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Officials have said will remain based in suburban Phoenix will take on the U.S. Airways name. The deal would give America West access to U.S. Airways complex web of East Coast and international routes as well as its airplanes. But U.S. Airways debt would come along too. Leaders of both carriers have said the deal makes sense because it would result in a stronger carrier capable of more quickly paying back federal loans that were made to both airlines following the 2001 terrorist attacks. To close the deal by fall the airlines must still stave off any rival bid. For NPR News I'm Mark Moran in Phoenix. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has urged residents to conserve energy this summer so there isn't a repeat of the power crisis of 2000 and 2001 there were rolling blackouts then after the state moved into deregulated energy markets. Schwartz and Agger also set out an electricity plan that would include creation of a State Energy Agency. He said he wants to increase California's energy efficiency by 20 percent by 2010. His plan would let large businesses choose their electricity supplier and it would encourage
technology to help lower power demand during peak hours. But the legislature's legal counsel has said some parts of Schwartz and eggers plan are unconstitutional. In particular it says the authority of a State Energy Agency could infringe on that of the state Public Utilities Commission aluminum manufacturer Alcoa says it is cutting Sixty five hundred jobs. Catherine Fink of member station do you cue reports from Pittsburgh. The cuts amount to 5 percent of Alcoa's workforce. The Pittsburgh based company will eliminate jobs in 121 locations around the world. More than half of the positions are in the company's automotive businesses. A spokesman says Alcoa is responding to declining demand from North American auto manufacturers. One plant in Kentucky will close and others will be consolidated an aluminum smelter in Germany will shut down due to high energy prices. Alcoa says the cuts are part of a 12 month long restructuring effort that will save 150 million dollars a year. The cuts come just a few months after Alcoa eliminated another eighteen hundred
jobs. For NPR News I'm Catherine Fink in Pittsburgh. The new World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz has encouraged business leaders to seek out and expand opportunities in Africa. He told a meeting of American and African business leaders in Baltimore that Africa is trying to turn a corner on development and that a flourishing private sector is critical to that process. Wolfowitz told a U.S. Africa Business Summit that countries that have developed successfully have created strong private sectors. He just returned from a four nation trip to Africa. British Airways says it is going to increase its fuel surcharge on tickets issued in Britain because of continuing high oil prices. The long haul surcharges will rise to forty four dollars from its current twenty nine dollars and there will be a short haul surcharge increase as well. B.A. says it's considering what to do in other markets. I'm Paul Brown NPR News Washington. And you're listening to MORNING EDITION on AM 580 W I L L Urbana today in Urbana we expect a mostly sunny day it will be hot more humid with a high of
95 degrees and the possibility of the heat index this afternoon around 100. Partly cloudy muggy tonight low around 70 and tomorrow partly to mostly sunny again hot and humid with a slight chance for a passing thunderstorm. The high 94 right now the temperature in Urbana is 85 degrees at 10 10. This is MORNING EDITION from NPR News. I'm Steve Inskeep. And I'm Renee Montagne. Can you give us your assessment of the strength of the insurgency is it less strong more strong about the same strength as it was six months ago. That question was posed by Democratic Senator Carl Levin at a hearing yesterday. Levin spoke at a time of growing debate over the war in Iraq. In recent weeks Vice President Cheney said the insurgency was in its last throes. Then a leading Republican senator Chuck Hagel said the U.S. was losing and the administration was disconnected from reality. Yesterday's question about progress against the insurgency drew this response from General John Abizaid
in terms of comparison from six months ago. In terms of foreign fighters I believe there are more foreign fighters coming into Iraq than there were six months ago in terms of the overall strength of the insurgency. I'd say it's about the same as it was. So you would agree with the statement that it's in its last throes. I don't know that I would make any comment about that other than to say there's there's a lot of work to be done against the insurgency. This morning we're going to get a progress report of sorts on the Iraqi insurgency in the way it's evolving. This week Army Lieutenant General John Vines gave Pentagon reporters his forecast for the coming months. I'm assuming that the insurgency were Main at about its current level what we see in terms of numbers of attacks what we see in numbers of attempts what we see in the flow of foreign fighters which is quite small. It is relatively static. It's not growing not spreading. We've reached General John Vines in Baghdad General welcome to the program. It is good to be back with you Steve.
