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Welcome to focus 580 our telephone talk program my name is David Inge. Glad to have you listening this morning. In this part of focus we'll be revisiting the Middle East. And as our guest this morning we have been God. He is Israel's consul general to the Midwest. He is based in Chicago and is visiting here in Champaign Urbana today and was good enough to come by and spend some time talking with us as we do talk we have many things we can touch on I'm sure he would be happy to respond to whatever questions you would have we want to invite the listeners into the conversation. Our telephone number is 3 3 3 9 4 5 5. That's for champagne Urbana folks but anyone who can hear us this morning around Illinois or over in western Indiana those other bits of states where you can hear us feel free to use the toll free line and we'll pay for the call. That is 800 to 2 2 9 4 5 5 3 3 3 WRAL and 800 to 2 to WY although those are the numbers. Well thank you very much for being here. Thank you it's my pleasure to be with you and just wonderful day. Lately there has been a good deal of tension between the government of Israel and the government of
the United States and some people would characterize it as being one of the one of the more difficult times in the relationship between our two countries. For a variety of reasons which which we can talk about one issue that has come up is the issue of the loan guarantees. There have been some other things. I wonder how you how you would characterize the relationship at the moment and you know some some some people have suggested that perhaps it's it's never quite going to be like it was. Would you say that that was accurate or is that perhaps being a little overstating the case. I think that's stating the case. I think it's a lot in the United States the United States in a jar when we should just invade us we have a democracy. Unfortunately we have the only democracy in the Middle East on the 20th told of June of two and a half months from now we're going to have
elections in Iran. Now I would love to see elections in the Arab world in Saudi Arabia in Kuwait in Syria. And because I think people deserve much more than dictatorships in kinked and kingdoms and she comes to deserve democracy but unfortunately does his job at it do we have the only democracy in the Middle East. And I think any United States shared the same values of democracy human rights and we are allowed to have disagreements but these disagreements should not make us hostile to one another we can have disagreements and remain and stay allies and friends because I think is is an asset to the United States of America let me give you one example. In 1981 red went and destroyed Iraq a nuclear reactor. Do you and would Security Council convened and condemned
the use of ately Agatha's against peaceful Saddam Hussein. Moreover that was demanded to pay compensation for head to head aggression against Iraq. 10 years later half a million American troops went in Saudi Arabia facing that man Saddam Hussein with our dad comic bomb in his hand that we destroyed one time 10 years before because we could read the map. Could you imagine the danger up on the lives of half a million American troops had dead men had a bomb in his hand that we destroyed on time perhaps by doing that we saved the life of half a million Americans my God we did it not because we are so smart. Because we know Denner ality we will live there and the experience is our best teacher and since then we told the Americans we told the French the British don't supply weapons to dismantle. He might use these weapons against you against
us. They would not listen. And what happened. We will fight and do along. And what we're saying is America is in Israel a friend stylize. You know when the Scud missiles fired although it's already bust you. Mr. Bush called Mr. Shrum you know and he said Mr. Big please don't retaliate. And as you know the nature of the Israeli people when there is a war when we're Don't hide in the cedar domes and pray for Messi. We don't do that we go to the board and finish with the business. But Israel did not retaliate Dodie nine Scud missiles fed all the heads. We did not retaliate why because America best ally said don't we listened. We did it. Another proved it is not as an ally is an asset for the United States we could go in and act act. We did not react last year voted with the United States in the U.N.. Eighty eight percent of the vote on the top of the list much more than Great Britain
and other nations Egypt more than 7 percent with the United States. We voted voted 80 percent of devolved allies of the United States and we are going to be allies no matter who would be in power. Dissident Labor Party would it be good if this is a club in ODI to talk all of the FTA talk with one good talk. Who ever would be in power on his own he's going to be deprived of the United States. What do you feel that there is some sense in which Israel has has cooperated with the United States has done those things that the United States has wished done and I don't want to make it sound like the United States is dictating policy but. That that the that Israel has been a good a good ally and that the United States has has perhaps not and not responded in kind.
