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We're also pleased to have here in studio with us this morning Congressman Tim Johnson. He represents the 15th District here in Illinois. We have a lot of listeners in the 15th. It is a big district includes champagne Urbana Bloomington normal Decatur and we like from time to time to try to give you an opportunity to have all direct contact with your member of Congress. So that's what this program is about. I can ask questions but more important it's your opportunity to do that. So we like to call him and talk with him here in Champaign Urbana 3 3 3 9 4 5 5 and toll free 800 to 2 2 9 4 5 5. Well thanks very much Peter. David I'm grateful for you allow me the opportunity to be here I always enjoy the show enjoy the questions and enjoy your stewardship over it. Well at the risk of opening up a subject that will never get off I feel I have to ask you about Iraq. We now seem to be at a point where more and more people are worried about where we're headed. Unhappy with the decisions that have been taken. The president's popularity continues to decline. I'm not sure anybody has a real good
solution. Let me ask you what do you think about everything that's happened up to this point and do you still think that it was the right thing to do. I would guess of the 435 members of Congress and tutored to 700 some thousand people that I represent There are probably that many different opinions variable opinions in terms of the wisdom of the initial incursion as well as our continued presence and various steps along the way. I'm not really here to be David an apologist for the administration. I'm here to say that there clearly been mistakes made and unfortunately probably mistakes Moore made not only American but other lives lost as to whether to go back and put myself in the situation of a year and a half ago and make a determination as to whether we did the right thing or not it you know that's Monday morning quarterbacking and I am loath to do that. But I will say that I along with my constituents have a lot of concerns. And at the same time I think there's a lot under the radar screen that's happening that's very positive. Members of
both parties both chambers have visited Iraq and come back with the report nearly unanimous nearly I say that the people are free. That people are happy to have American presence there and that there's tremendous progress economically socially and otherwise being made that sometimes flies under the radar screen. All that said there are a number of gigantic problems and I believe along with many of my constituents that we are in a lose lose situation and we need to make sure that within the confines of an appropriate mission that we don't broil ourselves in another Vietnam. The administration seems determined to stand by the deadline it set of June 30th for hand over control to a provisional government. Do you think that it's it makes sense to continue to stand by that because we don't have ref much more time now.
I mean would it make sense to say all right we said June 30th but why didn't 30th why not July 30th or August 30th. Well first of all a provisional government is one that then will be in place for about a six month period of time until the first free elections that have been held in the Middle East perhaps ever. And that's that's certainly liberating history a little bit but as of the first of the year. And so I do believe that with appropriate oversight and with the provisional authority as we expect it to be. As of June 1st as of June 30th that it's probably the best option at this point I think it shows progress I think it shows that where we're inclined to be leaving rather than staying. And while there's many many pitfalls ahead that it's a realistic turn over time and hopefully during that Provisional Authority time and their control over the government that free elections will take place and that ultimately
not only America but the Middle East and the world will be a safer place to live in a freer place to live. How long do you think American troops will have to stay in Iraq. You know David if I had the answer that I I would probably be running for something other than what I'm running for I don't have a prediction. I will say simply as a matter of policy that I hope it's sooner rather than later that our exit tickers we have a couple of callers here first over in Belgium near Danville line number one going to be over around that area today. Hello. Yeah I hear that you were saying he was going to be over there. I'm going to be over in Danville and I'm leaving after the show for Danville but I'm not going to get south on Route 1 but I'll be there soon. I was going to say where are you going to stay in Belgium. But that's enough. Yeah if you can find a place for me in Belgium today it's a wonderful community but there's probably not a lot of Holiday Inns there not very big.