Thank you. General what does it mean when you say the insurgents are are not getting weaker and that you don't expect they will get weaker soon what are the implications of that. The elections are currently scheduled for 15 October. This is on the Constitution. The constitutional referendum. And that's only about four months away. We don't think that the size of the insurgency will change significantly either smaller or larger during that period of time. We believe that the insurgents in the country will do everything they can to prevent the elections from taking place on schedule. But that. Doesn't mean the size fundamentally changes. What does that mean for U.S. troop strength in the country over the coming months. Well of course it will be conditions based. At this point I would not recommend a drawdown prior to the election. The Iraqi security forces are making good progress and I believe that following the elections based on the capacity of Iraqi security forces that we may be in a position we can draw down following the elections week a month a year. No I mean fairly soon
thereafter there are some units that are scheduled to rotate after the elections and depending on the conditions and what we see during the period leading up to it and during the elections we may recommend that some of those units not be replaced at the beginning of this week on Monday. We read about an attack on a police station in Baghdad which seemed particularly complex and sophisticated I'm looking at an account from Tom Lasseter a reporter with Knight Ridder Newspapers in Baghdad describing how insurgents attacked a police station with rocket propelled grenades mortars and heavy machine gun fire before detonating a car bomb. And when police started to venture out after that first blast a second car bomb exploded. That sounds like a fairly sophisticated attack. There is no question about it. The technical and tactical skill of the insurgents is increasing. That doesn't mean they're getting greater in number. Most of their tactics however amount to. Slaughter they blow themselves up and kill dozens of civilians in some cases. Iraqi security forces in some cases coalition forces
they had some cases have remote control detonator so someone else can detonate them in case the suicide bomber loses their nerve. But the primary method of attack has been improvised explosive devices. And certainly they can be used to support attacks like you described on the police station. They are capable of doing that. They're not capable of doing it probably right now in large numbers and in many different locations but they have the capacity to put an attack like that together to be sure. We've been listening to Lieutenant General John Vines he's one of the senior U.S. military officers in Baghdad. We asked Jeffrey White to listen in to our conversation with General Vines he is a former head of Middle East intelligence for the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon He's now with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy welcome. Thank you. What did you make of what General Vines said as he described the insurgency. It raise some questions in my mind including what's the definition of the size of the insurgency which the gentlemen believes is essentially going to be
static over the next few months. But they have the capacity to surge and I expect that they're going to surge for the referendum and especially will see it in the Sunni areas. What do you make of this detail that according to the U.S. military the insurgents are being paid. Well that doesn't surprise me. Any action the numbers or the cost of the incident seems to be dropping. Which to me means that the risk associated with that is also declining. What are the numbers. No I'm talking now like a hundred twenty five hundred fifty dollars for planning a bomb. So what it used to be in was somewhere around 500. There have been reports of twenty five hundred dollars for different kinds of attacks. But it also doesn't capture the essence of the insurgency. In my mind there's a core of fighters of people involved in the insurgency who are clearly skilled they carry out complex types of attacks and I doubt if they're being paid one hundred twenty five dollars and just swept in off the street to do those kinds of actions. Those are those are dedicated people.
Richard Armitage the former deputy secretary of state spoke to us just before he left office earlier this year and said that as he views it the U.S. enemies need American troops to stay in Iraq by which he meant that U.S. troops become a unifying factor for the insurgents they become a target for the insurgents they de-legitimize the Iraqi government and so forth. Does that problem get worse over time. I think the over time the insurgency has moved from mostly resistance against occupation to increasingly an insurgency against the transforming Iraqi government. And then regardless of whether or not we were in country the insurgents would be attacking the Iraqi government that is coming into being the political process and so on. President Bush has said that U.S. troops need to stay in Iraq until Iraq is secure. Military officials have said that means training Iraqi forces to take care of themselves. Are there other factors that come into play as the U.S. military and their civilian leaders
consider how long U.S. troops can stay in Iraq. Well I think some important issues about the ability of the Army and the Marine Corps own providing and the ground forces in Iraq to sustain an insurgency over a long period of time. People are saying that seven to 13 year effort to control an insurgency the repeated rotation of units back into Iraq is causing I think a lot of stress on the military. Jeffrey White is a former head of Middle East intelligence for the Defense Intelligence Agency thanks very much. Thank you. The debate over progress in the war comes at a time when Iraq's new prime minister is visiting Washington Ebrahim all Joffrey heads a government that is trying to draft a new constitution. Yesterday he traveled to the National Archives and in a cavernous dim hall he inspected the American Constitution through an interpreter he spoke of the cost of the war in Iraq. We acknowledge that the blood of your sons have mixed with the blood of our sons and paid a very high price in visiting the United States.