Well I think you want me to criticize the United States. I mean it's not polite it's not nice. And also I need to visit Lex next to you to stay here. As you know. But wait let me take an issue of for example of this of the. OK this is an issue. We talk about this. How divied developed first of all the president and the secretary of state and just it would be no connection whatsoever between the settlements and the long gone days. At the end Dick created some connection between the two that freeze to settlements and I'll give you a long piece. I want to do longer than TS would not cost the American taxpayer even one single penny because it is a never defaulted to give back the loans. This simply the United States got 7 billion dollars to Egypt. Seven billion dollars of American money were given to Egypt but we give back on loans.
This will not cost American taxpayers to begin with. This is not a disk not money this is not imminent alone this is a long gun in his signature and it is a can go to private banks and but with the money. But not only it would not cost one penny to the American taxpayer by getting the money would increase imports from the United States creating hundreds hundreds of thousands of new jobs in America and that's what I'm a Democrat needs to do jobs. Namely by not getting in the money. We are not serving the interests of the of the United States. But even worse than that by doing it you we make the moment under siege and they say if America is demanding that phrase underfed amende why should we opps come to the peace process and demand a less than that. And by doing that you are going to decrease the cost of these early people in the United States and these both doost you are
not promoting the chances for peace in the Middle East. And another question if the Americans would make a freeze freezing the settlements and not depend on the long piece and I'm asking where is Democrat an honest broker. I would like to know if I meant going to a judge or an honest broker in America said Morgan monk one time we an honest broker. We are not in favor of fees or dogs who are coming in to promote the peace process and of the Meccans come and say Do this and this. Why did the Arabs would come into my destiny. And I'm saying I really appreciate so much Mr. Bacon who was eight times the man was eight times in the Middle East. To put this peace process together in my opinion what they are doing now is might be shutting device of hope for peace in the Middle East because the minute dogs become into unsecure to be can mean diminutives and others would lose would lose their confidence and United States that for sure would not promote peace in the Middle East which is America's goal in the Middle East as you know if
it does do go to if not not why would Mr. Bush and Mr. Baker eight times in few months of the Middle East. Why do you think it is that the president has taken the position that he has meanwhile. Why do you think that he's made such an issue of the settlements and and use that to hold up. Honestly here I don't know. I think Mr Bush should be asked this question I don't know a settlement so obstacle to peace. Now you can repeat this you know one billion times. Just would not make it a valid to do only optically to peace in the Middle East is blind to the fuser to accept Israel as ever ality period nothing else no settlements not Palestinian state no if you are just the only obstacle to peace to say settlements obstacle to peace in the B did not make it to ality settlements the obstacle to peace. I mean I was born in a country I was born in Libya to put in Libya with all my heart I believe the Jews and Arabs have to live together with all my heart I believe that we Jews have to learn from them formed a culture of having a beautiful culture.
They can learn from us. We can enrich them too. We can learn from one another. So I could live in Tripoli Libya which people could live in Iraq with Jews and Arabs Jews and Arabs live today in Haifa before 67 war Jews and off can live in just in the heart of Tel Aviv and Jews and Arabs can even build Sheba in the south and use an Avs cannot live in five on where Judaism was created was Abraham was the father of today and was buried and Jews and Arabs cannot live in Jerry call. India cannot live India in Wattenberg last time. Jews and Arabs can live in Bethlehem Pennsylvania. He cannot give in but let them default father's land. I mean this is this is ridiculous to say I don't live in Bethlehem. It's an obstacle to peace settlement because somebody said it would not make an oddity. Whoever does not believe in a Jewish group existence everywhere when the lender fees amount is not promoted peace is not to promote a diploma of peace
Julian ops have to live together. Joe Yonan leave it to men to training whoever does not believe in that is not defense of peace. We have some callers to talk with and let me reintroduce our guest he has been gone. He is Israel's consul general to the Midwest. He is based in Chicago and visiting here in Champaign Urbana and if you have questions you can give us a call. Three three three W I L L eight hundred two two two w y l l Those are the numbers we have a couple of folks on our local lines. So we'll start with line number one. Good morning. Yes a couple of questions maybe the first question a follow up for the consul general. I'm a little confused about things maybe you could help clear it up for me. I've read it are pressured and whatever their preference. Students are they continually say we want peace we want peace we want peace. Well yes I want to you know I had interfered there and then I read it in other publications