I don't want to bring up the topic of the enormous amount of money we spend there or the number of lives that have been lost in this escapade. But I would like to point out to you and I hope that you can have some kind of legislative effect on on the topic I'm going to bring up. We've lost five thousand two thousand people in this horrid war but nobody has mentioned. Nobody is even even touched the subject broached at all. How many thousands of men and women who have been seriously maimed in this war and have been brought back to the United States to face a very very very tenuous Ft. Excuse me very tenuous. Future interview has been budget has been reduced and reduced and reduced and the January halving of the hospital it's being made smaller and smaller. These people are after our country for a very poor policy and now we're not going to be able support them when they've been seriously man lose limbs or anything like this. Surely sir there's something we can do. You have put your finger on a
gigantic issue. The V.A. hospital is not only a provider of services who've given their all to this nation but it's also obviously a economic fulcrum in the Danville area. I have made the Veteran's Administration a gigantic priority to me. I brought over the deputy the deputy director at least one if not two occasions we've made some significant progress or John Morris out of our Danville office probably spends 80 percent of his constituent time dealing with V.A. issues. One of the reasons and I think your question is implicitly asking me for this why I voted against the V.A. HUD budget last year was because it was because and I was one of a very few Republicans to vote against it because I didn't think it was sufficient. We there you can clearly point to horror stories on the other hand the people that are there are doing extraordinarily good job. And we've simply got to do better. And being able to terms of providing the
however you feel about Iraq however you might have felt about the Korean War World War to Vietnam. The bottom line is we made it and we made a commitment to people who serve this country and we need to keep it. My hope and expectation is that we're going to do better and I believe that the glass is half full rather than half empty. And in terms of dealing with John Morris in team terms of dealing with the administration there I see I think we've made some major progress as a matter of fact I think there's some suggestion that the V.A. may be expanding services rather than contract but at least we want to keep them there. Upgrade the services and keep the commitment we made to people who have given their all to this country. Thanks very much sir. All right thank you for the call next we'll go to Urbana one one a little color there Urbana line one. Well what do you say we try Urbana line too. Oh OK. Yes go ahead. Yes I have some questions about. The Medicare drug program that's going to go into effect in
2006. Actually not to correct you but the program has gone in in in a place in part now well through the issuance of discount cards but you're right the full program goes into effect and at the beginning of 20 06 this mandatory if you add a care system it is not it is optional. It's an optional program you have a better plan from your employer you're not required to participate in that unless your employer has your retirement benefit calls upon you to do so. Absolutely right the program is entirely optional. And it's it's one that a good many people will choose not to participate in. And so that's that's a question that's been asked we actually had a series of four town meetings about three weeks ago. I remember but I didn't. Oh no no I understand. Let me let me give you and the listeners a couple of numbers to call. OK. In our office because I realize like just
like the farm bill or just like any new project information is half the battle. And so you got to know what's available and what isn't. You know our Bloomington office at Bethel. Beth Harding is an expert on all these matters. OK. And Beth can be reached at 3 0 9 OK 8 6 I'm sorry 6 6 3 7 0 4 9 again 3 0 9 6 6 3 7 0 4 9 in Washington. And I hate to have someone have to make a long distance call that would be a long distance to a phone. Yeah well I'm going to give you two local number two and that's fine give me the local numbers and we find you in Champaign it's for you want champagne or Danville champagne champagne it's obvious you go to 1 7 4 0 3 4 6 9 0 4 0 3. I'm sorry I did 4 6 9 0 4 6 9. OK now I also understood that and
perhaps I'm wrong about this is that there was going to be some kind of graduated income tax hit on Medicare from that point on is that true. A graduated income tax on Medicare. I'm not sure what you mean. Well this was something then. A number of years ago was proposed that if you made over a certain amount of money you would not be a Medicare premiums would go up based upon your income. The sad part of that bill that there is an element of the bill that that is geared into need but it also of the program is accessible base you could everybody. But there is a need factor built into it as well. It's kind of a delicate combination between the two. And quite frankly you know eight hundred or a thousand page bill. If I were to sit here and tell you that I knew every jot and tittle on the on the legislation I would be less than honest with you. I can tell you though that we could certainly
provide those answers for you and would be glad to do. I just want to do to make a statement about that if that is true and that is that you know for those of us who say that is kind of a big slap in the face no I mean I understand that because now we are required to take out of our foreign three b right plans and all of that. So your income and assets has gone up. You can't say many like it takes one of our retirements to pay our income tax as it is now and so you think that has built into it. There is but I will tell you that that and again not to be patronizing but you're right. And the question you raise was a valid one and frankly the alternative. I don't want to be partisan here but it was called the Democratic alternative is one that would have gone precisely the opposite direction as what you want to head. So what the pride the ultimate product that emerges is one that I think that by and large
you would like it provides an incentive and no disincentive for people who've been wise in terms of planning for their retirement planning for prescription drug program. But at the same time reaches out to the most needy of people so I think it's a reasonable compromise not perfect but a reasonable compromise. So you think there is. That certain levels that you would have to be there is not that you pay more but that you that you get more at a lower level. You don't pay more you just have to. You'd receive more benefits. Well yeah that doesn't bother me. Yeah so that's that's what I'm talking about in terms of need the need bases that people who are the most needy have the most access to the program that's the quickest way I can say it. What do you mean by the most access. There's more of it benefits available with less or no deductibles. If you have a lower income than if you have a higher income.
