much alcohol do you use. Do you get regular exercise. Do you. And also there's a very large section here about diet because obviously I think also in the book that you say that there are maybe three more than anything else there are three things that are really important in determining your longevity. There are some things that maybe are a little beyond our control but also the aging of your arteries the aging of your
immune system. Those two things are very important. And we certainly believe now that those things are amenable to influence by diet. Right overs. The amazing thing to me is we started this research now. It's quite a number of years ago is that there was very good data in humans so this is an animal data that has to be at least four studies in humans. There's very good data that says that you control over 70 percent of how well and how long you live. Most of us think it was fate or in our genes. But in fact you influence your genes to a very large extent. And I like two examples of that that are very clear. One is on type 2 diabetes type 2 diabetes is a genetic disease if you're a twin and your mama's a got a twin gets Type 2 diabetes. You have the gene for it and you will get it. And they just do it ages you one point for five years for every year you have it with average control.
But if you are aggressive at controlling your blood pressure controlling what you eat and exercise just those three things you'll age only one point oh six years or more than 80 percent of the aging from a genetic disease you control with some simple things. If you add things to it such as flossing your teeth correctly taking the right vitamins avoiding the wrong ones. Doing some other things in health avoiding second hand smoke etc. that you will in fact age less than one year for every year you have it so there's a genetic disease where you can really control the amount of aging it causes. There's another example that that is very prominent and meaningful to a lot of men is prostate cancer. If you look at twins from Japan and they were born in Japan and half of them migrated the United States one pair of the twins the twin that migrated to the United States has a three fold greater increase of prostate cancer clinical prostate cancer compared to the twin that
stayed in Japan. That's a largely we believe relating to diet. So here it is again a genetic disease or at least a disease that has a large genetic component prostate cancer where you control whether it affects you or not and whether it causes you to age. Our guest in this part of focus 580 I introduce again Dr. Michael Roizen he is an internist. He chairs the Department of anesthesia and critical care at the University of Chicago he's been listed in the best doctors in America for the last 12 years. He's the author of the book that we are talking about. He's the author of All the author of the book real age. Are you as young as you can be that lays out many of these ideas it's now available in paper. It's published by Harper Collins and then this new book that specifically addresses the issue of diet and the things that you can do to make yourself healthier and live longer. And that book is titled The real age diet. Make yourself younger with what you eat. Same publisher the folks at
HarperCollins questions are welcome. Three three three AWOL and toll free 800 1:58 WLM. Do you know where we go and the reason we did it is we have a number of people. We were really fortunate in that. More than seven million people have tried to access the website three million have taken the full program on the website and. I get a hundred fifty questions about health a day from these people. In addition we have had more than one and a half million people have subscribed to the free tip of the day service which gives you little tips. And one of the thing that is impressive is the majority of the questions and the greatest interest in tip of the days are those tips and those questions that deal with nutrition. And so essentially what we did was set out to answer those questions with the real age diet because there are really small changes in diet that make a big change in how fast
you age. Well it certainly I know from past programs we've done here about nutrition and also on some of our other shows. There is a great deal of interest in the subject. So it doesn't surprise me that that would be that the thing that you get an enormous volume of questions of. Well and the interesting thing that I obviously knew how to eat well for myself but I didn't know how in fact to tell people how to eat well I knew what nutrients but why I started working about three years ago with John a poem of the co-author on this book. John is not only a physician but he cooks at one of Chicago's great restaurants the frontier grill. And so he taught me that really smart food could taste great. And so what we do in this book is not only does the is the food good for you but what's really different about this diet and the two real differences but what are the two differences are the food tastes great. There's no deprivation with this food it is outstanding food. And