recently about the explosion of the embassy in Argentina for which the Islamic Jihad and Hamas which is a big PLO supporter and although they've been at odds are they are they they certainly have common goals that they are statement following it was the only thing that we want is the destruction pure and simple of the state of Israel. How is Israel going to reconcile this. Because it just doesn't seem like other than out of the corner of its mouth for one day in 1989 that any Palestinian Arab has really talked about a cold peaceful co. Well about the PLO we believe the PLO does not want peace but Israel piece by piece. Oh if you want they want is there to rest in peace and since we refuse to rest in peace we want to live in peace. So we would not negotiate with the PLO. 2 I would give you some sad example. Since the beginning of demanded the peace conference in October toady it in 1991
what we were talking peace toady's artist were murdered by Palestinians including data to demolish Daal embassy in name in bringing you nine I feel silly because one of the men who died there was a consul in my consulate in Chicago. And we are telling the cops the Palestinians you have to make up your mind. Do you want peace or you want to murder the Jews. You cannot have on the one hand most of the Israelis and then talk about peace you cannot have it both ways. Unfortunately many of some of these people have no where life of a human being is not dead wholly as a matter of fact. Six hundred and twenty seven Palestinians as of this morning six hundred and twenty seven Palestinians were murdered by Palestinian Arabs to the beginning of the intifada. Six hundred and twenty seven you know what I'm talking about. People were murdered by their own people including 84 women one of
them 78 years old. These neighbors you know I'm saying that because we have criticised sometimes because these it is not to say that death care for what human rights like like we're doing here with the Canadians and with the Americans and the French we're dealing here with people who can kill to kill their own people in front of my eyes now this men who go went to find it how does a 18 year old Jewish go in in this and he's stopped here and there hot with his knife which was a big knife killing him I didn't kill these people. We're dealing with these people. It's hard it is hard but we should not lose hope because you cannot be a good Christian or a good Muslim or a good Jew if you lose hope. Let me ask a follow up question. Did you mention the Madrid Peace Conference. The one thing that that I've noticed just as a observer is that every time Israel says we'd like to we'd like to bring the
conference over to our region we'd like to talk about this where we live we'd like to make sure that people recognize that we're permanent fact we're an Arab country and it's been almost every Arab country including including the PLO representative from monitor out we said that on numerous occasions. Well we'll speak up in fact that would be making a confession to Israel that would be recognizing Israel and we're not prepared to do that at this time. That would be something that Israel only gets as a prize later on if he gives up almost everything. How is how is Israel and I mean. How can Israel possibly talk with countries that we're not even going to you know the Palestinians unfortunately never Mr. Newport too needed to mysen to put unity and it is very sad I mean people who made so many you know made all the possible mistakes didn't even skip one of them talking about
negotiations for peace we are asking the Arabs one simple question do you want peace with us. Is there any change of heart or you're playing games. If you claimed that you want peace with us why don't you come and talk to the two isn't in the Middle East after all when the late Mohammad Dunmore said that if Egypt wanted peace with Israel it did not go to Washington. It did not go to New York to talk peace he came to you. Do you wish and I am to Jerusalem he came to the Knesset to our parliament and while there he said to two historic sentences. Former world normal blood she did what I remember from him and what was the result of these talks but with him they come David according to the only peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. We have telling the Palestinian for God's sake if you really want peace and you have change in heart and I'm not sure I'm not sure about it if you will really want to see peace in the Middle East why don't you come and talk and you will show I mean you also I'm one to come and talk in Tel Aviv. We are telling Assad of Syria Assad you're not a because you know as a line