OK. I'm not explaining myself too well. The bottom line is this there's not a penalty on people who planned well and have been successful in planning for their retirement and their needs. OK. There is a greater access with less financial penalty to the benefits of the program for people who are in most need based on their base based on their lower income. That's fine you know. But there is no penalty for those of us. Now imprudent I know there's not. I was not there shouldn't be and there won't be. Yes if I call your office and I can get some literature you certainly can get everything you want to get and it will be more happy to supply some of your people in your office have been very helpful to us in the past. Well thank you for saying that I appreciate I'm very grateful that I wrote your letter about it when a couple of years ago a friend thanks so much you're very kind to say that. That's Rico. Well there's one question I want to ask you about this. This Medicare legislation and that's this back in March the chief actuary Richard Foster testifying before Congress said
that he had provided to the White House the previous year in 2003 data showing that the prescription drug legislation would cost between 25 percent and 50 percent more than the administration was saying. He said that the head he had shared this information with the president special assistant for Health Policy and the associate director of the White House Office of Management and Budget. And he said that Tom Scully who was the administrator of Medicare told him not to tell the Congress the real figures. Do any members in Congress feel a little bit snookered on this deal our middle maybe it would have passed anyway. But what this guy is saying is that the White House says don't tell Congress how much this is really going to cost if that in fact is the case. This is one member of Congress who would be very very chagrined. I'm a Republican and not embarrassed to be Republican. But I've got as much right to be informed about issues in a Democrat member of Congress does as well. And any withholding of information that's relevant to our decision making process from any
level of authority Republican Democrat or in-between is unacceptable to me. So as far as this is news to you know I write I know what I know the story that you're talking about and I'm not suggesting it's not true. I'm telling you that if it is true I'm not happy. I'm not sure I would have changed my vote but I'm not happy because I'd like to have full information when I vote. I haven't I haven't guaranteed the authenticity of those reports that indicated that the information was withheld. But any information that. That a program that was purported to be 390 billion is really a five hundred fifty billion dollar program. That information is conveyed to members of Congress and we vote on it. I'm not a an economist I do the best I can but I'm at my very nature a collector of information and I have to rely on certain data that is supplied to me and dad isn't an accurate if it's inaccurate I want to know about it. But as far as you know the No. At this point nobody in Congress is saying well we really ought to get to the bottom of this and find out why we were told what we were told and what the real story.
Yeah in fact most of the complaints in that regard are coming from conservative Republicans who felt that their vote was cast based on one figure and that some of them would have cast a different vote had they known it would been a half again as expensive. What do you think though it would have passed. I believe it probably would have because I believe the promise was made to enact a prescription drug program in and wow. Certainly those figures are large figures. I think that probably would have passed anyway. Well it's gone some of the Koshare go to next color in champagne. 1:3. Well yes thank you for taking my call. So Joe thank you for calling. Thank you. Thank you very much for coming to this program. I would like to go back to the issue of Iraq. And I listened to you also. After the war and I thought of the invasion and occupation of Iraq and you said you had very reliable sources that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and Iraq had the connection with
Iraq had this and that. And now before we before we go off on a question that's based on a premise is not entirely accurate. Well I didn't indicate that I had reliable information I indicated there were certainly suggestions made that there were weapons of mass destruction. I dissent to you so many times and you emphasized that you have you have the source which sources which we don't have you have access people they should use that. And actually even Secretary of State Colin Powell and friends of the whole war when he went to the United Nations they later he admitted they gave him they didn't give him the right information. So the mistake mean it's had it happened that is that terror took place hundreds of thousands of Iraqis either they killed or they injured as well as innocent lives so for American boys and girls. Hundreds of billions of dollars being damaged in Iraq and also we are putting all these tens or billions of dollars the scandal in Abu Ghraib prison and many
other prisons. Cam came to to the service which we knew about it before it came to the media. And I didn't see one person just stood up and say we are ashamed of ourselves and resigned from his post. I have no idea why you mentioned also just let me give you more information. You said that Iraq is better off now economically they are free they are doing fine. I am afraid that the same very likeable sources they gave it to you before they are giving you this information. Iraq has 60 percent of their own people without jobs believe it or not people they cannot send their children to school because they are afraid their children will be killed or kidnapped. Professional people so far 250 Iraqis professional people doctors physicians promise ours. They've been killed in the street above that.