Jeffrey is examining an important front in his country's conflict public opinion surveys show that American doubts about the war are growing. You're listening to MORNING EDITION from NPR News. Support for today's broadcast is provided by World Harvest International and gourmet foods at 6:10 University in Champaign. For over 15 years providing Champaign-Urbana with an international selection
of cheeses olive oil balsamic vinegar spices chocolates cookies and more catering services are also available. World Harvest encourages you to join them in supporting public radio and in just a moment we'll be going to National Public Radio for live coverage of a presidential press conference President Bush talking today in Washington with the prime minister of Iraq Abraham Jafari. They will no doubt begin with comments on their assessment of what's going on these days in Iraq and we'll be taking questions from reporters and again that's coming up in just a moment our number two will be talking with a journalist from Russia. She teaches at Moscow State University and you know she's here visiting the campus for a conference looking at women and their role in Russia today and how that has changed and perhaps not. We'll have more on that in the second part of the show. It's 10 20. From NPR News in Washington this is special coverage of a joint news conference by President George Bush and visiting Iraqi president and prime minister Abraham job. And I'm Frank stay
show John Kerry's visit to the U.S. comes amid growing criticism of the administration's Iraq policy. Yesterday Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld came under sharp attack during testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee. Democrats and Republicans are calling for an end to the U.S. military presence in Iraq. Meanwhile polls show declining public support for the president's war policy. Joining me now are NPR senior foreign editor Loren Jenkins and NPR White House correspondent Don Gonyea. Donna what's the significance of the timing of John Kerry's visit. Well there are a couple of reasons why the timing of this is significant. First everything you just mentioned polls are falling public support for the for the war in America is falling according to number a growing list of polls. And they really do need to try to shore up that important constituency. But the stated reason for this visit now is that next week we have the first anniversary of the. Iraqi sovereignty and the
president will be rolling out a number of speeches in appearances over the next couple of weeks including a big speech we're told at Fort Bragg in North Carolina in primetime next Tuesday night to mark that anniversary. But this is all part of that. But don't underestimate the attempts at at kind of turning public opinion. And Loren Jenkins one year in one year after sovereignty has been achieved in Iraq administration continues to paint a rosy picture of the situation Vice President Cheney says the insurgency is in its death throes. How does that square with the situation in Iraq. Well there seems to be some sort of disconnect between what the administration is saying and what people on the ground are saying including the American military commanders. Just days after Vice President said the surge is he was in its death throes his own general chief commander General Abizaid testified two days ago and yesterday in front of Congress saying that the insurgency is as strong as ever and may even be growing but
there are certainly more foreign fighters are coming across the borders. For the prime minister Joffrey was talking to editors at The Washington Post yesterday said look things are getting better there are fewer car bombings were down from 14 a day don't want today. I don't know what he's talking about. You know the reports from our own military said that last month there were at least 700 car bombs. They killed 33 Americans were killed just since Jeffrey's been in power in the last two months have been seven. Twelve hundred Iraqis killed. This insurgency is stronger than it's ever been by all the statistics that are being measured by the Americans on the ground. What you make of the CIA report that in fact Iraq is becoming a real training ground in hotbed for a much more sophisticated kind of terrorist activity. Well that's interesting you know one of the excuses for going into this war was that had Saddam Hussein was connected to al Qaeda and all of that even though that's been disproved it seems that two years into U.S. occupation and fighting an
insurgency. We have turned Iraq into a place where terrorists can go and train and learn their craft and the fear of the CIA report was that some of these people will leave Iraq and go back to their homes or elsewhere around the world and use the techniques they've learned to advance their cause. Don Gonyea you hangout at the White House every day. The poll results are coming in a majority of Americans now have turned against this policy. The casualty reports are growing by the day commanders in the field say the insurgency is getting worse even astray. Do you do you sense that there's any kind of a panic a sense that the need to regroup as you show up the White House every day. Certainly not panic certainly not outwardly but there is very much a sense that they feel like they need to do more to to get the message out which is really really a remarkable thing given how long this has been going on how much the president has talked about it. But but Scott McClellan the press secretary this