and what then and Mr. Assad Mr. I said wouldn't you be Kuwait just like a line and be a second Sadat and come to Jerusalem and come to our Knesset to our parliament and Ronson for ever why didn't you destroy this I call logical barrio between Jews and Arabs and say Here I am the president of Syria here I am in your Parliament and I am telling you I want peace do you know what happened. You said this would get crazy but I'm afraid he's not alone in his eye but you know he would not he would not do it he is not a god. Let's go. It would be spite or just obstacles. I appreciate the coarse comments we have some other people in fact our lines are all full and we will get right to them just a second. I wonder if I though I could raise a point with you you were talking about the number of Jews who have been killed by Palestinians in violence since the beginning of the Madrid Peace Conference and I think I must raise the point of the the assassination of the leader of Hezbollah Shaikh who and
I think with I must raise it with all respect that some Arabs would say that that action by Israel is an indication that Israel does not want peace. Let me tell you a boat. We all agree including the Americans must always fall short is not an angel of peace. D organisation of use of force always has been destroyed the American headquarters in one in October 1983 killing two hundred seventy American Marines who came down to how deliberately 270 innocent young men and women were destroyed by diffused and disses the leader of Hizbollah. Dave Moto did the president elect of Lebanon a bus you might hear in September 1982. So their criminal record now is very rich which everybody can can see it. Now this man said more than one time he is against the Israeli initiative
for peace. He considered the United States to be the enemy of the Arab world of Islam of Iran. He supported by Iran fanatic radical Iran and for sure this man was an obstacle to peace. Besides being modal because he send his terrorist you know causing all borders killing all boys and girls you know sentiments. So what would you do with a man like that was an obstacle to peace with a motive or with a diploma to prove that he is a moto. What would you do. You wait until he comes and get your kids to kiss you again and again. Or you going to you know defend yourself. I think is a did it for the sake of self-defense. We removed an obstacle for me to go to peace. All we want is one thing we want. And the Moslems and all of them could let us live in peace and harmony. Let me know I'm going to surprise you know I'm going to surprise you. Is it my friends. Lake Michigan is three times the size of his ark. Funny and I'm sure many a people are
smiling now. You know like Michigan is three times the size of the state affairs and with the West Bank and Gaza Strip in is Jordan and Gaza. To 21 OP states and you have 21 upset you have to Yemen you have not Yemen insult Yemen the Arabs is not enough to have one human being new to Yemen to 21 out of states out of twice the size of the United States of America. Double the size of the United States of America and God bless disputed for a huge country the United States. You Americans you think you have a big country you are not done up some to double your size and have 60 percent of the oil and out of 300 million people against four million use of IEDs and I am asking these missing to talk. Are you missing lend or missing money missing people. We have so tiny it is one told of Lake Michigan over what if you want is it is decided for new Josie or decide of the month or decide of of Maryland one of the smallest states in America. All we want from you I would deal with
quotation marks. Let us bleed peacefully with you. Let us leave stop your propaganda. You imposed seven wars against us in one generation mobile doing 16000 of all best young men and women and military 80000 of your own people and we feel sorry for them as well because up sons of balance stuff. I hoped it would stop. I hope they are coming now to talk peace. There is a change of heart but I'm very concerned when I hear about Syrians coming to talking to me and since the end of the war in the Gulf tickets to the shipments of Scud missiles. I'm saying to phone knowing you'll read a book it's peace like you've movement would like and no one don't know he's a question mark about your intentions. I'm very concerned. I have I'm so Such a bit suspicious. If you want to rule don't buy weapons you don't need Scud missiles it's got some not defensive missiles and weapons. Scott so offensive weapons we had some experience with Scud missiles with Saddam Hussein as you know I was in Israel
then that's the problem today. We are but midway through a conversation here and our guest Yitzhak Bengalis Israel's consul general to the Midwest and talking with us this morning about the Middle East we our lines are full. We will try to accommodate as many people as possible. Thank you for coming to you. Quick question strictly for curiosity's sake is there ever been any talk of a thing officially. OK we won't use it for settlement in West Bank because I would think they would. Free up a lot of money on the road to nowhere. Well is it a sad promise that we are not going to use even one single penny and Easter toys we said we are going to spend Duce money on a humanitarian issue do you didn't you. If you come in from the Soviet Union I'll black bodice coming for me to your PIA. We said that more than one time. We are not going to use this money for settlements and it I think it's legitimate to demand Konski calm and