So what you're suggesting is that you're suggesting that in the years under Hussein where you know when people are happier than now right. I was against a gun before you by the way I am and just I've done since day number one when he took power. OK. But what I'm saying is the situation is not as good as you describe it to me or when I listen to that some operational people. It's really that people they don't have food to eat now it's not safe. And you know if you listen yesterday to the news one member of the Iraqi Governing Council why she is traveling where I was attacked with her people one week ago another person in the Iraqi Governing Council was killed and a few months ago another Iraqi Governing Council was killed. Where is the security where is the safety. Where is Iraq is better off than before. The Iraqi people are really glad. But that scene is gone. But now unless we do something we do something this country do something to change the hearts and the minds of the
Iraqis. They would say well before it is better than now. So please don't tell me it is better off than before because the people they need food on their tables they need health services they need to schools. They need many other things. I was there and I saw the horrible situation. I couldn't believe my my my. My family's house because it's not fair. I went to see my sick mother and I couldn't leave the house because it's really it's horrible I couldn't visit my brother and other and other doubt or my in-laws in another town. It is horrible. Please don't keep misleading the American people lead the American people know the real the facts. So at least we can work it together and get out of there as soon as possible. Well you're you're certainly helping do that right now by it by adding your voice to people who have been there so I am listening to you. Yeah. So please if you want to know more facts I can give my point number two that it's a destroyed deal and I can sit with you and I'd tell you a lot of facts which you don't know
about it. So you are in a position. You are here to help us and I'm appreciating the need to be for you are always very good helpful and very helpful to this community and you have to be very good help also to the whole United States of America. We lost a lot of moral responsibility in the whole world. The people outside looks nothing else anymore. It's a police state is to do something to repair the damage which you could please. Thank you very much I appreciate you coming. Thank you for the CO. Do you think that the Congress was given enough good information so they could make an informed decision as to whether or not it was the right thing to do to go into Iraq militarily. I don't think there was any effort on the part of the administration to deliberately mislead the Congress. But that's a different question than determining whether the adequate information or full sufficient information was given to us that we could make educated decisions we'd
like. I'm not suggesting that my vote would have been different. Again I don't want to be a Monday morning quarterback but I am suggesting that clearly as the caller pointed out a number of others has as well. Anybody who doesn't learn from past mistakes or failure to inform themselves completely is doomed to repeat history. And so if if I could go and be a Monday morning quarterback I'd like to have more complete information with respect to what's there and what isn't and what our options are and what they aren't. But you can't live in the past you have to live in the present and we do the best we can. Well now as a result of that I know a lot of people in Washington are talking about intelligence gathering and how it is that we try to decide what's going on and what decisions we make. We've got a commission now that's how it has for months and months been spending hours and hours looking back at 9/11 and asking questions about that and could it have been prevented and did we do all the right thing and they're going to have a report out this summer.
As you look at all of this discussion what do you think about how the intelligence gathering agencies of the United States are structured how they work with one another what sort of lessons do you think we have learned so far from on one of the lessons we have learned is that the coordination of intelligence functions before 9/11 and certainly before Iraq and even now and has a tremendous amount of broken holes that need to be repaired and from every dark cloud comes some silver lining and the silver lining ultimately hopefully will be a dramatic upgrade modernization and. Improvement of our intelligence gathering and coordination system to bring it into the 21st century. We are at about a midpoint here we have a number of other callers will try to get as many people as we can. Folks can help us by also trying to be brief. Our guest is Tim Johnson he's a member of Congress representing the 15th District here in Illinois a lot of our listeners in the 15th. And we have him here just so that you can talk to him. We'll go to McLean County for our next That's line
4. We were in McLean County two days ago. I know you enjoyed your hospitality had lunch out of the mall. So glad a couple of the callers before me have commented on things that I had on my list. So I won't rehash those I think the previous caller was quite on the money but the one theme that seems to run through your discussion and what comes out of the administration is the same a plausible deniability. And you know you can throw the stuff off and call it Monday morning quarterbacking all you like but these are very serious things that have happened. And even though you didn't catch on to the fact that there were some consistencies in the ministration I know many people in your district weren't fooled by them. So my remaining question would be why do you think you want to be retained in your current position. This November and I'll hang up and crippling for someone else. No thank you I appreciate.