secondly it's not designed for weight reduction it's designed for age reduction with weight loss as a side benefit. So the real strength of this is it's great tasting food that is also healthy. So your coauthor works for Rick Bayless correct. He cooks Tuesday and Friday nights from Tara grow a couple Obama and a heating. It's been wonderful working with him because the I've got the sample. Literally we in tasting foods as you know there are some recipes in the book as well as forty two off the shelf meals. But the recipes we tasted over about two hundred fifty menus today and 50 recipes to get the 20 that are in the book and all of those in the book scored extremely high in diverse groups of people that we tested it in. And so we used objective testing scale so they not only had to be foods that made your age younger but they had to
fit that paradigm of being able to be prepared in less than 30 minutes and taste great. We have one caller here ready to go I'm sure we'll have some other questions. The number again is here in Champaign Urbana 3 3 3 9 4 5 5. Toll free 800 to 2 2 9 4 5 5 Those are the numbers. I like to talk with our guest Dr. Michael Roizen. We'll start off here with a caller in herb an O line. Number one. Yes my question is this. I don't quite understand the concept of a real age is that refer to longevity. Does it refer to how you feel. What does that translate to in life other than a statistical number. But it has to if you will guidelines or two translations. It translates it's based on and I explained in the book it's based on the net present value of your house
change which means the value in terms of quality in light of life and length. So let me give you an example it's roughly 50/50 so let me he's an example. If you are 12 years younger than your calendar age that translates to you'll probably live about six years longer and you'll live with six years of less disability was six years or less problems or higher quality of life. That translates to six years of life. And so it's not a perfectly easy concept but it is a the same concept it is that if you if you will have a. Fifty eight hours and you saved it. What would the $50 be worth in 10 years. It's the same type of thing that looks at the value of health choices to you. OK post longevity and quality of life. What it really translates to you because it relates to energy because it's arterial health
and immune how it translates to you're feeling better. To a small degree you're looking better but looks aren't the key component. It really is the amount of energy and vitality you have. So if someone exercises or not exercise is how or how would that actually translate is that based on studies of the differences between people who do or do not exercise Exactly. And so there are three components to exercise in the real age program strength. Am I not in any exercise strength being resistance activity and there's a long questionnaire that goes through all the resistance activities everything from yoga to actual free weight lifting. There is a second component which is stamina which is cardiovascular fitness. And the third component is any physical activity for men and I'm where it's in the book there are tables that say At what age you get what effect and the
Web's that it does it automatically but I'm where use for today's discussion an average 55 year old if you 55 years old and you're a male and you do all three components of physical activity it translates to about eight point one years younger for woman if you do all three optimally it's about nine point one years younger. So it's a little different based on gender. And it's very different based on age so at age 70 it's a little greater benefit for those components and again women get a little greater benefit than men for the exercise components and each component is broken down so stamina is about a three year component strength is about a one point eight year component. And any physical activity is about three point four year component for that average 55 year old. Thank you very much. All right thank you. Let's go next to you. Chicago to talk with someone else here this is one for a low.
Thank you. Is the reduced calorie concept still a vital factor for longevity. I know that your friend I've been doing that for a number of years from the University of Chicago a great exponent of Walford I believe his name right. Roy Walford who's now at UCLA. It's not been shown in humans it's very tough to have humans go on chronic Khoury deprivation animals you can have do it and the animal studies do show that calorie deprivation prolongs life in most species without decreasing quality of life in some species when you get more than a 15 percent reduction from average calorie consumed to what they do. It's those metabolic rate meaning it slows it lessens intensity or quality of life. I guess it would be also proportional to your activity like a lumberjack would need a lot of calories for that energy output that has through the day whereas a person the sedentary would not need as much