sad. We are willing to give a day long gun but with a condition you would not spend it on sentiment I think is and I would accept that and we said it. But this one was American said if you want to get the money stop please different means you know to 30s it is just sentiments like if I go to somebody you will but then now you now stop bleeding I dunno stop bleeding. What it means to bleeding right now how can you do it at the settlement thats not even Alice pick I mean show me can stop can stop the settlements this is the platform of his body and he would be overthrown tomorrow by his own body if you would do that. I mean whoever would save the settlements. He has one intention not to give the long gun to yes that was the intention. OK thank you Daryn let's go on line three is our next caller hello. Speak to both of them about unholy alliance and call it between
the anti-Israeli sentiment and the media in the West. I remember when we was murdered there was actually no cry anywhere except in National Public Radio. The interviewers were saying well I guess I don't think there are no rod guy who is an Israeli hostage in the hands of the Arabs in the Shiite fair and you know that's almost like saying well now kill him. And I remember how intense I want and many other people were. What's happening is that the media you know really hard to see Palestinians not to make peace and buy you the real bashing that's going on all the time everywhere. The Arabs are understanding that in fact it is to their advantage. There was a need to but
generally believed statement by Baker recently about a tooth which I don't want to I don't want to repeat the language but it's been out there although the media didn't quite seize on these anti-Semitic sentiments that came from Baker but back to something I went that went on here I mean you will David after a call I made in the recent past that you had not said what I claimed you said about the Holocaust not meaning that much too. Two nun she was and I want to quote you vote for her because I have a copy of the book and I am very very concerned about these things. Some bringing it up again and I'm quoting this word for word. I think that's what someone who is not Jewish. I think the Holocaust
doesn't have a great deal of meaning. I think that they don't know exactly what to think about it you know we were all taught that it happened and what it was. But I think for people who as I say for people who are not Jewish it doesn't have a great deal of me. And as the caller who immediately complained and I agree very well with much he said and the caller asked her she said that's exactly like saying if you're not black you don't care about slavery and so on. And yet you don't seem when Kuwait was trying a Palestinian like nobody's business to see programs here complaining and being upset at what was being done to the sympathy of the Palestinians. See you if you have sympathy for Chewy to take. Happening again and again and again I don't see
that it is that the Arabs are the concern of the people here dislike for the Jews. I want I want you to comment on this and I want to get a comment on that because but we don't card saying what about the media here in the western world in general. Isn't coverage or is the absence of peace in the perpetrators of the bloodshed. The reign of terror that's going on in the West Bank will kill the brothers who were my Arab friends are afraid to say hello to me in the street when I'm there because she waited by the selective sympathy I think. It's going to be a little bit long and so but we try to touch on a few things you said talking about about image in the media. I really believe
we lost that battle. I think the Arabs are getting so sophisticated so good and we lost that battle to Kupchak the American public opinion after all. You know I feel sometimes so sad how come just one tiny tiny tiny country which since 1948 did not have one minute of peace which has defied seven times in one generation against a very blatant clear intervention against the UN gal. I'm going to do UN law which was by cutted by having made most what's lost 16000 of how people how come such a country which faute again and again for higher existence have image is twisted have just twisted. And after all what isn't once is one thing we want peace. We did not start the 1948 war. We did. Not just out of the 56 or the 67 or descent into the war and we did not start the Gulf War when there would be nine Scud missiles for fell over our heads but as that fact is
twisted and I can see it in the media and horribly disturbed. Some would say this is anti-Semitism inside the Wood family it's ignored and some would say because you're not underdog whatever but this is the fact it's very sad. Now where you see me mentioned Kuwait. I agree with you nor nobody to care about the Palestinians but these Palestinians who were kicked off of Kuwait 50000 of them live today in the West Bank fifty thousand Palestinian from Kuwait entered the West Bank is an opened the gates said Come in 50000 of them did not go to Saudi Arabia because Saudi but were not allowed low demand did not go to Syria or to Lebanon. They went to the West Bank is that opened her Gates had come in. Now speaking about hostages let me tell you something. In my mind that Cornel Higgins an American officer who would tone to his home body you know body the man was Dr. to death was humiliated and I'm asking why.