morning in the in our first briefing of the day the gaggle it's not on camera but but he said Americans are seeing disturbing images on our TV screens. That's language that we've heard this administration use an awful lot but then he went on to say I think many of the American people haven't really heard our strategy for success and the way forward in Iraq. And he seems to be implying that the media is focusing on the disturbing images but one does have to ask if the American people haven't heard. This strategy for success. Why hasn't the administration done more to really get it out there and in a specific and explicit way. And we expect to hear more about that as prime minister Joffrey and President Bush. Talk about that to reporters at the White House today Prime Minister John Kerry has just arrived at the White House they'll meet with reporters in the East Room to talk about how that strategy is progressing. Loren Jenkins in terms of part of that strategy of course is the readiness of
Iraqi troops to take over and defend the democracy that someday may be in place there. How's that going. Well from all reports not that well I think there's a very ambitious plan or strategy I hope that the U.S. can train quickly train the Iraqi military force and police force. That would take over but all the evidence again we're getting from the field is that it's going much slower than they thought they're much fewer units trained than had been hoped for so for in the units that have been trained have a very mixed record on the ground. A mixed record in part because of questions I guess and fears of infiltration when you build a an army this fast and police force this fast it's hard to know who's on whose side. Well there's infiltration and there's also the issue of willingness to fight. They've had whole units that have gone in or refused to go into battles with the Americans. They've been some units that have fought with Americans but some of them actually just turned and refused to fight in terms of political support in this country Don Gonyea.
What's what's going on at the White House with regard to the growing number of Republicans who are now calling for a deadline and an end to the U.S. military involvement. That is certainly a concern they are used to hearing that from Democrats and they're seeing Democrats put together a more unified voice on this but when key Republicans start talking about a timeline that really does force the president to step up and we will likely hear again today at this press conference. That is that there there is really. You just can't put a timeline on it is what we will hear from the president. One thing his press secretary has said in the past is the timeline basically tells insurgents when they'll have free reign so it'll be interesting to see how they really do work with those members of their own party some key members with within their own party on that issue. As that pressure grows and as we look ahead to midterm elections in the U.S. you know just a little over a year from now.
Loren Jenkins It's one thing to put a date on when you might withdraw decide whether or not to do that another to decide to define when it is you've won and when you can pull out is that clearly defined in this policy do we know you know how to declare victory when we could pull out. I don't think so I don't think anyone knows how you declare victory there. So far as I say the conditions are so unstable the country is really not under anybody's control it's controlled where the U.S. units go. They can control it the minute they leave. The insurgents come back in this point. It's anybody's guess what it would take to be a victory. Let's talk a little bit about the political developments in Iraq you know you could you could look at it two ways it took a long time they're certainly far behind their schedule in terms of imposing implementing a new constitution took a long time to form a government took a long time to bring Sunni's into the government. But you could say well yeah but we did it. It's a messy process we're making progress. So the real question is is this government in touch with the people. Well that's that's a real question they clearly are in touch with some of the people the people that elected it.
But the election itself was flawed. The whole community the Sunni stayed out of it so you have a imbalanced government not representing one of the three major communities there. And that's part of the problem is how you get the Sunni's involved with the Shia and the Kurds into forming and cooperating and in governing the country and right now there is no agreement. Don Gonyea the president is going to give a speech next week to talk again about Iraq policy any sense of what we might hear then. Well they're billing it as a speech to the troops and to the American people and the president is asking for prime time network coverage of that speech again. It will be at Fort Bragg. They say that the president is going to use that opportunity when Americans are paying attention in looking closely and watching the speech to lay out specifically how how he envisions victory and
how he envisions the way forward in Iraq. Again we're not getting any indication at this point what he might say new what he might say different that we that we haven't heard over the past couple of years really right now where reporters are waiting in the East Room of the White House for President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Joffrey to talk about Iraq policy in advance of that speech which would come as you said done at the one year anniversary of sovereignty for Iraq. And reporters are waiting now in the East Room prime minister Joffrey is as arrived at the White House. He's been here. Do you know Don what he did yesterday he did arrive yesterday in the U.S.. Yes he's had meetings with the National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley with Vice President Cheney and with some others within the White House and you're right Will they both gentlemen now have arrived at the White House. Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Joffrey and President Bush.