but as long as they can maintain the quality like with your exercises and so forth. And provided the food can give you the nutritional. Caution that you need and maybe some supplements. The OP of this I found that to be so except for diminishing the cardiovascular op with in terms of stamina. I used to be able to pick up you know things that well I can pick them up and march to the diminishing returns I guess. Right well let me let me. You obviously are sophisticated and said an awful lot. Let me translate it to some of the people who may not know as much about this field as you. What you're saying if I understand it is that there are studies in animals that and you feel in yourself as well that if you do more activity you need more calories but that keeping sin
gives you more energy and makes you feel or be younger. I've got that and that's correct although thin it is not necessarily healthy right. And in fact it's a small it's a relatively small effect in humans compared to the effective animals and that's probably just because we can't have humans that many humans go on 15 percent Khoury deprivation for long times we're well for it has but the the people who lived in the biosphere with him did just out of necessity. But in fact. For the rest of us the choices of foods make much more of a difference and let me go in. And that's the basis of the religion that let me go and just expand on that. The FROM THE BEST to the worst diet is a buy out a 27 year effect. That is the worst diet in America which obviously uses a lot of fast foods trans fat fried foods
red meat simple sugars. Yeah stress while eating etc makes you about 13 years older than your calendar age. The best diet makes you about 14 years younger. Of those 27 year difference is weight from the best of the worst assuming no chronic disease caused by weight gain meaning no back pain no diabetes etc. but the if you if it's just weight we're talking about. It's about a three year effect. On the other hand switching from saturated and trans fats to model unsaturated polyunsaturated fats that means switching from butter to boil switching from sour avocados and not from the salsa. Right switching from potato chips to nuts. Using avocado as a spread on bread instead of butter. That type of thing is about a six year event avoiding red meat or cutting down red meat to less than once a week and four ounces
a week is about a three and a half year event. Today if you're one of those food choices from what we know in human studies and religious based on at least four studies in humans on any one subject just those human studies show that the choices of foods are way more important than absolute weight. The follow up question the choices of food I've found out that food combining does make a difference in terms of getting the energy from the food. In contrast to the wrong combining of food with the food just lay there waiting for the next food to push it through sort of the president completely digest this I think food combining in my case in for the beneficial aspect. Thank you very much. You have said is very important but is very individual. It is food combining is a very individual thing and what works for you may not work for another person but that's exactly right how you feel how your body reacts to food is extremely important. We're here at the midpoint of the conversation I said at the beginning that we had a cup. The books that I wanted to give away I want to do that now. We have two copies. That is a copy each
of two books here. The original book The Real Age book which is now in paper by Dr. Royson and then also here in hardcover of the real age diet by Michael Boysen And John the puma. That is the book that is just out. We would like to find a good home for these books. So here's what we want you to do give us a call at 3 3 3 0 8 5 2. And the first person in will get the books. Sorry we just have these two. But if you're interested in reading the book of course you can go to the bookstore and and find a pop perhaps also relate at this point would be an library if you want to take a look at it so 3 3 3 0 8 5 2. And imagine as we usually do on these pretty quick that the book will be gone and as soon as I know we've got somebody will say I think that I think we've got the person so if you if you were thinking about calling you haven't done it yet. I'm sorry you missed your chance. But as I say the books are available out there in the world if you want to read them and of course if you'd like to talk with our guest Dr. Michael Roizen He's an
internist who chairs the Department of anesthesia and critical care at University of Chicago. Go. You can call us at the moment the lines are all full so you'll have to wait until we can talk with some more folks here will lend you books where you can find out your real age and do planning to get younger make choices you can go to the website it really dot com. The book does explain how to implement the steps and the rationale behind both books and the real age diet book has these great recipes and great ways of of eating and we had a couple of great periods. We have forty two off the shelf menus in the real age diet books and they had to be able to be prepared in 10 minutes or less so it's really for people who want to be able to prepare things fast so that they can spend careful time eating it if you want. And the recipes all have to be prepared in 30 minutes or less and be able to cook or be cooked by a physician who's specialty in cooking. Two and a half years ago was toast.