One of the hostages came to this country and was asked what do you feel he said you know the best thing that I can tell you I can go to the bathroom whenever I want. Now this people were hardening American hostages. Innocent people who came to Lebanon to help the Palestinians do hoarding them for yields in Yale's torturing them killing them down and that is what I really has done I was honest or not and also identity Jewish and I'm asking deep I'm a saying these people are defensible. Indeed all these are the enemies of humanity done to any myst of justice they are the enemies of peace. Whoever believes in peace should remove these gangs away start without a father and all the out of their hands are full of full of blood. They motivate boys and girls men and women Jews and non-Jews indiscriminately and simple moccasin. Look what happened to Flight 103 over Lockerbie Pan Am. Two hundred and seventy
people mostly Americans were murdered in the Arrow. And who went now to shake the hand of Gadhafi if not how to fight and who shook the hand of Saddam Hussein and kissing him one day I cheek on the left. If not I'll fight. I think people should know who the enemies of the American people love Danny most of these decent people. Unfortunately all of the images listed well will only allow us to put on America has in the Middle East said yes. It makes me very sad. But this is their identity. I really don't know what to say to the caller if she is suggesting if you're suggesting that I am anti-semitic or that this program has a bias against Israel I reject that. We have on this program provided countless hours to individuals to come here to represent the Israeli point of view. Academics representatives of major Jewish organizations in this country and a
number of Israeli citizens like our guest here this morning I submit to you that if we were biased against Israel why would we be doing these programs why would our guest be here this morning if we were interested in silencing these people. We have in fact devoted far more hours to a pro Israeli point of view than a pro Arab point of view. It is true that we have had people on this program who were very critical of the government of Israel. But I think that we have been more than fair in providing the opportunities for people to express the other point of view. S s to the quote you quoted. It's true I said that I think it might be fair to put it in some kind of context to say that at the time I was interviewing and novelist David Grossman an Israeli novelist who has written about the Holocaust and his work and I was trying to give him an opportunity to explain to all people who are listening why the Holocaust should be important to everyone and indeed I did say that I think the most people who aren't Jewish the Holocaust has very little significance. I did not mean to suggest that it has no significance. I did not mean to suggest that they're not capable of understanding
it. What I meant to suggest was they don't think about it. They know very little about it. It's not part of their thinking it's not part of their experience. And this is a point which you seem to persist in being unwilling to understand and we can go around and around on this for a long time. And I don't think that I'm going to satisfy you on this point. You know I don't know where to go with this I mean I guess we can continue to talk about this we can talk about it on the air we can talk about it off the air. I don't want to take a lot of time with this because I think it's not what we want to do here on this program but I believe that we have tried very hard to give an opportunity for you and for guests like our our guest here this morning to say what they have to say in a very free and open and unrestricted way which we do no matter what it is we're talking about. I can't say anything more than that. I mean yes please bite my charges. In fact it was not countless more that the pro-Israeli point we can provide you with a
list if you like. And I would I would like to remind you of the Friday period and how every Friday we were getting from the really bad thing going on. W look I would be very happy to talk with you about this but I think off the air would be the appropriate time is I really. Our guest has been good enough to come in here spend the time with us and I don't think we should be taking time away from him to be able to do this and I do have some other callers. Would it be all right if we would move on to some other callers. Yeah. All right thank you very much. Let's go on here to somebody else we'll go to our toll free line. Hello. Hello three points. Your gun or your ROE. The government has forgiven past Israeli grants so that's why they haven't had to pay anything back. And Israeli has 5000 milligrams to bombard Congress and they know all about it
and you have such an efficient political action that you can connect and one of the biggest check nature and Israeli program just a flood of words so that the opponents are just just silenced. When I went to you know a community with just language you could you can belong to the PLO propaganda team you know by toeing dust you know accusation without foundation. You do not you do not sound convincing. What are you talking about. Forgot both the good and can you please tell me which when weighed and how and how much. Well just you know accuse ation did you pull your homework when well how much can you answer me please when you have no answer ok no. Well I put the caller on hold so that that's maybe not being fair is the coastal there. Yes. Yeah well continue. How much when will if you will not elaborate then you're
not you're not talking within just you know you know blaming gays of Ireland without foundation going to new when when and how much. You're not talking about forget guns forget the loans you said what do you mean by that. We've given one per capita in many many years you loaned you given our loans. We decided against the loans I mean you have to decide. Well they are launching an effort in Congress later. No you won't my friend you did not put in your homework no we never defaulted to give back all the loans to the United States. We still paying it now. Now it's not even fair to common accuse when it didn't put people homework. I'm asking you when when and how much you don't have now and so we're on a budget in no way of funding nor a bug you're going when I'm in a body of going deal Gooden was not part of the establishment was an organisation and when ever the debt is committed
what is looks like a crime. Or did you wish community including David been going to let them go and we condemn them and we said this is not the way you do things. Now the policy offered to lead us to freezer before forty eight was not committed to anyone and if there was an exception that was not for show does not do will but on the other hand there is another organization called the PLO that made killing their policy killing the children. We men and women Americans in June with an odd dose in French policy at the minute so why did I expect to cry because I expected you now and this question to comment so you know what I have condemned the indiscriminate killing of innocent people is done by the PLO. Oh but this is belied by the obvious. Instead of that you coming now criticizing the only democracy the only ally America has in the Middle East and you think it's fair I think I think I think the question is answered I think the question is is not fair.