I don't want to I don't want to use this show as a as a one sided opportunity to engage in a debate about re-election so since the question was asked I guess I can address the question but I don't want to be accused of campaigning with no opponent here. We probably had I don't know thousands of votes in United States Congress ranging from the environment the budget national defense prescription drugs Social Services headstart. That's one of the reasons I was in Bloomington the other day. Oh a wide variety of issues on a public policy level and 300 times that many issues on a level of people who don't get their Social Security check on time who have a V.A. disability claim mishandled who didn't get a farm bill check on time where a road needs to be fixed in Cumberland County or two interchanges or multi-modal system in McLean County upgraded. Or established our job is an endless job that has the best
staff in Washington D.C. And overall I believe that my service in terms of those individual concerns community needs as well as policy matters. While I'm sure that everybody including members of my own family would disagree with at least some of my votes mad busy sitting here next to me and he's my confidant one of my best friends. And as we go along the road we discuss issues we disagree on all the time. But the bottom line is I believe that my service has been responsible. It's been responsive. And I've given the best effort that God has given me the ability to do and I hope that's sufficient to reelect me. And quite frankly if it hasn't then they'll choose the alternative and I'll be on a permanent retirement basis. OK. I hope he gets the question the color we did think about this program this morning as a kind of a talk to the congressman Joe but also of course as we get closer to the election this fall we'll be putting out the invitations again as we always do to candidates are running for office in our area. And as many as are willing to be on the show will be on the show and of course the that point will give you the
opportunity to talk with Mr. Johnson's opponent in the fall and I'm sure he'll be back on the show and a lot of other can I certainly certainly welcome that I frankly never had the opportunity to meet the gentleman that I'm then looking forward to that opportunity. Now I'm next back here in Urbana line one. Hello. Thank you. Mr. JOHNSON When I see the annual budget bills being tied together in one or more omnibus bills I think that's it pick it. Bad Congressional Management. As your committee is put out by your Ag Committee been put in omnibus bills and if so what can you do to prevent these from happening next time around. One of the things we can do is to give the president line item veto authority that would do that's equivalent to the reduction authority or the authority the governor has in Illinois that I believe openly results in more fiscal
responsibility and that sent in a constitutional amendment. It may be that I don't think so. I haven't I haven't sufficiently researched to know whether you could do that by legislation or constitutional amendment one way or the other whether takes a constitutional amendment or legislation I believe the line item veto authority is important. We don't vote in. We vote a budget resolution and we did last week. But there are 13 separate appropriations matters 13 a separate appropriations bills that come through the process. Now would I like to see me have the opportunity and mother members of Congress the opportunity to vote on individual items that I that I may not be entirely enthralled with as one of those 13 bills of course I would. But I also think there's you reach a point at any level of government whether it's the federal state or local government when voting on every single item on a 2.4 trillion dollar budget would be unworkable. It's not quite what I meant. But then again there are like you said 13 annual budget bills well that's 13 votes but
during a previous federal fiscal year weren't some of those 13 bills tied together in omnibus bills and allowed to fly through with a lot of pork barrel projects thrown in. The the there are the 13 separate appropriations matters each stand on their own. There is a budget resolution which isn't binding. That's the entire budget that lays out a blueprint. But the appropriations matters and we're being technical here but you obviously have the expertise so you know what I'm talking about. The appropriations matters are all standalone matters with respect to those 13 particular areas. Are there pork barrel projects contained within a two point four trillion dollar federal budget. If I told you know you turn off the show and think that's the biggest liar who ever was on on on radio they're right. And so I would I would also suggest that. That what some people call pork barrel. I don't there are certainly some projects that are gross mismanagement and mis
expenditure of public money. Call this one congressman call another congressman out on something that's truly egregious Have you ever done it. Oh of course. OK. Of course that happens quite frequently. But I will tell you that the Curtis road improvement here in Champaign County. I don't consider that a pork barrel project I consider that something that's important the economic development of Champaign County. I consider the park and ride facility so that on South campuses that develops people will be able to have access and facilities for daycare for their kids. I don't consider that pork barrel I consider that part of part of government social services. I consider when the federal government funds or the state government funds Lincoln's challenge in Rantoul are what used to be called Hope for the children Brandy hearts. Generations of hope. I don't think that's pork barrel I think those are social services that are needed and something that I'm very proud to support. On the other hand if we're going to build a memorial to the