Thank you very much. Mr. Prime Minister I am honored to welcome you to the White House as the leader of Iraq's first democratically elected government in more than fifty years. You're helping to lift your country from decades of fear and Oprah. The prime minister is a great Iraqi patriot. He's a friend of liberty. He is a strong partner for peace and freedom. For more than two decades he served the cause of Iraqi Freedom in exile as a fierce opponent of Saddam Hussein's tyranny. Today this medical doctor now serves as people as he works to build a new Iraq. I told the prime minister that the American people share his Democratic vision for Iraq. I told him of our nation's deep and abiding respect for Islam for the people of Iraq
and for the potential of the nation that now belongs to them. Today we meet at a critical moment in the history of this proud nation. In just a few days we will mark the first anniversary of the return of Iraq to its people. In the years since then the Iraqis can take credit from some extraordinary achievements in the face of tremendous challenge. Seven months after resuming star money over their nation the Iraqi people defied the car bombers and assassins to hold their first free elections in a half century. In April the newly elected transitional national assembly formed a government and appointed Dr. De Faria as the prime minister. This month after a spirited debate the Iraqis reached an agreement to expand their constitutional drafting committee to include more Sunni Arabs so that this important community also has a strong voice in shaping the future of their country.
The prime minister and I discussed the important work the Iraqis have before them in the months ahead. This work includes drafting a permanent constitution for a free Iraq submitting it to the Iraqi people for approval and then holding new elections to choose a constitutional government. These are monumental tasks. Yet at every step of the way so far the Iraqi people have met their strategic objectives and the terrorists have failed to stop them. I commend the prime minister and his fellow Iraqis for their hard work and courage. I'm confident the Iraqi people will continue to defy the skeptics as they assume greater responsibility for their security and build a new Iraq that represents their diversity. But the way ahead is not going to be easy. The killings and roadside bombings that we
see underscore that freedom in Iraq is opposed by a violent and ruthless enemy with no regard for human life. The enemy includes former members of Saddam Hussein's regime. The enemy includes criminal elements in the enemy includes foreign terrorists. The terrorists are fighting in Iraq because they know a free Iraq in the heart of the Middle East will deal a severe blow to an ideology that lives on oppression and fear. By securing Iraqi democracy will make America and our friends and allies around the world safer. The enemy's goal is to drive us out of Iraq before the Iraqis have established a secure democratic government they will not succeed. Our goal is clear a democratic and peaceful Iraq that represents all Iraqis.
Our troops will continue to train Iraqi security forces so that these forces can defend their country and to protect their people from terror. And as Iraqis become more capable in defending their nation our troops will eventually return home with the honor they have earned. As the Iraqi people stand up for their freedom they know that the free world is now standing with them. Earlier this week more than 80 countries and international organizations came together in Brussels to discuss how to help Iraq provide for its security and rebuild its country. And next month donor countries will meet in Jordan to discuss Iraqi reconstruction. I appreciate Prime Minister's job for his brave leadership. Prime Minister Jafari is a bold man. I've enjoyed my discussion with you Mr. Prime Minister.
He has a frank open fellow who who is willing to tell me what's on his mind and what is on his mind is peace and security for the people of Iraq. And what is on his mind is a democratic future that is hopeful. I want to thank you for your courage. I want to thank you for your understanding about the nature of free societies. I want to thank you for helping Iraq become a beacon of freedom. Prime Minister Jafari visit comes at an important time. I want to thank you for coming. Thanks very much welcome to prove it. Think of a rich. It would come. I want to thank you very much state people for their courage and commitment against terrorism and for democracy in our country over the total postman and took care with them. And yesterday in Washington D.C. As you know
there were Iraqis and many come they had suffered straightway showed they were on a common enemy terrorism they were fighting for the security of Iraq but also. Of America. This is not the time to fight about the fall of it. We are fed truth to those who have made large twice as to continue towards the goal they followed. I see from up close what's happening in Iraq and I don't. We are making steady and substantial progress as a people seed Saddam would not want and he did. They say the election would not happen. They did they shade the Constitution or most of the editor and bought it