Yes even I. OK OK. And they are they're wonderfully great tasting. There is a there is a scale we use with other patients with and sorry with with other people who sampled the food and there are some great recipes but they all had to meet a taste test in a in a variety of patients. You know we have my my medical background showing through there. Yeah. OK well we have several other people who. Talk with you so let's do that. We'll go next to a caller in champagne. Line number two. Hello. Hi. Yes hi doctor I'm a big fan of your website I'm also a threesome scriber great and I usually get at least one or two good tips from me every week and I think one of the last ones was. You mentioned Yoga helps out and and I don't I don't have this problem by I know a lot of people that do it that have irritable bowel problems and that yoga helps. Helps with that and I
was wondering what your take on on yoga different other things and also how it slows your age down. Like yoga has some wonderful benefits you know until you until I get into this field I didn't know there were data on yoga. But recently there's been a great accumulation in there more than four studies on its effect on Aging in humans now. And what they show is that yoga has two benefits it is both a physical activity in general and a strength activity so it get doing approximately an average 30 minutes of yoga a day gets you. And obviously that can be done in groups but gains you about 5 years younger. If you're an average man or a little slightly more than that for women. So it's a wonderful exercise. And unlike some of the other stamina and strength building
exercises it actually stretches out muscle and many people find it relaxing as well. So it probably gets you in fact more benefit than just its physical activity benefits. But it is a it's a low impact obviously activity so you don't have problems of wearing out joints with it and it gains you a huge amount of age advantage. And just one other question and you get into it or you can just go around if you want the new thing that's come out in the last few weeks is this calcium. If we had calcium through a dye and there's other cultures around the world like Japan that have a lot of calcium in our water you know him is extremely important. It's because we only get at the amount of bone breaks and calcium may have strong benefits as well. But calcium is important in preventing arthritis preventing bone degeneration. It has a lot of other effects. It is thought also in two studies to decrease blood
pressure reliably although not to a huge extent. And just one other question a lot of the calcium supplements you take out have vitamin D in there to help absorb the calcium in and I'm wondering what is wanted how much vitamin D is too much. OK out there. I can love to answer both questions so the amount of calcium you want if you're an average male is twelve hundred milligrams a day for a female it's about 400 more than that or sixteen hundred milligrams a day. You want one third of the amount of calcium the take in in vitamin D so if you take in 12 and a milligrams you want 400 international units of Vitamin D. And if you take in sixteen hundred you want to around five hundred fifty international units of Vitamin D Vitamin D is the thing that most Illinois in's believe it or not people who live in Illinois are shortest. That is something over 80 percent of us are deficient in vitamin D in the winter because
most of us get Vitamin D now from the sea. John we don't get it from milk anymore because very few of us will drink four glasses of milk a day. So we get it from the sun and the sun doesn't have enough energy between October 1st and April 15th in Illinois to convert inactive vitamin D to active vitamin D so it's necessary to take it as a supplement. Can you get it in milk products generally not because the dairy puts it in the milk the cow doesn't. And most berries don't put it in the cheese or yogurt etc.. So Vitamin D is important as well. Calcium E. since you can't absorb more than about 500 milligrams at once you need to break it up and take it in two or three segments a day. And with vitamin D it improves absorption. You want to take it in a different time. If you're taking iron and I don't advise taking iron if you're a man unless you're very deficient or woman unless you're in deficient but you shouldn't take vitamin D and calcium at the same
time you take iron because they inhibit each other's absorption. So so if I have a tablet I got 350 milligrams for each tablet with 200. I use a vitamin D if I take four of those a day. I want to be taking too much vitamin D. No no vitamin D that toxicity starts coming in when you get over 2000 international units a day. OK so you want to not go up to 10 of those tablets a day. Great I've been trying to find that for like two weeks now and appreciate it. There's there's one other component of it is it actually vitamin D and calcium together plus vitamin C are the strongest protection we know against developing osteoarthritis or against progression of osteoarthritis. Most people think the benefit of the Framingham study related to cholesterol and told us about food and questo but in fact one of the strongest findings of the Framingham study is that the residents of Framingham Massachusetts who got the right amount of calcium and vitamin D stopped having osteoarthritis in the progression of their osteoarthritis stop.
So you are right I think you're right calcium and vitamin D are both very important. OK. Thank you. Well I think just maybe for a second here to talk a little bit more about vitamin mineral supplements. I think that there are a lot of people who believe that. It is important that we get certain amounts of things. What I think is confusing for individuals is that different experts have different ideas. And there also is this question of is can I just for convenience sake can I take one pill one time a day that is going to provide me with all of these things that I need. That's a great question. And so a whole bunch of questions rolled into one you know what I'm going to tell you is what's been stablished in humans and it may be a little different in the animal data is that you want a. We know probably as a whole as citizens need a supplement of a vitamin and mineral and the reason I can tell you that easily from the number of
people who've taken the nutrition program in the Real Age website over three million people have taken it in less than 1 percent less than 30000. Get the right amount of vitamins and minerals that's optimal for aging from their diet. So most of us as physicians were and you get it from the diet if you eat a balanced diet Well that just isn't true anymore. And we don't eat enough whole grains anymore and most of our in much of our food is processed. So we don't get it from our diet any more. The amount you should have is a daily value. Or an RDA of all the vitamins and minerals and plus extra amounts of C D. E coli calcium and magnesium as the last caller said you know you have to remember the number 400 for vitamin C it's 400 milligrams three times a day. Why do you need it more than once a day.