to the. Some obscure matter out in Pennsylvania nobody cares about that's going to be a tourist boon for some particular area that didn't have any basis historically or otherwise and that's pork barrel and I don't know where you draw the line it's like beauty it's in the eye of the beholder. It's in my district. I try to make it useful and I try to make it something that I think is in the best interest of the people of the district. Thank you. It's a general question because I know that some people when they look at generally speaking the budget in the in the big sense of where the money is going that they're distressed. That now it's perhaps inescapable but their distress that the war in Iraq or the War on Terror defense generally is soaking up so much money and the domestic spending is languishing and they point to things like No Child Left Behind for example that the Bush administration counts as one of their great achievements. But it's never been fully funded. Are you when you look at where the money go. Are you one happy about how things are allocated and
particularly on the domestic side of things. There are certainly areas that don't make me happy and some areas that are underfunded in other areas that are over funded. If you're asking me David if I if I am in agreement with every single item that's contained in any one of those appropriations matters the answer is No. Overall I voted against the V.A. had appropriation because I didn't think it represented appropriate public policy and didn't meet the needs of the V.A. I voted in favor of the appropriations that contained the appropriation of the Department of Agriculture because I felt on balance it was something that served felt needs. And so in terms of budget and I'm not. Trying to be an apologist for the system because I realize a system can be reformed it should be reformed. But the bottom line is ultimately you have to vote green or red on an appropriations matter that will contain perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars for appropriations for grants for research for the University of Illinois
combined with a another pro-creation to another university that I think probably is misspent. And I don't like to be put in those situations anymore in anybody else but the bottom line is if ever I ultimately have to take my my voting card and vote yes or no and you make a collective judgment or at least an aggregated judgment on what you think is right and wrong and my record speaks for itself. Let's keep talking here with people who are listening on line to his next in Urbana below. Going back to the torture abuse situation in Iraq one of the. Defense Department apparent moves to correct the situation would be to prohibit service members carrying cameras. This doesn't seem to me to make very good sense it seems to me as if the pictures were actually fortuitous in that they lead to the correction of the
situation. We heard rumors of this for some time. It was not until the pictures surfaced that anything started to be done. The bottom line is that the situation as it transpired at that prison that's been revealed by the pictures is absolutely and totally unacceptable. It it it lowers our standards. It is inhumane. It is not what we're there for. It is not what we purport to stand for. And as one members of Congress I'm embarrassed by it. Well my question is what will Congress do about a prohibition of cameras. I wasn't aware there was any proposal as it has been that the Defense Department is proposing that I was not aware that you just brought that to my attention and I will certainly look at that. I appreciate that. It seems to me the most. Let's certainly that that's that I think that's certainly begging the point as far as the abuse of the
fact that it's documented doesn't mean it didn't occur. And so I I would suggest that that's a bit disingenuous not on your part but on the part of people that make that suggestion. What's my feeling and I would appreciate you're looking into it. Thank you. Thanks for the call. We'll go on to next caller. This is also Urbana 1:3. Thank you very much. I think you I. I've got a problem with the way things are going in general in government and particularly coming from the Republican side where whenever dissent occurs regardless of whether it's the Democrats or wethers their own Republicans that when dissent pops up the tactic is to discredit. And bashed the criticizer without looking at them looking at what the man has to say when critics came about early on prior to our invasion of Iraq. When the generals and and and and investors criticize what the government wanted to do they were
discredited and bashed whenever there is any dissent that has shown up in the past four years. It is embarrassing to me it is and it should be embarrassing to you as aggression no person to allow this to happen. That tone coming from the right has been absolutely horrendous. I can only liken it to the propagandists that were coming that played around in Germany prior to World War 2. It is a shame the way that they have dragged our country from something that I was proud in and I served in the military something that I am now ashamed of and I call upon you if you get re-elected because I'm certainly not going to vote for anybody Republican this time around. You had better take the assignment to go forward and make this government more interactive and make it more open to the American people. That's all I have to say and say Would you. What about I guess what I would say is that is that. First of all I think to compare the atmosphere that currently exists Naziism
before 939 is a bit of an extreme proposition but the caller certainly has That's what a great thing about America the first First Amendment allows you to say whatever you want to say. I think that my reputation as a member of Congress from from this area and in general in Washington has been one that's been very balanced by anybody's observation. The only people that call the shots for me are my own conscience and people like the caller and others who input to me. There are issues ranging from fiscal issues taxes and otherwise where I've supported the administration. There are other issues ranging from the environment to campaign finance reform to labor management issues where I have opposed the administration and as a result I think I've acquired the reputation of not being embarrassed to be a Republican being somebody who is a very reasonable person who tries to respond to the issues and tries to rebut is respond to the constituency in a fairly.