I think you should read about the Middle East. You should read about the story of his early should remember one thing my friend. We are the only democracy we did not have one minute of peace. I can assure you as an officer under me. Or I would do well if they participate participated in. We had one thing to defend my family. Had you been in my position like me you would have done the same thing because I felt for my wife for my children for my father for my mother did not fight. God forbid to kill anybody but whenever it was imposed impose upon you like it happened since 1948 seven times seven times in one generation. Even if you have a college you become in line you know what our best weapon our best weapon is in Hebrew and but they have no alternative. We have no other way we had to fight the going in again and I hope known to be good a word with him and my hope now and I hope you'll join me with that. I hope now to say some with a whole foot piece in the Middle East and I want you instead of spreading this propaganda to offer
something nice positive so you know what I thought I proposed this and this to promote the peace post is just what we need now we need them both of those folk peace not people go and spread propaganda. I don't go to him. Limit to what the United States can do with our shortage is acting I was really a policy and it just really allowed how much resentment Baker shows which is speaks volumes. It doesn't need times and this reads more to me. The United States. Getting fed up. The Holocaust is a tragedy. No one has ever denied that. But there is a limit. And history. The Crusades killed fifty thousand Going to Jerusalem. Nobody denies that. History shows that there's tragedies every day in every country in the world. We cannot rule the world
and I don't have the data to refute your points. But flooding the time was made no answer but I thank you for the opportunity thank you. David let me do something I listen to you and show both what to do with absent from what they heard from Jenny and we consider that to be fair and honest. And now you can appreciate to come here and a people democracy free society people can have you know different opinions but I think by inviting me here comes to pull at least I would like to keep it about and out of sight and he she and we have one more caller and I want to make sure we get them before we end up out of time so let's go to line number one. The loan guarantees were higher that the U.S. put aside money and indeed Israel does have the lowest loan rating that they use in the bond bonding industry so that is
an absolute opposite exact opposite to what you asserted earlier we do have to send money out of the budget. I wanted you to. John to the diversity about how to cement the fact it's in me to interrupt you said she would be willing to give that to put that money that America has to put aside is I was going to put it in the bank. So Michael would not have to put anything in the bank. We agreed to do that. You know what I'm talking about. Well but we when we need the money to spend here I understand that that's a guarantee of a loan on your side but I don't want to do it. I actually I want to talk about the diversity of Israeli opinions that we hear on the air. Matty pellet the retired general will be in Chicago at the end of this month to talk about his opposition to any aid at this point from the U.S. to Israel cutting it all off he has joined the Jewish Committee on the Middle East stance which includes the son of Moshe Arens Hugo Iran's I don't know if Yahshua protocol be assigned to that but but there's a great diversity. And we hear this facile argument from you that the Arabs are bloody and the
answer is a realist the only democracy in the Middle East and not just does not wash people do not believe it anymore. Which democracy have been doubled for example. I'm what I'm saying is that Israel is not a democracy in the occupied territories and I or my friend who is not completely a democracy and that's very clear. My friend do you said bye to her toys and the other was occupied if not initiate a duel in 67 we did not initiate duel debt to it was taken you knew all of will of the defense. That's not true. What that all and now I don't know if you've been talking to Israel's propaganda. You want women and often between Egypt and Israel. And what on Egypt was an air attack first. My foot and a hundred towels and I was in an office under 67 war so don't tell me it was not to offer up aggression against us under the towers and told us that you've come to sign away and Gamal Abdel Nasser the late president of Egypt hadn't begun to find sometimes and I and I had to not because I know our