Because it's water soluble and you urinate it out. So if you take it once a day you won't have much in your body for the other 12 hours of the day. Vitamin D is 400 international units a day vitamin E is 400 international units a day. Full weight is 400 m c g grams a day. Calcium is 400 times 3 400 milligrams three times a day twelve hundred for men 400 times for sixteen hundred for women. Magnesium is one third of the calcium or roughly 400 milligrams a day. Now the. And unfortunately because you can't get absorption of vitamin C calcium and magnesium in the optimal Montse if you just take them once a day you probably need to take at least your vitamin into divided doses a day. And there's one other key point for the fat soluble vitamins to be absorbed appropriately. You need to eat a
little fat first so you often see people. I often hear of people taking their vitamin first thing in the morning with a glass of water. Well that doesn't get you absorption of the fat soluble vitamins so you need to have it after a little green or or egg white omelet or some nuts on your cereal right after that if you have your vitamin. Then you'll absorb it because you have a little fat in your meal. We got a number of other callers will try to get everybody in. Next in line would be a caller in Chicago on line 1. Hello morning. Yes doctor I want if you could tell us some briefly some of the aspects of the benefits or the non benefits of the effects of caffeine on the body in the diet. It's a very interesting question I drink and a lot of coffee so at least I have usually I haven't today or yesterday but I normally do. And so I patrol the literature very carefully and caffeine. I don't
actually do the work the real age scientific team is five people. Another group that does the nutrition. And so we patrol the literature very carefully relating to caffeine because of personal interest. It turns out caffeine makes If you don't have one of the specific side effects caffeine gives in caffeine can cause migraine headaches or headaches it can cause heart irregular beating or what's called a rhythm is it has been associated with some fibrocystic disease of both the breast and uterus. But assuming it doesn't isn't causing one of those in you or heartburn. Or we flux heartburn. Then it has no it has a very minimal real age effect that makes you a tiny bit younger. So four cups a day makes you a quarter of a year younger. Eight tops does not have an additional benefit. So and the reason it has that benefit is it decreases the risk of some neurologic diseases
including Parkinsonism. So there's a small benefit to caffeine not a large benefit to it. OK I want to just ask you real quickly if you would delineate some of the vitamins to stay away from you did you briefly discuss I know you've done a lot of discussion of vitamins but briefly when you started the show you talked about some essential vitamins and then some vitamins that you should stay away from. Right. That too that only a few older vitamins and minerals are vitamin A You have more than a thousand international units a day. The vitamins it be as anti oxidants turn into pro oxidants that means they oxidize you when you get too high a quantity of them. So in vitamin E and in vitamin C and Vitamin A You don't want to go too high on them. That's especially true of vitamin A which causes liver toxicity in addition to turning into a pro oxidant. So Vitamin A you want to stay under a thousand international units a day if you can if you have it as beta carotene it's OK is the beta carotene only gets turned into Vitamin A
when your body needs it. But as Vitamin A itself you want to stay under a thousand international units a day. So my vitamin capsule contains twenty five thousand I use a vitamin A as beta carotene. It's ok it's ok but some of that will be as Vitamin A usually. Yes. So if it's as Vitamin A straight you want to be under 8000 as beta carotene it's fine. Thank you sir thank you. And the other one. Avoid iron if you're not iron deficient. Iron turns out to be an oxidant and accelerate aging. So only if you are in deficient should you take vitamin C to take iron. OK next caller is in Urbana. It's Line 3. Hello. Yeah about that Ira and I hear it's a good habit to get in to donate blood because it can help you with too much irony. That's what I've heard at least. Yeah well in fact we don't know why donating blood and why people who donate blood tend to live longer. They do whether it is the actual physical activity of
donating blood whether it is the psychological aspect or whether it is getting rid of the iron or whether they're just healthier to begin with we aren't sure. But donating blood does is associated with a increase on jeopardy of about two years. That may well relate to the iron effect it had the getting rid of excess iron affecting it as it is associated with donating blood. But in any case donating something like that does make you feel good to add to question from one kind of thinks about the other person might have now. You mentioned something about diabetes too and a particular vitamin to avoid I was just wondering what those were. I know I well wasn't in relationship to the diabetes type 2. I mention that diabetes type 2 blood pressure control is extremely important. It turns out that most of the