under political pressures and sold and tanks including this from the at UPS. Or for that undermine the terrorists they have joined the mentality Committee and the government and they would take part in the next elections. Another time I would like to thank and commend Mr President for his hospitality and business needed me here and for the subjects we discuss together. And also he was frank and transparent and he gave me very good feelings towards the people in that I knew I would also like to thank the American people for standing beside the Iraqi people going through these difficult times which I know without leaders our people will never forget those who stand beside Iraq particularly at these terrible times. We do appreciate the
assistance given by America during the present period of time to protect. There is a great achievement in Iraq that is democracy in Iraq and the people in Iraq defied terrorism and they refused to accept any Constitutional Association. That is about 30 percent of women participating and this is an example of democracy in Iraq and in the region even in the whole world. There are six six minister ladies in my government and it is my intention to add one more woman to be deputy to the prime minister and the new Iraq that is progress. More than one I spoke with look at that even though I get this all the challenges are hated particularly in security even though there is a lot of in the perpetration from the countries adjacent to Iraq moving
inside Iraq itself. But there is a will in Iraq to secure security and so the bombing in Iraq has deliberate and it has been reduced a lot and we are making great progress. And we depend on our security forces multinational forces also didn't work with us and support us but the responsibility in the front line is for the Iraqis and everything is making progress it can be here quantitatively and quantity qualitatively. We want to get it you know secure. The guy here love me instead of hatred you know our country co-exist in Iraq instead of cursing each other. Shut up the whole people of Iraq would like them to get continued their democracy in Iraq and they would fight for achieving that 100. So many people said that democracy will never stand he had said that elections will never be held in
Iraq. And they said also that the government will never be established in Iraq and they said that it would be you know constitutional about everything going to be the whole world will see that changes when the United happen because of the great wheel of the people of Iraq and the countries that are assisting that's all we want relations with all the countries of the world and the deer adjacent countries and keeping ourselves but I don't see what did I get this all infiltration from the borders we want goodness for all countries of the world you wish and wish you all the best for the American people thank you God and strike you. Thank you very much. Ask a question and answer a question from the American side with an Iraqi side. Thank you good leader in a minute. Or two a shining there which I will start with Kelly O'Donnell. Regarding the insurgency as being in its last throes General Abizaid said there's been no significant
change over the last six months. Your spokesman said you agreed with the vice president's assessment. Can you help the American people understand these two different views that are coming forward one from the administration one from top commanders when your spokesman tells us every day you get your information directly from those top commanders. I I do get briefed by our top commanders as does the vice president as a matter of fact about two hours ago. General Abizaid briefed the vice president and myself and the secretary of defense about what is taking place on the ground. And there's no question there's an enemy that still wants to shake our will and get us to leave. And they're willing to do so using any means necessary. They try to kill and they do kill innocent Iraqi people women and children because they know that their. The carnage that they. Rick will be on
TV. And they know that they are they know that if it bothers people to see death and it does it bothers me it bothers American citizens. It bothers Iraqis they're trying to shake our will. That's what they're trying to do. And so of course we understand the nature of that enemy. We also understand that there is reason to be optimist optimistic about what's taking place. The very same commanders that say that these folks are terrible killers are also reminding us that we're making good progress on the one hand you just heard the prime minister talk about a new democracy. You know remember the killers tried to intimidate everybody so that they wouldn't vote the deepness if that was their tactic if you look back at the history of of our involvement in Iraq there was a lot of bombings and killings prior to the elections what they were trying to do is say let's shake the will of not only the Americans but the Iraqi citizens. And
but nevertheless the Iraqi citizens wouldn't have their will shaken so we're optimistic. We're optimistic that more and more Iraqi troops are becoming a better trained to fight the terrorists. We're optimistic about the constitutional process there is a political track that's moving forward in parallel with the security track. No question about it's difficult. I mean we hear it every day of course so do you do you report it every day. It's tough work and it's hard. The hardest part of my job is to comfort the family members who've lost a loved one which I intend to do when I go down to North Carolina on Tuesday. But nevertheless progress is being made and the defeat of the enemy and they will be defeated will be accelerated by the progress. On the ground in Iraq. That the establishment of a democratic state that listens to the hopes and aspirations of all the people in Iraq will lead to the defeat of this enemy.