And hopefully a very balanced way. And I don't have anybody telling me how to think I'm an independent thinker I take a lot of pride in that and I listen to the caller who just called in who I frankly think is a little bit extreme in his comparison too. Two thousand nine hundred thirty nine but none the less I listen to that individual just as much as I listen to somebody who was very strongly in support of some of the positions of the administration. People have learned over time now in my four years there that they certainly can lobby me they can certainly give me input within the Beltway but ultimately I'm going to make a decision based on what I think is right based on what my constituent wants and base what I believe my conscience dictates on again. Line number one is next caller in champagne. Hello. Hi. Great talking to you know one thing I like about you is that whether you agree or disagree with somebody you're willing to talk to them and I don't think that that's common in politics Republican or Democrat so I appreciate that.
I'm to quick comment I appreciate you. I don't I'm not sure I'm talking to you but I appreciate your nice comments. You know I've written you multiple times you've all yours right back. If I choose the form letter and that's something I respect it's tremendous and Thank You know it's always good to interact. I think I'm the last to West Hollywood talking about it compared to the Bush administration to kind of the conditions in Nazi Germany not necessarily saying Bush was a Nazi but given all of the freedoms of individual rights that have been taken away to the patriot act and act and others I'm a little surprised that you're so blithe in writing him off but that's really the minor issue. Major let me let me point out I am one of 12 response Republican sponsors of what's called the fair act that's initiated by Representative Otter from from Idaho and the intention of the fair act is to do substantial modifications not total repeal but some substantial modifications of the Patriot Act to eliminate or pare back many of what now have turned out to be in my judgment excesses of the Patriot Act so
I would tell you that that I'm not overly And through all and wasn't at the time overly enthralled with the Patriot Act I do believe that there were certain upgrades need to be made. But I think we overstepped in some areas. You have information on your website. I don't it's on the website but you can certainly get it from us and we'll be glad to supply the information is called the fair act and we have bipartisan support and I think we're going to hopefully get past a lot of hear about that so that's great. The other question I wanted to ask was in terms of the line item veto. The line item veto I'm a little curious how you're going to explain this. When Bill Clinton was president Republicans and mass were rabidly against the line item veto they thought that pretty much that America would and possibly all humanity would end if Bill Clinton had line item veto power. Now all of a sudden Bush gets in and one line item seems like a smart idea since a goal it's common sense it's not radical at all. How do you how do you justify making a decision about how the national budget gets set based on the
personality of an individual president and we can even expand that suit based on whether the presidents Republican or Democrat. Well I would explain that by saying that I wasn't in Congress when Bill Clinton was president. You remember the party. But but but then that's the I don't know if that would be like judging all or all Presbyterians based on what other Presbyterians are still interested today that you were unabashedly Republican No I did not say that I said as I said I was not embarrassed to be a Republican and I'm not. I will tell you that I would be in favor of the Line Item Veto whether Bill Clinton were president or Al Gore were president or George Bush were president are you willing to make this a permanent part. I will vote for the line item veto no matter who is president as long as I'm in Congress. OK well I appreciate that that's a very direct answer and I think that's a more honest perspective than a lot of your Republican paid compatriots. Have I been willing to take so much again. I would appreciate talking to you and you're at least willing to give a straight answer to a straight question and that's the best of politics.
Well you're if you're willing to give a straight question and I appreciate callers like you. Well thanks Let's go on here to someone else this is champagne in its line to follow. Oh hello. I'm very glad to hear about the fair act because I am pretty much disgusted. Of course I am a Democrat. I have never seen anything like this I can't see anything in history and probably be the bast deal of the old regime of France that we have pretty much gated the whole constitution of the United States with all the rights. I mean remember the John Adams and the Sedition Acts. Well back then years ago the whole war to win. Well that's the civil revolution doing this essentially as you said is excessive and you know should not be really cold war I'm sick and tired of these these programs Cold War On Drugs and so we throw too many young people into prison for minor offenses to start with and then we called it that we call this a war when it should be a criminal police action I mean it's the same as McVeigh
and Terry Nichols has just been will be sentenced within the day to do you know this is he. The overreaction of everything is just gone so far that you know it. British citizens Canadian citizens being thrown into Guantanamo and maltreated. I mean we've had a couple of Canadian citizens report on on the television of how they were maltreated in and one time over and arrested for no reason. Many people in Guantanamo are there because they were sold there. Others took their sons and said they collected the $5000 reward and you know said oh well he's al-Qaida. But that's the kind of crap that's going on down there. You know people who have who are entirely innocent and are not allowed a lawyer are not allowed anything which the Constitution guarantees. And I wouldn't frankly I would vote for something on four legs to eight out of my dogs a
dish rather than vote for bloody Bush again. Will you go by when you respond of it any way you like. Well I think some of the criticism of the Patriot Act is well founded. There was certainly areas Barney Frank who's my good friend and we don't certainly agree on every issue from Massachusetts is one who believes that certain upgrades to bring law enforcement into the 21st century are necessary. But I believe and Butch Otter believes a number of Democrats believe that we went too far and that we got a look to see some of the sneak and peek provisions for example that are contained there. The expansion of powers beyond what the original intention of the Congress was. And frankly the interpretation of some of those powers by the Department of Justice have been ones that need to be substantially pared back and that's why I'm a sponsor of the bill that would do that. He would get at least one more caller and then that would be in. An ally in three.