Aging in fact in diabetes type 2 is it's more important to control your blood pressure than it is your blood sugar and one of the ways you can control what pressure is by getting the right amount of calcium and potassium in your diet. Potassium of course you get from fruits and vegetables and so the more the better of those and you want to have about 3000 milligrams of potassium in your diet a day for optimal arterial health or keeping your arteries as young as they can be and that also keep your blood pressure down to calcium. It looks like you'll get if you get the right amounts of calcium in your diet you lower your blood pressure by about. 8 2 or 8 millimeters of mercury in the high seas and the high and that isn't systolic. And between six and eight on the low and so it's a nice way of causing a lowering of blood pressure. Easy relatively easy and at the same time will make you younger
from that benefit. I guess the potassium in banana is mostly virtually any fruit and vegetable have it but Nana's are a great source. But there are a whole raft of others. It's virtually any vegetable. My other and last question is just wondering if when you devise the approach were you did you get to the point where you had to look at the individual organ and which one had the sort of life span. And then it turns out the well we did but the organs that have the shortest Eisman are your arteries and your immune system they're the generic systems that cause the organs to fail. And so yes we did. Now by the way when I when I said very I I just looked up in the book on page 213 which foods contain most potassium.
Tomato sauce or tomato paste contains thirteen hundred milligrams and a half cup of dried peaches 800 milligrams and then in five have a baked potato and a large one is 800 milligrams. So salmon or sardines or cotton four ounces is around 600 milligrams. Watermelon cantaloupe and honey do 500 milligrams apricot 400 milligrams scallops around 450 and a banana one medium is 450 also. So there are a lot of foods that have. And a lot of ways of getting it. Tomatoes are a great source because tomatoes have other benefits that make you younger. I always heard that the the organs involved in cleansing like the kidneys and liver were the ones that had the sort of lifespan. But you would say no. Well the thing that causes most kidney to fail is arterial disease of the kidney and of the liver. It is
infectious disease of the liver. Both relate to one relates to obviously arterial aging as the kidney more than anything else. And the avoiding infections in your immune response to them does relate at least to your ability to avoid those infectious diseases. And the age of human system. But in fact the kidneys are a large degree dependent on your on your age of your arteries. Just have a couple minutes left. I hope the caller will forgive me because I'd like to do at least one more if not two before we end up at a time our next caller in line is in Aurora. Online number four. Hello. Yes hi good morning I'll try to be brief. I just wanted to say that my mother has always had a good diet. I noticed the food she ate. She ate Fig Newtons didn't just snap Ginger molasses cookies prunes prone juice rye bread had a European diet which was much different than the American diet. And she drank wine and
nonalcoholic beer she never smoked. And of course she has low blood pressure at 105 She's still confident and that view lights are wonderful and you know you're right on the diet that you. Sadr told us about is very close to what we have in the book. That is it's a high mana unsaturated and polyunsaturated diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables and some alcohol. And she ate fish because she was brought up on the East Coast. You know any kind of fish makes you younger. Yes. I guess wanted to say and I took the test it must have been you a test in the Reader's Digest and it was and I was 10 years younger so thank you much. And that's a short version on the Reader's Digest I don't know if you're on line or or can get access to either the long book or a longer form of it but on line it relates to that comment really just one word or in the book there's a much longer version and my guess
is you're much younger than that from what you've told me. Thank you. Thank you let's go to you. Moment. Line 1. Hello. Yes the morning show is coming to the end all be brief. I've been hearing more reading more about the chronic fatigue syndrome and recommendation to treat it include a supplement. And ideate and also magnesium would be like to comment on that plea. If you have any information regarding it. Yeah I am not an expert on chronic fatigue syndrome. I do know that the some of the current recommendations relate to both trying to break the cycle. Both excellent nutrition and exercise. But I am. It's not my area that I would I would get a consultant before I'd answer your question so I'm afraid I'm not good enough to do it on that subject.