back because I was born in a country this time we're going to liquidate you Israelis. I haven't formed an idea of the Moscow summit idea for months and conclude saying was told by delayed by Mr. Levy Mr. Cosson Please don't stop didn't listen it was shooting at us in for Mr. Wilson to west it was him and the Syrians were shooting at us for not using Don't get on hides shooting below upon us and you are telling me that was not an adult aggression against us. The wall was somehow get initiated by the Arabs and I want to make sure you're fine but the minute cannot stand you cannot debate ideas too you know. Well even though I don't think you're going to I don't want to take issue. One other point you made in what Letterman Show weather minutes about a nuclear bomb in Iraq. I have heard Jerome Siegel of the friends of peace now say that the bombing of the French built reactor in Iraq accelerated the Iraqi drive to have nuclear weapons. It actually made the situation worse and that is very clear. And Israel has happened nuclear bomb for
decades. I can for you know great form the way you are you know I can see if I say now it's day you say night if I say yes you say no but I know I know if I want to meet with you and thankful to is our for just one deal how can you cleave actin 81 you're saying just the opposite. You know about the pellet You know I'm very proud that demands like monkey painted was very very exotic to left with the blood of Moshe and Sol minister of defense. They can say that in a democracy in down at the best it does and the only place in the Middle East is about that people can express an opinion just like in America. Completely different from the opinion of Mr. Show me and Mr. Robin in my opinion and I'm very I can express that opinion and then I said to cannot do it in Syria. You know the difference between show me an I said show me a poll show me has to convince a democracy has to convince this man and that man and that woman Mr. I said would disagree with him in the show but why he would find himself. This is democracy CM style and I'm very proud you know to be in this that I'm not in Syria now
to say that that might be put a talking yes much but is allowed to express an opinion. But he's a very very small minority in user demand job interviews I just 99 percent disagree with Mr. Bennett who can come to Chicago and talk. You can do whatever you want as long as he's acting in the frame of the law. I don't we hear him on the radio here and I disagree with you 99 percent. The Labor primary they just had had rather of an upset. I forget the fellow's name but the number three very pro-peace candidate you don't hear that expression here and that's the problem. And we also did not hear from the PLO on the station we've never heard a PLO PNC representative. Well actually we have heard from the dean of poly psi at Northwestern who a lot who was on the Palestine National Council and I hope we hear from him again soon on what you know the PLO
goes by by the bullet not by the ballot. We're at the point where we're going to have to stop I'm sure we could continue to talk profitably but we've come to the end of the time. I much appreciate you being here this morning and perhaps at some time in the future who would have the chance to talk again. Thank you David. Our guest this morning it's been God He is Israel's consul general to the Midwest and he's based in Chicago.
Focus 580
Current Events in Israel
Producing Organization
WILL Illinois Public Media
Contributing Organization
WILL Illinois Public Media (Urbana, Illinois)
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Yitzhak Ben-Gad, Israel's Consul-General to the Midwestern U.S.
Broadcast Date
Talk Show
Government; Israel; Politics; International Affairs; Middle East
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Guest: Ben-Gad, Yitzhak
Host: Inge, David
Producer: Brighton, Jack
Producer: Brighton, Jack
Producing Organization: WILL Illinois Public Media
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Illinois Public Media (WILL)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-b6ae94aa755 (unknown)
Generation: Copy
Duration: 48:22
Illinois Public Media (WILL)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-8c7cb160709 (unknown)
Generation: Master
Duration: 48:22
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Focus 580; Current Events in Israel,” 1992-04-09, WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 18, 2024,
MLA: “Focus 580; Current Events in Israel.” 1992-04-09. WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Focus 580; Current Events in Israel. Boston, MA: WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from