And so that's what that's what this administration believes. And we firmly believe it is going to happen. Would you like to call somebody from your press here. So would you like to call us. Great. Better pick one and then you know General buy from radio my first question is Mr. Bush when we heard here that there are members of the Congress and the Senate and yet they are asking for a schedule for drawing your troops from Iraq. Have you discussed this with the government or will it be left to think the government has to decide Mr. Jaffer shut up shop it was said in the end that it's 3C all of Iraq that the administration of America is pressurising that governments either but it is through a visit of what Mr. Wright had called me and he said I said you know what I think is that our reaction to that was President Bush. Thank you. You picked up a good American trick which is to ask two
questions. Congratulations. The tsunami timetables. I mean I've told this to Prime Minister. We are there to complete a mission and it's an important mission. A democratic Iraq is in the interest of the United States of America and it's in the interest of laying the foundation for peace. And if that's the mission then why would you why would you say the enemy you know here's a timetable it's going to wait us out that make any sense to have a timetable. You know if you give a timetable you're you're conceding too much to the enemy. This is an enemy that will be defeated. And it's just so I'm not exactly sure who made that proposition but I would. Say you don't have to worry Mr. Prime Minister about timetables. And we want to work with you to continue to build up the Iraqi forces
so that success will happen in Iraq with when that when the political process moves forward like it is. So I guess I remind you all maybe four months ago. In anyway the beginning of the winter there was a lot of people here in the country that never thought the elections would go forward. They thought the enemy had the upper hand because of the death and destruction that we saw on our TV screens they said well it can't possibly be elections. The Iraqi people don't want to be free. And you know there are these killers are going to stop the elections and sure enough over eight million people voted because they do want to be free. And so success will occur as this political process continues to move forward and we spent time talking about making sure that Sunni's were a part of the process and I appreciate the prime minister's attitude. We made sure we talked about making sure that you know people's points of view are represented making sure that we stayed on that the only timetable that I think is going to that I know is out there is the timetable that says let's have the constitution written by a certain date
and let's have it ratified by a certain date and let's have the election by a certain date that's the timetable and we're going to stay on that timetable and it's important for the Iraqi people to know we are. And the second track is to have Iraqis take the fight to the enemy. We're slowly but surely getting this training completed. So we spent time today not only hearing about the conditions on the ground and the nature of the enemy from Generals Abizaid and General Casey but we also talk about progress in the training mission and we are making good progress when it comes to training Iraqis. One of the interesting statistics as to whether or not the Iraqis want to join the fight is whether or not they're able to recruit Iraqis to join the army and recruitment time. Those Iraqis do want to be a part of the process. And so part of the coalition's job. Is to give these. Iraqi units the training necessary to be able to fight the terrorists. That's our strategy. And it
is working and it's going to work for the good of the country. He asked you a question and he was very intelligent. As for the second question on the visit of Miss Rice counter he said I saw you arrive the general impression of that visit was a general review of the situation and that it was time for us. So that gave us support at Brooks L and I think they played a great role. That greater opportunity for the Iraqis as a big party. For the youth program and the ministers that with founded the old spoke in the interest of your right. And we thank you very much for the efforts she made and I spoke about the preparation for her and what she can present us our services to Iraq and I believe she played a greater role and will play a great role in books and I hope the recommendations will reflect on the donor countries so
that we get the interest to the Iraqi people particularly for the services. Thank you. Declining public support for the mission in Iraq. And the lack of progress on some of your domestic priorities has prompted suggestions that you know that you're in something of a second term slump. Do you worry that. Your you can choose the words or do you worry at all about losing some of your ability to drive the agenda both internationally and domestically. And Mr. Prime Minister if I may does the decline in American support for the mission in Iraq have any impact on your government and the people of your country. No I appreciate that. Look this is a time of testing and it's a critical time. So we're asking. Congress to do
to take on some big tasks domestically. I fully understood when I went to the Social Security debate that there would be a lot of people that wished we hadn't brought it up. So. I knew that after all there were some who in Congress that would rather not take on the tough issues maybe they are afraid if you take on a tough issue it'll make it harder to get re-elected. And so. I'm not surprised that there is a kind of reaction did they get the do nothing reaction in Congress or so security and I'm not surprise the American people are one way and nothing's getting done. You know they see a problem and they're wondering why people won't step up in and solve the problem so I'm not surprised about that. There's a people are balking at doing big things I do think we'll get an energy bill that will be good and show the American people finally we're willing to put a energy strategy in
law that'll help us conserve more and diversify away from hydrocarbons and develop technologies that will enable us to burn coal. Cleanly for example overseas. The idea of helping a country that had been devastated by a tyrant become a democracy is also a difficult chore and it's hard work particularly since there's an enemy that is willing to use suicide bombers to kill. It's hard to stop suicide bombers is hard to. Stop these. These people that in many cases are being smuggled into Iraq from outside Iraq. It's hard to stop them and yet they're able to do incredible damage that they're damaging not only you know they're obviously killing Americans but are killing a lot more
Iraqis and their whole attempt is to frighten the people of our of both our countries that's what they're trying to do. If they do they figure if they can shake our will and you know affect public opinion then politicians will give up on the mission. I'm not giving up on the mission. We're doing the right thing which is to set the foundation for peace and freedom. And I understand why. The you know the al Qaeda network for example is so terrified about democracy because. Democracy is the opposite of what they believe their ideology is one of oppression and hate. Democracy is one that lifts up people and is based upon hope. I think I said at this press conference here in the East Room it was like following polls like a dog chasing his tail. I'm not sure how that translates but my job is a set of
agenda and to lead toward that agenda. And we're laying the foundation for peace around the world. Iraq is a part of. The agenda. There's going to be there were elections in Lebanon and we hope. Egypt has free and open elections. My dream is that there be a Palestinian state living side by side in peace with Iraq. I noticed our former ambassador to Afghanistan is with this is now going to be the ambassador to Iraq. Afghanistan is a hopeful story still difficult because again there are terrorists there associated with this the likes of our part of the al Qaeda network that is interested in stopping the advance of democracy because democracy is. Is what will be a part of their defeat and demise.