All right well thank you very much. OK let's go. Up to here for the color line too. Hello this is an excellent topic I appreciate it I've been concerned lately my husband and I we've read some things about Kelsey I'm having a bad effect on prostate and wanted to talk about that vitamin C in the sickening of the arteries. The negative effect on Nat what your opinion is of green tea all the things we've been hearing about it hormone replacement therapy including DHEA pregnant on those kinds of things in aging women and alcohol and breast health. And I think that there are a lot of topics there and I'm at the end but I appreciate your information very much. You've got a lot of topics. Let me go in. Speak on calcium and prostate. That did relate to it was one study that contradicted a number of others that did correlate increased cow Siham in your diet with the prevalence of prostate cancer.
It probably related to the saturated fat as most of the diets had a large degree of saturated fat. And other studies have shown that high saturated fat in the diet correlates strongly with prostate cancer so that was the best estimate of others. That's the only study on that. Similarly the vitamin C study was a study of working at people who had taken vitamin C today and you know you can't take Vitamin C alone in the in the studies it appears that the people who get the benefits from vitamin C are also taking vitamin E So there are a combination that works together to preserve arterial health rather than separately. That study in vitamin C has yet to be published it was presented as an abstract about a year and a half ago at the American Heart Association. All of the other studies show that in fact the epidemiology that vitamin C and D together do make you younger but there is
that one study alcohol and women. And I may be missing one of the topics and she gave me a whole bunch of them. And women alcohol does make your arteries younger it makes your immune system older and thus a it there is a proper dose if you will the dose for men is one to two drinks at night. For women it's a have to want. Women who drink more than that tend to have immune system aging which in a lot of them shows up as the development of breast cancer. But that's only with high doses of alcohol. And it's not very common obviously arterial aging is more common in women than breast cancer heart attacks overwhelm breast cancer is cause of both disability and death in women. But if you have a history of breast cancer or cancer in your family and not a history of immune have or kill disease this is just maybe one of the things you don't want to take
as an option in getting younger because it does have a small effect and it does have both anti-aging and aging effects and we're going to have to stop. I'm sorry to say we're just out of time. I want to say Dr. Rosen thank you very much for being with us today. Thank you very much and I hope your readers do choose to get younger and have the youngest really age they can. OK and again people are interested you look for the books we've mentioned the real age diet and real age. They're published by Harper Collins and if you do have Internet access you can go to the website Real Age dot com and get some more information there.
Focus 580
The Real Age Diet: Make Yourself Younger with What You Eat
Producing Organization
WILL Illinois Public Media
Contributing Organization
WILL Illinois Public Media (Urbana, Illinois)
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with author Michael Roizen, MD, chair, department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, University of Chicago
Broadcast Date
Talk Show
How-to; Exercise and Fitness; Food; Diet; Health; Aging
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Producer: Brighton, Jack
Producing Organization: WILL Illinois Public Media
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Illinois Public Media (WILL)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-201ec1bca55 (unknown)
Generation: Copy
Duration: 47:41
Illinois Public Media (WILL)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-7ccd1d8eedc (unknown)
Generation: Master
Duration: 47:41
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Chicago: “Focus 580; The Real Age Diet: Make Yourself Younger with What You Eat,” 2001-05-01, WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 9, 2024,
MLA: “Focus 580; The Real Age Diet: Make Yourself Younger with What You Eat.” 2001-05-01. WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 9, 2024. <>.
APA: Focus 580; The Real Age Diet: Make Yourself Younger with What You Eat. Boston, MA: WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from