Hello yes. Yeah. First of all I'd like to thank you for your position in terms of not joining on the North Slope in Alaska. Thank you. What happened in terms of. I wasn't too happy with the energy bill. What I don't have some bipartisan support in terms of building more of a fear and you know in terms of renewable sources and things you know the nature of the energy bill right now is held up in the Senate. The energy bill just like the budget or prescription drugs is a is a I don't want to say a mishmash but it's certainly an area that there is so voluminous that there's areas that I'm not entirely happy with. On the other hand there are there are parts of the energy bill. Hybrid vehicles for example wind power bio mass renewable fuels and others that I think are in the best interests certainly of the United States. Not to mention quite frankly the very significant provisions with respect to bio diesel and ethanol which are
important to Illinois farmers. And so while I'm not in any area including the some of the provisions with respect immunization for him to be 100 percent happy with the energy bill I do think it's something we need to be enacted because we don't have an energy policy right now no word operate from and we're just waiting. Unfortunately with gritted teeth for the next grid power shutdown because we don't have an energy policy. Yeah but it's also you know I remember the last energy crisis I most remember that one. And it was supposed to be a national policy in terms of energy in the never. Did materialize here right. There was also there was a great deal of mother that had a house it was you know insulated and there was all kinds of things and it was really moved ahead and all the sudden now we're in this thing you know we're using you know 20 million barrels of oil a day and we're importing more than half of that but I mean conservation. Nobody talks about conservation anymore and you
certainly know we're going to talk about conservation in an election year. Well I voted for example to upgrade the CAFE standards for fuel efficiency. I've I voted consistently down the line to require vehicles made in Detroit to be more energy efficient. But a bipartisan unfortunately and combination of forces from both business and labor emerged to defeat our efforts to try to bring more food fuel efficiency and conservation and clean air to our system and those bills so far failed. I'm going have to jump in here I'm sorry we have some of the people that we can't take but we're just at the end of the time. For now we're going to have to leave it at that. I'm sure another opportunity though a few months down the road will present itself and Tim will be back and we can do it. David I appreciated that Lester going to be in New Brunswick again this year. I suspect we will September you know maybe I'm not an hundred percent sure but obviously one of the highlights of my summer about 10 years ago was running into David and Celeste in St. John's New Brunswick
and a little down home coffee place and if I'm there again maybe we're run into each other again there. OK. Well Tim Johnson our guest he's representative in Congress from the 15th district a lot of our listeners in the 15th and we we just want to give you the opportunity to talk to him.
Focus 580
Talk To Your Congressional Representative
Producing Organization
WILL Illinois Public Media
Contributing Organization
WILL Illinois Public Media (Urbana, Illinois)
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With Tim Johnson, Representative fo the U.S. Congress from the 15th Illins District
Broadcast Date
Talk Show
Politics; Congress; community; Geography
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Guest: Me, Jack at
Producer: Me, Jack at
Producer: Brighton, Jack
Producing Organization: WILL Illinois Public Media
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Illinois Public Media (WILL)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-d736b56d246 (unknown)
Generation: Copy
Duration: 50:13
Illinois Public Media (WILL)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-762c3ff2635 (unknown)
Generation: Master
Duration: 50:13
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Chicago: “Focus 580; Talk To Your Congressional Representative,” 2004-05-28, WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “Focus 580; Talk To Your Congressional Representative.” 2004-05-28. WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Focus 580; Talk To Your Congressional Representative. Boston, MA: WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from