Thank you very much. Thank you. As for the question on the reduction of support you had x Iraqi people had this specific request which is toppling down the Saddam Hussein for reasons relating to the dignity and policy politics. And after Saddam Hussein was removed through the different efforts of international efforts and Iraqis this was achieved. Right now we have another danger which is terrorism which is against not only the Iraqi people but all the world of the countries of the world that any time doesn't have any particular land. But it works everywhere. Geography of terrorism is the human beings themselves. And those people who are doing it are the enemies of humanity. Once they do it in Washington once in Spain once and
they are right. So fighting terrorism and limiting their impact and in order to keep the human dignity and civilization requires that we all act together. It's not only the duty of Iraqi people but other countries as well as you know. Iraq is rich in oil and water and cultivation strategy and tourism and also but because of the Exceptional Circumstances of now it has become a poor country. So we have to have the impact and the support from other countries. The success of our Iraqi people is their own success. The people of Iraq is civilized. I look forward to support from all other countries of the world. You have given us something more than money you have given us a lot of your sons your children that were killed. Beside our own children in Iraq of course with you. This is more precious than any other kind of support we receive. You have to be proud before your own people that you
presented us for the maintenance of democracy in Iraq and to remove the dictatorship. We do not forget those who stood beside us at hard times and they are decided to go forward. There is a lot of difference between one month and another between one week and another. Iraqi people are insistent on going along the path of their economy and their security. But we do need the help of other countries who help us to stand beside us thank you. QUESTION Prime Minister. Mr.. Prime Minister I am a presenter on the radio in Iraq. My question is for you. For more than two years we started the change in Iraq but the process of building is very slow. There are six huge cities in Iraq with some our goal of this
one will begin the reconstruction in Iraq. When do we begin to establish the first basis of reconstruction and you know that if you started the reconstruction of Iraq it will mean that young people will have something to do and they will leave terrorist activities. So the question is for Mr. Prime Minister.
Focus 580
Why Birds Sing: A Journey Into the Mystery of Bird Song
Producing Organization
WILL Illinois Public Media
Contributing Organization
WILL Illinois Public Media (Urbana, Illinois)
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With David Rothenberg (Professor of Philosophy at the New Jersey Institute Of Technology, composer and jazz clarinetist)
Broadcast Date
Talk Show
Wildlife; Environment; community; MUSIC; animals; birds
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Guest: Rothenberg, David
Producer: Travis,
Producer: Brighton, Jack
Producing Organization: WILL Illinois Public Media
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Illinois Public Media (WILL)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-0fca16d83fb (unknown)
Generation: Copy
Duration: 52:36
Illinois Public Media (WILL)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-8a9d45dffc6 (unknown)
Generation: Master
Duration: 52:36
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Focus 580; Why Birds Sing: A Journey Into the Mystery of Bird Song,” 2005-06-24, WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 9, 2024,
MLA: “Focus 580; Why Birds Sing: A Journey Into the Mystery of Bird Song.” 2005-06-24. WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 9, 2024. <>.
APA: Focus 580; Why Birds Sing: A Journey Into the Mystery of Bird Song. Boston, MA: WILL Illinois Public Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from